The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 27-52

-WHEN IN SPItfNGFIELD BIG NOW FLAYING DOUBLE SCREEN Ql|f|l|l STAGE Ulflllf AT REDUCED PRICES w r c w m im MATINEES ( SUNDAY - NITES* I0 e 20c j 20c '* 80c CHILDREN A DIME ANY TIME NEW SHOW EVERY SUN: THURS: •ssssss* LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mbs Lucy OilHlira visited tbe first of the week with reietives in D&yton. A daughter was born bat Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Burton Turner, Mr. Ward Creswell of Columbus was home over the Fourth, Mr. Boy Waddle is having his farm home remodeled by the addition of rooms and a new porch. Mrs. Dave Strowbridge fell several days ego and sustained a broken right arm. Mr. and Mrs, N, L. Ramsey enter­ tained a number o f relatives on the Fourth. Mrs, John W. Boss is visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Busch in Belpre, Ohio, Mr, C. N. Stuckey has gone to Mar- tinsyille^Ind., where he is spending a feyr weeks at that health resort: Mr. Harry Lewie and wife of Calif, are visiting with, the Lewis, Waddle and Knott families pear Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owens of De­ troit are here on, a visit with the former's parents,. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Owens. FOR SALK—Used 100 lb. Refriger­ ator finished like new, a bargain at $8.50. Q. R. HOERNER, R. F. D. No. 1., Xehia, Ohio. Mr. Frank Raima of Riverside, Cal,, has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McMillan. Mr. Hanna is an uncle of Mrs, McMillan,. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Peterson of |Frankfort, O,, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Judge and Mrs. S. C. Wright. tx * F R I G I D A I R E keeps fo o d colder an d pays f o r it s e lf Prof: J, A. Talcott left Tuesday for Cleveland where he will spend. the 1summer with his parents. Prof. Tal- Icott expects to go to his summer lodge *in Canada probably next'month. TH E cost o f Frigidaire is'insignificant in com* parison with the benefits it gives. It keeps foods fresh and wholesome and gives vital protection to health. Its economies will more than pay foe its cost, y isit our display rooms for a demon­ stration. Easymonth Inpayments can be arranged; - o ? . P R D ayton P ow er f l i g h t Co. Xenia U District O D V C T^* O F * G B N B K A t, . M O T O R S Mrs, S. K. Rife and daughter, Audris, of Anthony, Kan., and Miss Rosa Stormont, •left Tuesday for Buffalo, N, Y., for a visit with Rev, add Mrs. Walter Hopping.. The members of the Wednesday Afternoon Cluh were entertained last Friday by Mrs. Galan Dugan of Springfield for her mother, Mrs, Belle Gray of this place, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Shepherd of Columbus came down from Columbus Wednesday and .were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Mary Bridgman. They spent the Fourth with Mr. Charles Shepherd below Xenia, Mr. and Mr*. Arthur B. Evans re­ turned front tbafcr honeymoon trip by motor to Nwagwwrtt, R. I., last Thursday. They visited many points of interest in the East and visited former’s relatives. Mr, and Mrs, Evans ars now at the home of Mr, and Mrs. O. A. Dobbins hut wil soon locate in Colmnhas as Mr. Evans is a junior at the O. 8, U. Mr,. Jamas McCsllan, manager of the Joplin, Mo., Globe-Herald, is her* for a few days visiting his mother, Mrs, Lucy McClellan, He left yester­ day for Cleveland where he will spend a few days visiting hi* daughter, Mbs Marjorie McClellan. Mr, McClellan will return here and on hie return to Joplin will be accompanied by his mother, who %ill spend the summer with him. * Rev, Dalton Galloway and family, who have been located in Fayoum, Egypt, are back in this country on a year's furlough, having bee** connect­ ed with the United Presbyterian Mission, in that place, They arrived in New York June 25. Mrs. Gallo­ way and son and daughter after spending a few days here, with her father, Rev, Robert J. Kyle, left Mon­ day evening for Waterloo, Iowa, where they will join Rev, Galloway and son, and remain for aome time. FOR SALE—Stove wood ready for use. One horse wagon load $2.00 de­ livered. LOUIS DUNN. COLLEGE NOTES Misses Lena Hastings and June Thompson enjoyed a motor trip to Philadelphia, where they met. their college friend, Miss Ann Ord, and continued the trip to Washington, D. C. and other Eastern cities. Mr. Harry Wright and family went to Seaman, 0 „ Wednesday where they Visited with Mrs. Wright's parents. Mrs," Wright and children will remain some time while Mr. Wright returned that evening. Misses Katheryn Hughes and Eloise Farquhar, the latter of London, both teachers in the local, schools, motored several days ago to Narragansett Pier, R. I., where they have taken a position in a tea room during the summer vacation. SUGAR t r d $1.67 ir SCRATCHFED r X X . $2.79 MEDIUM SALT 95C PImin Country Club, 24% Pound Sack A4 4 A rLUUlf 12 1-4 Pound Sack 57c, die II PORK & BEANS OCga Country Club ,3 cans **" * MILK Country Club OJCgt large size 3 fo r APPLE BUTTER CL g* Quart 3*t ............. TOMATOES, No. 2 Ofir size, 8 cans fo r CLEANSER; Old 4 £ * * Dutch, 2 fur ........ BUTTER CRACK- If*ft ers country club 1 l b , * % , v BANANAS, Golden ripe fru it,3 lbs, fo rA W t ' NEW POTATOES OQ a 15 lbs. f o r ............. r 01* SMOKED HAMS, 1004 to 14 lbs. average v BACON 3 lbs. pieces 20 C or over, per lb, .... Per Pound Mr. Richard Ross, of the Beveridge Paper Co., Indianapolis, Ind., spent Tuesday here with friends. Mr. Ross wrly resided here. His father, Straw Board A Paper Co. Says Sam: Of Course everybody is glad that Nobile has been rescued. But one may be allowed to hope that the cap he wore to have hjg picture taken before the expedition, blew off somewhere around the North Pole. FOR SALE—Sewing machine. Call MRS. SHERMAN BAKER. WANTED—Man with car to sell complete line quality Auto Tires and Tubes. Exclusive Territory, Ex­ perience not necessary, Salary $300.00 per month. MILESTONE RUBBER-CO. East Liverpool; Ohio Dr. F, A. Jurkat is pursuing post­ graduate work in Wittenberg College. Professor M. L. Fraser is working on an advanced degree in Ohio State University. Miss Ruth Brown, who has recently been chosen to teach Mathematics and English and who has the degree of A. -B. and also A, M, from Oberlin College, is pursuing courses .toward the Ph, D. degree, Miss Yula Lieying received notifica­ tion last week from the State Depart­ ment, that she has been granted a life certificate to teach in high schools. Professor R, M. Borst has been pur­ suing the intensive course in Physical Education at Wittenberg College and is now canvasribg for ’ students for Cedarvfile College. Miss Martha Dean is pursuingtaome work in a College in Michigan. Professor C, W. Steele is systematizing his work by study at home and is canvassing for students. Professor A. J, Hostetler is pursuing an advanced course at Wittenberg Col­ lege, Miss Bristow ie taking advanced work in Ohio State University. Miss Lust is work toward a degree in the University of. Chicago. Miss Ruth Burns is taking special work in Music and other subjects at Ohio State Uni­ versity. President McChesney‘ is on duty almost daily either in or out of the College office. Mr. Pa\g Tanner has been chosen assistant in Botany. Mr. Harvey Atdd is the assistant in Chemistry. ✓ The main College building is being overhauled for the work of the first semester. Students^who desire special work in Mathematics will have a splendid opportunity in tbs classes o f Miss Brown, who has taken sixty-four hours of Mathematics.,and I ibb taught* Calculus in Oberlin College. The following courses will'-be offer­ ed the first semester: PRESIDENT McCHESNEY: Apol­ ogetics, General Psychology, Oratory,' and Systematic Theology. DR. JURKAT: American History, German I, German 1I-III, Latin II-III- IV; Geology, and Seminary studies. PROF. FRASER: General Chemis­ try, Qualitative Analysis, Quantita­ tive Analysis,- History of Chemistry, Botany,- Mechanical Drawing Descrip­ tive Geometry, and Physics. Assistant in Botany, Paul Tanner, Assistant in Chemistry, Harvey Auld. MISS LIEVING: Beginning French, Intermediate French, and Advanced French.' * PROF. DEAN: English Bible, Latin I, Latin II, And Advanced Latin. PROF, STEELE: Debate, Extempo, Advanced Economics, Beginning Econ­ omics, Advanced Sociology, Beginning Sociology, and History. ' MISS BROWN: College Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Calculus, and English. PROF. HOSTETLER; Bjology, Eng­ lish, Arithmetic, Nature Study, and Principles of Education. MISS BRISTOW: Class Manage­ ment, Observation and Student Teach­ ing. MISS PARRY; Introduction to Teaching, Geography, History, Health, and History of Education. MISS LUST: Arithmetic, Child Literature, Juvenile Literature, Kin­ dergarten Primary Theory, Drawing and Art, Industrial Art, and Drawing. MISS BERKLEY; Piano, Voice, Pipe-organ, Stringed Instruments, Harmony .and Theory, Violin. Assistant in Music t , be chosen. MISS “BURNS: First-year public music, Second year public School music. / 1 MR. BORST and MISS SHANNON: Physical Education, v PROF. INGMIRE: Archaeology and Religious Education, PIKE , AT W ILL ! “ I won’t ," answered the Havy recruit, "W ill is my best p e l." Your best pel will be the person who tells you to see* SHARP SHOOTERS A William Fox Picture featuring George O'Brien . and Lois Moran OPERA HOUSE Saturday N ight „ Do i.ot forget to leave your lawn mowers with J, A, Stormont for sharpening and repair, He hai pro­ vided .improved,machinery for sharp­ ening mowers. We have for rental one of the mod­ ern Johnson Electric Floor Polishers. We also have fioer wax and other supplies, for keeping floors in good condition, Cedarville Lumber Co. “HERALDWANTANDSALEADS PAP Rttrtti Cftpid Bttilgti The marriage ratio Of the country ts more than 10 par emit higher than the diy. It looks a* if tbs fern girls hat* a better chance at the Mandat* *ohn maeto than do tha stenographer* f f ti»* big town. The ranch maldene bat* opportunities that the city has not |*t recognised, RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physician says, “Constipation is rasponsible for more misery than any other cause." But immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Order lies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from tiie system into the lazy, dry, (evacuating bowel called the colon, The water loosens the dry food waste , ami causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Oderlie at night. Next day bright, Get 84 for 25c today at the nearest RearnQ Drug Store. For sale at Pronant A Brown Drug Store m Champion Jersey In Clark County The Class AA champion junior three- year-old Jersey cow of 1827 is a product of Clark County being owned by Albert H. Kunkle mid Son of near pitehin. The cow won the champion­ ship by producing 628,20 pounds of butter fat which is equivalent to 621 p*MiaepiM*)iiMiig|iiBPiiHesMies*Mis*aiseeap pounds of butter in s u year. The average production far rise herds in the Clark County Cow Task­ ing Association was slightly mere than 300 pounds per cow which makes the record of the Kuqjtle product more outstanding. To be good, a salad must be cold, crisp, and attractively arranged. LUXURY W ITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE STOP AT RITZ HOTEL W uh, as to n u l Av*.So, ■ MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, F MINNEAPOLIS* NEWEST FIREPROOF HOTEL 250 ROOMS RA TE S PER DAY *1.50 to *3.00 Convenient to Shop* and Theatre* . Cafe—Coffee Shop-*-Gar- agg Service B. H. HADLEY _ Prop, and ManaSar of Cedarville Township and East­ ern Greene CoUuty Do not give hides away. Market up on good hides* Do not give away or sell hides until you get our w . “ • • - ’ prices. Buyer of Rags, Old Iron Junk Phone 21.-197 Cedarville, Ohio Alexander’s SALE* OF Spring Suits 1-4 off - «->■ * . On All Suita Except Blues $25.00 Suits now $18.75 $30.00 Suits now $22.50 $35.00 Suits now $26.25 $40.00 Suits now $30.00 Alexander’s MAIN NEAR LIMESTONE Open Saturday Till Nina SPRINGFIELD; OHIO