The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26

• "r. I f Every Woman Knew What Every Widow I-eams, Every Husband Would . With Our Accident Policy. X tr a ld . Ho Business Is Too Big to Use Ad­ vertising and None Too Poor to A f­ ford using it FIFTY-FIRST y e a r NO. 1. MH) B. B. TWRNY WILLBEHELD MARCH 16-17 CEDABVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY DECEMBER 16„ 1927 PRICE, |1.50 A YEAR Courts Must Settle Car Ownership Columbus, Ohio—Tlje anpuol Ohio High School basket hall tournament will bo hold at the Calisseum hore W*rch 16*17, H, R, Townsend,. Com­ missioner o f the Ohio High School Athletic Association, announced /Sat­ urday, District semi-finals will be fheld March 3-10, sectional tournaments March 2-3, a*d county tournaments 8-25, February 18-25, except fo r the south, em district, which run to March 3. Central district tournaments. will be held at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, under Coach G, E/'Gauth- er, where the semi-finals also will be h e ld ./ Eastern District—Class B, com­ prising Tuscarawas, Carroll, Harri­ son, Jefferson, Coshocton and Holmes Counties, at Dover under J. F. Her maim; Class B, comprising Guernsey Belmont, Monroe, "Washington, Noble. Morgan and Muskingum at Cam­ bridge under J. Sherman Taylor. Th* Class A tournament will be held at Muskingum College, under ' "W. F. . Lange. , • Northeastern District—Class B, ■comprising’ Geauga, Summit, Portage and Stark Counties, a t Hunt State Normal under ML E. Waggoner; Glass B, comprising Cuyahoga,. Lake, Lo­ rain and Medina Counties, at South Euclid, Brush - High School, nude? John Welser; Class B, comprising Ashland _ and Wayne Counties, at Ashland College under Fred Sehmuek; “Class B, comprising Ash­ tabula,' Columbiana; Mahoning, and, Trmnbell Counties, at Ypungstown, under Superintendent R , L. Druhot The Section A tournaments will be held at Cleveland Heights, under X J, Youdg fob Ashtabula, Lake. ■Geauge and Lorain Counties, and at Akron,- Goodyear Gymnasium “under Ralph .Shafer,* for. Trumbell, Mahon- . ing, Portage, Stark, Summit; Wayne. Ashland, ' Columbiana and Medina Counties, The A and B- semi-finals f&Srtbe Northeastern-District will be *\ tth®1, Akfou/'^opfiyear Gym- Some month* age Sheriff Ohmer Tat* confiscated aa automobile and 52 gallons o f liquor. The driver o f the ear escaped on foot while the car was on Bath township. The license number showed it to bq owned Dayton/ The car was placed in a Xenia garage and the next night it was taken away by persons who convinc­ ed the man in charge that the sheriff had so ordered. Sheriff Tate has continued his- in­ vestigation and last week found the car in Dayton where it had .been sold -o Mrs, Anna Mae Preckett. Mr. Tate took the car under legal methods md returned it to. Xenia. >Tuesday '.he Dayton owner replevened the car md the matter must be determined n court as to whp is Hip lawful own tr, ' The sheriff states the car has « e n sold three times since he first confiscated i t ^ The original owner o f the car is mid to reside in Daytcp, but the Day- ;on authorities have not apprehended urn fo r Sheriff Ttate. * , . Close to 50 Ohioans were number- d among the 6°0 farmers who gath­ ered from 40 states fo r the annual nesting o f the American Farm lureau Federation in Chicago* last veek, according to reports reaching he office o f the Greene.County Farm Bureau. National problems o f farm- -rs and o f faym organisations were ’iscussed at th e .three May meeting diich started December 5. L. B. Palmer, president o f the Ohio ’arm Bureau Federation, was re ­ jected. to. his position on the board/ •f directors o f the national orga'nma- lon. S. H. Thompson o f Illinois was5 -'gain chosen president and E. A . O’Neal o f .Alabama, vice-president, ' The • fihanc&l condition/ ’ o f " the ormers' national Organisation was .yportpd a* . *t •*ny STATE LETTER - ONOHIONEWS FROMCAPITAL Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 15,—A sur< vey o f automobile fatalities and acci­ dents, state Secretary o f State Clar­ ence J. Brown, shows 115,000 killed; 3,000,000 injured and a property .lOss o f more than $3,000,000,000 in the .United States in a five year period. Ohio, no doubt, contributed its ‘ full share to this frightful list o f fatal­ ities upon a population basis. This criticism is intended only for, those who deserve it, the careless,^ reckless drivers and those who. drive while in an intoxicated condition. The drunk­ en driver- is the greatest menace on the highway,^ No one can figure what he is going to. dp because he does not mow himself. All the blame should not bp placed on , the autoiatp. Pedestrians are Very often just as de­ fiant/ determined, and discourteous, as he reckless driyers*'are daring, devil­ ish and destructive. With a drivers iicense law, incompetent, reckless and. drunken drivers would live in con* riant fear o f revocation o f their right to 'drive. The existence" o f such a tow would have a deterrent effect, so thafsobmy sane people could go about their business with a greater degree o f safety. Secretary Browrt/believes that Ohio1* new law -making .auto driving while intoxicated a pdn.iten* tir /y offense may. help slow, up that particular- menace in the Buckeye State. - However, with, the number o f automobiles multiplying and reck­ less driving increasing, the highway hazard becomes more grave all the time, ' To .curb this situation seme sort o f a regulatory law much be en­ acted a n d ’its provisions rigidly-en ­ forced-thru- out- the entire .state. Dr, D. J„ S u d d e n l y ippearg Rev. D. J. Patterson Me Church,. Dayton, is week, the last heard 1 letter mailed to his ham, 111., one order. A day.or s o 5 sent in his rejdg the church. Church - Dr. Good had been nervous breakdov ago while holding a dianapolis he dies said to he a hard built the Patterson gatiptt. from a over 500 during Good is known to in this county and has caused quite a j o f the Presbyterian since last him was a from Effing. $50 money ious he hat: as pastor o f sis say that ig from Some years orate in In- He - is leer and hail orial Copgre- Mp o f 130 to orate., Df, Sib^r o f people Reappearance rise, FORMES DRUGGIST DIED SABBATH INDAYTON Legion Members Stand Against Referendum rfif ‘ ‘t& fr* ».< »■ Barents Ar« By Sui imed itendent - ■' ;s«V' f c T ' V A . , . .... ■ ' "Wjbfc*-. Warden Preston E. Thqffias o f the Ohio Penitentiary has-, been" a very busy official fo r ,’the past f e w months superintending, supervising and ar­ ranging the building program now being carried opt at the State's well known boarding house, and in addi­ tion finding time to accept numerous speaking engagements uver the state, s being in his Seridcf junk | demand by civic Delegates County Teachers’ hoard addresses .Oookson, Preside. Ohio Teachers* As^ erintendent o f Scl a. number o f oth Cookson told the * much o f the juven accredited to rthe wash education find complete school. ’ Parents insist -;jjgp| going through * xuoted when they spid. “ guperinten,c the parents by credit and pupils -, idea that the w< Montgomery State Saturday Charles W. the ■' Central son and Bup- ;-afc Urbane and ieakei's. Mr. motors .that/ ae could be my to white- See it easy to B. G. RIDGWAY mg-* their children id -being pro- id not be, he i accommodate ! ihd) necessary ' up with "the fag them a liv- Appeals C o r t Affirms O u /i$uor Cases Thd court of. «jgg||ls in a decision Jphn Locke /< jf,Jiqiiot, but a case of-the -rge '.Holstein, A remanded the dr * b e # trial, by Holstein .e o f their upheld the dbnvi fpr illegal ■ po&st reversed the dec! same nature -aga Xenia junk-deal -probate ■Benjamin G. Ridgway, 67, died Sabbath evening at the Orchard ^ r in g s Sanitarium from diabetis from which he had suffered, the past two years, ■Mr. Ridgway was for-many years engaged in- the drug business in Cedarville., ■' I n . 1901- he located- in Dayton .and-, there, met with much success, having..opened three drug, stores, all o f which are in charge o f his three sons. Mr. Ridgway was a graduate o f Antioch .College sfiuf in pharmacy from a Cincinnati school. Surviving are three spn^, Warner, John and Leon. The wife, formerly Jennie Warner, o f this place, died five,years ago. The deceased also eaves.. one Sister, JMvs. William Stcinhauer o f <New York C ity Jand one ■brother, Charles, M. -Ridgway of Xenia, - - /The- funeral was- held Wednesday afternoon from the home q f the son, Jdhn,(with burial at Yellow Springs. 1’he funeral service was in charge o f Rev. W. P, Harriman o f this place. - -a -J'..,.../• Paulding, Henry • and Lucas Ral; eunties^. Wauseon, tinder ph Howard; *Class Bl comprising Erie, Huron, Richland, Seneca, ah'! Craw­ ford Counties, at Norwalk, under J, E . Cofe; -Class B, comprising West, Mercer, Auglaize, Allen, Hard- itii, Wiandot and Putnam Counties, at Lima, under E- A . Haunestcin. Class B, comprising Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky and .Hancock Counties, at Bowling Green Normal, tinder Paul, E . Landis; Class A , comprising Lucas County, at Toledo, uncihr„T. E.- Keller. Class A , comprising Wood, Han­ cock, Hardin, Auglaize, Mercer, Van Wert and Allen Counties, at Bowling Green Normal,’ ,under Paul E / Land­ is; Class A, comprising Fulton, Wil­ liams, Defiance^ Paulding, Putnam and* Henry Counties, at Wauseon, under Ralph Howard; Class A , com­ prising Sandusky, Seneca, Erie, Hur­ on, Wyandot, Crawford and Richland Counties, at Mansfield, under Roy C. BallengCr. '■ The Class A. and B. finals Will be held at Findlay, under J- E. Bowman, ''Southern District—County tourna­ ments in this district will be held February 18-March 8. Semi-finals will be held a t Ohio University, Ath­ ens, under O. C.'Bird. Southwestern District— Northern half, comprising Logan, Shelby, Mi­ ami, Montgomery, Greene, Preble and Darke counties; southern half com­ prising Butler, barren , Clinton, Hamilton, Clermont, Brown, Adams, Highland find Fayette counties. Dis­ trict tournament fo r southern half to be held at University o f Cincinnati,- March 8, fo r all Class A and a few Class B. schools, with semi-finals at University erf Cincinnati, nnder Boyd Chambers, District tournament for the northern half will be held at Day- ton, CappleH* Building, under G. W. Moore, with Class B teams competing the first day and both A and B classes the second day. The semi-finals also will be held at the aame place. Class B. schools o f Adams, High­ land and Fayette counties may elect to go either to Cincinnati or A then*, provided the manager o f each tourna­ ment and the Commissioners are no- tfefied in advanee. /' officials o f the organization recom­ mended the strengthening o f these itate groups, and expansion into uik .rganized states. Farmers from all sections o f the muntry ■are decrying the present agricultural situation; returning JKiopns. say. President Thompson, ’n his annual address urged U closer Rtudy o f farm conditions and a better ahderstanding Of farmers* needs. He said farmers want no' government yrico. fixing nor direct nor indirect subsidy, but insisted on farm iegisla-. ;ion-Which will require each market­ ed unit o f a commodity to pay it? short in the. costs o f its own stabll- zation and protection. two new celt blocks are under, con­ struction,-an appropriation o f $250,- 000 having been made f o r that pur­ pose, the greater part o f .the work being done by immates, else- the cost of the chapel-.alone would have ex­ ceeded that, amount. The new cell blocks when completed wilt, give ad­ ditional celt room fo r 1632 prisoners. The gain in prison population fo r the months o f , October and November Was 323. I BEARCATSCLAW YELL0WJACKETS l a f i P o : ..■tte.'swpge College Yellow r fo r the Uni- Bearcats last: The Ced Jackets had Versity o f Chwiimati Saturday night vu the court contest for basket ball honors. The local team was no where in the game and could not head off Captain Bolton, the long, lean and lanky cent­ er that could make a basket anytime - “ To be or not to be, that is the question.** Those close to the admin­ istration claim that, it is n o t to be and that Governor Dopahey will npt call the members o f the Eighy-seven- th General Assembly into extra­ ordinary session shortly after the first o f the new year. It is said the Governor would call, the special,ses­ sion provided the members.. Would adopt his legislative program, finish the business in one day, adjourn and return to the bosoms o f their con­ stituents. Leaders o f the two branahesi o f the law-making bodies refuse to accede to the Governor’s wishes in the matter, hence no- ses­ sion is now predicted. Appelate count -upheld convictions In the following' liquor casern Mar­ tin Weimer, Cap -Stehheris, Earl Robinson and Isaac Shaffer, Tuesday Evening A PREACHER’S WIFE (Published by request o f Rev., C.' M. Rlthcie, in the interest o f the wives o f the ministers o f the city , o f East St. Louis.) - - No,-she isn’t prim and proper,. And she doesn’t care a copper . What they pay; She’s so innocent o f wrong, And so full o f laugh and sohg, That’s she’s happy all day long Oh her way, She’s as fond o f pretty dresses And o f kisses and caresses A* a ch ild ;, But lot o f sense. And she doesn’t take offense, And she sizes up pretense Unbegtiiled. This section was visited' by one of the worst rain storms Tuesday eve­ ning that we have had since the 1913 hood. With a very heavy rajn about noon and light showers continuing throughout the day, ’a heavy storm; broke about 6:30 and continued until nine o’clock. A ll streams soon wdnt -opt o f their banks and more than, one home found water in the cellar. The Pennsylvania road suffered a 100 foot washout near Orcgonia and damage at Morrow that tied up traf­ fic fo r a time. ’ The rapid rise o f MasSies-*’ creek with an enormous amount o f trash i n. the creek made the Water Unfit fo r use* in the paper mill and the mill was forced to close 'for Wednesday only. Burns Found Guilty On Liquor Charge Djptheria is increasingly preval­ ent and unusually virulent, according Ur a report issued by Director John E. . Monger, M, D. He also states She don't babble French or German, But she understands a sermon, And she knows When her praise is ’balm and crown, When the preacher heeds a frown, And just how to call him down' In hard prose. he laid his hands on the ball, V jaonKer» ■“ ?* xie 8180 states She’s no zealot or fanatic, The Yellow Jackets did hot mafcr ' ch{ckenp6x and smallpox cases She* don’t have to wax ecstatic *■ 1 .................. “ ■* To he good; She’s a Woman through ahd through, Sweet, and sensible, ahd true#vj** ' / Whose religion is iq dp * What she should, < Henry Bums, 19, colored, Spring- field, was feund guilty o f possessing quor in Probate Court Wednesday, Sentence Was deferred pending filing o f motion fo r a new trial- A bottle containing liquor was found near the* automobile driven by Bums which had been ditched on the Columbus pike. Marshal McLekn made' the ar­ rest. ■ ordinary showing and fell several times on personal fouls that aided the Bearcats In piling up- a score that reached 71 to 19 in the final half. The first half was $8 5o 11. ' . Ohio Wesleyan plays Here Friday night and the boys must put up a different kind o f a game or there.Will be good reason for the .Conference teams failing to pass them up. Charles McGee Found Dead In Home A vsrdiet of death from heart trouble was given by Coroner Frank Chambliss in the ease of Charles Mc­ Gee, 81 years of age, eokffsd, whose body was found in his home in CHf- are becoming numerous and advises the health commissioners to secure information from the State Depart­ ment o f Health on differentiation and diagnoses o f these diseases. Dr. Monger also-states that there has been a steady decline in poliemye- litis, (infantile paralysis) only 70 cases being’ reported in November, wheteas October cases numbered 250. The' outbreak o f poliomyelitis for 1927 was the greatest fo r any year in the state’s history and the State Health Department is planning to Start the after-treatment o f each case along the approved lines by a<h vies ahd instruction. Christmas Trees For Street Decoration She’s not fond o f puttie speaking, And she’s not a Wt self-seeking, j Hers to be Not the leader in the strife, But a happy, helpful wife, Quite content to live her life , Full and free* Plans are underway for street dec­ orating. with Christmas trees and blectric lights. James G. McMillan has interested merchants in this plan ahd it is expected that the trees will all he placed by Saturday night. George Steel Wins Declamation Contest ton by tMlgJfinMw' jla^rndky morning, lived Mttoe. His^body was Kay McFarland In Treasurer's Office Mr. Ray McFarland has accepted * ternp an sy position w d s r County f t M M T , Hsian Dodd*, during tax rim*. Mr. McFarland was fur wv*r*l year* in lbs oftte* o f the Dodriisgtett Lumbar Company, Co- tttgfiyMi, also held a #l*ri«al position in em i f the bdmfc* In that city m t m n i m t Jmar to th* Franklin G««0ty Tr*aior«?^ nflto*. m e * found face downward o n 'th e floor whsu nsighhosa Who became, alarm­ ed a t his uon-eppsaranee entered the house to tovesrigSto. NEW COMET XMAS WEEK Wafcch for * comet near the tifae associated with th* Star o f Bethle­ hem. Th* brightest o f its sort fo r 1$ years, Jelkrup’s comet, recently dieeovered, may be seen with the naked eye just after sunset Christ­ mas week, HaFvard astronomers say. With the self-elimination o f Presi­ dent Hoolidge as a presidential can­ didate Senator Frank B. Willis o f Ohio becomes a prominent figure as a presidential possibility, present in­ dications being that he will receive the %uppdrt o f the Ohio delegates at the national convention at Kansas City next June. Ex-Senator Atlee Fomerena it said to be slated as the Democratic favorite son hy the Ohio Democracy, with Governor Vic Dona- hey in the background, the delegates probably being ready at any time to cast their votes fo r the Buckeye Governor, who has been endorsed fo r Chief Executive by the newly or­ ganised National Federation o f Farm Club*. I’M not stir* that she’s ideal, But what!s bettor far, she’s real, i! And intact; - She’s no figment o f ft dream, No imaginative scheme, Nor a poet’s idle theme, She’s a fact FINED $200 AND COSTS The Coiumbus Citizen Wednesday contained a good picture o f George Steel o f Jackson, O., who wort the Prince o f Peace Declamation Contest for Jackson county. Mr, Steel is a son o f John Steel, now located in’ Texas. The young man i r * grandson Of Mrs. A . M» Campbell. Overruling a motion fo r a new trial, Probate JudgaS, C. Wright im­ posed a fin* o f $200 »nd te*te upon Oscar Hargrave Saturday, Har­ grave was recently convicted o f a charge o f illegal sals o f liquor. Judge Wright ordered execution o f the fin* held in abeyance, pending the filing o f proceedings in error by defense counsel. IN DOING YOUR SHOPPING No better g ift can be made than a heavy sheep lined Coat or vest fo r the boy who innst work out o f doors. We have heavy clothing fo r nich and hoys that Would make appropriate gifts at the Christmas season. They are very serviceable. Other gifts would be shirts, ties, gloves, caps, ect. Bee C. A , Kelble, 1749 W. Main st., Xenia Special Chiaken Dinner every Sun­ day at Otdte Inn. Fifty Cents. Phone your ordti* for our Xmas Made Plea. Mad* fresh'daily at the Cedar Inn. Members o f Joseph P, Foody Post, No, 95, American. Legion, Xenia, unanimously passed a motion at th« regular meeting Saturday night, directing the executive com­ mittee to draft a resolution condemn­ ing the proposal o f the national com mander o f the Legion to conduct a national poll on the prohibition quss tion among the posts o f the Legion. F o od y Post members voted to mail a copy o f the resplution to the state qnd national headquarters o f the Legion. , SheriffOhmer Tate took the lead in urging a protest against the pro­ posed referendum.'' The National Commander has with in the post few days announced that the referendum had been dropped, APPEALS COURT BACKSCOUNTY EDUCATION BOARD Robert Elder Now Library Trustee .-Charles D. Juvenal and Robert Elder, o f South Charleston, have been appointed trustees, o f a trust fund left by B. D, and Ed Houston for the support and maintainance o f the new Houston public library at South Charleston. ’ They fill the vacancies caused by the resignations o f Ralph Harrold and William li; Wentz. .The new library was completed a short time a g o ,' being erected with funds left by the late L. P . and Ed, Houston* FARMERS Fleur FORLOWER Farmers o f Ohio and neighboring states continued their fight fpr lower t rates on. fertilizer at aq open, g o f more than four, days dura­ tion before >the Interstate Commerce and Ohio Public Utility Commissions in;Columbus starting' ' December 5, Reports Of -the hearing have just reached the office, o f the ,Greene County Fajfm,Biu:e*n, ’ r '. . . eating W*s on ’ a compltint Whether a board o f education should proceed to hear and decide charges' against a teacher ip the pub­ lic schools is a matter which cannot be regulated by a writ o f mandamus as no statutory duty in this respect seems to be imposed upon a school board, the Greene County Court o f Appeals held Monday, The decision affirmed a lower court ruling refusing to allow a writ o f mandamus to compel the Greene County Board’ o f Education to. hear charges o f improper conduct against H. C, Aultman, county superintend­ ent o f schools. Horace. Anderson and others, rep­ resenting themselves as . a*’ Citizens’ Committee,-filed an affidavit with the county school hoard, which contained the charge against Superintendent Aultman. The affidavit also contained a re­ quest o f the school' hoard that it fix a time jfar hearing the charges and further requested that the superin­ tendent be advised o f the date o f the hearing. It was claimed that the county board failed to comply with the re­ quest and to hold a hearing on the* charges. - A petition in mandamus was filed , in Common pleas Court seeking tfl . require the school hoard to hold the hearing, Common Pleas, Court refus­ ed to allow the -writ. f Plaintiffs*’ counsel,.in appealing to; ;he appellate court, cited the state aws on the same subject, one o f Which, the highef court declared, is merely, intended to protect a teacher - in the public schools from unjust dis­ missal by the Board of Education,^,.. Another, section cited is interpreted by the appellate court, to confer upon the eoujrts the right o f requiring some inferior tribunal to discharge a duty Specifically enjoined upon such a ,, court by law. ” We find no duty, law upon- the hoard o f education ip the respects complained; of in the' poti-/ tjon,” the court o f appeals, held, . H •i * F . , , . Bureau Federatian/'mofe. than tour years ago. Since-,the filing o f the ori­ ginal -complaint farm bureaus- o f neighboring states’ and a number o f fertilizer manufacturers have joined in the'protest. • Evidence submitted by the farm groups and manufacturers Showed that rates on fertilizer in other sec­ tions of; the country have foh some timO been lower than in ’this section, They -also said that rates between certain'points .within Central Freight Association territory had recently seen reduced. Those seeking lower rates believed that the fact that use of fertilizer increased crop yield and nturn, provides additional traffic for carriers should be considered. Carriers, opposing the requested reduction, introduced evidence to show that they were not receiving unfair return? .on investment, and that fer­ tilizer was not bringing greater re­ turn*'than other commodities carried. I f the complaint is fjtantcti by the commissions, a saving in freight rates of close to a dollar a ton will result. SHERIFFS PLEAD GUILTYi RESIGN Sheriff Walter Lewis o f Clark, county and his chief deputy, Stan- ey Hathaway, Indicted last week on charges o f receiving stolen prop­ erty, appeared before Judge Frank M.. Krapp Monday and pleaded guilty. Action o f the sheriff ahd his deputy came as a Surprise. Judge Krapp, Saturday, had set their Cases for December 27 fo r trial. Coroner Theodore Schaffer is acting tempor­ arily as sheriff. Lewis and Hathaway were alleged to have received five diamonds and a gold watch from Boyd Warner, a prisoner, which were stolen previ­ ously from Mrs. Bernice Fisher o f Indianapolis- It was brought out at the hearing that both Lewis and Hathaway had mad* restitution in full to Mrs. Fisher. The Court then placed each on probation to him f o r a year and disbarred them from Office. George Benham, formerly o f Xenia las been appointed sheriff. FERGUSON ESTATE VALUED Gross Vain* o f th* estate o f A. L. Fefguson, deceased, is estimated at $14,791, ih Rrobato Court. Debts, in­ cluding the cost o f administration, amount to $9,100, leaving a net vain* o f $5,691. Why not get the fiddles a pair o f full blooded N ew Zealand Red Rah* bits fo r Christinas) fie* Dallas llsnhalh.. * * Violent Bfeath To $ , < 35 Greene Countians Thirty-two persons have met vib- lent dqath in various forms in Greene - County so fa r in 1927, according to reports o f Coroner Frank M, Cham­ bliss on file in . the county‘ clerk o f court’s office. Coroner Chambliss’- report disclose seven cases of- suicide. Railroad < accidents have claimed, nine lives while four persons s were injured, fatally .in apto accidents. Two deaths resulting from traetion accidents are revealed while eight other persons were killed in various forms o f accidents, one person was accidentally ‘ shot and killed and another was murdered, and his body burned, the reports assert. Fifty coroner’s inquiries have been made so far during the year. l ■ President Anderson Talks Before Members William W. Anderson, president of the Greene county farm bureau, was the speaker when members o f the Sil- vercreek township farm bureau and guests were entertained by the farm bureau committee at an oyster sup­ per in the grange hall at Jamestown Monday night. Estates Are.Valued In Probate Court Estimated gross value o f the es­ tate o f Mary C« Crouse,, deceased, is placed at $0,455 in Probate Court. Debts amount to $1,055, leaving a net, ’market value o f $5,400. Gross value o f the estate o f the iateFlorence Linder is estimated at $118.08. Debt? and the cost o f ad­ ministration total the sftme amount, leaving the estate Valueless. BANKRUPTCY IS FILED Asil H. Btdwell, farmer o f Jeffer­ son township, Madison county, has filed a voluntary petition in bank­ ruptcy in the federal court in Co- iumbu*. He list* his liabilities at $0,138.33- With asset* o f $1580 and asks exemptions totalling $950. i £I 1 If I i i BIVORCB SOUGHT Charging gross neglect o f duty, frank L. Grind!*, 117 W« Cotambi* st., Springfield, formerly o f C*d*r- vilfe, fiied suit fo r divorce from On* B. Grindle, 009 S. Limestone «rti Th* couple war* married May 80, 1900, and havl one child. Grindle aeks custody o f the' child. J ..