The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26

mm «**■*« LOCAL AND PERSONAL FOS SALB~Ferr*tt, good rattsr. Cstt ©r plum H. 8. Bsitoy. Mr. WwKt Coffman wndwrosiit m oporntton In Xmiin W*hi*#d*y for th« removal of My toasiL*. Mr*. Kltoabsth Hsriwson, who bswf b**» *p*JMliag tb*winter in Cleveland,. bM retnraed borne for the summer. Mr. Paul Orr of McCobtwUvflle, 0., public school*, spent the week-end (bore with friends, Thwfo was no preaching service in the U. P, Church last Sabbath morn* tog due to the illness of the pastor, Ber. R, A, Jamieson, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Thomas of Indianapolis were the guests of Mr, and Mr*. Ed. Hamilton last week. Dr, W. R. McChesney delivered the Mother’* Day address last Sabbath Mr. Paul Cummings, » student at Ohio Northern University, spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cummings, morning before the St, John's Evange- M ^ k T r J n S <.iThw. 1 t iw Mrs. Ed. Cecil of Van Lear, Ky., visit- listic church in Springfield. Jed, in Columbus, Monday, with Mrs. 0. R; Sharer. ' ■" ■ ; . Last Saturday was the forty-second anniversary of the May flood thatj Dr, W, R» McChesney will deliver claimed the lives of 25 persons in the 'the address to the graduating class city of Xenia. Mr, and Mrs, J, p. Burr x f Dayton spent several days last week visiting with the former** sister, Mrs. Sarah Mitchell. of the Monroe Twp, school in Madison county, May 24. There are nine -in the class. Mr, John Laughead o f f t . Thomas, Kpt ,.Was ■ to, town, Wednesday. Mr. Laughead, formerly resided west ,of Among those here for the funeral ‘ to^ . aiia is en«a*®d to thereat estate of Miss Jennie Eryin last Friday were j*1® insurance business to his city. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Paris and Mrs. O.! \ ■L • Ti, Smith of Cleveland. j Miss Mariam Ferryman, a pupil in —------- ---------- r-, ■the Sixth grade won first prise to a Mrs, E, Jobe spent the week end sPeH?nS contest. Mariam spelled 892 with her brother, Frank Qorry o f ,wo^ s correctly. Mrs, Mtome Dougless Yellow Springs, and attended the Col- is her teacher‘ lege play Friday night. * * T* , i _________ 1__ j Take your lawn mowers to J, A. Miss Bertha Dolby spent the Week * * “ * * * ^ ? * hf inSt?U‘ end with Prof, and Mrs. B. E, Robert-.ed ™oderrt mactonery for sharpening •son, o f Lincoln, Ky., returning Sab- ni° ers‘ hath .evening. " Mrs. Anna M. Townsley has been, copflned to her home for the past two weeks with rheumatism. , She is able to be out again. . Dupont Semescan for seed corn. Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co. Mr. Martin Brigner and grand- * daughter, Lucille Brigner, left Tues-' day morning, for Beagle,. Kansas, to spend' the summer with- the former sister, Mrs, Elisabeth Fisher. W A N T E D DEAD STOCK removed free of charge, Call 4p4, prompt Service. XENIA FERTILIZER CO. COMING “T H E P A T S E Y ” Cedarville College Senior Class Play Cedarville Opera House Monday, M ay 28, 8:15 P . M . Admission: , , , Plat Opens Friday, May 25 2 p. M. ,Adults 50c Children 35c WHfeN[ IN SPRINGFIELD THEATER NOW PLAYING VAUDEVILLE PRESENTATIONS AND FEATURE PICTURES .. COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM ON SUNDAY AND THURSDAY . DON’T FORGET WHEN IN SPRINGFIELD VISIT THE REGENT. for mmm a g * . . dm at |TJ» par month, HARTMAN. \ g Dr. F. A, Jurkst will preach tt tb* morning service o f the M, E. church, May jmh. Rev. Ingmir* and Mr. G. H. Hartman will be to Kansas City attending the General Conference. Mr, Albert Wigsl Sabbath and dis­ located' his shoulder while running after a pig to the bam lot. He is re­ ported a? greatly improved, though not able to return to work, Rev, S. M. Jngmire an'd Mr, G. Jfr. Hartman expect to drhfe through to Kansas City, Monday to spend a few days in. attendance at the M. E. General Conference being held to that city. . - The annual reception of the High School Alumni Association will he j held thia Friday evening to the public school building. More than 100 have signed cards of acceptance for the event. Mr, W, H, Evans of Dayton was to town'Monday and ha* made arrange­ ments to take oyer the Neal restaur­ ant and hotel on Xenia avenue the first of June. . Dr. and Mrs. Lyons of Van Lear, Ky., visited here tost week with their j sods, Clarence and Sylvia, who are students to Cedarville College. They were entertained at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall. Dr. Lyons was very much impressed,with the school and the community. E. W. FULMER CO 44 STORES—WHERE CEDARVILLE SAVES— 44 STORES SUGAR 10 LBS. 6 3 c 25 LBS. $1.61 LARD PER POUND 1 3 C 65c 5 LB. PAIL Gross Weight .OLE PAIL $ ] , , 3 0 Gross Weight ROYAL RAKING POWDER 50c 12 Ounce Cam 37c CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP 2 ' CANS 15c MACARON I OR SPAGHETTI BULK POUND 10c PINEAPPLE, Del Monte, No* si*e cart, Contains four extra large slices 17c CAND Y BARS Any Kind CHEW ING GUM Any Kind ; 3 F0R 10c MATCHES Rig full sice 20 cubic inch boxes, Double-Tipped 3 BOXES 10c COFFEE “Thank You” Lb* pkg. 36c RICE, Faitcy Blue Rose 3 Pounds 23c Jin BAYERS ASPIRIN ............. 2 .......12* l i M t W t A FINKHAM3 VEGETABLE Compound .....J8c OoDRAKEi CROUP ----- -------*2Jf MM WAMPOLti COD U V m ^ ^ A C T ^ T woobburyb facial powder *......... -...... ..... M u QUALITY MEATS. PROPJ^jRJjWC^RATED Miss Eloise Farquhar, teacher to. the primary department of the public schools was called to' her home to London, Wednesday, due to the fact that her father was taken suddenly' ill with appendicitis. Re underwent an operation in a Columbus hospital and is reported as much improved at this time. We have some big specials to foot­ wear that will interest everyone.' Our j shoe, department i s , the largest in Xenia. - Our big specials this Week are women’s prmp 3 and oxfords to values to $5 that must go at $2.98 and $3.49. Our work shoes cannot be excelled. The 55 and $6 kind, now '53,98 and 54.49. S3. A. KELBLE, 17-19 W. Mato St., Xenia, Ohio. The Misses McNeil hqd for their guests,. Saturday, their cousins Mrs. I T, W. Funk and son Donald, of .near Bbllefontaine, Ohio, Mrs. Anna Shaw | and daughter;, Ruth of Rushylvania, Ohtio, their, sister, Miss Martha Mc­ Neill of Belle Center, Ohio, and Mrs.1 rfinnie Douglass, of .Cedarville, Ohio. Engagement Announced Mr, 'and. Mrs. Harry Thomas, of Jeffersonville, have announced the en­ gagement of their daughter, Ceto, to Dr. Harsha, of Washington ClH. The wedding will he an event of June-6, They expect to reside in Washington H., where Dr. Harsha isj a prac­ ticing physician. The Thomas family were former residents of South Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Wright enter­ tained a number of guests to 7 o’clock dinner at their home to Cedarville, Friday evenf g, for the pleasure of Miss Ceto 1nomas, of Jeffersonville, and Dr. Harsha, of Washington C. H., whose engagement has been recently announced. Bridge was enjoyed fol­ lowing the dinner. - Mrs. Lida Keck Wiggins, Spring- field, will be one .jot the speak­ ers at the annual meeting o f the Cedarville High School Alumni asso­ ciation Friday evening in the Cedar- villa high school auditorium. Mrs. Wiggins will illustrate her talk with original verses, At this meeting the committee on Patriotic Education of the Cliff chap­ ter, Daughter of the American Rev­ olution (Cedarville), will present* to the Cedarville high school a poem by Mrs. Wiggins, entitled “The Seamless Robe of Peace,” and a portrait of the author. Both poem and picture are to he framed, and will be hung on the walls o f the Cedarville high school library. The portrait of the tote Wil* burD. Nesbitt and a copy o f his poem, “Your Flag and My Flag” were pre­ sented to the library some time ago and Mrs. Wiggins’ poem and picture will be a companion piece for the Nesbitt contribution. Both Mrs, Wiggins and Mr, Nesbit are former students of the Cedarville schools and were members of the same class to the high school. Wedding etad Graduation Gifts From PARTNER’S fin Dayton) . will pleas® the lover of distinctive Jewelry P aotner J uvhry « im tm l Thousands Of Dollars WORTH OF TH IS SEASON ’S LATEST STYLES IN UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE MUST NOW BE SOLDRE* GARDLESS OF PROFITS, THE COLD BACKWARD SEASON % IS THE CAUS5E. WE ARE OVERLOADED, COMEANDSEE Men’s And Young Men’ s Fine Suits $16.49, $18.50, $19,85, $21.00, $22.50, $24.90 Fine Trousers $5,49, $4,98, $4.49- $3.98, $3.49 Others Cheaper , Boys’ Long Pants Suits $8.95 to $12,48 Boys’ Knee Pants Suits $4,98 to $9.85 PRICES GREATLY REDUCED ON 1 LARGEST SHOEDEPARTMENTINXENIA And Lowest Prices On A ll Styles Footwear for Women, M isses, Children, Men And Boys. OUR BIG SPECIALS TH IS W EEK All style women’s pumps and oxfords, Values to $5.00—$2.98 and $3.49. . . Men’s $5.00 and $6.00 tan ,and Black Oxfords, $3.98 and $4.49 this week only. Solid every day work shoes for men .'$1.98' tO'$3,98. Hats Caps Ties Sweaters Hoisery Belts Underwear Shirts Gloves DON’T MISS OTIS MONEY ' SAYING STORE! 17-19 W est Main St. C. A. KELBLE’S BIGCLOTHINGANDSHOESTORE Xenia, Ohio A large portion o f Grocery Stock has been sold, hut we still have a lot jnore to sell. We offer special prices on these goods while they la s t-p r ic e s lower than you can find any where else. Take advantage o f these prices, and save your money. * BROWN SUGAR, Lb. 6c ELK LICK Rolled Oats 10 c QuickCook, 2 for' 15c CAN CORN, 3 f or - . . 1 22c RUB-NO-MORE Soap Flakes, Same size as large Chipso M (Qlaqj, Per Package APPLE BUTTER 20c Cab “Temtor” 15c PANCAKE FLOUR Sunray Package 5c WHITE HOUSE VINEGAR in Glass Jars Gallon...........................................58c y% Gallon ...... -29c Quart ................................. 20c Pint ..............................................-He OLD KENTUCKY PLUG Tobacco; 20 c plug 1 4 4 ; MENS’ WORK SOX 2 Pslrt 15c MINCE MEAT 15c Pkg, Red Bird 9c PETER IBOLD CIGARS 5 For 29c POTATOES, good ones Ped peck 36c YOUNG HYSON TEA Regular 90c lb, per lb. 60c OCTAGON SOAP CHIPS g _ Per Package w v OCTAGON SCOURING 5c CLEANER, Per Can HEINZ BAKED BEANS 3 Cans 20c 20c MONARCH PORK AND BEANS, 3 Cans .............................-..............- ..............................* ......................... * ......................................— SCRAP TOBACCOS 10 c Size, 3 for ..........................22c 15c Size, 4 for ...— 45c SLICED PINEAPPLE, No. 2 can Rod Bird, 4 cans 75c MENS’ WORK SHIRTS Special, each 65c SALAD DRESSING, Thousand Island, 30c Jar 19c TUNA FISH, Can 1 5 o RICE s 9c Quality, Lb. 5fc BULK COFFEES Per Lb. 24c, 28c, 36c, and 40c KARO SYRUP, Blue Label,- Full Quart 15c “E” Crystal Corn Syrup % Gallon 1 45c COCOA 10c can Rtinkels 5c LUX, Per Package 9c MATCHES, Bird’s Eye 4 Packages 15c LIMA BEANS, Per Lb............... 10 c PENTO BEANS, Per Lb............ 10c VANILLA COMPOUND .10c Bottle ' t. . 7c CHICKEN FEED Scratch, 4 lbs. 9c ARGO STARCH, Package y g CANDY, Fancy Chocolates, Lb. 32c CAN TOMATOES, No. 3 Liurge ciuo, 2 for . .... . . j ... 27c BULK ROLLED OATS Per Pound 4fc fh ese are only a few o f our good prices. It w ill pay you to come in. H ighest prices paid for eggs. R . Bird 6 Sons Co. * . . .