The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 1-26

\ « f > :y Uao4 ill !*•> mam s*. o . C «l The Exchange Bank e W ants Your Banking Business THEY P A Y 4fc ON SAVINGS '0 a c c o u n t s o i .D 'i i lK o i o ; tm rt i IN SAN ITY STILL HOLDS TJija sc ttto cc-vcnta a lckcd ok tknt wHf opuvrw vpsh aT'.a in tbiA nraT papat’ dcalinfj vatb Olffo'o rreklem of irwrcaninK nv'as k>r o articles aye opon- 1 I ; H U SPRINGFIELD'S THEATRE BEAUTIFI^L S U N ’S R E G E N T ...... Now Playing All Week—Every Week 4 Big High Class Acts OF A V A U D E V I L L E “ The Best “VAUDEVILLE* Money Can Buy IN-CONJUNCTION WITH BIG “SUPER” FIRST RUN PHOTO PLAYS EVERY MATINEE 2000 SEATS , 35c EVERY EVENING 35c and 50c NEW SHOW EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY CHILDREN ! ANYTIME | MATINEE 10c | EVENING liTc f * 4 « l \ j ,c & li.'.l 1I « ;rr 1882 1926 40 YEARS And better Wolford has been serving the community in a mechanical way. The reputation of this establishment for doing good, RELIABLE work has been the best. Since the beginning of the Automotive industry this shop has been intimately con- nected with it. There is no garage in the county butter equipped to care for the needs of the auto- mobilist, HONES r WORK AND HONEST PRICES Oils Greases Accessories ASK ABOUT STORAGE WOLFORD G A R A G E Phone 2-25 Cedarville, Ohio III ; It ■ ( '-V, % * 4 * S > We have taken the agency for the Interna- tional Harvester Co*, and will have a fu ll line of. FARM MACH INERY — . TRUCKS AND TRACTORS W e will also have a M l line o f repairs for these lines at all times. Look up your list of repairs wanted and let us have the order now, THECEDARVILLE LUMBER COMPANY 1. fvrei by the CiMo Aecsdatioo for 1 fsV?‘ ^pAfk ^T.U’V"*' I LiuO yifiJflUiWUlLifcUlkJvSLiulUJAlty I which ban but one objective, 1 nnnioly, Rtore cswmtifie and- more j humane treatment of mentally ) nick patients in state hospitals and the rapid rehabilitation o f these unfortunates. Many centuries afta-o great phil­ osopher stated, “ The physically sick you pttty, the mentally sick you note,” which thought has led to the present uay thought of, “Once insane awayS insane.” What has been the effect of this idea upon the early diccoveyr and ap­ propriate care of those who are men­ tally sick? Untold agony and pain lias been the lot of those who are rel­ atives of the boy or girl who is be­ coming mentally sick, consequently they-put off untli the very last min­ ute the step that will place their lov­ ed ones in an asylum. TAKE THEM TO COURT When, however, these" cteps do be­ come necessary they take the patient to a cold, musty probate court, and a sheriff does the rest. The reason why this patient is tak en to a court . is the old idea that “once insane always- insane," and that society ,must be protected. Following the court procedure the mentally sick, brain-hazy boy or girl is taken to the asylum, there to be placed under a per capita cost price system, that makes his eventual recov ery doubtful. The average length of residence of a metnally sick boy or girl in an asylum is 15 years. A t first he is visited by 'his relatives rather frequently. Later they say that i causes sadness to come to the hospi­ tal. Consequently come fewer until finally he is’all but forgotten by those who once knew him, and goes thru daily the lazy routine of the tasks as­ signed him, because some one once said “ once insane always insane.” IF YOU WERE INSANE Let us supose that you should be­ come mentally, sick tomorrow— and you have no assurance that you will not—-and that you would immediately j ^ AS 5? h) IK fHHO •» c - j ; : v„ thit f u*'<L CiuJ St'gra tut ti Zsrj itj CiUoj Bad gi] duo ” to Lie fact that corao eno sarldt, ug «, cd f iRCsfeTO, tuvrG.J’Q I . ^ ^-cn>Feu tiro is such sn SnstUs* j tica, no cottor wta$ you say, your 1 |T;crJ h dicerunted SGQ iwt cent be- 5 Icalico you acs’ labeled a “ lunatic.” I | No cco poraon is responsibly for j tliis oyEtctn. It ia an outgrowth of I ycaro. N» cr.o political party is sc- bponoihle. It ic nn outgrowth of all j politico! portico and putKc indiffer­ ence. The Ohio Accsdation for the Welfare of the Mentally Sick has carefully gone into every phase of tWo work. It la bringing to your at­ tention conditions that prevail today confident that when there is a public realisation of the condition proper cteps will fee taken to insure scientific treatment for the mentally sick of thio state. (To1be continued next week) EXCEPTIONALLY OPPORTUNE Ohio State Journal Bargain Offer for 1927 Unusually Attractive, Oh'o State Journal subscribers, on rural routes, are being given an op­ portunity to select from sixty differ­ ent clubs, in connection with the 1927 Bargain .Offer* The clttb offers efbrace all the lead­ ing magazines of the United States and the low prices quoted make it possible to supply the home with the best literature obtainaWe throughout the enstting year. Everybody realizes the necessity of the Ohio State Journal, for the pur­ pose of lumping to- -P# daily happenings of the worlds The Grain, Live Stock and Produce mar- ket reports, .ate o f . vital interest, ’. to the farmeiy as are the weathor re- ports and qbservationS. The State Journal forms an essential art in the liven o f 'a..ta^ority of newspaper readers in'Central Ohio. It*reaches subscribers on day of publication, is high-grade and each page interesting The colored comic section, included with Monday’s issue, furnishes many a laugh and is sought after by -every, member Of the household, Troubles ■fade... away ■While' 'fwtt-: ■ are following Mutt andJeff, fhe Oump3, Tillie, the Toiler and Ltule Jimmy in their many situations. The 1927 Bargain Offer will, be in come under this fatalistic doctrine effect throughout the month of JOn- “once insane always insane,” can you picture wbat would happen to you 7 Can you imagine your friends turning 'away from you? Your relatives are sympathetic, but yet fehrful of you, you are arrested by a sheriff, hand- nary. The price oi the.State, Journal akanr will be J4.90. All club offers areso* amazingly low that those de­ siring magazines and farm publica­ tions will find the quotations cannot lie ‘duplicated. Subscription* may be cuffs are placed upon you and you are sent to thin office or direct to the token before a probate court, where >State Journal, fldumbus, O. If you sits a judge who Is considering your j have not l’eeeivefSfc copy o f the club “crime” of becoming’ mentally sick. |offers, write the,^pio State Journal. Afterward you are again taken back ------- to jail, and finally to the asylum 1 BIG Reduct^Kl in Men ’* sund wher you are placed under the care Boys* overcoats, of a $35 a month attendant. j Home C loth ing Co. M a y S c M ’ L e s s o n ' (By P.EV. P. B. PlTZWATCJR. D.D., Dean of Day and Bvanlac Schools, Moody Bible Institute of Chlcaco.) ((5). 1D27, Wootcrn Nmvnpapor Union.) Lesson for January 16 THE CHRISTIAN'S USE OF HIS BIBLE LESSON TEXT—.Pout. 0:1-»; II Tim. 3:14-17. GOLDEN TEXT— Thy word lo a lamp unto my foot and a Unlit unto my path. PRIMARY TOPIC—Tlio Befit Booh In the World. JUNIOR TOPIC—Studying our March­ ing Ordoin. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- IC—H «w to Read and Study the Bible, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP­ IC—How to Got Holp From the Blblo, I. God's Instructions to Israel as to the Use of the Scriptures (Deut. 0:4-9). 1. The centra! truths to be taught i » p. vt w;* (1) The unity <*eGod (v. 4). ‘•The Lord our God ia one Lord." Tills waa a testimony against the polytheism existing among the Gen­ tiles of that day. (2J Man's supreme obligation (v. 5). “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and might.” i God should he loved with all the heart, soul and might because He la the j filone and supremo God, This being the first and great commandment, wo >know wlmt is man’s supreme duty. j : 2, How these truths are to be kept ' alive (vv. 0-9). "These words which 1 command thee this day. shall be in thine heart." In order that God’s Word might he In the . heart they were enjoined— | ims was literally done by the Jews as portions of the Scriptures were worn upon their wrist*. (7) “They shall he as frontlets be­ tween thine eyes” (v. #). This also was literally done by the Jews even to wearing portion* of the Scriptures in little bote* between eyes, (8) “Thou slmit write them on the posts of thy house and on thy gate*” (v, 9), They were to be constantly before their eyes. ’ * II, Paul'* Instruction to Timothy as to the Scripture* (II Tim, 3:14-17). ■ In this chapter l’«ul make* qtau* to Timothy that perilous time* would come, False teachers would arise within the church and lead astray sentimental and unsuspecting people as neurotic women. People professing godlinecs would deny Its power by godless living. Ho awful will this con* dition be umt those who live godly lives shall suffer persecution. Paul's own life of suffering was an example of what fidelity and testimony would bring. In the last days he predicts that this attitude on,the part of these false teachers would be intensified, for “evil nun and seducers shall was worae and worse',- In the face of finch frying dream* Rtaucea Paul exhort* Timothy— 1. To remain steadfast, to abide In the eternal truths which had been taught, to him (v. 14). lie assures Mia that (though trying times would come-and Violent stontag of opposition would beat heavily tipim him, Timothy would find the -Word of God an abiding, unshaken foundation. The Holy Scriptures will abide even when heaven m i earth have passed away; therefore the necessary thing la to abide la them. 2. The knowledge^ furnished by 4he Word of God was sufficient for the perplexing and uylng times through which he was to pass (v. 15). The Bible iurniaiien wiqdoia which can be found in no other place, ''’ This wls* (1) To teach them diligently unto d«>m, no all truottisjam, leads straight j to Jostig Ciirlot, tyhy gives eolvaticw. The ino‘;t important past of a child’s • The _ficri^turcs avo Inspired thy childion <v. 7). (duration in that given in the home' in tfip Word of God. ! (2) “ifimlJ tail; of them when thou flitfcjt In thine house” (v. 7). i This is flu- right kind of home life. («) l*haII talk of tliem wiieu walk* in;? with our children and friend'! (',"47). IVimt more iutereatin;?, important anil npiutjng topic upon which to eon* verse with our friends, (4) lihall tail; of them when retir­ ing for the itr.thi {v. 7). The last thin:; upon which the mind nhotiid rest before ’gadti;? lo nieep should he tied and Hi<: truth. (8) Tail: of litem whim fining in tins niofiilng (v, 7). j How fitting that God .should aponl: to no through 11in Word the first thing when we awake;. (8) ‘fSlind them upon tbino haa-3 fm a ttifnii" p , 8). je fi ea re i of God (v. |(3). ^ ! Inspiration here ujeans "God breathed” Because of fids fact they should ito held wit!) eesfitleDca Abiding In the Herlptat’cs will par* fectly equip the minister for bis work (V. 17). How Joans S aw Men Jesus divided men Into two classes and no more; either mi the narrow or on the broad way; cither a goad troo or a had tree; either a wise or a M - loh builder; is ® word, eltfier for Ghrist or against !Ito,-I*iumme?. . ServIeA Sbo Quality of the m ’vleo Is tli» meannro of the result It Is not length e# service, but intensity, -#fti» cecity, eatSicsJasiii that toIlfc-Jl. JT, CaKJpbslS, MABLEYS O n l y C l e a r i n g S ail ^ S E A S O N tremendously important event * '■ beginning here on Monday Noon, January 17, and continu­ ing throughout the week. It is hardly necessary to say much more than to notify the*public of the date of the opening of this event. The people know of the great reductions and splendid savings. They know this is a sale during which all seasonable goods are reduced in price - - regardless of cost or former selling price. Our policy for many years has been to dispose of every seasons merchandise before a new season begins. This is your opportunity to participate in a wonder• ful price reduction sale w* • ' « • r “ W I COME WITHOUT FAIL AND SAVET1 A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY, j f and 41 A Good Store . . Fountain Square Filth and Vine CINCINNATI RAISE IN RATE Compounded Semi-Annually We will pay 6 percent interest compounded cemi*annually on old and new accounts as long as the present 7 percent loaning rate continues. ALL DEPOSITS WILL BEAR INTEREST FROM DATE OF' DEPOSIT S Our funds are all loaned on first mortgages on Rea! Estate in Springfield and Clark County, fully protected by fire and cyclone in­ surance; making the safest investment possibles The Springfield Building & Loan Association 28 E. Main Street Springfield, Ohio V X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING A&T « i fc3*?W