The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 1-26
I 4 T H E C E D A R V I E L E H E R A L D SARL'H8111a ' -=> ^ F.WiTRR ASH lTHLtSMKM. CadST’ V«3iS>0=» 0Ct8jfif 51a SSS7* 8* MCCBil FRIDAY# JAKUADk T??■ • * j tiiVft ,ip' 7-.i *r\ j \ ;; i £It 1Li o;jiu !-rirt S il *P-D ( ; fiCiVo ■ 'tj ' fs> j: w ijy„ n" I V . her 'f(niP .‘vAL i! 0“ pi tiF-uriLP non ■>L q n\ nn(l i i V0 t- 4'A like /mg mm-i oy to ;a cihP ! Hut; tao questioa Kcuutos? r; j ai sl-„ J I k / Kl% V 'iif SB?: "If’ tliq Iirimary W j 1rA atc.j v;ii li i nilli^k2rV}- * a Id HCJ I imc effe i si o! T-innc UU\. ?aiea’f j Sonai lot B gv criclg;e will Hkc! I cp , Mr, Mv lIOH, Mr. Vara and' l:''- iMlJWt Y*&i €*. q <) of U r \; s .>l)igti finuBciers, * Hii in the 8t*n*t«r is forced •ni»ry ayntcnO verHige wouM 3 flic cause o f tfeo carao like to huve fluodinK two cariSe produce the I lafe ly wa it a long time for mu ans* “ j m d CiOl. Smith favor the old eon= , f j In Not so many moons ago this Fourth ward performer woo qwn a position at the O. S. & B. O, Home for faithful efforts » behalf of the reform company,. Coro, .liquor being a ree- works he ............ —.......... .........with more money than morals are to blame for this, Senator Beveridge's question will probably have far-reach ing results in Indiana, There the foes of the primary are band PRIMARY HERE TO STAY The great minds of Mr, Mellon and Mr, Vare, of Pennsyl vania, and of Col* Smith, of Illinois, are likely to be strained somewhat in arriving at an answer lately asked by Senator Beveridge of Indiana. „ ‘ ' Mr. Mellon, Mr. Yare and Col. Smith, it will be re-called, advance the piteous plea that corruption is inseparable from down the gauntlet to them, and has virtually announced that he will again champion the primary system and defeat their carefully concocted scheme, as he did once before. ht S S part of tho life and habits of the Fourth,, Ward, o f . ing together to repeal the law. Senator Beveridge has thrown course ffshould have a. place at the Q„S. & & 0 . Horae. When * * Ena — — » «■*•* t)ie children at the home began to show effects of corn and the Fourth Warder begasiq strut about all liquored up as he watt want to do in the East-end bailawick, then something happen ed. The Fourth-warder lost his job* „ , „ Today the actor from the reform company has cnarge of the robes for another company, the Ohio Senate. If you are about the State house and have need of a guide book about the city of Columbus, all 3 tou have to do is to remember one of the golf terms and ask for Mr, Greenway or Mr. Faraway, you will meet a member of the reform company for your county. And the wet newspapers are telling us that there is no; chance of getting additional dry legislation, throujjli this legis- lature, because of the line-up in the Senate, Ho, HumI Why worry. If it suits Eva of the fourth Ward and Carrie of Yellow Springs, it lias to be all right with the rest of the county, NOTICE Having1purchased an interest in the B. F, Thomas Grocery and Meat Market, formerly the Nagley stand, would be pleasd to meet all our oldiriends as well as new ones* W e buy direct from the farmer, kill, cut and cure our own stuff. Save the middle man's profit, that's why we can give you better goods for the money than any place else. W e carry a.full line of Fresh, Smoked and gait meats and the largest stock o f Groceries in town. That's why we can give you better service than any place. Yours for Business C H. CROUSE PRE ■WAR PRICES The fact that w« do all ouir own rtactiantoaf work and guar* anUa. it 10 year* or maka It oVar fraa of charge ha* jcra*tad a voliima of huatnaat that maka* thla poiiible. TRUE BITING SETS OF TEETH 8acond to Natur*—(Atk About Tham) Slogan Contest Closes J i n . 15 S om e on e W i ll W in $50 P r ize All dantal slogan* must ba In my offica by 8 A M. Satur day, January 18th, to ba allglbla to compata for tha grand prlaa. Hurry with your dantal slogan. You can sand in at many aa you wfah. I0YaarGurailac 0aAll Work Ail mcc-hr.Ical tverk <plntes, triages, etc.) guaranteed to last 10 years or made over freo of charge, SliSs applies ca ail tvfflrhdone to the cast SOyears, PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS 60c 0 , A SMITH ES DENTIST “ST 25*5 S. Limestone fit., Over WoolwortFs 5 And 10 Open Pally and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday KvanSng? 10YEARSIdTHESAMEL0CATIQH WASHINGTON C. H , and SPRINGFIELD BUS COMPANY total lime- Criwdnte Contra! Standard Time &ORTII ROUND A.M. AM. PM, KM. p .r i PM Washiiigteo O. II. .,J,v* 7:09 ioico 1:09 3:69 5:36 'YsCO Jdfcrz, aviiilo i ■I-lM 7:25 10:23 1:23 0:23 0:55“ 7:33 Jab«c§tv-vva .ic. ,ta ?:C0) 10:09 J:C0 0:C9 0:2§ 0:29 I ’edAiviSte at-h tt:53 11:03 2:03 4:03 0:03 diltOD au 0:15 1I:1G 2:10 4:13 6:45 0:43 Hprin^£:Icl ....... . Si-10 11:40 S:40 4:49 7:491 0:10 EOtii'H ROUND A.5t A.M* PM. KM. EM. PM Spriaf!£oI.l ^tv. 7:69 10:69 1:00 0:69 5:29 «7:£9 7*ff» 20:23 1:23 0:05 SsDS 7:53 t ’rJQivI tic * ,.«■ 7;na 16:23 1:C3 3:03 &63 0:63 Jan'.cA.joa ....... • l-hu 10:50 1:89 S:C9 0:26 0:29 ,?.. * .. t-. ■ 0:15 11:10 2:15 4:13 0:45 0:40 W«sb[KfjCoa (.’* 11, ..As* 0*49 m m 0:49 4:49 7:18 OiW A.M. AM, KM. PAL KM. PU °ra.vtey>i rori ya!y. KftVcCavo XovoaUv ID, 1020 HIKE* y i at Werteglca C, It, rclasabiy, Cfceia pHib a aii-l HJElypj. Uchttr.te:::fcccfir,a'tic>Ti3 fev OilIKcotho f tLa at fyutejt^dl toy Lvto'waiP, Vtl.stu at-! IJtna* t1, i1 BRIBES—WHAT PRICE HONOR That enormous sums are offered and often accepted as briber in connection with the illicit liquor traffic la a matter of common knowledge, but a recent statement by a high prohibi tion official gives some figures that would seem incredible if they did not come from a thoroughly reputable source- Alroy S. Phillips, who recently resigned aa prohibition ad- , ministratoi’ for Missouri and Kansas to become chairman of the Missouri'workmen's compensation commiarton, declared that offers of bribes during his term had been frequent*. Ex amples cited were §10,000 for an alcohol withdrawal permit, $6,Q0Q for another, and .an offer of §15,000 a year for permit ting a St, Louis brewery to run one day in a week. AU Mr. Phillips was asked to do was to assign his agents to other* places on the day that the brewery was to operate. Asked how much he thought a dishonest prohibition ad ministrator might make, Mr. Phillips replied; “Oh, from $15,- 000 to §20,000 a month." When such sums are to be had at the price of honor, it if] perhaps not strange, human nature being as it is* that a god\ many men find themselves,.unable to resist tha temptation to double-cross Uncle Sam. Of course, there is no excuse for such treachery, but it is “a condition and not a theory" that con-* fronts the government in its efforts to suppresajue illegal traf fic in liquor. As long as the professional prtjncrtn is trusted with the duty of acting as a government offief J in enforcing the liquor laws, you may not be surprised to '/e a r just such stories as Mr. Phillips relates. , / WIIAT CHURCH SURVEY SHOWS The notionheld by a certain group of people that churches have been losing ground of late should have suffered a severe jolt when the results of the recent national religious poll taken by the newspapers were printed. A constant increase in church affiliations la indicated by the poll. Just after the close of the Revolutionary War, less than seven per cent of the people belonged to church. Now the poll shov/s that more than 43 per cent of the people now sub scribe to some faith or other. There seems to even be a rising tide of morality sweeping over the land, although some among us believe none of the heathen courts were more irreligious than we are in the United States, r ■ The polls served asW answer to the claim by agnostics that organized religion is on the decline. The results were gen erally the same in all the cities in which the poll was taken. Even in New York, commonly termed a “godnesa city," the be lievers outnumbered, the non-believers. This poll should help to squelch the blatant skeptics who make a great deal of noise about the decay of the church. But it probably won't. They refuse to beeonvineed by any array of facts and figures. Br.FrankCraneSays THE SOUL HAS ITS WEATHERS Sometimes all is bright and serene, and other times it is dark and cloudy. Sometimes it is clear weather and sometimes stormy. Aa in the case of the winds, of which we know not whence they come nor wither they go, but take their blowing as ait act of-God beyond our control, so our moods and tempers seem to arise we know not how* The best we ean do is to maintain our poise as much as possible and turn toward our Ideals when the winds of pessi mism and doubt are upon us, and remain as equable as we can. We speak of getting out of bed in the morning with the wrong foot foremost. It is another way of saying that we are in the grip of a mood that is beyond our control. How many acts of our fellows that seems to us malicious are simply due to the prevalence of some uncontrollable mood in them? , There are some people, thanks be, that are always bright aiid cheery. One who has his sunny disposition is to be con gratulated, and even more to be felicitated are those about him If one can be a point of sunshine in this storm-tossed world he has certainly added much to human well being. The alternation of moods, however, is eomnmn to all of us. We should all erqiect some dark days* and resist their Influence as much as possible. We ean do very much with our will* ~■ Our judgment should tell us the danger of Firing oursel ves go when “the wind |s from the east," We should wait until accomplished if we but fined in our determination to encourage cheerfa-onoods and discourage untotvard feelings. We cannot control our feelings, it in true, but by a set pur pose we can make them strengthen as, The Criterion’s Annual Winter Sale (dl iijmiimimimimisimimimiimiimmn Bible Verse and Prayer iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiisimiiisiiiiiiiiiiimiiiflisiiii OfAY WITH fMK LORO:— fhe LoiTtl la with V«i, white ye to with imliy and if yo ccsk Mm , ha will ho found of you; hut If j/o foroalte him, howill ftiroalja you. H Chronicles 18: 3. K!AY!3Ii:*“-0 Lord, v/owould eeel: Thee now whefi rtiou tnaycofe fee found, md call upon. Thee whilofe Thou are near, for thla ia the day of 1 Thy aalvatten. (Sayings o f Great Men “To latw atid to coatowt with that ’ a laaft both Sua awcofc life.” 1 -=>ASsotb GoUatisi. . SEEDS FOR SALE Crimson cloc< r 10 per bushel Choke Alfalfa $15 per Flaheh . PrifBCf Alfalfa#, $10. . Cenuino fehum, |2d* 11(4 Clover, $17,50, ■ Timothy, 83.25. Clover, Atoske, awl Timothy equally mixed, $g. ' All native home grown tested aeedn, free from weeds and over ■Siflg oomimtiGB, G & m m h b b i ) g o * ; Coalteld, Ohfa, O f our entire stock o f Men's, Young Men's, and Boy's Finest Suits and Q'eoats-Mieliael Stem and Frai makes—A ll wool and hand tailored. Many o f these suits ard in good medium weights, suitable foi’ year round wear. A good big stock to pick from in all sizes. $25 and $20.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS d * 1 Q C A REDUCED T O ............................. .................................. X 1 7 •%3\f - 1 " §30 and §32.50 SUITS AND OVERCpATS d j A O C A iiEDUCED T O .................................................................. q jA i fM ? • V V §35.00 and §37.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ~ d j C A REDUCED TO ............. ................. -............ ............... . - t p §40 and §42.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS . f l j O l C A . §45 and §47.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ( t O C f A REDUCED TO ............................................................ §50 and $55 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ( t O Q C A REDUCED T O ..... ........................................... v.............. A ll o f dur men's dress shirts included in this sale-— Every Bpy*» Stoit and Overcoat Reduced-— V - <r* Special Prices on ail Our Fine Neckwear . lO^Off on all Heavy WorlrOTothing 22 South. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio D id You Know T h a t "About 425,000 tons.of free nitro ne fnrom the air, which takes the place of 2,700,000 tons of. Chilean nitrate, is now fixed for fertilizers in Germany annually hy the Haiber pro- ceas* ....................• , Synthetic jewels are Used in about 90 per cent of the watches now being manufactured. Timetables to be issued shortly by Swedish railroads will number the hours from 1 to 24, eliminating A. M. and p« m. A bottle picked up from the sea off the coast of Germany contained a message written 40 years ago. YOUR BIRTHDAY Is It This Week? If* your birthday is this week you ! are conscientious, truthful and just. You are conventional to the last de gree, and very conservative—to the point of being almost prudish. You are precise, careful, and economical. You are quiet ahd studious, mathe matical and fond o f reading, You are not easily aroused to anger but when you are you become quite unreason^ able. You are an accurate, logical reason or, and have a clean, sound mind. Y6u have a strong will, and at times are stubborn'. You can be very secretive and reserved about your affairs—or you can be an earnest effective talk- *r. * You are affable, pleasant, mid po lite—you are1sociable and like to entertain. Alexander Hamilton'wad bote Jan. 11, ■ John Hancock was- bora, Jan, 12, Only or.c more week to take ad vantage of euv GvetioauCu Sate* §85 overcoats. $17.59. $80 overeats,‘ $15. $25 overcoats $12.59 C. A. KeSbte, 17 -19 W. Main, Xenia, O. Look up ICeSble'a ad in this issue ( for etething bargains, j FORSALB Aspkndid lot 50 ft.frontage' by 299 feet- deep. Situate on Xenia avenue. Restricted f«3r dwelling‘only ' « 9 -a 9 y ' £ev&al nice homes for sale on pTominont streets in Cfdarrille, 0 . ■ o o « a ON FARMS A sperisl bargain In« GOOD FARM Seitflji of CMitrilte, 0, CLEARANCE SALE Are yea going to need clova?, Men** ollvj, olriko, «*-#>*! ts alfalfa seed7 1 # « MONEY TO LOAN A t S Per Cent Bit* W* 3U CLEMANS, Cediririllt, Ohio, Our Entire Stock - r *A • • ■ h Q I ■ ■ ■ ' RANGES and HEATING STOVES GARLAND OAK HEATING STOVES— Priced from S18.00 to $42.00. Real Bargains Fairmont Kitchen Range, all Nickled trini- ittgs. Priced from $56 to $65. * t ' HAPPY HOME STEAM Washing Machine Prices §12.00 to §15.00 ECLIPSE 110 Volt CABINET WASHER — Regular Price §135.00. Sale Price §100.00 BOSS No. 62 GASOLINE MOTOR WASHING MACHINE— Regular Price §140.00. Sale Price §125.00 V »'? ■ ’These machines are all guaranteed to give good service and are real bargains at the. above prices. Service Hardware & Supply Company C. H, GORDON,* SON, T R Y O U R J O B :\t \W‘., Home Clothing Co, See Iteteey ;1,' ’ fff’, , „ ' A- !■ 1 ’’ ■ ',' m ‘ toj-'-., J 'M ■ ;rt■ V41 <•} fed ; , a A > ;v ; ..L.r\- .Vk v\ w*4,, ) 1 ' ,s' ' •A,,!:,. M■
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