The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 27-52
fln n if I ji i : I i\ I TOPROVETHEBENEFITSOFAMUNICIPALWATERWORKSPLANT FORCEDARViLE r s Greater Health Protection Increased Fire Protection Rates v * MAKE IT MORE ATTRACTIVE A What A Waterworks Plafit Insures Raisesthestandingofyourtownandputs . \ . . . it onparwithotherprogressivetowns. Makes it possible tohavemodernconven iencesinyourhomes. Roomsinhomesequippedwithmoderncon veniencesarethefirst toberented. Addedvaiue to your property and an in ducementtootherstolocatehere. CITIZENS WATERWORKS COMMITTEE W. W . GALLOWAY W .C .ILIFE S .C . WEIGHT ' G. A . SHROADES WM. CONLEY, Chairman ANCIL V. WEIGHT A. E. HUEY C. E. MASTEES J. LLOYI) CONFAEE m e l v in M c M il l a n CHARLES E. SMITH G. H. HARTMAN C .N . STUCKEY I. C. DAVIS KARLH BULL, Secretary r.'t Ac where Hewl: SHHR F lET i NEWS FR Di COIvUMf terminus o bus, is attr to the airj. that traffic automobile:- eral hours field. As state, coun’ f in the near tions by w and Poth Broad. Im ing machini Governor pleted narm office buildit meeting of held oft Wee the organic the purcha possibly ag the adoptioi contract an tion. The c posing the only promp building wil only be a e also to the Buckeye Sta The Ohio arranging fi exhibit in t state fair th published in on file and tical press a impressions together wil newspaper lated for th( Mi-. R. D of distributi . tary of Stat known to a! will pack hi guns, fishin outfit and w : and Mrs. i shortly for . Rockifes and Howard?'is ■ and big gam . fishing feeoi the party w golf courses Chief Cler acting as cai Treasurer R ness o f Don Monday Suj employes f< denominatioi being one < days. It vit the bills wei packed and i to seperate Thousands expeditiously who is an e assigned hiu School 1 Mi A writ o compelling I Beavercreek trict to mal pay judgme) and costs rt and Fred M her 27, 1928 mon pleas e The board to e< to the coun cou/ once. The man by Hess an 'of Beaverc that their ji It was as: the delay in eral contrai " school boar plaintiffs to collect then The peti board fails tax levies i intend to d the court. The sch sued by H« its refusal tioli mone j ing their high school MdGfain ' dren, Mari to attend 1) since they from the s Central hi nearer that Bcavercrce r The Mai recovered for $119.Ilf Common 1!
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