The Cedarville Herald, Volume 51, Numbers 27-52

4 6 i f* Advertising sells three articles whereyouhadonlysoldonebefore—’ Hewhoadvertises—realizes. W* 3 m j f a m l d . No Bmtmm IsTooBfetoH*e Mr vertisingandNoneToo Poor toAf­ fordusingit PFTY -FIRST YEAR No. 28. CEDARVELLE. ©] DAY, JUNE 22,1928 PRICE, ?1.50 A YEAR MHfHBATESARE KOWENTERE9FOR AUGUSTPRMARV State, district and county candidate* are all entered for the primary elec­ tion to.* be held in August, Both political parties made nomination en­ tries, but the Democrat# only pick|fi out arfow places. There were several surprises in the list of entries at the last minute. Frank L, Johnson, attorney, Xenia, filed- for Congress against Cong, Charles Brand, who has served three terms. Brand lias fallen greatly in disfavor following his attack, political and personal, on Secretary Qf Com­ merce, Hoover, Brand was iined up with the Daugherty gang opposing Hoover. Milton Scott, Chillicothe, will have no opposition for state senator to sue-, ceed L. T, Marshall, who had two terms, , The Democrats have an eye on Con­ gress from his' district and ' Editor Harry Bice’ of the Xenia*HeraEl is , entered. Hie ‘will 'have no opposition Within his own party. ’ William H. Howard will oppose J. C. Marshall for the nomination for Prosecuting attorney. Mr, Howard is ' a well-known attorney in Xenia and this'' is his first entrance for •public office In the county. Prosecutor Marshall hds served as deputy clerk' of court, clerk of court, Probate Judge ' and two terms as, prosecutor, over a period Of about twenty years, step- “ping from, ope office to the other. Mr, Howard has never aligned with either ’faction in the county and Ms friends will campaign in his' behalf on the be- . lief and •appeal to the voters that family control o f the county 'offices should be terminated in the interest of fair play. Mies Helen Dodds for treasurer, .Will have no opposition for the second term. Sheriff Ohmer Tate 'will' e^ )y •the same honor. Clerk of Courts, .Harvey Flam, will- be accorded, an­ other term without a eoutest. For . County Commissioner " there IOxley and W. J£ Burr; Miami ,TWK. |Arch Peterson; Yellow Spring*, F. C. ; Lackey; New Jasper Twp., Harry Naglerj Stivesereek Twp^ JL JL Latham; Jamestown, Charles Moor- Man; Spring Valley Twp., A. C. Men­ denhall; Spring Valley vffluge* W, & Crites; Sugarcraek Twp„ Earl He*#; Xenia Twp,, J. B. Conklin; Xenia, second <w*rd/*S. W. Guyton; Xenia third ward, Carl M, Ervin; fourth ward, Phillip Thomas. Voter* in the district will have (Op­ portunity of opposing the Daugherty candidate for State Central Commit teeman, Sherman'Deatop, Urbans, in Mrs. Laura Dow Gibby o f Bettefon- taina. Mr*< Gibby’ to from, the wall- known Dowfamily thatwas prominent in prohibition work in the state and the legislature twenty-fivp years ago. She represent# th</n*w- deal id Ohio politics to,rid the Republican party of the Daugherty element. NEWS LETTER FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS County Nutriton Achievement Day A County Achievement*meeting for all wher have been working on the Nutrition Project is to be held at the College Gymnasium in Cedarville on Friday, June 22, beginning at 10:30 A, M. Every woman in the. county is* in­ vited to attend this meeting whether they have taken tHa work in the Pro- ject or no,t, Following is the Program for the rda$;t '< , ' ‘ ,f , ^ V'" Morning—10;15 O'clock Singing. Reports of Nutrition Project by Township Leaders— Cedarville —— ...Mrs, Wilbur Conley Caesarcreek-------^Mrs. L. V, Linton Spring Va lley___ ____________ „ . t -----Mrs. Lawrence Alexander Miami—.-------Mrs. Chas. Mellinger SilVercreek „_,_Mrs. B, B, Stackhouse Xenia^ -----Mrs. C. W. Murphy Reading __r_____ _____ ,___ , Mrs. Joe Mason, Caesarcreek Twp. Play, "The Vegetables Entertain" . ------ ----------.*•Cedarville Township Parade — -_By Township Groups Lunch' „ / "l- Afteriioon—1:00 O'clock 1 Singing . . . . . . . . ^ t .On Behalf of the Men--J, R/Kimber Will be three candidates for tyvo places. 0n Behalf of the Women__ 1____ A. E, Beam and J. H, Lackey are filed for their second term. John A, Nbrfch, Xenia, former commissioner for one. M. Chambliss for coroner bn the Republican ticket Will Tiave nd opposition'in the primary but will con- teat with Dr. W. T. Ungard, Xenia, for the honors next November. The' latter will be the Democratic nominee. W, J. Davis has filed for re-election , as county surveyor and ydR have as his opponent, Harry Sparks, former city engineer in Xenia and also mem­ ber of the City Commission. . Probate Judge S. C. Wright is out for his second term and at the last minute of closing for entries found Mayor John W«- Prugh of Xenia, as his opponent. The contest for central committee will he staged on a fever heat plan judging from surface indications. A few weeks ago efforts were made on the part of R. 0, Wead as chairman of the executive committee to get the two factions to agree on a fifty-fifty split of the committee to eliminate further contests and restore party harmony. The Gowdy-Marshall fac­ tion, connected with the Daugherty district faction, refused and the matter was dropped. As A result the contest Will go on* <The Qowdy-Marshall-Da ug h e r t y crowd have so few followers In Cedar­ ville and Cedarville township no effort was made to enter candidates against Harry Lewis in town, A. H. Cras- well in the towriship and Editor J. N. Wolford in Yellow Springs, The Daugherty element is making a determined effort to continue their hold on the district and particularly Greene county by aiding the Gowdy- Marshall faction. While the Hoover nomination Went over big the Daugh­ erty gang politicians in this county, the Seventh District end the .state, opposed the Secretary using every means, fair and foul to becloud the Issues, € - The following are the candidates headed by K. O, Wead Bath Twp., <X D* Miller; Fairfield village, William Lang; Osborn*village, W. T. Gronef; Beavercreek Twp., Joseph Coy; Caesarcreek Ttyp,, H. M: Smith; Cedarville Twp., A, H.,Cres- wel; Cedarville village, H. C, Lewis; Jefferson Twp., F, A. Charles; Bow- ersville village, H. C, Fisher; Miami Twp., Ed Meredith; Yellow Springs, J. N, Wolford; flttvercreefc Twp., John Q. Roan Spring J^Uty Twp,, Charles Mendenhall; Spring Valley village, A P, KretaMrr; Sugameek Twp, Henry » , WeJhrr; BeUbrtok, W. W. Tate; Xenia Twp., Walter L. Nash, Xenia first wind, George McDonnell; second ward, Frank If. Dean; third ward, William A. Fisher and fourth ward, Leonard Raymond, * ' The following are the candidates on the Gowdy-Marshali-Daughetty Mat#; Bath Tw$„ H. R, Atmrtw**; Fatif- field village, C. F, Snedlftef; Oritoftt, F. A. ICsndig; Beatorareek Twp, Lewi* % Stewart; Cmmm#k Tm * A, 3J, Lewie; !Mw»ewrvfB% Mm —Mrs, David 0. Bradfute Question Box—Miss- Leila Ogle, Nu* ^tetjkjn Specialist^Ohio State Uni- ' - ,**„ %, - StuLd -----SilVercreek Township Where Do typ Go From H erj__ «... • Miss Adele Koch/ Home .Economics Extension, Ohio State University Original ■Stunt — Xenia Township What a Homo Demonstration Agent Does—Miss E. Teal, Home Dem­ onstration Agent,,Montgomery Co, Stunt ------ ---------Miami Township Glpsing Song MEND Scalloped Potatoes and Mam Cabbage and Carrot Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches : (Whole Wheat,.Rye and White)- • Strawberries and Cream or Fruit Mixture ■ / (if available) C*ke or Cookies Milk, Coco* or Coffee MASSIE GETS TERM IN PEN Clarence Massie, 26, South Charles­ ton, was sentenced to one year in the Ohio penitentiary last week in Clark county, on a charge of grand larceny in connection with the theft o f sheep from the herd of Alvin E. Wildman, Selflia. • He pleaded guilty Feb. 27, sentenced being deferred to permit him to tes­ tify for his mother in a civil suit in­ volving the death, of hi* father* Massie and tWb others were caught in Madison county early this year after the theft of sheep"from a farm near London. They were not connect­ ed with the theft, but Madison county officers lucceoded in tracing down, the Selma theft for the Clark county authorities. —Madison Frets COLUMBUS, 0.,—Candidates for state office have "weighed in” with Secretary of State Clarence J, Brown, the filing time having expired at mid­ night Friday, June 15th. There is a goodly list -to select from on either Republican or Democratic tickets, but not a& large, a* two. yeara ago when .eight-two declarations of candidacy were filed. It is predicted that the campaign will wax warm until the close-of the primary fight on Tuesday, August 14th, following which the'can-, didates selected will have another contest, atthe regular election, to be held,, Tuesday, November 8. Follow­ ing ‘ is the list o f political aspirants filing declarations of candidacy with Secretary Brown, together with the offices which they seek to fill:' United State* Senator-^Simeon D, Fess, Republican, Yellow Springs, long term* Carrington T, Marshall, Zanes­ ville, Jacob S. Coxey, Massillon,.Carmi A* Thompson, Euclid, Guyahoga coun­ ty, Theodore E. Burton,’Cleveland, H. D. Cook, Ashtabula, and Charles Dick, Akron^Republicans, shortterm. Cyrus Locher, Cleveland And -Graham P. Hupt, Cincinnati, Democrnth,/ short term. Charles A, Wharton, Kenton, George White, Marrietta, Charles V. Truax, Bucyrps, Thomas’ S. Wright, Lancaster, Frank F Gentsch, Demo­ crats, longterm Qoyernor—Harry A Shanley,Forest, James T.. Boggy Sandusky, Myers Y< Cooper, Cincinnati, Fred Kohler, Cleve­ land,' Edward C. Turner, Columbus and Harry C,’ Smith, Cleveland, Re­ publicans/ Martin L. Davey, Kent, Hetman R. Witter, Ganton, James G, B. Beatty, East Liverpool, Earl D. Blopm, Bowling Green add PeterWitt, Cievelanj, Democrats. Lieutenant Governor—Alex Moore, Athens, -Allen G; McDonald, Dayton, Albert E. Culbert, Fremont, Roland G. Davis, Hamilton, George ,C. Braden, Warren, Charles" L. Young,, Rock Creek, Ashtabula county,- Edgar Ervin/Columbus, William E. McKin­ ley, Columbus; . John F. Brown, Mechaniosburg, Republicans, full tern; Allen G. McDonald, George C. Republican, Radnor, Delaware county, short term* George S. .Myers, Cleve- ;and and William G. pickrel, Dayton, Democrats. • - Attorney General—Clinton D, Boyd, Middletown, Gilbert Bettman, Cincin­ nati* John W« Brlcker, Upper Arling­ ton, Franklijtt county, J. Eugene Roberts, Hubbard,. Turnbull county, Matthew, L. Bigger; Grand View Heights, 'Franklin county, John H. Price, Cleveland Height*, Cuyahoga county;.Republican. Francis Poulson, democrat. Auditor—Joseph T. Tracy, Colum- ms and Stanley Cherringtoa, Colum- >us, Republicans, Alva L._Coddiug- ton, Cleveland, Daniel E. Butler, Tole­ do, J. H. Kauffman, Columbus, L. C. Riddle, Delaware, Joseph T. Ferguson, Lancaster and Aaron Moull, Colum- ivu, Charles H, Hubbell, Cleveland, Democrats. . _ Secretary o f State—Clarence J, .3rown, Republican, Blanchester. Carl C.' Smith*. K.enton and" John Henry Newman, Fletcher, Miami county, Democrats* Treasurer—Bert B. Buckley, Re­ publican, Dayton. James Patrick Man- gan, Cleveland and Fred M. Bukhnell, Mansfield, Democrats^ Judge of Supreme Court—Robert M* Day, Massillon and Frank W. Geiger,. Springfield, Republicans. Den­ nis F. Dunlavy, Ashtabula and Frank' S, Monnett, Cplunbus, Democrats,. m u m f e p U T H P A E R E B T Arthur Hsariifl E m >South Charles- ton, a stodesjrM Btttwfowe Univer- stty, was placed nder arrest Satur- day night wttidis Keen minutes after he had eniererMa fcuse o f Mrs. Mary Bridgman, Nona KMain street, and stolen 51.65 h /d j Hnticed tiie boy Neighbors JtJ about th* resfilBMroreile Mrs. Bridg- man waa itiralfl E th e fount porch. Marshall M cdM R l * the arrest and took the bqy M R a aounty jsil to appear in Juym§l B fort before Judge Wright. "1 J - " It to thouriJ Bat the boy also enteredthe Bthe Misses Fannie and Mwagaret-ilriBWl, while they were picking storosw w in tiie garden, The house wm I s Backed but so for is known nothin* B * token, .A boy answering tito-jd M description was found wanderidrlBtond the home of Mr. J, E, UastihlB u st a short time previous to hi* d E ? ------- Ford Mri and Mr#/ enjoyed a pit Monday* ■They, fecjqg the st stone bridge- cemetery. ., Mrs..Gillaughei intended backing her foot on wronj plunged into the was on the bank Ing what had the creek.and oi ing hie wife who^ nearly to her shout Mr. Harry’ horses to good the car from the JR . /•,, .. {sles Creek |wrence Gillaugh Massiea Creek' parked the car [ the field near the. Massiea Creek thecoupe and 4 car’ but placed ’ il and.'the car Mr. Gillaugh tiie time but See- . led plunged into, t-the dopr, rpleas- raitting in water *s. h tried hiateam of ;e and pulled ibe'dto the bank. S p r i n g f i ^ j i a n 1st Caught Here Marshall H. A* 2 with G. % Co patrolman, was here $aturday aftS; ledine, 45, Sprit Sheriff George comity. " ; Djngledine is charges in cpr in company «, county road Under arrest on, Harry Ping- on orders from Sham o f Clark ated on three i with liquor the'Shariff during a rrifi Friday-night. He was found at the home of Walter O'Connell and offered no resistance when placed under arrest. •He. was confined' in the local jail until the arrival of the Springfield sheriff. On orders^ of Sheriff Benham the Buick coaclt driven, by Dingledinewas placed in care o f theWolford garage. ROBBERS ENTER GRAIN COMPANY Robbers entered the Cedarville Grain Company early Monday morn­ ing by cutting out the glass in the front door and unlocking the night lock from the inside. Mr. Charles. Townsley, who goes to work at the Cedarville Bakery about 2 A. M. each morning, saw three sus­ pects -near the store and returned to his hbme to secure a gun. Upon his return the men could not he found. A stock was taken-by Mr. Harry Lewis, the .manager, but so far no­ thing is misting. Even Small change was not taken from the Cash register. No money is kept in the safe and for that reason it is not locked. Drawers were opened but nothing diatrubed. All County 4-H Club Picnic Th&writer, his brothers and sisters, treasure as.a most.precious heritage their limb in the old KYLE TREE; and not less the' friends, though not' relatives of the Kyles,- who have.been so happily,associated with them these long years that you Cannot tell the difference. Are the boys and girls married? Of course! Some o f the girls ran so fast one or two of* the boya gave-out, and the girls got round the corner. They are the same boys and. girls as when the hoys washed the girl's faces with snow; pr were it the blackboard trying to work some distressing example that should not have been in the book anyway. All were not in the same school, but they were just as bad. . In the delightful gathering o f which we write the Surnames were shelved, forgotten, and the school-yard names Were .brought, out,Mind they sounded just as they did fifty-sixty yeara ago Xenian Is Injured When Plane Crashes Robert Kelly, Xenia# Air reserve officer, and Harry E, Neal, Employee in the State Highway department; suffered injuries. Saturday evening when the plane in which they were riding struck the gable of a house in Columbus, and crashed to the ground, The plane after hitting this house plunged hose down and landed Upside down in the rear of a yard, Kelly suffered a broken rightwum* bad numerous cuts and bcnines. They were taken to University Hospital for treatment, NIGHT m dW tm GETS THE LEAD TREATMENT Lloyd Confer* found a night prowler around hia automobile that was parked hi the yard near the house tart Stabbsth night, Afmr waMhiaf the fialofr for a few minute* he gave a warning but the feilew refund to answer *8d Mr, Ctari&rr fired .oh* shot 'that eattaftd tit* inspect to flee. DR. MORTON CRE3WRLL TO GQ TO TACOMA Dr. Morton Crsewell, wild has been connected With the staff o f the Fred­ erick Keiffer hospital in Detroit, for the past eighteen months, spent the week-end here with liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Braswell. Dr. Crss- weli will Ideate in Taocraa, 'Wash,, and engage in general practise. He Ha* had a number o f years experience in hospital work in Chicago and De­ troit, Greene -County's 4-H Clubs Will meet at the Bryan State Farm Wed­ nesday, June 27th for their first all county picnic. Club members, leaders, parents and friends are invited to take part in the day's program. The program will include games, stunts and recreation far Ml* There are 450 boys and girl* enroll­ ed in clubs this year and hope every one witt get to dome. Let’s make this a real get together day and get ac­ quainted with our neighbors, WILLARD TROUTS CHOSEN TOWNSHIP CLERK MONDAY MADE PARTY DEFENDANT „ „ k defendant to* the case of . and Neal a broken left arm and both, Bexaxth against Raymond Butt and On motion of the defendant, Ray­ mond Butt, J. A, Finney, as admin­ istrator of the estate of Carrie S, Bull, deceased, has been made a party Charles vacancy caused tty the death of Mr, Andrew faoksoxn Mr. R. Gf &eorge has been taking oar* of the clerical duties of the efltsa and now turns it over to Mr. Tr«a$#* others in Common has been, directed fifteen days. Pleas-Court and to plead-Within UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Id A. M. Sabbath School, O. A. Dobbins, tiupt. ! i l A, IL Theme; “The Lordship of Christ.” i P . M. Union Service. Theme: *The Face o f Join* Christ.” FOR gALE--Fra-h oaw*. n -w . s M n r i M &m , ATTORNEY SUED * Attorney Fori&fc Dunkle is named defendant in a suit for divorce filed by Lillian Dmtitie in Common Pleas Court, The plaintiff dtiNftes gross neglect of duty and exferi$» cruelty, She asks to --m restored to her former name eflldteu Clemen* and seeks to haws 'He dti&N&tanb barred of dower ‘Suit for IM M W K irawM I 'age but the F W I RESIDENT GREATLYPLEASED BYDECEPTION Dear Herald; If yonwant to see some people start up on their hind feet, say—CEDAR- YILLEi I For several weeks some who have suffered exile had planned * day there on way back from Synod, But they had not planned or Kntiri pated the delightful day it turned out to be. The Cousins and Friends had blown the trumphet in Mount Ephraim and the Clan* gathered armed,with bursting baskets. We ran into, the hosts head-on, not knowing anything until tit* town loomed in sight. When We putted up, tp Dr. Morton's Church we were startled at horses and frisky colts tied to the hitching-posts; and buggies and carriages and springwagons well- splashed with mud-in the roadway. And when* we went ini Well, you would be' astonished at the dresses sweeping the floor, With, hUstie»-^(Is that right?) and great puffing sleeves, and flounces cascading after each other; and,.yes/hp’opa jammed the doorway: and the men with high- top hoots and pants inside, and! With soles warrented to stay put. Great tables were piled, full of everything that cquld be thought up.TAnd you witt travel long distance before you see happier faces. Their good cheer made those whp are not -permitted to see them except at long intervals feel like they were in'good old Cedarville., As I pinch, myself to awaken from the reverie, I see the lash horse flash­ ing his bail .as he'goes "over the hill kicking the carriage into smitherines. The hitching-posts are buried under smooth streets, and highly polished autos wait in dignified silence. And inside the Gym the latest fashions, not extreme, adorn the unusually fine women folks; and the men have for- gotteif'what a' boot looks like/ and, have .difficulty in explaining/ to children what a boot-jack is. We look earnestly at the faces, What? Cer- tainly'lb|jr <8% the faces o i fifty- sixty ye’are ago; hut they radiate a beauty, a calm serenity, a nobility, which come through a half-century of They faded «®d 'twa» w*lb This after prime Hath brought us fuller hopes; and yet forsooth, We drop a tear sow in this later time To think wa'r* growing old Wo smile at those poor fancies of the pasfc— A saddened smile almost,akin to pain, Those high desire#, those purposes so vast, * Ah, our poor hearts! They cannot come again! We're growing old! Old? Wellj the heavens are old; This earth is, too; Old Wine is best, maturest fruit most sweet; „ Much have we lost, more gained, al­ though ’tis true We tread life's way with most uncer­ tain feet, , We're growing old! Wemove along and scatter as we pace. Soft, graces, tender hopes on every hand; At iftsfc with gray-streaked hair and hcdlpw face, *• We step across the'boundary of the land Where hone are old. Relatives and friends, words cannot express our thanks andjiigh apprecia­ tion of the'woijderful day yougave ns. YouU cheerful, happy, refreshing fel­ lowship, and the bountiful feast will be long cherished in memory. May the Divine Master in whoa* service ,ybu are andLave been, richly reward you, and "present youfaultless before the presence of hios glory 'with ex- ceedfng. joy.” ■ My brothers and sisters heartily concur, in these sentiments though* With] no opportunity to sign their nam§s; James,-Laura, Finley, Henry, Sara^i, and Adda if she Were here, Etta,has already gone over into the beautiful land, the paradise of God. P. S. After writing the above, just as we finished, word came that Gousin SamiWilliamson had passed on to his rest< We .all loved him and sorrow deeply as memory brings back his genihl presence and kind wprdB. F/ M. FOSTER, New-York City HERBERTM i ANDSEN. CURTIS ' G. 0. P. CHOICE Local Men W ill Start Picture Shuw E G, and Charles Lowry ahdNelson Creswell hav* aimanaed for ml**** of show. -■The. house has been closed for some months. An additional projector will-' be installed as' well ar other electrical equipment. It’ will be two 'weeks; before the' house will be ready for/opening. It is panned to operate on Saturday nights for the present. Research Club Holds Picnic Thursday The Research Club held its annual pichlc at Snyder Park, Springfield, Thursday,, when members of the. club andfamilie# enjoyed the day together. Thq picnic .is an annual -event each summer. " AUTOMOBILE STOLEN IN SPRINGFIELD Lacy, and Rachie, and Andrew, and Ervin, and Jennie, and Charleyi and Nettie, and Bob, and Dave/and Clara, and Jerro on through the long list. OM.times were recalled; old memories revived. But just here stop and take a good look at the tablesl Just try to name anything that'Waa not there, and "everything prepared by expert*. Good? Yea; and stitt better. And after att had done their best, the table* seemed about as full as When the call came—FALL TOl The girls o f fifty-sixty year* ago knew how to cook, as well as grace any oceasltn. You will travel far afield, befor* you witt find a community that will equal Cedarville and impounding country* The region wii, made by religious people, and it has not lost th* gracious influence through the generations. Some of u« boys have grayhead* Which look like 1 winter-kitted wheat- field, and which shout out the matter every time, we take offotit hat*.: 'The girl* someway carry their tresses to the end of the journey, Through alt the years the voices of the boy* and Mr. Willard Trento was elected girls have changed hut little. But township clerk Monday to fill the Row few live where they did fifty The Nash se^an owned by -Mr. _________ * — *— ^ Harry Hammon Was stolen Monday It Was Agnes, and John andWill, and from a parking place on Washington street near the Big Four depot, Sat­ urday, Mr. Hammon had been gone foom the machine but a- few minutes. The car war found Tuesday four miles in the country where the battery waf stolen along with an umbrella and a pair of gloves. The loss is covered by theft insurance. With every state and territory con­ tributing votes, except three, Herbert Clark Hoover, Secretary o fCommerce, was swept into first place by the Re­ publican National convention at Kan­ sas City last Thursday night, But one ballot was required and he had a majority yote long before the call of states had been completed, gansaa, . Oklahoma and Indiana did not contri-* bute a Hoover vote on roll call, On Friday Senator Charles Curtis of Kansas was almost the unanimous choice of the convention for vice presi­ dent. While there had been predictions< that the convention Would be specta­ cular and developed a dark horse due to the promised 'strength of the favorite son candidates, such did not materalize and Hoover’s nomination was easily forecast soon after the convention opened Tuesday, Much to the discredit'of Ohio, only 38 votes were cast fop Hoover. Five of these were from the ranks of the - so-called Willis delegates,, The re- mainer of the fifty-one votes were divided among other candidates/ The one big surprise the night o f' the balloting was the-opeh letter from ! Frank 0. Lowden, Illinois, withdraw* . ing as a candidate. As he had- been supported by the farm relief politi­ cians, this'element, was left stranded- ' and not organised- to throw its vote in a way ’• that ■ the /Hoover support would he in' jepotdy, »>„ Ralph Coje, of the Willis group, who had taken up Dawes following the death o f Senator Willis, .found little sentiment for tpe ’ vice president^ Moreover he was not and hover had been a candidate, Ohio politicians , j using his name in this.state 'without 1 his sanction, Lowden withdrew and , this left Cole again without a candi-"' date and when the Ohio vote was call­ ed Cole arose and in- a fire-eating' . speech nominated President Goottdge. The convention ■ knew the President would, not consider'the honor again.' There was no attempt, to second the Cole nomination.' Four of the Col* . follower* voted for Coolideej* . catty for the' "Ohio gang?* Politi­ cians in the state that haye for.years sailed under the: Daugherty banner ' had no influence in the convention.' ■». Miss Hattie Q, Brown of this coun­ ty, who, was an alternate in the con­ vention, was greatly elated over the -nomination of Hoover and Curtis. She had a prominent part gathering sup- port -for the successful .nominees,. While many of. the Daugherty follow­ ers from the Seventh district, fought - Hoover to the last but without avail. The only vital Contest that' caused a ripple was the report of the com­ mittee on resolutions. There was ,divi- . sion on the question of farm relief" with the equalization fee included, The convention refused to endorse that : feature and Sen. McNary called on ( Secretary Hoover following the Con* ' vention and now announces that his followers will support •legislation without the foe plan. It was on this ground that President Coolidge op­ posed the recent bill and’ Wrote his veto that way*' RAIN STORM DOBS DAMAGE sixty years ago? Other families live In the old homestead*, Also, one who ha* been away long yeara is startled at the long distances yon can see. Much wood* has been cut' off, and the Whole country is open. Beautiful farm­ house* grace the eobntryeide. The following verses from the Atlanta Constitution ar* touchingly sweet to us who ar* soon over whet* none are old. It 1* entitled GROWING OLD The tallest ttllies droop at eventide, The sweetest rot* fall from off the 'item;' The rarest thing on earth eatftnot abide, And we are pasting, too, like them; W r# groFtftfl # 1 We had our dream*, those ro*y dream* mt youth! THREE CAUSES OF ACTION N. N, Hunter, doing business a* 'Wiokersham Hardware Co,,” , of Jamestown, has brought suit against R, W, Moore in Common Pleas Court, setting up three cause* of action. The plaintiff allege* $450 is due on a promissory note and that a balance of |4k*.83 is also due on an account running from February 10, 1021 to January 80,1028, Mrs, R. Wl Moor* died February 6, 1024, leaving the defendant her sole Heir and also administrator of the estate, the petition declare*. It is claimed in the petition that the plaintiff held a note for $1,820 signed by Mrs, Moors and that after a de­ duction of two credits amounting to $818, the balance 1* still due. Thepahttff asserts Moore allowed tit* hot* and promised to pay tit* balance if the plaintiff would promise not to push th* claim against the iitet*. - Moors, It 1* charged, foiled to pay this balance ^though he ha* received all the assets of tit* estate. The plain­ tiff asks for judgment on all three Senses of action. Miller and Finney are attorney* for the yiaintiff. Ohio has been visited by several electrical ahd rain storms this week that have done considerable damage in different section*; Tuesday night a heavy wind storm followed by rain and lightning did considerable damage around Wilming­ ton, and other counties near the river. While this section escaped the effect of the wind we had an abundance of rainwith lightning. It will be several day* before formers can enter their fields to cultivate crop*. OHIO CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR . MEETS NEXT WEEK World Peacd, Youth Evangelism and Christian Citizenship witt be stressed at the forty-third -annual state convention of the Christian En­ deavors of Ohio, to be held in lime, June 26 to 29, inclusive. It is planned to have*delegates from every Chris­ tian Endeavor in*tite state at this con­ vention. A number of speaker* of national prominence are on the pro­ gram. j . ? Mr. Herman LeMer, who graduated from the college this month, k taking a course-in athletic coaching at Wit­ tenberg, PETTY THRIVING 13 GENERALTHISWEEK There seem* te It an unusual amount of petty thefts reported thta week, Monday night IL W/Gottiae bad a .spare tire stolen, fromMi eeto M fit gwtog*. It to reported that Oeeeh ftorrthad a tM tar expritnee. Mr. J, 3, West and wife wad datad*.- tor, Susannah, and son*, Joe And Moutgomery, visited the first of the week'with relative* in Ripley, O. Rev, J. Marie Rif* m& fomflf of Tatkfo, Mtn, arrived Wednesday by motor andwill ipendthe ssmaser here With relative*. Rev- JMe to frit* fo*eo* of Greek,in Taricte Gotten** T m t m m . ** *