The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 27-52

li T . ANNOUNC I NG Period Of Smaller Hog Receipts Here T f i e C r i t e r i o n ’s S u m m e r S a le SALE STARTS THURSDAY JULY 12th . Don't Mi** It! 28 South Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio TA R D Y Deere*** In Brooding Oper­ ating* Indicate* Drop In Supplier of Fork Tbi* Tear AnoUksr corue? h*a apparently been turned in the “Hog cycle*' o f agricul­ ture in the United State*, bringing in a period o f comparatively email *uplie* of hogs for market; “We are apparently reducing breed* ling operation* because of the low By DOUGLAS MALLOCH rITH fumbling hand* and awk- ward feet A yownaeter allys Into hi* scat, Axhawwi the teacher's loojc to meet. W ' “MINNEAPOLIS RADIO STATION HAS NEW STUDIO WDGY OP* MINNEAPOLIS NOW LOCATED AT H m HOTEL; PRISES OFFERED There Is a panic In hi* heart, But not of fear-bat just to start Tim day net having dona hi* part. . , , ,, . And sosuethto': of rebellion, too. prices of Hog* for the past codple o f «.0 f Wume It alt on you, WREN STO R E .lH***tat Wf *$!• Mt A RWbkttartaD*. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. KWMIWMMISSMMI L l I years, and the high price of feed*,." j say* a recent statement of the depart* | ment of rural economics of the Ohio State University.. = The price of hdgs is determined quite largely by the number which are for sale or which are received at the leading hog markets. The June 1 pig survey conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, through the Post Office Department and the. rural mail carriers, showed that in Ohio this spring '4.8 per cent fewer sows farrowed than last spring, and in the United states the decrease was 7,7 per cent. The number.of pigs saved this spring" in Ohio was 3 per cent, less than the number saved last spring, and for the United States as a whole, the decrease was 74 per cent. Reports on the number of sows bred or to Be bred for farrowing in the coming fall point to a decrease in the fall pig production campared with, that of the fall of 1927, of 10 or 20 per cent. Hog receipts at the leading markets during the first six months (of this .year have been 20 per tent higher than during the same period s' year ago. When hog prices are low, especially if at the same time corn prices are high, breeding stock is sent to market. „ The result of thvowing breeding stock on the market is to still further increase the market receipts and to force the price still'-lower. From January 1 to .June 80 of this year, 19,429,000 hogs were received at* the 20 leading markets of the country as compared with 16,528,000 for the same period of last year. On January .1 this year there were about 8 per cent more hogs on hand than on. the same .date a year previously. But the larger receipts this year indicate that this surplus has already been sent to market. This spring's survey*shows a de* crease of about 7 per. cent in the spring pjg crop from the crop of the spring of J927, a decrease which is about the same for the cm belt and tor the United States as a whole. It represents about four million head of hogs Jn the United States, and about three million in the- cpm belt ‘stated These, reports, according to the rural economic* department, indicate that the .market receipt* of hog* dur­ ing the next twelve months wlU aver-' age Considerably smaller than those o f the last twelve months!' . 1 And think you played. It Isn’t tfue.” ANNOUNCEMENTS We are authorized to announce the name of JR. to. Williamson as a candi­ date for re-election as State Represen­ tative at-the August primary. Wo are authorized to announce the name of John A. North as a candidate for County Commissioner at the Re­ publican primary in August. , I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of County Commissioner at the^Republican Pri­ mary election in August. I also take this opportunity to thank the people of Greene Gounty and the general public for the cour­ tesy shown me and the co-operation they have given during my present term of office. If I should be re-elected I hope that my four years experience in the Office will enable me to render more efficient service duping the next term. Signed J. H, LACKEY Miss Holen Dodds announces her candidacy fpr her second term a* Greene County Treasurer at the Re­ publican Primary elcctioh to be held August 14, 1928. We arc authorized to1announce the name of S. G. Wright as a candidate for the usual second term for Probate Judge, We are authorized to announce the name of Ohmer Tate as a candidate for Sheriff, second term, before, the Republican primary, in August. We are authorized to announce the name of William S. Howard as a can­ didate for Prosecuting Attorney be­ fore ’ the Republican primary in August, Ab, wfwt’a „Oe use of being good* lie ran the fastest that he could Flu* won’t believe Mm. No one would. Ami mi he stumble* through tlm day, And stutter* things he ha* to ray, ' Ami wishes ha could run away. ■But Mother had to telephone, Mother bad matters of her own. And so he had to dress alone. Maybe he wu* a little slow, TJmt’s why he's late. Well, maybe bo , He *ny*. bufh<»w was he to know? Mother had duties* to bo done, And quite forgot- about her son. ’“My goodness1 Here's you cap. runl’’ Now ’But when the children stand In line, if same otto isn't there at nine. I hope the fault is paver mine. <©byat&Clura-NewsuaiierSynOIcnta.t -O- T cfHE WHY of SUPERSTITIONS By H, IRVTNQ KINQ The R!tx Hotel has secured a eon* |tract with the Twin Qity Broadciuidng 1Corporation to move their studio ; there. This* station operates on a wave 1length of 285.5 meters on a frequency j of 1050 kilocycle*. | WDGY ar# putting on some mighty |fine program* and are w«H worth l listening to. The Rita is putting on a I program every Tuesday and Friday at 9:30 P. M,, which will be a solid hour of splendid entertainment, Mr. Had­ ley, the manager, states that lie want* all th? fans to lob kforwsrdto hearing each program . ' * > To make the programs more inter­ esting, -they gre putting On an essay contest .and offering prices for the best essays pn Jthe aubjecfpf “What I Would Expect if l Were-, a Quest of a Hotel." Th§ essays.gre to be not more than 3Q0 words in length, and the contest 1* open to Ml not con­ nected with the Rita Hotel ,and will last until .August 81, The prizes offered arq as follows: 1st Prize ........ *100.00 2nd Prize 40,001 3rd Prize -------- --- 20.0Q 4th Prize -------- --------------- 10.00 5th Prize ;______________ 5.00 .To thewriters o f the next best 25 essays, wewill give complimentary room accommodations of one rpOmfor not more than 7 consecutive days. On (September 11 the winners will he an­ nounced and the three best essays will be read,7? THE PLANTAIN 'T'B&T pestiferous vvqed. the plantain, * which people have to dig" out o* their Inwhs ,uhd tlboryurds Is anything but a romantic or mystic plant In ap­ pearance ami yet It figures prominent­ ly Jn myth and superstition, -m Mils country It appears ip folb-medklne as a cure for bee stings and something to “draw out poison” from any wound or sore, . The Indians cull it White man’s 'foot for with .the white maw the plantain came to this country as It "has traveled In Ms company to all parts of Rio earth, a native o f tem­ perate Asia and Europe the weed has wandered always with the white man and never appears where -he In not or has not been. '.This can be accounted for, pf course, without calling upon the swpmmturqL The Insidious .seed Way be acridcntully carried nitron.1 just as tlte JimspKWccd came to tick country m a load oT «ll.tchitr/i'*d inti last from British ,<Mpa. Bui to J!v Tinrofiectlng there Is gmuetliijig fiitlm uncanny In the.way In .which the plantain tnho’wK-the white man's foot­ steps, The ‘ name Itself la front “ptaont/ meaning the sole of. the toot |p tills cmm‘ ry ami England the plantain is sometimes called way- bread and the fact that U so persist­ ently haunts the tracks of man is «e "counted for by «w old legend of Ger­ man origin to the effect Hint It was formerly a maiden who, after long wafting In vain by (he wayside for Irtr lover, vma changed into this weed. Ahd I d Ihtft form she has ever since imitated the footsteps of men looking for file recreant one. In this ancient legend we see again the Idea of primi­ tive ' man of a Metamorphosis by which nnitriiil and’ vegetable forme were .changed the one Into the other. To those who regarded mankind as descended from the oat or the nsh it seemed quite natural that a disconso­ late maiden should be changed Into a plantain. ((OtterJlcCturt N*Wspap«rSyndicate} FOR SALE-j^tove 'wood ready for use. One horse v/agon lead *2.00 de­ livered. LOUIS DUNN. BANE STATEMENT -, Report of the Condition of The Ex­ change I|apk, Cedarville, in the State of Ohio, at the close of business on June 30> 1928, ‘ RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate __ , *41,219.47 Loan* on Collateral_____ 42,110.00 Other Loans, Discounts 271,254.44 Overdrafts ______________ 820.53 U. S. Benda and Securities 100.00 Banking House and Lot 38,500.00 Furniture and Fixtures 19,950.00 Real Estate other than Banking Hejise —___ 19,500.00 Cash Items 58.59 Due from Reserve Banks and Cash in Yault _____ __ 28,18420 gBsami Moon** ’Change*' .Everymonth the moon goes through all the changes in the amount of de­ lay In her rising from the smallest to the largest, but ordinarily these are- not taken special account o t CA b the sun and full moon must, be In opposite, parts of the1sky, autufon Is the sea­ son when the full moon And least re­ tardations come together. , . “Fear is nothing elss but a betrayal Of the succors which reason offers,"— Anon.- • ■ "" , j What an amassing difference , this Paint makes You can brush the years from your home quickly anid economically simply hy having your painter brush on LOWE BROTH ERS H IGH STANDARD PAINT. And once on it stays on fo r a long, long time. * We have a complete assortment o f beau* , tiful, rich colors from which to choose. FR E tf-'T h e Art o f Color in-the Home," a new book containing; a chart from which hundreds o f color combinations can he chosen. Come in and get a copy. R. BIRD & SONS CO. Cedarville, Ohio . 5SS3i T j AT HOTEU SHERMAN! r r : f r - ' f K Ittierieajr _____ _____ G rea t \ Jumm e rJ^eso rt Q iy * JF' A 0 2>: PART OF THE PROGRAM OFYOURWEEKIN CHICAGO We are authorized to announce the name, of Jqlm FrUgh, as a candidate for Probate Judge before the Repub­ lican primary, August 14. The Better Choice t have adopted the Homan senti­ ment, that It Is more honorable to save' A citizen than to kill an enemy.---Dod. tor Johnson. Pant Music A very deaf old lady, walking along the street, « t$t an Italian turning a peanut roaster* Sho Stood looking at TOTAL _________________ $461,69723 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 50,000.00 Surplus Fund 2,000.00 Undlyided Profit* less expen-v sea, interest and taxes paid 734.97 Reserved for Taxes-Interest 1,461,96 Individual Deposits subject to check _________ _ 199,814.60 Demand Certificate .Deposit 5,435.44 Time Certificates Deposit Savings Deposits_______ ,Notes, Bill* Rediscounted Bills Payable —____ 49.2G4.4Qr G3,920;05 49,085.76 50,000.00 TOTAL. ___________ *461,69723 ; State of Ohio, County of Greene,.ss: ] I, L. F. Tindall, Cashier o f the above j named Tim Exchange Bank of Ced* j atville, Ohio, do solomnly swear that ■ the above statement 1* true 'to the ( best of my knowledge and belief. L, F. Tindall, Cashier Correct Attest;, W, F* Tarim*, A. E. Swaby, Miroh L it, awhile, shook her head and sa|d; 4Mmsh, Diroetors, “No, I shan’t give you any money for { State of Ohio, County o f Greene, ss: aueb music as that. I can’t hear any * Subscribed and sworn to before me of the tunes, and, besides, it smells a* this -Tth day ®t July* 1928. . A* R. Richards, : a ; if there were something burning in aide." Notary Public, BLLNTERTA1NEDAND LIVEAT THEHOTELSHERMANFOR. SEVENWONDERFULDAYS FORONLY f itk uf th» tour M) •nil folto» through next ttren 4*yi Beginning June 18 and up to September 2, Hotel Sherman, Chicago t offersaweeklyscheduleof entertainment andsight­ seeing— including room and meals at Hotel Sherman-— for $77.50, exclusive of fare to andfromyour home. Breakfasts served in the Celtic Grill, luncheons and dinners in the famous College Inn. An all-day trip on a Great Lakes ^ , j .* x 2 ^ a ... .4 . m . 4 . ^ ajo m steamship—Trips to the Chinatown Section—-Race Tracks -—Fort Sheridan—Great Lakes Naval Trainir ng Station- Municipal Airport—Tours of 40 miles o f Chicago Boule­ vards—-Public Buildings—Stock Yards—Museums-—An evening at a Radio Broadcasting Station—Evenings at the Theatre—White City—Afternoons at a Big League Base­ ballGame—Golf Course—BathingBeach—andmanyother features, with, as well, plenty of time to go-as-yOu-please. Hotel Sherman has 1700 rooms, each with bath. There is a floor reservedfor women. A special hotel rate for thosewho wish to remain over for an additional period. Here is an op­ portunity to see more of Chicago than theaverageChicagoansectlitalifetime. ALLBAYTRIP ONA GREATLAKES STEAMSHIP -i- TRIPSTOCHINATOWN andOTHERSECTIONS^ RACETRACKS FORT SHERIDAN — • ..i*. GREATLAKES NAVALTRAINING STATION MUNICIPAL AIR PORT TOURS OF40 MILES ON CHICAGO’ S BOULEVARDS PUBLICBUILDINGS STOCKYARDS MUSEUMS ANEVENING AT A RADIO BROADCASTING STATION EVENINGS AT THE . THEATRES WHITECITY *4** IF YOU COMB BY AUTO DRIVE YQUR CAR RIGHT INTO HOTEL SHERMANI New garage, ready July 1st, makcv It p<s»ibfe far visitor*to drive right into theHotel. , AFTERNOONI]AT BIGLEAC0E BASEBAU GAMES GOLFCOURSE BATHINGBEACHES -4- VACATIONXlMBor ANYTIME Motel Shtrrtmn, with itt central location and reasonable rates, is tht most cotiyeh* tent and desirableMotel in Chicago, ANDMAN/ OTHERFEATURES $ 7 1 5 0 FOR.THEFULL WEEK FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION SENDTHIS COUPONTO ... ............ .............................. . -•—-^ |i)ipigiW(li>l||i)iy|l|a £K.\*rsrBWFirto, rrtalun FSMtK W<BfflUHO, SfkeTM,tmi btntm HOTEL R A N l> O ilP H ^ U R H |M f HUUSAL II t t $ . cm HOTEISHERMAN CHICAGO VACATION TOURS OEPARTMtENt Plea*# tend me deacripthre booldet of. your Vat*. 1 F I? •Unit Foes, i Broivu, Buckle Judge time a Jirthfl as mu oppocit -Jesuit are noi to get we sus, over ai way tb. and act an Nov* Fran! pointed Clpmem succeed Signed . assumec dieted b ■i\ cplem Wwseo matin oi been a i or for a y ■ •\ The I Library as grea closing- lifay on appropr the Gov ■h'as fall •fact ths was .hot the stat up of tl the libi Septeml , ceived r pending make p Thom- the Ohi : county, weeks c informa when t) - has bet . extra ti ■ ■ shipsllaj tion sli ' ciple of starts f( ' ,phernali erinen. awaiting pickerel stories 1 poWess v land a f< Dr. A 3ure*d by bile whil sovoral n. fracture suffering him to . Was a vl this wed newrag c who is S< of Ropre public 11 is just as He In ti seventy-o his legioi philosopli in genera ttfry mar Wavdei Olilo Feu 'busy thes for the t sent to hi slate, tin slightly o having b to accomr new cell 1 men in n favorable the now while the) place v;h irsnsfeiTC Which hor, *i the Lo Thomas i. of both ii and patie; of living under moi ft$m j t H $ your mply OWE A R D fo r a beau- iGose. a new jdreda m e in. VRT !THE:' SRAM t WEEKIN ■ pag a ; SAYTRIP EATLAKES IMSH1P ClilNATOWf RSECTIOto TRACKS , IHERiOAN rLAKES TRAINING illON TCIPAL [PORT )F40 MILES HCAGO'S .EVAR0S BUILDINGS kyards SEDHS iVENBiG 1 RADIO DCA3TING ATI0N GSAITHE iATRETi TEaiY N 00^ At H A M ALL(L\M£S rCOURSE gbea ; hes OMANf FEAT) IRES P r o p o , T A plan offices of t and the f- Ode Oyecu* indorsed l Clearing 1 day ih Xe The tti organizat' dent of ’ The. Mgrn of Hr. h feasibility IH IO f l ( w m s S t ’ if ymt Vsm*’