The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 1-26
/ ti A, t v V . ■ . i l : r - / / t THE CEDARVILLE HERALD H A R M BU U , — / - ' — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Emtered $,t the Post Office, CedarviUe, Ohio, October 31,1887, a$ second class matter. FRIDAY , APRIL 1, 1927. Improved Uniform International SundaySchool ’ Lesson 1 <By BEV„ P. B. PITZWA.TEH, I).D„ !>«*«, Mostly DIM* Inatltut« of Chicago,) iy. U8T, WesternNawapRpcr Union.! COURT DECISIONS ON PROHIBITION The courts over which village mayors and justice o f the peace preside are gradually going out o f business— and not by legislation but by decisions o f the upper courts. A few weeks ago the United States Supreme Court held that mayor's courts where the officials received fees oq conviction o f a defendent, were operating illegally, This week a Court o f Appeals holds that the justice o f peace is almost outlawed. Certain kinds o f cases may yet b e heard in mayor's court but the liqu o r ,gases must go before a salaried court, Mayors who have no fees as part o f the salary can function, but these are few and far between. The' liquor cases should from the first have been taken to the Court o f Common Pleas. In as much as the state shares in the fine that is paid, these cases should be in county courts. It has been unfair fo r villages to maintain courts and then have the funds turned.pver to the state.’ Cases under the Crabbe act could be divided between villages’ancLthe state under, certain conditions. „ Few o f the judges presiding on the Common Pleas benches in Ohio, especially in the rural counties, have more than a few w eek’s duties throughout the year. These judges have been assigned over the state to preside in courts at an extra salary o f $10 a day and aU expenses. This adds several hundred dollars each year to the salary. With Common Pleas judges working in their own county hearing liquor cases it is unnecessary to provide other courts. I f the judges can saddle these cases .on other courts and then go out o f the county to pick up $10 a day, the cost o f government will continue to rise in the state, * * ' Another feature epneerning the operation o f the liquor law and enforcement comes to the front when the Ohio Supreme Court refused to hear a caSe irom Cleveland where a bankrupt found guilty o f violation o f the liquor laws cannot be held in ja il to serve out the fine. The lower.courts held that a fine was a debt and a debtor could, not be imprisoned— or words to that effect. r Lesson for April 3 PETER BECOMES A DISCIPLE OP JESUS X.IJSSON TEXT—M ar* 1:14-18; * 9 - « . GOLDEN TEXT—Come ye after Ms aixJ 1 w ill make you to become Rxhoia of mem PRIMARY TOPIC—Peter Follow* Je sus, JUNIOR TOPIC—The Great Dcclelot), INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC—Making the Great Decision. * YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC—Answering Christ’s Call. NEW YORK LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS 'The legislature in New York state has adjourned after be ing in session eleven weeks. One o f the fine things about that b od y was that'it prided itself on. how few laws were passed and what were passed would have little bearing on increasing the cost o f the state government. Th“e Ohio legislature has been in session since the last week in December— thirteen weeks and still goingstrong. Every body trying to find something new to tax. Creating offices, in -, creasing salaries and building a $5,000,000 monument that the various offices, commissions and bureaus can he housed. New York legislature listened .to public sentiment and re fused to pass a gasoline tax law, The problem now is to not only increase the present.gasoline tax law, but add a direct half-mill tax levy on all property in Ohio. In Ohio the lobby element controls the legislature. The spenders are in control. The situation in this state with a depleted treasury is the har vest o f the legislature two years ago when it authorised expen ditures o f several million more than the income o f the state. The utility crowd dominated. The* lobby element profited. The membership f e ll fo r the idea arid the-public is’ now to pay fo r all the fo lly . The members had a g o o d time. Dinners, theaters, parties, arid everything. New Yorik .may have had all o f this and more, but the legislature did h o t bankrupt* the. state. T Buffalo Quality H O U S E P A I N T .Baseball Season', Will Open Soon Base ball is not attracting the at tention o f the: College students and practice is under way. The following schedule has been aranged thus far: Wilberfore—Away—April 11. Wilberfovce—Home—April 16. Dayton—Away—April 30. Antioch—Home—May 14. Antioch—Away—May 28. Dayton—Home—June 2. Wittenberg—Away—-Undecided, »HE wise householder and. owner always demands quaL ity paint as a matter o f econ omy. fit costs just asmuch to apply poor paint as it does to apply paint o f high quality. McDougall-Butler Buffalo 'Quality House Paint has been used regularly for over a score o f years by hosts o f people in this vicinity. > * That the Buffalo brand has always given complete satisfaction is your proof o f quality, Our Stock Includes a complete line o f McDougall-Butler paint*, var nishes and finishing supplies, Our staff will be glad to advise you on matters pertaining to exterior or interior wood finishing. May we serve you 7 FURNITURE— REPAIRING— UPHOLSTERING— REFINISHING 20 Vet Gent O f FOR NEXT TEN DAYS OUR TRUCK will be in Cedarvillc; April 5th I f you have work o f this kind phone No, 3, Xenia, and wo will call fo r it, < FRED F. GRAHAM COMPANY, 17-10 8 . Whitman St., Xeafa. EDWARD WREN COMPANY IN - $2,000,000 COMBINE Press dispatches tell o f the forma tion o f a $2,000,000 combine in which the Edward Wren Company, Spring- field is to be a part. Other companies in the new organization are the Den ton Co. and H. Jonap & Co,, Cincin nati} E. C. Denton Co., Springfield, a new gents store recently opened; and Denton & Co. o f Ashville, N. C. The officers in the new company are E. C. Denton, Cincinnati, Presi dent; J. B. Cartmell, Springfield bank er, vice president; Robert Kesor, Cin cinnati, treasurer; Richard Loughran, Ashville, N. C., secretary. REPORTS PIG STOLEN Samuel Bray, Cedarvillc and.' Xenia pike reported to Xenia police last Thursday that a pig had been stolen from his farm about noon. A woman said she saw two colored men carry ing the pig in a sack across the field. It was taken away in an automobile towards Xenia. SHERIFF TATE CONNECTS POSEY WITH LITTLE THEFT ’ Fred Posey, 26, colored, Xenia, field In the county jail fo r robbery o f the ■ O. W . Everhart harness shop Novem ber 29, and attempted robbery o f the Xenia Mercantile Co., Xenia, last January, has also been connected with the robbery o f the B. II, Little gro cery In January, A rifle found at hia home has been identified by Mr. Lit tle. A shot gun, $10 gold piece and merchandise was taken. 4fc«*Si.-tW dim i')>■*Wi»af<InliiilIM,Hrfri iiniKiiiiiiimitimimmiiiimimiiitiiiiiii Bible Verse and Prayer lUlllillilllHUIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIItmilllHIII GUARD THE TONGUE:-^Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile, Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. Psalm 34: IS44. I'RAYERr- Thou knoWest, Lord, Lord, that the tongue can no man tame. Bring our thoughts in accord with thine, and our tongues will apeak only wisdom. God's Indulgence God is not over-indulgent. He la too loving for that. Because He loves Us, and plans ’ of our growth, He Cniinot let our faults go without correction. Ille justlci stands side by side with His mercy, and cannot be evaded or left out of account.-—Southern Meth odist NOTICE CHICKS Wo will hurt thousands Of chicks each week, starting Jan, list. Get your early broilers started and get top prices for them. Order early chicks and get the high pries next winter for your eggs** Sturdy quality chicks cost no more. Write tot prices. Call Main ***, THE STURDY BABY ' CHICK CO. - Auburii and ttris Avss, V . PprldgOeia, Ohk,, I. Jesus Preaching In Galilee (vv. H 15), The reason for Christ changing from Judea to t .illee wus the growing op position to Him. He accepted the fate o f John, the Baptist, as foreshad owing His own death. Tlie rejection of the forerunner meant the rejection of Him whose advent he heralded. 1. Wlint He preached (v, 14), The gospel of the kingdom of God which meant the good libws .of the near upprdach of the kingduva of .God when the rule of God as predicted by the prophets would be realized.. 2. How He preached it (v. 10), (1) "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom o f God Is at hand." This meant that the time had now come for the uppenrance of the Mes siah and the establishment of His kingdom. . / • ■ ■ . . . (2) "Repent," This meant that the people should turn around, change their minds and attitude toward Christ and accept Hint .us their King. The message o f re pentance Is one Which needs, to be sounded out toduy, (8) "Believe the gospel.” Then, as now, men needed to believe the. gos pel of Christ. , II. Jesus Called Peter and Andrew to Become Fisher* of Men- Jesus called this pair o f brothers for service lit His kingdom. I f Is usually best to perform the Lord's service in p'airs. Tins has a.threefold value. It makes' testimony effective; It provides fel lowship on the part Of workers and protection of the witnesses. It is to he noted that these men had p r e '.ously beet! called to be disciples, of Christ (John 1:80-42). They are now colled to service. Observe: 1. From what they were called (v. ,'IU). They were called from positions of definite service, They were ‘ fishers. God always chooses His servants from the ranks of the employed. 2. To what they were called (v. 37). To be “ fishers o f men.” They no doubt had been successful fishers. The qualities whiqli made them’ good fisher man. namely, patience, bravery to face the storm and darkness o f the night, and perseverance^ which led them to toil a ll. night though no fish were taught, would make them good fishers of men. ~ 3. Their ohedience (v. 38). “Straightway they forsook their nets and followed Him," - To obey meant sacrifice, painful sep aration, .tiie giving up of all business Interests and leaving- father behind. Regardless of the cost, they yielded prompt ohedience. III. Jesus Entering Simon Peter's House (vv. 29*81) ' • Soon, after the coil of Peter nnd An drew, Jesus .enlled .Tames nnd John after which they 'entest A the syna gogue at Capernaum, where He east hut an evil s; irit, This miracle caused His fame to be spread abroad- . 1, A loved one 111 (v. 30).' When Jesus-entered this home Ht found Peter’s mother-in-law with a burning fever. IVe know that among the closest followers of Jesus there are suffering ones nnd anxious and burdeued hearts. To all such Jesus comes with loving sympathy and pow er to help. 2. “They tell Him of her" (v. 81). This was the proper thing to do. We should bring to the attention of Jesus those of our families who have need of bodily or spiritual healing. 8. He healed her (v, 31)/ "He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up." Tills act showed the nearness, sympathetic tenderness and power of Jesus. At His touch the fever departed and strength was im parted to her body. 4. "‘Site ministered unto them" (v. 81). This act shows: ’ (1) That the cure ^wps—Instanta neous and completer When Jesus heals there is no halfway busjuess. (2) Gratitude on the part o f the one healed. She thus expressed her ap preciation of what Jesus hail done. AH those who have experienced the healing power of Jesus will express their gratitude in loving service to the Lord nnd His disciples. New Spring Coats In A Sale * 4*. * Hundreds-At Moderate Prices NEW ARRIVALS FOR AN ADVANCE EASTER SALE OF FOR WOMEN AND MISSES Coats FOR WOMEN AND MISSES S TYLES that are m favot for the new season. Smart bows, geo metric tucking, new cuffs and necklines. Nearly all are fur trimmed. Dress coats, sports coats a n d tailored modela with trimmings o f Span ish t e a s e l , black and Y^hite calf skin, squirrel and broadtail. Stand up and shawl collars. i.75 SO Models for eivery occasion— with ew trimming notes as nove lty .% sits, unusual pockets and collars. Casha facings. Smart pipings and clangs. iateriah Satins, twills, K a s h a / irmeens, Kashmireen. V s— Tan, green, rose, navy fa y , m Blue, Muffin. A group o f unusual models with j ' new trimming details that mak< them strikingly individual. A d ro tucking and pleating, new sleeve and hows,, new cuffs. Stg->e$T-~ Straight, slender lines, bloi backs, flared models and deftly tailor* styles. : . ' - '■'* ' :r. • / ■ . ■/ -v. , ; ' • Sizes — 14, 16', 18 and 36 to 44. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. S P R IN G F IE L D , O H IO . The Exchange Bank Wants Your Banking Business THEY PAY ON SAVINGS fO ACCOUNTS ANNOUNCEMENT Having taken over the meat and grocery business o f Mr Hayes Bates I will continue the business at the same location with an increased stock o f groceries. After an absence o f fifteen months in the retail field we Teel we will be more able to give better service to present and new patrons o f the store* We solicit your patronage. / , Msds by American Steel A wire Compsag Its worth shouting about! Zine Insulated American Fence—-weath* er*proof—rimulated against rust— guaranteed to equal or outlast In actual length of service any other fence made of equal size wires, used under the same conditions. Any buyer who can show »t fails to do so will be supplied with an equal amount of new fence free. Every roll is guaranteed full gauge, full Weight and full length. Sold at no extra charge, American Fence means reliable pro* tection for your stock and crops, long service And, because it costs no mote than ordinary fence, lower cost per ycar It’s the best apd most economical fence you can buy, Come in and see it. NAGLEY We have taken the agency for the Interna- tional Harvester Co, and will have a full line M FARM MACHINERY — TRUCKS AND TRACTORS at ^ ^ fi&ve a full line o f repairs for these lines at all times* Look up your list o f repairs wanted and let ds have the order now H r a M W U n n a M y BA1 For IcL BRIill S. C. Whitl S, C. Brov.J Bulf Li-ghcl Iliad! L<i?l AucomiH B;wml Fiji Rhode Islal While Ply I Black Miw| Buff Plymo Buff Minor! White Wy: Buff Orpbi White Orpil WE Cl D o u b le ! Triple Order dire| Xei Hard Phone 21 HiqkesL Qualify Fig Bars Crackers, Whole W, Vienna I Raisin, e Country PiUsbury GLEANS very loj cans Sunbrij broom ) • Parlor | Kroger’s] SjpeGiai, CODED brick Simpb C H E E S i Cr**»| Brick I SOAP, ll Clean Cryat 'SalScl M m or. ci Cettol 10 0*4 fits CsmtHkny |about* Zinc | fence—weath*■ gaisst r«*f*** lor outlast in j p e any other ;wire*, used one, jw it fails to vith an equal free. «d full |»gth. ireliable pro- Ik and crops, lause it cotta fence, lower st and moat |u can buy, iterna- til line 0KB lirs for list o f ft now * i m « ; v w
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