The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 27-52

WHCeflactAb*»t TtiHy’Twt M iea Mbrs (fcstfm T il n 111$ FreiaMotor Vehicle Owner* f .. * !31>i duo State Automobile Association Procure These Authentic Figure*Fromthe Tax Comnusaiou of Ohio. Bature Revenue for the Buildup Maintenance and Repair of High­ ways and Streets. ^ received from August, The gro*s number of gallon* of motor vehicle fuel taxed for this year, up to June 1st, far surpjuae* at!) previoua year*, and i f the re­ maining n in ths are in proportion to the first five months, a high water murk for the net amount earned from gasoline tax wilt be reached, according to * statement made, by H, It, Kilgore, secretory revenue* 192$, to May, 1928, It also shows the period o f decreased consump­ tion of gasoline, when the revenues were correspondingly reduced. TCJie drop o f 0,000,000 gallons from May to June, 1927, indicated by the graph occurred at the time the one cent additional tax became effective, and when many were of- the Commission to the State Automobile Association. The first five months o f 1928, has an increase over the first five mohtha of 1927, of 30,290,297 gal­ lons," If this increase holds good fo r the entire year there,will he a monthly sales average of 71,157,- 408 gallons. The net amount .earned from taxes the first five months of 1928, exceeds the same period o f 1927, hy $3,383,501.63. If this ratio, con- 'finues for the balance o f the year, Ohio will collect $31,876,679.71. 'The graph shown above gives the peak months o f gasoline sales and supposed to haye purchased large supplies o f gasoline, in advance of the tax increase. The state association through its Ohio autq clubs, calls attention to the payment of this - vast sum, which is made uncomplainingly by Ohio motorists. However, the .asso­ ciation has gone on record to com­ bat any attempt of the coming Legislature to further increase this tax, as it believes the 'enormous sum now being collected is adequate for the improving and the main­ taining' of our Highway System, deluding the .maintenance o f our county roads and city streets. - " , Plymouth4-tharStdau #7$5 ACCEPTS ARID ACCLAIMS THE RIELVPLYMOUTH The sale* record o f the new Plymouth, established in two weeks* time, is without > parallel o r precedent for a car in this field —not in a few retail center* but all over the whole country. Hundred* upon hundred* o f thousands— yes, millions— eager to see the new Plym- th, built by Gnryfler t o compete in the / ou u tt m n lowest-priced field, throng Chrysler sales­ rooms everywhere. Theycouipareitwiththethreeorfourother ear* catering to the same great market. Theyscecontrastinsire,style,performance andsafety so sharply in favoro f Plymouth that curiosity bursts into enthusiasm, en­ thusiasmis transformed into sale*. In fine, the millions seekmga low first c6*t nowdiscoverin thenewPlymouth the one car in the lowest-priced field which is and does everything that they have long hoped a low-priced car would be and do. You, too, owe it to yourself to seeIt, tide in it, drive it. All doubt as to the highest dollar-fof-dollar value in tile lowest-priced. ^ field ends tight there. «75 Roadster . . £673 (wkkntmbU/eall Coupe . « . 685 Touring . « • 695 2-Door Sedan, * 700 De Luxe Coupe 735 Xwtik Mil) 4-Door Sedatt . 735 /illMcttf. *. b, Dttnit. Plym- Wt£ dtalert a n in a pisttitn tt txundthi ttnUnHan a/timpajfmmlf. . JOHN COLLETTE, Agent, Jamestown, O. NNN W\ S. Henderson . CONTRACTOR FOR Drilled Water Wells P. 0 , Box 88, fJedarville, D. R. F . D . 4 . Jamestown, O , Dejbe Daniels Barley Looms Large i In Coming Rations | W ith Record Crop Likely, * Livestock Can M ake I Good Use O f It 1 Baba Daniels, well-known “ movie" star, claims Dallas (Texas) as her birthplace. She also claims to be a descendant of a royal Spanish fam­ ily, True to her Spanish descent she has black hair and eyes. Mies Dan­ iels |s 5 feet, 5 inches fall, and weighs about 120 pounds. She Is very ath­ letic, an exceptionally good rider and loves to drlye a (fish-powered motor ca r.. . "• . . ■ UncommonSense By John Blako INNOVATION, INERTIA BwasmesHsas XTO HEW Idea ever conies Into .this h ' world peace! ally. Its mlvent is •always" of tended by hitter opposition. From the very beginning a new Ideu combats other, oilier ideas which have had time to become authoritative and powerful. And those, older ideas, and the people who believe in them, do not Intend to- be pushed aside without a struggle. cine , example of a now idea Is Christianity. Hot mly its founder but. thousands of other mfirtyrs were sacrificed in the struggle to make this new conception prevail. Its'coming threatened other, older religious. And the imeke.s of these religions. were not Willing to stand idly ( by and see their Ideas swept away. " . , In our own time evolution has stirred up about as much opposition as .any other new theory or.Idea, It Is bitterly opposed by many persons who fear that Its' coining may destroy their own conceptions or beliefs. These, are examples of ideal' of uni­ versal influence. Every day sees the birth o f countless-.thdusauds of com­ paratively insignificant ones. Let ps see if the same rule holds in theif case. Suppose, you for example, . are a file clerk In •an office and devise a hew and better way o f filing data cards.. Icon tell your idea to your employer and stand by for his. immediate, ap­ proval. If he is like the average eui player you will stand bj I for a con sltlerabJe time. . He Is very •skeptical. The, idea may be all right, but after .nil, the cards Imre been tiled a . certain why ip the pasr and that way lias beeu sat isfactory. Why, change It? Won’t that be inviting trouble? It I* an even het that the. fellow will oppose you tseb Though tim sue- cess of your device cannot possibly barm him or Jeopardize any of fils roa Jor conceptions. >• This sort of thing Is culled Inertia. It Is an Inherent tendency tp continue business In the same old way. And of course inertia is always .antagonis­ tic to Innovation. If a new idea Is good enough and If it Is pushed hard enough it will usually triumph over Inertia. But the triumph is usually hard won, ^ Anticipating inertia is half the bat ‘tie. If you expeef to have people op pose your best ideas you will not be-, come discouraged when the opposition shows Itself. Rather, it will make you fight all the harder. Just retngmbe. tlml if neither Chris tlnnfty or evolution could make their way In the world without a battle, your own little pet Idea could hardly expect to be more fortunate. And remember, too, that the only way yon can make your Idea prevail Is by pushing It and fighting for It. (Copyrlxht.) ----------- o- "Tlte trouble with the American home,'’ say* Mature Matilda, "Is many babies in them that niemv nn> bar*” ■ - Mot’s Peculiar Cry ■ Tbs batfa ery is perhapa th* skrfii- Mt sound that human sars can appre­ ciate. Most people over forty, lose the power of hearing this creature’s e tf, for it Is too high-pitched for any but the keenest hearing. Good? to Bemamhst Whether the autumn of your life fhalt be joyous or joyless depends on bow we spend the spring and sun* aaer.- lTorbes Magazine. With prospect* far the largest bar*, ley crop in matary in Ohio and in th e ; United States as m whole, Ohio stock* i men will h*ve opportunity to utilize as feed a grain which baa 95 per cent o f the feeding value o f com. Ohio’s barley crop promises to be double that o f last year and about four times .as Urge as an average crop, officials crop reports from the .United States Department o f Agri­ culture indicate. The total United States crop wil probably ha about double the average production. Re­ ports from 1.0 foreign countries also indicate a larger crop o f barley than last year, , “ Barley is good for nearly all classes o f livestock," says L . P, Mc­ Cann, extension specialist in animal j husbandry at*the Ohio Jjjtate Univer­ sity, “Peed It ground, rather than rolled, When rolled, barley forms a paste With the ealiva in the animal** mouth, and is therefore distasteful." In 100 pounds o f barley there are 79,4 pounds o f digestible nutrients, o f which 9 pounds are crude protein, Corn has, in 100 pounds 85,7 pounds o f digestible nutrients, which includes 7.5 pounds «>f crude protein. Oats yield 70,4 pounds digestible nutrients out o f 100 pounds o f grain, Of this, 9.7 pounds are in the form of crude protein. Proud Mexican Titlm Tha fit!# “ Father o f Mexican Inde­ pendence’* was given to Miguel Hidal­ go y CaatilU, a Mexican priest, who lived from 1768 to 1811, He started a movement for Independence which cost him his life, Some years later be was extolled as a Mint, and the new­ born republic erected « magnificent statue to him, immortal Loam Lave Uvea on, and hath if power ^ Aquatic Monster t* 1922 there swam Into GrtoteMI harbor, Panama, a whale so colossal that It had to be overcome by ma* ’ chine-gun fire, When killed and towed ' to the dock, a ir efforts to raise tt 1proved unavailing, though powerful seventy-ton cranes were used, and a railway engine hauled at steel cable* blees when they who loved are den in the grave.—-Lowell, Imitation Sealskin Sealine fur is clipped rabbit j dyed black aud resembles seal. Warp ta Knew Property 'the# -hast no ether edge hut What thou bast got by w**k* togj the **et la Hat all an hyporiMw* s i knowledge; a thing to be argot* eg to schools, a .tbhu footing to tbs Mood*, to eadleso togto vorthtee, till we try to fix -GarijJe, Offsetting Plug Mondays W# don't mind aa occasional bio# Monday If wo Jbavo plenty of red-letter day*,—Boston Transcript Velvet’s Origin Unknown Velvet originated either In China or India, rbut more likely the former, Which was the great cradle o f silks. Its native city la unknown, due no doubt to the petulant habit o f em­ perors In certain, far hack dynasties, o f destroying records 'of the oast Big Coffin Ranches The largest cattle ranches are lo­ cated to New Mexico and Nevada. The largest number of range cattle are to Califbrnto. New Mexico and Colorado PLAN A BUSINESS EDUCATION FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. A thorough Business Training means your FUTURE SUCCESS. A few months spent in training, this fa ll and winter, will enable you to earn a good salary— occupy ’a plpasant position—-with frequent promotion. ATTEND AN ACCR EDITED SCHOOL The. Springfield-Willis Business College is fu lly accredited with the United Accredited-Association o f Private Business Schools, and offers only the best and most up-to-dpte courses o f instruction, ; Study Bookkeeping, Gregg Shorthand, Typing, Salesmanship, Business Correspondence. Learn to operate the Burroughs Bank Post­ ing’ Machine, Calculators, Multigraph, Etc. A Springfield-Willis Bus­ iness College training includes all these things. POSITIONS FOR ALL GRADUATES — ' ’ * I , ' Call or write for our large discriptive circu lar giving full information, Springfield Williss Business College : Springfield, Ohio C, M. Hartwell, Registrar J. E. Joiner, Pres. whic with! reccf min (Billy) A T - ■• *':«• -• ' .... -.- Greene County AT 2:00 O’CLOCK The PBESBYTERIAN CHURCH of CLIFTON, 0 „ Invites you to their Home Coming When the REV. W . A. SUNDAY, noted Evangelist will speak in the Big Tent NO CHARGE FOR ADMISSION Only a Liberal Collection is Asked COME EARLY AND BRING YOUR BASKETS AND EAT DINNER BESIDE THE BEAUTIFUL CLIFFS , , I ' ' - ' Where Possible Bring Your Folding Chair Free Parking Space - Churches wishing allotment can have same by writing or phoning, Rev* Wm. Wilson, not later than Sept* 3rd. « PHONE 13, CLIFTON, O. LOCATION Clifton is 9 miles South of Springfield; 3 miles North of Cedarville and 4 miles East of Yellow Springs. A WELCOME TO ALL I All bitter it to m 3 the hull LUXU I Ml NJEWI Schl Sizes Four-F prising knickers; 2 longie longie. 1 patterns, j $ 7 .9 0 ■ a U M ta K . Bm F , Excell ei for th| made ?attemsJ Buy th] opening i 4 9 s, Colol Bccausl enough t| of-doors side, girjl on swea| with a trthers pattern. ' *kv>- -n *