The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 27-52
t&yeg'ifyadLeads to m O R i U M C' •'‘,7 O’-*-A .5 3r B P . A U T t r u u UUUfcSLF. ROOM hOK TWO %A A tty y - k m m ^ \ ti'Sfiy nrcr-t iv;rn * tX/Air: ^• h H b 6; ^ PARKING w orr ie s Hun^. CSar- ' . s a i l ® LOCAL AND PERSONAL Itexeatcfc Club Meeting Held at Home of Mrs. Kyle N iagara Falls, Canada and the East v ia C & B Line Palatial Steamers . r * « in,n^L^n or aut0, e!y°y SJ1all.night'srideon beautiful i Steamersawniagniucentfloatinghptelswithlargecom-* forcibleStaterooms, excellent diouis roomserviceand courteousattendants. . . Muuc andDancinfi on thegreatship '"SIIEANDOEH4* Awtotsts,saveaday C&B line way. Avoidmilesandmiles of congestedroadway. • Uevelaud and Buffalo Division ClevelandandPt. Stanley*Can.,Biv. 1 V ^ n rrW U ^ t ? :°° Da% ^ r v i c o j^ v i™ Ctevcfcn. 1 . 12 :»iu i i. p M'rSrlir trt iJ#LS*T,> night, nrrivinir Port Stanley, C:00u.w., ■ a? "Ss* , rJ 5 t)V ^ „ ■ June 23 th ttf September 7 th, , Connection fllliuilatoandPorcSnnluyforCanadian aod'Eastetn points* N -t‘>1 ou> ° “e 'Vay-CLb^MND to BUFFALO-58.50 rd. trip F o n t \taja -------- - '^u-‘”5-.c ?K -d «&?qjsnd Uf Autos Carried 86.50 and uo * >.C 0 oneway—CLEVELANDto PT. STANLEY-$ 5.00 rd.trip Autos Camed $4.50 and up V * w v m i ' w « i W 9 . m w D o a n b tirejor details on all expense tours to Montreal Quebecwidths Srti'uct;siy, also tbeticw C&B' TV/VoigA.’ Tony THE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRAN S IT COMPANY fcisc 9th Street Pier scs^ Cleveland, Ohio hiiuuiikhi i i s i i M m i liillllllllHHIilllilMiiirimnoiil li-sji PfeT ^ '“ An'Attractive ; Roosa 'with ' ■ . Plain Walls--” Thus, in THE AMERICAN HOME, writes Ruth Leigh,, known to millions of Amer ican women, . “1 chose wall paint/' she continues, “after sad expe riences with other types of wall finishes that come off when children wet their fin gers and draw on the wall/' “Liquid Satinoid” Wall Finish hasaSatiny Washable Texture There'sa Hanoi Paint or Fntthfor EveryPurpose Made by Hanna's, paint makers with a forty-year reputation for excellence. Choose it in tints or tones to suit any room’s color scheme. Satinoid walls can be washed and are easily kept immaculately clean. H TheCedarviileFarmer’sGrainCo. H Week Endin Chicago a t the COMFORTABLE G R E A T NORTHERN HOTEL ttatfer v ru fflv i* •am G s i upacongsttfa!parly, twoor mow couples count to Chicago for a lark, tako in the theatre* ormoylepalaces, g*o tho Art Institute, Field Museum, various sports or dancein nightclubs. vanoe for your party, Write for free Phene e o M ^ f ‘ *Tftfs W sok In C h icago*' w h ich Is a complete entertainment guide, 19n *#/ w h We will enjoy taking a personal In* terert InmaklfrtgyourvHltthoroughly enjoyable, Weargoroge tnt-lmlf blank. JACK SON , DEARBORN , QU 1N 0V , STS . • Mr. Ralph Tindall, is, spending tho week with his uncle, Mr. Arthur IIop- , ping in Dayton. | Mr. Win. Cultice is reported in a j very critica^condition, suffering with j kidney and bowel trouble. I Mrs. Jesse Morris, who has been ill f fo r several weeks, is reported much improved and is now able to be up some, Miss Helen Iliffe has gone to North Dakota, where she is the guest of Miss Helen Summers. Miss Ruth Burns, who was home over the week-end from Ohio State 1University, was given. a pleasant birthday surprise by a company of friends Saturday evening. Miss Wilmah Spencer left Tuesday with Dayton friends for a three weeks motor trip through Canada and the New England states. Automobile Overturned I On Columbus Pike The regular meeting o f the Re- ] search Club for the month o f May was j An automobile containing a Dayton held last Friday afternoon at tho jfamiiy, young man his mother and hi3 . home o f Mrs. J. Jh Kyle. On the pro- ■ - • gram were several members who re ported different phases of the . State «Federation meeting recently held in j Dayton. Mrs. W, W, Galloway gave a talk >on “Why We Celebrate the Fourth o f July." Mrs, J, E, Hastings read an In- ' teresting paper on Current Events for the month, A most excellent talk was given by Mrs, John S. Harvey, Huntington, W. Va., who is vice president o f the West Virginia Federated Women’s clubs. Mrs. Harvey was a graceful and in-' teresting speaker as she told o f her aJopted-'state and the history o f club work and its accomplishments. Mrs, Harvey is the author of a book dealing with the history o f the West Virginia organization. . . . Mrs, Kyle entertained a number o f Mrs. Frank Creswell is taking a two weeks vacation from her duties in the oillce o f The Hagar Straw Board & Paper Go,, Miss Eleanor Lock has re turned after a two weeks vacation. Miss Anabel Murdock has as her guests her sister and two nieces, Mrs, Frank .II. Reid and i\ :s. Lucile Yergor and son of Tallulah, La. and Mrs. E. B. Nelson and daughter of Benoit, Miss. They made the trip by auto. Special —. Children’s wash suits, i ompers, play suits and Indian suits in our great unloading sale. ' Bring the children in and get them fitted out. Ct. A. Kelble, 17-19 W. Main, Xenia. • FOR SALE- i-hone 3-122. ' -A cheap work horse. I opened a shoe repair shop one door south o f Hilltop Garage, I cement on ladies’ half soles, would be-pleased to have a share of your patronage. J, P. GLEM The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of 'Mrs. Geo. Martindale, Thursday, July 25th, at 2 P. M. Mrs. James Mur-ay returned home Wednesday after tv weeks visit in Cambridge and New Concord, Ohio. i The Kudrantra .Club held its annual summer picnic last Thursday evening at Snyder Park. Master Harold Morton o f Louis ville, Ky., is here'on a visit at the home o f his grandfather, Mr. S. M. Murdock. Miss Margaret MoOrehead, 22, daughter o f Dr. and Mrs. J". H, More- head, Dayton, died last Sabbath at Miami Valley hospital. ' The deceased is a cousin of Mrs. J. E. Hastings. Dr, Moorehead is pastor of the .Patterson Memorial church'in that city. Men’s Suits all reduced to very low prices in our unloading sale. Also line trousers and long pants for boys. You will miss it if you do not see us first- and see the remarkable value in this great sale. C. A. Kelble, 17-19 W. Main, Xenia. Prices on shoes reduced from 25c to 60q on the dollar in our shoe de partment in the big unloading sale now in progress. We have a large line o f latest styles, in pumps, oxfords slipppers, and shoes for all members o.fthe family. C. A. Kelble, 17-19 W. Main, .Xenia. sister, overturned when forced off the road on the Columbus pike east of town about' noon Thursday. The parties refused to give their name for publication but claimed to have been forced off the road by another ma chine. The three suffered cuts and injuries which were dressed by Dr. Schick, The machine was a wreck and had turned over several times. Mrs. Raymond Williamson enter tained the members of the Kinsington Club at the Green Owl tea room on the Columbus pike Thursday afternoon last. Dr, O. P, Elias, wife and daughter, Bernice, leave today fo r Charleston, W, Va., for o visit. Dr, Elms will re- j . . _ turn Monday while Mrs. Elias and1 invited guests along with the club Borniee, will -remain for two weeks, members. Refreshments were .served during the afternoon. Tuesday Afternoon Reception Charming Social Event One of the most charming social events of mid-summer was the recep tion given Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Edith Blair and daughter, Mrs. Frank Creswell, entertained a. com pany of friends that numbered one hundred and fifty between the hours of two and four.. The hostesses were assisted by Miss' Lillie Stewart of Columbus, who received with Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Creswell, Guests were received at the door by Miss Lucile Johnson and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mrs. B, H. Little, who assisted in the living rooms. Miss Eleanor Johnson, Mrs. Fred Clemons and Mrs. Ancil Wright, assisted in the- dining room. Miss' Inn Murdock served the coffee and Mrs. A. E, Richards the icc cream. There were many guests from out-of- town including Xenia, Washington C. II., Columbus, Cincinanti, Miami, Florida, Jamestown, Huntington, Ind., Osborn and Spring Valley. Mr. C. N. Stuckey, accompanied by his neice, Miss Helen. Cushwa, who has been a guest at his home for sev eral weeks, left Thursday for Gerards- town, W-.- Va. Mr. Stuckey will remain fo r an indefinite visit With relatives there. Have your lawn mowers repaired und sharpened by the modern process. J. A. Stormont. Says Sam: Travel broadens the mind, flattens the pocketbook, and sometimes shortens the life. Miss Arcellia Phillips of Dayton is the week-end guest o f Miss Jean Mor- tpn. ' • • Mr. David Adair, graduate of Ce darviile College, who was athletic di rector in the' Ashtabula Harbour schools last year, goes to Lake Forrest College, 111., as assistant athletic coach. Mrs. J. W. Ross is visiting her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Danna Busch in Athens, Ohio. Mrs. Frank Creswell and Mrs. Ancil Wright entertained thirty-two ladies last Thursday at a bridge luncheon at the Green Owl conducted by Mrs, Clara Peterson on the Columbus pike, The ladies'-were well received and Special decorations graced the rooms and tables. Miss Lillie Stewart of Columbus has been visiting with friends here this week. ' . July Sales 0 ■ Continue with new enthusiasm, for more items are constantly being added to the first big selection Ready'to-Wear Clearance If you will visit our second floor, you will find hun dreds of garments greatly reduced for July Clearance. Coats, suits and ensembles at Half Price. Silk dresses in every wanted material, long sleeves and short greatly reduced,. Children's wear and acces sories) too. ...... Advance Blanket Sale \ Again,we offer you a chance to buy your winter blan kets at a new low price. A small payment down, the balance in small sums. Four part wool and an all wool blanket to choose from this year. Priced at $9.75, $4 .95 and $3 .95 . - Wash Goods Sale ' i i In addition to all the other things offered on first floor, comes this clearance of wash goods. A ll the sea sons best materials reduced. Special notice is called to a fine new selection of printed handkerchief cloth. The season's best O B * seller, 50c value at the yard w J C B E T / XEN IA , OHIO “HERALDWANT ANDSALEADSPAY” The FOR RENT—-Cottage of four rooms With garage-on Church street. For in formation call at Exchange Bank. (Look For Yellow Signs) Cedarviile, Ohio Miss Zora Smith entertained a num ber of friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smith, near Jamestown, over the week-end. Those present were Miss Irene Shan non, who is attending 0 . S, U., Miss Mary Smith o f Columbus; Mr. Roy Smith and Mr. Paul Wright of Day- ton and Miss Zora Smith, the hostess. Miss Shannon graduated last June from Cedarviile College while Messrs. Smith and Wright and Miss Zora Smith were studehts. We are overstocked and must un load our big stock of clothing, under wear, shoes, hats and furnishings. The backward season has left us with j plenty o f summer clothing and we ' must unload fo r fall merchandise, C. A. Kelble, 17-19 West Main, Xenia. Miss Ruth West, daughter o f Mr. liome from Toledo and has accepted and 'Mrs. J. s% West, has returned a position as stenographer in the office at Cedarviile College, Miss Jane West has taken her sister’s place in Toledo for the present. .; Mrs. Carrie Diltz and two daugh ters, Misa, Florence Diltz and Mrs. Mable Gladell and ' grauddaughtcr ■Dorothy DiJiz, of Greenfield and Mr. Frank Bryson- of Jacksonville, Fla«, and Miss Dorothy Mills of Dayton, were 0 o ’clock dinner guests of Mr. ’ and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Wednesday evening. ] Mrs. Claire A. McGeary o f Warren, 0., formerly Miss Esther Townftley, visited with her father, Mr, II. A, Townsley several days last week. QUITS BUSINESS EVERY PENNIES WORTH OF THIS FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING AND SHOES, GRO CERIES ETC.,HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD AND CLOSED OUT t * At Some Price In Just 7 Days! IT WONT LAST LONG FOLKS SO BE HERE EARLY! YOU’LL SAVE MONEY! COME! SHARE.___________ ' Sale Starts Saturday, Ju ly 20th Everything will be sold at history making- prices. Prices never before equalled in this section. Wise buyers will profit at our expense. Come as far as you will, the savings will pay you. ALL FIXTURES MUST BE SOLD. Read Every Word OnRig % Rage Bill Earl C, Andrus Sales Service, Columbus* <*.) I
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