The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 27-52

BON^ FORGET MY NEW LOCATION *12* SPECIAL ?12M EO S A SHORT T IME ONLY t e e t h g u a r a n t e e d t r u e b it in g AR®^!1G®MENTS FOR w o r k l a t e r a t th e s e PRICES CAN BE MADE NOW, DON’T WAIT For Information Call Main 909 Teeth Extracted g Painlwwly and 1 New’ Ones By Night im 19-50 ■ B JL&AEach No Moya' No Less Yon mpst mention this,ad to get this price, Guaranteed Positively the Best or Money Refunded Also Special Prices On AH Other Work DR . SMITH W A Smith SPRINGFIELD, 0 . , Work Done on Your First Visit. r?e« *. »*®n^ YTuesilay, Thursday anil Saturday Evenings Opposite Myers Msrket-42 Kcmr Parking cn Esplanade. XJ LASH ING brilliance— a riot of color— whirlwind ' '** succession of entertaining events, culminating in ‘ a gorgeous spectacle of fireworks. “H A W A IIA N NIGHTS” by Gortlon. Cast of 1000 .. ERNIE YOUNG ’S . REVUE, Direct from Chicago with Brown Brothers Saxotette 15 BLUE DEVILS THE SIX MAXELLOS W a l s h e l e p h a n t s LOOMIS TROUPE Grandstand each night at 7:30 SOUSA AND HIS BAND W orld 's GreatestAgriculturalExposition OHIOSTATEFAIR AUG.27-SEPT. 3 CHAS.V. TRUAXDirector LOCAL AND PERSONAL For Sale; Towatoes for table nee or canning, J. A. Bum*. Mr, RAtart Iwfctao, wha hi connect­ ed with the Sfesgse Store in Oxford, i* home cm a hwo w«*k'» yaeation, Mr. Wilfred St, John i* spending the week-end with friend* in' Highland county. Mr*, John Johnson is spending two weeks in Columbus with her son, Mr. Richard Cooper and wife, Mrs. Charles Hopping o f Brooklyn, N, Y., is here as the guest of Mr. and Mr*, William Hopping. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley Wednesday evening. They now have two daughter? and one son Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McMillan and family are in Mason City, Mo., where they went to attend a family reunion. Rev, Lee Rife and family o f Phila delphia, who have been visiting in the Westi have vefomned here and are visiting with relative* for a few day* before returning' home. Mr. J. E. Stormont, wife and son, Charles, and Mir. and Mrs, J. M. Auld, motored to Gallon, O., Tuesday, where they spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Anld. .Mr. Delmer Jobe is in charge of the sheep department again this year at the State Fair. He will have as his assistant, Mr, John Davis, Mr, Vance Burba is in charge of the Pennsylvania Station during the absence of Mr. Herbert Whitting­ ton who with his son, are. visiting in New York City. Rev. J. T. Vorhis and wife of the Wayne Avenue U. P, church, Dayton, visited with Rev. C. M. Ritchie and wife the first of the week. Mr, David Mechling, wife and son, Thomas of Denver, who have been visiting^ in Dayton, called on friends here Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. W- W. Galloway and Miss Wilmalv Spencer, and Miss Fish of Columbus, ha*! e returned after a two wean’s motor trip to Chicago. Mr,- C. F, Murbach and daughter, Jean, of Oberliu, O., spent a few days this week with Miss Donna Burns, eh- route from Berkley, Cal. . Rev, John Wibon of Oshkosh, Wis., is here on a visit with- relatives. The Wilson family reunion and picnic was held .Tuesday .at Bryan Park in his honor. Mr. j and Mrs. Stewart Townsley of near Loveland, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Townsley. . ' Mr, John Dungan and wife of Cleveland spent several days here With Mrs, Dungan’s -parents, Mr, and Mrs. Addison Graham, and other rel­ atives. . . * . . " . , ' a , Mm, G, E. Jobe sailed from New York City the first o f the week for Europe in company with Dr. Mereld Jobe, who goes as surgeon on the mod ical staff o f one o f the large passen­ ger vessels. Dr. Jobe has been located in New York. City for some months. Mr, Howard Smith of near Selma, who has been confined in a Columbus hospital for some time, due to poor health, has returned to his home and according to reports is much improv­ ed. NOTICE:- Property owners who have not yet paid their street oil bill* have until August 30 to pay. After that date all unpaid bills will be cer­ tified. to the Cpunty Auditor to be placed pn "the tax di "licate. Mrs. Edith Blair and daughter, Miss Kathleen, left this week for t motor trip to Argils, Ind, They expect to motor tp Illinois on the trip where they will visit relatives. Miss Blair is taking a two week’ s vacation from her duties in the office -of The Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co. Miss Edith Ferguson, Xenia and Clifton pike, was hostess to about fif­ teen ladies Tuesday with a miscellan­ eous shower honoring Miss Ruth St. John,, whose marriage takes place on Tuesday to Mr, Clarence Sender, of Yellow Springs, The decorations were1 in pink and white. Refreshments were served during the afternoon.- Mr. and Mrs. A.. H. Barlow and son, Willard Barlow, left Thursday to spend a few days at the reservoir. Mr. and Mrs, A, W Reed and sons, Leo and Lamar o f Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Miss Ruth Campbell, Mr-.and Mrs. George Hert- zinger,-Mr. and Mrs. C. Haeseler, and the Misses ’Amy, Louise, Marie and Margaret Haeseler are the others who compose the party, Mr, and Mrs, C. N. Stuckey were given .a surprise on their ^Eastern hesjro o f ini fiftieth wedding anniversary' await- ! ing them. A number of relatives had gathered for the event. {trip. When they reached McKfe ft rt, Pa„ they found a celebration their . Prof. H. D. Furst-and Wife wore in town Wednesday in connection the opening of school work. Prof. Hurst , will get his “A. M.” degree from the O. S. U, on Fridayi Aug. 31. The an­ nouncement for school opening will be ' found elswhere in this issue. Rev. James L. Chfesnut and family of Fort Wayne, Ind;, are here -for a few .days visit with relatives and friends, They have just retumedfrom a trip to Canada and will' leave the- last' of the Week for Frankfort, 0., to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A . F, Pet­ erson. Probate ‘ Judge S. C. Wright and Wife are" also guests o f the Peter­ sons white the Judge is also spendihg a few days resting at Sulphur Lick Springs. WE PAY MORE for dead and undesirable^ took. Call us first at ourj Expense 454 XEN IA FERTILIZER & TANKAGE CO. - Xenia, Ohio Friends here were grieved to; learn of the death o f Mrs, Grace Wolf Mad­ den, wife o f Dr. Reed Madden; Xenia, a£ her. home Tuesday morning. She had been ill for about three months but recently had improved and was able to be out doors in a wheel chair. Besides her husband she -leaves one brother, D. K. Wolf of Denver. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, the service being in charge o f her pas tor,. Rev, W* H* Tilford of the Presby- 1terian church in Xenia. Burial took place in Woodland cemetery. Mr. Evin Byinghuwt and wife and mother, Mrs. Minnie Andrew Bring-, hurst of St. Louis, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, B, Stevenson, and other l relatives. Mrs. Bringhurst is a daugh- 1ter of the late John Andrew, formerly ! a resident of tin* community. FOR SALE at once Cash, 1 Dining Table, 2 Library Tables, I Phono- ’ graph, 1 Stand, 8 Wash Stands, 1 Piano Stool, 1 Bed Stead, 2 Bed Springs, 1 Kitchen Cabinet, 1 Coaster Wagon and other articles, j . r . W e l l s FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. A thorough Business Training means your FUTURE SUCCESS. A few .months s’ mt in training, this fall and winter, will enable you to earn a good s a , ary—-occupy a pleasant position-—with frequent promotion. ATTEND AN ACCREDITED SCHOOL -» The Springfield-Willis Business College is fully accredited with the United Accredited Association o f Private Business Schools, and Offers only the best and most up-to-date courses o f instruction. Study Bookkeeping, Gregg Shorthand, Typing, Salesmanship, Business Correspondence. Learn to operate the Burroughs Bank Post­ ing Machine, Calculators, Multigraph, Etc. A Springfleld-Willis Bus­ iness College training includes all these things. POSITIONS FOR ALL GRADUATES Call or write for our large discriptiVe circu lar giving full information. Springfield Williss Business College Springfield, *• O h io C , M . H a r tw e ll, R eg is tra r J, E. Joiner, . Pres, aa_uj.uj«ge,,i‘ AT THE M O V I E S CEDARVILLE OPERAHOUSE SATURDAY * ** Official Motion Pictures of TUNEY: DENNEY ■W . ALSO FEATURE AGAYDEYGEAT AND Two Reel Comedy First Show 7:00 P. M. lAdm. 15c, 20c 25c Dr, Wm. Berdell Braumiller, o f ! Camdem, O., and Miss May K. Cot- j tingbam, Dayton, were united in mar- j riage last Saturday, Aug. 18, at 11 A, M., at the home of Mr, and Enos Hill, The ceremony was performed by Rev, Gavin Reilly, o f Bradford, 0,, who is a friend o f the groom and has* been visiting here the past month, j The couple was unattended and after a wedding trip will locate in Camdem, where Dr. Braumiller is a practicing dentist. • both zieed Mrs. Louis Boolman, Miss Marjorie Boolmum, and Mr. and Mrs, Kingsley Boolman, pf Springfield, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Fansler of Cleveland,.and ' Mrs. Anna Reed of Clifton were the ' ’dinner guests o f Mr, and Mrs, Aden 1 Barlow, Wednesday, Itinvaluable as a et.-cngOt an 1 of milk. Q, Anemica tht.vo i.„ i folks fatten on it Ci[K ffcf'.ts.- not agree. Try Malted Nuts onf-tr/i .ViX- chopped nuts, Q Aa tn ie-» Discovered at the Battle"”"-', *>' over.- We are glad to cS-j- -- t Wo era Authorised P -: MALTED NUTS t.pu caved the lives of bahie* on- ,0 t.i tc!.o -cov/o >;ri:lc. jrsistg end exper-lent mothers find Me 'jd-kuiider. Increasea the flow aUindrisiceid food iron. Q,Thirt idth rr.jrpy with whom milk does , f.ultiOy, or lee cream in place of 11c-v;, . *. DelicSonol •}' ,»>> :«w, now used the world •"■ d £1X0 ;r.ra, ' Jp Xian HhP o od i CEDARVILLE BAKERY SCHOOL OPENING Sale Boys’ and Girls’ Wearing Apparel Specially Priced at Boston Store Months of preparation for this event finds our store with the most complete stock of Boys’ and Girls’ School Needs in our history. Everything in Wearing Apparel for Boys and Girls from Kindergarten to College, Save on Boys9Apparel Save on Girls’ Apparel Boys’ 4-Piece Suits Boys’ Dress Caps Boys* W ool Knickers Boys’ Wool'Longies Boys’ W inter Overcdats Boys’ School Hose Boys’ Underwear Boys’ Shirts and Blouses Boys’ New Fall Neckties Boys’ .New Fall Hats Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Girls’ Fur Trimmed Coats. New Felt Hats School W ash Dresses Jersey Dresses Velvet Dresses School Hose Silk Hose Silk Undies Nainsook Undies Tailored Coats 2000 Prs. CHILDREN’S HEALTH SHOES SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SCHOOL OPENING Boy*’ and Girl*’ Long Wearing School Health Shoes made over foot ' form lasts aild endorsed by leading physicians. REMEMBER ! YOU A LW A Y S PAY LESS AT