The Cedarville Herald, Volume 49, Numbers 27-52
M tS Hides With Speed! You Cannot Stop It—But You Can Be Protected By Our Insurance Plan. Act Today! Now! Merald j I f Every Woman Knew What ISmef Widow learns, Every Husband Would % Be Insured With Our Accident Policy. FORTY -N INTH YEAR NO. 29. C E D A R V I l i f t • i 0 . FR IDAY . JULY 2, 1926 ^PRICE. $1.50 A YEARS f s Throat Cut InAuto Crash Myrtle Whitten, 17 Victim when Ford Touring* Car Hits Parked Car on Jamestown Pike— Other Members o f Party Slightly Injured in Accident—Throat Cut by Windshield Glass Miss Myrjl* Whitten, 17, New Hoi- became confused by the lights of the land, 0., was killed almost instantly Cavanaugh car and. headed into it «»d five other persons were more or while driving about 26 miles an injur, less injured, when their automobile according to his statement, crashed into another standing along Dr. Glen K. Dennis, Wilmington, the Cedarville and Jamestown pike; at Was the first to happen along buTsoon •what was known as the old Cross Howl after Dy. M. I. Marsh was summoned at h'col house, at 0:15 last Friday even ing. , Miss Whitten, a passenger in a Ford touring driven by Guy Noble, ,42 GSllegher ^t., Springfield, and al- , so occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall, Springfield, Spring St., and two small children, was the only one seriously hurt. Miss Whitten was ip. the front seat and was thrown through and the girl died shortly .after hie ar rival. The girl’s throat was cut front the windshield glass and her life could not he saved. Neither of the three men' in the Cavanaugh car" were injured. The body was brought to the Me Millati undertaking parlors and later removed to New Holland, after Dr, R. L. Haines, coroner, made < an in vestigation. Miss Whitten is survived the windshield and found under thetby her father and mother, and two car with the front wheel on her body. Noble's machine had crashed into a ear driven by William Cavanaugh, Rfd 3, Cedarville; which was in front brothers, *She was a sweetheart of Noble and was on a visit to Spring- field with Mr, and Mrs. Kendall. Coroner Haines held an'inquest on of ijiw old. school house .and occupied iTuesday when witnesses gave their *he epngrogation Pif 6t Pl'f~ •I mp <lv>inAW *v-rt#4 .«*«**! i- r: ■ ‘ .. rntfawinH• ■ . a I vium 'I v ■ ; ,1npl> kirnrn'fnrfV...■♦teita- by the driver and William .and David Jones. The ear was headed south and parked along the side of the road yet not’ clear enough Ifor' traffic. Noble | version of the accident and the sur roundings. The verdict was accidental death. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE " £ t WEEK OPENED LAST MONDAYt M The local celebration o f American! Didependence Week opened Monday,' Howard last and close* with union service# on !*°n °* the College Campus, Sabbath a ft o r -I ^ u t nineJ ? f i y neon at 8 P. M., when County Audi- j Vfhemgaa m wwjj tor R, 0. Weed will deliver a patriotic Binder Co. address. , ]striking of a The Monday program opened with moat ° f Mr. 13 tap* of the fire bell as an echo of body and he ratt^j old 'Liberty in Philadelphia. This was followed by the song "America'1' by the Camp Fire Girl* undpr the direc tion of. Misses Hazel William* and Miss Lucile Johnson, Prayer followed by Rev, Joseph Bennett. Mr, Andrew Jackson, the chairman of the morning' program issued a brief statement as to the purpose of the gathering and what it meant The Boy Scouts under the direction o f Rev. Horriman, Scout Master, gave the flag salute, . The “Patriot’s Pledge of Faith" ‘was read by Mr. Jackson and repeated by those assembled. The meeting was dismissed after the crowd sang the “ Star Spangled Banner, • Due to sickness in town the ring ing o f church bells and blowing of the paper mill whistle wns dispensed with. CONGREGATION WELCOMED . BY DAYTON PRESBYTERY A service of welcome was. tendered Fa*mer§ Wanl.T. B,- Test For Cattle1 AUTOMOBILE CROSSED,.'TRACK; * OCCUPANTS GIVEN FRIGHT Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Conley and Miss Jcsie Charlton, had a rather un- muci scare last week on their trip home from Crystal City, Mo,, where diey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. ■ A meeting cf farmers and dairymen was held in the opera house last Thursday .evening to' discuss the pro ject for organization for the “T B” test. It is said that farmers on theikmley, When hear Greenfield, Ind., West side of the county Will soon be their machine was forced off the road shut out of Dayton unless all milk j by. another. driver attempting to pass is from tested herds, A movement;a truck loaded with logs. Mr. Conley has been started that wilt make tho'wM approaching the on ceming ma- state a unit 6n this matter in a few rhino and' to keen from being hit it years. Should 75 ner cent of the for- [was necessary id go .to the ditch. For mers’ in the township sign up fbr the. tunately the machine was not damag- test the law wakes it mandatory fo?,ed but when a survey was made of testing all other dairv and beef cat-.the result the automobile wa# stand- t{e. .t^towiyship."Where .the di-jf»g directly across tire traction ca* byterinn church last evening, this congregation having just recently been admitted from the Reformed Presbyterian body to the Dayton Presbytery of the Presbyterian ebutoh .The program for the evening whs in charge of Dr. Charles Ryan Adams-, Springfield, moderator of Dayton Presbytery and the executive secre tary of that body, Dr, Charles Leslie Plymate, o f Greenville, Other min isters who. were present were Rev, William Tilford, Xenia, Rev. Carl White, Yellow Springs, and Rev, G, E. Koonce, South Charleston. Dr. Adams spoke of the history of Dayton Presbytery and there was an address o f welcome to the congrega tion, the pastor, Rev, W. P. Hariman, D. D,, and to the congregation, • ; There was a large representation of the membership present and thd Utdics of the congregation- served refresh ments. 1 aid. y Ha was takpa, W. A. GMlov was rendered,! arm? and leg* The company fice to a new goin repair# the office from' time Mr. Little * owner in the fir# wa$ changing golfing .with Yellow Spiring* links during th*--! ing. Fumes' escapin| pipe line .that foundation filled J There was no lig Little striking aY Jar.- The window* building were ior burned Some The exact exte led ^plosion it Xeni&n, badly burned iay evening the Carroll- upon the blaze burned ins from his street for office of Dr, medical *aid hands, neck, ily burned, jjbored its of. was under- had been in lock wftil the He;js a parfe* mkkeeper and s, having beeh ie Drake of Middletown soon and even- a natural gas fective at the room with gas. the Office ,Mr. to fnd. his col- front of the and the inter file fire, ’ Mr, Little’s in- Rrod Dobbins is chairman and Paul Ramsey secretary of the township organization. 1 • NORMAL SCHOOL WILL HAVE BIG ATTENDANCE THIS YEAR County {Superintendent H, C. Ault- men announces that the attendance in the Greene County Normal School, in connection with Cedarville College, will bo greatly increased over the past year. A number of teachers have already notified him that they will enter und others are considering. The State Department hns granted an as sistant fo r the coming year to the Normal Instructor. Miss, Susanne Koehler, has taken a position as supervisor principal of elementary work in the Cleveland schools, and will not return to the'Normal Depart ment here next fall. The state has not announced the instructor or the Assistant ns yet. had bounded almost upon them, but Ji wns stopped within forty feet of the automobile in which Mr. Conley, wife and Miss Charlton were Sealed. • NOTED BALL PLAYER CALLS ON TED RICHARDS The famous Bob Bcscher, London, dropped into town Tuesday for a visit with his friend, “Ted” Richards, and the two had a pleasant time review ing baseball history and events of the past. “Bob” played for twenty .years in league ball with Cincinnati, St, Louis -and Cleveland as an outfielder, and at one time held the record for brae stealing. “ Bob’* has retired and is in comfortable circumstances and has provided for Ml the needs of his aged parents. It has; been said that few men in base ball have had dead er lives, ,which had much to do with “Bob'* being able to remain m the big league for so many years. GREENE COUNTY FAIR TO BE HELD AUGUST 3, 4, 5, 6. The 87th annual fair of the Greene County Agricultural Society will be’ held at the Xenia Fairgrounds,”Tues- ay, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 3, 4. 5, 0. The fair will he the first held in the Southwestern Ohio Shortship Circuit which com prises fourteen of the best fairs in Western Ohio and Eastern Indinna. The board haS provided' liberal premium* for * the various depart ments and the race program will be such a* to attract horse* from the best stables. YELLOW SPRINGS WILL CELEBRATE ON MONDAY The committee on arrangements for the Patriotic union service Sabbath afternoon has secured County Auditor O. Wood to make an address suit able for the occasion. The meeting.wilP be held on the College Campus .at three oclock, Central Standard time. The choirs of the various churches have been asked to sing and music will be given by the I. 0. 0, F. hand. Prof, C. E. Oxley will preside. Automobiles will be parked to the best advantage under *the direction of the Boy Scouts and seats will he pro vided by the committee in charge for those who wish to sit closer to tjie platform. This service is open to the entire community and citizens of; the adjoin ing towns are asked to have a part. It is urged that the entire populace attend this meeting. Other .commun ities are having similar services over the entire country in recognition of the day and the event it represents in the history of the nation. The Yellow Springs Civic Club will sponsor a Fourth of July celebration to be called Yelow Springs day at Grinneli's Park, ofl the Miami river, jMonday, the 5th. The club ih co-opera tion with M. R. Grinnell, owner of the park will offer prizes on athletic events for the meriting, and » water carnival for the afternoon. The cele- bration offers the first annual offering of the ana all residents o f the county ate invited to join the party. The usual park charge of -10c for adults and 5c for children with 10c for the automobiles, MRS, IVA WILSON BLANK FOUND DEAD MONDAY Mr*. Iva Blaine, 45, 134 McClain street, Dayton, a daughter of Wilson Walker, former residents of Cedar* ville, was found dead in the bathroom at her home by her father, shortly af ter 10 o’clock Monday morning. Death wa# due to heart trouble according to a physician called to investigate, Mr, Walker and,his wife and daugh ter, Iva, left here about twenty-five year* ago and located in Dayton. The deceased is survived by her husband and father, diieitiftnwmvaW»*”**■*»«# MARTINDALE AGAIN HEADS MA DYtftYMEN IN MAY TEST A herd of ’ » Jersey* from the Shady Grove Dairy farm owned by 100 BOYS AND GIRLS WILL CAMP AT ANTIOCH GI.F.N About 10O boys a::J girls of the county will enter the camp at An tioch Glen, under the management of the farm bureau, July 10-24, for a stay o f a week. An interesting pro gram ha* been prepared in Charge of A. A. Neff, Smith-Hughes teacher at Beavercreek High School, There will be five or six chaperones for the party during the week. AFTER SPEED VIOLATORS Dilver Beldeh, special deputy sheriff* secretary of the Greene County Automobile Club, ha* started an inforcement campaign against speed violators and wreckless driv- J w L Murtindale. produced and av ing. W. H. Finrbu and George Hen 2 J J ? o f 51.1 pound# of butterfat for — 1Wf l “ ^ th« month of May according to re* M- Sabbath Aftetnoon juries have not Ken determined. SABBATH JULIES - ' '«‘G0;-Il ' 1 ' .srjSU pHURCH DAY” In accordm&ffl Hth proclama-*’ ’ tions from F iS lin t ' 'Cdoliilge Governor Donaia B Sabbath July - 4th is set nrid*-|| BG o to Chuvcii Day” and eveicyli Eton. is urged to-attend seroiedi Kt .some church . that day whenitij Biotic sermons Will be deHver^|| Em Ml pulpits. A special plemd Euade to all in this Vicinity w g ■I this request and have a Bheso service*. The country' owafi Such to the in- fluence o f thews* Esh. You owe • JUDGES HAVE THEIR SAY » OVER MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Common Plea* Judge W, D. Jones, Troy, in passing on the suit to annul the marriage of Helen Sweigart and Willard Brown, Tippecanoe City, last Saturday, took occasion to score Judge S, C. Wright of the Greene County Probate. Court for issuing a license to the couple declaring “ it was* very apparent the girl was but a child and not twenty-one year* o f age as she represented.” It was held that Brown had induced the girl to accompany him to Xenia and mis represent her age and residence In or-i der to obtain, a license, The girl said j on the stand that she did not caro„ t o : live with her husband. Fanner InRage CutsWoman’s Throat Crosby B. Bluckmore Bound Over to Grand Jury After Shooting and Cutting Anna Smith in Argument Over Money Matters — Woman Reported in Critical Condition Thursday* for Mrs, Anna Smith, 49, wife of J. W. Marahal McLean on the lookout Smith, residing ron what is known, as Blackmoro. , « Judge Wright stated in answer to-|tlle T\B’ -Andrew farm near the Fed-1 jn the jail Blackmore seemed un- Judge Jones: "The* couple is simply era,1 is in a critical condition |concerned about the affair,. He in- ,and may. yet not recover from knife | formed The Herald that he and Wounds, and a .shot from a shot gun, (Smith had been on. the Andrew farm inflicted hy Crosby B. Blackmore, a!about three years. He say% he has a required to answer the Various ques tions concerning age, residence, et cetera and in default of parents' con sent they are administered the oath and must swear to their statements. “The girl evidently purposely mis represented her age, a penitentiary offense; The court cannot take the trouble of investigating the truth of the statements of every couple seek ing to obtain a marriage .license,” PROMINENT XENIA CITIZEN DIED 'IT LAKEVIEW Mr. S. B. LeSourd, 7$, one of the best known1men in the county, and a leading citizen in Xenia, died sud denly at 5 o’clock Tuesday morning at his summer cottage at Lakeside, 0. He had been in failing health for some months but was not regarded in 3 critical condition. The deceased’ was bom' in Bethany, Butler county, Feb ruary 9, 1850. He located in Greene county as a school teacher, He was married to Miss Ida May Stewart, daughter of Judge J. M. Stewart, of Xenia, March 30, 1876. Ho has been engaged in the insur ance business for many years and was secretary and director of the 'Home Building and Loan association and a director in. the Citizen's National, Bank, He was a> member of the I. 0. O. F. and Masonic lodges -and a member of Trinity M. E. church. . Besides his widow, he is survived by three children, Harry S. Le Sourd aftd Mrs. S, M; McKay, Xenia, ., and Mrs* F. A. DuBois, Warren, Pa. A brother, John, resides in Hamilton; The funeral will be held from the home at £24 E.- Second street, Ff The'roof will he o f ateel construction with latest material*., for durability. Most of the employee* will have em ployment: during the time repairs are to be made* WHEAT HARVEST NOT MANY DAYS AWAY CHURCH NOTICES * , V*-!*—*. • X FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev,cW. P. Horriman., D, D., Pastor Sabbath School at 9:30, James Me ' dillan, Supt; ' , Morning service at 10:30 A. M. Subject: "Duties of Citizenship.” rC. E. at 5:30 P. M. ' The past week of hot weather has ripened the wheat much faster than most farmers anticipated and it will be .only a few dayfe until wheat will bw ready to cut. Hay harvest is now well under way. Farmer* are much concerned abont corn prospects, The Crop cannot be compared to that of a year ago. The cold night the past few weeks held back the growth and this section has lacked the usual a- mount of rainfall P. Investigate the Herald Travel Ac cident Insurance Policy, We have a full line of all kinds of spark plugs for any make of auto mobile or tractor. Other auto sup plies, tires, etc, . -Service Hardware Co. WORK Tid*START THIS WEEK ON COLUMBUS PIKE AccOring toW, H, Silvering o f Clark county, work start* this week on the Columbus pike improvement at the Greene county line at Blockson's bridge. W. H. Biagwald & Son have the contract Wanted:- I will purchase used modern, furniture, cooking and heat ing stoves. Carpets, rugs and other household goods. Also antiques wanted Martin Weimer. Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Pierstroff of Dayton, were guests Of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett, last Wednesday, . Misses Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Burn* and Lucile Ritenour left yesterday morning for Chautauqua, N. % to spend the summer. They were joined in Cleveland by Miss Margaret Chan dler, The play “The ’Returning of Ro salia” was written by Margaret L. Fox for the special use of Camp Fire Girl*. The proceed* of thi* play will be' used for camping expenses. Be at the opera, house at 8 o’clock, nessy, Dayton,, were each fined $25 in Probate Court for reckless driv- |ing* p r t . d th. Clark W cm _ _ _ _ _ «eh '«n 4 J. I* * ; • B*l«! SMttktai toboftnr W» » fi* tows tested in 18 |mm*aph and records. Good a* new, SST rtm average butter fat prodtw* tV^r cheap pigments. Address Phono- <*«' * !* * « * , ***’ 0, Dilver *Belden, secretary of the Greene County Automobile club, was sued for divorce and restoration to maiden name, by Mrs, Irene Envoy Belden. She alleges gross neglect of duty. They were married September 5, 1915,. Mr, and Mr*. Jas, P, Barr of Day ion and Mrs, Saliie Mitchell of this place ware dinner guests at the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. J, H. McMillan, yes jterday, * M. E. CHURCH SERVICE ___Joseph Bennett, Pastor. Sunday School at 0:15;A .M. M. Gillilan, Supt,* Maywood Horney Asst. Morning Worship at 10:30'A . M. Subject: ‘The Directing Hand of God in- our National Life.” U. P, CHURCH Rev. R. A. Jamieson, Pastor. Sabbath School at 0:30 A. M. Mr. 0. A* Dobbins, superintendent ' Morning Service at 10:30. Patriotic Service. * - ’ Y. P. C. U, at 6:30 P. M. Mr, and Mrs. J. M. McMillan and ittle son, have returned from Cleve land, whore they have been visiting relatives. VESPER SERVICES At a meeting o f the Ministerial As sedation Thursday it was decided to lave vesper services on the College Campus July 9,16. 23 and 30 jn place of the usual union service at 7:30. No definite hour has been fixed for the meetings. There wijl be no even- services during the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. L. H; Sullenherger of Oxford Were Sunday guest* of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mr, ahd Mrs; Fred Ritenour of Col umbus were guest* of Mr, R, C. Rite nour and family this week. Mrs. Margaret Prose, of West Jef ferson, returned home Monday after a visit with her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mr*. E. E. Finney. The Golden Rule Claes of the M. E. church enjoyed a profitable even ing last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Brown, The home was decorated i lithe national colors anc following a program, refreshments were served. ; 'N The residence’of Mr. Andrew Jack- son Is receiving it* first coat o f paint in forty year*. The building was erect ed by the late Jam** Dunlap 71 year* ago and the westherbordingk* still in excellent condition- It is of White pine and is free from, teprofactions, being selected Material, a* Mr, Dunlap was partner with Smith on the farm According to reports Blackipore de manded from Mrs, Smith several gold coins she was keeping.for him. As it was 4:30 she. was busy preparing the overling meal and stated that she would get them later. This enraged Blackmore, who says he lost his head; and stabbed the woman.. Although gun shot mark* were evident on the woman’s body, Blackmore in ]the local jail refused to admit -that he shot at all, hut did admit that he cut her with a knife after dragging her about by her hair. ''The cutting happened in the house and the woman fought desperately for freedom from the infuliated man. OnCe released she fled and tan 1to the yard but was brought down by a shot from a shot gun .that had been.hanging on the kitchen •wall. In. her fi ight she was ’ able, to con tinue abftut another hundred yards when she fell ■exhausted. The only witness was a II year eld girl, Emma Genn, of Pitcbin, Clark county, who was visiting at the farm. When she ran screaming this’ attracted the at tention of the husband, who was plow ing in a nearby field. ,Learning what had happened he summoned neighbors Blackmore, started across the fields for otwn and gave himself up. On his way he was overtaken by William Cheney who brought, him to' town. On son, Charles .Blackmore, a modlder, in^Washington C. H, HeMs divorced from his wife and gives hi* age at 55* He. refused to talk much about the case other than admit that he cut the Smith woman with his knife. He was apt certain as to the extent of her injuries but denied using a gun. He -said that he, would talk further after consulting his son' and he want ed to put in a phone call for him. Dr. M, I. Marsh, accompanied by Dr.' Fairo, made a hasty, trip to the scene of the cutting, and found the woman in a critical condition. She had many slashes on the neck’and face and her lhands were cut in her fight for freedom. About forty stitehes were necessary to close the wounds, and thirty five of these on tire-neck and face, ' ' When Blackmore was searched by Marshal McLean, all he had on him was a fair sized pocket knife and about $25 in paper money. Upon ex amination the knife was found 't o have blood stain on it and particles of fleish. Were in evidence. ‘ ' . * ‘ ir 1 Sheriff Morris Sharp and Deputy John Baughn arrived and. after "an investigation at the farm where the' shooting and cutting occurred took Blackmore to Xenia where he i* in the county jail, aw'aiting the outcome of the Smith woman. ■The shell used' the way Blackmore told Cheney found an<*fumed over he had done. When they arrived in|f° ™e Sheriff. town vBlackm-)re waited the arrival J r Blackmore was arrainged Thuro- ■ of Marshal McLean. In the meantime day before Magistrate Copsey, Xenia,, Jonh Fitotick had called Harry Lewis and was bound over to the grand jury " tfie Cedarville Grain, ,C<jt to havevunder $2,000 bpnd. ^ .; • ’ J fc‘ ' ‘ " ‘ ■ " ‘ F&rm Relief Bill e ag le s w il l hold san e FOURTH MONDAY, JULY 5. Everything is in readiness for the seventh annual Sane Fourth of July celebration which ■will he held at the Springfield fair grounds, Monday July 5th under the direction at the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Flans arc made to -accomodate 30,000 One of the big questions at> this time that not only?Ferplekes farmers P but the national law makers as well, is relief for it*'''--..'■“fcJjr#**.''-.S'- marketing of farm products. The’ Sen- ' persons ate has. defeated one o f the original who will spend the holiday in that bills and on( Tuesday defeated the city. There will be a vaudeville pro- Fess bill, approved by- President Cool . gram at 2 P. M. proceeded by a band idge by a vote of 54 to 20, concert. Fifteen circus acts have been The Fess hill privided for a loan to booked for the occasion, including the co-operative organizations covering'a Anderson Circus', Five Avalons, and period of 33 years. The original bill many notable features. There will be was a subsidy and many farmers Are daylight fire works and a game of opposed to the subsidy plan for ahy auto polo. At 4:30 P. M. Captain C. interest in this country. H. Merritt will make his baloon as-1 Jn the discussion and debate over cension and use four parachutes' on the various plans it is agreed that the his drop back to earth. When dark- middle man has been profiting to a- ness dawns a $2,600 pyrotechnic dis-’far greater extent than the farmer, play will be put on. A car load of (who produces the crops. What tne out- equipment is necessary for the firing,come will be no one can predict yet of tfhe display. TEACHERS ELECTED Mr, James Nelson and family of New London, 0«, Are guests at the idrne of Mr. and Mrs. J. M« Auld for a few days, Mrs, W. L, Glemans was hostess to the members of the Wednesday After noon Club at noon Wednesday. The members and a number of invited guests Enjoyed a fried chicken dinner. Gregg,;the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Turner, who un derwent an operation at the McClellan lospital in Xenia two weeks ago has greatly improved and is now at the home of nis parents.' At a'meeting of Hie Board o'f Edu cation last Friday night Miss Custi«, Xenia', daughter of Mr. and Sirs. WT O. Custis, was chosen as Home Eco- Dorsey J, Hesser, 40, Ada, an em* nomics instructor. Miss Eula Wash- ployee of Bish and Carey, contractors burn of the Federal pike, who grad- who are building the Cincinnati pike Uated from Ohio Weslyiaii University west of Spring Valley, died at ‘9:30, act month, wa* chosen for the eighth four houts after being injured when grade. One vacancy still exist* due_to the resignation of Miss Long, whose marriage took place two weeks ago. The board let the contract for ex terior painting to Frank Owens, Mr. ahd Mrs. J. V. Tatr and daugh ter, Dorothy, of Columbus, were the guests o f friends here Sabbath. Mr, and Mrs. Everh&rt of Greenfield epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamilton,* Miss Wilmah Spencer was hostess to sixteen lady friends Monday evening at four tables Uf^Five Hundred, Re freshments were served during the evening. Miss Alice McCartney became the bride of Mr, Marvin Bopst, athletic coach at (Jedarvllle College, next year. The wedding took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, E. McCartney, 462 Park Place, Springfield, Wednesday at 1530 P* M. The bride and groom left during the situation is alarmingg not only to the farm interests but the general business interests of the country. WORKMAN DIES AFTER BEING RUN OVER BY TRUCK a truck passed over his body when he attempting to jump same. He war. rushed to the McClellan hospital hut his life could not be saved. The dead man was unmarried and leaves his pa rents, three brothers and a sister. The x>dy was sent to Ada for burial. JEALOUSLY ALLEGED. Alleging that his wife’s unreason able jealousy, ill temper and abusive conduct created such a dsturbance in the church that he resigried his charge in Steubenville in May 1925 and was assigned to a church in Yellow Springs, David Marshall has brought suit for divorce from Hester Marshall, He says that the defendant has threatened to kill him. They were mar ried In 1899, RETURNS FROM WESTERN TRIP Mr. Herbert Whittington, agent at the Pennsylvania station, with his family returned home last Saturday after a trip toNew Orleans,.El Plfco, Texas and Kansas City, vfhere Mr. Whittington spent most of hi* vaca tion. Mr. Whittington reports that Kansas hire a fine wheat crop and harvesting ha# started in some sec tion#, Mr. Whittington and hi* father- in-law, Mr. twin; enjoyed a few day# TaUtl) OF HOME CHILDREN NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION -H»iiir—i A physical survey of the 608 chil dren at the O. S. A S, O. Home has been completed by Dr, C. F. Robbins epidemiologist of the state board of health, Dr, A. C. Messer jer and a number of other physicians. The survey allows that 287 children had defective teeth} 173 were under weight; 145 had defective eyes ami vision/ 42 defective tonsils; 88 de- fective ears. Other reports have not hhen given out* P. O, ACCEPTS TERMS m * m tmm »• otkh - «*«< ........." ^ '71 fu n w Ob tire tU* Vm*k. in the lumber M r e ta In those days, the afternoon by motor on * trip East filin g M tt* this wroK, Mr. Andrew Jackson has received- Word from th* poet Office Depart ment that the terms o f the Township Trustees for room rent have been ac cepted by the department. The new lease starts in August on eondRiou th* new equipment is installed. The cost tp the township will be tbout $1,500,
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