The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26

V A d w t i s i i i # w $ te t h r e e a r t i s t e s where you had only sold one before— Hewho advertises—realizes. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Ho, 54, a n d ie t y lo r s . SRjtv* v'j'-U'ri cut >5 >3 k in line >5 V ■ (O i n i8 fto m mmm' jtiaeEALEN WIL ADDRES COLEGESENIORS The opening exercises for Cedarville College Commencement week 'will be the baccalaureate service Sabbath evening in the United Presbyterian church. The sermon will be delivered by President Ur, W. R. McChesney, The following is the program o f the service; Prelude—Meditation ------ Stuygea Processional— Mrs, John Dane, Invocation— Rev* W* P. Hamman, D* D, Anthem—Festival To Deum ______ Dudley Buck Scripture-— Rev, R, A. Jamieson Prayer— 1 ^ Ray. S* M. Ingmjre Anthem—Dreams of Galilee __________________Morrison Solo — ,1_____ ____ Mr, Johnson Announcements—. Sermon to the Graduating Class and Friends— president W. Ren'wiek McChesney Anthem—Omnipotence----- Schubprt, arranged by Spicker Obligato Solo_____ Miss Pemberton "Violin_______ _______Mr* Williams Benediction— Postlude—Postlude _______ Stern Mrs* John Dare ‘“Music furnished through the kind- ness of the Central Presbyterian Choir, Dayton, Ohio, Directed by Mrs. Elsie Freeman Wir- sching. • The annual class play will Be given, in the Opera House Monday evening. , The elas3 has in preparation the well known comedy ‘The Patsey.” In an' much as the class has a large number that had experience in former years in amateur"theatricals, it is predicted *the coming play‘Will be Well received. Heretofore -Cedar Day festivities have always been held on the campus OnWednesday but in as much as this day is May 30th and Decoration Day, the Cedar- Day program- was changed to Tuesday. ' Reception for the CONG. JAMES BEGG ' ' MASSE A CAM, * 1* 1 Cong. James Begg, Sandusky, can didata for the Republican nomination for governor in tho 'August primary, stopped here Friday emwatio.-ta’ Sowth Charleston where he deliveredthe ad drsss to the graduating class in the high school. He food performed a similar mission the night previous ip Lebanon. i fterdd. Ho Is Too Rig to UrnM * verlising and Hone Too Poor to Af- fordusing it Jackson Funecal , Last Thursday The funeral of -the lata- Andrew Jackson wan held in the United Pm , byterian ohwfch last Thursday,; The service was in charge of hi# paster, Rev. R. A- Jamieson. -The stmson w#a delivered by Rev. J. S. E. McMicheal, hia former pastor, now located at Connersville, Info Dr. -W.* R. Mc­ Chesney, and Rev, -L. L. Gray of Jamestown, also sssiried'-fo the. »er-: vice.. Burial took pfaefeedn Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati}’Friday. There Wore many *oUt-.*of ; town friends present for the service: M. A. Broadstone, 0. E. Bradfute, David Watt, - James Watt,, John 5North, County Auditor R. 0 / Wend, County Treasurer, Miss Helen Dodds, Repie sentative R. D. Williamson, Qonn’ty CommissionersHerman .Eavey-and J / H. Lackey, DePuty County Auditor P, H. Creswell, Deputy County" Trea­ surer. NEWS LETTER xaUH-wraic r a i l o l A rfc DEPttTWNTS Swing Special Is Coming June 13-23 • . , nul",n“ . .... . _ K ‘ , * ;r. In co-operation with the Ohio Ex­ perimental Station and the U. S. De­ partment of Agriculture, the B & 0 Railroad will operate over its lines in Ohio, the Swine Sanitation Special from,June 13 to 23,' The train will be in Xenia Monday morning, June 18." One cab'will be devoted to display exhibits on Subjects o f sanitation and good practices and another in which U. S.. PV,A. motion pictures Will be shown and lectures.'given; -Farmers COLUMBUS, Ch-The fitate House gnsunds have been beautified by the trhnraing of all-trees and shrubbery, planting of a number of trees, rolling the lawntend general care m i atom* Hon of landscape gardners,'TinUl the place is now a bower o f beauty, Thousarris of visitors- stroll through the grounds ovary week and take great delight in foodtogkfoe squirrel* and pigeons. Too badthat some plan cannot bo devised to get" rid of the permanent loafers who. infest, tho place, greatly detracting from its beauty, Secretary -of State Clarence - J, Brown has-ieiued certiffimtas of elec­ tion to the^dalegates-and i . ernatea o f the Republican, national convention, to be heldwat*KSftsaB City, beginning Tuesday, June 12th, and Democratic national convention, to be held at djjToulten/ Texas, two wseksiater/be­ ginning Tuesday,, June"26th. There were ’ ftfty-one>'certificatesrissued to Republican delegates and fifty-two to Democratic delegates, with an" equal number to alternates of each party. Secretary Brown stated' today--that a. complete" resume of the vote cast at the ' Into Presidential-Preference pri­ mary has.been completed by Statisti­ cian and Editor Geo, M. Heffner, Copies, o f either the Republican or Democratic vote areAvailable for dis­ tribution upon special request. Adjutant General Frank D, Hender­ son ;announces that the relief kitchen ,n theBriifiont county mining district ha'to -been discontinued. The St. ClairsviUe base was the last tp- be closedjp'tferfsing operations this week.* Seyerid National Guard officers with a smalldetachment o f enlisted men, will remain op duty for. observation. Any Greene County its share of the palgn for Near Fall, it ha* been At that time a of laymen and Bradfute, Xenia, AY, MAY 25,1938 i s V m M Y E R S C O M ISOUTMAIN FORGOVERNOR VETERANS WILL MEET TONIGHT ifttempt to raise financial cam, (lief early next ined ittoe organizes With 0, E. chairmim, wil conduct a short drivf for the $1,000 quota that has be# assigned to this county, This county1* the $6,000,000 nationally to Near East Relief Will be the final $105,000,000 have Work and with the final drive Hon will have com] all children" for until the age of 16,‘ind will, abandon the work. i . J, T, Keenan, st*$B worker in the Near East Relief, h& been organis­ ing-the campaign ’ ^ Greene Coilnty during the last will be part of being raised work of the isatlon and made. Already spent in the funds raised in irity organiza- the care.of it.plans to care Farm Bureaus Meml W s . ', . - Increase County Farm BumJ&is of Ohio add­ ed-2562 member$.to^eir -rolls during the first three mqntb^of 1028, accord­ ing” to word recjBV^l at the Greene County Farm, Bureau from J. R. AHgyer, head of tb^-rgaiuzation. de­ partment"of the <Jiw Farm'Bureau Federation. Only l&M the 88 comities failed tb report nevEfrnembera during this period and 51 ^unties reported tdn or mdre, ’ , Union County Fa^SmBureau headed are Urged to' visit, fhe tfats on- the cwea-tvilkbe taken cate for the 18th. Fapuliy A®ib^,b.4d, %esday-.ev Mt Sterling1Bank - 'being arranged. All students, blu'jnhi and friunds are welcome, Thursdajr morning the annual meet­ ing of tlie Cottbfee -Board trill be held at the College. - >.. Commencement exercises will be held in Alford Gymnasium Friday morning,. The class'orator wifi be Judge Florence. Allen of. the Ohio Supreme Court. The following are the graduates': . Four-Year Arts Course—David -Joseph Adair, Wilda MArie Bidkett, Verna Albert^ Boase, Paul Jacob Brown, Ruth Ann Burns, “Mary Cim- inefii, Ruth Gordon Collins, Margue- .rite Blanche Donaldson, Mary -Lois Estle, Ernest Roger Gibson, Alberta ' Marie Hemphill, Clarabel Hunt, Helen Margaret Iliffe, John Eugene John­ son, Louis DayKennedy, John Hetman LeMar, Lelia Dora LeMar,- -Kenneth Leith Little,' Gladys-Hill MacDonald, Lois McFarland, Ada Louella McKay, James CalvinMcMillan, William Nag- ley, Nelson Horatio Thorn, Maty Clark Webster, CalvinsThomas Weiin- er and Edward Simeon Wones. Two-Year Elementary Course— Evelyn Augusta Anders, Nellie Marie Bowshier, Frances Bradley, Marcella Marie Butler, Gertrude Dooley, Una Clare Harbison, Mary Rector and --Mary Christens Smith. ‘The College Alumni Association will hold its annual meeting at the College Friday afternoon. -The annual alumni banquet to the class will take place Thursday evening. PLEADS GUILTY Wi" :meeting- 'of ^Uhe stockholders, asking: the"State BankingDepartment to take charge o f affairs! The riMnSfr has at great quantity-of. frozen -assets* and) could not realizes-xra. them. Jt is>6aidi thftt .mbre. than 10,000-aareS o f farm, land will be foreed- On the market im as much as liquidation of the bank, or any other action, unmans the*/rioting in. on. all .mortgages. -Bank-deposits are $750,000. present. Governor and, Mrs, Vic Donabey have retumed from their three weeks vacaHon'isnd' Automobile health seek- it- mg a Yew day* in Cuba, They found 4 excessively hot, but both are looki­ ng as if -the trip had been beneficial. nbership With vay, Brown, ■reported more 16S-. , . embers’ resulted February and .Whre. asked to ^of wie organ- ;-,memhers. Tn io f one county "the next in a increasing aed by, a ROSS TWP. FOUR H cluh D iks A nized ""The^Ierry,Cooks'! Four H&ub o f Rose Twp., held an aU^iay -n^ttihJ Tuesday-at the school; The -friil##ifagk lovernor.Vic-is again -on. the job in lorthw while Mrs.- Donahey Is-'again presid­ ing as tho.charming hostess of the GoVernoFs -mansion jn East Broad street. ' . \ 0' *H ‘ ♦ Director -John E. -Monger of the State- Department 'o f Health, gives some- valuable advice to- those suffer­ ing With a1mild form -bf Influenza, now preyelant in-mhny aectiohs Of the state: ■Tho' DireetOr advises that care the'hands are thoroughly "'washed before eating, ntrQi0jl erowded plates-should bemvoided and use -made Of all auashine«avail- TUrnbUU; vice president,-JfeanJgpabr^ secretary, GOnarieve Pitstick}* assist tant secretary, Martha Lackey; trea­ surer, Helen' Grab; reporter,"^Heleit Fletcher; recreation .Jriifl&r, Maryf Alice Jenks. The name of the olUKwas chosen and the Constitution adopted. The re­ gular meetings will be held every Tuesday at the school. - The following*m*mbw***»re*enroll­ ed: GenevkVe Pitetick,-.Helen .-'Porn-l' bull, Helen Fletcher, Martha'Lackey; MaryKitchell, Eleanor Powers, Cedar* ville; Helen Gray, Rhodfema Bty*n,J Jean Spahr, Mary Alice Jenks/Jimf** town. J, H. LACKEY IS OUT FORCOMMJSSIONER Pleading guilty to it charge of non* support; Merle Spencer, Dayton, 0., formerly of Osborn, was fined $10 and costs, a total of $32.20 and sentenced to six months confinement in the Cin­ cinnati Workhouse by Probate Judge S. C. Wright Thursday morning. The workhouse sentence was sus­ pended, with agreement of the pro­ secuting witness, upon spencer's promise to pay $8 a week for the sup­ port of his four minor children. He wa* discharged from custody on his own recognizance. CONFESSES JUDGMENT In the case of the Williamson Heat­ er Co., against A. J* Wyatt in Com­ mon Pleas Court, defendant has con­ fessed judgment for $121.92, due on a promissory not*. it y• --'illiij illi"liiiIfi-""* appo inted adm in istrator B. tl. Bell has been appointed ad- mftjistrator of the estaate ,of George H. Birch, deceased, with bond of $0,' Ottt in Probate Court. T, U. Bril, John A. Niabet and A. J. ^filson wets. toffMsd appraise**. , In this issue will be found the. an­ nouncement of J. Hr Lackey as a can­ didate for his Second term as county commissioner before the primary in August. NO CHANGES YET The Township Trustees a* well a* the Board of Education have made no selection to fill tho vacancies crittted by the death of Mr. Andrtfw Jackson, who was thetderk of each board. Mr. R. G. George was named temporary clerk to close up tho business of the boards during Mr. Jackson's time. The Cedatvilie Building and Loan Associa­ tion has taken no action to select a secretary, Mr. Jeckson being the only person that every served in that capa­ city for the association. ible, alSO' prb&ire all" freSh^aJr pos­ sible.' •JSblSte the?SiCk'and then sail a physician* for any beginning symp- tomB-bfiillrieSs however trivial it-may seem. - Dr. MongerralSo states that nine-tenths of-thesm&llpOx in Ohio is in the-WSStern-third of the-state.v Assistant Secretary of'State'Joseph E. Baird 1H Bowling Grben, will be a candidate at the approaching prima­ ries to succeed Congressman Jas. T. Begg of Sandusky, who is a*candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nom- inaatlon. “Uncle Joe," as he is affec- tionately called by all his friends, eon- eluded to bdemhe a candidate in the thirteenth congressional district, after being importuned by various organ­ izations in his home county, Wood. One other4aspirant, former State Treasurer Harry'S," Day, o f Fremont, has also announced his candidacy in the district, 1 m * * State Highway Director G. F, Sohleainger will award contracts with­ in the next few,„days for twenty-six miles of improved highways, together with structural work, totaling in the aggregates over two and a quarter million o f dollars, according to the engineer's estimates on fife in the Director's office. The largest awards will be for work in Ashtabula, Holmes and Greene counties, five and a half miles each. About one hundred eon* tractor* and material firms submitted bids, which Were opened several days ago, tho tabulation of which is now nearing completion. the list in,, 236, .While Milmi, Lorain and Butter;] than 109 additfonay Many o f ,the pew' from-the campaign-] March^when- me give a day to the zation and .solicit -several Counties," worked with ,tho»e, | campaign day. Further "effo membership are ^ numbe/of countic lov A goal of 10,009-mew. toe; seen set/o r -1928 by the, organization and the first- quarter -indicates a strong, ^possibility of- reaching! this goal, he says. - . M rs.M artha Goings Died Monday,Evening Mrs*MaithaAlien Goings, who was in her 94th year, died Monday even­ ing about 4 P! M. at the home of her aunt. Mrs. W. L. Clemahs. Despite her advanced age the de­ ceased enjoyed good health until the past feWweeks. Deathwas due to in­ firmities of age. Mrs, Goings formerly resided at RedkCy.-Ind., bUt the pest few years she- has ■<spent the' winter at the Clemans home. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the Clemans borne With burial at Bptingboro,' Warren county, her former home. The funeral Service was in charge o f Rev, Little pastor of the First U, P, church in Xenia. Myers^Y. Cooper, Cincinnati, has announced as a candidate for governor at the Republican primary in August, Mr, Cooper was the Republican nom­ inee two years ago but was defeated by Governor Donahey, Two years ago Cooper was backed by the Anti-Saloon League but .with his announcement this time eome* the endorsement'by the Hamilton county- organization. In the last canvas* h* lost his-precinct and county by seyeTal thousand vote* due to the liberal rie ment in the organization and ’ his party,. It is regarded singular that the same organization should openly en­ dorse -Cooper- this -time,. Should*the! League afid the liberal organisation in Hamilton' county support Cooper at the coming^primary it'WOhldmtiWa new cotobination. Cooper hasr evident­ ly changed his views on Certainpublic questions or the Hynicka crowd Would not give him,open support. There'will be three other candidates in the primary. Cong. Jame3 Begg of Sandusky, Attorney GenCral .'Edward Turner and Charles E. Lewis, former ieutenant.governor. Report Harold Houston Coming For* Congress ' According to reports out-of'ScIum- bus. -Attorney Harold. Houston of Urbana^will be a probable candidate at- the Republican primary as*WCan­ didate for Congress, t Should Mr. Houston file this Will mean opposltlbn o. Congressman Charles Brand, who has served several terms. - There will hu e meeting of. all ex- service men, whether from the World War .or any others/ at the Gun Club House, Friday evening this week at 8 P. M. All are urged to be present to discuss plans for the Decoration Day exercise*. The American Legion will be to charge of the meeting and, movies -will be shown and refresh­ ments served by Joe Bratton and Oscar Lee. A full attendance is hoped for by those’ to Charge and a good time i* .promised to alL L ieut Gov. Pickrel Talks To Masons Lieutenant Governor William G, Pickrel of Dayton gave a talk to mem­ bers -of the- Greene County Masonic Clubi last- evening at „the Masonic Temple in 'Xenia; -Dinner was served 'A o’clock. Mr, Pickrel gave a talk bn 'Brotherhood?' He is one of Daytbn'g leading attorneys and out­ standing citizens. . MARRIAGE LICENSES PRICE, 11.50 A YEAR m m m IST O M MEMORIALMY John-HUseWzahl, O. S. and S. O, Homb; tailor, and Dorpha Faye Co- aUrn;»Colutobus, 0.,' Were' refused a license' because of nori-residence of he bride, J. iw&yne JSimifterman/ Sabina, O.,1 ivestock 'dealer,"and QlitttMae Smith, Jamestown, - Rev, H. S. Snyder. - William Earl Boothe, Columbus, s>„ clerk and Vella E.' Peters, Cedar7 ville,4R. F, D. Arthur C.Cohner, Jamestown, truck driver,’ and .Opal Talbott,'Jamestown. Rev, sw. N. Shank. ' APPOINT ADMINISTRATRICES MRS. HARRY LEWIS IS REPORTED MUCH BETTER Friends extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis over the loss of a baby daughter bom Monday at the McClelfawi For a time Mrs. Lewislwas .ln a very critical"condition but she is now much improved. .The infant*was. buried, on the.fatoily lot At Frankfort, Ohio. MISS IHELEN DU&DS WILL ASB^SRGOND TERM MistiHelen Dodds, who was induct­ ed into office as county treasurer last :'all, tffidcr the law mast again come mfeto the veto**- at the August pri­ mary -for nomination for the second term. It ia nob expected that Miss lodds wiil have Shy opposition for ter sddond term. BOND FORFEITED CEMETERY MEETING A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Massies Creek Cemetery Asso­ ciation has been called for Monday, May 28, at 1:30 F. M, The meeting will be held on the cemetery grounds. BUT THREE REMAIN SonT cxy dto* rm * r * toB* spilt, wilk. "The The ranks of the local G. A. R, have drepyei to .-titiwe-to*Mbe«k- -.TWiejs-awi* g. K. Willlamton, 8. T, Baker and T. V. M * , . . BoandOfTrade Incorporators Gone W$ just happened to notice Tues­ day the old charter Hanging to the Township Clerk's office for the Cedar- vfile Beard of Trade was incorporated May 86,1893. The incorporator* were W, H, Blair, Jas, H. Andrew, W. M, Mitchell, Andrew Jaokion, John W. •McLean. A j^anee to the list and you. urifi notice, that a^l five have com­ pleted thtof eavtitly labor*. Upon, his faitore to appear in Pro­ bata' ^outt' TUwday for scheduled ar­ raignment on a reckless driving charge, the $? bond put up by Roy Burroughs, Dayton, 0., was ordered forfeited to the state by Judge 8. C. Wright, Burroughs wws arrested Sunday by 0.. H, Cornwall, matty road patrol­ man, Who claimed the Dayton autoist was driving hi* ear to and out of the too o f traffic in a dangerous manner. ORDER PRIVATE SALE Private sales at persepiti property of the estates of Julia & Sanborn and 0 . F* Shaker, <itoa*#to, have been authorised to Probate Court upon fil­ ing Vf Xeitfa Twp. Students . Take Examination >} t •t ^*tjQ**m^m** A \ ,r * Judging from reports phrents of Xenia Township -p'upjia co-operated and permitted the pupils o f the eight grade to take the examination a* pro- .videtL, Muddled conditioiur to a the the examination. Thirty-eight students were given diplomas last Saturday aqd will enter Xenia High School. The County Board had urged that .the pupils take the examination. Stella Fisher has been --appointed administratrix of the estate of Mary ‘Hamilton,-date of the city of Xenia, withrbohd bf $l,000 in Probaate Court. E/Di Smith,'Paul Greswell-arid Harold Louise Post has .been, named-,admin- Owens were named,appraisers, istratrix of the estate of Sylvester Sheley, late o f SHvercreek- Twp., with mnd' of $1,000,. • The following program has been an­ nounced for Memorial Day which citizen* are asked to observe. The parade to the North Cemetery will form Decoration Day morning at nine o’clock on the East side .of Mato ' Street from Trouts'* grocery to Xenia Avenue and on the North side, o f Xenia Avenue from the Post Office -to Nagley's house. The order o f marsh will be in charge of JSirdsell Creswell and the organizations will fall to line as follows: Civil War veterans to automobile, Cedarville Band, Color Guard and Firing Squad, Veterans of former wars, Boy Scouts in uniforms, Camp Fire girls in uniforms, Truck with flowers, Truck fo^, children, D.'A. %, General Public., The" parade will proceed to foe North Cetoetery and after passing thru the grounds will come to rest ah the mound. - - The speaker for the day is Rev^H. B. McEIree o f Xenift/.Ohio/ AsTtoFfoe-' ceremony at foe mound, :foe'. Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire-girls Will assist foe veterans in decorating- foe ' graves. -The Boy Scouts-will then pro-r - ceed to1the Massie’s Cheek. Cetoetery and will have charge of the'decoration of the graves there, While the.Ameri­ can Legion and World War veterans will proceed in bars to Grape-Otove Cemetery. The ' flowers fo r ‘foe-day will-be'collected under the supervision of Mrs. Alice Murray, assisted by the D., a : R. Chapter. r Parking at foe Cemetery before foe exercises will be fo ' charge! of ’Drive Strobridge, George ‘ Morris, *' Jbhn Morris-and Ralph TruOsdale. -JJltoSe “ in charge of the day's, exercises earnestly request all citizens to* dis-' play the -American-'flag.-and *to jdirt- with them to'•foe1proper obseryan'to . of the -spirit of, foe ^*y in honoring foe memory of those who-have given their service to their country. * Wallace C. Anderson, Post-544 American*tfgton, i .-, iaasaytisi \ >'l Names Wanted Of Former Citizens • The Greehe County Home Coming Committee would like to- have foe name* of former citizens that special Invitations may be sent from head­ quarters in Xenia. The-Herald-is com­ piling a list of such names for the Xenia committee, and 'you1can send or phone the names and complete ad­ dress to this office. SALE IS APPROVED Sale*= of property to 'William <M. Henry for $4,428.00 has been confirm­ ed by the court to* foe'case o f The Farmers and Trader* Bank o f James­ town against D, L. Paulin, and others in Common Pleas Court, The court ordered that foe plaintiffs be paid $3,825 out of foe. proceeds of foe sale. The purchaser o f foe real estate under the’ same order, will’ receive one-half of foe oats and com UOW growing on foe premises, after de­ ducting foe cost of seed graiii and fertilizer out of the amount of foe gross crops, WIFE LEAVES HUSBAND Charging that his wife abandoned him, refuses to keep house for him ftnd declines to live with him with­ out cause, although he has repeatedly asked her to return to him, Floyd Raymond Butts' has brought suit for divorce from May Oakley Butts to Common Pleas Court, They Were married May 27, 1922. One child, EloisC Btttts, who Will be 3 years old August 18,1928, Was b6to of the union, The daughter is flow With her mother, according to foe petition. . - GIVEN TEMPORARY ALIMONV On opplication of foe plaintiff in the case of Emma Hill against Edward Hill to Common Pleas Court, foe de­ fendant has been ordered to pay hi* wife $75 as temporary alimony in­ cluding $15 at once and the balance to, equal installments for two weeks, The court also ordered him to pay the plaintiff $60 as an attorney fee for her counsel in addition to court costs. GIVEN JUDGMENT The Electric Paint and Vatokh Co. has been awarded a judgment fort $141.03 ag«fo*f George A# MaritoffigUT to GototoSn Flea* Grtti* Word was received here Saturday of the death"of Miss Mary Bratton, who died at her homo to Chicago. Miss Bratton was formerly o f this, place but had been Ideated to Chicago for a number o f years; . ( ' The remains were accompanied here by her sister, Miss Jennie Bratton, and Rev, W. W. Biff of that city. The funeral party was-met in Xania Tues­ day hiorning by Mr. Melvin McMillan apd the body brought,.to foe funeral home on Xenia avenue where- it re­ mained' until foe funeral which was held in foe Presbyterian church that afteriioon.- * The -funeral service was- in charge, of Rqv. W, W. Iliff, assisted by Dr, McChesney and Rev. W* P. Harriman. Burial took, place in Massies Creek Cemetery,. .... The following obituarygives a brief account of the life- of foe-deceased. MUry A. Bratton, daughter of Robert and Margaret Louisa Bratton, was bom November 4, 1864, in Page Courtty, Iowa, and died in Chicago, 111., >M8y ‘ T9, -1928. She was foe youngest of -four- children, Of whom two sisters, 'Mrs. Benton Barber of Cedatvilie, Ohio, and Miss . Jennie Bratton o f Chicago, survive her. The father died when ’Mary Was about ohe year o f age. Mrs. Bratton then-removed from Iowa to Cedarville, Ohio, where Mary gteW up and was educated. When quite a young woman, she cam* to Chicago and made her home in the family of Dr. H. P. Skiles. Later She’ became Dr. Skiles* secretary and 'office assistant which post she held most efficiently until a few months ago. She was- also Business. Manager o f the Garfield Park Hospi­ tal for twenty years. life ah* united With^the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Cedarville and worked as a teacher in the Sunday School, the only form of church activity at that time, Mide from foe pastoral work. After her residence to Ghicago be­ came permanent, she transferred her church membership to foe Third Pres­ byterian Church of this City, Thus, to a few words, wq have given foe outline of a life not spectacular in any sehse, but richly replete with kindness, love, and' sympathy.. In her hospital work, her tact and innate Sense of fairness brought all her associate* together in a loyal effort to second her endeavor to make the institution, a rest-haven for the sufferer* who sought help within its walls. AS assistant to a busy physlcan, she endeared herself to hi* patients by her never failing cheer and sym­ pathy, and her untiring work to their behalf* . To her many friends she showed foe unfailing sweetness and serenity of a nature filled with love and good-wili, *All her ^rays were pleasantness uni either paths were peae** Too much competition among foe little apples qn a limb isn't foe life*of . trade for fop orchardist. While apples haven't elbows, they nCed elbow-room, and givirfg it to them result* to a better quality of fruit for marketing. This has been demonstrated hr expert- ' ments by foe extension horticulturists of Ohio State University, tad is to be* urged .in a thinning campaign among Ohio apple growers this spring. One apple-grower in Columbians county reported to foe specialists that foe higher quality of fruit which re­ sulted from his thinning the .frees/ netted him a wage of $13 a day for his work. Of two trees in an Ashtabula County orchard, one Was thinned.tad foe other Was not. From the free which Was thinned, there were picked seven bushels of apples, >all “A” grade and 21 / 2 , inches in diameter or larger, From the other, which was not thinn­ ed, there were picked seven bushels of. apples, but not one was as much as 21/fc inches to diameter. Fifteen counties, through 'their county agents, have accepted foe in­ vitation of Frank H.‘ Beach tad C. S, Holland, extension specialists in horti­ culture, to join the “SWat the Cull' campaign. In these counties foe specialists themselves, the county ngents, and foe fruit .growers will vonduct' thinning demonstrations in early June, following foe “Juhe drop" of faulty apples, Information on thin­ ning will be forwarded to Interested growers before thinning time. * R.P»SfriodM«ets In Coult&rviHe * Te Reformed, "Presbyterian Syhod met at Coulterviile, 111. Dr. W. R» McChesney and Dr, F. A. Jurkat were to attendance. VALUE ESTATE Gross value o f the estate of Minnie Shigley, deceased, Is placed at $7,- 868,77 in Probate Court, composed as follows: parson*! property, $7,118.77, and real 'estate, $760. Debts total $900 and foe Cost of administration will be $582.37, leaving a net value o f $6,438.40. ESTATE’S VALUE IS ■ Gross value of foe estate e l Hefty P, Banbom, late of foe city o f Xenia, is estimated at $126,101.8* In ftcehefe Court, including $18,888, distributed by the decedent to contemplation of death. . < The estate includes personal prop­ erty worth $90,118.08 and m l estate valued at $29,38,78. Debt* **« n,t*d at $3,279.17 tad foe cost of adminte* foatitm will be K « 0 . Wring a m vsdtti t -or* 9m m t i ■. H >k •4 s n s < 1 ' •is. •r , i „ 1 & fc»T' * •««a