The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26
SI A Friendly Bank-— that offers ym any num ber o f accomodations in the way o f Banking Ser vice, which carry with them a'; friendly helpful interest in the welfare o f every depositor* GIRLS MOCK " 7 h A L L 0 » The Exchange Bank (Under State Supervision) Cedarville, Qhio • . PURINAFEEDS PIG CHOW COW CHOW BULKY LASS 1 , ’ ’ 1 # t , HEN CHOW CHICK CHOWDER FENCE LOCUST POSTS•- STEEL ROSTS HANNA GREEN SEAL PAINT ' JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS HAAG WASHERS Cedarville Farmers’ Grain , I • , , . . , ‘ >%? ; V ' f . : E v e ry th in g . fo r th e F arm , *' •> „ „•> *r ' " 5>s \ ■* / * / > * ■? f *■v i , ^ * „ t P h on e 21 C edarville, O h io PEACHES Country Club, pecked in Heavy Syrup No. 2 Vs Can 18c, 18C CBACSERS 1 lb . Carton Butter*, Each 16C A h 1 f l l | C T T ii Macaroni or Noodles, Country A f A UinbllEI I I Club 4 pk ««. 25c. Fould*. Z3U , Brand 3 Package* 25c. CHIGX FEED 100 lb . Bag $3.25 10 Pounds 33c. 33C PRUNES Large and O C a Meaty, 3 lbs...... SALMONFancy Red^ft** 1 lb. can, Each ...... CHOCOLATE O g p FUDGE, 2 Lbs,...... RAISINS Country 4 Club, 11 oa; pkg. Seedless 2 packages 16c. Ii^iapfr,wnlifi.iniVimninf* \*k PEANUT BUTTER <*U r - bulkKrogermade lb.* 9 ** CAKEFLOURGold 4HK m Mtdal 2 lb, 12 dGARETTB» All B rm d i, f k f ............ BANANAS Yellow 9 C p Fruit, 5 Lbs............ BERRIESQuartBas*Ot= p ket, Bskt.................A O l# TOMATOES Ripe 2 0 (P Hoi-House grown lb.-*1** v RADISHES Long % Red 5 Lgs. Bchs..... * w v NEWPOTATOES * 0, No. 1 Texas Triumphs 4 Pounds 25c, Pound Cake Plain, 4 1 1 a for Shortcake Each * ** ^ BACON Sugar Cured 4 a * SIlb. piece or mom lb .* * * * * m WEDDING ; Tfc* Annual Mode Wadding w** ' bald at the bout* o f Ray, Jasshwon, Thuratay evening, April 19, Tha bride w*« Mis* Martha Mitch*l and ’ the groom Mis* Lois Etetle. The offi ciating minister was Mi#*Lola LoMnr. ; The house was decorated fu green and white. The bridal party descended ; the stairs to ml altar banked with ' lams. “ I Love you Truly" was sung ‘ oy Helen Ilifto and "At Dawning" by f Ruth Bums. At the first strains of ; Lohengrin* Wedding March played by Mary Ruth Wham, the bridal party 1descended the etatop. While the ceremony was being conducted by Miss LeMar, "To a Wild Rpse” was played very softly. “WendlesonsWed ding March" was' played while the bridal party went ta the dining room. The guests were seated in the living room, and all were served a .delicious thrhe course luncheon. Menu— "* Chicken Fee patties Rolls Salad Olives Wafers Ice Cream Cake Coffee The bride and groom then opened their presents. All the guests left wishing the bride end groom happiness for the future. - .The ceremony, prepared by Miss Lieving, was as follows: We ore gathered in the presence of this distinguished company of man- haters to consent quite unwilling to sacrifice this beautiful and accom plished young Woman Pyiscilla Imo- gene Fornot in the dread bonds of the padlock to this creature of the other sex, Judas Iscariot Doolittle, common ly known as a man, The poor child is indeed pitied because it wo? in a time of desperate frenzy that she took him as a last resort. Now, she. knows she could do much, better. The time"hSs come in the course of this event when evqry one here, who •has a foolish reason .to object should make the objections heard and recog nized. ' I now pause to hear any objections' tvhy ,we should not proceed with this momentous and. most famous affair. (Objection from a men guests) 1, She pawned my diamond to buy her wedding cake. 2. She refused me three times. . 3 .‘She’s chewing my gum. All of you who have tears to Shed and hail stones to cast, shower them now, (loud weeping and wailing) for know that after while, it will he too late to gnash your teeth and weep. This dear girl will be no more- You will how extend all your hands straight forward and grasp the one to the other quite strenuously, and now af the-same time,.look at each other, the audience, and’ myself straight in the eyes while'this thing is cremated. . - Do you, Judas Iscariot Doolittle, take this neighbor and self-denying and deluded and forlorn, and-man stricken young creature to boss-you and reprimand you, and. henpeck you and rifle yout pockets for money, and make life generally miserable for you everywhere and always until she grows tired of you and divorces you for. a , handsomer man with finer clothes, a fatter pocketbook, and a new Ford? Do you? (AftsWer) Complain after me! I promise and pledge myself never to think little of myself; (repeat)! to. cook her .breakfast, (repeat); to take her to the Orpheum .Theater thrice in each leap year, (repeat); to grumble all of the time if things do go right, (repeat); to make her wish she had never seen me, (repeat); and to take her to the infirmary to watch me eat icecream, (repeat). uo you, Pricilla lmogene Fosnot, take this man,. Judas Iscariot Doo little,,who lias given you no rest nor peace Until you consented to come here this evening, to be your easy mark, to prey upon, and to teach who is and shall be boss, and -to make come and go at your beck and nod, and to be his until you can better yourself, Which we all trust will be sooner than you suppose? Do you? (Answer). Repeat after’ me these salid articles, I promise to spend all his money, (repeat); to ask for a beaver coat three.times each winter, (repeat); to milk the cows, (repeat); to burst into tears every time I get the best o f him, (repeat); answer back to my mother-in-law, (repeat); always - to answer to my hearts content to her f face, (repeat); I promise to undo alii these things until we become tin-1 strung! • t Have you, Pricilia Imogens Fosnot, { the wherewhithal to tie this knotty (Bride produces looped rope Which * minister puts over groom's head and f gives end to the bride,) It is secure. What have you to give, Judas Is cariot Doolittle? A ring! (The minister puts the ring on the bride's hand.) | Having produced and declared these * |heart-shredding vows, I now main-. * Ilain you to be lunatics sustained by an■ * : asylum uhtil you change your minds emd come to yourselves, f Furthermore hear we and do listen,? yc on-lookers and down-lookers; let no one time, seeing the state of this joi. ted pair to underdo what we have overdone,-unless you count your lives and fortunes and diamond* to be lewd er sine, The bitter rivals and disappointed foimcr lovers of this company will now come foreward and take leave of the remains, * m tw . HEED- tog iwwspape? m#*fcs md r|*sM fht ■fHiaavi o f hi* osfMg ** awtwtta- derto the Court o f 3b Kwae*,' YSagtond, who woBtartwaait^al f*m* h**b**n wm/ti m m* wuSr «§•*&»'itotl -if should H» h^HKie Ohio News- papar, ptddMwd V . fto Sehaol of Joumaltott, Ohi# AMw University, Reid, before be want to the New York Tribute, was editor of the Xenia New*, an early newapape* hew, from 1858 to 1SGS, US* fbrwt assignment was to "covey” tha initial commence ment exemdees aft Antioch College, Yellow Springs. He was later with the Cincinnati Gazette, as legislative correspondent, war correspondent and Washington orrespondent. He went t o the New York Tribune in. 3.86Pand four years ater became chief proprietor of that paper, which he held until T06, He was lh*,ahUior of nearly a score of volumes of wide character," includ- r FOR SALE—Seed Cm . bushel, Fred Towasky. f2JW a SPECIAL PRICES ON ' B A B Y CH ICK S White Leghorn* f i t per Juuuirsd t Heavy Breeds S12 per haadred. Custom Hatching 4 cents per egg A hateh each week OAK -WOOD POULTRY FARM KALPH H* OSTER Phone 224 Y ellow Spring* Ohio SPECIAL PTCCES Same High Quality. Our Chicks Live and Crow Pure Bred—'Heavy Layers Satisfaction Always The STURDY SABY CHICK Co Limestone-Auburn Ave, M, 8M Springfield, Ohio. i i-• I A Few- o f the Typicad Snyingc O ffered m *40 '8*t« AXMINSTRR . RUGS. ................... ......... $14 9x12 CQNGOLEUM RUGS .................. Comcte Dayren' Visit Ohio’s Largest RUG STORE Why Pey More Elsewhere? .. .....$24.50 ......,$7.95 3Sc yd . 20%East 5th SL DAYTON Opp, St. Glair G n - H / f t / V t V i a . . 35 E, MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OHIO HEADQUARTERS Tennis Footwear- Men’s, Boys’, Women’s, Girls’ ALLSIZES White with black trim,, black ankle patoh on side. Lace to toe Btyle. VOU ALWAYS DO BEATER AT KINNEY’S CkanasIkeSuristfeat 1 H ere is B etter Fuel, for Miami Valley Hom es; Light, Clean, Efficient Fuel That is Practically A ll Heat. Your Healer Can Now Supply You With Koppers Miami Coke •u What IS Koppers Miami Cake t It is coal in its utmost refine, mentf best West Virginia., and EasternKentucky coals, cleaned of slate and Other impurities, baked at high heat in sdr-Ught ovens. Koppers coking process drive* off all soot and smoke making matter, retaining the fixed .carbon o f coal, which is all heat And bums with glowing game; The coking process develops cell or pores, which make Koppers Miami Coke most responsive to draftControl. One filling lasts all night; a morning filling lasts ail day, except in extremecold; thenalittlefurther attention may he needed. You can bid farewellAto heavy wasteful fuel; to contaminating soot, smoke and dirt; to grimy walls, dusty floors, soiled curtains. Your house can be warm-clean and you can be fuel-happy with tittle Work, no trouble, less expense! Koppers Miami Coke flits all extremes o f weather. On freezing winter days, you can make it glow with high heat; in mild weather you can check it to a*smolder; or burn it at any inter mediate speed. \ ■ *> . - * Koppers Miami Coke comes in all sizes—egg, furnace, chciint-t. pea. Use it in steantoand water boilers, furnaces, stoves, grates. •i * Now is the time to: fill your bin. Know the comfort o f it — the cleanliness—the saving o f work, time and money. Order today, Phone Your Fuel Dealer ■* . * ■ If he cannot supply you wlthKoppersMiami Coke, call Upon roqu&tt « **m‘oo man W *l omll, trim o t cJtargo, ttrtd tiK&MttUHnd tho p ro fit */«« tot your ho*tin# mqoipr&ant, andportibly malt* athor http. tut *uigt«tk>m, W* will nr. . . . ****** to 0*tt * H t doUvory H m V l i l l 'A I l A k i A Mtvd matlti you in obtaining v u l w th* firaafujf offroiency from Kopp*t* Miami Caka. i Hamilton Coke & Iron Company Phone 5160
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