The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 1-26
GASOLINE OIL TIRES TankWagonDelivery to all parts of the County. We are big buyersandsellcheap. Investigafe our new tire plan. We canmeetanymailorderprice withbetter qualitytires. The CARROL-' BINDER CO. 108414 E. Main St. PHONE 15 XEN IA , OHIO The Convertible Landaulet Sedan Open to sunshine closed to the rain smart in any weather On either the New Oakland All- American Six or the Pontiac Big Six chassis ydu can obtain the Convertible Landaulet body type . . . a Fisher jbotly creation designed to combine the fair weather benefits of an open car with the pro tection of a smart, completely appointed sedan. A special demonstration of Conver tible Landatilets has been arranged which we will be glad to make for you at any time. Th<ttie * OthillnutAll-American $114Sto tU7t. Th « tie * Tontlaa Big St*, t w «* b. Michigan, ptu* deUvarycharge a, General Motota TimafaynVtnt PlanatalUhta at Minimum iota. Coitoidc*' the delivered price Kb Well Kb the list price when coni* pitting automobile values,, , . O*klaud-Ponti*»c ^UrercdTjpticti include only reasonable charges for delivery and financing. JEANPATTON , CE0ARVILLE, OHIO OAKLAND -PONTIAC A LADY SHIFTS GEARS S p l e n d i d I d e a * f o r i f City** Health Week5 . Detailed descriptions of the actlvl- 1 (rise that made up a health week cele bration In Austin, Texas, were given .in an. article by Dr. Eugene o, Clil- wene in Hygela Magazine, The Aus- tin plan may serve as a model for other cities of the same size, A health parade was arranged for’ the first _day^_AIL clsle.. organizations had been enlisted and each featured ja health Idea of Its own choice on a’ float or exhibit. For instance, the" jBoy Scouts portrayed their activities hearing directly on health. The gar den elub depicted gardening for health. The health department em phasized mosquito control. The fire department urged clean premises as safeguards against tires. The gus company featured safe heating. On Tuesday the results of a health poster contest were announced and the posters exhibited. On Wednesday local food manufacturing plants held open house to visitors and special .emphasis was laid on the sanitary preparation of foods, . Thursday was devoted to n child health conference ns part of the pre- school round-up sponsored by tlie •parent-teacher association. A health entertainment was given on Friday evening. Saturday was sports day. Gumes and a varied group of athletic events were organized at every playground in the city to serve as Incentives to .interest young and old in the. value of play In promoting health. By DOUGLAS MALLOCH TTTyTTTTTT™ TTTTvTTTTTTT *TH )PA Y the oarth trembled, today J. tl <• «> i h o he world shook. rushed from my o®c*, half fearful to look, I guessed by*-the tumult, I thought, from the din, The sun had Mown up, or the sky fallen in. But still in the heaven* the sun was a-shtoe, The hills were intact, and the build-" lugs In tins. And them J beheld what had tor tured my ears: ‘ T I saw that a lady bad just shifted' gears. I How tender is woman,' how gentle, ' how fair, , How lovely her manner, how dainty her air. Her voice Is like velvet, each word a caress; . How gentle la woroau—tbat Is, more, or less. ; Her speech is like music, and when, we have heard The song of a woman we look for a bird. , . The earth all around ha like heaven appears—- Then all of a sudden the iady shifts • gears. The Clubs Found Big Help * in Forming Libraries By forming county'clubs, farm wom en in hundreds of rural centers are providing organized support for .li braries. In ninny cases, they' begin with the nucleus of a reading room located in the-village or town which serves as their shopping center, which ‘eventually grows Into q fully equipped library, either through their own ef forts and state aid, or through the ’benefactions of public-spirited citizens of wealth. • In an increasingly lurge number of Instances, the work of libraries al ready established, has been expanded! to conveniently serve a county by the .establishment of branches located in the rural schools. - Even where the aid of state library .commissions is not available, it Is pos sible for an energetic organization oi farm women to obtain other assist- .fliice in launching such a mfivOmenh a Farm Journal writer points out. "The American Library association, .which IS always ready to help get U* Wary service started, estimates that a county library system, wltli branches in tile villages and schools, can be es. dabllshed for $1 4 year for each peri •son served, or less than the cost of a single book” she says. women* % know, are no worse than the /men; They ought to be better, I say It again. And, when you’ve the lever held tight in your palm, Oh, then for a moment, dear lady, be. calm. - Your engine must Idle a second or two; A twist o f the wrist* and. the business Is through. For, if there’s a time to be gentle, my dears, It’s certainly theh—when a lady shifts gears." . ■ (©, 1929, DoUgl®* MallocU.) - ------0— — • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • r K K K e K e K e K K K e if WhyWeDo ~\ S WhatWeDo : • fcy M . S . THOMSON',r k . D . W H Y WE ARE PATRIOTIC Build for Appearance . The provision of shelter is .the builder’s Job and many developers are performing ‘ a great purpose by the erection and sale of sheltering homes for families with small purses, I,et. there should he :sometfiing more ;In tion/ a community of homes- tlnlh mere she!*. We are patriotic pot only because ter from the elements’ .and interior w ebave come to have a set fof emo- "VTO ONE is born patriotic. W e are v patriotic because we have love for our country and her Institutions j as tiro result of training and ’"emo-' tlonal experiences, - Patriotism is a sentiment that has to be cultivated. Like all other senti ments, it is an emotional attachment to persons, objects, and. situations. Wo are patriotic because we have come to regard the welfare..' The strength of depth of our patriotism is .determined by the extent ,to which Wo have given ourselves to the country and have become One ot her. Patriotism la a very complex senti ment. It Is is stronger motive than life ritself. The true patriot gladly lays down his life for his country. However, In dying fOr one’s country a man Is dying fdr himself and li!s.fam- lly and cotintrymen. He Is defending his own ideals and institutions and traditions as well as those of the na- comfort. Everyone recognizes that there Is something wrojig with communities Createdv,quantlttvely” with no' thought of quality. By aJl%ienus let us have homes, but not at the sacrifice oi beauty;* this is the spirit behind the best modern development work. Good construction, made beautiful, will a l ways remain a t * premium In tbe home market and good developers w ill always-be able to base successful cam paigns on these .two fundamentals.-— Detroit Free Press. Shrubbery Important .In planting shrubbery, enough It needed to cover the base of tlm house except where there nre windows. This softens tbe juncture of tbe house with the ground. The edge of the lawn should also be planted. Soften the fence lines by planting shrubbery against them. Do not cut down all tlie wild bushes and flowers, especially neat tlie fence; they are most attractive If left (o grow atd kept free from weeds. Do not place artificially formed flower beds indiscriminately about the yard, Improved Building Paper Said to be extremely strong, tough, waterproof and airtight, a new budd ing paper which is competitively priced consists of seven layers of ma terial built Up as follows: Kraft pa per, asphalt, Cross cords, kraff pa per, asphalt, cross cords, kraft paper. This seven-ply building paper lms an Insulating value not heretofore found in such papers. Ever Think of That? "Wliefi you send your money out of town, and 1 send my money ov,t ot town, and ad our friends spend their money out ot town, what In-— — is. to become of the town?—Exchange. TheFamily* House Is there anything that h family does that is quite as illuminating as bund-, jug Itself * house?—W^man’* Home Companion, ^ : Thefts Not Bugs Fire-Ales or lightning-huge are nei ther flies nor hugs, says Nature ifaga- jtlpe, They are true beetles belong ing to the family bnrapyridse, m e a n -r ^ ^ t o g put oh the saddled ing "to shine.” tlonal attachments to our native coun-1 try hut also because we see the value; Of united action. "We are hound by ties .of tradition. It Is the “we” feel ing. that.holds a nation together. Wlmt makes' a nation a nation is not geo-' graphical boundaries. A common lan guage ia not what constitutes a na tion, -Wlmt makes a nation is nothing other than common, traditions, like .cultural background, a fellow feeling, common aspirations, common Ideals and mutual understanding. We are patriotic because we share tbe life of the nation, ’ ' (© b , MdClur* New*p»p*r syndicate.) — ------- 0 - ---- ------ \ SHE HAS HEARD THAT— In sariy day* th« Saxons cal ltd Sep. Umber ”G#r«t Money* ot barley month, because at this time of the year they harvseted barley from which they brewed their favorite bav in*#*, m *> r MoOiur* n *n *t*»K syiMUcet*.) Inspiring BugU CstU “Boot* and Saddles" ia the cavalry bugle call for mounted drill. It is * corruption of the French bouts sell*, i Sm artf«#f JCrt#Ism B ird The*awuiwtbird lo-dwweri fairy humming-bud of ebby *14 Liberty. 104MM lea#, .—. is the htt, Which i« aeeW in , hg to Mush im fhgrsh if €U* Vi The stank Industry o fty united , itetes Consume* somewhat ever TO,- 000,000 bu«h#U of comyearly, Over , 800 , 000,000 pomto ofemunenitetcom- j nre mmsiitit, j Value./orValue $ oh* COACH 595 ROADSTER, , , *5 2 5 PHAETON,,,..*5 ^ 5 COUPE......... ..*5 9 4 . V& k x ........... .*675 u S br ? o l e t .. *6 9 5 ThaConvert - l*7'>K Ibla LANPAU... TAeSadan 9CQK DeUtory............ Thtuafxt M A S DeliveryChatal* W v ' T/ielVi IKAB T onC ba «U .... TAei'A Ton *AEA ChaulewithCab 0 3 H Atlprtctif.o.b. factory Flint, Michigan • It yon are coaslderlng the purchase of an auto mobile, you owe It to yourself to check the pew Chevrolet Six against.any other car— value- for value and price for price! Here, in the price range of the four* is offered a smooth, powerful, ‘six-cylinder valve-in-bead .motor—which delivers better than 20 miles to COMPARE the deUvered price av well a, tho H*t price Incontlderlne automobile values. Chevrolet’* deliv ered price* indilde only reasonable charge*for deUvery and financing. thegallon of gasoline—end whose smooth, quiet, velvety operation, with its complete lack of drum ming and vibration. Is a revelation. Here are beautiful bodies by Fisher—with fittings byTem- stedt . . . rich, deep-tufted upholsteries and adjustable driver’s seat. And throughout the entire chassis are found numerous examples of advanced engineering—such as quiet, non-lock ing 4-wheel brakes . . ball bearing steering mechanism. . . ana automaticacceleration pump. But no mere recital of features can give you any conception of Chevrolet’s value leadership. So we urge you to come in and see for yourself why over 500,000 people have chosen the new Chevrolet Six since January 1st! . THE LANG CHEVROLET CO. Phone 90 , Xenia, Ohio 121E. Main St, Beal Chevrolet Co., Jamestown, Ohio Hill Top Garage, Cedarville, Ohio * ■DfBENPABIL)|^^^ ‘HONEST VALUE Announcing the appointment'o f Jean Patton \ j C e d a r v i l l e , O h io As dealersfo r the N k e ; Wiarmon and Roosevelt S tra igh t-R ights The Marmon Motor Car Company is pleased to announce the appoint ment of this well known automobile establishment as headquarters for Marmon and Roosevelt straight- eight cars In this section. These new sales and service facilities areMar- mon’s answer to the growing local demand for Amefica’3 most ad vanced development inautomobiles -—the straight-eight. A visit to these showrooms will impress you with MarmOn’ 8 as tounding achievement in building a straight-eight for every purse.' Here you will see the sensational hew Roosevelt which sells for less than $1000 — the fleet Marmon ” 68” at $1465, and the luxurious Marmon ” 78” at #1965. Price* a t factory. Group equipment extra. Conven ient income-purchase plan. «Jifarmon~But/t Straightfightsfor Every Turse M 1 R M O N w i l l looseve/t
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