The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 1-26

3 0 T H I C 1 QARV I L LB HERALD f l M l m EDITOR AND PUBUBHI M i* tfr* F*fc OWo, Otfobar 81,1887, m 9mm& dkm ■ In^rovwJ Uniform lw lem«tfw*l FRIDAY, MARCH % 1988. ®RAND*S POSITION GOOD ENOUGH FOR COMICS Btm* day* fjfQ. t$>« eoaaie *fea#t aaaosmood that I4ttl» Uh«s* t«r, h*d * new brother, Goliath, that had come to gladden the hew* a£ the Hon. Andrew Gump, who once ran as a candidate for oangNMia* so the pictures told ns at the time. Many there are that were aarpdeod at the news from the Gump home. H aeaMmasst we have found is general over the state as it is in this section, many there are o f the farmers that were just as much surprised at the announcement that Congressman Charles Brand had fendavScM ' Le s s o n ' tea o.o. i |*tOW«***.] rat*.?* tmt« to ® : ALJUw 4**r. hQCAl wiMBIMi ,|w|; v, t*. u wt*WAt »s .D. o**» _ 4? »ibi« Iwrttm* it d jot.jcO1 iQh 1IH. WMtamM*W*0P«t lis oM Lesson for March 4 JESUS AND THE TWELVE Md4«r.4* nO’TOMll muaber of o f : You knm* tOJUObile JilMt■• it, You nan \ n si* last six yams* Proper <9q»- will proton*., tott-rfa* yoo h*Yo ywr s matter ✓ Vm W mmu, mmal w*i Gmu#, h* L$P* m * bk A est 2 s ^3 cmt SPRINGFIELD, O. ONYX POINTEX WEEK MARCH 5th to 10th fit ] joined the “ Ohio Crowd” to push Senator1 Frank B. Willis for the Republican presidential nomination. The joke o f the situation is that Brand has been an-eight cylin­ der campaigner the past four years for farm relief, lower in­ surance rates and some other things, for instance gravel reads with a mulch o f dust fo r the top* In contrast Willie has not only fought farm relief on the platform hut has voted against it every time and in every form it has been up for consideration. Brand some weeks, ago came out. for Vice President Chas. Dawes, a native Ohioan, He now talks Dawes and Bowden, both o f whom have favored farm relief, but he wants Willis to have the nomination before either of the other two are to have a chance at it. The congressman is going to have a hard time •making the farmers believe that to get Dawes or Lowden you must first take Willis. I f Willis is nominated on the first ballot every farmer, can easily see that Brand will haye lead all his farmer friends into a trap. If Brand thinks Willis has not one chance in a million of being nominated, why then be for a can­ didate in the primary that farmers know is sworn to oppose any form of farm relief? This is for Mr* Brand to answer, With corn at ninety cents a bushel find hogs a eight dollars a hundred and farmers borrowing money to pay taxes, mort­ gages being closed, farmers are thinldngjmore about bread and' blitter, and some little return on their investment and for their > long hours o f laborrthan being misguided into voting f o;r a pan- , didate that votes to subsidize, other lines but not the farmer. As Edwin Dean, one o f pur most successful farmers stated d few days ago, Brand’s position to the farmer is really comical and a good joke in pushing the face of. present condi­ tions. LK&SONTOPIC—Mark* OOLDSN TEXT—Go ye Into nil the worffi end preach the *o*P** out* every creature. PRIMARY TOPIC—Je*u* CboosM Twelve Helper*. * JUNIOR TOPIC—The Twelve Apoa- tlee end Their Work, „ INTERMEDIATEANDSENIORTOP- {O^Jeeue* cell to Service, # _ YOUNGPEOPLEANDADULTTOP- IC—^he Trnfnlns of the Twelve, I, Th* Twelv^T”*Ordained (Mack S;mO). Jesus, knowing that! His earthly career would be cut abort,^made pro- ■ vision for the carrying forward of His wort after He was gone by calling and ordainingthetwelve, Beforedoingtills He spent a whole night In pvnyor (Lute .6;12). The burden of His prayer ,le indicated by tVhqt He lip- mediately did. From among Ills dis­ ciples He chose twelve, whomHe or­ dained for a twofold’ purpose, L “That they might be with Him” (V- 14>. Fellowship withthe Lord Is not only the highest privilege of a disciple but. the Indispensable quaHlJoatlon for wit­ nessing for Him, Personal nssoclu- the interaction ..... . V" ’ to go loom *e w i t e i l p ^ PUBLIC IS JUST BEGINNING TO REALIZE ; -Attorney General Edward Turner in his speech before the Greene County Masonic Club last Friday night handled the Ohio political situation withoift gloves. What he said about , the public utility control of Ohio made men gasp and think of ' thp situation as they had never done before. .The fortunate thing about the speech is that it brought ‘ hphre facts concern- * fng. rates tor gas and'telephones, as well as electricity, at the very time many Greene*countians are interested. It has not been so long ago'thatS&enia felt the heavy hand o f the Bell telephone trust and were forced to dig down for an increase inmates. About'a year ago a new gas rate .went over because Ideal authorities were helpless. ‘ fa llow Springs has just started to fight for lower gas rates. People in the southern . part o f the County are opposing the electric rates. Under the present law all local subdivisions are helpless and at the mercy , o f the, Ohio Public Utility Commission, bossed, owned and pbn- . trolled by the utility crowd. The law was. first used to defend the consumer, but now it is used* to club him. .The situation; is all &iie tb-the fact that the util) y interests control the members ; Of the legislature and ignoring the demand.- of citizens tdvote ' repeal o f the infamous Pence law. i||c«mey General Turner lays the blame fo r the situation Sa%i«*v.A.4iti«SaloonLea'gde that also works in harmony v , iredHnthe refetendumbampaign last fall, that the crests joined with the Anti Saloon League to force the see o f peace bill through the legislature on condition that he bill repealing the Pence law would be killed. And it was killed ip the legislature. \ . . . : " Mr, Turner has demanded "that the Anti Saloon League make known its list o f financial backers but father than expose the utility crowd the League flatly ignores the burner request. Thus you have a so-called moral organizatlon ashamed to make known its backers. The small amounts received from churches goes no where with the princely salaries paid a host -of league officials. The League is now and has for some time been fight- ■ ing with its back to the wall. Its political connection will prove a mill-stone about its neck, as it should unless it plays fair and in the open with the public. This it has not bden doing. We wish to recall but one claim made about the justice of peace bill last fall. The League-told you if the bill was’defeated we would have no inferior court. There are as many justice courts today as ever. Locally we now have .two,where we only had one for several years. Mr. Turner made many converts at the Xenia meeting that had paid no attention in the past to the utility situation and the rate problem. He made an unsuccessful one-man fight during the last legislature over the utility control. He should be com­ mended for exposing a system that is being used to rob the pub­ lic as is being done in this state, • » , r . . ‘ A T T E N T I O N ! I The Greene County Co-operative Live . stock Association has employed Mr. Frank Creswell to handle shipments in and around Cedarville territory. I f you have Live Stock ready fo r market g e t in touch with Mr. Creswell o r Stockyards, Xenia. ‘ Return will be mailed from County office at Xenia. This is your organization—Get behind it SLOGAN—-“In the hands o f a friend from beginning to end.” A . A . C O N K L IN , Manager. HOUSE CLEANING TIME *ito youcan Save 20 ParCentbyBaying; a Radio Suction Sweep­ er at the SERVICEHARDWARE CO. r F ■ •> «* * * SSfcV. {ion with Jesus,Christ ot personalities—the Impact h>t His personality upon opes Is the essential liveparfl'Uon for Christian service. 2. “That He might send themforth to preach'* (vv, 14, 15L •> , To prodMm the‘ good news of hah vatlon to the lost world was the su­ preme missionkof the disciples, Their credential for this .hdssion was the entifuement of the power of the.Spirit —“To heal sickness arid-td/cast^our ,devl|s”,(v. 15). ’Cbncferning‘those'>vho were tp be Chest's messengers ob- sp'rve; „•> •' ' j \ • , •. “i (1) JChnt twelve were ordained, (V, M). This'was the beginning^ the process by which (be triune God was tomake hhowu Hle grace to thewhole' world, therefore He Sends forth, the ntimber of men corresponding''to that purpose: The number-twelve is'the - product of the heavenly three and the earthly four Indicating the purpose ot the triune God to reveal Himself, to the,four Quarters of the world. (2) Their'characteristics. <a) Men of overage abtllty. They were, hot fromsciioots aiid colleges, yet men of mentni capacity and efficiency. This bus been the history of the Christian church. Nor many no,ble. not many wise after the flesh are called fl Cor, j :26), (b) Middle ranks of Society: Theywetenot chosen fromamong the rich, neither from among paupers. The -most efficient workers are those who are' awe to sympathise with the commonpeople. <e) Diverse'tempera­ mental gifts,-v-They.were so grouped as to have impulse and leadership— ■ ceftectmb and questioning went to- gather: and among them were found . men of practical business ability, tl. The Twelve Sont Forth (Mark t. They .were sent forth In' pairs (v. 7). ' , * • , Two. reasons’ assigned for this. (1) *A cheering ,aqd comforting companionship for'the workers, (2) Coniirmation of testimony.’ In .the mnuth of two or Hired witnesses every word shall he established: Peo­ ple would more likely believe that, which was- verified by two. » 2. Supernatural authentication of their mission (v. 7), He gave them power, over unclean spirits. He en­ dued them with power to work mira­ cles, in order to demonstrate their ,divine commission, 8, Their mninteni.nCe (vv. 8,9). They were to depend wholly for their support upon the Lord Who.sent them. Having received the message ' nud thp power gratuitously they were to give them out in the same way (Matt 10:9), . , 4. Contentment' with hospitality (v; 10). According to Matt 10:11, Inquiry was-to be made upon entering a city as to a reputable place to Stay. Upon *being directed to such a place thij missionary was to he content * 8. The responsibilities of the'hear­ ers tv. 11). Judgment was to be pronounced up­ on those who rejected their mCtrage/ 0. Their message and work (vv. 12. 18). They went out and preached that men should repent. Matthew adds, “'flie Kingdomof Heaven is At baud" (Matt. 10:?). This ,mean* that the kingdom promised to Israel was At hand, that the Messiah wad present nnd ready to set up,His kingdom, lb comirnmiloh of this message they cast out many devils, anointed with off many that were sick, mid healedthem. 1 Being Right With God ■The man who is right with God doesn't have to have a Ida Income to hr>hwipy.—k ft Meyer. ro&fthr* i» befit; wware, that ito career wr .ten. •jtaH you that to beat so ,bat he wifi pulse rate out faster also, that the determines In AUTOMOBILE TIRES — Mason and Goodrich Sfivertown Curd. All sixes. Tube# and automobile accessor­ ies of all kind*. 9 A. D. Tcmmsley, Columbus Gasoline Station, S. Main. AUCTIONEERING When you hate a sale let m hare a chance a# auctioneer. Give good service and good ttfoommendation*. Rhode 3491. Carl fcptadtfen. mileag whether Your your Heart Is naoy times and tell you that an. means you *eg thanyou eh»jMd. And he will tefi rate at which y?u- _ large measure l$Pg#> of time you will live. * . You are tpnrefipg t<* the grave. The faster you travel the‘sooner you will get there. Most of the longevity records are- held by people who- live, in America's background and ti% people who live in the highlands of Southern Europe, Heredity has much £oqO"withtheir length of fifa; £&^-,pimple fare, their freedom frofi^viue and their: lack of acfiuaintance-iwlth softening, luxuries are important factors’. Rut they five long becausethey five Slowly. They do not*sprint. In forty plaffid days they db not expend as much energy, mental and physical, as a typical ’"go-getter” expends in a week,. ■ • • , . You Can’t eat your cake and have it,, too. And iw ^yqu- gulp |h. greedily, you, can’t expect ‘vfc&t la^t as long as the Cake.of th^fwwfio nibble. This is the tMUfc'yqU;must-decide for yourself, Is it ^fter to run swifts ly until your pantilhg breath stops at forty, or to saunter alopg^the way, with no anxious thought for the mor­ row and fie down to rest *t four score and tenSt \ teen,markers. 4 . FOR SALE—Bull Curley! ’ ' BIKE-XUMLER’S C M P 75TH AKHHERSABY Store Take* CW^rful trim For lisjBNfffiikt , W i ,, ^ ‘hS'Kander’* are celebrating . their 75th Diamond Jubilee Year. Very special planahave beenmade order to make their goal of 89,000,000 volume for the year. DIAMOND JUBILEE DISPLAY . One of thefeature* of the 76th Anniversary to Gif very artistic and colorful txfinff^fae store. The ,pillars and interior hate been re­ decorated and'give an entirely dif­ ferent appearanA to the store. When you will immedi- withthe beauty and brifitonoe^ofthe setting. The windows, too, have backgrounds of groat beauty. We urge you to see these unusual dist* 1 76TH A N N M LRCH 1ST MARC# IS t T t O 17THLK Months uf ptonnihg ere beck of tide eatos evant^ Shelves are ffiled with quality merchandise that has been M eed ' exception- ally low. It wffl be worth a trip to Daytoh to attend i m great event. God'S Overflowing Love ■There IS Slurb a thing rts putting ourselves in ihfl way of Gods over­ flowing love and letting it bent upon as till the response of love to' Him comes, noi by struggle, not even by, dollbernHon, but by necessity, as the echo eomCS when the sound strike* the rncR.—PhlHlp* Brooks. You Oft ths'lMt” iahy Ohioke Dbtalnabls— TH A T ’S STURDY Get year ohf#r ytotoHt'earty and «f ehlCKs Insure yewrseif et toft when youwant theffi fef«t of all— CHICKi T ^ T O T ! AND mom* W l ARC t h is * m atmt, Tto f. UmsotofiS; Main Iff am Ave. slit, 0. $ 4 Hupp Twrsdfly v Itov. Emil ¥*r)mb A^ Dayton, wii •“Church byterian ch F o r O n e W e ek O n l y These Special. Onyx Pointex Prices 155 Service-Sheer. Silk withcottontops and fm , , - . $1^0 541 Chiffon, Silk to the hem—cotton re«t . 51.65 Regular Price Q g gE^PoteCeX 1 .19 505 Chiffon. Silk to the ^ very top withcotton 707 ServicoSheer,Silkto thehem-cottcmfeet $1.85. 1265 ServiceWei^bts Silk to the hem-*totton feet . . - . $1.95 750 Chiffon. Silk from . top to toe ,, . . $1.95. '".-viceWeight. Silk - V , . top to toe, »$2*75 ) f CEDARVILLE LOgES . TO ASHLAND FIVE Reversing a previous defeat, Ash- •,: -FOR ,ONE WEEK-ONLY—'!r E•■r ORIGINAL POINTED HEEL STOCK­ INGAT MUCH LOWER PRICES land College defeats Cedarville Col­ in a b&ketbafi game on lege 5d tU88 i the Ashland floor Friday night. The’ victory marked, Ashland's eleventh ' triumph of the seappn. Wike, of Ashland,^vas high-scorer of the contests with ’ fourteen’ points while two of his teftmmatees, Lerach - and ‘Johnson, eaefir contributed thir- ISfot ordinary stockings—not irregulars—Tbut genuine and new Onyx^Pointex Silk Stockings, made in Onyx Mills, with the Onyx, Pointex trade-mark stamped upon every hee l-co ffered in the com ­ plete new Spring color Grange , and at prices fa r below the usual ' 'l e v e l ! ' 4 “ " ! • : ‘ ^ 1 March .5th to 10th fr Onyx Pointex Secure your supply o f these siock- . ; Week—a week set aside1by the menu- ings now. Let ;the stocking^ them- -’-f ■ L m i) n » .ukW A'‘ ^ lu c «*1 ..■."Elzx'iWvP'..: .; ... ’ rtii ’rtrln.wV tv .. TYl OTlYf \ *4 ■•=4 fecturer, to introduce the Original Point-* selves suggest why so many smart V FOR SALE—Sfesd Sows, Prac-; tlcally fOO par .cent germanation. jPhon 8-9$, Jam#s^>kn. Tay** Bros. ed Heel Stocking to. millions o f new women throughout -the country wear wearers—to demonstrate how the them regularly. Pointex Heel adds trimness, grace and chafm to ankle lines/ Buy them by the pair or by the box. For Rent' GaragU-^-Sep trustees: of M. E.*church. >* 1 * pupa. ’Wilber 3 & ORIGINALRunted ffed Stocking MAIL . ,*K ' ^ ORDERS i FILLED PROMPTLY ES SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ORDER BY NUMBER STATE COLOR ! • I Mm FARM RELIEF There is a great deal o f ta lk about farm re lie f and.many-sug­ gestions advanced bu t the most satisfactory to th e individual is * spare money in the bank draw ing liberal interest., m I f your idle money is not earn ing the amount it should deposit •ithere where it will draw 6 % m] IN TER EST and be protected b y the best security*—‘first m ortgage on real estate.' Y our money will be available any time you want it. The SpringfleUI Building & Loan Association » SpnngfwM, 28 £ . Main Street NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE<OF PUBLIC CON- VENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO OPERATESA MOTORTRANSPORA- TION COMPANY Public tititice is hereby‘ given that ft. C. RitenoUi* has filed .with the pub­ lic Utilities Commission of Ohio an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate a- motor transportation company for the transportation of property over the following route, to-wlt: irregular. Number of trips to be made daily will be Irregular, Number of motor vehtotoa to be usted, One <1). All partiea interested may obtain information as to time tffid place of hearing upon Said uppitretiofi by *ri« dressing the Fwblie miiities Gommis- aion of Ohio at Columbus, Ohio, ft, C, ftitenour, fleddrtitte, Ohio, NOTICE m NOTICE We are ready for the %m iliason. Baby efcfetos «|f vatietire, Custom jydL| . . . Estate erf Elba <&. imtfy, Charles E. Lowt$- toy, tom e<I and qo*lifted u eitafe of Etta G, hmtjr, babe ^ Greene county, Ohio, Dated this fith ^ay A. 1). - 1 at?; wiitiKfc Probate Judge « l tottd <\m $, hatchin* at 4e per eft, A full line of Butiteyo and Nswtowfi Heubatore end ftmdire, „ n * iiEiwy, BAR Pbait, ClifrMt ' ate Yflntmr «■*!»••« 0, NOTICE Positively m> peretm or pe»K>na ;shall be permitted to dump anithiny ,on the corporation twoetiy kuewn as the Biff quarry. Thor* «rafit$ will be prosecuted. By order o f VOtoya •CE BEAN and Saw SALfif 3Sc; Av FLOUI 59c; 5 1 liZVit lb. Clu CA Van CAKES Ai 14 o*R. E CRACKE Club Butte CRACKE Club.Soda OLEO Eat Pound ~ OLEO Ch Pound -» LARI) Kol Pound .... LARD No 85o, No. J CHEESE Pound .... CHEESE American MACRON Pound . - MACRON earoni or MAt*ARO Mataroni W ;1 \