The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 27-52
iiimm Shoes Your Child Should West to School*— O W.V in Another Kinney store c«n you get such good school' shoe# and pay as little for theml C is t s ’ SHOES * » » • LOCAL AND PERSONAL Kbases’ Patent che," Oafer«‘: artTstieallytrln'ractfwith P*»tat« leather. Rubber lieel. Same mpt'cl to Black or Tan. Calf Leather GroviMflK.dlrl’aPatent Open-throat Tie «d.CSUe” y?4,-7“ m<:d witl>Bl8c* L1*.\ Infant’s. Patent Leather Blucher Boot. WhiteEyeleta andLice*.Goodyear Stitch. SUes5•8. I £ 9 B Mr, W. Stevenson, who has been ill fop some time ija reported much hotter. -7 'ICTt'A- ,e*►. A- a’.esUfa»3Bgshfcgs’ggi FOR SALE—Tomatoes for canning, J. A, Burns, Mr, and Mrs, Boyd Harman recently returned from their vacation in the Southern part of the State, Miss Marjorie McClellan o f Cleve land was the guest o f her grandmoth er, Mrs, Liuy"McClellan over Sabbath, Duroc Hog Sale — Tuesday, October 29. R, C. Watt & Son. (tf) Mr, Perry Grover and wife, of Marion, were week-end guestB o f Mr, and Mrs. B. A, Harman. Miss Jane West has returned home from Toledo, where she has had em ployment during the summer vacation. Mrs. Ella Dennison o f New Concord, Ohio, is spending the week-end with Mrs. S, K. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Harman, of Springfield, are guests o f Mrs. Har manfs brother, Boyd Harman, Size*SH-8 % 4 9 2IzeaAs-? Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy and son, Bobby, o f Akron, were house | guests o f Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Harman | over the week/end and Labor Day. f ; Mr. Harry Abbott and family, of I Dayton, were Sunday guests o f his | sister, Mrs, Marguerite Weimer. Mrs. Marguerite Weimer. and sons, Dale, Lamar and Reid M. Weimer, visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Charles Bashore, o f Wilmington, Ohio. .'M'iaae*1 ' ■ ■ P a t e n t ■■■■■. ■■. Lent her One-atrap, artlatleatty trimmed with BlondeKid, Cut-out dealgnonQuartar, RubberHeel. BOYS' SHOES Mrs. Margaret Weimer and sons, are spending the week in Dayton, with her brother, Harry Abbott and family attending the Dayton Fair, . Bora*BlackerTan LeatherLaceahoe, oak leather outer sole, lubber heel. -IStzea10-5H. 8rtca5-8 . ■Size* SVj-11 % > 9 Infant'. Smote ■ ttlfc BlueHer Oxford.Moccaaln StyleVamp’.Qpodyeat' Walt conttructfon, SamemodellaTan BUt with Qotdspot Spartan Leather •alec* * 1 0 8 Mrs. eJames Murray o f this place and Mrs. J; P. Barr o f Dayton are spending a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe McFarland in Indian apolis. • . Prof. C. W. Steel and wife have re turned home after spending the sum mer in Chicago'where the Professor attended Chicago University. Mr. W. W- Galloway and family visited for several days last week with Mrs. Galloway's parents, Rev, Summer and wife, returning home Monday evening. . - Mr, Allen Turnbull will enter West ern Reserve University taking part time work while teaching in the’ Euclid, Ohio, public schools. Mr, Turnbull has been- attending the O. S, U. the past year. • Mr. Puul Qrr o f College Corner, <),, is visiting among friends here this week. Mr. Carlton McLean o f Detroit and sister, Mrs. William Ross o f Indian apolis, are guests of relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs, L. R, Carson and son, Dick, o f Indianapolis, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. J. Lloyd Con- farr. . , Miss Z o fs Smith o f the Smith Bar ber Shop is taking her vacation this week spending the time at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, near Jamestown* Mr, Paul Orr o f College Comer, who hasW en teaching the past year at Mc- Connelsvillei is leaving the 20th to attend coaching school in Springfield, Mass. . . The D. A. R, will hold its monthly meeting at the home o f Mrs. Anna Wilson Tuesday evening, September 10, at 7:30. Roll call will be answered by educational work sponsored by the D. A. R. A good program is planned. Prof. C» E, Oxley and wife visite<| here Sunday with friends. Th6y were accompanied home by their daughters, Marguerite and Kathryn, who spent the past week here. . ' • jBopa’ Black Leather—-Lace Oxford. Goodyear weft, composition sole, tub* ber beel. Same In Tan. Sizes 10•515. W m «M k « a pairs petsibte 1 FOR RENT-—A three room apart- jment suitable fo r college students or j a small family. Will make special ! rates to college students. Mrs, Louisa Ewbank. < ■■ • k M * te e th * M tle * l u d ly 3b East Main St-, Springfield, Ohio OPEN UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Miss Dorothy Nelson, who has been visiting in Lexington, Ky., has re turned home, after a visit with Mr, Carl Finney and family.’' Mr. Finney is leaving Lexington and will locate in Detroit. WANTED—Orders for baking pies 1 and cakes. Phone Mrs, Anna Collins liiiiliHuiiiliiltiiiiiliiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiliiuliiuuiiMUiniumiik'J" rSmith. F U R N I T U R E . REPAIRED and UPHOLSTERED A t Prices In Reach O f Everybody l; CharlesR.Hoemer PHONE Cedarvilie 148 Res. Address Monroe St., Xenia, Ohio . f. 40 ^ Do you want to get ahead financially, if so spend less than you earn, and deposit some thing each week to your savings account in this bank. . ■ The Exchange tea Bank Mr. Fred Marshall o f New York City spent Tuesday with relatives here. Mr. Marshall has "resigned his position with the aviation magazine and will return’ to Daytpn to become connected -with a manufacturer of parts fo r airplanes. Mr. and Mrs. W- A . Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. William Hopping are leaving today fo r a motor "trip into Kentucky and West Virginia to be gone about a week. •Mr. S. T, Baker was taken to the McClellan hospital in Xenia Saturday for treatment. Mr. Baker has been in declining health for some weeks. The annual D. A .'R . picnic foi; the Ceddr Cliff branch o f the organization was held at Shawnee Park, Xenia, Lahor Day. Thirty-eight persons at tended and enjoyed a bountiful dinner. The picnic had been postponed from June 14th. ' Mr, Robert Evans who has been re siding on the Charles F, Marshall farm east pf town has purchased the farm owned by his father', Mr. Oscar Evans and will move next March. The farm comprises 111 acres. Mr. Evans informs us that he has not made any "decision as to. where lie- will locate. FOR RENT—’Four room cottage. Mrs. Mary McMillan. FOR BALE—Double corn crib and oats bin, Well framed" and In, good cohditiup. Inquire at this office for in formation. _ Mr .and Mrs, J. E. Kyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kyle o f Xenia, spent the week-end with the former’s broth ers,. C. H. and Wilbur McEntire, Cherry Fork, Ohio, and,attended the Adams county Homo Coming at Serpent Mound, Lahor Day, WANTED—Farm on the thirds. Plenty o f help and can furnish good reference. O, L. Taylor, Jeffersonville, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 1. WANTED LADY AGENTS:—Work in your home town. Make $5.00 a day. Big opportunity. New .Product. Every woman a Sale. Write at once.- P, O, Box 407, Washington, C. H,, Ohio. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Stormont have had for their guests the' past week: Mrs. Anna Stormont, sister of, Mrs, Stormont; Mr. Harry Steadman and wife of Webster Grove, Mo., and Mr. Clarence Stormont and wife of St. Louis. Mr. Marion Stormont left Wxlnes- day for Gleveland to resume his medi cal work in Western Reserve Medical College, after a short vacation at home. He was accompanied by Mr. Harvey Auld o f the Exchange Bank, who will spend part of his- vacation in that city. Rev. H. C. Gunnett o f the M. E. church is attending the annual meet ing o f the Ohio M. E. Conference which is meeting this year in Colum bus. It is expected that Rev. Gunnett will be returned to the local congrcga- lon as his pastorate the past.year has been exceedingly satisfactory to the membership as well as the community at large. *" Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Schick had for their guests over the week-end, Mr. Joe Preston and Miss .Mary Smith of Cincinnati. Mr. Preston is president o f the Cincinnati Stucco Co. while MI bs Smith is a member of the Stcw’art- Walker Stock Company that has been playing at the Taft theatre, Mrs. Schick and Miss Smith wore former1 classmates in the dramatic art school in that city. The regular meeting of the Mizpah Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. Clayton McMillan, Friday after noon, A goodly number were in at tendance, following the business meet-' ing, refreshments were served, and a general good, time was enjoyed. The Assistant Hostesses were Mrs. John MeOorkell, Mrs. Esta Williams, and Miss Anna Belle Murdock, “ If education means anything at nil it certainly means growth and con tinuous growth.”—Alonzo G, Grace. Cedarvilie Opens Term September 11 Cedarvilie College will open for the fall term o f its thirty-sixth year Sep tember 11 with special chapel exer cises at which J. L. Clifton state di rector of education, will deliver the principal address. Chapel exercises will begin at 9:80 A. M. . September 9 and. 10 have been de signated as registration: days for stu dents. The incoming freshmen class is e x -! peeted to be the largest ip a number' of years and "prospects are that at least sixty new students will be en rolled. Freshmen will be required to take an examination September 10. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHUltCII Services for Week o f Sabbath, Sep tember 8. Cedarvilie College.’ 10:00 A, M. Bible Study—-Another lesson in Divine Providence, Nehemiah Rebuilding the Walls o f Jerusalem^ This is a splendid lesson in Coopera tion in Religious Tasks, You are most cordially invited. 11:00 A. M, Worship Service, “ In Union is 'Strength.” 1 8:00 P. M. Union Service in the United Presbyterian Church. Sermon by Rev. W, P. Harriman. . “ The Evil o f Seeking for Signs." Midweek Service, Wednesday even ing at 7:30, at the home of Judge and Mrs. S. C. Wright. There should be a good attendance at this evening ser vice, ■ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath School at 10:00 A. M, Supfc. O. A. Dobbins. Preaching at 11 A . M. by the pastor. Theme: “ A Victorious Vision.” Y. P. C. U. at 7 P .M . 1 Union Service at 8 P,. M, Dr. W.. P. Harriman to preach. The Synodical Program Committee meets this Friday afternoon in tiie U. P. church to arrange the program for fall meeting o f the Second Synod, to be held in the local church, October 8 . Choir rehersal Saturday evening a tj 8 P. M. ' ! September Special For theWorking Man and Home Overalls for Corn Cutters 98c Jacket 98c Work Shoes $ 1.98 1 * ■ ■ ♦ CHILDREN'SPLAYSUITS PERPAIR98 c ' 1LOTCHILDREN’SSHOES 69c . RIRHTFORSCHOOLPERPAIR' Grocery Specials CORN, Extra Good Per Can . . ........ Heintz Sweet Pickles Per D ozen ................. 10c 15c Pork And Beans High Standard Coffee In Pound Packages 10c 36c DAMSON PLUMBS FOR CANNING Per Pound 8 c Cedarvilie Bargain Store S H I P - In our windows tills week'The Rike-Kumler Com pany pays tribute to beauty in craftsmanship. Here you may see artisans engaged in the actual making o f Rugs, Rookwood Pottery, Dinnerware and other objects o f utility and beauty. , We are especially happy to he able to show the fine work which is being done by Dayton students. The Dayton Publie Schools, under the direction of Miss Susan Odlin, are represented by a series of exhibits o f arts and crafts. The Dayton Art In stitute is represented by a window display called "The Sculptor’s Studio” under the direction o f Mr. Seigfried Weng. Another exhibit o f interest is that o f Ivory Soap Sculpture, whichincliulessome o f the national prize-winning pieces. . . . . These windows may be seen .during the entire week starting Tuesdays September 3 . Actual demon strations will he in progress in these windows dur ing the hours of 12 to 1 o’clock and 3 to 4 o’clock each day. . . . The exhibits are as follows: The Making o f Rookwood Pottery Dinnerware in the Making Colonial Rug Weaving „ The Dayton Art Institute Display "T h e Sculp tor’s Studio” Marine Paintings by Mr. Gordon Grant Etchings by Mr. diaries A. Barker Community Plate Silverware Exhibit Ivory Soap Sculpture Exhibit The Story o f Silk The Making o f Bigelow-IIartford Rugs The Dayton Public Schools Exhibit— Tuesday: Marblcized Paper — Cooperative High Miss Tuttle Wednesday: Gesso—Brown School Miss Granger Thursday: Marionettes—Kiser High Miss Wilson Friday: Batik—Lincoln Junior High Miss Furbce Saturday: Block Printing-W ilburWright Jr. ■®*sV’ Miss Sharkey ■ Hi l l T h e R i k l • I & i m l e r C o m p a n y ; I, i_ -j 1 1 t i H........... ........... ............................................................... .............. .................................................................................... KrfrtttVMMtf ARMOftrIt mm m n r * « MM*M itIIftR mmsMiRHMf Imin
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