The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 27-52

-.1 "V hOGkL Aim PERSONAL m n k m m w r it lyiiMMft • ! t** V. . P, church. E#v, R, A. J»»i#»on. nod ' family ire axpoctod boma today, Ww fbi*—Honey. J . G. St. J«hn. Bails»g suits and accessories at Walker'* Variety Store. Wr. W, A, Spencer has Ijeen on the aiek li*t this •week suffering with an •ttacjf Of quinsey, Mr. Collin Barter haa teen enter* taining an attack of the cummer grip for several days. For Sale Small safe in good shape, A bargan a t $10. Inman's Jewelry Store. , < . For Sale;- Clerrfbnt Hot Blast heat- or, size •18, used' but a short time and will sell cheap i f sold at once. Ellen Weimer Mr. Fred McMllan of Des Moines, Iowa, spent the week-end .with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McMillan, .Say Bill, Don’t forget to stop and get me a pair of those good overalls, and they only cost $1.00 at the Home Clothing Co. Mr. Albert L. Talcott of Cleveland, was In town last Thursday on * short visit aa a result of aUrip to Spring- field where he was assisting counsel in a law suit in which Prof, John A. Talcott, his son, was plaintiff; Mr. Tal oott, Sr. is one of Cleveland’s older corporation attorneys and has been active there more than forty years, Mr. Robert Nelson and family spent Sabbath in Cincinnati, where they met their son, Carl, who had been on a visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finney in Lexington, Ky. Miss Pauline Nelson took the train in Cincinnati for a visit with her uncle and aunt in Lexington Mr. 0. B. Satterfield this week pur­ chased the Townsley property on Xenia avenue from Mr, A. D. Towns- icy, administrator of the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Townsley. The consid­ eration was $2,500. Mr. Saterfield .is to improve the residence and Installs bath room. It will be occupied by Mrs. Edith Blair and daughter, Miss Kath­ leen. Mrs. W. W. Troute, who underwent an operation at the Miami Valley hospital in'Dayton <*some time ago, .was able to return home Sabbath. She is improving nicely. 1 ^ Several have inquired aa to what had been done about oil on the paper ,mill reservoirs this sedson. We are. in­ formed that oil has been placed on the ponds as in former years. CLEARANCE SALE of Men’s and Boy’s Clothing at Home Clothing Co. Big Reduction in Men’s Dress~Straw Hats. Home Clothing Co. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church, has signed a contract with the Beaver-Remmers Grahar Com­ pany of Dayton, by which the organi­ zation will receive two cents for each Lana Oil Soap wrapper returned to the company. The organization is taking this way to raise moiiey for the coming year. It would he apprec­ iated very,much if the purchasers of this N$oap would leave the wrappers with their dealer. Be. W. R, MsCh*«n*y leave* Betnr-! Mn». Edith Blair has returned heme | Miss Kailjlcefc Blair, who he* been day for his old home in New Galilee, ^after spending three weeks visiting sper/iing several weeks in Wisconson Pa., where he will visit relatives, ;with relatives and friendu hi Colum- t n ,;j vacation and pleasure trip, is n— ; bus. | expected home Saturday. Eev, and Mr*. Ernest McClellan of j < Rochester, N. Y., are guest* of Mr*.! Mr. and Mrs, John Gillaugh have as ;■—■-■■ inn— .... iih — « w « h Anna O. Wilson. itheir guests their grandsons, Dwight ........ . , {and Ralph McFarland of College Cor. Word has been received here of the ji:er> arrival of a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Conley, of Crystal City, Mo., July 24th. •,<s Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Finney and son, Emile? and Mrs. C. T, Finney and daughter, Alice, spent last Friday, with relatives In Logan county. Dr. Nancy Finney, who is resident iphysician at Western College for Wo- ■ men, at Oxford, has returned to the'; home, of* her mother, Mrs. John Fin­ ney for the remainder of the school vacation. Dr. Finney has been taking ii six week’s course of'post graduate work in Boston. t T h e Mrs. Leo Anderson and daughter, Dorothy, will arrive home thiB week­ end. after a two weeks stay in Mar­ tinsville, Xnd, ■‘Master John McMillan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McMillan had an ton­ sil’operation Tuesday at the office of Drs. Madden and Shields, Xenia. Mis* Sarah McCown of Fayetteville, Tenn., is here as the guest of Dr. and Mrs, W. R, McCheimey, Miss McCown is' a graduate of Cedarville College and will be remembered 'by many who made her acquaintance during college days; Mr. H. F, Moorehead of Zanesville, and two daughters, Misses Edna and Emma, of Zanesville,4visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Hastings. Mr. Moorehead is Mrs. Hast ing’s father, ” The Misses Moorehead went on to Hamilton for a visit and returned here- Monday, where they remained until ■Tuesday before re­ turning home. For Sale: Player-Piano in vicinity of Cedarville. ‘Will sell to responsible party by paying balance due manu­ facturer. Address J. C, Fulton,, £1 West High Street, Springfield. Wanted—Map With car to sell com­ plete line of quality Auto Tires and Tubes. Exclusive territory. Exper­ ience not necessary. Salary $‘100 pers month. Milestone Rubber Company, East Liverpool, Ohio. Di\ W. R. McChespey preached last Sabbath for the U. P. congregation in the absence of the pastor, Rev. R. A. Jamieson. Rev. Jamieson and family are expected home the last of this week after a two .week’s trip through Illinois, Ipwa atld Kansas. Messrs W. S. Hopping, Collins Wil­ liamson, Frank Townsley and Ancil Wright Were in Fayette county Wed­ nesday witnessing the operation o f ' the new combines on the Haglar and ; Parrett farms. These new inventions . cut and thresh the wheat at one* op­ eration. The combine is pulled by a tractor while a seperate motor on the ■ machine provides the power for cutt­ ing and threshing. The1wheat is head- i ad and the combine,will cut the straw? almost any hejjght from the ground j wanted. On one ’of the farms fifty ( acres, of wheat was cut and harvest-» cd in a day and ohe half with only three men. Four hundred bushels j was threshed in ope afternoon. The combine has been in operation for a number of years in the west but was not regarded suitable for eastern farms until the smaller model was in­ troduced this summer. The cost of .the combine is about equal to four binders. All four men were much in­ terested in the success of the pew machine, Friends here will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. W. T. Mabon, wife ’ of the pastor of the Second United ' Presbyterian church in Springfield.' Death was the result of an auto acci-! dent July 12th, The funeral was held ' Tuesday afternoon at Springfield. > Mrs., Thomas Lever, Goshen, Ohio,! arrived Monday and has been a guest j of Mrs. J, H. Ritenour. Mrs.' Lever and Mrs.. Ritenour are former neigh- ; hors in Ross township and they have! enjoyed a pleasant week together. I Mys. Lever is a sister of Mr. B, H. I Little, She wlll^betui’n home Satur day. h a s never known such ' Value/ Farmers should take, advantage of j the offer made in this issue for straw, i The, company is making an interest-1 ing offer for loose or baled straw and; prices are fixed to,compensate for tbe j delivery of Bame, or the company will haul it. Mrs. Samuel Albright was agree- ably surprised at Her home on South! Main .street, Cedarville, last Sabbath, ’ when her relatives came with well f il-1 led baskets to remind her of her birth 1 day. A pleasant day was enjoyed .by ' Dr. W. R. McChesney has been in­ vited to the. Sesqui-Centennial of American Independence, the Thomas -Jefferson Centennial Commission’s ad joumed special meeting *t*Monticello, j < Charlottsville, Va.r August 13 and to present The following families' the World League Against Alcoholism j were present. Mr. and Mrs. Paul ’ at Winona, August 17 to -23 and to the fClemans and son,; Mr, and Mrs. Clay- ; inauguration of Avery Albert Shaw | ton Clemans and daughter, Hilda;. to the presidency of the* Dennison ;Mr. Wilson Clemans and children,' University in,October. Kenneth, Jeanette and Mary,' South *' ■ j Charleston. . Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Mr, and Mrs. f r a . Shroader and , Clemans; Mr. and Mrs. Forest Cul- j daughter, Mary, Mrs. W. S. Craig and>tice and son, Robert; Mr. and Mrs.: Flv«-P,i«nger 2-door S*dan, S ,ri»«J15 $M95 Four-pawwigMT Sport Roxbtor, Scrie, 113 Two-pMMngor Coupe, - SeriM llS tU f i Five-P*»enger Sport Touring, Stria 113 ■ iia is Four-puiengerCountry Club Coupe, Serial 113 $1*75 Five-passenger4-dooTt Sedan,Series 113 $1*95 .Five-passengerTown Brougham, Series 115 $1575 Four-passengerCoupe, Senas 120 $14$5 Five-pautngar 4-dooe:. Sedan.Series 120 $1495 Five-pastangerTown Brougham, Series120 H575 Four-passenger Sport Roechttr,Series 12S • $1495 Fiva-peeeengerSport Touring, Series 128 $1535 Four-pssseo*erCountry. Club Coupe, Series 128* $1745 Five-passengerCoupe, .Srtic«128 , $1*5$ Five-passenger Brougham, Senes 128 $19*5 * Seven-passengerSedan,. Series 128 $1995 William Clemans, and *sj)n, Russel; .Mr. and Mrs.Elmer Lutteral and two children, Elinor and Grace, all of Ce-; darville; Mr. yatidi. Mrs. Granville Whitaker, South Solon; Mr, and Mrs. 1 Darnel Whitaker and children, Joaoi- , na, 01ga, Junior, Mi!dred, of Jeffer- : . sonville; Miss 'Clara Clemans and Mr. sMyron Gregg of Springfield; Miss Ir- U will saVe money by buying UK ma Gregg and Mr, and Mrs. Homer Men’s and Boys’ Clothing during our Wade, Dayton; Mrs. Anna C. Hess, of CLEARANCE SALE! . ^ Springfield; Mr. 'Leo Albright and the Home Clothing Co. hostess, Mrs* Albright. granddaughter, of Cleveland; Mr.' and Mrs, Howard Miller and. daughter, Mary Kathryn; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Death and daughter, Harriet, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jeffries and son, (Dan, and daughter, Opal, of Dalton, spent Sabbath afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. James Studevent and family. AU price*f.o*b Flint, Michigan, government tm r . . to beadded. BUICK f o r 9 2 I 8 XENIA GARAGE CO. S. Detroit, Xenia, O. C a k e S - Layer Cakes; As- 3 S C " sorted flavors, low price . , * * ^ w P u f f e d ” P^ kf rBr“nd 2 1 c PKgS...................... Country Club Corn Flakes large p k g * . 1 6 c - I H r S Square Mason w ith caps and U a i lJ | rubbers Qts. 'doz ............................. UA#V Pints doz. ,74c Half Gal, doz , . . . . . . .$1,16 t P o t a t o e f c v £ r 4 3 c Sweet Potatoes 5 lb s ..................................................... 25c FUDGE . Vanilla. ■ OC Kroger made 2 lb s .^ ^ U CANTALOUPES, Large size, 2 for . . , “ v v BUTTER , Country £ 7 , . Club Creamery lb,.** • L OXYDOL, Very Lowf £** Price 2 pkgs, . . . . . 1 0 w MILK, Country Club 'lQ '/* Tall 3 c a n s . .......... LARD, Pure K e ttle *1 C a R endered l b . , . ** J w PEACHES, C o u n try ^ Club, No. 2 1-2 can “ *5^* in heavy syrup BEANS, Country Club. w ith Pork S au ce l CHEESE , Fresh • A Q a Cream lb . . . . . . . . . ^ Brick, lb?............. . . . 3 0 c CELERY . Large 1 C « Stalks 2 f o r . * v l / BANANAS, Fancy ripe F ru it 3 l b s . . . HAMS, Callies, small size, Smoked, whole I O a lb, LEMONS, large 360 O O p size, juicy do z . . . . w l l v BOLOGNA, Very I A a good qua l i ty . . . . . . « " v TRY OUR 10B PRINTING /Ur previous prices on Straw are hereby cancelled and effective Monday, August first until further notice; the following prices will obtain on Straw. - LOOSE STRAW $3.00 per Ton -if we haul, within 10 miles of our mill. $2.50 per Ton—if we haul, more than 10 miles from our mill! $6.00 per Ton-delivered to our mill, regardless of distance. * - i Baled Straw More Than 10 Miles From Cedarville « DRY WHEAT STRAW $7.00 per ton, £ o. b. Shipping Po in t WET WHEAT STRAW $6.00 per ton, f . o. b. Shipping Point 50c less than the above for Oats Straw. * Mixed loads or cars to be settled for as Oats Straw. $1.00 less than the above if we haul $1.50 more than the above if you deliver to our mill. In all the above, mill weights at the time of receipt are to govern and deductions for moisture will be made where necessary. Checks for loose straw Will be mailed the day after receipt of the final load, Checks for loose straw delivered to us will be given you upon presenting unloading ticket to our office. Checks for baled straw will be mailed each Thursday for cars or loads received during previous week. Straw w m m >& t CEDARVILLE, OHIO,