The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26

I fcinB irr: LOCAL AND PERSONAL *—■—* ■. •*••—.■••*.*. . . . .■r i1- t.., la,,, , | , , MS** N*lUtf McFarland of Dayton v«U d lwr* with friends over Sabbath. 1 j Mr. god; Mrs; Carman Ansavia erf jYtewgstown were quests last week of lMr. and Mrs. diaries- Graham and , other wlativsa, Kcv. E. A. Jami*son and Kev, C. 0, " ..... •* ■>'* w-r- W ?*$«*# *,**»ft ■*#*•.>•* TUa auBjabera $rf tb# High School *u St* Louis this week at- r*__Ji _ rt', . *. » . . i iafialfHni. 4-L a VTuti^J Tl___1__ enjoyed a picnic Saturday at Laksaid* park, Payton. tending the United Presbyterian General Assembly, Mr. Joseph I*. Turnbyll of the Jamestown church is also in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Townsley and Mr. and Mrs, Wright spent Sabbath in Canton, Ohio. livestock cooperatives o f Ohio «-*—— r .— i showed a gain in volume of more than Mr; Paul Oir o f McConnelsvjlle 80 Pef eent for the first three months schools is here for Commencement 0* .tIli* V£w> according to word re­ events. coivsd at the office 1of the Greene i— ---------------——, County Farm Bureau. FOUND—Blue Denim Jacket on' ' ’ ——— Wilmington pike. Owner can have Mr. Adam Crider of Gallon, 0., was same by calling Harry Kennon and here l»st week ae the guest of his paying charge. ' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, — —-— -—--------- - J. M. Auld, Mr.*0rider came express- No one will be seated during acts of Iy to atten<* Wgh 8ch°o1 commence- “The Patsey" College Senior Play, *nent|'Miss Wilda Auld being a mem- Opera House, Monday May 28, 8:15 *>er 0 ■ 6 cl#S5' P. M. . ' 1 „ „ —------ ------------ s“— J Dr, F* A, Jurkat will preach Sab* bath for the M. E, congregation dur- Krs. Mkuti* Doagia** had for her gtwat the first ef the week her sister- i»4awi Mrs, Wright of Oxford. Mrs. A. K. Einhards was host Tues­ day aftaraooa to the member* of the Home Culture Club and a number of friend*. SEVENTEEN GRADUATES GET d iplom as Dr, C. M. Wilcox, accompanied Master John Richards, is spending few days this week in Cincinnati. Miss Clara Aten of Hamilton, O., is expected Saturday to spend the coming week with Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Marsh. Miss Aten and Mrs, Marsh were classmates at-Oxford college, « “n ° p a tw " f a,y> **<*• S S - I T S ? E MayZ*2P,.M . I 3. M. tai-mire, who 1, -att.n-im* r" ■ 'General Conference in Kansas City. College examinations have been on Mr, G. H. Hartman is also taking in schedule this week and are about the Sessions of the same meeting. completed. A number of Students ard ' _______ •' •' leaving for home this week. J jjg, J. B, Rife drove to Martinsville, ----------------------- >Ind., Friday to accompany Mrs. Rife Mrs. Edith Blair and daughter,]homeafter spending four weeks at the Kathleen, spent Sunday in' George-1Whiting Sanitarium. Mrs. Rife has town, a* the guest of Miss Laura Mar-, been on invalid for a number of years tin and other relatives. Get, tickets :for “The Patsey” from students or Richaru^ Drug Store. Mr. Alfred Townsley- and Wendall Boyety both College students, expect to start Monday on a trip to Yellow­ stone National Park. The boys hope toTje able to “ thumb” their way to the park. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Liming and family Of Quaker City, O., have been the guests fpr more than a week' at f the home of Mrs, Flora Dobbins, inother of Mrs, Sherman. and we are informed that she shows much improvement following her Btay a t that health resort. FOR RENT—Store-room on South ?iain Street. See d N. Stuckpy or ■he Exchang#®apk. cash i'OR SALE—Show cases, register, desk and chair C. NvSTUCKEY AUCTIONEERING - have !a sale let me have' auctioneer. Give good good recommendations. Carl Spracklen, ' - When you ' a chance as service and Phone 2-181. Jvrt|f 5VHEN ' in SPRINGFIELD v * s o f t 's . NT THEATER NO,W PLAYING VAUDEVILLE PRESENTATIONS ' “ AND. FEATURE.PICTURES \ ’ * COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAjk 1 ON SUNDAY AND THURSDAY PONT FORGET WREN IN SPRINGFIELD VISIT THE REGENT* Rev. S. W. Keister of Otterbein University, will fill the U. P. pulpit Sabbath at 11 A* M., during the absence of the pastor. The Miami Camp F ire,Girls will hold a sale of home made candy at Masters' Grocery, Saturday May 26, at 3:00. • FOR SALE—Sweet potato plants. JOHN GILLAUGH Get your Sunday dinner at the "Old Mill Camp on Xenia pike, west of town, Regular chicken dinner, ED PAYNE, Prop, The Freshman and Sophomore classes of the High School held their picnic last Wednesday at the Preston Camping. grounds along the. Miami River and that evening, enjoyed a picture show in Springfield. FOR SALE—Ferrett, good ratter. Cali or phone'H. S. Bailey. Mr. Oliver Jobe and family of Gran­ ville, O.,. have been spending a few days herd with relatives. Mr. Harrjf Iliff, of London, spent Tuesday here with his brother, Mr. W.' C. Iliff and family. Mrs; C. J. Rolle and Mrs. Andrew Renze, formerly. Kathleen and Mar­ jorie Putt, were here last Friday even­ ing in attendance at the annual high school alumni banquet, Seventeen graduate# received di­ ploma* at hlgh school commencement last Thursday evening. The stage of the Opera Heuee was beautifully de­ corated in the color* o f red and white with potted plants. Oj» the stage with the members of the Maas were the; members of the beard o f education and members o f the high school facul­ ty, speakers and ministers. In the background was the M. E. orchestra which furnished the music. The address of the evening was de­ livered by President J. Knox, Mont­ gomery of Muskingum College, wbicb was replete with historical knowledge, coupled with the present day needs of training for the youth of today. His excellent talk was not only an in­ spiration to the class but to the large audience present. Supt. 0. E. Oxley presented the di­ plomas to the following graduates: Owen F. Peters, Leo W, Reed, Hartley F. Dailey, Robert Orr Wilson, Corneli­ us Grinnell, Dorothy Ann Shaw, Wilda- May Auld, Winona Ruth Mitchell, Martha.Lorena W&ddls, Sara Martha; Abel, Frances Eleanor Finney, Bernice Leah Bryant, Gertrude Elizabeth Hamman, Donna, Isabelle Ford, dhris tine Wells, Ruth Marshall, Esther Mae Hartman. . The invocation was delivered by Rev. Wf P. Harriman and the bene- dictipn by Rev, R, A. Jamieson. One hundred ’and sixty-seven per­ sons attended the High School Alumni mnquet last FrfSay evening. Presi­ dent Raymond Williamson presided, Music for' the evening was furnished iy the Melody Maids of the High School. The feature of the program was the readings of her poems by Mrs. Lida Keck Wiggans of -Spring- field, a member of the association. Other speakers were Mrs. Lucy Bar­ ber, Mrs. Sherman Liming, and Mr. Stewart A. Randall Of Dayton. Follow­ ing the initation of the members of the class,' and response'by Leo Reed, refreshments Were served.. During the program Mrs. AnnaWilson on be­ half of the Cedar Cliff Chapter of the D, A. R. presented a likeness o f the late W. D. Ne*bit to be hung with his poem, “Your Flag and My Flag" in the school library. Planning Meals Is j Saving A ll Around J Fuel, Time and Effort Con-; served By Making Up Menus For A Week At One Time Cwtly Tofmeem The Rothschilds smoke-the cestly cigars, which cost f$ .each, These are wrapped in gold leaf and packed in little inlaid cedar-wood cab­ inet*. ~ Mailt Up by Thought Each la building his own world, Wa both build from within and we attract from without, Thought i* the.-fore# with which vra build, for thought* are faraM. * Don't cry * r « spilt mM, m0j#t aPatsey" tsjl* why. W A N T E D DEAD STOCK ramoved free #f charge, Call 454, Service, XENIA FERTILIZER CO, Killing two birds With one stone—if it were ever accomplished would be a matter of luck. But using one fire to perform two tasks requiring fuel, is management, as Hughina McKay of the Department of Home Econo­ mics, the Ohio State University, makes plain in a bulletin “Three Meals a Day.” < Not only fuel, but energy and time may be saved by doubling up on iron­ ing day when the stove must be kept hot. Baked pork chops, baked pota­ toes, baked'squash, baked apple, with bread and butter and something to drink, make a palatable and nutritious meal can be cooked while the ironing is under way. Another baked dish suggested is meat hash with scallop­ ed tomatoes, - . “In planning meals," Bays the bulle­ tin,” it is wise to take n day as a unit, and then, day ,by day, to plan all all the meals for a week at a time. Thus effort in preparation can often be saved, -and variety be move easily secured than if only one meal is planned at a time. Perhaps the home­ maker wishes ta attend, some after-' noon meeting or social affair, andwill enjoy her outing more if she has ar­ ranged for an evening meal which will reqkire little preparation at the time of serving. If she has this outing in mind when she makes her week's food plan, ti is not difficult to arrange for a supper for that day which.can be prepared in advance." . - AMTiON ‘ W/D£ iH $ m v n o N - 37-39 East Main St„ Xenia, O. Dollar Bills Marked Down Frogs $gtZj§ |p $ 1 .8 0 A New York Store rah MR excellent advertisement the other day with ,the caption; Very Handsome Dollar Biff* 12*78 Ea c h NowOnly$1.50 tad the firit pa r ag raph stated that if money were sold ia stores no sensible parson would buy a dollar Dill lor fl.SO simply because til* storekeeper had oner priced It $2.75. > This Is exactly what we' have tried to tell you about -, our No Sale Policy. We {could, of course, mark our merchandise twice as high < and later on mark it down to a normal price, but we don’t do business that way. That * would be sellingyou a Dollar BUI for $1.50, wouldn’t it?, NOTICE—We will store your heat­ ing stoves as usual. Phone 3 on 75. C. N. STUCKEY. I Solar Straw HATS N-O-W! Milan Straw Hat* fo r Men Pinch front, cedar color, snap brim, fancy band— $1 .98 Sennit Straws For Men Fine concealed stitch, im­ proved saw edge,'at— 98c $1.98 $1.69 Bishop 'Jones, of Wilberforce, ha* been transferred to„ the First Episco­ pal district which will include New York state. This action is necessary Under, the new ru&s of the A. M. E. Conference when all bishops were sent to new districts. #• Bank the Difference BUY FROM E. W. FULMER CO. State. Supt. ’ of Public -Insfrlction Clifton of Columbus stopped in town Wednesday enroute to Osborn where; he delivered the address to the graduating class at commencement that evening. ' *• " ....;«* V -n^.jJLA—— t —f-W- , ’ 'J‘ ' ................... ^*.1 . .WANTED—I amnow ready to mow and trim lawns.. GEORGE McFARREN The T. N. T. Clothing Club of Clif­ ton was re-organized recently with eight girls enrolled, .The following officers were elected: president, Wilma Corry; vice president, Dorothy Eck- man; secretary, Nina Stevenson; treasurer, lone Eckinan; pres* cor­ respondent, Doris Printz. Constitution -and program commit­ tees were appointed. The next meet­ ing will be held the first Tuesday in June., Mrs. W. D, Printz is leader of the club. . SUGAE 10 POUNDS 63c CHIPSO, Large Package 21c SOAP, P G or Kirks Flake 5 bars 18c TOMATOES No. 2 Size, 3 Cans 23c FREE COUPON BUY ONE PACKAGE "QUALITY INN " BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AT CUT PRICE OF 13c AND RECEIVE ONE FULL SIZE PACKAGE, "QUALITY INN PANCAKE FLOUR FREE WITH COUPON THE TWO PACKAGES 13c ♦ SPINACH Del Monte No. 21/4 Can CHOCOLATE DROPS POUND 21c 19c aft1 LARD,LB.13c PO$T TOASTIES OR KELLOG’S CORN FLAKES TEE-PEE TEE-FEE TONIC $1.00 Bottle 84c KONJOLA MEDICINE $1.23 Bottle 96c « MILK OF MAGNESIA 60c Phillips 45c LISTER!NE 60c SIZE 30c SIZE 45c 25c Wlldman-Peckham , Nuptials Saturday Miss Edith E. Wildman, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Alvin E. Wildman, Selma, was united in manriage at 4 P. M, Saturday to Cecil R. Peck- ham, of Wilder, Idaho. The cere­ mony took place at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Wildman. Guest* at the wedding were as follows: Mr. and Mrs, Harold H. Peterson, Chicago; Wendell, Walter and Austin Wildman, Winifred and Eleahor Wildman, all of Selma; Dr, and Mrs. S. E. Greenawalt, Spring- field; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pickett, Richmond, lnd<; Mr, and Mrs. E, A. Wildman, Richmond, Ind.; Dr, and Mrs. E. E. Kirk, Richmond, Ind.; Miss Letha Hickman, Chicago; Mrs, Bertha Hickman, Whittier, Calif.; Miss Hilda Hickman, Richmond, Ind.; Mrs. Ed­ mund White, Mrs, Edwin Hiatt, Mr. afod Mrs, E. E. Elliott, Mr. arid Mrs. Cecil White, all of Knlghtstown, Ind.; Hr. arid Mr*. Howard White, India­ napolis, Ind,; Miss Mary Lowes, Cin­ cinnati; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Xenia; Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Wones, Xenia; Mr, arid Mrs. Charles Dugdalg, Homed#)*, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder, South Charleston; Mal- com ancPenneth Elder, £fouth Charles­ ton; Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Calvert, Selma; Miss Helen Calvert,* Selma; Mr. and Mrs, J. Donald Calvert, Mr, and Mrs, Leland Calvert, Miss Martha Warner, Miss Margaret Warrier, Mr, and Mrs. R, Newell Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wildman, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wildman, Miss Ethel Wild­ man, Sam Howell, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Thome, Mr, and Mrs. Allen McDor- man, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Grant, all of Selmfe DEL MONTE .LACK»ERftiB% to* ft . ................. ................ *** LACKBERRY JAM, % ft Cm ............. .WWSfiffi No. %Cm \Ut gVkJSg ? * / ; ™ — 3 r— 2Hfe W M t* . w # % ftH C * « ........................ g o ftfte ftlo « t 4 ............. .........*.............. . 'jillirrff'iTr......»■»!- 1—-^ Notice To The Public Under new management Spencers Barber Shop latest styles in Ladies and Gentle­ mens hair cuts, Children are Welcome here. R» & VIALL a Main St. Cedarville, 0 . New prices on items o f well known reputation oh which we have not had space to quote you before. They are offered a t prices lower than you can secure thetn elsewhere. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, 6 oz. can 22c RUB-NO-MORE or STAR NAPTHA WASHING POWDER 4 Packages 15c 20 MULE TEAM BORAX A f SOAP CHIPS, 14 oz. Pkg. JL 9 C » * * SAL SODA, Arm & ( J . Hammer 2Yg lb pkg. 2 forJL WHITE HOUSE VINEGAR in Gallon Glass Jug Per Gallon f ‘S 58c LEWIS LYE 2 Cans 23c POST'S BRAN FLAKES Package 11c HERSHEY'S COCOA Yz Lb. Cans, ft for _ . < 25c „ Wr SALTED PEANUTS Special, Lb, 15c CAN SWEET POTA­ TOES, No* 3 can, 2 for 15c BULK TEAS $1.20 Fancy Natural Leaf, Lb. ..60c 90c Gunpowder Tea, Lb, .... .....60c $1.00 Black Tea Fancy, Lb........ 60c RUMFORD BAKING POWDER, Vz lb* can 14c SERVES CLEANER, You can not buy it anywhere at this fancy Santos, 2 lbs. With Cup and Saucer Or Plate Free TABLE SALT, 3 lb. Pkg. Free running, -2 pkgs. 15c PORK & BEANS, Elk Lick or A . C. brand 2 cans 15c SLICED PINEAPPLE No. 3 large can, 2 cans 45c BOYS’ SU IT S . Choice of our whole stock in any sizes.! See them on IP P * ipk J * display, Suits each price, per package rfh L • ’ BO PEEP AMMONIA Large Size i ' d C ' Small Size 13 C MEN’S B. V. D’S., 2 s t y l e s g $1.00 values, suit m w v • . • ■ , V MEN’S DRESS, O f ) QT TROUSERS, Choice, pair W L k 5 3 30-40 PRUNES, i * Fancy, lb, .10c, 3 lbs. 29c. JL V v CORN SYRUP, "E " Brand or Farm House Crystal White A Per Gallon 4 9 C KARO SYRUP „ ' : i t 1 Yz lb. Red, 2 cans...............i......23cs 1 Yz Ih. Blue, can ............. .. l.-....10c Staley’s Maple Flavor Syrup, Genuine Maple, mmlmF w 2 Cans 25c* < EPSOM SALTS A f 5c Pkg., 3 fpr * % J C HEINZ BAKED BEANS t* f t Large Can VEAL LOAF ’ Special, Can 9 v POTATOES, extra good Per Pjeck d d C * * CHEERUP COFFEE, A i i . HEINZ'CAN SPAGHETTI in 23c Homato Sauce 2 Cant LIBBY'S RIPE OLIVES 25c Can WOMEN'S SHOES Pair .* Buy 1 Pair for 44c and you can buy the second pair for lc . i 1 OLIVE O IL—Pompeeian—Pint 69c SPECIALS ON ALUMINUM, GRANITE AND TIN WARE All former advertised prices still apply and are good, during our Close Out Sale. This Sale will continue as long as alterations in the store will permit. R . B ird & S o n s Co. ..A* SS#!