The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 27-52
mm mm i M a l AND personal yOR BALK—Fwd Coup#, 19*5 •*®W U x sxeelUat condition. S** J. Finft Fsm . Will cut swrt w#ek. Call Mi.> -nw,ftr, ’ . . . . „ !*• P* 1 *>“**? V Saturday at Wm. Pham SOd-R, Yanis. M! m wwte* B)*» is vi*Hing fOJc; J|jtwh*U’«. i HuyFor Sale In Fiold—*fc Nagley’* j Km, J5U« b Togbesc Furdow, of Cin- timnU, hp* km# *mm<)inr *»Y#rsl days hoi1# witi l#e pw#nti, Iff* nod two weeks with relatives i» Chartes-* to# W, Y*. f Hiy For Sal# In Field—at Nasrlsy’g Rev. Andrew Cmwall of Lansing, j Fruit Farm. Will cut next week. Cell 1 ia* nirf™ w w T T fT t u . \ ’1 £ k k * whe> “ with hi* father, jPhone 8002-R, Xw b . , % ! * £ S n**«l' *** «*• W. H. Creawell, will preach Bab-' ------ --------- _ ------- 0*r for ' £ ^ UWWtiBM|te sp*l° ' , b»tk * * * ■ Presbyterian con- Mise Helen Margaret Aikea * b 4 ®*y*‘ RWfcloo. brother, Me*ter BiBy Aiken, of Phil adelphls, Pm, *re visiting with 'their grandmother, Mm. John Milroy. ^7-89 East Main St., Xenia, 0 . . “WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST” Cool Tropical Suits With Built-In Style Well tailored of B erm n^ doth ih light and tnediuin. ^reys, t^ a^h lao bines; plenty o f stripes. Low priced Extra Pants if Daslm^ $2.98 There was a time when. Summer suits tacked style. They were cool, and covered a man, and that’* about alt These Suit! represent the new’orderof.jhingsin Sum* mer Clothing. All the Style you want* PLUS Comfort PLUS Low Price, Other Tropical Suits at $9,90 and $11,90. Extra Pants, if desired, at alight ex tra cost, , Shirt-Value Supreme! Hew and unusual patterns, many dre exclusive with oUr stores. In neckband and collar-attached styles. Cut full* over our. large pattern, Jra-st colors and exceptional “■ #%-* ^ $ 1.49 JL " M e n ’ s B e l t s ' Our. Maj&ptic ' Ouality made in plain ano varied tone effects. „ ,, 4 9 c and 9 3 c Majestic Garters , For .Men . Wide web, single grip. Our own, brand. At— 23c & k r Senn it Straw HaU . Wif_hJ -— conc«aled ititchj improvg^ saw edge, fancy or We^t 4, Vcty Uebt ^eight, cool, comfortable and stylish, Th* ideal hat ‘ ^ rl_us,nes» and general 98c and $L98 MenV S o c k s t Sills and Rayon ... With mercerized toe and -leei. for good service Smart patterns in newest color' effects. One o f bur out- i t a n di ng va l ues at, per pair—, 49c 'Bfeo’s Athletic Summer Underwear Nainsook,' full cut through* out, double stitched. At—- ' , 4&e , \ •t «*#*»*. ■ «•,* N a i* 3 ,o o k UUuii Suit* fixtre full cut,' With special finish:'Cool, comfortable. At; . - S 9 c TEA Moon Chop or Country Club Va lit, pkg. Young' Hyson—Green Black or Mixed— Especially fine for iced tea* 1*4 lb, pkg. 18c. SOFT DRINKS Lemon Soda* Root Beer, Bottle Bethesda Ginger Ale, Family Size 10 c. IOC FRUITJARS Quart Masons, Dbfeen * 87C SUGAR Ptiy«Cun* M 8 4 ft** Bulk, 10 Iks. 08c; $6.40 per 100 lbs $ I . 0 I MILK W iW a , l A c Per Can ........... .... SHREDDED f <f aa WHEAT ....J,........ $ CAKES Peanut 1 0 C Wafer* ................... * CANDY Assorted chocolates, Per lb. ©READ Sandwich, 1 0 C ■i lb. loaf ............ PICKLES Dili, Quart Jar ............ * ° 1' LARD 100 % Pure J A l £ Per Pound....... 4 BUTTER Country A Q a Club, Per lb......... BANANAS Extra . <Fancy, S lb*. PEACHES Fancy 2 S C Georgia*, 8 lb * ........ WATERMELONS £ » # * Each ..... PBESBJtD HAM 2 8 C per Pound ............. MINCED HAM Per Pound........... Rev. W. J. Sanderson, 5f Belle Canter, visited here the first of the week With friends. A daughter was bom Thursday to Mr. and Mm, Donald Snare. Mrs. Snare is at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Strowbridge. Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith, who is attending Miami University summer school, was accompanied home over the week-end by her room-mate, Miss Ruth Trautman of near Circteville, O. Mis? Rebecca Marsh, Owensville, 0 „ spent the past week as guests of her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Marsh. FOR RENT—House partly furnish ed . or unfurnished.' 1MRS, LOUISE EWBANK. FOR SALE—Moline hay loader. WILBUR CONLEY Mrs. J. N. Lott accompanied heiv daughter, Mrs. Clara Cobbler, to her home in Peebles, 0., the first of th'e week. Mrs. Lott will visit with her daughter for three weeks or longer. MisS Lena Hastings left Saturady for Chautauqua, N. Y., where she will eomplete.her course in physical educa tion. . * <'M m . W. H; Barber’s Sabbath School class will- hold a picnic supper this Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J; E. Kyle. ‘ The. Young. Ladies’ Missionary Society, o f the U. P, Church held a picnic' last evening at the cliffa west of town.' • ' The Kadantra Club members and families enjoyed their'1annual picnic Thursday at* Grinnell’s park. Beside a. wonderful picnic spread, the guests enjoyed amusements and, bathing in tlie riven . ■■ . Miss Wihnah Spencer was hostess ast Saturday when she entertained twelve friends as her guests. Guests. were present from Dayton, Troy and Columhus. Mr.- *nd*MrA George Strong and Grandson, Dgiiald Hollin, who.spent a few days'last week with Mrs. Cora Trumbo, have returned to their home ai Indianapolis; Mrs. W. J. T bs I k M. Mrs. Cora Trumbo is spending a few days- in Cincinnati with Miss Elsie Shroades, who is attending sum mer school at the University of Cincinnati. Miss Jane Roudebush, of Cleveland, a niece of Mrs. M. L Marsh, and Mrs. Dr, Myers and daughter, Miss Betty Myers, of Columbus, Visited the first the universe—and wrote his name on A COMMUNICATION a P. 0. Box No. 1284, Shanghai, China, June 1st, 192$, Dear Editor: I have just read articles by missing- link seeker*. In one yraa reproduced a photo—ian ape’s foot much like a human foot, The author said it proved our ape ancestry. Recently X hand led a snap-shot o f an islander with a tail nearly 4 inchea long. Another proof! But a few years ago I saw in Japan a stuffed eaR with a human face—a strong proof that" we’ve sprung from cowsI So whet are we to think? The articles amused as they said- believers in their theory were of ‘‘up-to-date,” “modem,’* minds. But their “new” ideas seem like plagiarisms. These “superior-- minded” men aay We came np'from the monkey and an even in some sense divine! The Chinese of old say a monkey—excepting hia face—be came not only man hut also a godi has bis temples and is worshiped in China. I enclose a monkey-god. The Chinese say he was hatched, by gentle zephyrs, from a stone egg on' a rocky mountain, to be a delight td the upper-god. But, alas, he was a trouble-maker. He was ambitious and his exploits caused, him to be acclaim ed king, of the animals and" to wax strong. Thro Long-Wang he got an iron rod\which he could expand at will to span |he sky or contract so as to fit in his ear—magie wand! Pu-ti taught him how to fiy* and ,how' to change himself, into 72 different shapes. What he could not do is hard to say. .But. as he gainid in power, and his friends said he was worthy to rule heaven, he wished to da so. Many kings made league with him and cele brated it with feasting. But ‘ our monkey got drunk, and while, uncon scious he was taken to hell. He awoke, overcame the powers of heli and' escaped. He was accused to Yoh Wang wha thought to beep Monkey quiet by bestowing upon him the title “Heavenly Horse-keeper.” He was- elated; but learning it was an empty title, he, •in, fierce anger, smashed heaven’s gate' and 'overturned,, the throne. The tipper-god called upon the hosts of heaven and hell to overcome the monkey; but in Vain, After the monkey’s victory the1upper-god, in fright, conceded monkey’s demands, made him a god, conferred upon him a real title, and allowed him to live in heaven in a grand .castle. But monkey- god was'not godly* He would steal, stealing and eating the peaches .of everiasting life and, from Lao Chun’s palace, stole and ate his pills of ini- mortality. Doubly immortpl, proud of his powers; he constantly mocked the other gods, He became unbearably overbearing. A great conference was called in heaven 1to which great Buddha was summoned. •The monkey- god even tried,to'mock this, the “ self- existent one!" “ I have heard that you are a great jumper,?is it true?” asked the Buddha,' “Pli bet you can’t leap out of my hand, If you do I’ll make you King of heaven,” The monkey eageriy answered^ “X can turn over 108,000 li in one somersault, why shouldn’t I leap out of your hand?” Then the monkey-god turned a somer set to' the five white pillars—rlimits of of the week with Dr. and Mrs. M.‘ t Marsh. Df. Merrill Jobe who Has been in Memorial Hospital, N. Y. for a year is taking a month’s vacation, on a trip to Germany. He sailed,the 30th of June and goes as surgeon on the liner “America?’ and visits England, France and Germany, Mrs. Lester Hoston was hostess Wednesday afternoon to the members of the Calrk’s Run Club. The guests were delightfully entertained and en- , dyed cooling refreshments. Arrange ments were made for the annual picnic to be held next month. The follow- ng officers were chosen: Mrs. Enas Hill, president and Mrs, David Brad- fute, secretary ahd treasurer. Pollyanna Sewing Club met July 5 at 2 o’clock in the Domestic Science room of the schoolhouse. New busi ness was brought up and it waa planned to have a lawn fete and achievement program some time soon. Demonstration teams were chosen to ning is to be Sent to the Greene Cotin- give demonstrations, the team win- ty Fair. The next meeting will be July 11 at the same time and-place. Julia Me CalHster was appointed re porter to take the place of Helen Kennon. Mr. end Mrs. John Harvey have had for their guests for several dayO, Miss E. Mildred Buchanan, of Louisville, Ky.f and WuGhang, China* Miss Lewis ] Harvey, Mrs. Harvey Jack, Mias [Margaret Jack, and Miss Margaret |Wallace of Huntington, W. Va. Miss |Buchanan was .as preceptor in a mis- ' sion school in China during the out break in 1920 and was among those ordered out of the country for safety. She relates a Very interesting story of China and the people In that coun try.' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ewbanfc will move to Beavercreek where Mr^ Ew- bank is superintendent of the schools. Mrs. Louise Evrbsmk expects to amove to Columbus about October first where she will mid# with her dau|;h- ter, Marguerite, who graduate tfciis fall from the Grant Hospital training School. one, to show he’d been there, and turn ed a somersault back in triumph. “Didn’t I turn out of your hand?” asked the monkey-god. “See what you wrote on my finger!” the Buddha an swered; and showed Monkey his name on hia finger—one of the pillarsl Monkey"gazed amazed. Buddha seized him, put him under a mountain, fed him .with hot iron to punish him for his many sins, and Said, “After a num ber of years a monk named Dang Sen will come and free you. You shall follow and guard him as he goes |or the books of Buddha from the West ern Paradise.” Yearfe sped; all came true; Monkey reformed, became true to his title, “ The holiest in the heav en,” and people began to worship him. We teach my Brownies not these myths hut the truth as given in the Bible'. God's word for it satisfies Us. .Chinese teachings do not enable nor make life safe fn China; but where God’s Word holds swiy is goodness, safety and life, Pray that the Chinese may know*the Bible, ahd know Jesus Christ—God and man—as their own precious Savior. With kindest regards, Yours in Christ’s glad service, Rev. H. G. C. IIALLOCK. PicturUe—monkey-god chaperons the monk, * SHK HA# HEARD THAT* If you will oeuwt tb# number of ittritwbsrtie* on a *pk« and n*m# tbi last ohe to oowepotwl to that fettil of the *Ipfi#brt-*h, goody. It’s good Gulling—the letter will be the In. Itlai of your “on* and only.” «**•« mmrnm §*•><♦»**>*.* REMOVAL SALE W E , M U S T M O V E , Now i« th* time to save on new up-to-date footwear. We want to close out all of pur stock down to the bare walls. If you want bargains come in and see these values, LADIES’ TIES AND STRAPS Pat#wt and Kid, $8,50 end' $449 -values, - LADIES’ STRAPS, PUMPS AND TIES High and Medium heels ClCfc $5 jtnd $0 values _____ *___ _ ICOPAIR LADIES’ $3.50 to $4 values „ On Table at $2.29 1000 PAIR OF CHILDREN’S SHOES REDUCED FROM , - 2 5 TO g 0 PER CENT MEN’S $0 AND $7 OXFORDS Priced to sell, Close Qut Price $4.79 Close Out Price BOYS’ HIGH AND LOW SHOES In Tan and Black. Size# g r «r% jfj Q 1 to 6, $3.50 values___ _ MEN’S OXFORDS Black and Tan. Regular $5 values -------- ----- $3.79 MEN’S WORK SHOES $4.00 values ’ At — _____ ______ $3.50 values At BOYSTENNIS $2.00 values r*■ ■ ■ . ■1 4■ • ' . 152.75 ysluea Yoiilh’s 11 to 13 1-2 SHOES $1.48 ........ .................. , 1, $1.98 $1,25 values 89c STYLES SHOE STOKE The Price Reduction In Thia Sale Will Not Permit Us To Give Purple Stamps. Main Street . . Xenia, Ohio The Entire Remaining Stock of the/ \ DAYTON OHIO T * * , -v > ----- - ~ BUCKINGHAM CLOTHING CO. Dayton’s Big Men’s 'and Boys’ Store ENTIRE REMAINING STOCK PURCHASED AT On the Dollar r STOCK CONSISTS OF Mens’ Boys’ SUITS O’COATS SHEEP-LINED COATS LEATHER COATS PANTS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR HOSE BELTS HATS CAPS SUITS OVERCOATS TOPCOATS SWEATERS SHEEP-LINED COATS LONG OR KNEE PANTS SHIRTS BLOUSES HATS CAPS ETC. Entire Stock on Sale t - Saturday, July 14, I 8:30 mm mMwtm Saving* Dp to 75% on every item in thU sale. Now i* the time to outfit the Men end Boy* for now and fall end winter wear. Be there when the door* open. Springfield, Ohio $
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