The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 27-52

t PURINACHOWFEEDS Hog Chow -P ig Chow—Cow Chow Steer Fatina—Sheep, Calves—iay ing Mash C O A L Island Creek—Yellow Jacket—Battleship Pocahontus Hardware—J>el Laval Separators-------- Hog Fountains—Hog Feeders Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Company Everything For The Farm ; Phone 21 Cedarville* Ohio j LOCAL AND PERSONAL { There will be no preaching Sabbath in the U. P. church. Mrs. Armentrout moved off the Murdock place last week. Miss Lilly Spencer, who recently underwent an operation in. the Mc­ Clellan hospital in Xenia, is reported much improved. Master John Stewart o f Richmond, Ky., is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs, J. 0 . Stewart. Garden Party A t Galloway Home 1 Honoring Gveate From Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Galloway delightfully entertained more than fifty guests Tuesday evening at a garden party which was for the pleas­ ure o f their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cox o f Chicago, The garden was decorated with Japanese lanterns and the strains o f music from fin or- ( encstra on the evening air added to the pleasure of the guests and fo r j those who enjoy dancing. Dainty re- j freshments were served during the j evening. Mr. anil Mrs. Galloway and children and Mr. and Mrs. Cox are spending the remainder o f the week at the Gal- doway-eottage—oh—the—Little Miami H — r<imrWiiOT«itrTi»li>rKwanl»il»mT»1i<ri.i.iMW|l. i|<i,<iippi|M ' — ------------------------ .;:r*i *• The Madison County F A IR * Mr. Gill Hill o f Miami, Florida, wht> river, is visiting in the North, stopped here Wednesday, calling on Mayor McFar­ land and other friends. Birthday Party Thursday For . Miss Lois McFarland. Mr. Wm. Ford returned home Fri­ day after spending a week in. Detroit and Canada. Mr. M« C. Nagloy made a trip to Detroit the first of the week to drive a new Pontiac car home. Do not fail to attend the sale of 60 head o f Hampshire sows at Fern- dale Farms, Thursday, August 22. Mrs, Albright and son, Leo, attend­ ed the Clemens reunion held at Bryan Park, Sabbath. Mias Lois McFarland was pleas­ antly. surprised Thursday evening when twenty ypung people gathered at her home to remind her of her day.-The party later enjoyed a picnic supper at the “ Old Mill Camp". Those present were Misses Pauline Nash, Dorothy lackey, Lenna Ream, Kathryn Van Pelt, Velma Smith and Mildred Lead) o f Xenia. Dorothy Fanning o f Dayton, Marguerite Scott, Erie, Pa., and Alberta Owens, and Messre Mor­ gan, Clark Eckerle, Ervine Homer, Leon Mills,' Lawrence Beam, Allen Mendenhall, Chhrles Clark, Willard Barlow and James Beam. Mrs.; Knox. Hutchison and daughter, Murgarite, are entertaining a company o f friends from Cincinnati this week. LEE NASH DIED WEDNESDAY AT HOME IN XENIA Dr. David McKinney, member of the Board of Trustees of Cedarville Col­ lege, was ,in town Monday, attending a meeting o f that board. Misses Eleanor Bull and Jeanette iRitenour, were guests o f Mrs. James Miller during the Xenia Fair. Week End in Chicago at the COMFORTABLE GREAT NORTHERN H O T E L Mi*. Dnvjd Bradfute, wife and son, Wallace, left Wednesday on a motor trip to Northern Michigan where they will enjoy a week’s fishing trip. Rev. Lee E. Rife, D. D., and family o f Philadelphia, are guests o f relatives here this week. Dr. Rife is pastor of the Norris Square United Presby­ terian, church in his city.' Word was received here Thursday morning of the death o f Mr. Lee Nash at his home in Xenia on , Wednesday night. He had been in failing health for several months. The deceased operated a farm near Wilberforce station for many years before moving to Xenia and was widely known over the county. He was, married to Miss Nettie Frazier who survives with one son, John Nash o f Dayton. The funeral will be held from the First United. Presbyterian church in Xenia,^f which lie was a member, on Saturday at 2 P . M. Burial at Wood­ land Cemetery, Xenia, — - > Days OS Racing Entertainment and Music Community Theatre Baseball . j ' * ■ Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Admission Adults 50 ; Children 15c Automobile 25c Family or Special Tickets, $2:00 Days Of Racing Boys’ and Girls’ Display *» . - / . Excellent Dining Service Baseball Wednesday, Thursdays and Friday Officials R. II. Graham ............... ....President Lamar P. W ilson ........... Secretary ' -Phone 17 'Ll iuiim iii n — pa— .>mi— LONDON, OHIO V Mr. H. N. Ensign of Chardon, Ohio, visited this week with his son, Mr. George Ensign and family.' Dr. E. F. Davis and wife, and Mrs. Nellie Warner of Springfield, and Mr. R. C. Ritenour and wife, were guests Mrs. J. H. Ritenour, Sabbath after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Siegler of Marietta have been spending a few days this week with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Siegler. Our fifteenth sale of young sows on Thursday, August 22 will give you ah opportunity to pick front 60 head of fine young sows ready foi* September farrow. August 20, 21, 22, 23 \ i For Sale:- Delcp light plant. Inquire | o f Mrs. Ida Stormont. , G e t up a congenial party, twoor mors couples come to Chicago for a lark, take in the theatres or movie palaces, see the Art institute, Field Museum, various sports or danbe in night clubs. New attractions every week. Our new service will make arrangements in ad*vance for your party. Write for free copy of “ This Week in Chicago” which is a complete entertainment guide. We will enjoy taking a personal in* terest inmakingyourvisitthoroughly enjoyable. Ncu> garagf, one-half block. JACKSON, DEARBORN, QUINCY, STS, Phon* Harrtton, 790 * JMx. Albert Finney and daughter, and Miss Dorothy Nelson, are visiting in Lexington, Ky. The Watt families enjoyed a picnic last Thursday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. William Cherry. Mr. Ralph Hill and family o f Home­ stead, Fa,, aria here on a Visit with : relatives during the vacation period. —Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McMillan^pent | a few days in Cleveland, and were ac­ companied home by their son, John, who has been visiting in that city. Mr. A. E. Huey and wife, of this place, and son, Ernest and family o f j Springfield, left last Saturday for a |week’s visit with relatives in Marissa and Coulterville, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Newton "Waltz of Wheeling, West Virginia, spent Sab­ bath with Mrs. Dora Kerr., Mrs. Waltz was formerly Miss Dova Rbgers and is a niece o f Mrs. Kerr, Mr. Mike Sweeney of Newport, Ky, visited here last Friday, calling on old ’ friends and former acquaintances. Where You Find New Things And How Groceries, Meats, Fruits, 9 Melons, Clothing, Footwear and Notions. n Folks the Prices Are Right. V YOU ARE WELCOME HERE One of the best lots o f young sows we have ever offered go on sale next | Thursday at Ferndale Farms, Now is the time to build up your herd with the best blood from prize winning j stock. Good Hampshires are in de­ mand in every hog market. Dr. and Mrs. O. P, Elias have had for their guests the past week Mr. Victor Sullivan, Jr., Charleston, W. Va,, Mr. B. F, Lloyd and wife, Nor­ wood, 0 ., Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Robinett, Lancaster, and Mrs. Orville Strawn, Columbus. Mr. Eugene Rrotherton o f Muncie, i Ind,, visited here Sabbath, his ■ first' visit to his old home town in more than forty years, He is a son of the late J. H. Brotherton, and this is his second visit back since locating in Muncie. TWIN DOLLAR DAY Friday and Saturday THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE BUT A FEW OF THE MANY OUTSTANDING ONES OFFERED ON THESE TWO EXCITING . SELLING DAYS Dollar Days Gome Dut Twice Each Year. Do Not Miss These Two. PULL FASHIONED HOSE Choice o f fine quality silk to top or lisle rein forced .. Best colors, all sizes, *ti Very slightly irregular. The P a i r ............................ r . .................................. a D A H It is reported that 2,000 acres o f land owned by Henry Ford near South Charleston, was sold to the Pennsy­ lvania Railroad when the deal was made for the purchase o f the Ford road, the D, T. & I, It- is said the farm land may be used for railroad yards. ■ Mr. W. A. Huffman o f Muncie, his son, Clark, and son-in-law, Leonard Schick, accompanied the remains of his father, the late Josiah Huffman, where they were laid beside the wife o f the deceased in North cemetery, Wednesday, The deceased has been dead for a number of years but the hotly was exhumed and brought here for burial on the family lot, The de­ ceased for years operated the wagon shop and blacksmith shop on the. site, o f the Wolford garage. His place in days gone by was known far and wide for the manufacture of farm wagons. g j Rayon Bloomers §|§ And step-ins. Newest Styles and §= Colors. Here is a real offer at <C ^ 2 f o r ................................................ .***•*' m Stevens Crash H§ ■ This all. linen towelling needs no ex- =33 planation. Dollar days til *f 8 yards f o r ................. •........... * Percale For. school dresses, aprons and such. Dollar Days tiSL*g ■' 7 yards f o r ......................................... * § House Frocks H And api’ons in a wide variety o f H§ styles, colors and sizes. Extra tiS «| ™ Value. Choice each h * * Printed Silks Choice of. any printed silk in the store. Dollar days at tit A, 3 yards for .................................. 112 Silk Dresses Summery styles. Plain and printed, no sleeves and with, all sizes. Values to $151,75 to close Dollar days <£EL Each a i| if tggs Cedarville Bargain Store