The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 27-52
NEWFALLSTOCKOF Rubber Footwear FOEMEN,WOMENANDCHILDREN The short Ripper boot is very popular this fall and is shown in all the new popular col ors; also carried in different height heels so as to assure a f it for every shoe. We carry only first quality rubbers and guarantee every pair to give satisfaction. Prices cheaper than they have been for several years. f Frazer’s Shoe Store 11E. Main St, Xenia, 0. The Christmas Store for 50 years Christinas 1927 is our Golden Jubilee Year . . . what a chal lenge to us! We have met this challenge by bringing into this store die most/attractive stocks of Christ mas goods ever featured here. It m eans added pleasure to your shopping. A beautiful Christmas booklet has been mailed to more than thirty thousand patrons. If ypu did not receive one, a letter or card from you, addressed to The Mabley and Carew Co*. . Cincinnati, will bring one by return m ail Special Notice N o r m a F a y . . of our Personal Shopping Bureau, will be glad to shop with you or for you. Write her or telephone her, and she will gladly serve you . . . no charge for her service. A 6 O O 0 • T o m b CINCINNATI, OHtO The Old Umbrella, Mender B y AD SCHUfTEK (Copyright.) A S A role tb* stranger stopped to look At old MaekiBSSo, umbr*U» uxmdar, tor h« way a man of strange contrast*. a figura out' of the eld paintings of patriarchs. Mackinson’t hair and beard were white and hit eye* a guileless bine, Hi* tatterel and area disreputable clothes would have slvan him an evil appearance were It uot for the noble carriage of head and childlike gene. Macklnson mended umbrellas and, when he had the time, sketched upon scrap* of paper with a stub o f a pencil. He was quite cer tain that he was a great artist Those who stopped to look over his shoulder when he was drawing sailed to see such scribbles as might have been-made by a Child of eight' “I never had the chance to take, les sons," the old man would say, "and never bad, the time to develop my talent -But now, with this umbrella business tci keep me going, I am'get ting* my hand in.” Then he would concentrate heavily while the pencil added to the effects of his picture and say, fDo you know, I wouldn't be sur prised if I founds* market for this.” Maeklnson’s stand was ta a ride street and across from the office of o wholesale concern. He had drawn every building In /light and so Web corned any new subject that came within Ms range. One afternoon his pencil was'busy with a large automo bile which had stopped near the wholesale house, ft was built for speed and luxury, and the old man forgot {the umbrella business, his need for money, and the people who passt, * as he made a picture which, to him, was- his masterpiece. He had all' but finished When two men ran out of the office, leaped Into the machine and drove off. , "Just- my luck!" complained the artist, , "now I have to finish it by memory." But there was not time to finish, Things began to happen In the quiet street with a rapidity that was amass ing. A patrol wagon clanged up, a crowd collected and there were police men everywhere. To Macklnson It was bewildering. Instead o f being curious he was frightened, like a child tost In a crowd on the. street A police captain'paused In front of the umbrella man, looked in a book, then made a motion. “You will come with me," he said kindly. “We are going to take cart of you, see that you get a comfortable place to liye." This -was the- law. He could trust the law. ‘‘But my justness; 1 must keep on with my business." "After a while. When It gets warm er again." • Macklnson was not to kn ow fh a t men thought him Incapable of caring for himself, that the scrawls he called pictures and hfs destitute appearance had been, responsible for reports which brought him to the station. "I guess," said the captain, "they’ll >have to call -him a vagabond and send him over for a while. Maybe there la some institution." ■ “When.the weather gets warmer," said Macklnson in his cell, and he drew his paper from under. h(s am and started, drawing. When they came to get him, that he might go be fore the judge, he was drawlng-an In terior of the cell, but It was. not this picture that drew the attention o f the captain who, following the] case with sympathy, had come for the man. "When,” he said, pointing to a drawing that had fallen on the floor, "did you make that" "I was doing It when all those, policemen came and ran around and ■ got me for doing nothing at all.” "And that automobile, was It the one which .went away just before we came?" ’ Macklnson smiled. This captain bad recognized It was ah automobile he had drawn. • "The very one, Just as It was there, only it went away before I could put ( the finishing touches." “Listen," the captain was intensely Interested, "that number there, are you sure It Is the same as the one on' the machine?" "1 am a real artist/* said old man Macklnson, "and 1 never make mis takes," It Is a fact they caught the men who robbed the wholesale house from the odd drawing made by the umbrella mender. And Macklnson’e reward was release from jail, retease with a sum of money paid him by a man in a high ha t ‘‘He Isn’t a vag now; he's got money," said the captain, “and X guess, anyway, he Isn't doing anybody any barm." Birdtf Home a Mailbox Dally deliveries o f teal! didn't keep a pair of bluebirds from choosing an R. F, D, box near Brooks, Maine, for their home, The nest was built eggs laid and now the mother calmly sits on the eggs while watching the malt- man poke the daily supply of letters and papers into the box. Of course, he tries not to disturb Mrs, Bluebird. —Capper's Week y, Cramtty to Pairiotm “What la your opinion of aviation?” "I don't know anything about It," answered Senator Sorghum, “But Pm afraid of i t It all the ovations are going to airmen, we statesmen may as welt take off our coats and lenrn to fly."—-Washington Star, Long-Life 7Y««s The white oak' button-wood, white pine add hemlock are long-lived trees, says th» jMn*rtc|*n Trie associ ation, tbd the- poplars, willows, some cherries, and * few oaks are short- lived. Some of the sequoia* of Cali fornia exceed the ^OOi-yeer mark,, and the big **$**$* true m ttn* growing in the state ef Oaxaca, Hex., ha* been estimated frees <*XW0t* .years. Greta Garbo This la the latest picture of the pop ular "movie" star, Greta Garbo, •ap pearing in her latest production en titled "Love/* adapted from Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina." ------- 0 ,------ Uncommon Sense By Jqhu Blake GOLD RUSHES I T HAS been a long time since the world has Witnessed such a gold rush as that which took thousands of people to the Klondike, most of them to return broken In health, o i poverty stricken. Bnt gold rushes of various binds follow every reported story of the get- rich-quicb variety, y » Not long ago a young man, who had never been heard of before, swam the Santa Cntnlina channel, off south ern California. • For the swim he got u. prize of $25.* 000, and because of the celebrity he earned he was able to make $1,000 a day by exhibiting himself for sotrte weeks afterward. The prize was offered for Just one swim—-for the first successful effort to master the channel. * * * - Shortly after this channel feat, a prominent American baseball player was signed to piny with a bait team for a salary as great ns that which is paid President Coolldge. That will set-more hoys to trying to be boll players, nnrl take them from useful work, for which they are fitted. The very fact that a great prize was offered for swimming the Santa Catalina channel is proof, that only a very few people, possessing singular endurance, can accomplish such a feat , The combination of strength, quick ness of eye 'and co-ordination which makes a remarkable baseball player Is rare. It is a gift which nature has bestowed upon him. To seek to emulate such qualities Is worse than useless. As well seek to.emulate the circus giant or the human skeleton. * * 1* To the average person aueeess of, any sort means alow, patient effort, abundance of hard ~'ork and deter mination. ‘ But these -are tedious and laborious. It looks so much easier to swjrn a channel or to play remarkable base ball, op to achieve distinction by some unusual way, that every time athletic celebrities are spoken of In the paper, great numbers of people begin to seek their laurels. People differ In brain quality, but most of them can be more successful and more useful than they are if they will try to Improve by ways-which are perfectly possible, As long ns „they join every gold rush they will always face disappoint ment, always nurse a grievance, be cause somebody else seems to be luckier than they. It Is-lucby, of course, to be born with some unusual quality, but suc cess can be secured without that kind of luck and is constantly secured by people who never join a gold rush, , (CopyrlRbt.) ■— *— o—---- - Mk*- What Does Your Child :! Want to Know q Answered b? BARBARA BOURMILY WHY CAN Vtps SEE FARTHER IH THE COUNTRY? The air is clear from amok* and dust* Tha wind has swept it eltan— And in this crystal atmdsphera' A thousand things at# *#*n. JdoMrright,) ......... >■ ,k. ...... Water** Long Drop Tha Kaieteur falls, in British Qui to*, has a vertical drop of 741 feet, tays Nature Magazine, as compared trlth I6f feat in the American falls at Niagara, ' - WouldWood Wotohing > B m M n i Mauac Preprtetiawp-Mftfy, Pvt just 1st tha front room to the sword swallower, so you must always b* careful and count the cutlery.— Boston Post, IT 19 BEST TO CULTIVATE , YOUR MEHORY BEFORE 4 FALLING IN LOVE AT F IR ST , SIGHT Then What Did He Get? Three-year-old James cared not a Uttie for the freshly baked cakes which hla mother was taking from the oven. "The little one Is jours, Jimmy," she said, as she hurried to answer a telephone call. When she return*! to the kitchen her dismay was evident when she said, "Why, James, what has happened to my cake?" "It was too long. I breaked off the end for you, mother,” was his answer,—Indianapo lis News, Quite Sol Many * man thinks he has an open mind when IP* merely vacant,—Peoria Star. PURINAFEEDS PIG CHOW COW CHOW BULKY LASS HEN CHOW CHICK CHOWDER PENCE LOCUST POSTS STEEL POSTS HANNA GREEN SEAL PAINT JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS HAAG WASHERS Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Company Everything for the Farm n Phone 2 1 , Cedarville, Ohio W INTER IS HLR .L KEEP WARM AND COMFORTABLE FINEST MAKES OVERCOATS and SUITS $16.49, $18.90, $19.85* $22.50* $24.90* $27.50 FINE TROUSERS « . * « • . . $1.98 to $5.98. Lace Trouser* $1.98 to $3.49. LEATHER COATS and SHEEP-LINED COATS Leather Coats* $8.95* $10.95* $12.48. , Men’s Sheep Lined Coats $7.95, $8.95, $9.85, $10.90, $12.48 Roys’ Sheep Lined Coats, $5.95, $6.49, $6.98, $7.95, $8.95. WARM FOOTWEAR Buckle Arctics and Galoshes 1 -2 -4 -6 Buckle. * \ * Felt B 9 ots, Rubber Boots, High Lace Boots,. Rubbers. A ll kinds o f footwear SPECIAL VALUES IN Lumberjacks - Sweaters Hosiery Shirts * - Pajamas Underwear . N ight Shirts A. KELBLE’S BIG CLOTHING AND SHOE STORE *.• * 17-19 W. Main St., Xenia, O. ■ i ■■ ’ -w-*. 9 J Now is the Time to Buy Holiday Merchandise * The largest assortment of Toys, China and Fancy Goods we have ever handled. ALL STEEL WAGON Roller Bearing, Rubber Tire. A Real Buy $3.95 A SMALI DEPOSIT WILL ASSURE YOU ANY ARTICLE. USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN. DISHES, SETS AN D OPEN STOCK More Items, Better Quality. Less Price—We Sell Everything East Mam S i Xenia, O*
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