The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 27-52
, PURINACHOWFEEDS » Hog Chow~-Pig Chow—Cow Chow Steer Fatina Sneep, Calves—Laying Mash C O A L Island Creek—Yellow Jacket—Battleship Poeahontns Hardware—Del Laval Separators Hog Fountains—Hog Feeders Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Company Everything For The Farm Phone 21 Cedarville, Ohio Do you want to get ahead financially, if so spend less than you earn, and deposit some- thing each week to your sayings account in this bank. The Exchange ’ ' S LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrj. Albert 1‘ attomon and little son of Frankfort, 0., have beer, i gtieMi-i of Judge 8. 0. ’Wright ami wife, j The Mieses Doris Hartman and Pauline Nelson are .spending the week visiting in New Lexington, Ohio, with Miss Majgaret Oxley. Mr. Ed Paris and wife and daugh ter, Mrs. JGula B. Speer, and little daughter*, of Cleveland, have been 4 Uifists_lhis-week-r)f-Mr^aml-MrsrJTE. Paris. ‘ WANTED—Farm *ou tlie thirds. Plenty o f help and can furnish good reference. 0 . L. Taylor, Jeffersonville, Ohio, It. P. D. No. 1. 'HERALDWANTANDSALEADSPAY’ Mr. Paul lta’rnsey and family have Leen spending the week visiting witn relatives in Idaville, Ind. Mrs. Caroline Winter of Xenia has been visiting among relatives here the past week. For Snle:-,Delco light plant. Inquire o f Mrs. Ida Stormont. Mr. Prank Sherman of near New Carlisle, died last Thursday at the age of 06, Tiie funeral was held Fri- ay at Tipp City and burial took place at Clifton. Mr. Sherman for a num ber of years was engineer at the plant of The Hagar Straw Board & Paper Company. • Dr. H. C. Schick removed tonsils for Montgomery* West, Tuesday, and Keith Wright, on Wednesday. Rev. S. M, Ingmire and family of near Toledo) stopped in town Thurs day enroute to Dayton where they, will visit tor a few days, Itev. Ingmire is much improved in health having been out o f ' his pulpit since last December. He expects to 'resume his dpi-ies next, m’onth. Rev, Ingmire was u-r.nerly pastor of the M. E. church here. ' Prof. J. Robb Harper and wife and ..•on, Robert, of Wilmette, 111., have . <vn visiting relatives in th is.county the past week. Prof. Harper and family drove down from St. Joe, Mich, where they have a summer cottage. They expected to join Prof. George Harper and family of Tuscom, Arizona .n Dayton, Wednesday and return to Michigan. Prof. J. Robb Harper has been superintendent o f . schools in Wiknette for more than twenty-five years and Prof. George Harper' is con nected with the schools in Tuscon. Mr, L. F . Tindall and family are taking a week's : vacation.and, have been spending the time at tlie reser voir. Mr. Carter N. Abel and family, who nave been visiting in Pennsylvania the past two weeks, returned home Tues day, Dr. W. R. McCliesney returned Tuesday morning from, Cape Cod. Mass., where he enjoyed a vacation with Rev; T; R. Turner anil family. Mrs. McChesjiey ■ and daughter, Prances, will return early next month. ’ Mr. Leland Hume o f Nashville, Ten nessee, Vice President of the Southern Bell Telephone Company, was the guest Thursday o f Mrs. T .B. Andrew and Mr, and Mrs. John S. Harvey. The Hume family has hien prominently identified with the history o f Nash ville, its economic, educational and religious development. Mi*. Ilume is a Pust President of the Tennessee Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. While here, Mr. Hume visited the grave of his great great grandfather, James Andrew, in the old Massies Creek Cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Sprncklen were bereft Saturday by the death o f their first born, a daughter, Lois Jean, that arrived on Thursday last. Burial took place in North. Cemetery. Ml*, and Mrs. R. C. Ritenour enter tained at dinner Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Will Patterson, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Xenia, and Mrs. J. H. Ritenour. Miss Lena Hastings, who has been completing- her school work at Chau- ranjua, N. ¥., 1ms returned homo for the summer. Marshal H. A. McLean, had a piece of glass removed from his left arm last Saturday that had entered his shoulder the first day of May when he had a tussle in the mayor's office with the famous Nooks, father and son, who attempted to ge t away. The officer was forced into the front door and a piece of glass cut his shoulder but there was no evidence at the time that he had glass in the cut. It finally worked down into his arm_and_\yaR_a^- moved by Dr. H. C. Schick. The piece was more than an inch long and about one-quarter o f an inch wide with a sharp point. James Bailey, who lias had charge o f the Standard Oil Station here since it was started some years, is taking a forced vacation by illness that has kept him off duty since last Saturday. A marriage license has been granted to Emmett Wills, R. Pi D. 2, Cedar ville, auto mechanic, and Mildred Lewis, R. F. D. 2. Squire MacEwan, Xenia, is named as performing the ceremony, The redecorating o f the Common Pleas Court room in the court house as well as the corridors on the first and second floors is proceeding. The improvment was greatly needed and will add much to the attractiveness of the building. The building was erect ed 1900 and this is the first) re-decorat ing done outside of some of the vari ous offices. Prof. Otto W. Kuehrmann*and wife of Indianapolis, Ind., were here Tues day calling- bn friends. Prof. Kuehr- nann'is head of the Science Depart ment o f Cedarville College. . Mrs. Chalnier& Elder and children of Darlington, Pa., who have been' visiting here the past two weeks, have returned home; ’ Mr. A. G. Collins, who has been con fined in the McClellan hospital for.sev eral weeks, was removed to his home yesterday. He has not shown much improvement the past week. Word from Rev. R. A. Jamieson- is that he and. his family will return home today, Friday, after spending two weeks visiting in Illinois. The Ladies' Missionary Society of the U. P. church will hold a regular meeting Monday, August 26 at 2 P. M, in the church parlors. A full attend ance is desired as Mrs, Mason Prugh will be present to give a report o f the G. M. S. '"he Clifton L.. M. S. has been invited to atterfd this meeting. A picnic supper will be served immedi ately after the meeting. _______ Miss Lillie Spencer, who recently underwent an operation in the -Mc Clellan hospital, has recovered and is spending some time at the W. J. Tar- box home. Mrs. Harry Waddle and son, Merle, Columbus, are remaining at the Tarbox home during the ab sence o f , Mr, and Mrs. Tarbox in Texas. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shigley o f the Jamestown pike left Thursday for a trip to Denver, Colo., and other west ern states. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bryan attended a birthday surprise honoring R. D. Bryan o f Jamestown for his. 73rd birthday last Friday evening. Jeffersonville has W o native sons that have reached a high station in the business world, A* P. awhC. H. Warn er, inventors of the Stewart-Warner speedometer for automobiles. They visited, their home town last Sunday for the first time in forty-nine years. The brothers are now working on electric breaks for automobiles,, The work o f redecorating part of the school building is now about com pleted. The,rooms on the lower floor are being refinished this year and the upper" floors later. The Ohio Hereford Association numbering 145 or more members were entertained last Thursday at White hall Farm, Yellow Springs, by the owner, E. S. Kelly. Senator S. D. Pess gave an address. An invitation was extended by Mr. Kelly to meet with him again next yeai*. Miss Wilmali Spencer entertained a company of friends Monday afternoon and also in the evening, honoring her guest, Miss Gladys Pish of Columbus. Mrs. A. E. Richards and Mrs. Enos Hill visited for several days with friends in New Paris, Ohio. Mm, Roll Shulty., of Dayton, has been spending the week as the guest o f her parents, Mr. and .Mrs, W. A. Spencer. The Ilagar Straw Board & Paper Company has installed a new electric siren horn to serve during such time the mill may not be in operation. There are times now that steam will not be necessary during a eiose down and Ihe electric siren is to supplant the Meam whistle and also to be used in ease o f an alarm o f fire. V i l f s ’em all S u p e r * q u a lity makes Tanglefoot a super-spray; It kills insects wholesale and destroys the uku hatched eggs o f moths, ' fleas and bedbugs. N o fly escapes . M o s o u i t o e s “ burn up” . Say “ Tangle- foot*' for highest quality. Prices grfcatly reduced. Pay less and get the best. I TANGLEFOOT SPIU tV CHURCH NOTES UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCIJ Sabbath School at 10:00 A, M. 0 . A, Dobbins, Superintendent. Preaching at 11:00 A. the pastor. Mr. Leonard B, Cox of the Morgan Park Baptist church, Chicago, will be the guest solist and will sing; “ The King o f .Love My Shepherd Is" by Spence. Miss Duffy o f South Charles-' ton and. Cleveland will be the organist for the day. Choir meeting Saturday evening. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School 10 A. M. Lesson subject “ Rebuilding the Temple." This most interesting story is found in } o f the Jamieson ,Scholarship in tfco Nehemiah and Ezra. P. M. GIHiian, ■ ihtf burgh Theological Seminary, Jl.ltiso o f 1920, and so entitled to a A glad welcome awaits a ll.* lyear'a study a t Edinburgh, Scotland. Morning Worship 11 o’clock. Sermon j While there he was given the degree theme “ Had Oportunity." There w ill' Thro. M. and also studied on a degree be 'a brief meeting o f the officials at'.f'U* Dot tor o f Philosophy. During the the close o f this service. * time he was in Edinburgh ho served as assistant pastor o f the St. John’# Parish church. During the time Mr, The Ohio Conference meet:: Sept. 3, AU vouchers and all mornies belonging to the Conference should be nlaced b y ' v,'a:i abroad he toured Southern Sept. 2 in the hands o f the pastor m rAn'°ln‘‘ Palestine and Egypt, return- * litrw fo L.. _ t__ 1 _ _ . .. _ . . proper credit can be given. ORLAND M. RITCHIE RETURNS FROM EUROPE Rev. Orlond M. Ritchie, son o f Dp. and Mrs. C, M. Ritchie, N, Main street, returned Wednesday from a two-year trip to Europe. He was the winner ing to Edinburgh by airplane across the English Channel. He is now with his parents for a short visit; also meeting many old time friends having forrneriyJivcd at-C lifton-and--gradtr-- ated from Cedarville College in 1916. Mr# J. M. Bull is quite ill at the Spencer home on the Xenia and Jamestown pike.’ ’ or, “ quality 37 East Main St. Nc| always at a saving” Xenia, Ohio Here, Better Than Ever, Is a That Combines Good Looks W ith WearabUty and Lo<w Price! iThe Students’ Suit illustrated is a £wo button sin gle breasted model and Has a pleated vest and pleated pants. It is one of our most popular models far young, fellows. The fabrics are cassi- meres and come in the latest shades for this sea- 1son. Several new double stripe and shadow stripe I,patterns are available for choice. Extra trousers' .to match these suits are priced at proportionately . low prices. These same suits come in the single ibreasted notch lapel model. Two groups at two price* * . . both offering all the features desired in a young fellow’s suit: Style, Quality Newness, PLUS Low Price! Extra Pants $ 3.98 Extra Pants $ 4-98 Quality Merchandise at Reasonable Prices WOMEN SILK HOSE 9 8 c V* J LARGE No. 2 GAN PEACHES 2 5 c LILE HOSE 2 5 c MELONS BANANAS TOMATOES SILK UNDIES 8 8 c SCHOOL SUPPLIES Will be on Sale Next Week I BELTS All Sizes and Colors 10 -25 -50C MEN % BOOTS $ 4 .4 9 KNEE BOOTS $ 2 .9 8 CHILDREN’S SCHOOL SHOES at Greatly Reduced Prices HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE LARGE CAN CORN 10c WORK SHOES S 1 .9 8 OVERALLS 9 8 c OVERALLS JACKETS 9 8 c LARGE CAN POllK & BEANS 10c WORK SHIRTS 5 9 c Cedarville Bargain Store 1 sr
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