The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 1-26

' V ' V .-"3^ '%■ s-^cwriwi-WT-**.? II Ft In j i T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D ORDINANCE NQ, uT. KARLH BULL An ordinance fining the price EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 1?*** ? he oh^ G&* Company, Entered at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 81, 1887, as second class matter, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1927. l TJ # r th* debtore tmt War* give* th*tr rele«M irom tM county jail by Pp#et« §» t\ Wright, Tawdey. They w e in- it# saccespjx* end assign*, may j sotvenU end. w # eerving llepwr ft***, charge for netural, mixed or artificial [They were Fred H*rr&, *4; Ben Lwsr- g»3 furnished consumers in the V il-! is, 43, Agnew While, 26, end Earl iago o f 'Cedamlle, Greene County,'' Cline, 24, Ohio, . s ' ....-..... . .......... SP IR ITED CO N TE ST O VER H A IN E S The contest for and against the appointment of Major Haines as prohibition commissioner under the new law passed by Congress a few weeks ago is attracting much interest; not only between the wets and the drys but we find a division of the latter, Haines has held a promiment place in the enforcement bureau since his appointment by President Harding. His part as an executive officer proved weak and Major Andrews was placed over him, With the new law in force another must be placed at the helm and Secretary of Treasury, Andrew Mellon, * has the appointment. . The Anti Saloon League is backing Haines. So do Senators S. D, Fess and Frank B. Willis. Opposed to Haines is Clarence True Wilson, and the Methodist Temperance Board with head­ quarters in Washington, According to Senator Fess it does not look favorable for Haines, although he has come to his support. It is probable that the Rev. Wilson is acting with greater sin­ cerity in this matter than are the leaders of the Anti Saloon League, which has degenerated largely to a purely selfish polit­ ical organisation, continually reaching out after patronage and xControlling appointments. The Methodist Board is not in poli­ tics and it must be taken for granted that this board is deeply ■ interested in the success of prohibition as matter of moral prin­ ciple, Many temperance people have lost all faith in the Anti Saloon League and no longer give it moral or financial support. / There is no question but that the Anti Salocm League ,is in direct or indirect collusion with the utility interests of. the country. It seems to make no difference with the League what a member o f a state legislature or congress represents, so long as he agrees to vote dry. People can be denied their constitu tional rights in relation to publie service corporations and be robbed by high and excessive rates. On this basis to get VSre form” measures the public must submit to extortionate rates and say nothing, , ’ The utility companies are well aware of the temperment of the people on moral issues, . especially prohibition. To be able to control legislatui es, particularly the senate, candidates are picked out that will be acceptable .to the Anti Saloon League, and the lobbyist, who must be an adept politician, puts up the sinues of war and secures the election of the utility can­ didate. ' The League can safely say that it has no interest in the utility question but the League leaders know that this situation exists and that it is not approved by temperance people who . are the utility victims. • - ^ The American Issue a couple of weeks ago made reference | to liquor being served for the Desher hotel celebration in Col­ umbus but the Issue or the League never uttered a public pro­ test against the liquor party* at the same hotel two years ago when utility lobbyists entertained dry senators and celebrated ^ , over the defeat the Ohio Senate handed Governor Donahey in rejecting his nominations toreorganize the corrupt utility com­ mission that was in power. - There was liquor in abundance at that gathering and even those accused of being present never t offered a denial* The American Issue should have been as much Shocked o f the one event as the other. The indifference that exists over the- problem o f law en forcement can be attributed largely to the League policy. The public is not asleep by any means but is not looking to the Anti Saloon politicians for hope (of the future.' Thousands of tem­ perance automobile owners have been hauled into the comnter- * cialized- courts o f Ohio and paid their tribute t o . grafting- offi- , eials and continue to spreads,the gospel that law enforcement in v ' strch courts is but a mockery and a place wherein graft can be *legally collected. The United States Supreme .Court has once ■hit this sort of thing and the new method set for constables and justices, as well Us curbstone lawyers, wjill .be tumbeled over as sure as it reaches'Chief Justice Taft. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN­ CIL OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDAR- VILLE, STATE OF OHIO: SECTION I. That daring the period o f two years from date on which this ordinance becomes effec­ tive, The Ohio Fuel Gas Company, its accessors and assigns, may charge, per each individual account appearing upon its books in any one month fo r natural, mixed or artificial gas fur­ nished within the corporate limits o f the Yillage Cedarville, Ohio, the following prices, to-wit: $r.00 for the first five hundred (500) cubic feet or less; or pone, o f gas consumed each month. F ifty (50) cents per thous­ and (1,000) cubic feet for all over five hundred (500) cubic feet of gas consumed each month, with an additional' charge o f five (5 ) cents per . thousand . (1,000) cubic feet where bills ,are not paid on or before the tepth o f the month • following the. month in which service is rendered. SECTION 2, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect at thS earliest period allowed by law after its passage, • Passed this 9th day of May, 1027 D. II. MCFARLAND, • Mayor. JOHN G. McCORKELL, v Clerk Russell Panoe, 17, Xenia, is in the custody o f the juvenile court on a charge o f stealing automobile acces­ sories fr o o x a ear at Bakertown, on the Columbus pike, west o f town. It is said that Lewis Burba, Cedarville, suggested that the car be stripped and the parts be taken to Xenia and sold and a division o f the profit made* Police recovered two tires and several innertubes. Burba denies the story related by the boys. No use to patch ’em when you can get a nice new pair o f Overalls for $1.00 at Home Clothing Go. THREEtoFIVEMINUTES to FORTYTHEATRES^ HOTB. i !S 5 0 SttvipoUAlfor SRgtes&Booirfet [V.JOHHJOMQUINN Prtfidtnt LAWN MOWERS—Horse Clippers and Plow Shares sharpened. ■; THE BOCKLETT-KING CO„ Xenia, Ohio. £2* - iffa mi The Exchange Bank Wants Your Banking Business THEY PAY 4 % ACCOUNTS T H E PUBL IC W IL L CONTROL TH E SCHOO LS The ambush or gorrilfa*war-fare campaign being waged in ■this county to break down, the faith of the public in the public schools will not succeed. There is no one organization in this county big enough or strong enough in numbers to control the : public-schools. The public schools the public and as well as we know the temperhient of the people, we have no fear • o f the great majority beingiswept off their feet. ' If anything irregular1 or, improper has happened or is as yet taking place, omthe part o f any board, any Superintendent, or any teacher, the laws o f the state provide a remedy. If criminal acts have been committed, the grand jury is the;place for such a' case. No school board has any authority to conduct investiga­ tions of that nature, nor ckn any board compel anyone to testify in such a case. The proper courts have these powers and if sUeh a situation' exists that demands attention, those having proper evidence are not doing their duty unless this information is put in the hands of the prosecuting attorney., No one should be shielded that has been guilty of any wrong doing. The courts were established to care for such matters as are complained about by the author of a recent let­ ter circulated over the county. The physician and Mason who has information can appear in court and tell his story. Just so with anyother person who has complaint. A number of years ago a case from about Osborn caused a stir in school circles in the county* But the case was heard in open court and not by charges in a circular quoting from one who has up to this time .not seen fii; to make his name public. As we see it the County Board of Education is without jurisdiction in this case. Once the courts have determined the innocense or guilt, then it falls on the board to take action. It is certain that nothing can be accomplished by circulars cast about at night intimating that things are not as they should be in the county schools* The county board knows its legal status and there is no organiatidn that can shift a responsibility oil it. The doors of the grand jury room are open. Those who are in­ terested in the midnight campaign that has been staged should have no hesitancy in walking in in broad day-light and laying their information before the properly constituted body, The weakness of what has been done thus far, is only an admittance from the viewpoint o f the public, that proving guilt it not the object. This unnamed physician and Mason on the witness stand is the one thing for which the public awaits. No .. make-shift campaign Can be manufactured to turn the public schools o f this county over to these who measure their patriot­ ism and Americanism in the terms of per cent. TO ALL HOLDERS C? H U f i f l i s E m i o M s o r o s i •NOTICE OFREDEMPTION ; All outstanding UWtjr * par c u t bonds of 18*7-4* (Seioad 4 si and all outstanding Sosond Wbacfar Lea* Converted 414 per cent bonda of. l**7-4* <Second 4ti’ s) are sailed on November 16, 18*7, pursuant to the term* of their i*«««- Interest m ell Second 4’* and Second 4K'a yDl «***<>“ ,*id redemption date* November -*l, 18*7. ' Holders of Second 4’s and Second 4U*« will be, entitled to have the bonda redeemad and paid at pa* o» November 16, 18*7. Sush holders may, bwever* in advance of November 16, ,1827, be offered the privilege of jexefe*tn*»®K or part of their -bonda .for rthar interest- b-aring obligations of th* Unltod States, Holder* who decir* to avail thomselvo* of the exchange -privilege, if and when announced, should reoueat thou bank, or trust company to notify tb*m *rh*® Information r*gardlng th* exchange offer­ ing is received. Further Information may be obtained from any Federal -Jtoterve Banit“* “ «**“, or from the Commissioner of the PuNie Debt. 'Treasury Department, Washington. A- W - MELLON, Secretary of tho Treasury. Washington, May 9, 1927, NOCINDERSFORSALE UNTILFURTHERNOTICE, A ■» m The Bagar StrawBoard&PaperCo. CEDARVILLE, OHIO- IFYOUNEEDPRINTINGDROPIN SEASON 1927 - Will make the season on the C.jELGordon farm, 21-2 miles N. o f Cedarville on the Y. Springs road The Imported Belgian Draft Stallion, Farceur de Calbi’eucq, American No. 14969, Belgian No. 28-1438, Vol. XXVIII, page 260, is recorded in the name of Wilson Fuhderburg, New Car­ lisle, Ohio. .Color: Light sorrel, stripe prolonged to erid o f nose. Foaled—June 1' ,1924. SIRE—Reve de fongre (23-5844), by Printertaps de Ton- gre (23-5840), out of Reveuso de Tongre (23-18833).. DAM—-Fortune (23-25067), by Vainqueur (23-1894), out of Lena Smeer (23-25065). IMPORTED—By Mr. Wilson Funderburg, New Carlisle. This horse is sired by the three time Grand Champion at the International Stock Show. Shown twice in the old,country and was first in class and Grand Champion. Weight 2040 lbs. TERMS—$15.00 to insure colt to stand for nurse. Best o f care will bo taken t prevent accidents but will not be responsibleo should any occur. JOE GORDON TO THIS GIGANTIC Stock; Reducing Sale AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BENEFITS FROM THIS SALE A N D SLAUGHTER OF MERCHANDISE NOT A THING RESERVED. FRESH, NEW, SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE MUST BE SACRIFICED AS W e Must Ra ise Cash MANY ARTICLES CUT TO HALF PRICE > AND LESS Women’s Dresses* Coats, Underwear, Hosiery and other wearing apparel. Men’s work and dress shirts, Overalls, Sox, Union* Suits, Pants and other articles. Sale Starts Friday, May 13, at 8 A. M. Come Friday or Saturday sure and you will do away with the big­ gest bargains you ever obtained. 132 East Main Street Springfield, Ohio CRASH GO PRICES! THE ENTIRE STOCK OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, TIRES, garage E quipment , Etc., of the M O T O R M A R T C O . SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Gees in This Annual 10-Day Selling Event. Prepare NOW for the Coming Touring Season and SHARE in This GIGANTIC SAVING! SALE STARTS THURSDAY, 9 A. M., MAY 12TH, THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 21ST HANNAS LIQUID SATINW TIRES 31x3% Special Purchase While They Last .8 50c Size Bull Stick Tube Repair Kit Limited Stock j* Satinoid Walls and Ceilings are Beautiful also Sanitary BOXING ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY, MAY 16th, 8:15 P. M. M EM O R IA L H A L L SPR ING F IELD , OH IO JOE LO H M A N V S . Toledo* Ohio WEIGHT — m Pound* 4 O TH ER BOU TS CH U CK BURNS San Antonio, Texas n ROUND S 3 4 ROUNDH B O X IN G PRICES— Ringside $Sf«Z0 including tax. GENERAL ADM li8ION --4l.ia Inolndlng tax. Ticket, oa «*1* Bugle* Club, Springfield. Phone Cen. 147. SPECIAL 11 PLATE Battery National' 6-Volt '.77 F R E E Saturday evening, May 14th, at 8 o'clock and each night of the following week at 8 o’clock, we will give away, absolutely free, a $10.00 Gasoline Coupon Book One Lot * SPOT LIGHTS -1 One Lot Good FOOT PUMP to addition to their artistic* beautiful appearance, interior walls finished .with Hanna’s Liquid Satinoid give the utmost in sanitary cleanliness. Walls finished with Hanna’s Liquid Satinoid are also wash-* awe, another great’advantage over old style wall coverings, such as wall paper. Your decorator can produce attractive effects throughout your home with Hanna’s Liquid Satinoid. Try it ' f SOLD BY Cedarville Farmers* Grain Co. sale is an annual event and J, these few items give you only a faint idea as to the drastic reductions in prices throughout our entire stock, so we suggest you come early each and every day and take advantage of this store-wide slaughter. Watch the Springfie|d daily papers for out big full-page ad and f urther mfnquncements, i—inwtfifini ma t irrmi tfiBi L O O K For Big Yellow Soles Banners MOTOR MART CO, 116-18 W . Main St. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO L O O K For Big Yellow | Sales Banners n