The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 27-52

Wereli, J*Jr 1A M**- KEUBF FROM CURRS OF CONSTIPATION *W k m 1 I 0 x w z llp Afc^j^toaachlKMwwwi, - _ QbtmMk « * « I^ m A i Tk^j ^j S^pM k*»* bt anyhaw* Wfc**l,ua grew*. A *war on- tit* back porch; « « » WMMtttir; A»dt th««th t*tw4U1 m * Mg-haute* No bath tub tutywhete •Aroom juat full ©f;Jacfc--knlv«a Andwooden ritlaga to wake; Aaothar full of plratebjok*, Anothor full of cake. I'll have firework* every night And m*k« a lot of nolie, And picture show*each morning For all my girl* find boy*. A Battle Creek physician says, ‘'Constipation It responsible for more m fw y than any otjjer cause,’* But immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Bexall Order* liee hai been discovered, Thi* tablet attract* water from th* system into the Isay, dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosen* the dry food waste and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without And, then, I think that I shall sleep In a tepee just outside, ■Wn4''S — 0;W«*t*ra N,fv»r»P«r tliiloii. 1*21 ■ .Whykeeponbeing "sick’;?Whydragalonginmisery j J I l l I gL ' when relief Is youra for the asking? 'Take the sforid- w " • f a m o u s , temeefirfor Talk J c i d h e y , - dcrhnduric •Known as -61 Remedy tiver.-Wad- ^dyfill^¥. o f Hrillinil • A f o r m ore >■ 7 . - th,*»ig00 ^ & D O U l years—all druggists in 3 sires. Look for the nude on ' every box and accept no substitute. In sealed boxes. Your Kidneys-’ ACT! TOWERPAINT As the name implies towers above all others in quality. A pure lead and oil paints A DSyton made product guaranteed in every respect. 1 ‘ from f a c t o r y t o consumer We can show yfra a saving o f i/2 on your hill. 4 Business established 60’ -yte&rs. <* . . ' AGENT / H*. S.Henderson CONTRACTOR FOR . Drilled Water Wells P. O. Box 83,. Cedarvllle, 0 . R« E h 4. dfamestown, O. PURMFEEDS PIGCHOW COWCHOW CULKY LASS HEN CHOW CHICK CHOWDER PENCE LOCUSTPOSTS STEELPOSTS HANNA GREENSEALPAINT JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS HAAGWASHERS Cedarvllle Fanners’ Company Grain Everything fat the Farm Phone 21 Cedarvllle, Olioi YeaHeedPrintingDropinAndSeeUs ftiUMWlMilW rT'tVl mfliWilllii By m SCH115TBR ooo<!K>ee0<H>ee<KH?<H?o<>ocH>o^ <Copyright.! ' 1 fO*wrl*tab> r?LORENC» DAVIDSON was one o f ' «,TT ISN'T a choice between Mary A thosepersons that practicewliat they t * and art,** Dolf Ackers masoned; preach. ‘ Her preaching wan done *'U'a taking the only one that ia pos- through the columns of the Rvonlug ' aibio for me." tSasetta under the caption, “Advice to j A lad who wa# put at the elbows the Lovelorn, by Arabella Anderson.'' ] and deeply la love with a glfi who did farming a habit or aver increasing the Rvery day, except Sunday, Florence j hot even evapSct the fact, counted his anawersd questions of young woman, twenty-seven deUaro, the results of amj-some yobng men, Ip regard to love Wontli* of privation, and made bis affairs, preceding the replies with an plans. article of general advice. “I have heard of that art colony In These articles written by Florence J tire mountains. There will be some lately had been accumulated and piib- i one there who can tell we If l know Ushed In pamphlet form Under the howto draw, some one who can teach me and maybe give me a job. Then, title. “KeepThem flueasing," and the*# pamphlets. were 'distributed free of charge to the readers’ of the: Gazette who submitted the’ ndeeaSary coupon. Florence was a strong advocate of guessing” |n love affairs. She ar­ gued that a young man’s interest be- •came' ktlrauiated when he' found him­ self unable to fathom the depths of Ms Idol's nature.* Because Florence practiced what she preached, - Harvey Roberts was kept constantly on the anxious seat. She never would,admit definitely that site' would murry him, hut whenever he be­ came Convinced his case was hopelfesa she would be sure to lend him some fresh encouragement by means of a few choice words of sentiment. He was “kept grossing." *' Harvey did not realize that he was -the-constant subject of experiment for Arabella Anderson of the Gazette. Indeed, he was not aware that Flor­ ence'acted ML’that capacity on the newspaper, although, of course, he knew she held ■some, position- there. Yes, Harvey was 'experimented upon shamefully in-order that the tenders of the-'flazette might profit; but from tills It must not be Inferred that Flor­ ence did not care for him.. Sfae really was In love with Mmj but felt she must follow Arahella- Anderson's ad­ vice In,order to keepjdm on the mat­ rimonial eligible list. One day Harvey called for her. at the GaXette office and escorted her to the* modest dWelllog where she lived With her m >ther. R'Sball P see, you this -evening?" he. Inquired. She had been particularly lubiahle, and be, was confident .she would be glad .to have him call, "I'think not, Harvey. Really, 1 be-' tldvh we should not see so1much of each other for-awhlle. .‘Besides, I have another engagement", “He’ll call me, up -in a day or two 'And.beg Me to-relent," she confidently told herself later that day, “add of course'I'll yield to his pleading. It’s alb to the game." •Florence was ready to relent, hut she^didn't get the chance, for Harvey ■failed to fulfill her’ expectations, ■Then! came :tbe climax. Florence »went to the-theater one evening'with 4her'hiotbflEg'*na<therft she saw Uktfvey ; ?jyw4th-aaoih^^hag- woman. , *j . At hist Florence was, angry; -What right’had Harvey to pay attention to another girl after -the many protesta­ tions of leva he had poured Into her ears? Rut her anger cooled and >anx- * lety took Its place. She stood ready tfr forgive tf Harvey would Comeback. * But Harvey made nmeffort to see Florence. He must be away on» busi­ ness', she decided; hut she discovered he was not out of town dne evening' when she went to a restaurant for din­ ner-and found'him dining there'with .the-Samd girl who had acoinpanled hint, to'the theater. Florence sli.ed tears. -Well, It was' uli over. She hod tost Harvey now, she was convinced; And It was- her oWn fault; she kneW, it'abd admitted It She wrote "Advice tb>the Lovelorn" with little heart now, be­ cause she Was beginning to doubt-the sOuUdfiess o f the policies she Advo­ cated. . ; 'Then One day Florence met Harvey on the street^ and she stopped him. ‘ ‘ “Why don't you ever • come .to see me?” she asked him. Harvey appeared Ms same old self. “I'll se* you tonight—If yon ’<b*Ven't another engagement." he said. ' Florence had ho other engagement and Harvey-called. He got’ right to business at the atari. f "I love you Florence, and f rWant yotf,^ hte told her, “ but I’m tired of never knowing where I am at It I can’t have you' alt to myself 1 won’ t have you at all." • "Too mean—’’ she said very-’sweetly -^ahd meekly, > *Tmean that I am proposing to yon, again, for the lost time. If yon say yes, Well and good. <Tt will make toe happy; if your answer is no rn be un­ happy, but I’ll never bother yon again. But it-you accept me all this tact and ‘diplomacy stuff has got to stop, How about It” ’ „ Florence was silent for a moment; When she spoke there was a hint o f tears in her eyes. “It snits me, Harvey," she told him. ’ Ill matry yon and I’ll never keep yon guessing. Ton can depend on- me all the time," Wben-flarvey left her that night be Was far happier than he ever had been before. He went to his room and sat for a long time gazing at a picture of Florence and Smiling, It was a-smite of triumph as Well as happiness. Before retiring he opened a-drawer of his dresser and brought forth a pa* per-coveted book, “Thia Arabella Anderson has the fight dope,” he murmured. “Only aha forgot to mention that it works both ’Wkys, Maybe she didn’t Tnow. when She Wrote 'this ‘Keep Them Guessing’ volume.'' when I become famous and can wegr a big broad black haf and a flowing necktie, I will come back and paint a picture of Mary which will be hung In- the best 'gallery to the world and, and „ . Dolf, leaning against the fence sent Ms dreams to the sky and Mary, pasting, by, looked at Mm and smiled. The lad walked to .Wilkett and the colony of artists. Here he fopnd log- cabins made Into studios, and-here he aaw rnen and women'who looked pros­ perous and happy. He .hugged- his ?bwtdld of clothes and paints close and Wished he' were brave enough to ap­ proach one of these wonderful men. --Always he put off. They seemed so busy, and so Interested In one anpther, -and- ho was so much- out -of their pic­ ture. Dolf bought food lrt the colony’s Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Bexall Oderlle at night, Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at the nearest Bexall Drug Store, For sale at Fronant & Brown Drug Store at ■*«* , '' 5o*rfA PmhMHM StdphUf "ftMtfr *u «Ytiro <**M*t*y*anffipiMr sitotroh now -fonit freak tiro South. Thirty-year* *1* praetimaiy ail was Imported from Sicily. Do not forget to leave your lawp mowers with J, A. Stormont for' bnq, store, making Ms Money go ah far i sharpening and repair, Re has pro- hs-possible, but he knew-his time was limited. These .people painted real pictures. They were successful. What Would they think of a ragged lad who had nothing but ambition? He wan- 'dered dovvh the road and to the little ’village, of the railroad crossing. There were’ ten houses here and full of peo­ ple who'were not artists. Dolf looked for a'job and because hd knew teleg­ raphy was put to Work to the station. On- nothing bat a short line road In the mountains could employment be so casual, or pay b O low. 'Til be one of those fellows yet,” ho skid Whenever, an artist-from the col­ ony'came to to take the train.- ‘TH Sava my mOneyi rent a cottage some­ where and paint, _Then they'll' see. ,Buf I've just got to paint something first,- and get ’ some better clothes, -Maybe." He started Ms studio career before he had -planned, for his railroad job ended, Yet there was enough money witb which to rent an abandoned shack not far from the colony, The boy lived there, working,' and eating as iittle aa he could .to make his money last He did not know If. his Work'whs good or had—hat he knew ’ i t was all his own-: into it he found he was putting something of what he haa dreamed he could do. “Living-near those follows," he said, jerking fats thumb toward the colony, ‘.dfarotriniug i ’>m ,ona.of them,-give# me a bort of confidence," Aad so he painted until Ms money ran but, and. when the food was .gone he laughed. It-was queer, It struck Mm, to be ma­ rooned with picture?. Pretty soon no would go out and shout so t&ud that a crowd would come, all the men ami womea frbm the colony, and* then he would tell litem of his pictures and they would buy and Mary, Mary would say,' “Why that Is -Dolf Ackers, my churn of childhood." He- looked to the food hoxJ turned it upside down, and gathered the'crumbs, “Now this- place -might be turned Into a studio" Gome one was talk­ ing. outside, some one who did trot know It was « studio. “Should' have had a sign," Dolf toTd himself and he planned one. The door opened - and a man with a blue Tnm o’ Shunter hut 7poked hi* head inside, Dolf rose slink­ ing. and made a bow. Theman Shouted;.;) "Come*in here, dust take a look a; this!" - Dolph shivered. He did not want :people looking at Mm. These people who know how to' paint,, and dress, and act friendly were crowding to. Ho foil to tiie floor and When he Came to, * woman was bathing Ms fore­ head. “Cxcnso mo," he -said, “didn't mean to 'trouble." What wa* it all about? Then he remembered. “Just keep still,"- the Woman said. “My htubsnd ha* gone to get your -soma food. The men wilt take you.: over to tbe: colony where you must rest. Now Mind me," she spoke with i ck■‘ severity, “You are to do just as 1 say, for yew are HI." “1 haven't any money. I am all ragged." The' thoughts which had beoh his for montlih came out to brok­ en sentences, ' • ‘ "Yon don’t need money, boy. You're an artist and we artists stick together. Oh, boy, boy," she was thinking of his pictures, "why didn’t you tell us you were here?" , FOB SALE—Used 100 lb. Befriger-> ator finished like new, a bargain at $8.60. C. B. HOERNER, B, F, D, No, 1., Xenia, Ohio. FOB SALE—Sewing machine. .Gall MRS. SHERMAN BAKER, WANTED—Man with car to sell complete line quality Auto Tires and .Tubes. Exclusive Territory. Ex­ perience not necessary. Salary $300.00 per month. ’ , MILESTONE RUBBER. CO, East Liverpool, Ohio sided improved machinery for sharp­ ening mowers. * ^ We have for rental one of the mod­ ern Johnson Electric Floor Polishers. We-"also have floor wax and other supplies for keeping floors in good condition. Cedarvllle Lumher Co. Attorney Gene ra l [XrCLINTON D. BOYQi *-;t- -r v-Vif. in- *-.■ Au -’'ii ’j 1 ‘^ i L■"< , TO H6li>£R3 OF' Third Liberty LoanBonds The ^Treasury offers a -hew 354 per cent. 1Z-.1S year Treasury bond in exchange for Third Liberty LoanBonds. The new bonds will bear interest from July-16, 1928, interest on Third Liberty Loan Bonds surrendered for eXchapge will be paid in full ' tq September 15, 1928. Holder* should consult their banks at once' for further de- ■ tail* of this offering. . Third LibertyLoanBond* mature on*September 15, 1928; andWnll' ceayie to boar interest on that date. A. W. -MELLON, - Secretary,of-the Treasury. Washington, July 5,1928. Longest Spoken Sentence What was probably the longest sen­ tence ever spoken by human Up* Is credited to Rnfua Choate, the great advocate; Forming part of Choate's eulogy on Daniel Webster delivered at Dartmouth college, July 27, 1863, the stogie sentenon contained approxi­ mately i^KKTIterds and toast have taken at least ten minutes to finish. The entire address—it has frequently been republished—make* about 28,000 words, say* Claude M. Fuess to “ftufu* Choate; The Wizard of the Law," and the mere speaking of It waa a consid­ erable physical and emotional aocom- pllshtoent ; th p e ttied *' tk^liSK#^f*Eriha Stitods or the -Stte a i - t t r i iM M 'WriMTO/itod eon- stste jsxroeIfidf som* KTO^Iiotels apd hate. M$ M i Jtaffcftti Tke teifrol *atti* rimohw are 1 m •afod to Nwri^rieO' and Nevada, The largest iff range cattle ara to Oallfortds, f m Mexico and OotoradA f i Th* utrimg s ue a mttttigr et m M . Ntw Mt ' Trapping U smost M l tefoil o^eti tk * 'm e eW n l - > : .w m w rm ieU & e* tend te Ml Hte tiro trap teat 1* IM foe trot aro «* are met so **wy detroteed a* sffaM w* think we are demtivtoi edro**.—La Boehefoneauld, w r s w M f t A Business Man Governor of Ohio MYERS Y* COOPER Bapubllcan Candidate tor g o v e r n o r (Prttutiw*Aw t Hi I9wf PromV* no inrrease us w»d no dtfu’its - Pm,p.vui tax » 5 ef fo* proppjrilv of rgrirdture snd sec«r»*y of b*lu*tfy--B.*>iuI»s State fin»nt** will be kept in Balance- toenuse* real Bavnws Adminktrat’ixs. 11.:;), m ;t>;; n.iv; HLo.t LAMrv.r.ii a m : u ru E, wixjmbus . qiwi DR. G. A. SMITH D E N T I S T NOW LOCATED AT 101 /j, w. HIGH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO SMITH BUILDING—ACROSS FROM MYERS MARKET "Open Daily and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening* 2 HOURS PARKING ON ESPLANADE DON’T FORGET! LOW PRICES, SAME AS ALWAYS LUXURY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE > ^ STOP AT RJTZ HOTEL W«»h. fit Second Aw. So, 'MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. MINNEAPOLIS’ f NEWEST FIREPROOF HOTEL 259 ROOMS RAT8S PER DAY - $1.50 to $3.00 - Convenient to Shops and '■ Theatres , Cafe—Coffee' Shop—Gar­ age Service B . H . H AD LE Y -Prop- findMm ie - V - -YVHEN ' f i r : SPRINGFIELD.— THEATRE WORLD'S GREATEST .PiCTHREB 'NEW, LOW BtJMMER RATES" ' GONTINtlOU& PERFORMANCES DURING BUMMER ; NOW; PLATING “DISCORD” 1 SUNDAY JULY 15, “HAROLD TEEN," 4 DAYS ONLY THURSDAY JULY 1*9, “ ON TO RENO,” 3 DAYS. DON’T FORGET TO VISIT THE REGENT WHEN IN SPRINGFIELD SideTrips FromNiagaraFalls AtSSKtef Eisnin Rttw » Toronto and return $3.45 'Clayton,N. Y, .and return $16.10 AlexandriaBay" and xetum $16.65 Montreal and return , . . $25,20 Quebec and return« . . $35.35 With return limit equal to NiwtnrFelU Excui- , OonTkketi ttaed for FreeTourtee GuideendAuto- Mep TRIPS yffte rjfomteFftllaand'GinadSttit* rummer t I. bMutifulLakeErie. Enjoy» cool, delightfulLake Trip oil e paletul G A.&Llhe 8teamer. S P E C IA L E X C U R S IO N F A R E Cleveland to A A NiagaraFalls * P / s y U O N L Y m Rd. Trip LeevlngCleveland»tOtOOp.m.(F.3.T.) Jul/llth, 18th,26th|Augtiet2nd,Oth,iSth, 22ndend29th. Tlokete good returtorig eartlme within 12deye including date of eate, now obtainable at pur ClevelandOffice. ,■1 r Stearoeneachway—everynlelitleivlng at 9i00 P. M.i arriving at 7:30 A. M. NewtewFare$4.5« t» Baffale; $8.5* RevadTrip —- . AutoaCarried *6.SOandup TheClevelandandBuffaloTransitCo. EaatPthgbFlar ClavaUnd, O. Special Tire Sale TIRES 30x3ys Reg. Cord 5.75 30x3Vz 6 . S. Cord .... 8.75 20x4.40 Cord ........... 8.70 30x5.25 Cord..... . 11.50 TUBES 30x3% Reg. Gray .,... $1.15 30x3Va O. S; Gray .... 1.45 20x4.40 Red .........___ 1.05 30x4,50 Red .......... 1.05 30x5— 10 Ply Heavy Duty Truck Tire 30x5—Heavy Duty, Red Tube........ $ 20.00 .. 3.50 Willard Batteries 11 Plate, Rubber Case .............................................. .$ 8.50 13 Plate, Rubber Case ............................ ..... ............ . 0 , 9 $ . ‘ ■ g: , l5 Plate, Rubber; Case 16,00 WEIMEB'SSERVICESTATION Cedarvilte, Ohio