The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 27-52

State Inspector Hfctorfc Ivwsx l% p e e I .V is itoC o Iea re i i- I Prof, T. Howtwil Whites*, y*f*e> ss*aU»f the *t*t* #partm#nti « f tdtt- Jcation, recently visited Cedarville |College for the purpose of inspecting ! the work of ttt# department o f educa­ tion. ' lit . Wiwter*. immmlf visited the county normals in the capacity of Inspector o f T*»uiMr~Tr*lniing, H* was, ItoKff#or# « weRsetae visitor and adviesr to the instructors In the de­ partment who wore *U foriwSr county It would seem.*# If Ivorvx plaques, Iwm** director*. wMcb ere made In bas-relief, are •about to tarry the honors, when It comes w most popular Christmas gift selections. They bespeak refinement and seed taste in that the subjects they portray are facsimile* of fa. Bums scenes, characters andpaintings, such as Pickens1 home, Old Curios* ity Shop, Whistler** "Mother,” head o f Shakespeare and «9 oh. They look like fine ivory With septa tones.* Plutocrat* of tong Ago Solomon bad an income equivalent to $20,000,000 « year today. Sardan* apalus and Nero were gqlden over- lords, and Lucullan spent fortunes on feasts and luxurious living. Bath the queen of Sheba and Cleopatra were ladles of great wealth.—New Tort Time*. I ' PURINAFEEDS PIG CHOW COW CHOW BULKY LASS HEN CHOW CHICK CHOWDER FENCE LOCUST.POSTS STEEL POSTS HANNA GREEN SEAL PAINT JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS HAAG WASHERS ‘ Cedarville Farmers’ Grain EVecythihg for -the Farm Phone 21 ’ Cedarville,jjJOhjo \ ■df»s. O N B OF O t lB 280 , STO RE S N EA j R %OXJ ,M\.ir....H'W.l .... IHI Women's Silk Hose 98 q . Also - and $L5S>. Men's Tan Evor- ette, Leather cole, rubber heel. Inlaid kid design on Vamp. $1.98. „ - Women's Felt Moo* casln H oubb Slip­ p e r s ( S a n t a ' s Item), Soft pad­ ded . Sole. Ribbon trimmed. Asserted colors. 49c. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! K IN N E Y Is Ready with Abundant Gifts T HE Society for the Prevention of Useless -Giving, makes Kinney'* it* Chrietma* headquart­ ers. . For Kinney has nothing but useful gift*--gifts of the sort folk* kuy for themselves. First of alt, there ie Kinney Hoe* Tory--of every sort for men, wo­ men and chiW'ren--fine quality hosiery at tow prices--and packed In holiday boxea ail ready for Christmas. Then there jtro Kinney Sllppsrs* for 'everybody—Mooenams, Ro­ meos, Juliets, Everstfss, Faucts and many other types,--alf of Kinney quality and at Kinney low prioe*. Now Kinney boote and ehoes far men and boys, new Kinney *ro- tios, overshoes and othsr fine footwear, for Women and girls— everything is ready for you at Kinney's—ready and waiting to make hearts glad on Christmas morning. Come to Kinney's now. You will find prompt, courteous service, art uncrowded store that enables you to shop at leisure and the finest Christmas gifts you can buy. M n 790—Boys' -Inch Tan Moccasin Elk. High-cut. sTtsJ Bellow* Tongue to keep out the dirt and bhow . Weatfk* long-wearing composition soles and rubber heel.;. Nickel eyelet*. Pocket on right shoe contulnli iv a knife, ■ Sizes: 1 to 6t4—13.98. iff to THtt TEMPEST ;Vfomsm’s overshoe. Bl*ok With Pearl Caff. Also ttt Tam Gray or M . !M i. MWt? ***** «L*». m n * -4.-*»*' ,-^A.' ,-ifcVJr jmmv. , -■* " "kpW mm I s EAST MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Tkt Lastly OU W A Chrwtmm Vcdmtin* riRTStiff lonely eld tody **t to the iwlliglu a* tlit* evening *dJtr looked In through the' window and won lured why she aaemvd m sad. Thestarwas bright enough thatfhirifrt- loua live tu guide anyone to gladness, but she wlwi sat them did cot appear to know Ir, There were yet a few murks amid the ashes of the hearth tire, and warmth had. not wholly de­ parted from the room; there were (mints of light in the maze of mem­ ories that kept the. past alive, and at heart the silent thinker was not cold; but darkness was creeping over soli­ tude. and time was registering age, and the old lady was lonely. There was a picture on the wall of one who had been the strength and joy of earlier days, but years bad passed oWer his grave In a distant land. There were other pictures looking down upon her with young and happy faces, hut they were pictures of chil­ dren who had blessed other homes, placed about to keep company With, her dream children, and remindingher now again that she had none. So the star might have known that there was reason for penBlveneas as U tried to penetrate the gathering gloom and the mystery. But weather It learned the secret or not, it wit­ nessed as Itwatched, a light In the dim room. For slip had taken from a port­ folio her most precious possession, and she was smiling upon 'It. It was an old valentine, the last thnt she had .received, from him who had never re­ turned. lit was inscribed "To My Valentine.” Upon It sat Cupid, In a wreath of forget-me-nots, bolding a high pyramid of large roses over a large, circular spider web, with two hearts entangled in It! The star most have recognized thnt It was shining upon the deuthlessfie&s of love, and helping if to share the Christmas fellowship and cheer,— Christopher <3, Hazard. ' (©. ASSO,WesternNewsssperUnion.J • > 4 "-"A* THE DAY OF DAYS . : — - if .1A ISTGout cist Sell*across the v* VA. carta—Chrlatmaa ha* comet '|*rv,sc»Is! Alsf out Ike *M * tiding* trolu land to laud, trttm I> shore to shen In peals of souu*-, *, | tog, for, 1* craahlif* strain* of u, -tamulluous srelcome. Christmas1 » K the day of days! ha* come to . [ || cheer -and Kladdea the earth tg JC again, to bring: each and every (J one of us new hoy* and new , f, faith. ||The old and the youa*. ,1 ir tha 'Wwsksu'Va''Mua'aV-'lAlsaa .1 lirassr lantf .•#****' Th W C W ^ e Btodentu f t B e <$?e!t i v . ----------- j "WhatoQtoawoe?” •Thl* qntwdioa hi only ona of thq j puzzling prbMgmt pnwwtod for »olu- Itipn to the aadioaee When Booth >Tarklngtoa’* phty of mystery is pre- jmmted At the local Opera. House, } December 14, by the Junior C!«*a, The i play, replete, z#h thrills and senti- ) ment, with ttoges of comedy at exact- j ly the right tends to make the production on* of the big affairs of college dramatic history, Robert Jaeebs is presented in the title role as the myaUrioua "Clarence" who is engaged by Mr. Wheeler (Rev. Flemming) as handy man, in the Wheeler household. His presence there creates domestic complexities that seem about insolvable, and a mystery^that is centered entirely ar, round himself. Touches of romance are given to the production by Violet Penny (Frances Anderson), Cora Wheeler (Marggrett Chandler), with Bobby Wheeler (none other than Jim Beam) wild collegiate Jad furnishing the comedy. Other members o f the cast are, NedraWilson as Mrs. Wheel­ er; Thelma Bertram, Mrs, Martin; Irene Shannon, Della; Heber Reach, Dinwiddie; and Carl Frater, Hubert, This play is under the supervision of Prof. Dorothy Julian and one of very high caliber is assured. v, the gthve ns* She **r, lcok fov J| Ms etiminu tvjth the **itte c*arcr- j | 'A RIlif RIIHfl it Hen an l delight, -Title the name confidence nnd cg(lut«n, For rre •| ucvdr Stow too old to catch' the jk \f, ntesonge of Chrlatm**) each year Jj» sUs to fkp dellshl with ; ; vf ■ ,vr srtei It. V Perhaps, a* J‘ 11 little children lU i dell*ht man!. |[ Jf fested Itself more plainly, yet, X %. It waa not *v deep, an heartfelt, {; nb that which comes A* we *row 0. older, tot! each Chrl*t»iui» han added nnta itself so many dear association*, an many precious memories: that' w« had ourselves dfovs a&i‘>a» 0 "yeMrs «fn ny, f Who J• love o f then* around dor own ( | homo hndi hdasth* 'the /kind' ro- memhraaee'and pood nrlshes. ,et _ •nr frleuda, the host of arrest, % nnfordettohld thing* thnt are jr, ours at this time, makes Ghrlst- ■ui stand not In ear memories A OS1a day of hspplnesa untold.. I, ff let the dad hells peal their tidings of joy—let holly. and J' mistletoe hang everywhere—let ft merrimeot and thnaksdvlag -.and ':•, (I .feasting prevail—for Christmas I! <h has come asiln!—Kstherlne |i I k . Edelmsn. • ; Nj (©, I9!t, W«*ten> Newspaper Union.) 11 Helping Santa Claus —'Assistants Needed kER children had had such a Jjlly Christmas, Theirf joy anR de­ light had been a Joy and delight to See, But that Christmas afternoon she heard of a Story that saddened her, A little girl and a little boy had gathered a tree from the woods and had left it for Santa Clans to trim. Eagerly Christmas morning they had gone down stairs to see the tree, but It was Jdst as they had left It Santa Clans had not come; and they had followed all the rules they had been told about calling up the chimney to him, i Their family were both poor and tacking In imagination. Straggle and 11 health had- driven any lurking imagination from them. •So she went that evening, her arm* laden with tree decorations and odds and ends of candles and toys and asked if She might trim the tree. The next morning the children were told that Santa Claus had not forgotten them—he had had to dash-'over to the next town to do so much that he had been delayed. Santa Claus needs his assistants and bo job in the world is much more fun than that of be­ ing,an assistant to Santa Clans.— Mary Graham Bonner, <®. HZ*. Weston*Nswspaps t unlott.) Christman Greens The custom of hanging evergreens in the house during tlie-yuletlde origi­ nally had a purpose beyond that of decoration. In olden days each kind of evergreen was believed to confer special blessings on those Who passed beneath Its boughs, To pass Under holly insured good fortune throughout the year, bay meant victory, while lau< ret wa* supposed to Impart a spirit of beauty and poetry. But Once a Yecr At Ohri«em«« play anamake gooucheer, j S%t Christmas eoltkSS but once « year ~ *“-'Tu#**tv ' RAS t OS SAYS - THU THIEF WHO STQLE A PIE FROM HIS W 1 FB IS WELCOME TP THE 'OTHER TWO/ * A Modem Home FOR SALE—Located in Cedarville, 3$ath, hot and cold soft water, hard water. Sun Room, Garage. A dandy little farm o f 61 acres one mile from Cedarville, 2 wells. Buildings good as eew, 200 fruit trees corrhng into bearing. 4 Excellent Building lo t s on North Main St. Thought for Today There I* no better sign of a brave i>uuj than a hard hand.—Shakespeare. W . L. Clemans Res. Phone 2-122, Cedarville, O, . Office Phone 36 Scissor pointed Basket 1 :S , A "scissor makes an a man, woman tures out of which costs roll, After tbjjj pier mache ba eied with on the plCtu thoroughly dr; witiva coat of i Ing-wax pftint,. ■ one can, if oh talllue beads give it apaiMd.^ ,1 -to#! Sfi .ted” waste basket ble ynlellde gift for dflld, One cuts plc- trated crepe paper, i trifle for a whole und ,0f the pu- t formhasbeen eunro- g-waxpaiat, paste ery smoothly. Wien ioWhole is'gone over spareat amber scal- ile this Is still wet ooses, sprinkle crys- ■the picture part to h»-x M pegra, bora la Afrjca, trained in tlie' University of Edinburgh and;, by scholarship, ,|n the New York Conservatory of Music, dis­ covered , through research that the African. Octave contains " 17 tones, whereas the European octave con­ tains only 1& C h S l s t m a s G i v i n g Hot crisp waffles. What could taste better thesechillymorn­ ings. A. good electric waffle iron makes a •very useful Christmas present. Hot' brown jtoasL Just crisp enough to be good. Made very quickly and right at the tablf withanelectric toaster. Somc*- thinV rdyays appreciated m Chrisimas,* The days o f giving ornamental, hut un- useful, presents for Xmas .are rapidly passing and useful gifts are taking their places. What could he a more fitting Yuletide gift than a' useful olectrical appliance? Something, that can he used every day of the year and some thing that will help lighten the work in housekeeping. We have a complete display of all things electrical and will gladly assist you* with appropriate sugges tions, B "Ironing JDa-y” can be .mode ’J more' pleasant with a good ,s electric iron. Saves many use-^. .less steps and is always "hot.” A very useful present. £ ways acceptable at Christmas time. Steaming *h"i coffee * right at the tabic, ■' Vnaiing those trips to anil fvom the stove, South Detroit St* Xenia, Ohio: those' seeking gifts of invariable appropriateness. Our assortments are amazingly generous—prices are moderate. Additional skilled salespeople are here to as­ sist your selection or purchase. FITTEDGASES Beautifully fitted, in genuine leather case*, cobra grain, var­ ious size*. tiOJM and ip « . « Mane OM .rf . The oldest musical instrameut is the ben, according to Liberty. Bronze bolls have bee* found in Assyrian ex­ cavations and In mummy cases, cen­ turies old, in Egypt, M ost Drain* Miff Basin > The Oeiwubla river *?aitis a basin of 986,006 aware miles. Tide river system is eaSd to ceutaltt at least one- third of the water power available in the entire United States, TRAVELINGBAGS Those Who want to give a real practical gift should select one of these genuine leather bags. $&00 end hp HflfScXES All sizes, block enamel, leather and those to match any other piece of luggage you have. $12,50 and up Imitation Leather $3.00 HARTMANN-WHEARY and WINSHIP TRUNKS (Santa’s Item) The present of everlasting gratitude tlioSc nearest and -dearest to you. - a noble gift for $10.50 and up OTHER GIFTS Overnight Gazes . . . .$3.00 up Bilk Umbrellas .......$3.76 up Work Baskets . . . . . .$2.00 up Wanictire Bets .,....$ 1 .6 0 up Beaded. Bags . . . . . . .$5.00 up Hfian's Belts, . our own make , . . .$1.00 up Men's Umbrellas — $3.00 tip DESK SETS J ug I the ideal Set to decorate that dull looking writing desk. Many differant etylee. $5 AND UP Military Sets The very thing for Mr. Man. With practical fittings. AU sizes in many styles; HOD and np SUIT QASES Tlie kind of a bsg nien like to own. These ire genuine cow­ hide leather. $8.60 and OTHER GIFTS Writing Portfolio# ,,$1,00 Up Ladies’ yHand Bags (Leather) .............$2.00 tip Gladstone Bags (Leather) ............ $12.50 up Pullman Slippers .. . . . . . .$2.50 Auto Bobos . j . . . , . , $ 100 up Ladies’ Toilet Bets (Leather Oases) ,$7.00 up *ast?syrsi S 1 IsitMRir *Mmmmsm*zx McCULLOCH’S s t o k e ■ J I h c h ir \ c» 9 .us3*)*u4as.j K-Jist.*!»*;*. "mmm X jh, hot and j G arage . imlle from eew. 200 Iain S i IS I ? Phone 36 No aut % made wh a good to ny use- a t thr . s"hot” /J • pic. moj ish Wli bra X 7 rest Tin / bin. / to / piia /■ him wlu I i 1UV, COS! . teri ire al- TTT risimas ; coffee nw '’haling im the l i m