The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26
mi SPECIAL ;VUCE8 Sam* H»#h Duality-, Ov;r Chick* ‘Uv* *M(t Grow Pur*, 8r*d—H»«vy L*y*r* S*ti»fa£itien Al««y* TKa STURDY BABY CHICK Co Lirn**ton«*Auk-urn'Av*. M>£M BariwaftaMt Ohio- OflWX’ STHSSSS! Fain t you can depend tipon 1 For pa in tin g your Louse, we recommend LOWE BROTHERS H IGH STANDARD PAINT. W e sell it be cause we know it is good. It gives thekind o£ results you want— and its beauty lasts for years. f REE —!’TheArt of Color in theHome,” a newbook oou- tailing a chart from which hunt!reels of color combina- • lions canhechosen. Comein andget a copy. Ho Bird & Sons Co. Cedarville, Ohio N«*rby and Yonder H o SgT.T.*MW*V * Th* Gamar*! Gr*nt f re«g T ttK On*a»rMl tirwst is the only to* lit America to imv* a nation*; park named for it. The Geseral Grant National park was treated for the i sola purpose of preserving this giarul old patriarch. This mastodoole sequoia is 2C4 feat high, over 100 feet in circumference, estimated to he over 4,000 years old and contains approximately 1,000,0Q0 f'i'et at lumber. Its park covers about 2,500 acres on the western sfnpo of the Sierra Nevada, mountain* In Cali* forala. John Muir, the naturallu, lived among- the sequoias, lie penned this beautiful word picture nhnut them; !"No description can give any ad equate Idea of their singular,majesty, much less pf their beauty. Only in youth doe* it show like other conifers a heavenward yearning, keenly aspir ing with a long, quick-growing top. Indeed the whole tree for the first centuYy or two, or until 100 to lftp feet high, is arrowhead In form,-and, compared with the solemn rigidity of age, Is as sensitive to the wind pa a Bqulrrel'tall^ The lower branches are gradually dropped as It grows older add the upper opes- thinned -out till comparatively few are left. These, however, are developed to great slge, divide again andf again, and terminate Jn well-rounded taasseg of ,leafy branchlets, while the head becomes dome-shaped, Then poised In fullness of structure and beauty, stern and solemn in mien. It glows with eager, enthusiastic IJfp, quivering t,o the top of every ranch and far-reaching root, calm as a granite dome, the first to feel the touch of the rosy.beams of the mqralng, the last to hid the s?un gopd night,” * <©, IltT, Western Newspaper Union.) SPffKr: Tif- .ty’/ghhw Bank- that offers you any num ber of accomodations in vice, which carry with them a friendly helpful interest in th& welfare of every depositor. The Exchange Bank (Under State Supervision) Cedarville, Ohio ftP A Q Avondale, a cans 37c; Country Club Tiny 1 laHO 3 cans 55c; Country Club Sifted 3 cans 55C 43c; Clifton, 3 cans 31c. SALMON Tall King: Can * 25C SPAGHETTI Franco American 3 Caqs QMMTPII CCCniop°und*26c' OvtSA 1111 rkCU 100 pound bag MILK Country Club Tall 3 <yms OJJEO Eatmore Found............. 1 7 c BICE Blue Roue Pound ............ 7 c CORN FLAKES 1 Q . Country Club 2 pk#s. * * * ** S P I C E C A K E - && ** 20 05?., Each MATCHES Avondale f A | * 3 for „„......... MALT American d f t f B«auty Hop, 48c; None Boil, Can 55c. SOAP P & G, CrystalQ Q - * White or Kirks Plakea o y 10 Bars 8$c. BANANAS Yellotv O & a Fruit, 6 . lbs........... POTATOES U, S. m No. I , U lbs......... APPLES Winesaps 3 Pounds............... ONIONS New Texas 3 Pounds ........ . PINEAPPLE 24 Hite E a c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Im#rw«Mj Uniform M&rn$tfv,*ar SimdavSdiool ’ Lesson1 (»x rsv . e ii inviw at *«, t> a . d ** u lUoUyBlbtt liMtltut*otCwfesM*,) (ft, tot, Wuauro n * wwmmj * c O»io» i Lotion for May 13 JESUS ENTERS JERUSALEM W gMVQ lM MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING i Thought for Youth Th*r«a 1* au especial duty at middle age Jo «ow th£ right s$ed thought* . that vrljll make the latter period of life as beautiful and as attractive as It can be made. Another Long-Felt Want - Some genius should Invent a devioe which, when a person who Is alone |In the house gets into the bathtub, will ] automatically disconnect the telephone and doorbells. BACONSugar Cured LESSON TEXT-Mark U;t-28. GOLDEN TEXT—Behold, thy K’Jr.g coroeth unto tbccj Mo is Just, nwj Uav- 1tag salvation. PRIMARY TOPIC—JEUfllta* Jesus an ; King, * JUNIOR TOPIC—Halting Jesus as i Kins’. • INTERMEDIATEANDSENIOR TOP, t JC—The Kingly Qualities of Jesus. YOUNG PEOPLE- AND ADULT TOP IC—Jesus Atscrts Messianic Authority. i t. Jesus Officially Presented to the ; Jewleh Nation as King.—-vv. 1-11). This should not be designated the triumphal entry, for It was go only iu outward ■appearances. The shout* were empty and meaningless. U was the. promised King publicly offering llimgelf to tlie nation. L The preparation (vv, 1-0). (1) Two disciples sent for the aks (vv. 1-3). He told them just where to go to find It, and how to answer the owner’s inquiry. The providing Of this animal was tlie working, out of the dtvlue plan according to Christ’s foreknowl edge. ./• ’■•■-.. (2) Obedience of the disciples (vv. 4-0). Without asklug why, they go at Ills bidding. The command may have seemed strange and unreasonable, but they rendered explicit obedience. •2, The entry Into Jerusalem . (vv, 7-10). . (1) The disclpies pul their gar-- ments upon the ass and set the Lord upon it .(v, 7). This act showed tbelif. recognltio of Him as their . King? (U Kings 9:1S). , - (2) The multitude (vv, 8, 9), Some spread heir garments in the way; others vho had no garments to spare cut down branches and strewed them In the way, which was just as accept able unto Him. ' This entry was in fulfillment' of a prophecy uttered some five hundred years before (5?ecb. 9:9) They uttered the-very cry which the prophet foretotd. Tills is a clew to enable one to understand the prophe cies which are unfulfilled as yet. It the prediction of His first coming was thus literally fulfilled, we must be lieve that. those of HIs second coming will likewise be literally fulfilled. The prediction of Zeelmrlah H **3-11 will be Just as literally fulfilled as that of Zecbariah 0:9. (ft) The Lord’s action (v. 10). Upon entering the lempte He looked arofind upon all things; but as It was eventide He withdrew . to Bethany with' the t.retve, II. Jesu Exercising Hi* Royal -Au tftorlty (vv. 12-J9)v. , ' 1. The barrets fig trfee -cursed (vv. 12-14). 5 Tke tig tree Is typical of the Jewish nation, The trull normally appear* an the fig tree ahead of the leaves. Tim presence of the leaves is the assur ance of fruit. Thin was an acted parable of the Lord’s judgment on Israel for pretension *of -being the ;chosen people without- the ~fruits thereof- 2. The temple cleansed (vv. 15-19). For the various sacrifice. In the temple, many oxeiv sheep and doves- were needed. Many persons e;ime from the distant parts of the land; therefore ' it was Impracticable for bring their sacrifices with them, so they brought money and bought the anlmnls needed. This priv ilege the law lin'd granted to them (Deut 14124-20), for the exchnuge was necessary,. When evil men used It hs an opportunity for gain it be came an offense before God. It defiled His honse. Jes-is « ado Himself a scourge of cords nnd 'drove out the. money changers, overthrowing their tables and pouring out their money. By tills- uct He declared Himself to he the Lord of the temple mid one with God. That which God Intended to be a '’house of prayer for all nu- flot'j” -wns made n ‘‘den of thieves.” 'Uliis notion symbolized die enll of the nation to repentance. III, Jesus’ Authority Challenged (vv. 27-35). They challenged Him to show by what authority He accepted the hon ors of the Messiah, and who gave Him the authority to cast out the money , changers. This seemed to place Jesus in n dilemma, He re sponded by a question which placed them In a counter dilemma. Since John was His forerunner, the dlvln-* Ity of His commission rested upon that (if John. They were powerless to discredit John, because the peopl accepted him ns God's prophet. If they had accepted John’s message they would have been prepared to ac cept His. They weakly confessed that, they could noi answer the ques tion, Route to Glory . ■ . “ 'He must Increase, but I must de crease.' This Is your route to Glory. Unless He increases IU your lire ami you decrease, your life will he com trary to wlmi He warns ft to he. Iu fact, It will he fruitless. In nil things He must have the pre-eminence If you would be fruitful for Him.*” ' D ISASJTEU h wagUy tfe* result of conflict. Harmony Li the prod 1 j uct of mutual aaderetgmUBg, The 1] field of Industry fumMue many Ulna- <1 irgtlons. | When capital fait* to understand la \ Dor and lHlmr fall* to sndersund cap ] ital serious conflict Is bound to result ]{ The most Important factor In liadUB- try is tha human element. Wage earn ers have their aspiration*, responsi bilities and problem*. The man In the sltop may operate a machine but ho himself la not a machine. Capital should recbgtthsa this fact, On the other band labor should recognise its ‘ responsibility to economic Justice. Labor meat reaH*e that the human element In management also faces *e rious problem* and re*pon*lbnitJes. and should be sufficiently acquainted with the details of Its onwicqlar In dustry to appreeiatt tL Mutual un deratancUng between m*nagem$ht and labor, sought' by each for the other’s good, will preventmany a serious con Mutual understanding alto creates loyally. Wltliqut loyalty no nrer- prlse can be a success. As tong#as an employee serves an institution im should be loyal to it, If sympntJiy with the motives and methods of the Institution is Impossible then .get oui of it. Yon are then free to condemn all you like. Do not throw mud from' the irtslue, "The most Important fact to ondet stand lit-the field, of Industry Is thm neither capital nor labor la an. onto tnaton; that the one cannot exist without the other, Capital and .labm botl) constitute a humanelement caps hie of mutuM understanding. Bird&SonsCo Starting Saturday Morning, 12th. We are selling all our Grocery Stock at Close Out prices. This sale will continue while the remodeling: to our building is being com- !pleted. It will pay you to take advantage of this sale, as nearly all of the prices are less than those at which you can buy these articles in cut price stores. t ^ Fxpetvtme . Think not that I hays b*$n obliged for this reformation of tanners to reason or reflection, *bnt & -I severer schoolmistress, Experience) One has little nierlt In teaming her IBeSons, for one cannot well help It; but they are more Useful than others,,and linprlnt themselves In the vgry heart—Gray’s Letters. . Silver Coin Specials To add to the interest you will take in this sale we are offering a number of Surprise Bo^es filledwith various articles from our large assortment of merchandise* These boxes will sell for 50c, and in each of ten of the boxes will be placed a fifty cent piece, in ten more each a quarter, o4d in fifteen o f them each one dime. In addition to this, the purchaser of the lucky box, designated by a secret sign, will be giyen a $53.50Parker Fountain Pen. Shoe Special Ladies Shoes l c Per Pair Buy one Fair Ladies Shoes for. 69 c and we will sell you a second Pair for lc . If you only want one pair of these shoes, you can. buy them for 50c the pair. These shoes are made o f th every highest grade leather. T^e Miawt VaHey faae bem wadbiMd by a»Nwe twd advaBtege. buyoud EMfiian dean^i. , Bwegy imoginable con venience and reaouHrce bnve been provided in aM dungs twrrpl’ in Fudf. *Fke Miami VaRey has aiwa§« b^s» a no real clean and efficient Fuel wfe ai Hamilton Cdke5c ken Gogapany j^nae. djendyawli^ Sriencw and^lbe. to die-1 v TH«y ate ginWag -todky.a ufann beat va’ue, low.^tLcopt,,#jpapL?|petjpan*’A # and'— ilia■ # \ i \: % t lb-piece or more lb Worthy ’OuaHties . A man ennnol iicr.ih'imiil.v admire worthy quulitioa siri-i not eventually pgriakc of fix in.-Brown. ! faret White Hotue Cat Wltfn the Tafia enteral th* Whit* House there was a pew motor brougham, which ha* been domgmttM as "the first motor ear ever to be used t,t tlie White House.” i . } Fame1* Belated Arrival Fame is an undertaker that pay* but little attention to the Jiving fattt ! bedfsen# the dead, famlshim out tltMt [ liberals «bd foltotwi them to th* | r This is Yo«r Fnai^^dsda lor Ynse Urn -atod-k td be S*tis£*cfcwy or We Here it tUmdvad StodYoer Mett*y RefiM%ckd EnjoyReal Heat Comfort—You Consult Your Fuel Dealer Yodag and FiU torn Bin With It at J deduced Summer Bxiem Hamilton Coke As bon Coanpcugr Hamilla*, Ofeoo .. F t o t H M 14 * * ^ * $ ^ 7 .‘I’:!* 4,,*s/ t\r** f ‘ ^ * * * * *
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