The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26

Th* Merohandlae Mart of Chicago, Twlae tft* S ift of theWorld** Laraeat Sutlneu Building, to Co«t f 30,000,000, GIGANTIC iB IU W U H S l TOBETWICESIZEOFWORU’S LARGESTBBSINE 5SBUIBW 6 New Project for Chicago's Great Central Market to .Cost $30j0OOvOOO^—Involves the Greatest Single Development, of Air Rights in the West. Foremost Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Importers Will Be Housed Under One Roof i nNWWh o I e - sale District; Inbound and Outbound Freightu Station on Ground Floor o f Building; Cluh in Tower for Nation’s Merchants. Ol\teng». (Special).—Chicago is to hftve a gigantic Merchandise- Mart housed- Iti Its-own- building,, which, will be twice the size' of the lnr*«ri ■ business*building in tbe wppld. This mammoth structure, two city blacks in length, 18 to 23 stories high, la planned for, the service and conven­ ience 1of merchandise buyer? of the United States and-to achieve for Chi-, eago -a still greater - prestige as n • Orept Central Market, It was -de­ clared today* It will cost &!Q,000,000, Construction will-begin Immediately. The project wilt he the largest Single development of air rights, 'the property of the new building 4 except for -Caissons begins 23 feet above* "datum.14 - ( The hie business of the country ■ft jaow dojo^ mainly m concentrated , -BM'ket -placet, lAs'-'^itTehced ’“by the Garment' Center and Cotton Goods Center in New York CUy, nutomohile rows in' all leading cities, financial, buildings, .and the Furnltfte Mart in Chicago', where more than 700 furni­ ture. manufacturers show their prod- - riots side by side# In the, mpst tiiodefn manner and' under ideal -conditions. Business men have learned that the nearer they are to the centers of these market places, the greater • is their opportunity tor volume and profit, ' The establishment of the Merchnn- dise Mart is a dramatic development In'the program to make Chicago the Great Central Market, a movement whichtheChicago Association* of Com­ merce started a number of years ago and a goal toward which it has been devoting its energies continuously . tver since, under the leadership of Its Foreign and' Domestic. f'omfiierce committee. Located on River .Front This great Mart, which- will house yates quartets and merchandise tils plays of several hundred of tbe coun­ try’s foremost manufacturers, wlmle- aafers* and importers, will be located In the rapidly developing new river. district, and will occupy a distinctly conspicuous position just across the river from Wacker Drive at We-lls street, where the southern facade of. the structure will be visible for blacks. The site was formerly that of the Chicago and North Western Rail­ way Company's passenger station The building: will extend 724 feet on Kin-' Me street, 677 feet on the river front end 324. teat on Wells street, with a diagonal frontage facing Orleans and Franklin streets, It wilt be set back from tbe river about 80 feet to ac- Comhfodafe a broad upper level drive extending from Wells to Franklin, The .main entrance of the building will face the river and the drive. The Merchandise Mart will have a 'Tab Largest, Business. ’ Bmldingt* Wferldv comparlsen of- th*r*cufeag* of the largest buildings,;fn thtfLworld *h$vw the Merchandise-Mart; tft be“erected in-Chicago, will be more than twice the size of the*largest busln«ris«hulld, ing ever- cfinstrtKrteck: Hertraf* th*< figures Irvtraffic feet*! . t. The’MerchandiseMSwL63,000,00b, St,.Chicago- FOVrtiturt’ Mart, 25,370,. ooo. . v - 3, Equitable Building; New York City, 24,000,000,- 4, General Motet*,#Detrottj 20 ^ 11 , ■ 000 . - ‘ ■’ ■ . v. 5; Union Trust, CtevVtefid# 20,009#. 000, *. Railway ExehWogvr fit, Lotiftr 1 »h 898,Q00.1 . . . . ?,* llffnols Msrohants 1 Bank, Chica­ go, 17,830,000. ’ 8 . Continental A Commercial Bank, Chicago, 13,200^100; — * -------- 9., Wootworth Building, New York City, 13,200,000. 10. Straus Building, Chicago,, 10r 000,000. meats, of engineering ^science,- Includ­ ing fast elevators, freight conveyers of both the gravity and endless chain type and quick horizontal distribution on every door. Probably no building In tbe world will have such faculties for receiving and shipping merchandise as-the new. Merchandise Mart. The entire ground level below the street floor will be a modern freight Station, Private tracks for incoming carload freight will ex­ tend under the center of the building. The-Chicago and North Western Bail. Way will operate an Inbound freight station for lesa than carload lots, as well as an outbound station, which will connect with aU other roads through Its new Proviso yards. The merchandise aa it comes Into this big freightstation will be loaded into high­ speed conveyors and transported 1 m- nmwfit 6 TyTb’'ih>e' e*acrnsfo and sisie of the merchant for whom It is In­ tended. -Connection will be made with the IUEhols Tunnel, Company'll’system *>f freight transpoHatlphtwhich Inis mote fhdn sixty ’1 miles 'o f tracks 'bbneath thb city, reaching all other railroad terminate. A river dock for vessels will connect with the south freight elevators of the building. - Club»Plghned #orPTower. OU'es of s*thd ’ InteteUtteg featiires planned for the Mart wilt be a M&- clmnte’-Glub.ln .the -tduferibf the build­ ing, Wlthlbtfnglng rooms, reading and smoking, rooms, where the retailer may relax and meet hts friends. *The Mart will provide the retailer wlfli everything .bid place to sleep. He cam gO“ difeel Triiih the train to the Mort vWthMs baggage. Here his hotel reservations will be tabep care of, his. baggage transported to his hotel and placed in his room. Restaurants, lunch room* -and grills in the Mart will: fustber ^eoflomlze his time. He will have -the facilities of n barber shop, and a branch postoffkft tele­ graph office and publlctetewograr-hri's will afford hint <the > opportunity to handle hte correspOBdetn?e? without i leaving the handing, ope of the nig- t ge*t telephoneMBtetranges in the world t win be installed fn the Matt = Many other onlqUe features"are be- ■Ing considered ter the Mart, Ihchidldg an AfEgertibiy Hhli, where trade me«ft- i Inge, business'conferences and fashion BIrdV*y* View*H CbfcagOV^Ndvk'BuahteMr'OTHrldt'Carrynig Oat tha City Beautiful Theme In Whteh th*•«%»*ahtiteriftrt Will B«-J Oomkunf Factor. Amoag the largest tenaate will hosthe? Wholesale and manufacturing sates de-, partmeats of Marshall pany,. ' ">'■■" Time Saver for Merchante, Every possible facility will be pror vlded for the comfort and convebiehei m m n aM ■m m w i of m fflerchatltj who un*m mm total floor space of about 4,000,000 ■ roof wJ|I aMe t0 *ea h n n d ^ o f. lines, thus saving time and money by square feet as compared with slight­ ly less than 2 , 000,000 square, feet, which la the doer area of the Furni­ ture Mart, the next largest building, Mach of the eighteen main doors will have an area of more than 200,000 square feet ■ Within tbe walla of this huge edifice the retell merchants, of the United States, Canada and foreign countries Will be able to see, under one roof# hundreds- of lines of the world's best merchandise, Tim manu­ facturers* exhibits will include tex­ tiles, ready-to-wear# toys, laces, gloves, Corsets, millinery, silverware, glass, mgs, knit goods, hosiery, shoes, men’s wear, fadey goods, sport goods art and doing In a few hours what oWHtStliy' would take him days to accomplish On all floors of the Marti will be? great- corridors, with all the appear-' ante of boulevards, -more than ADO feet In length, on either ride of wWtffiv wilt be the shops displaying theft vst* led lines—veritable "business streets.**' These great corridors will be lwpreri' - Steely treated architecturally and with1 the large space available it will be possible to house the selling activi­ ties and warehousing of many allied concerns on one floor, thus attaining the advantages of concentrated group­ ings. The facilities ter handling pierchan- antiques, jewelry#trunks, toilet articles, dljW within the building will embody hotote furnishings, office equipmentand the bast and most modem achtetee scores of other merchandise displays, l~ ^ i t ' How do«* a fellow whose habitual titewsr Is, "Well, m m i no," vote >n a referent)nm1 0 iS Morocom CmimttM I jUdjia# a district of Morocco, a son who has hsadaohe cures him* >by bavin* hi# head shaved and ytng the hair in tha earth of * tfht jflteve, Alt eiftacted tooth j» •g&id i t * ahriae ft pm eat li* W teeth from Tteoaylna and aobteg. ! tm n d *A MM * ! 'The American Sibil tootefcy temtded on May d, lilfii SU*s hot ot Philadelphia, sritrian and statftmsn, Was the first? e f the soririy, it ft m , in AnVit**rytng t Mere ft a law that never TariHi Wo man MrMjttfff Mum mm ** HM t Whenyon ammw themymtpte#Mi* la# Spall shtiws«msy be»he)#' frdMTlme to time. As-tbW ploaa are worked out, nmay other features may be decided upofa. Wltlitn recent years Chicago's cen­ tral bushtSSridtetrlct has been devAl- Oping nortltWstd across the Chicago rttftf' Bsri of Slate street, along north Michigan avenue, Cass, Ruth and other streets, this development baa reached Impressive-fproporUotte, evidenced by more than twenty large buildings. To the west of State street, a comparable development is under way, Tbe site ot the new Merchan­ dise Mktt is in the direct path ot this new northward movement In tbe new river district where the Merchandise Mart Is to be located, mafty great buildings have been erect­ ed, and others soon will he begun, The Builders' Building, the Engineers' Building# the Chicago Evening Poet Building, have been completed oppo­ site the new Mart on Wacker Drive, The new Chicago Dally News Build­ ing and the great new opera house of the Chicago Civic Cpera Company are being constructed on the river three blocks‘South. NOTICE} Ar&tti£ Kent We ate ready for the 1828 Season. Baby chicks ril varieties. Custom hatching at 4c per egg. A full Hue of Buckeye and Newtown Incubators and Brooders. The Northup Hatchery# Bell Phone# Clifton 18P10, k ft, 1, Yellow Springs, 0 , AUeTI«NB»&~c. L.TAYLOR- Jawerittra. C/Phene 41. ‘ Handsome Arnold' Kent, featured "movie" actor, was born fn Florence, Italy. Hie real name le Lido Manetti. He is S feet 11 Inches tall, weigha 165 pounds and has brown hafr and blue eybs, He arrived In this country In 1925, since then .having appeared' in' a number of highly successful pro­ ductions. Mr, Kent's hobby Is music. He Is a devotee of concerts and the opera. ' -O-r--- -—- ' Uncommon Sense By John Blake REDS A LL Reds are not in CoJhmunlst or- **■ ganizatlous. , You -will find a.'few of, them In' q.1- most any place where there are many employees, , J They are not -as sincere aa tUe po­ litical Reft, many »f whom nrfe -con­ vinced that they-alone- Imre fhe’ solu­ tion of World peaft and world.bappt-“ ness,. ■ .. • • *' ,'i They arp Just discontented, trouble- making,people. Another namefor .themi$ office poli­ ticians. People of this .kind cannot affect one way or another those who are de­ termined te fiot along by.the only w«y possible for them" to get along, bv working lmrd.-'&ad ?giving' value 1 re­ ceived for their wagft. These cpnslitute'tJie great majority#' for the speeial abilities wifth eniibte the lazy person to shoot -ahead are not widely distributed. ' .* / \ The' office Red -picks on the hard worker# and polnte ouf to him tbe-in- JnSUce^cf-Iife# and tl»e unfairness of many employers and bosses. Be has no trouble doing thin, for anfrirnoas aqd injgstjfce are very 091 m luoh# add it la unfortnnately- true tiwt merit alone does not always mean success., ~ . ‘ But persevering, determined people flo succeed' la Spiteof injustice# if they have average native ability#-combined with the habit of Industry; The trouble-making- Red can do a great deal of harm in any organiza­ tion. . ’J • t . He Is usually it person' of Uttle abil­ ity himself, although 1 have known some Of them who were highly Intel- Agent ‘ - His whole purpose.seems to be-to make trouble, for when one of his. co­ workers gets discharged, he some times slides Into, the Job himself, Alwuys heft nbused and misunder­ stood, If you will believe him. Be had ft better job before he had this one, and will hftre .a bettor one by and by. And If/every man In the office would InslBt on bis rights—welt, everything would* he straightened out, and every- body, would bo happy, This Jrind Of Red ft not tbe union, worker, who depends on Ift organiza­ tion to see that he gets what Is due him. lie is t.he Independent outsider, who would make as muCh trouble fn a union as be did lb * factory if he could get into one. You will find-' him among day in­ borers# and in every rank to industry I once knew one who was a vice president of a trust company and who nearly wrecked tbe organization by atlrrlng up a rovr among the other vice presidents. You wilt find thermIn armies and on spipboard, where they are called sen lawyers. Rut you will never find one who Is honest or sincere or anything but a trouble maker, And 1 have never yet found one Who got himself anything, by spreading his propaganda of discontent# or who did not, In his old age haw to depend for support on tbs very people whom' be had dope his best (0 render tin- happy, and to fill with disappoint­ ment (Oou^rfKht.i The Trouble Grandson—-if you think the .loud­ speaker Is too loud, for you, Granule# perhaps ymi wonld like to try the ear­ phones. Grannie—Ses,. 1 think I ■will- (after a pause to ftdjuri them) —yes, that’s ft little better, but I'm afraid I eftn still hear it.—-Humorist. Notfce To The Public tinder new management Spencers Barber Shop latest styles in Ladle* and Gentle­ mens hair cuts. Children are welcome hem. H .E .V1ALL a Matn St, CM u-villi), 0 . SHERMAN! ?/*. CHICAGO^ A / A m e r i c a s C j r e a t ^ * m ' j u m m e r J ^ e s o r t Q t t j * * • ^ jfc *>*%! r_ ftTERTAINEDAND LIVEAT r THE HOTEL SHERMANFOR SEVENWONDERFULDAYSFOR0NLY Pffk up tht tour any dry oni ioHttwihrouth the next itVm stW . ■ BeginningJune 18 and up to September 2 , Hofei Sherman# Chicago#offersaweeklyscheduleof entertainment andsight­ seeing——includingroom and meals at Hotel Sherman^—for ^77.50, exclusiveof fare to and fromyour home. ■ - ■' ■■■. » ■ ‘ . . Breakfasts-served in the Celtic Grill# luncheons and dinners in thefamous College Inn. An all-day trip on a Great Lakes steamship-^Tripa to the Chinatown Section-Race Tracks —Fort Sheridan— Great Lakes Naval Training Station— Municipal Airport—-Tours of 40 miles of Chicago Boule­ vards——Public Buildings—Stock Yards—Museums—An evening at a Radio Broadcasting Station— Evenings at the Hieatre—White City—Afternoons at a Big League Base-, ball Game—Golf Course—BathingBeach—andmanyother , features, with# as- well, plenty o f time to go-as-you-please. Hotel Sherman has 1700 rooms, each withhath. There is a ■floor reserved for women. A special hotel rate for those who wish to remainover for an additional period. Here is an op­ portunity to see more of Chicago than theaverageChicagoansees ina lifetime. ALLMYfRlF ONAGREATLAKES STEAMSHIP TRIES tO CHINATOWN \ and OTHERSECTIONS RACETRACKS FORT SHERIDAN G reat lakes ; NAVALTRAINING STATION MONIOPAt^ AIR PORT TOURSOF40MILES ONCHICAGO’S B O W W PUBLICBUILDINGS m $$wm MUSEUMS ANEVENlNa ATA RADIO BROADCASTING STATION EVENlNGSATTHE THEAWS fiin ic iT i ‘ ae B S at BIGLEAGUE BASEBALLGAMES GOLFCOURSE BATHINGBEACHES ■ :..v3uBS3fc'. . OTHERFEATURES s o _ _ _ _ _ JMBtL; FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION SENDTHIS COlFONTO! ............. J Npn,H»ini>wminyinmirii.. HOTELSHERMAN CHICAGO] VACATION TOURS DEPARTMENT ■ kleMi Mm) ft* dMcrlydi^ buoIdH » f yeur V*cz« ip YOU COMB BY AUTO DRIVE YOUR CAR RIGHT INTO HOTEL SHERMAN1 NeWgarAge, toady July lit# make* it po«*iHl« for viiStoratodriverightinto theHotel. 1’ "... . ............... ,,:r' ,- VACATION TIME or ANY TIME Hotel Shertiutn, with iu central ideation mttdreturnable rates, tt tfic most conven­ ient and deitrableHotel in Chiedgo. PART OF THE PROGRAM OFYOURWEEKIN CHICAGO XltritiT*vncu>,IVn&m yuAWCW.8Z1U1W, Vict-Pm.aiii WftwitmPI ni M HOTEL SHERMAN RANDOLPH,CURKAARC4LlASAUI STS. CHICAGO .Jianue . . . . . . *. , ,,-i, Mir*,, Cky.. x OET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING V ‘ -