The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 27-52
iimss^mstastm imipgp li<1 A Modem Home FOE BALE—Located in Cedarville. Bath, hot and cold soft water, hard water, Sun Room, Garage, For Meditation oooooo* @y LEONARD A. BARRETT KXHCUTOrS SALK i COLUMEUS DAY of America was no ; A dandy little farm o f 51 acres one mile from Cedarville, Swells. Buildings good as eew. 200 fruit trees coming into hearing. mere accident. Cohy.abus wag a 4 ExcellentJWldingLots onNorthMain St W. L. CJemans , Ros, Phone 2-122. Cedarville, O. Office Phone 86 1 and ( a fw v ( o . A GOOD STORE When you buy Hosiery for Gifts or for your own me •: it’s Mabley’s for Hosiery Here the hosiery department is operated on a quality basis: Every pair is first quality. W e do not carry seconds, sub-standards, imper fects, irregulars Or anything else but first quality .silk ‘hose. The best mills in Amerida are tepresented in our stocks. Below ate listed the narues o f brands. , . all o f which means hosiery satisfaction for you! BLUE MOON SILK HOSE PHOENIX SILK HOSE ONYX SILK HOSE MADELON SILK HOSE PRINCESS SILK HOSE McCALLUM SILK HOSE PROPER SILK HOSE $1.50 to $1.95 $1.50 and $1.75 $1.50 to $2.00 $1,85 $1.95 $2.56 $2.95 $3.95 ’ ‘ $3.00 and $3,95 Woery pair is Full Fashioned W R I T E N orma F a y , personal shopper of The Mabley and Carew Co., Cin cinnati, and tell her the color you would like to have;and she will shop for you* g h ^ € ib l e i /t in d 0 ji e w ( a Fountain Square Fifth and Vine Streets CINCINNATI, OHIO rjp im dlesspvery *.killctl navigator. being ver&ed In the H'lencc »t his profession ho .po»es>st.<1a vivid co l kisldy, sensi tive imnsinatu'Ui IVlu’it. I'olumbu* saw the ship take a'downward cburstt on tlio ocean Ills ipm;;:a;ilio:i pictured for him a world which was me Ilat but round. If the worhl 1st round, he reasoned that there mw-.t he still mi-, explored lauds wud mms boy* nd the horizon. Of course llu* pimple of his gwu day laughed at him. Po did tlmy laugh when Newton discovered the three laws of planetary motion. They laughed at the Wright brothers en deavoring to tiy an airplane, Henry Ford .was ridiculed when he rode up Woodward avenue, in Detroit in Ida one-cylinder automobile. But, Colum bus possessed perseverance and faith. Hft believed In Ids theory, lie dually succeeded in persuading the court of Spain to tinunee Ids undertaking. He set sail for the unknown lend with three ships, Columbus possessed.more than perseverance and faith; he liu.I a large supply of courage, which was severely tested on Ids memorable voy age, When the hours were dark, and the lamp of hope burned low, and Ids own men threatened to lonve lain, courage led him on, * Like all discoverers of a uew truth, Columbds lmd to endure not only the ridicule of the people of ids day, hut also their lack of encouragement ami appreciation. There Is nothing which helps one to “carry on" in (he fields <?f research like the support of those who have faith in us. Columbus did" not have this support. He labored alone'and many times in the dark, but courage led him on. It overcame for .him the prejudice of conservatism. He had courage to express hi 3 ..own Idea and sacrifice for it. The spirit of courage discovered America, ' Under the influence of flie same spirit .America marches on. (©. 1937, Western Newspaper Union,)1 --------O--------' T HE YOUNG LADY ACROSS THE WAY Tig* ymmg Indy across the way say* you get much better oysters and lob sters' in New Vork than you do in Chi cago ami she supposes they grow bet ter in (fee ocean than they do In the Great lakes. Learning Travelers ifrorn far countries tell us' the women of Tibet boss their hus bands. It is apparent that civiliza tion is penetrating irfto the far coi ners of the earth. | Nearby and Yonder | bt t . t . maxey Kstttscssarc****o jc**wo» WNXJService we***wLe--A<*> 1 m HOUSECLEANINGTIME andyou canSave 20PerCentbyBuyingaRadio SuctionSweep- e r a t t h e , SERVICEHARDWARE CO. GETOURPRICESONSALEBILLS -* ' . ’ >•A . • , . . ■. '! •: * , < ..My-* •, , <•' ■ 1 - , •/. ■ . ' g ■: T g f y ■ ■ ’ ,1. - 1I-. , C Purwumt t* a . order of th* Com mon P1« m Cewrt, Grew* County, Ohio, in the cu « of ffitemr Khali, Ex ecutor of John Khali, FW»tiff, -v*.- Fraarl* Shall, of &L, Defendant*, the undersigned will offor *{; public auc tion on the « t h day of October, 1927 at ten o'clock, A. M.» at th* West Door of the Court House in Xenia,. Ohio, the following described real es- ^TRACT^No, 1. Situate in the County o f Greene and State of Ohio, to-Wifc: Being part of Military Sur vey No, 26S6 in the name of Jatjws Galloway, Beginning at a stone cor** ner to J, H. Crawford comer also- to Amos Creawell and in a comity road; thence with the line of said Amos Creswell N. (18 degree* § minutes E, 104,52 poles to a stone corner to-Ro lard Kyle; thence with the road and line of said Roland Kyle and line of the heirs of D, S. Barber (passing stone corner to said heirs at 38.4? poles) S, 89 degrees 48 minutes E 99.67 poles to a stake in the lino o; the said heirs of D. S. Barber; thence S. 69 degrees 12'minutes W. 95.16 poles to a stake in the line of the said J. H, Crawford; thence with his line N. 34 degrees 40 minutes'W. 119.66 poles to the beginning, containing (67) Sixty-Seven acres more pr less. TRACT N®. 2. The following de scribed real estate, situated in'Village of Cedarville, in the County of Greene, and State of Ohio, to-wit: Being all of Lot Number Fifty-Seven (57) of John Orris Sec >.id Addition to the Village of Cedarville and being the North West Corner of 'Walnut and Elm Streets in said Village. The aforesaid premises are located as follows;- Tract No, 1 is on the Barber road, about 2 miles from Ce darville. Said promises have been appraised as follows; Tract No. 1 at Seventy-Five. Dol lars, ($75.09) per acre. Tract No. 2 at Eighteen Hundred Dollars, ($1,800,00), and must bring not less than two-thirds of the ap praised value, TERMS OF SALE; One-third cash, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years. Deferred payments to be secured by a first mortgage on the real estate and to bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale. Purchaser to have the op tion of paying all cash. ELMER SHULL. Executor of John Shull, Deceased. MILLER & FINNEY Attorneys, Xenia, Ohio, (Sept. 30 -Oct 28, 1927 D) JUighty River** Beginning The Danube originate* la two smelt stream*, the Brega and the Brlgach, risingon tha eaat slope of the Brltwarx- wald, a mountainous region of south west Germany (the Black forest) in the state of Baden. j , m O *I as mCfmmkmt* J I (The expression "cool s* * cucumber" !| •; l* based on the fact that the vegetable | 4* usually one degree lower than the, #airou»dfc>f atmosphere „ ; Christmet$ Saperstitism In England thejp formerly prwrattm) a quaint IwdSef that any ©a* who turned a rmttress on Christmas day waa fated fa die within a year. Pirn b y th e Billion More than twenty billion pins art u*«d annually In the United State*, or about 1200 for each inhabitant, accord- lag to recent statistic*, and the num ber Is sflfd ,to be ever Increasing, Ten factories are engaged in their manu facture,-'^'. Given Name of Engineer "Hatns Point/’ at Washington, waa nnmed after Gen. Peter C. Haln's, who wKs the officer in the engineering *'»'!* who dredged out the channel of (he Potonrkc and Built up Potomac park ond "thv Section which Is now called ’’Hsiiife I4)fm.’< W ortd*s Largest Theater The largest theater in the world 1* the opera house in Paris, it cover* three acres of ground.' I in Preauctton < Bolivia produces about one fourth o f ' th* amutsl output of tin and the Strait* settlements most of the r**. maind'r. i W orth K eep in g in M ind Bear iu mind the fu<t that you can't "pisiy the de’.i;'’ Without raisin* tb« place where the devil live* at.-Atlan- ta Constitution. I G ave Nam e ta Coik legs were named -ouer their inventor, a Mr, Cork. | B en eficia l R em it p f H op e I/ i u, nmn hope 'fur any great and noble thing, {*«d the strength and greatucfis of that hypeJwift pass Into bis soul.---John White Chadwick. PRACTICAL FAMILY FOOTWEAR 82SE OUR WINDOWS SEE OUR WINDOWS 35 E. Main St. - - SIP^SPIOFIELD, OHIO NEW* b a l l a n d w i n t e r f o c : .FOR WOMEN Clauar Style Creations ir. Furnpi, Straps, Tics I 1 J 8 *. ''TB PATENT K3D VELVET. i p k V 4 3 j WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ OXFORDS TAN OR BLACK •* Ideal for school or street wear MISSES’ SCHOOL SHOES | S H U O EH ’S SCHOOL SHOES OXFORDS OR SHOES TAN OR $ 1 Size to 2 Built with long wear- Iing Hercules Krome WOMEN’S BOYS’ GYfd SHOES . 09HF0RT OXFORDS SCHOOL SHOES , * L 9 8 * 1 . 9 8 Black A r t _ or White W i ‘ Fin* ForfBouso Wtar OxfordB' or Shoes ' j Boys’ or Girls’ Sizes ..> . ilSNiS y WORK SHOES Rubber Footwear MEN’S CHESS OXFORDS s ‘ * 1 . 9 8 V For the Family. 'i • $ 2 . 9 8 .'■■ . f Jf ■* Good Qtii&tF ,•: <* _ Firal Qualify TAN OR BLACK P IG C HE PENt Ti R Vi Phont •]• ic Is £ We Will salt at public sale on what is known as the Andrew Bros, home farm, on South Main Street, CeBarville, corporation limits, on Commencing at 10 o’clock, A, M,, promptly, the following property: f f i i fh O X S3SXVSS««t3eW8 1 20—HEAD OP DRAFT HORSES—20 The Mason and Dixon Line T HIS famous "line” which for gen erations served to mark a distlnOt separation in national thought had its beginning I d the boundary line be tween Pennsylvania and Maryland. No other real or Imaginary line In Ameri ca inis been mentioned so frequently that its political meaning was better knov.o than Its geographical tocatlon. It was run by two English sur veyors. GJiarles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, in 1703-1707, w settle an 80- year dispute hetwceo the families of William Penn and Lord Baltimore. In those days Pennsylvania was a some what Indefinite region between Mary land and New England The line was marked by milestones brought from England, every fifth one. carrying the ,coat-nf*arms of Penn on one sfde and of BnIIImore <m the other. After cniTjIng It over the ■mountains to a point 244 miles from the Delaware river they came upon an Indian war path leading through the forest and their Indian escort told them that It was the will of the.- Indian nations that they return. As obedience appeared to be the better part of wisdom, Mason and Dl::on re turned to Philadelphia In 1767 and were discharged. In Ordinary usage the line begins at n triangular post of granite, its sides lettered M. D and P, respectively, at the dividing llz;e between Delaware. Maryland and Pennsylvania and ex* tends westward, over mountain, through valley and across plain—**« chain of stones through the woods." tffi, 1*97. M#w«p4p<sr UrttPtt.) Consisting of 5 mares about 15 years of age; 5 mares about ten years of age; 2 mares, 5 years of age; 1 five-year-old gelding; 2 four-year- old mates; 1 yearling gelding; 4 weanling colts, 14—HEAD OF CATTLE—14 Consisting of 2 Shorthorn cows with calves by side; 2 Shorthorn cows; e. 3 Shorthorn heifers; 1 Jersey cow, with calf by side; 1 Jersey cow to be fresh by day of sale; 2 Jersey cows giving good flow of milk. Qua 200—HEAD OFSHEEP—200 Consisting o f 125 breeding owes; 70 lambs; 1 Delaine ram, 200—HEAD OF"HOGS—200 Consisting of 20 brood sows; 10 cows and pigs; 140 shoats, weight « »bout 150 lbs.; *30 pigs, weight about 50 lbs.; 1 Big Type. Poland China boar. FABM IMPLEMENTS Consisting of 4 wagons; 2 binders, 8-ft. cut: 3 mowing machines; 3 wheat drills) 3 hay rakes; 2 two-row corn plow;;; 'J single row com ' plows; 3 coal planters; -1sulky4plows; 3 walking plows; 1 double disc harrow; 1 single disc harrow; 1 pew End Gate seeder; 1 Feed Cooker; $ spike tooth harrows; 1 roller; 1 Wind Mill; 8 sides of work harness’ collars; lines; bridles; 3 seta of harness housing; 20 hog houses, ’ / ndfihi/im FEED About GO tons of hay in bam*,; 10CQshocks o f com. TERMS—CASH Lunch will be served on ground day of sale. . Ppwda? ' ffohie powder goes off with a bang; some goes on with a puff,--Des Molne* N#W*. '* ' ANDREW * ft* A'. Murdock Vera Andrew Harvey* Of. 0. TWn*ley?|3kecutors Col. Glenn Weikert* Col. CarLTaylot*' Auction*!*, - ' ■ ; . .V ,« , kl . j ' . •*’ ^ . f 1Vi'} V ; ! ’hir tf., ■ \ u . C. Lewis, Clerk ii 1Ih'-U' • /,* I’t CRi 6 rah; BUTT »dn , Creamw-au CERE^ Meats Fkg. OATSW- m 3 PkgBrl: ! (tSCJ CAN»^ 1 Creaml PEAN price; wmd Club. Fruiti •>wi# •pi *.*Lj A m .. I;
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