The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 1-26

} } WoinaB 'Know What Every W i d o w L e a r n s E v o s y H u s b a n d W o u l d B e I n s u r e d W i t h O u r A c c i d e n t P o l i c y , i k d a r m e h e r a l d . Death lidos WithSpeed! You Gmmi S t e p I t — B u t Y o n C a n B e P r o t e c t e d B y O u r I n s u r a n c e P l a in A c t T o d a y ! N o w ! FIFTIETH YEAR NO, ^/a u<3 CEDARVIIXC. on to . H u a w , DECEMBER I?, 1926 PRICE, *1.50A YEAR CEMRVIILEON THENEWI. $. HIGHWAYROUTE Catamite is on tto r.ewly selected UnitAHi St*»«s RpUte No. 42 widen is destined to lie one of Ohio’s most used J*ete* trails, The trail crosses Ohio frem Cincinnati to Cleveland is the most direct rout between there two Important points. The route enters Ohio at Cincinnati Brand Advocates Corn Damage Suit Agaings For Sugar Supply , Ohio Fuel Gas Co. FORJi TERI tCcngrcsinjen Chsaies Brand -alia Mrs. Annie tittle, Xenis, bus terti*. {meeting c f the Ohio Orange in. Pay- luted suit in Common Hess Court aft teon, Tuesday, advocated tto mamsffca* gainst The Ohio Fuel and Gas Coft ■fare of corn Into" sugar to provide a asking ¥75,000 damages, for thedeath market fra’ our surplus earn crop in o f ho? husband, Howard little, who? this country. ‘ died as the result1ef hums in an ex* I He stated that we had a surplus of plosion of gas in the office of the Cat* ’ ISl.OOD.OOQ huehtc-s of com and that'voll-Ifindev Co,, Xenia, last June 30, toTerveon corn products were being furnished to] It is charged that the company laid jurjes for" the Jan’ the world for less than the cost gif a gas main over the basement o f an * pe^ jurv; production. Out of every bushel of ihnndoned building and that with tho1 iWN IARY COURT :.;Baby €Mck Fakers .. Farm Bureau Meeting llflQT T IV Under Serious Charge Ileld WednesdayJ>*vvl IHA Kari B, Babb, Korda, has received ward from J, P. Jolmcoji, Atlanta, 6a. The following have been corn 27 pounds of sugar can be m a n - gravel over the filled place to the gas, jfeetured. That product is three- station by automobiles and truclcs had' fourths as sweet as tho sugar made resulted in breaking tho main near! from the South, passA tTuou'"h Ld}- from tl,e *'(?&u!*r enne, the building which allowed the gas to anon, Xenia, Ceuarrito, T,:>«(?0 3 , Plain Ko Gtatci? that tto Greek govern- Ml the office. Mr. Little had gano in-| City, Delaware, Mt. Gillead Man*- KWnt mov<? th«» 05 ye&ra ago had in- to the rear office, to change his cloth- iWld, Medina nnd on to CleveWiil It trodueed this method of protecting the »ig after spending some time at golf, [ Will be seen that this ,route follows c T O t growers. Brazil did likewise Charles Darlington is attorney for atate route 28 from Cincinnati to Lon- ?°r th? coffee market and England for Mrs, Darlington, don and then branches to the north- ^l<i rubber industry. '........." ' ' east, missing Columbus. - ' Jt **» brought out at tho Grange WALTER ROTROFP’S MOTHER The Joint Board of Interstate High mcct*nS that the export debenture DIED FRIDAY AFTERNOON way*, composed of representatives of P^anwas ^ie soundest proposition that ,, . __ , , the several States Highway Depart- !iad been, proposed along the line of Mrs. Susan Rotroff, 77, died at the menU and. the U. & Bureau o f Pub- fw «> T°m - * " » » of *** daughter, Mrs, Truman lie Roads, has designated a number' 14 WP3 a^ « ed *tot the Primary was Hiatt, near Dumbarton, Friday after o f transcontinental highways as Uni- a safe 8™rd fov the .people and in- noon at 1:30 Ociock from a twelve ted States highways, each of which is stead of abandoning it, it should be week's illness from paralysis. The to bear one number throughout its toren-terer-V The Crer,- cs-'ocd a funeral.was held Monday afternoon at length. Ohio is traversed by fifteen state tax Jevy because of unfair tax 1:30 from the Hiatt home with- the o f these United States Highways. ^valuations. These highways will he marked with rransl ar.a jp term; ith twu. township, township. Jasper, is twp, •Key* B. E. Wright, in charge. Inter- ra enttook place at Port William. The deceased is survived by five daughters, undone son; Mrs, E. A. Soddeirs, of U. S- markers, so that the motorist ff , L , C u l v e r t G u t s ‘ S « f Ohto the SSt J lU T^um bS S t a t e H oU SC J o b SprfncfleMi Mrs B. J, Mellon, Duro- will be changed to conform to the U. An” a ®l™n» Dayton; Mrs. $* numbers* J Republican members of the **• Kane, North Verotte, Ind., and The Cincinnati-Cleveland route ia Dhip House of Representatives met Mrs. Hiatt, one brother, Walter Rot- one that should benefit Ccdarville, Iu in Columbus Tuesday and- selected i‘“ of ftriarrilfc. Three half brothers means that motorists will be routed ° - c * Gray, Harrison county hanker, a 30 survive: W". I*. Hopkins, Cohim- by the federal and state government aa speaker of the next House. He b“ s; Janies Hopkftis, Xenia; and John a* well' as the various automobile W£iS named on the second. ballot. In f Iopk*ns' Bmonnngton, and a half sis- clubs T-Wway. the make-up of the other officials T. 4or' Mrs. Ella Everhearfc, Xenia. Tho Cincinnati pike improvement D, Calvert, Selma, was chosen as 1 r— at Spring Valley is now open for the T1,lrtf Assistant SergCant-at-Arms, a N I ll© O ft fS W TC iCked* fition he has held for several years. n _ _ , .___ f winter but. will be closed next spring for probably three weeks to complete1 ------------- ------ — the work. Likewise the Columbus BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS TO pike improvement near Selma, This j AID IN HEALTH FIGHT opens the road for the winter. Both' o f these stretches have been closed! Sale of Christmas Seals"means for 'several' .months: . ■ Pack Your Christmas Gifts With Care The Pennsylvania Railroad suffered a hlg monatary loss last Friday night about seyen o’clock when nine freight £T “ iS S S L V J r id f to each citizen. It is devoted to health work. Boost the sales for this town-' ship. it apoint east of the Ahel Magnesia Company plant The freight was on the east bound track and traveling at The sales have grown from year to * * * ***** wJent i% ^.iwnpoaed a tha sale fI*nge °” * whee* **Ve v «y and sent Extreme care should be t-sdeen in *KWV.’ to ¥300,000 in 1010; to ¥3,000,«,w ^ m preparing your Christmas package ai 000 in To ¥4,776^00 in 19*5. Far ^ Colowibus wee* called net with a fw the mail. This pr~__ -*_________« • vent *«» h h . u i ^ a.At *u*° i' aitUttWWW * « « wnft * •tana at bwiafit torthe hwwrea save delivery, fwakages to the postmaster for praval if uncertain. ecaution is not otte cent *«ch yon caa aid the fight a- . ^ Submit your *»i*«d by the sale of seals there have tJWT"< *** Hl* ‘ ap, been provided hundreds of sanatoria * The west bound track was not dam* {where those ill with the diseaae may « * « » ' W* * * f : Mali anrly for the longer mailing is jve CAF** P^eventoria whet* the eooft cjwre^ MeiTworked^tl^rhbto dalayad the more congested become the children who have been, to the disease „ „ . „ a «... «... atolls and the more uncertain will he delivery, Parcels for distant points should go out this week. Write the name plainly one or mera places on the package. For precaution insure your parcelo. The cost is not great and gives you protection in loss; l Postmistress Stormont will be pleaaed to give you advice if you ask for it. may he built up to resist its attack; Vp **f H *00\ ^ nurses to care for patients; clinic’ t^ ,ow " e day*he * f . fc ^ as ^ * 4 and every yestage o f the Wreck remov <?tL Several of the railroad executiv- where examination and advice is giv en tp tliousands o f people free* You are aiding a wonderful cause in the purchase of these little seals. n m , , , , . . J. A. Conklin, 74, formerly a resi- * * B , j, u r n b l l l l chips {dent of this county, died Sunday, at Cattle To Maine his home in Selma, front heart trouble. \ | He is survived by two brothers, Av- Mr, F. B. Turnbull shipped a car BiUr Conklin, Dayton, mid Roscoe of fine Angus cattle Saturday to the D?y!? v a s,?ter» Mrs. Stella Steel of Xema. , . wealthy grower o f seed potatoes, In * , ^h®fuheyaf was held from the chop* the car of twenty head were right f at Woodland cemetery, Xenia, T«m head that Mr. Turabull had purchasinl / ,ay aftt’raoon' for Mr. Parkhnrst at the Chicago' Live Stock-Show. Mr. fa M T * of the *Wpm»«* ----- ^ «* lto^ri «#. ANOTHER TRANSFER FUNDS tepresented tudto” •a'Tnvestiisent' _____ speaks well for Mr. Ttirnbullj not. only idicd t0 •b®Cowmim Kea* Court for as a breeder o f good Angus cattle but- omAhtr transfer of fund* to meet ob- as » judge in going into the market %ntions. They seek transfer of f.%- to purchase for a distant buyer, ,579.12 from the general to the infirm* ;flvy fund and ?987 from the general to the children^ home f find. The court few ..■weeko■ago grafted transfers Benzol Not Subject To Gas Tax When compounded with gasoline a* * motor fuel> benzol is not *ubjej;t to the Ohio motor fuel tax according to a decision of the Ohio Supreme Court, 'Tuesday. By thi* decision the Caldwell rod Taylor Company, blenders, of this fuel, cu- eapo a judgment1of morc-than ¥50,- fiOO that the state had obtained in a Franklin county court. The company had paid the tax on the gitooliue uccd hut refused to p&y on the benzol. How To Get Corn Htiskers You Need Why worry about corn' buskers? Here’s how ypn ean get ’em! John Schorr, farmer neat Lances* ter, farmer, ran an advertisment, “corn huskers Wanted,*! but received no response. Saturday he added a line “free cider, all you can drink,* with the result that he employed 10 immediately after, and had a wait­ ing list of 20 more. cs in Cincinnati, Columbus and Xenia, were on the ground directing the work. •Just ahead of tho wrecked cars were several, cars' loaded with cattle bul they escaped injury. Many people were attracted* to the scene and remained late into the night to witness the work. . * A. E. RICHARDS IDENTIFIES HOLDUP MAN; IN JAIL AS TO TAX, COLLECTION County Treasurer Frank A. Jackson fias issued notice that on account of the re-appraisement in the county and the delay in making up the tax dup­ licates, from which the tax receipts are written, there will be no taxes collected before January 10,1927, THEATRE NOTJES With the coming “Vaudeville Cea- tetmlal" and the eelebrotisn o f thio noted event nil over the United States by lending vaudeville theatres; Guu Sub, a pioneer in the theatrical hues- ties* And foremost in the ranks of thtatrieal men who have popularized vaudeville, has arranged come of the fo«gt vaudeville programs that have tv«r been seen at the Sun’s Regent; Theatre, Springfield. Tito forerunner o f these exceptional vaudeville tfiUs will be given its pre­ mier starting at tho Monday Mottecu week of December 27th, -or wow Year’s week, A "Grand New Year toetival-ui-. Vaudeville?’ would 5>eAhfc appropriate way o f describing the •Gala Vaudeville show that lias.boon berired for New Yearia Week, in <&*»« “ Centennial Week” . A. 13. Richards was called to Spring- field lar.t Friday to see if he could identify tho fellow that attempted to hold him up in his store two Weeks previous. Tho sheriff in that county had made a clean ap of suplcious characters and ran into a nest of six men that had been organized for tho otd-up business, When Mr. Richards wto taken into the jail he was asked to pick out his inati fmm six that were brought bo- four him. Ho was unable to do bo . As other prisoners weso called out f.ho second man to appear was readily chosen as the guilty ehep. lie had ne- trouhle in making ids decision. Mr, lUelinrilawas informed that tho sheriff -hod nine charges filed against this man that would keep him- in prison for -a long time, probably fif­ teen yeitoa, Ho had attempted to hold up a filling station near Springfield just-Ijefore sealing-to; £ed*rriHf,.tfc* night the Richard’s Drugstore was visited. BIGGEST ELECTRIC SIGN T rills Born Tuesday To Mr« and Mrs. Bear Mr. and Mrs, Polar Bear, Cincin­ nati, announce the birth of a pair of twins. The little fellows arrived with the coldest day so fai* this year, Wed nesday. “Papa” Polar Bear Weighs 1,000 pounds yet the babies were only about the size of squirrels end had lie covering other tlian a few tiny white lairs. The infants are normal and are doing nicely according to the Zoo of* fieiaks. FACE CUT IN FALL Ell Conner, prominent. Rdtrs town­ ship farmer, lef. Wednesday after­ noon while « chasing a hog cn Ms farm. He sustained a cut -oil his nose from bridge to tip and his lip wae split in the fall. - MtoMumtlen o f . , Mr. Butt fo gpeftkittg o f the special a wmtrnwnt in ttw bookings o f vnude- Chicago’s new union station has the « 4 iu ***** starting <eCa«teii«iflljfas!gesfc illuminated electric sign in #_v« uare ^ going to givofthe world. Tho sigh cost ¥25,000 and W««k a*ya, * Is S 3 feet long and 23 feet high', lb has two rows of letters, one o f the nturio-n and the names o f the railroads entering it en tho otho?. For the ladies, roiszes, cluldreu^aud toys, tve have a wonderful line of the meat desired Christmas g ift—fllippers of all kinds. Priced from G9e to $2.DC C. A. Kolblo 17-19 W. Mate, Xenia, -■Mr. Charles P. Marshall has gone to Florida, whore he will spend the Eari IV* Burrow*., Florence Wo «l, Joseph Curl, Mia® Mamie Oster, Mt William Fudge, 3 X. M. Edginglun, Ralph Spaiir, X*n Lulu Hiffe, Cedar George Bishop, Sil|»rereek twp. J. R. Sowaid, Edna M. Minter, jAnia. 3. C. Divis, Ctslarvlle. T. W. Conklin, X«$ia. D. L, Cline, Jeffertoi twp, C. F, Swartz, Sumfircivek twp. G. J, Smith, Xoiuu- RolUn Varner, Beavercreek twp. Harry Armstrong, teath twp. nia| H W The CcdarvlHe.TowijaMp Fur® Ba-1 jau met Wednesday evening at the J rcet-fi .Incpcetor, that tto Fu’ ghum gehool houso for tho annual meetingI ' .and to enjoy g dinner provided by tho| Indies. Wtelo the cold weather kept a ©umber away morethan 80were pres­ ent to hear reports of the organiza­ tion and what various grubs have been doing. Especially interesting was the report of Mies Edith Wigal, who won a trip tb Columbus, County Agent Kimher was present and gave a talk on of the year coming, " The public school had a part in the Hatehory, Girard, O., la m t e>respen oihJo firm and that three Atlanta jnea have been arrested for using tho mails to defraud. Tho International Baby Chid: Association was Interest* e i in the prebs because prices are eaid to hove bec-a quoted far below what good stock could bo produce!. Mr- Belaud Cramer, o f tho Xenia i Hateheries Co. first reported tho mat- !t.*r to his acsoeiaticn. j D. \V. Nichols and two other men are. Artie Weber, Xe c cuppssrd to have operated under program. Blusie was furnished by tile j the names o f the Red Ilatehery, Tim school orchestra. Readings were given 'Dixie HateSiery, Fulghum Hatchery, by Margaret McMillan and Miss Doro- Niciiolas Farms, American Hatchery thy Anderson and a solo by Miss Mills ■Busy Bee Apiary and other names. J The following officers were chosen: j ' -------------—*—— | President: Meryl Stormont, AUDITOR MAILS OUT NOTICES Vice President; Hervey Bailey. ON PROPERTY VALUATIONS Secretary: Roger Collins, „ ^ - ' ----- -- ^ ‘ The organization voted $10 to the vDUnty Auditor R. O. Wead has-public schools to bo used •as Prof. imailed out ten thousand notices to the Oxley found need for. {realty owners of Greene county, giv- jtog: the new property valuations as T_ , :approved by the State Tax Commis- H O g C h o l e r a UVC r — -----*-—*—* ,siom There have b"*°n increases in Catherine Sipe, Btoh township. - {iho village that will increase the dup Grand jurors: f Albert Mercer, Roto twp. Mamie Bowles, Miami twp. n . Gladys Cummings, Xenia twp, Horace Ankeney, St Beavercreek Harry Nagley, Xeitt*. Samuel T. Baker, Odarvilte twp. Calvin Hatcher, Xenia, Maud Stewart, X<*nta. W, O. Boyers, Spring Valley. F. S. Peterson, Spring Valley. • G- F- Brickel, Roa* township. Fannie Cttstis, Xerdn. Fayo Fluke, Miami twp. Ray Reid, Ross twp. Kelly Mendenhall, Spring.Valley tw ,Heat about $100,900, In most instances jthe increases have been small. The original valuation was made by W. J. (Tarbox, J, E. Hastings and M, W. ICollins in the village; and J, C, Towns ;ley, A. H. Creowell end A. G. Collins in the township, From all reports we gather people generally have little or {no complaint to make. As is usually .the case few property owners would !soli their property for .the valuation placed oh it for taxation. {Selma Man.Died After Lon# Illness State Suppressed ■ *« ,l . f Hog cholera is subsiding according to reports from the state department, For several months Ohio along with other states has been fighting this plague that has cost farmers many hundreds of thousands of dollars! As a result feeder hogs are being shipped into the state in great numbers. The low price offered for com offers the farmer hut one alternative, and that is to feed hi$ com. T11AD BROWN RECOMMENDS SHORT BALLOT. FOR ELECTIONS According to Secretary of State Thad II. Brown,.'tho joint legislative committee Of which he is chairman, will jrecommend to the legislature that Ohio adopt the short .ballot and Use voting machines. It is planned to elect the governor, lieutenant gover­ nor, and auditor for four year terms and make, all other state offices ap­ pointive. The governor and lieutenant governor are now, only two year terms while the auditor is four at this time. CHAMPAIGN CO. VALUES FIXED „„ . . . :to these same funds for meeting ob* The State Ton Commissioni bas of the two lBatitotfoJL proved the re-apprmsal of teal es- ■ J . tate in Champaign county Where the duplicate rvao increased, The average valueper anro of fanu tond wea ?0S.80 sheep clafaw altowed by County Most farm land remained tlio .Commissioners Monday Amounted to y/as reduced while the town were all- ^,635.20 The amount covered 09 increased. . *claims for sheep losses. SHEEP CLAIMS ALLOWED LowPer Capita Cost Always Vital Consideration In treating Insanity BIG FARM DEAL THAT WILL ■A. Tat Chester, Ky,, becomes the'owner of 7-14 acres o f fine farm land in Ross township owned by Joseph and Henry Pitstidk. By the terms of the deal Tabor trades 315 acres of land in Butler county four miles south ..of Hamilton, arid a money consideration. The total acteage involved amounted to 1,059 and the trade is one of the largest in the county. The Pitstick brothers are big farmers coming here from Indiana about twelve years ago. Another brother, John Pitstick, also resides nenr but Iris land was not in the transaction. Possession will be given next March. T. C| Long, Xenia, made the trade. Urbana Defeated By Both Local Teams KEEPING DOWN THE COSTS j From the very beginning a low per capita cost price was a matter of vi- ital consideration. The institution was {merely a place where these patients jcould to confined for the remainder iof their lives,. i Physicians of 30 years ago, tell US {that when they served in state asy- ilums, they never heard o f a patient Igoing home. j Each institution had an appointed •board of trustees who assisted the Isuperintendent in getting such funds , 'as wore necessary frosh tho mcaiage- Following . tlio groat work and ta{?n{; 0| fjje institution from the login* piritual leadership of Dorothy Lynfij|fltur3< Din, tho various states t-rgaft to pro*» SLOWLY ADVANCING o In" Ohio, from this rather meager ’ [beginning, we have slowly hut surely had more buildings constructed and This is the fourth of a series of articles that will appear each week in this newspaper dealing with Ohio’s pToblo mof increasing insanity. These articles me spon­ sored by the Ohio Association for the Welfare of the Mentally Sick, which has but e-no objective, namely, more ccientSfic and novo humane treatment o f mentally sick patients in ctato hospitals und tho rapid rehabilitation,, of these unfortunates. vide fioltehla refugp for Dm insane, t then confined in county J.rto and aim J houses. Tn their cosotruction piogram, they gave taken on more personnel until wo built for durability, ^Tho wcJls o f.reached our present stage. There have some o f the older festltteiesio are- jjC£jn eerfealsr changes in the manage* from two to three fet-t thick. Coma y>*tesit of our Institutlong, In 1911 the of these. Institutions, contained only various hoards of local managers and front 09 to 169 patients at first. They trustees were discontinued and a eon were added to from time to (tlnio as tral hoard of administration establish* the resident population "tocarau great, in-lfiai:tto-re«tral-toasd-of or*' ~"'aSmiriiDtration was abolished and a di THE PUOIILELM OF PERSONAL rector of public welfare appointed. Mont caftio tho problem of pereancl. BETTER TREATMENT In a vast majority of eases a phyoi* ■in n medical way, there has hem*' Urbana witnessed ohe of the fastest games of basket ball last Saturday night that was ever staged in that city, when the quintet from Ccdarville college defeated Urbana Junior college five, 2-1 to 22, To tho first half Ccdarville .played the Juniors a tight game hut kept in advance on the ccore, ending 14 to 13. During tho second half Urbanawas in the lead a good part of the time but the extra time to complete the play allowed Ccdarville to win the game by a ceoro of 24 to 22. Wilson of Use Juniors featured by scoring all hut two points that went to Urbana, Two minutes before tlio half ended McLean shot a field goal which placed bin team In Ike lead. In tho third period Urbana took the lead. McLean again ccored with a tip, 22-22. Tho McLean goal just as the whistle was to be, sounded -gave Eorst’s Yellow Jackets the victory. CHRISTMAS CHURCH MUSIC RATESHAVE BENLOWERED County Auditor 1L O. Wead an­ nounces that the 1920 tax rates iiave heen approved by the State Tax Com- mission for the fid taxing district* In Grec-ne eotuity. Inmost instances the rates are lower than fast year and this will bo welcome rows to property owners following the increase in tax valuations. The notices for property valuations are being prepared and will to mailed this week. More than 10,000 notices must he filled out and mailed, Osborn has a tax rate of ¥24.80 in the village and is the highest in tho county. Xenia City is next highest with $22.50. The following table gives a com­ parison of the new and old rates in each taxing district in the county: 1920 1925 Bath Twp...................?20,10 |20.40 Xenia Twp, S. Fairfield Vil. _______ Osborn V il------ ------- Beaevrereek Twp,___ Xenia Twp, S. D____ Caesarcreok Twp. Jefferson Twp. S. Bv_. Liberty Twp. S. D.___ Mt. Pleasant___ jL___ Ccdarville Tw p ._____ Xenia Twp. S. D,—u*.. Silvercreek Twp SD_„i 13.20 Selma Special S, D. Clark ---------------------------- J.**13,70. Miami Twp. S. , D____ 15.70 Cedarville V i l ______ 18.50 Jefferson Tw p ._____ _ 18.70 Silvercreek Twp, SD_„ 14.20 Liberty Twp. S, D. Clinton Jasper Twp. S. D,_ Fayette _ ------------- Eowersville V i l__ 20.00 Miami Twp. _ 15,50 Clifton S, D. -- -------- 15.50 Yellow Springs SD __13.90 Cedarville Twp. SD__ 16.10 Xenia Twp, S* D. *.___ 13.25 Clifton V il----------•___16.90 Yellow Springs 15.30 New Jasper *------ Caesarcreek Twp 14.90 12.85 22.20 24.80 12.70 1245 14.90 17.50 16.30 13.45 15.90 16.80 24.50 15.60 15,10 16.20 20.00 19.70 18.20 18.60 1620 1520 1620 1820 21.30 21.00 15.70 20.70 14.90 22.30 17.50 - 18,00 17.80 17.90 15.50 19.70 20,00 16.00 All three churehco will have ape-rial programs of Christmas marie Sabbath The Baited Proabyterian ritoir will Boss Twp. — 19.30 Cedarville Twp. S D „„ 16,90 Selma Special S.D._ Clark county - 14.30 Silvercreek Tv/p — 13.80 Silvercreek Twp. _ 14.50 Jamestown Vil. S.D__ 18.00 .Tafferson Twp, S, D .,. . 19.00 Jamestown Vil 19.10 Spring Valley Twp, 15.30 Xenia Twp. S. D. , 18.00 Sugarcreek Twp SD.__ 16,55 Wayne Twp S. D. » Warren --------------- 16.35 Spring Valley Vil 15.80 Sugarcreek Twp.____ 16.30 Wayne Twp. S, D.„___ 16,10 Belibrook Vil 18,40 Xenia Twp 13.10 Xenia City S D ,__ _ 18,78 Beavercreek TwpSD__- 13.35 Spring Vayley Twp S. D ...........................15.40 18.00 Cneaarlreek- Twp S. D --------------J .:„ 14.75 Xenia City__ ____ 22.50 20.40 18.80 16.40 15.40 16.00 21.00 21.30 22.40 17.80 1520 1920 18.60 19.30 19.50 18.90 21.40 15.40 22.32 15.90 15.90 26.00 ARM BROKEN IN FALL Mrs. Carrie Flatter, president of tho Greene County W. C. T. U. sus­ tained a broken arm several days ago while shopping in Springfield. While standing at a store window Mrs, Flat ter was knocked down by a man run­ ning down street. In the fall she re­ ceived a broken arm at tho wrist. CHURCH NOTICES M. E, CHURCH SERVICE Rov. B, M, Ingndre, Paster Sunday School at 0:80 A, Bl. P. M. Gilliinn, SupL Maywood Horaoy Asst Morning service at 10:30 A, M. Epwsrth League at 6:60 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday f P. r.L Cliristaiaa Cantata “Chimes of tb‘< Holy Night” at 4:69 P. M.f Dec. 19. :MrecteA.t»y^Miaatd«ueito.!sT^iB3&u, More of Glory” by'Peaee#at tlio regu­ lar hour of morning worship, J0:SO A. M« Tho cantata will to given under the direction of Prof. J. A. Talcott. eicn was made ouperinteiulontj but In some very marked Improvement: in |Tho f.I. E. Choir will render “Chimes a layman was in the treatment of patients in the lastjof tho Holy Night” at 4 P, M. under winter, BprittjfftrM and vitm:?y vaudeville they tow sees, awa w tto way wo are not klhng dowii ana hit with out picture piogiAu.” High cl**5 fret run photoplays trill le aereened in co^unrtiett Aith j ^ y;o;,| £ijUjtjts:S;( f!i!k tics, silk and,heavy wrighte, Give cc-aoibld glfta to \\uJ mu, tfoves, belts, bath robes, memtota of your family, lf4 9 %%, pajaihas, any effhtte things are w tol Main, Xenia, ft A. Kclble, some instances e charge. The «uin'ritit«-fide!it generally So yc-are. More patienta are permit-* the direction of Miss Ludle Johnson, was provide! with assistant phyaL ted to go home m trial visits,when elans, depre-tog ui«*u *to mnitor of their mental condition has again ap* patients cam! for* The supcr-Intend» preached normal, Tiiia pfaetleo, tow- ent’s duties were hugely rsetuUvo, as over, did not make any great head A Sheep lined Coat ©? vest would please any min or boy. It would be a {he was held respmtrib*" fee the whole way until tho fact few yeare, when There will also be & special program foe Sunday Seto&l that will to merg­ ed with tho regular morning service, Tha Fircf Pregbytorian clrnrri* will have a special program of Christmas gilt that any mm would appreciate, Handkerchiefs, plate at? fancy, silk We have them to fifetho moderate and ♦feeptionni vmtdevllle bilb ind th fow*ert etchestia is preyar- im* upeetel ttiuslfttl ttores end "yni* . V w . he fiUyed with lto?e sm l'th e folks would appreciate. Tfcu Al the ,9 « * W - U - ^ on, Ite W o le ! leriesiii ^ ^ * paretore. f t A plant, m k our* pns'-ntAey r ovoretovded eonditionn mado io impsp{ ia«Die Sabbath ovmmg at_T’.00 P. M. On each ward, wtorriu r-atlow'te ativo that more patknta bo cent home, wore eoisfintd, tlwy ?!>•-1a coitulu ama Tto gonurel tendency of tho inana* toe of guard'1! wht «** fiafsnng along gomeat of our otato honpiteJs has nr;t Jiaraiag bees wa? uwt, unity quite varied much in tho last CS ycaso, We in place of ito fcgulaf 'Uhlan The pttblie is invited to attend these, pregrferas ami bring tliote friends.' Bpeela! preparation has teess madeby meagre. Tb** gemrM plan vt hi ic-ra- r.till have a auporisitcmleiit who in the various mganlxatisns which will ->cop- resposolMo not only for tho medical rinsure good pidgmias. U. P. CHURCH Eov. R. A* Jamieson, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9:80A. If. Mr O. A. Babkina, superintendent, Morning gservico at 10:30 A, M. Ehrifitmcs Cantata. ’ O. to P. ftU .a ifip .M , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN C'HULriH Row \V, p. Hatiiman, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9:30 A, M, Ja* s.s‘ ft McMillan, Sapt. Morning ee-svieo at 10:00 A. !f» diristian Endcavei* at frM P.U, Enicn Ctetvko at T:0D P. M, thrix, mm liimk. tto^we^af'ibtg" LiWbte* mA Shoo Stew, TI 40 Slwrecl at Shell Gasolteti Station, {patients U ttotttte ^ Week/’ iW/Mato, Xenl.%. j Martin WetetAoanly 1 * toforaS Wanted: Raw furs caught in thteTion o f th* whMo fe'tit'ite.n wav - .i c bl l . Xelble’iS vicinity. Highest market prices if do-gicri from tb**- te-tituhou which the83 vresfaro df liiri patiejit body, but iaj ore 17^1 J iT:! ine f hud loft- tb*' nail car! tho litowino reepoMoiblo for all nan-medi- n*rf>p fswin. Dftemtor 27th, ! ;cat work aretmd thoso great plants. Par Solo: 40 WJdte Leghorn Lena am! 12 Minoreas. Mrs. ft II. Crotise^ates, —-Col, ft fj, Xsytop, ftuetio&eere t ’ - l 'phosid S-6B, Jamestefen for your Wtpl 1