The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 27-52

L O C A L A N D PER SONAL Miss Blanche‘ Sprseklen is taking her vacation this week from the (’c- darville Bakery and is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. B. Moore in Toledo, $ *' ih~r-iurw»nr' if Mr. J. A. McMillan, who has been ill far several months, is. now able to get . ^C ierine Hughes, Mrs. Wil- down town . dred F^ster *««! Miss Eloio. Farquar ' ■ f returned home Saturday where they — ------------ f visited in North Carolina, with Mr. roj; pump work or plumbing do not Norman Foster, brother-in-law o f Mrs fail to call Marion Hughes. Foster, STEGRIST TROUPE CASTING ACT r*fO hf * d>»ners in the 15 Outdoor Vaudeville Community Sane Fourth Celebra- tion, Clark County Fair Grounds, Springfield, Ohio, all day and evening, Thursday, July 4, The above illustration depicts the famous Siegiqst Troupe in a flying return act, exhibiting a suc­ cession of thrills that-excel any­ thing ever offered by an outdoor attraction. They are late feature artists of Ringling Brothers-Bar- num & Bailey Circus. This is one of the big features in the 15 out­ door vapdeville events that will be staged at the Community Sane Fourth of July Celebration at the Springfield, Ohio, all day and eve­ ning,. Thursday, July 4, In the evening the spectacular $2,500 fire­ works display, including outstand­ ing set pieces, will illuminate -the skies for niiles around. There will be a veritable bombardment of the heavens. In the spacious grounds there is free parking space for thousands of automobiles. Every arrangement has been made to give the hosts of patrons a day o f sn- C lark C ounty F a ir Grounds, preme pleasure and enjoyment, - f ■ See it now: This, new FRIGIDAIRE that sells for only $195 ( c o m p l e t e l y i n s t a l l e d ) equipped with the “Cold Control C om e in and see t h e F r i g i d a i r e “ Cold C on tro l’. ’ I t ’ s « s simp le as se ttin g a watch . This hew Frigidiitro has 4 cubic feet of storage space, 8square feet of shelf apace. A small down payment will put It in your kitchen. F R I G I D A I R E T H E Q u i e t A U T O M A T I C R E F R I G E R A T O R THE GAS A N D , ELECTRIC SHOP 37 S. DETROIT ST'., XEINA, OHIO Jin Y ou th fu l Feet A re Tender They require shoes that are acientlfical- ly declined and con­ structed to uid the ctrenithenini aiid proper development of growing feet. . • The terrilic went romping youngsters inflict on chdec nmat trim* lie taken Into account hy parents. Thee# ate tw o recion* vkyEndicottjonncon ptc the Uueieet ti^auufacture*# of children # ihoee in the world—hecause their shoes have what taoet pcrenM loojk for* Good wear, «ot- rec* d*«M» for &*owiui feet and unmatchohle v d « i i loir fh e **<*»**? ytm t told ottr i f ore tuad let H# S t them to A **«w pdr# M a d e b y E N D l C O T T J O H N S O N (OLD BY GEDARVILLE BARGAINSTORE Mr. Earl Collins entered the Ohio Slate University this week. Rev, W. P. Harriman, D, D., will at-, tend the. Meeting o f the Synod pf Ohio BEAUTIFUL CHURCH WEDDING TUESDAY AFTERNOON IN JAMIESON-WORK NUPTIALS A very pretty wedding took place which in to he held in Wooster, June |Tuesday, June 18, 1320, at 3 P, M. in 24th-28th. |the United Presbyterian church o f Oe darville, when Margaret Janet Jamie- '■/ - • On July first, Rev. Harriman and family will leave on their annual vaca­ tion, which they will spend in Vermont and Quebec, The Pollyanna Sewing Club is giv­ ing a market at Thomas Creamery, June 29, Mr. Henry Smith is having a new cattle feeding barn .erected on his furm on the Federal pike. Miss Dorothy Wilson has gone to Whitewater, Wis., where she is taking work in a commercial course in the State Normal. Mrs, Sylvia. Geirheiser of Waldo, Ohio, is visiting among friends and relatives here this week. Mrs. E. E , Post o f Dayton waB a guest o f Mrs, Anna M. Townsley over the week end and attended, the Bible Conference. Mr. R, C. Watt suffered a slight at tack o f heart trouble Tuesday after­ noon but is reported much better. Mrs. Wright o f Springfield has been visiting, her son, Ancil Wright and wife for the past week. Miss Pauline Collins, who hassbeen teaching at St. Clairsville, Ohio, has returned home, Miss Harriet Kyle is home from Ezel, Ky., where she has been teaching in a Mission School at that place. A Foot-Specialist will be at our Store Saturday June 22. Have your feet examined FREE. HOME CLOTHING CO. Mi*. Howard Harbison left last week for Yellow Stone National Park where lie will spend the summer. Miss Ina Murdock and Mrs. Frank Creswell. were guests o f Mrs. Edward Kern and Mrs. Charles ICelble at the Xenia Country Club Monday morning where they entertained a number of friends at a bridge luncheon. Miss Maude Hastings, who has been teaching at Newton Falls, Ohio, has returned home for the summer vaca­ tion... ' , Mr. Harold Ray, formerly o f Cedar- v 1 (le College, graduates from the Medical College, Michigan University, and will have his intenship at Miami Valley hospital. Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith return­ ed to Miami University Monday to resume her college work. Miss Smith was forced to give up her school work some months ago due to an operation for appendicitis, Bring your Foot Troubles to our Store Saturday June 22—Special Examination FREE. HOME CLOTHING CO. Mr. Carl Richards and wife <J£ Miami, Florida, are here on a visit with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Richards and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richards visited enroute in West Vir­ ginia at their former home. Mr, W. Jv Tarbox and wife and Mr. L. W. .Wilson expect to leave next Tuesday by motor for Hale Center, Texas. Mr. Tarbox has land interests in that section and Mr. Wilson will make the trip for pleasure and to visit in that section. Mr. Harry Bird and little daughter, Mary Margaret^ o f Manheim, Pa., are here on a visit with the former’s mother, Mrs. Aletlia Bbcd, Mr, Bird is engaged in the drug business in hia city and reports business conditions good. Miss Lena Hastings, who has been director o f physical education in the Springfield Junior High School, has been honored by election to the same position in the senior high school at a handsome advance in salary. Miss Hastings will complete her work along this line at Chautauqua, N. Y., this summer, Rev. Robert Kyle had for his guest last week his daughter, Mrs. Estella Kyle Galloway. Mrs, Galloway and her husband, Rev. Dalton Galloway have been missionaries in Egypt and have been home the past four years on a furlough. They will return soon to their field o f labor in that country. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Galloway and children of this place, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Barker and two sons o f Middletown, 0., Mrs, Charles Gallo­ way and three children o f Hubbard Woods, Chicago; Mr, and Mrs, Ed­ ward Galloway of Xenia are spending a couple of weeks at the Galloway cottage on the Little Miami. Man with car to sell complete line quality Urea and tubes to Dealers. Exclusive territory* Salary $300.00 per month, THE G. H. STEWART CO., East Liverpool, Ohio Mr, G. E, Masters has installed a new refrigerator in his grocery and meat market. son and Albert Stewart Work were united in the bonds o f holy matrimony. The dquble ring ceremony was per formed by the father of the bride, pastor of the church, in the presence of three hundred relatives and friends, Miss Naomi Organ pf Wilmington, Ohio was Maid o f Honor, and Rev, Henry Leitman, assistant pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the Cove­ nant o f Cincinnati, Ohio, a classmate o f the bride and groom in Monmouth College, and o f the'groom in Pitts burgh Seminary, was the best man. The twin sisters o f the bride, Genevera and Genevieve, acted as brjdo’s maids. Walter Turnbull, son of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull, Jr., was ring bearer; and the flower girls were Margaret Anderson, daughter o f Dr. and Mrs Leo Anderson, artd Dorcas Ann Jobe, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jobe. The two brothers o f the pastor assisted in the service, Rev. S, R Jamieson, pastor o f the Sugar Creek United Presbyterian Church, led in the' invocation and Dr. A, W, Jamie' son of Rushville, Indiana/led in the closing prayer and pronounced the benediction. The ushers were Robert Turnbull, James Stormont, Lloyd Mc- Oampbeli and Harvey Auld. Mrs. W. W. Anderson presided at the organ, and Miss Dorothy Oglesbee sang “Be­ cause” by D'Hardelot, and “ I Love Thee" by Greig before the ceremony, and “ Q Perfect Love” at the close, The bride marched- in on the arm of her father, and met the groom in front of the pulpit, which was beauti­ fully decorated with a bank o f green­ ery and cut flowers and baskets of Ascension Lilies, where the few solemn Words were spoken that united two lives for Christian service. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the manse, where refresh­ ments were served and a social after­ noon enjoyed by all. About 5:30 P, M. the bride and groom departed amid a shower o f confetti and rice for an auto trip ix> visit the parents of the groom in Fort Morgan, Colorado, in­ cluding visits .enroute witli relatives and friends. * The bridle is the oldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Ralph A . Jamieson, and was bom in Pattetsonville, New York. She was graduated from the High School in Washington, Pa. in i922, from Monmouth College’at Monmouth, Illinois in 1926, receiving both her A. B. in the Liberal Arts course, and her Masters degree in music at the same time. She has taught music in the schools o f Arcanum, Ohio for three years, has been organist o f the Cedgr- ville United Presbyterian Church fo r about two years and has also Served as Director o f the choir for the past few months; She was elected a” memberof the Sigma Omieron Mu honorary fra­ ternity of •Monmouth ^College. The bride was gowned in §atifl Crepe and wore a bridal veil with real Orange blossoms, presented by Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Ramsey o f Cedurville. Her going away gown was novelty silk in tan and brown, with hat and shoes to match. The groom was graduated from the high school at Fort. Morgan, Colorado in 1922, and from Monmouth College in 1926, and from Pittsburgh Theo­ logical- Seminary in 1929. After August first they Will be at homo to their friends at Frenchburg, Kentucky where Mr. Work will have charge of the church and school of the United Presbyterian Church among the Moun­ tain People o f that section. Mrs. Work will have, charge of the choir of the church and teach music in the. school. A great many beautiful and useful gifts were presented by the many friends o f this young couple, who enter a life work o f Christian service with the best wishes o f all for a happy and successful life: The following out-of-town guests were present: Mrs. Josiah Work, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Lindsay, Fair Haven, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Phelps, Monmouth, III.; Mr, and Mrs. S. WalgOr Stewart, New­ burgh, N. Y.j Miss ^Margaret Speer and Mrs. Helen Cooper, Hanover, Ilk; Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Jamieson, Rush- ville, Ind.; Rev. and Mrs, S. R. Jamie­ son, Dayton, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs, B, D. McCarty, Washington, Pa.; Mrs. Anna Miller, Washington, Pa«; Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Ashbrook, Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. Sylvia Geirheiser, Waldon, Ohio; Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Gray, Jamestown, Ohio; Dr, and Mrs. I. N. Hamilton, Springfield,. Ohio; PrOf, and Mrs. P. G. Merinda, Arcanum, Ohio; Prof. Dwight Arnold, Arcanum, Ohio; Mr. i and Mrs. W. H, Stutz, and Mildred,; Arcanum, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Elzler and Justine, Arcamim, Ohio; Miss Anne Brewiiigton, Arcanum, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs. D. E, Russel, Day- ton, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs, Geo. W» Whitesell, Eaton, Ohio; Mrs. Clara Wright, Helen and Elvira, Oxford, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs, C. C, McCreary, Morning Sun, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. W, B. P ine, Morning Sun, Ohio; Mr, S. M. Paxton, Ahnis and Robert, Morning Sun, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Pax­ ton, Morning Sun, Ohio; Mr, R. M. Wilson, Pearl and Adda, Morning Sun, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs, Glotin Wright, Myrna and Erdine, Morning Sun, Ohio; Mr. O, R. Brown, Ina and Lois, Morning Sun, Ohio, f Announcement Received Of Marriage in Warren, Ohio Announcements have been received here o f the marriage o f Mbs Esther if Townsley, who 1ms been teaching, in s Warren, Mrs, McGeary is a dr.u«*hfor f o f -Mr. H. A. Townsley and is a very | charming and popular young lady witli ‘ f many friends here who extend congra- f tulations. The announcements read | as follows: Mr. Henry A. Townsley announces the marriage of his daughter May Esther- to - Mr. Claire A-. McGeavy — — on Saturday, June (fifteenth nineteen hundred and twenty-nine Warren, Ohio A t Home after July first 1005 E, South St., Warren, Ohio, mm,I,,,„Ui t HEMORRHOIDS (OR PILES) \ CAN BE CURED j W ITH O U T USE O F KN IFE 1 W ITH O U T LOSS O F T IM E A cucciLOuful fo r intcmnl cuui fioni four to tr(‘uinK*iU;u ufc iutcrvuSp of about a w^fk/for a \ cure of the average, eat*. Ah:o the Idea! Nonconfining Method’ of ; Treatment for Fistulae, Prnritis Ain (jfcehing) and Figure, etc* DR. J. A. YODER Osteopathic Physician and Proctologist 18, 19, 20 Steele Bldg., Xenia Phone 334 ,iiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiilliiiiilliiiiniiiniinmiiiiiimiiiiiiniIMii)iii„iiiii,iinniiinniniinimi....i.................... muifrifiiitm^ Entertain For Bride-elect In Springfield For the pleasure of Miss Ruth Pat­ ton, bride-elect of Chauncey J. Kauff­ man, the Misses Anita Moser, Edith Geiger and Lena Hastings entertained with a miscellaneous shower Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs. P. L. Agle, 506 E. Cassilly StT Mrs. Agle’s home was attractively decorated for the affair with spring flowers and a color scheme of yellow and white was carried out in all appointments. Games of bridge were enjoyed throughout the evening. The guest list included: Miss Pat­ ton, Misses Florence Feeser, Grace Schwarm, Ruth Hunter, Jane Willis, Christine Le Fevre, Elizabeth Corn- well, ■Jeanette Patton, Ruby Wolfe, Priscilla Wilkerson, Dorothy Patton, Kathryn Weissling, Kathryn Devore, Thelma Baird, Lucille Rudy, Mrs. James Jordan, Mrs. Robert Rolfcs, Anita Moser; Lena Hastings, Edith Geiger and Mrs. Agle. — Springfield News. . ■’ Miss Olive Northup Bride . Of Lee Grover Everhart Miss Carrie Olive Northup, daugh­ ter of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence E. North­ up, 1954 Kenton St.,. Springfield, he-r came the bride of Mr. Lee Grover Everhart, last Saturday afternoon at the home of the* bride’s parents. Rev. Elbert Thomas of the Clifton Avenue Methodist Church performed the sin­ gle ring ceremony. The bride had for her attendant her sister, Miss Lois Northup, as bridPs-maid while Mi-. Harold Buckwalter o f North Lewis- burg was best man: n Following the ceremony a reception was held and refreshments served on the lawn; The bride and groom left that evening on a trip through the .east,.-. .'i The a graduate o f Cedar- ville College and attended Wittenberg College and Chautauqua, N. Y. For the past four years she lias been teaching in North Lewisburg. Mr. Everhart is connected with the Aetna Advertising Co., Springfield. Foot T roubles How they are now easily and quickly relieved will he explained a t our store JUNE %% A Foot Comfort Expert from Chicago T HIS occasion is o f utmost im­ portance to every foot sufferer. On the above date all the newest, most advanced and scientific Dr. Scholl Foot Appliances and Rem­ edies will he demonstrated by V representative o f the personal staff o f Wm . M . Schollj M . D.., interna­ tionally famous foot authority. Jf you are troubled with corns, callouses, bunions, swollen ankles, overlapping toes, tender heels, hot or odorous feet, fallen arches or any o f • the other foot annoyances that are often caused by improper footwear— you can .now get quick, lasting relief. Take advantage or this opportunity o f being shown tne way to real foot com­ fort. This service is without charge or obligation. COHNS? / Ur* Sclioir# Zmo-patls for .eon*' givQinstant relief; remove thecatu# -—friction and. pressure o f ehoes* Thin» dainty* cushioning, healing; safe, sure, 35c box, ' J TIRED, ACHING FEET? ' ‘ Dr, Scholl's New Improved Arch Supportsbringcomfort totired*sch> log feetand broken down aircbeaby j building up' shank of shop* Eight* FprtogysuacMofortoble, The Pollyanna Sewing Glub , met June 19. Meeting was called to order by Miss Mable Stormont, the leader. The minutes were read and the roll was called by the Secretary Jane Thomas, There were 15 members present. A market will be held at Thomas Creamery on June’ 29. This is to be. given to help raise money to go to camp. Ruth' Kimble, Francis Finney and Mary Margaret McMillan were put on the Recreation Commit­ tee for the next meeting. This meet­ ing is to be held June 26 at the Library, every member is requested to come and bring a pencil. Rev. H; G. Gunnett and wife have returned home after spending a week in Delaware where they attended Ohio 1 Wesleyan University commencement, their son Paul, being a member o f the graduating class. Home Clothing Co. ■r- Nothing succeeds like Giving the Most for theMoney 'T 'H E Roosevelt is the biggest new success o f 1929. 1 The reason is the car itself— the simple, easily understood principle o f giving the most for the money. Compare the Roosevelt with any car at or near the $1000 figure on the basis o f motor, o f appearance , easy riding, sturdiness and economy. A straight-eightfo r every purse—Roosevelt, $995} Mor­ mon 68, $1465; Marmon 78, $1965. Prices atfactory. Group equipment extra. TH E WORLD ’ S F IRST STRAIGHT -EIGHT UNDER $1000 'ooseve//~ MARMOn-KUILT If you have foot Trouble, See thq, Foot-Specialist at our Store Saturday June 22. > HOME CLOTHING CO. JEAN PATTON CEDARV ILLE , OH IO Miss Dorothy Collins, who Is con­ nected with the Federated Ceuncil o f Churches In Brooklyn, N. Is enjoy­ ing a visit At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Collins. JOBE DAYS Thursday—Friday—Saturday Three days during which we will offer the greatest values o f the year. New seasonable merchandise only will be offered. Each department will have some very interesting things at very low prices and we want you to be sure, and come and get your Share, JC B E f XENIA, OHIO ,i»i>tH!rttmuutu>t.iiiimr:i>iH>u>Hiini,