The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26
NOTICE l We have a nice CALENDAR which we will he glad to give to any of our adult customers or friends who will call for it at our store, HOME CLOTHING CO* G. H. Hartman, Prop, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mm Frank Town*]*? g*v* * family dinner Monday to relative*. Ml** Bertha Creswell of Steuben ville, 0., la Visiting relatives here du?. ing the Holidays, KUPi ATTENTIONFARMERS FOB SALE YELLOW EAR CORN YELLOW SHELLED CORN Call Us by Phone or Come and See the Corn GUYQURREY&COMPANY * ' { ' South Solon, Ohio IftHftRnihNlKIjfflmiHimaiRHltlilHIiUHItllBIBfilljBIlnWilifeill'JRIHItilimayiliawiBfltiniRtHiHghiwaitimKiimtaimitimiiWiwmfiWBWfiwHitm PIG CHOW COWCHOW BULKY LASS HEN CHOW CHICK CHOWDER , FENCE LOCUSTPOSTS "STEEL POSTS HANNA GREEN SEAL PAINT JOHN DEEREIMPLEMENTS : HAAGWASHERS Farmers’ Grain „ A P h o n e 21 ; i Everything for the Farm CedarviIle,*JGhio Cl R I ID Country Club»24 121‘4“lb' Q t n I L U U l l sack, 49c; Clifton, 24 l-2-lb„ 89c. v u t l P B A P IT E D 0 ^oun^ry<Club Soda, 2-lb. box? AC f l U l f f t l m O l U Country Club Butters, 1-lb. ’ Z 3 II 16c. U l IT A Diamond Brand English Walnuts, lb, A Q A l lU I U Paper Shell Pecans, lb., 43c. L UU n n r i n Country Club Split or Twin loaf, 1 1-2 IIA D t l tA U pounds. >= 3U Dr, G, M. Wilcox of New Faria, 0,, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Richard*. Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Williamson entertained a party of friends last Friday evening, Mr. Marvin Williams will hold a public sale of farm stock, feed, lum ber and implements today, Friday. FOB SALE;—-2000 bushels of corn. John Fitstick. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lewis were guests Christmas of relatives in Frankfort, Ohio. . Bobert Bratton, who is employed in? the Kroger store in College Comer spent Christmas at home. . , Mr. and Mr*. W. W. Galloway'aiL. family spent Christmas in Springfield with Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Barker Mr. Marion Stormont is home for the Holidays from .Cleveland where he is a medical student in Western* Reserve. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Watt entertain ed a number o f relatives and friends a t dinner, Monday. ■’ , '■ Dr. and Mrs, J, O. Stewart are spending a week in Richmond, Ky., visiting with Prof John Otr Stewart and family* is winiiinr the hi WalLtton, Mr. their Harry Ttaaswi’j farsanvillas Edna Kafoirt. AUCTIO JantKtown. 0, JWn* and dujjgb .Christmas with ft Wright had a t i Mr. and Mr*. •«» Max, of Jef- ®*f«rt and Miss a L, TAYLOR— *3. (10-28) Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Dukes are spending several ,days with the Iat- teris parents, M&. and Mrs. Arthur Cummings. For Bent; 80 acre# fo r spring crop. About 20Q shock* of com fpr. sale Phone 21-162, A, H» Creswell (4t) Prof. George F. Siegler of Mariet ta,, has been spending n few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Siegler, Mrs. Knox garits ‘ Rickent Dorothy, spent Cincinnati. mm**!#*:- R-JRENT4 near M, E. Churl man. chison, Mrs. Mar'S, and daughter, s&s with friends in image, Trustees See-G, H. Hart- , Mr, Ward Creswell, manager of a Kroger store in Bond Hill, near Cin cinnati, spent Christmas a t the home of his*parent*, Mr. and Mrs.W.'.W. Creswell. ■* CAMPBELL BEANS 2 5 C Ihree for ----------------- ^ - a SALMON, pink. 4 7 - Tall cart ___________ _ * * V LETTUCE, head. f A « Large -- ----------------- _ I . U U SLOVESrCanvalir' 4 £ | | 8 4 C Do*. : MILK, country Club# 2 9 0 J l^tll ClWlS Jiweeeite;^*-*#'*'**^**** GRAPE FRUIT. COFFEE, French, 4 . 5 C 14b. pkg# CELERY. Large well bleached. 3 for a fc e llle WATOKS r %#ett 3 j % U - Rk* ****«““« !■. H ■ BACON, 3-lb. piece. 2 0 0 Mrs. John Marshall-‘-is spending a few days at College Gomer,' with Mr, and Mrs. Bufus McFarland. Mrs. Sarah Mitchell has been Visit ing with her brother, Mr. James P. Barr and wife in Diiyton,'the past week. - Miss Vinnia.and Edna McLean of Dayton are the holiday guests of their aunt, ^Trs. E. C, Payne. The 0 .-Y, P, C. U. of the tT. P. church ‘will hold a- social gathering this-Friday .evening at the "home' of Mr. John McCampbell. ■' Mrs. Ella* Dennison of New Con cord, 0., has been the guest of her Parents, Mr. and-Mr*; S. K.>WiIIiam- w v t h e past week. * , 1 ’ The .members of the Primary classes of the XT, P. Sabbath school were entertained in Community Hall, Wednesday a t noon a t dinner. .AUCTIONEERING — When you have a sale let me have a Chance as" auctioneer. ' Give good service and good .recommendations, phone 2,-181. Carl Spracklen. ’ , Mr. J. W. Johnson and wife and daughter, Lucile, and Mrs. J1. H. Rit- enour, attended .the Xmas Entertain ment a t Boss Township High school, Friday evening. BUTCHERING—Custom butchering at my residence'' only 'this* season. Hogs can be delivered or I Trill truck them. No outside butchering. Phone 3-197. ty. M. Cmfcice Judge and Mrs. S.. C; Wright have as their Holiday guests this week,' Rev. James L, Chestnut and family of Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peterson of Frankfort, 0. The family enjoyed a Christmas dinner Monday evening. ■*■■!*' , l. - I w e HOUSE CLEANINGTIME and yon cm Slave 20 Per Cent by Buying a Radio Suction Sweep er at the SERVICEHARDWARECO, m m W t our poittt of view-—Genius i* the ability to make men happy about their clothing selections* This stoye happenSsto have that genius* And one of the lines that makes us so*8ti£~ cessM is Middishade —the fedeproofiMnc serge suit . HOMECLOTHINGCO CEDARVILLE, OHIO ^ The Junior High School class en joyed a party Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Dorothy Corry." The 'entertainment wad ,in keeping with the Christmas, season. J. D. Hyland of the Columbus Oil Garage, Cedarville, has a 1921 Ford sedan for sale. -Price 15. Miss Martha, Cooley, who is at tending, the Columbia University, in New York City, is heme for the Holi day period. . . *Mr. Alkw Turnbull «£ the 0 . f . U. is heme for the holiday*. Mis* Florence Williamson of Bow ling Green, 0., i* home for the Holi day*. . Mr. Robert Choate of the 0. S. U is visiting James C. McMillan during the Holidays. Mr. and Mr*. W. W, Galloway aw two daughter* left yesterday on a motor trip to West Virginia. Rev, R. A. Jamieson and family .spent Thursday with hi* brother, Rev. 3. B, Jamieson at Sugarcreek. Mrs. Belle Gray has been spending the past week with her son-in-law anc -daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Gales Dugan in Springfield. . Mr. 0. B. Satterfield, Mrs. Edith Blair and Miss Kathleen Blair spent Monday in Xenia with ,Mr-*Court -Satterfield and'family. Miss Maude Hastings, who is teach ing a t Kent, 0., is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Hastings, during the Holiday vacation. , Miss Marjorie McClellan of Cleve land spent ChriBtmaB with her grand mother, Mrs, Lucy McClellan and Other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Balls anc daughter, Phillis of Dayton, and Mr. and Mr . Dana Busch of Athens were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W« Boss, over Christmas, Dr,‘ Nancy. . Finney, head of the health- department of Western Cob- lege; Oxford, is spending the vaca tion period with her mother, Mr*. John M. Finney. Mr. M. W. Collins spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jobe near Granville, 6 ,, and from' there he made a trip to.Bucyrus, 0., to visit with relatives, The Golden Rule church enjoyed a; Friday night at tl Arthur Cummings, changed presents' 3kw* of the M, E. r3hristmag party home, of Mrs, file members ex ring the evening. For Sale: Slightly-mixed No, t hay. Inquire of Raymond Spracklen. Mr. R, C. Ritenour and family, Miss 'Frances Wells, Mr*. J..H . Ritenour, Mr.. F. R. Smith and wife, and Her-, bert Smith, were dbme^ guests, Mon- 9URj£&U#»>JkA ***** . son of Dayton, For Sale—-Paths phonograph, cabi net style.withl2 records. Cheap if sold, at once. Cull phone 110, or se$ Mr. Middleton a t McMillan's. Miss Esther Townsley, who is teaching at Warren, 0., haB been spending the *Holidays, with her father, Mr. Richard Townsley. Mr, Townsley. leaves in a- few days for Arkansas to visit, with his sons, Her man and John Townsley, Mr. Ralph Murdock, and sister, Miss- Inft, entertained a t dinner Monday, the following guests: Mrs. Belle Er vin and Miss Mary Ervin, J, C. Marshall ahd family of Xenia, Mr, and Mrs..’ Clayton McMillan and family and Miss Annabelle Mtirdock of this place. The first meeting of village council for organisation will probably be Monday, January 2, at which time the various committee* will be announced and the work for the new year plan ned. Other officers will be sworn in a t that time. . Mr. Howard Arthur of Mt. Corry, 0., schools came home Friday for the holidays, Howard is meeting with good success in his athletic work thus ■far this year. -The pupils of Miss Maragret Jamie son will appear in recital at her home on Bridge street, Friday afternoon, DecemL r 30th a t three o'clock. Friends are invited. \ Mrs. Mary Bridgman had as -her guest* Christmas, Mr. and Mr*. Frank. Shepherd, Columbus; Attorney L A. Finney and -family and Mr, Charles Shepherd, Xenia.*• Frosty Nights Call For Heating Stoves With frost just around the eomer why not have the base burner gone over and put in good condition for winter use? Your stove pipe may need repair or a new section added* You can save gas by having the gas stove cleaned and the burner adjusted to give the best results. Gall Service Hardware Co. for appoint ment and I will do your work in a satis factory manner* CHARLES H0RERNER 2SS23!B52{' SPECIALSFORSATURDAY CANEOTGAR 25 Pounds,.^........................... . : SI 59 LARD Per Pound .1......................;....... 12 i c PORK CHOPS ■Per Pound............ 1.......... . 25 ° ENGLISHWALNUTS Per Pound......:.................... . 29 ? CLIFTON FLOUR ; 25 lbrSack ................... :___ $116 CANNED PEACHES In Syrup—Doz. Cane $235 RAISENS—2 Pounds 28c THOMASANDCROUSE Football on a basket ball court was thriprogram when the Yellow Jacket* met defeat a t the hand* of the Wil mington College team last Wednesday night The. score was 38 to 26. The Broadcasters of the First Pres byterian church held their annual Christmas party -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Conley last Friday evening. - Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull, Mrs. America Wolford, Miss Bernice Wol ford, Mr. Ralph Wolford, and Mrs. Edna Dodds spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J, N, Wolford and family in Yellow Springs, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tarbox had for their guest Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waddle .and son, Merele, of Co lumbus; Mr. and^Mrs. Townsley and family of this place. , NOTICE —.1 have arranged to do butchering a t the C. H. Crouse slaugh ter house for farmer* Who want hog* butchered. Gall phone 144 or phone 40 for arrangements, C. C. Weimer For Rent: Cottage on Elm street.; t:*r Dr. J, O. Stewart. Rev, and Mrs, R, A, Jamieson had a* their guest* for their Christmas dinner Monday, Dr# and Mr*, A. W. damiesott itf Rashville, Ind., Rev. and Mrs. S. R. iamkion of Dayton; Le- land and HaTland Hogue from Chi cago, nephews of RuW Jamieson; and Albert Work, student in Pittsburgh Theological Seminary# Rev. J, Merle Rife and family of Tarklo, Mo,, drove through last week and are visiting with Rev. Rife'*; parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. B, Rife, and Mr*. Rife's parent*, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Ramsey Rev. Rife la now,instruct- for in Greek hi Tarido College. They expect to return home Saturday, stop ping etarounte over Sabbath in India* napolls, 1 ■ . r ^ -t..■— <- Mr*. Dora Kerr baa had for her guest*,.Mhw Harriot Kerr of Knox ville, Town., and Mis* Isabel Kerr of FrenohhW, K?#» Th* Mi** Kerr left yesterday for a yjMt in their former home hi S&shvSlfe tad. Mi** Harriet will go Uttar **■®d«**o to take » course to Moo# foridtute. Mr*, Kerr *d*o had m r guest Christ :London. .# . iiW8****^"^* ■ i i Dates u m rn w m m y m n o , j CeM# *«d 8 SB|r S m m tf 11 , ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCollough of Seaman, 0., came up last Thursday for a visit wifh their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright. Mrs. McCollough is remain ing for a short visit. Mr*. Louise Ewbank entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Murphey and family, Mr. and Mr*. 0 , 0, Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wal lace, Mr. John F. Dowler, Mis* Mar guerite Ewbank of Columbus, Mon day,at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Iliffe ahd daughter, Helen, le ft Monday for La fayette; Ind., where they will spend the week with Rev. arid Mrs*^ W. R» Graham. From there they go to Chi cago to visit Rev, Wallace Iliffe and family. Mr. Jas. Armstrong and wife and son, Donald, of East End, Saskatch ewan, Canada; Mr, and Mrs. Leon Washburn, and Mr*. Donald Morrison of Detroit, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs, Don ald McDonald, and soris, Dewitt and Ronald, of Youngstown, 0., were Christmas visitors at the home of Dr, and Mrs. W, P# Harriman. five relatives arid friends were pres- en t The home was decorated in keep ing With the Christmas season, The UlUg JBWJJyWA, WWH W -r visit with relative* Mr. and Mrs, Ron* will be a t home after the first of the month in a newly furnished home in Detroit. E. W. FULMER CO. - Maitk Street, Next to th<Bridge, Cedarville W h e re C e d a rv ille H o u sew iv e s S av e SUGAR 1 5 8 c i 2B lbs. $1.54 FLOUR uSvr-- 9 8 c 24 1-2 Lb. Beans, 2 lbs. ...........— 15c Hominay, 3 lbs# ................10c Blackeye Peas,. 3 lb s ........25c Corn Meal, 7 lbs. ............ 23pc Rice, fancy, 2 lbs....... .......18c Cal. Lima Beans, lb ....__ 10c Red Kidney Beans,vlb.___ 10c Macaroni, bulk, 2 lb*. ......25c LARDu 12ic MACARONI SPAGHETTI 3 pkgs A AC “STERLING” ZU SOA PS P. & G., S bars —...18c Kirks Flake, S bars..........18c Kirks Hard Water, 3 for 19c Ivory Soap, 3 f o r ...... .......19c SO A P C H IP S Grandma, 20c Chips .. ...I6c Kirks Flake, 23cChips ....16c Grandmd, 20c Powder _16c Oxydol, 3 pkgs. ...______ 25c BROOM GOOD O O a WEIGHT 4 9 C F L O U R “Thank You” O 5 Lb? Sack M JL w Coffee, “Thank You”, lb, 35c Coffee, “Old Honesty,” lb. 39c Coffee, “Four Square,” lib. 47c Ten, Lipton, 1-4 lb, box ....25c Tomatoes, No. 1, 2 cant ..13c Tomatoes, No. 2, 5 can*_25c Corn, Standard, No. 2 can, 9c Corn, Social Club, c a n__ lSc SA LT SO Lb. BLOCK 4 2 a For Salting Cattle " W < 5 C SA LT FARMERS A M 70 Lb. BAGS d JLl U 9 Queen Baked Beans, 2 for l3c Pumpkin, No. 2, 2 cans ,...15c Pumpkin, No. 3, c a n ...... 10c Peas, Leeds, 2 pans .......... 25c Cocoa, Hersey, lb. can ....25c .........' -■«!........ ........:.... -■■ ' ■ Scratch Feed, No Grit, 100 lba. *............... $2.70 Apple Butter, Lippencot No. 2 1-2 ................... 23c Log Cabin Syrup ......„.,.;.....25c CORN STARCH PURITY O - Pound Box O v MATCHES Full Size Boxes * A ^ Double Tip, 3 Bxa* JLv v PRUNES FOR HEALTH AND ECONOMY Sizemeans number to Round. •It does not pay to buy rnnaller than 56-60*i*e, as proportion of seed is too great SO-*-60 Size, large Sweet Santa. Clara, Porind.......... <f 8 Pound*, S8&? Brix of 25 lb*. $2.28 40—50 Size, Larger Sweet Pruftet, Pound ............ <f 1 m 5 Pound* 68c, ‘ Box of 25 lb*. $2.75 ’ so— 40'Size, Vary Large, -Pound_________ *9A 8 Pounds 78c; Box of 25 lb«* $8.80 * * ** PEACHES ; DEL MONTE i jBig No. 2 1-2 Gait’ m rW i PEACHES HERBERT B ig N o .» !« 2 te J B lf l* WHENINNEEDOFSAl^lBILLSSEEUS
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