The Cedarville Herald, Volume 50, Numbers 27-52

.* IT mm PURINAFEEDS PHSCHOW COWCHOW BULKY LASS HEN CHOW - CHICK CHOWDER FENCE LOCUST POSTS STEELPOSTS HANNA GREENSEALPAINT JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS HAAGWASHERS Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Company E very th in g fo r th e Farm P h on e 21 , C edarville, O h io .. ‘*77* Body by Fisher Oilthe Gridiroil-On theRoad TheyAllAdmiretheAllAmerican I * . * Target o f every eye. Center o f ail attraction. Ad- - mired forcolor, confidence andpoise. hffnntbill—t l y , All-Aincrican rules the field ■•.And on the road—It’s , exactly the same! Watch an Oakland sweepingpast—* know why this longer, lower, more beautl- ,» ful § k »acalled the All-American. . . Speed— drive—■. alertness—control. The power o f the drivingswind, A ' flashing change o f pace. Something that lifts it out o fth em ob—something vitally fresh and,different—■ someth ing th a t all America instinctively ad­ mires. . . The m igh tof a 212-inch engine. The grace . „ and charm o f bodies by Fisher, The*balance that * comes from inspired engineering—the'stamina o f slaunch construction—all combined -in a single car. In the All-American Six—hi itsa ll.American price! It's giving America n new motoring thrill. Drive,t yourself— and seel NBWLOW PRICES: 2-door Sedan, $1045; landau * Coupe, $1045; Sport-Roadster, $1075; 4-dOorSedan, $1145; Cabriolet, $1145; Landau Sedan, $1265. FontiocSix, S745 to 1935, Allt>rlc*oatfactory. Bolioortulprlca* inolualo mlnimumfiondling choree*, i'aty to pay on tho liberal — CanaralMotarmTimaPaymantPlan. J^AN PATTON, Cedarville, 0. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS [CAM SIX Smoked, Sugar Cured, whole, lb. Bacon, Sugar Cured, 3 lb. piece or more, lb. 2 0 c ; Country Club, 24 1-2 lb. sack ’ l 2 1-2 lb sa<jk 51c ; 5 lb. sack 23c ; Avon dale, 24 1-2 sack 89c. . FLOUP, ft9G ElDC Jill CoUntryClub 11-2 lb* twinor®pUttop, EUlCAEI 1 lb. loaf 6<j; Whole wheat 1 lb. loaf 8 c ; MlJL Rye, 1 1 - 2 loaf 10c ; Vienna 1 lb. loaf 7c ; AnlAI/rnO Country Cl*ub Sodas 2 lb. carton U l l A l l l l t l l O Butters, bulk 14c ; 1 lb. qtrrt.-iStftl 2 3 6 - Crfaham Wafers, 2 lb. carton Ctn. 25c. BUTTER Country Club Creamery. l»b. — — • 1 ............... N"1 t CRAPES California Tok*y«, very low. price. _________ a s * CEREAL Country Meats of the Wheat. Bkg* Club Sweet 16 c OATS Country Club. 25c S Bkgs. Large Package, 2lc CANDY Hallowe'en, ’ Cream Mixture. Lb. — .......... r T,-'iiiiiiiiiitftrtfrra^ ' PEANUTS Salted, very | g | * price. Lb. * MINCE MEAT Country 1 0 0 Club. I * * . — •— - None Such, I*kg. »A «N A 5 tm e y , j g trait, £ Lbs* ' ' ■^ 3 Lbs. CELERY Jawfoo, tmimf- st ks. 2 for ------------- jgJBLwi J ran c LETTUCE Iceberg, large beads. 2 for ' Leaf, Hot House, Lb. 10c / I LOCAL AN© &WB&&HAL WantidVMala ani 'faney*aeVAng.' Mate Alien, CMUothe St, SobeeriptioMi tskon for Magazines gad Newspapers, J, C. McMillan Mr*. James Murray visited in Springfield with relatives last week. . Miss Dorothy Wilson of Seville, 0., .pent the week-end at home. Mrs. Ed Hamilton is visiting with her daughter in Indianapolis. Miss Dorothy Wolff left Thursday for Elizabeth, New Jersey, for a few days visit. Mrs. Ina Shane, has rented the part of the Sterrett residence vacated by Mrs. Stefrett this week. Fdt Sale—Big Type Poland China male pigs with feeding qualities. E. E. McCall, Xenia, 0. (4t) Mrs, Zetta Bull will entertain the members of the Wednesday Afternoon at heirhoine this Friday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Lewis entertained the members of the Home Culture Club Tuesday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walters and daughter, Gale, of Springfield, spept Sabbath afternoon at the A. J. Hos tetter home? . * - Mr, and-Mrsf Charles Barr of Day- ton, and Mrs. Rex. Mayhow of Day- topia, Florida, spent the ^week-end with Mr. and Mrs: Ed. Payne. . Prof.-F: M. Reynolds and wife of St.'Bernard, Q., spent the week-end at the hSme- of their son-in-law and daughter,‘Mr.’ and Mrs. Fred- Clemans. Rev. S. J, Kyle*of Washington, D. 3:, is visiting his brother; Rev. R. J, Kyle and family* and other relatives lior.a few days. ■ For Rent- Either 5 or 6 rooms, on Main street. 3 rooms upstairs furnish-. 1,^*; ed,for, light housekeeping. Garag& in I^S connection. Call at •Western Ohio Cream Station. % $ Mr. and.Mrs. Harvey Myers have as v thejr guest this week, Mrs. John j' ‘Myers and little daughter, Betty of Springfield.* ^ ' ** Mr. George Hammon and wifd and' Messrs. Cal and Fred Ewry drove to Waverly Sunday where they spent the day with Mrs.Hammon’a brother, Mr.t John T. Bumggrdner, AUCTIONEER— <LL. TAYLOR— Jamestown- O. Phone 46, (10-28) For Sale- Huron Male yearling hog. , R. M. Waddle . The Musical inclined students of the College ,have organized an orchestra of 16 or more pieces -with Miss Ruth Bdrns as director. FOR SALE 2 soft coal, heating stoves. 4-102. Fred Barrfett. Phone APPLES Hood Cookers 4 Lbs.. u ■nij m 25lc COTTAGE HAMS y e r y ,-^ ^ W flue quality.. Lb, ——— wr CLEANSER.DM. Dutch,« 4 A . t very !o# .price,.fi M tt ** 5#- QuM&ts Jblb m Mr. and Mrs, S. D. Stewart have re­ turned to ,their home in Mt. Blanchard O., after, having visited with Mrs. Steward'spsiater, Mrs. A. J. Hostetler and family: A daughter waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Jobe at the Springfield City Hospital, Wednesday- Mr. and Mrs, Jobe now have two daughters. Word has been received here of the birth of a daughter to Mr, and Mrs, Fred Fields in Wilwaukee, Wis.» last Wednesday, They now. have.two sons and a daughter. Rev, R. A. Jamieson waa called to Monmouth, lib, last Friday owing to the illness of his mother, who,, is ninety-one yeaxr.of age. Her condir tioa is said to be*critical. A. very delightful time was enjoyed Tuesday when twenty-eight persons ’ gathered at the home of Mi?, John McCampbell. A covered dish dinber was epjoyed by the members of Mr, rMcCampbell’s Sabbath.School class in company with their teachet. Short but.interesting 'talks were made by Mfe N/L,’ Ramsey, Mr. W..J« Tarbox andRev, C, M. Ritchie, following the <di*m#r, a v Mrs. Julia Sterrett left Tuesday afternoon for Muncie, Ind„ where she will make lier home for the present* with her son, Mn Walter Sterrett and family. Mrs. Echo Robb, who has been spending some time with her mother, has returned to her home in Illinois. MAYOR’ S PROCLAMATION ELECTION, NOTICE The qualified Electors of the Village, of'Cedarville, State o f Ohio* are here­ b y notified, that an election will be held at the usual voting places in- said Village ott the Eighth Day of Novem*- Jber, nineteen hundred and twenty. Sev­ an, between the hours o f 8 :" ' A, M. and-6:40 P. M, at Which election the following officers will be chosen. One Mayor, one Clerk, one Treasur­ er, one Marshal, Six members of Vil­ lage Council. , Given under my. hand atid the Cor- pqraUen-Beal of the Village of Cedars ville, OMe, this 2lth Day of October, -,v» . 'S ■ k< ' ' w -'1! . 11 ■ > • • • aa»»i> A son waa bom te Mr. and Mrs, William Anderson of tho Jamestown and Xenia pike, Wednesday. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Keep in mind the market to be given by the D. A- R, on Saturday, November 5, at Thomas & Crouse grocery. The market opens at 2 p. m. Fred Oatee, California, who is visit­ ing in Springloid, recently spent a day fishing in Deer Creek, While wading in .the water he ran across a huge tusk about two feet in length. The tusk is from some prehistoric animal and will be presented to Wit­ tenberg College for the muse im. Estate of Melinda C. Townsley, De­ ceased. J, C. Townsley has been appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Malinda C. Townsley, late of Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 19th day of October, A. D„ 1927, S. C. WRIGHT, Probate Judge of said County, Because we have a few warm days do not think you will not need heavier | clothing for winter. Visit our store j and feet the pick o f suits at thmright] price. Our line of fleece lined coats; and heavy work clothes cannot be ex- ] celled in the county, 17-19 VP. Main,' C. A. Kelble, Xenia* ; Miss Mildred Trumbo went to Cin­ cinnati Friday evening and spent the week-end with her cousin, Elsie Shorades, returning Sunday evenipg. , ANNOUNCEMENT# H / ‘A3:* 5 k - ' We are authorized td -anl|eun£® the name o f D. H, MrFe,riead;** A candi­ date for mayor at the regular election Tuesday, November 8th, 1927. We are authorized to announce the name of H. A. McLean at a candidate for Village Marshal at the regular election, Tuesday, November 8th, 1927 Mr. and Mrs, Rol Shultz of Dayton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, W, A. Spencer. cf For Sale—250 shocks of corn, On the JamgBtown pike. Colin Barber 2fc. M. E. CHURCH Sabbath School at »:8Q A. M. P. M. Gillilaa, gupfc. Sermon at 10:M A. M. 2;8ff P, M, Junior League, Miss Christine Wells, supt. Union Service at this church at 7:80 due to the fact that the U. P, church is not available. For Sale; Good Duroe male hog, #20 JadcFuray Mr, and Mr s, B. M. House o f El­ more, O,, were visitors Tuesday with Prof, C, E. Oxley and family; Rev, M. G, Kyle, president of Xenia Seminary, is visiting in Xenia and the county with friends and relatives, Rev. Kyle preaches Sabbath morning in the First church and in the eve­ ning at the Second church, Xenia. He is the retiring moderator of the United Presbyterian General As­ sembly, Read Kelble’s big ad carefully for store news and bargains in fall and winter merchandise. Make your selec­ tions now when the stock ia complete. The largest shoe .stock in the county from ladies and children's ware to the j heavy work shoe for men. Our line of felts and big top shoes is great’. 17-19 W. Main street, Xenia, ' . The Queen Esther Girls of the M. E. Church, met, Monday evening at the home of Ruth Marshall. The home was decorated very pretty for a Hallowe'en party and the girls came masked, After a social 'hour the meeting' was called to order by the president, Christine Wells. Esther Mae Hartman was program .leader and a good program was given by th,e girls. The next meeting, will be held' the first Monday night in November, with Lilias Ford as program leader. SALESMAN w an ted Rounding the Third Milestone and Gaining Greater Momentum'Every Year! Qar* Personal Shopper WiU Shop for You Entering into the fourth year -with Mcr- ohadlse of Style, Quality and Valuel Opportunity of unusual merits offers position to one who knows livestock and»feeding condition as representative for .The Moorman Mfg. Co. of Quincy, 111., for territoryin the east half of Greene county, The man. whto win meet onr "re­ quirements must be honest, reliable, end must have live stock feeding knowledge, who can devote full time to the work. ! , Write A* E. Hayp?, 212 Oakwood Place, Springfield, Ohio, at once. Imported “ Saxney” Robes $2.98 to $4.98 Imported robes of eider­ down, in bright fail col­ ors. (First Floor) Beverlu Novelty Heel Hose "PointseUa" sheer chif­ fon hose with single pointed df% heel ’ v •id u “Diabalo* -— Of sheer chiffon- with double pyramid., heel SI. 95 “Hear. De Lys" sheer, chiffon hose, with three petal, flower s r . .............. $2.95 (First Floor) x Eipphaaizing Donenfeld’s Style, qnd Quality Leadership With Luxurious Fur-Trimmed Coats, $59.50 Complete range 61 sizes Jif to 48% Surpassingly elegant , , . that Is the ■ only -way to. tell yoii of these beautiful' coats. Coats in the ’approved winter shades and materials (Second Floor) . Advance Styles'and Supreme Quality in ■■ ■ ■ . . ■V ; ■ ■*' . New Fall Frocks ■ . $ 2 5 - ; . Gorgeous sating, crepes, trans­ parent ’ velvets',; georgettes and novelties for afterpopn, street j \ and evening ■wear. Sizes X4 to 5215. , (Second Floori We Invite You to Open tLChargt\ Account Chemee-Bloomera '$ 3.-98 A combination of elm- . mlse and bloomer in the new chin-chin crepe. (First Floor) Paris Style Advisors ' 4 RUe De Martel 35-37 N. Main St, Dayton, Ohio .....................r ■■*■ I ■ ■ '■■r' ' ;’J ■■ m ■'I Felte,Triinmed ;With Satin $ 5 . . ; The new' felt hat la., trimmed *with sleek black, satin. ‘ Small, mediunr and plenty, of -large head sizes. (First Floor) „ New, .York Style Advisor* 591 Seventh Ave. y KeepWarmand Comfortable at a Small Cost Men’s Sheep-lined Coats, $7.95, $8.95, $9.95, $10.85, $12.48 Men’s Sheep-lined Corduroy Coatsj$10,95, $11,90, $12.48, $13.90 /Boy’s Sheep-lined Coats, $5,49, $5.93, $6.49, $6.98, $8.95 , . M^n’a Horsehide Leather Coats, $8.95^. $10.90, $12.48 ^ Men’s Lumber Jacks,^AIl Wool, $4.4^, $4.98, $5.49, $5.98 , ' Boys’ Lumber Jacks, A ll Wool, $2.49, $2.98, $3,49, $3.98 , Men’s Ali-Wool Flannel Shirts, $2.49, $2.98, $3.49, $3.98 . Fancy Plaids, $3.98, $4.49, $4.98 Outing Flannel Shyrts, 98c, $1.23, $1.49 * Men’* And Boys’ Sweaters ’ v Men's Sweaters, $1.23 to $5.98 - ^ Mens’ Sweaters,R.«. C80- 9ETAO AMen’s Shp Overs, $1.98 to $8.98 Eoys’ Sweaters and Slip Ovehs $1.23 to $4.98 Men’s Duck Work Coats, $3,49 to $5.9^. Men’s War mVests, $2,49, $2.98, $3.49. Beat Corduroy Pants, $2.98, $3*49, $3.98* Men's Corduroy Cents, $4.98 to $7*95. MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING Men'* Fine Suits, $24.00, $22.50, $19.85, $16.49, $27.50. Yotlttg Suits, $24.90, $22.50, $19.85, $16,49, 24.90. Fine Overcoats, $12.48, $16.49, $19,85, $22.50, $24.00. * Boys* Duck Warm School Coats, $2.49, $2.73, $2.98. Bonys* Mackinaw Coats, $5.98, $7.49, $8.49, $5.85. M£n's Lace Pants, all kinds, $2.49, $2.98, $3.49. Men’s Sheep Lined Vests, $7.95, $8.95, $9.85, $10.75. Bonys* Lorfg Pants Suits, $7.95%to $12.48. Boys*. Knee Pants Suits, $5.49 to $9,85. Men’s Fine Trousers, $2.98, $3.49, $3*98, $4.49, $4.98, $5.4$, FOOTWEAR FORMEN, BOYS, LADIESANDMISSES Men's Fine Oxfords Black and Tan, $3.49 to $5.98. 'Men's Fine Shoes, Black and Tan, $2.98 to $5.98. Boys' Shoen and Oxfords. Ail kinds and prices. Men’s 12-—14— 16 inch Lace Leather Shoes, $5.98, $6.49, . $6.98, and $7.49. Boys* High Tops, $3.4®, $3.98, $4.49 and $4.98. Ladies' Fine Slippers. A ll kinds, $2.49, $2.98, $3.49. ,! - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - % ■ - * . Ladies' Fine-Oxfords. A ll kinds, $4.49, $4.98* Misses' Slippers and Oxfords. A ll kinds and prices. All kinds of Men’s Arctics, 1-2-4-8 Buckles. Felt Boots, RuLher Boots, Lace Boots, Sheep Shoes, Felt Shoes. Everything in warm footwear* , r> o . Largest Selection of Raincoats in Xeriia— Men's, Boys', Ladies' and Misses. Best Makes Overalls, Jackets, Work Shirts at Lowest Prices* # jfid k m * Jpaai^ J D l J L e l . i l ia# 5 BIG CLOTHINGA NJi) SHOESTOKE ■19West Main St. <; •, V.i ' XENIA, OHIO m* f ,1 mil 1 •affjgfiiMir y/ f