The Cedarville Herald, Volume 52, Numbers 27-52
W M * nHi»iiiMmMMiiiuiiniiniiiiM»iii>m>w»»>iiiiiiiii>ii»«nmniiiHiiiitu»i>ii>tn>tiiwtiMi»>iiii RKTEENINDICTMENTSARE BYOCTOBERGRANDJURY Kia*fc»«i indictments were returned. check without sufficient funds in the by the October grand jury, which re- fbank. ported Totoday afternoon after being j An indictment charging a statutory in Mssion two day*. | offense committed against a 15-year- More than thirty witnesses were ex- old girl was returned against David amined by the jury, which investi- jDoss alias David Pierce, gated twenty-five eases, ignoring six, j Ralph Terrell and Rajph Coates J, E. Lewis was foreman of the were jointly indicted for burglary and jury, which examined the Coun- larceny. I t is charged they broke in to a Pennsylvania box car stealing half a bushel basket o f peaches and Windows, fou r feet square be cut in , two watermelons valued a t $5. ty Jail and reported it in good condi tion, although recommending that two t h r south wall of the cells. Better lo tting devcies for the cells were also mfifgeated. The following indictments were re tained: John Mickle, third offense of pos sessing liquor, August 5, 1929, He wfii fined $lfiO and costs January 17, 1917 and $125 and cost February 4, 1929 on similar charges. Alva Nooks', petit larceny, in con nection With the alleged theft of eight bushels o f corn valued a t $8 from Afidrews and Dennehy June 15, 1929. George Millet, pocket-picking, ac- cufifid of robbing J. H. Wooley, of $15 J l # 27, 1929. Owen Glemans, burglary and lar ceny, alleged to have entered and atdlfen fivd chickens worth $5 from the batch of Omer Sturgeon, June 22. .Andrew Slagle, carrying concealed wdttpons. He is accused of carrying f ilia lly a ,82 caliber pistol June 2. William Stagelless, accused of de- strilction of personal property, is alfeged to Have shot a horse valued at $7&! belonging to J. J . Marshall, July 281.The animal was wounded near the apitial cord, causing complete para lyse, impelling the killing of the hqffte. Ffeff Sktinders alias Ben Saunders, feidihg and abetting the passing of a worthless check for $10 August 5. TIM check was made payable to Ben Sadnders, was signed by John Fork- neft and was on the Xenia National B ilk . Jbhn Fotkner was indicted in this connection' on a charge of issuing a Raymond D. Grieves was indicted on two separate counts for disposing of mortgaged property. It is alleged he sold personal property valued a t $G0Q during March and April, 1929 a fter 0having mortgaged it to the American Loan and Realty Co., June 1(5, 1928 to secure a loan for that arribunt. A second true bill found against him alleged he disposed of personal property worth $800 on which the Springfield Loan Co, held a mortgage. A joint indictment charging grand larceny was returned against Forest Nooks and Samuel Wallace, who are accused of stealing forty chickens valued at $40 from Leonard Flatter, September 8. . , An Indictment for robbery charging him with assaulting and robbing James Masterpols of $830 in cash and a diamond ring valued a t $450 Decem ber 6,1928,' was returned against Ken neth Flicker. George H. Kinninger was also in dicted for robbery in connection with the Masterpois. hold-up. A burglary and larceny indictment in connection with the theft of ninety Plymouth Rock chickens valued at $90 from Maywood Turner September 11 was returned against Alva Nooks. Oliver Warwick .was indicted for re ceiving stolen property in connection with the alleged theft of Turner’s chickens. ' Accused of possessing illegally a .32 caliber pistol July 29, ‘William Stagelles was indicted for carrying concealed weapons, =Sfe College Gleanings i (feblitltmed from page 1) , th&rities are .finding the Cedarville pfSduct" extremely satisfactory both in* preparation and character. Can afii|r institution have a more important tjSSd than to prepare Christian teach- erirfortfief work of the school room? Tfey teach ALL THE REST. Those pfdparing '-for 'the ministry, the mis- sieh field! tHfe law, medicine and other pfifessions, business, tbe farm, ser vice to the state in,every avenue— AJsL sit atrthe feet of the teacher and I ttrn from him. The world needs jitebjfriujiMites'as are going out from Clda^viUe. 5Keep Our Cash a t Home; How ‘Gedarville College Helps Cedarville College is starting a and seventy-five, attending Cedarville College. If they do not come here they will go some where else. Figure. Cash Flowing Out of the Community Education costs money today. Tuti- tion in most places is. from $250 to $800, and 'fees’ in addition to that. Board, room, travel and expenses that would not be entailed a t home, makes the necessary outlay for a year a t Col lege from $800 to $1,000. One hundred and fifty young peo ple, fo r we will be conservative, are talcing $150,000 every y e a r away from the community;that they love and call home, and are helping build some other community. In the four years of their college course, there are $600,000 to be taken from the home community treasury and invested elsewhere. If an industry with an annual pay roll of $150,000 would come to Cedar ville, and with prospect of increase campaign for additional .endowment, ..... ............ ^ » h** secured an experienced and | ^ ™"r tui" it “might" reach many sueceMful man to take charge of that ;^imea that amount within a decade of la^rattuit feature of its work, ^nc*| two, would not the people rejoice?. ' October 14 he takes up the active Money Saved Is Money Earned m m m . ■ .T. . .. di&ei, of the new position .The various College Associations have laid down certain rules and re quirements for the recognition of in i'attritions that aspire to a place on th a 'accredited list’, and one is for en- ddWment df not less than a half mil- lien dollars. Cedarville has approxi- tttte ly half that amount. It is readily afifin, therefore, that a quarter of a xaillion must be secured in the. not distant future, else Cedarville losses *ncognition^, That word includes much. First, recognition by the Department of Ed ification of the State of Ohio. Without th a t its students would not have any •tendtag; would have to take exam inations for certification to teach; Would be discounted, therefore, by all Authorities and it might just as well «do*e its doors. The 'recognition’ would likewise be defiled by other larger colleges as well Afi the State University. Its students would receive no credit for their work dvae, afid faithfully, in Cedarville aiass rooms. Young people would not attend a college which has no stand ing. No one* could blame them. In Mte days gone by many went to school d t t the sake of the training only; it Mi not have the bearing on life and its wprk that it does today. ‘None but odtege graduates need apply’ was not d£M seen twenty-five years ago; to- * ty in many of the best places it is a i,Xiapiirement. Not a high school tefich- fir in Ohio is eligible to teach there Without a college diploma. Semin- 4 rie s, law schools, medical colleges Aid many other lines of activity re quire the college diploma as prima f i d e evidence of'fitness to carry on the work to be pursued. fMeegnitioti, Therefore is a Necessity There is only way by which it can secured, and that is through addi- M* m 1 endowment. The teachers and flit taidiffig might be just as faith- afid of high order—but without VlfcgiiKtett there Would be, a t the 'I ttt, httt a tiny handful of students, We forget that old adage. We should keep a t home all' this, great sum, and can if we can meet once for all, not every year, these required conditions. The. expenditure of these 150 young people for two years if they go elsewhere will more than make possible growth and future life for Gedarville College. "•There is another side of the .ques tion, however. This money is not only NOT going out, it is coming in. The College is not the only industry in Cedarville, but remove it, and there is a tremendous cavity. The financial secretary was seeking a house Thursday. He did not leave of a single vacant building in Gedar ville, and only one house in which a suite of rooms might be secured—and that only bee use of a terrible acci dent that had broken up the home through the death of Mr, and Mrs. Smith. .Would that condition continue if the College should fail in its'under taking? There is not a piece of real estate in Cedarville or in the com munity that is not affected by the pres ence of this school, Then our young people have the ad vantage of close contact, with faculty teachers that would not be theirs in such degree in many of the larger colleges; the classes are not so large, recitations are more frequent; the in dividual touch more in evidence. The co-operation of the entire com munity in the start will be the strong est evidence to large givers away that Gedarville College gives a real oppor tunity for investment in building life. OTWHHMtOg 4 0 . 1*7 mmajuNiKG to frocxkd wits an im - PJCOYItUKN? TO ACQUIKK FWWNMWY AND to M iner a watiir wowctt *rwrm, and TO LAY WATWi rn*88, AMD THK ttttTAS- LISBMXKT OF A BFRl’UL ABttttMKJINT DISTRICT THKMtFOJtK. That, WHJUUiAB. taretsfors on AWtmt 83. J8S9, tbe Council or tbe Villas* of CadarxiU*, Ohio, adoptst! a r<4oiutloa of mcMetty for the coiHTiruotlue of a water work* *86 WHKKKAB, b r reuo* ot w tattar eouUUon* it li necaeury thet gild work j)recit'd without d«l«y at order to provide for the heetth, eefety end coaTMiience of tbe inhiUtauli of the Vll- bM(e> and thet n ld water eyeteni be coinlructed at once, and WHUKKA8. by m»oft of tbe forepeihf fact! there »xb.u an oeuMHeRcy requiring that thi* ordinance take effect and be (a force i» here* In after provided, THSRKVOHK, be If ordained by the Council of the Village of Cedarville, Stile of Ohio, (three-fourths of all member! elected thereto concurring); SECTION I t That it la hereby determined to proceed with the improvement by acquiring property and to erect a water world ayatem, and to lay water ptpee upon the etreeu, and to establish a special aiaaeamont district com prising all the Jttreet.a and territory within the corporate llmlta of the Village ot Cedarville, Ohio, In. accordance with resolution No. 13Si passed by Council on the 2Srd<day of August, 1929. and In accordance with- tKe»plana, speci fications, estimates, and profiles heretofore ap proved and now on me in the otBrs of.the Clerk of said Village, and that the health-, safety and convenience of the cltlxene of aald Village require aald improvement. SECTIONS, That all cl. ms for damage! resulting therefrom shall bo judiciously In quired Into after the completion of the pro posed lmproven ent and the Solicitor be and he is hereby authorized .and directed to Institute proceedings lu a Court of caunp&tnt jurisdic tion to Inquire Into such claims. SECTION 3. That the whole cost of- said- improvement lees one-flftieth thereof, and the costs of intersections, and lisa fifty per cent, of the cost of obtaining the iledessary real estate upon which Bald improvement is to be erected, shall be assessed Upon.the foot front upon thu; following described lots, and lands, to-wlt : all lots and lands within? 'said district and bounding and abutting upon all of the streets therein, which said lots-and lands are hereby determined -to 'be specially1benefited by said Improvement; and the costs' of said 1m provement shall Include the expense of pre ltmlnary and other surreya and of printing' and publishing the notices, resolutions pnd ordin ances required, and the serving of said notices; the cost of construction, together with interest on bonds Issued In anticipation of tho collec tion of deferred assessment, and all other necessary expenditures. , SECTION 4. That the assessments to be -levied ahalf be paid In fifteen (15) annual In stallments with interest on .deferred payments at the same rate as aliall be borne by the bonds to be Issued In anticipation of the col lection 'thereof; provided, that the owner of any properly assessed may, at his option, pay such assessment in cash within thirty (39) days after the passage of the assessing ordl nance. SECTION'S. That notes and bonds of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio?, shall’ be Issued In anticipation of the collection of assessments by Installments and In an arquunt equal there- SECTION C. That thd renialnde^of the en tire cost of said Improvement, not specially assessed, Including the costs- of intersections, together with fifty per cent, of any real eatate or Interest therein purchased or appropriated; and tho cost and expenses of any appropriation proceedings therefore, and the damages award ed 'any owner of lands and Interest therein; and two per cent, of the costa of said. Improve ment. all of which shall he paid out of the General Fund or by tbe Issuance of notes: or bonds In the manner provided by law. SECTION 7.‘ That the Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the construction of said improvement uccordtng to law. .' i SECTION 8. That lids ordinance by reason of the emergency set flirthf In the preamble hereto shall take effect and be In force from and after Us passage: Passed tills October 7, 1839. D. II. McEABLAND, -.mayor. ■Attest..:' ■ JOPN G. SRCOBKELL, Clerk. ' jW r w a r ily ) shall tm tx m tm * to the trwte** •* the tttefcht&iqsitmfc. bt tta wppited by thww ttt tti« parwMK ef pehietMl awi totsrest **.“ !*■■****** I*1 maaMMr preVMed by law. B ttm .ON 7. 8*W notm sttait be the full gsqeral obUgtvUas of th« Village and the full faith, credit and rareaue of said YHlage are beveby plsdaed for the prompt payment of the The par value to b« rseelred from the ■ale of Dm bead* anticipated by aald notes and any excess fund resulting from the Usu- aaca of said aatgg gtmli te iiw extent nsessssry be used only for the yetlresiMt of said note* at maturity, together with interest thereon, end I* hereby pledged for such purpose. SECTION 8. During the year or years while such notes run thert stall be levied on ail the taxable property la tbe Village of Ce- darrllle, Ohio.' la sdditloa te att ether taxes, a direct tax annually not less tksn that which would have been levied If bonds had been Is- sued without the prior issue of such notes. Said tax shell be and Is hereby ordered com puted, certified, levied and sgteaded upon the tax duplicate and neileeled by the same pfliesrs, in the same manner and a t the same time that taxes for general purposes for each or said years are certified, extended' and collected. Said tax shall bp -pJeeSd before and In prefer ence to. all other Item*.and for the full amount thereof. The fund* derived from eald tax levies hereby required eh«U ba placed In a separate and distinct fund, which, together with the Interest’collected, on the satqe, shall be Irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal and Interest ef said notes n r the uonds Irt anticipation of width they are Issued wlten and as the same felt due. SECTION 9, The Village Clerk 1* hereby directed to forward a certified copy -of this ordinance to (he County Auditor. SECTION 10, That this ordleence by reason of the emergency g«t forth Jit the preamble hereto shall take effect and be In force; from and after its passage. , Passed this October- 7, 1939. -D. h . M c F arland , Mayor. Attest: . JOHN G. MeeOHKELb, ' Clerk. ■;a ' NOTE ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 138 DR. JEMISON AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Tho Rev, D. H. Jemisoji, D. ,D.f of Cincinnati, Ohio, will address a men and hoy’s meeting a t the Methodist Church, Friday evening a t 8 o'clock. Dr, Jemison is the founder of the Kappa Sigma Pi order which is inter denominational and international. His Now, will it pay to help Cedarville t meosngo will grip. No man Is closer PROVIDiNO FOE THE ISSUANCE OF NOTES BY THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, OHIO, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING, PROPERTY AND ERECTING A WATER WORKS SYSTEM, AND TO LAY WATER PIPES, FOR THE SUPPLYING OF WATER TO THE- CORPORATION AND THE- INHABI TANTS THEREOF AND DECLARING THE NECESSITY OF THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOB SUCH PURPOSE, (VILLAGE SHARE). WHEREAS, this Council has requested the Village Clerk to Issue his certificate as to the estimated life of tbe improvement to be con structed from the proceeds of the bonds he irtafter referred to and of -the notes to be issued In anticipation or sa)u bonus anu t>,. Village Clerk has .certified to. this Cotliicll such estimated life as exceeding fifteen (IS) years and lias further certified the, maximum matur ity of such bonds as fifteen (IS) years and such notes as ’two (2) years, and heretofore on Ilia 33rd day - or August, 1929, this Council adopted a resolution, of necessity, for the con- rtruction of a -water works system, and WHEREAS, by reason bf Weather condltiphs It Is necessary that said wbrk proceed without delay in order to provide for the health, safety and convenience or the inhabitants bf the Vil lage, and that said water WotkS system be con structed at once. That by reason of the foregoing facts there exists an emergency requiring this ordinance to take effect and< bo In. force as hereinafter provided, - NOW, THEREFORE, be It ordained by thfc Council of the Village of Cedarville, Stats of Ohio, (three-fourths of all tfs members elected thereto concurring!: SECTION 1. That IL Is dfemed necessary to Issue the bond! of the VUfkftfc of Cedarvfffe. Ohio, lit the principal sum of Seventy-five Hundred Dollars, ($750(1.0#), In order 'to pro vide for tho Village share-for the purpose of acquiring property and weettag i water 9iwVs system add to lay water pipes for the supply ing of water to tho corporation and the in habitant! thereof, , SECTION 2. That said bonds of the Village of Cedatvilie, Ohio, shall be l&ued In said principal sum of Seventy-Five Hundred Dol lars, ($75(6,98), for the purpose aforesaid. Said bonds shall be of tbe denomination' of Five Hundred Dollars, ($599.90), and shall he dated not later than September 1, 1930} shall HIM#* hi Its task of meeting those fifcttiraiMntft? Lo#k a t the cash argument alone, M i* Mfrviftring, There afe two aides Thar* aver #*y, one hundred and m y youngr paople from this immedi to the boy, A rare treat to have this busy man with «a for an evening address, When you are in need o f paint for j the house 0 1 Barn let us fill your j order. We have tho agency for Tower ’ •flit'ttMMUbRifr prthaps one hundrtd*Paint, MoCampbell'a Exchange. ■ * bear interest at the rate of five (5«,) ptr centum per annum, payable semi-annually oh tho first day of March and Brat day or Septem ber of each year until the principal aum Is paid, and ahall mature in ihelr consecutlvo serial Order as fdllows: Tlve Hundred Dollars, ($590.90), on September 1st In each of the years from 1931 to 1945, both Inclusive, which maturities are hereby determined iq be in aub- stsfilfally equSI annual Installments. SECTION 3. That It Is necessary and this (.omicll hereby determines that note* shall be Irsued In anticipation bf the Issue of said bonds. SECTION i. That such antlclpaiory holes In tho amminl of Seventy-five Hundred Dol- lars, ($7509.00), which aum tloea not exceed the anionnt Df the bbhd Issue, shall be Issued bear ing Interest at tho rate of not lo exceed alx ptr centum per annum, payahlo at maturity Such notes shall be dated tho 10th day of November, 1929, and ahall msiiirc on the 10th day of May, 1930. Shell notes shall he exe cuted and delivered In siich number and such denominations as may bo requested by the pur chaser of such notes, „ ■*' SECTION 5. SUch notes shall bo executed by Die Mayor and Village Clerk and bear tbe seal of the corporation. Shall he designated '-Water Works Note* (Village Shari)", ahd shftll uo payable at Iho office of tho Treasurer of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio; they ahall express upon thejr fare th» purpose for which they are Issued and that they are issued nut ansfit to this ordinance, SECTION 0. said notea shall be fttsi offered lo Ilia Sinking Fuhd Trustees of the Village and so many of ihe same as shall not he taken by said Trustees shall be sold at private sate by tho Village Clerk, hut for not less than par and accrued interest, and the proceeds from socli sale, ekeept any premium and accrued Interest thereon (and ’the amount thereof necessary for the payment of Interest prior to tho maturity of said notes), shall be paid into tho proper (fetid And fined for the purpose nforcsald and for no other purpose. 'Any premium and accrued Interest (and the amount necessary for the payment of Interest prior to NOTE ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 139 PROVIDING FOR THE-. ISSUANCE OF NOTES BY, THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, OHIO, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING PROPERTY AND ERECTING A WATER WORKS SYSTEM, AND1TO LAY PIPES, FOR THE SUPPLYING OP'WATER TO THE .COR PORATION AND THE INHABITANTS THERE OF AND DECLARING THE NECESSITY OF THE ISSUANCE OF-BOND& FOR SUCH PUR POSE, (SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PORTION). WHEREAS, this Council has requested the Village Clerk to Issue his certificate as to the estimated life of the- Improvement to be con structed from the proceeds of the bends here inafter referred te and of the notes to. he Is sued In anticipation or said bonds and.-the Village Clerk has certified to this Council such estimated life as exceeding flftceit (13) years and has further certified the maximum matur ity of such bonds as fifteen. (15) years 'and sueh notes ss tVfe (2J years; and heretofore on the 33rd' day of- August, 1929, this Council adopted a resolution of necessity for the con struction of * water works system, and WHEREAS, by reason of. weather conditions U Is necessary that said, work proceed without delay In order’to provide for the health, safety' and cohvenlenbb'of thpt-ln Sbltapts of the Vil lage, and that said'water works'system be con structed at once. . That by reason- ot (he foregoing- facts there? exists ah- emergency -requiring, this ordinance to take effect and be In force us hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, be It ordathed by the Council of the Village of Cedarville, State of Ohio, (three-fourths of all Its members elected thereto concurring ) : ■ SECTION' 1. That it Is'deemed necessary to issue the bonds of the; Village of Cedarville, Ohio, In tho principal '’sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars. ($50,050,00),. in order to-'provide fund to provide: for’ the special assessment portion for the purpose If acquiring <property and erecting a water works system and to lay wyter pipes for the supplying of water to the corporation and th t Inhabitants thereof. SECTION i. Thai said ’bonds of tbe Village of Cedarville, Ohio,- shall bo Issued In said principal snm or Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,0011,00), for the purpose aforesaid, Bald bonds shall be of tits?’denomination- o f’ One Thousand Dollars, ($1,000-00), and shall -bo dated-hot Idler than September l, 1930; sball bear, inierest At the Vale of five (5% ) per cen tum per anum, payable , semi-annually on the mat- day of March and first- day-of September 'of'each year fehttt' the principal sum Is paid, and shall mature In lb e lr consecutive serial otder as follows: Three Thousand Dollars. ($3,080,00), on Septeafiirr: ast. in each of the .years from' 1031 lo 1945, both Inclusive, except that in each, of the years 1933, 1930, 1039a l Q i 9 tai'K Vest ,*'1 n A tU iw i t ! ' OtttttNAKfr 144 TO NTASLWH A ROARB Of TRUSTEES OF W JStlC AFFAIRS FOR USE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE. OHIO. WRERJUS, the Vlllago qf Cedarvlllt, Ohio, prepeaee te eenatruct a water works pixel, aud WHRKIAS, by reason of weather condition* It ,1s neeeasary that paid -plaat be e*na(ruct«d without delay, and that the health, safety ami convenience of the tahabttOnU of said Village l>» provided for, and WHEREAS, by reaaoq of the foregoing facts an emergency exists requiring that this ordi nance taka effect and bo in force as bareinsfter fLann/ncB BE IT ORDAINED by the Council or the Village of Cedarville, State of Ohio; (three, fourtlia of Council concurring) SECTION 1. Tlutt a Board of TrUatccs of Public Affairs for the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, emulating of three members, residents of aald Village,' be and hereby, li established as provided in Section 4537 of the General Code of Ohio; and that the: members of aald Board shall be appointed and elected in accordance with and alia)) be subject 10 alt the provisions of said General Code. SECTION 2, That tho members or aald Board shall each receive Forty Dollars, ($49.00), per annum, payable semi-annual, and shall give-bond'hi (he sum of Five Hundred Dollars, ($500-00), in the manner provided by law. SKCTtON 3. That this ordinance, by reason of the- emergency net forth lu 'the preamble hereof shall take effect aud be in force from and after, its passage. Passed this October 7, 1929. D: u , M c F arland , Mayor. AIMS! : JOHN G. MrCORKELL, Clerk, ORDINANCE NO. Ml AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE. OHIO. TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOB THE HKECTION ANP CON STRUCTION'OF A. WATER WORKS SYSTEM. WHEREAS, by reason or weather conditions it ,1a necessary that the work of constructing a water works system-proceed without delay In order to provide for tho health, safety and con venience of. the inhabitants of the .Village, and that aald water works system be constructed at once, and: that by reason iff the foregoing fact (here exists" an emergency ’requiring this ordinance to take effect and bo In force as hereinafter' provided. BE IT QBDAINED by the Village Coondl of Cedarville;.'State' of Ohio; SECTION 1. That tho' Board of Trustees of Public ’Affairs; of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, bo and hereby are'Instructed and directed to enter into & contract for the erection and construction of a water works 'system in a sum not to exceed the estimate of the Engineer of Fifty-Seven Thousand- Five- Hundred Dollars, ($57,500KHl), after dud notice a» required by law. SECTION 2. By reason of Abe emergency set forth in the-preamble hereto this ordinance shall tskd effect and bo In force from the after its.passage. Passed this 7th day of OctolKtr-,; 1929. D. II. MCFARLAND. ■ « Mayor. Attest; JOHN G. McCORKELL, ' Clerk. jtiniomarmwwwMiMmiii-omnnon-ooxx'-oo NOTICE * W e w ill faxve a *ftwm ill in a ta lie d a n d r e ttd y f o r c u s tom s aw in g *»» O c to b e r 2 0 . CLIFTON PHONE 34 -F -21 L. R. JACOBS Yellow Spring** Ohio a ......... PUBLIC SALE! LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 1942 ahd 1(145, Four' Thousand Dollarn, ($4. 000.90), shall mature, .which: maturities are hereby determined to be- In suhstantfally equal annual installments: SECTION S. That U la Peceuary and this Council hereby-determine* that notes Shall be Issued In anticipation of the Issue of said bohds. SECTION 4, That ailch anticipatory notes in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50:000.00), which sum docs not ..exceed the amount of tbe boqd issue, shall be issued bearing interest at the rate of not to ‘exceed six per fcMUlim per atthiim; payable at matur ity. Such, notes dated the 10th day of November; 1029, and Shall mature on the 19th day of May, 1630, Such notes shall be exe cuted and delivered In such number and siich denominations as may be requested by the pur chaser of such notes. SECTION 5. Such notes ahall be executed by the Mayor and Village Clark and bear the seal of the corporation. Shall* be designated "Water Works Notes (Special Assessment Por tion)*', and ahall be payable at the office Of the Treasurer of tlie Village of Cedarville, Ohio; they shall express upon their face the purpose for which (hey are lisued and they are Issued pursuant t» this ordinance. S ection e. said antes than be first offer ed to the Sinking Fuhd Trhstees of the Village and. so many of the same as shall not be taken by aald Trustees shall be sold at private sate by the: Village Clerk, but for not less than par sad accrued Interest, and the proceeds hiltk Such sale, except any premium and ae- trtm i interest thereon (and the amount thereof necexsary for the payment of Interest prior to the maturity of said notes), shall be paid into the proper fund and used lor the purpose Sferteeld and for no other purpose. Any prem ium and accrued interest (and the amount necessafy for (he payment of Interest prior to their maturity) shall be transferred to the Trustees of the Sinking Fund to he applied by them In the payment of principal and Interest of said notes In the mener presided by law. SECTION 7. Said notes shall be the full general obligations of the Village end the full faith, credit and revenue of said Village are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the same. The par talue te fad received, from, the sale of the bonds anticipated by said notes and any excess fund resulting from the Issuance of ssld notes shall to tho extent necessary be used only for the vetiremetit of said notes at maturity, together with interest thereon, and Js hereby pledge* for siich purpose, SECTION 8, During tho y*»r or yeir* While such notes rufi there shell he levied on all (lie taxable property in the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, In addition to all other taxes, a direct lax annually ’not less than that which would have been levied If bonds had Been Issued without the prior issue of such boles, Bald'tsx shill be and ts hereby ordered com puted, certified, levied ami extended upon, the tax duplicate and collected by Ihe same officers, In the same tnanner and at (he same time' that taxes for general purposes for each of Skid years ,*re certified, extended and collected. Said tax shall be placed before and In prefer ence 10 all other items snd for the full amount thereof. The funds derived from said tax levies hereby *required shall be placed In a separale and distinct fund, which, together with the interest collected on the Same, shall bs irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal and Interest of said holes or the bonds In anticipation of Which they are Issued when and as the sSrte fall due. SECTION ft. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy Of this ordinance to (he t ’Ounty Auditor. SECTION 10. That this ordinance by reason <>? the emergency set forth iq (he preamble hereto shall take effect and be In force from -and aficf it* passage, Fasaed thl* October 7th, 1929. D, H. MCFARLAND, Mayor. Attest: ' dOHN (J, MCCORKELL, Clerk, W e h a v e « upeeial p ric e ofl Unnseed* Oil in e a l fit M cC am pbeli's E x ch an g e. ’ L a y in your* nuppjy w h ile i t is ch eap . t>. d. Sealed proposals will bo received by the Board of Public Affairs, at their office, Until 12:00 Noon, Eastern Standard, time; Friday, October 25, 1029, for furnishing and Installing the following’apparatus: . a, One Tubular Well. One Pump House Complete with Equip ment. ’ • Approximately 28,000 feet- of Cast Iron Pipe, One Elevated Tank, AH'work Is to be In- accordance with Plans and Specifications' now oq file’at the office of the Board of Public Affairs, Cedarville, Ohio, and at 8fl?-7 Dayton Savings Building, Dayton. Ohio/ 1 Each bid must be accompanied by a Certi fied Check. In favor of -the Board of Public Affairs; iq a- aunt equal to five-Per cent ($%) of the- Mnotuit; hid, or- a Bopd- ln like, amount, executed1by a bonding -company, conditioned that; If such bid Is accepted, » contract wilt bo promptly ' entered Into and the performance thertof Xecnred by a Suroty of other Bond, for. the faithful'performance of.tho contract, All.. Bonde< ahall be satisfactory to the Board: of Public Affaire. / The- Hoard reserves the rlglrt to reject any or all 'propoaals. or to accept any part of a bhL as.-well as to waive defect* In proposals, If it bo to their Interest so to do, Each bid must be plainly marked: "Bid on Water-Works.” ' Ily order of the Council of. the Village uf Ce darville, Ohio. i? * JOHN G. McCORKELL, Clerk. / COLLINS WIGHT, - Engineer. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Efctfete of Kate Smith, deceased- Arthur Cummings has been appointed fend qualified as administrator of the estate^ of Kate Smith, late of Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 28th day of September, A. D. 1929. S. C. WRIGHT, Probate Judge of said County, | the Tanyard road, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER30,1929 Commencing at 12 o’clock Noon, the iollowini?; Closing1Out of 25 Head of Purebred POLLED JERSEY CATTLE Belonging to Estate of W. H. Forbes Consisting of 10 head of Jersey Cows, iresh since August 1st. 4 to be fresh by day of sale. 4 Heifers bred in September. 6 Heifers from 2 to 6 months old. I Pure bred Jersey Bull. , , This herd represents the efforts of 3Q years of care ful breeding and culling for tbe purpose of having each animal a producer and a money maker. Each cow offered dropped a living calf a t’matured time this year. Herd was T. B. tested September 27, 1929. No reactors. There are cows with calves by side. Some springers and some at peak of production. 60—HEAD OF HOGS—60 (All 'Immtmed ) Consisting of 21 Feeding Hogs, weight 100 lbs. 94 Pigs. 4 Brood Sows. 1 Male Duroc Hog, 6—HEAD OF HORSES—"6 Consisting of one Bay Mare, 12 years old. 1 Black' Mare, 12- years old. 1 White Faced Bay, 9 years old, i Bay Mare, 8. years old. 1 Black Mare, 3 years old, -1 Bay Gelding, 3 years old. These are good type draft horses in good flesh. FARM IMPLEMENTS • Black Hawke Manure Spreader. 2 Farm Wagons, Bed, Hay Ladders and Gravel Boards* Disc Harrow- Drag. 2 Oliver Riding Cultivators. Walking Cultivator. John Deere. Walking Breaking Plow. Oliver Riding- Breaking Plow.. Garden Plow. Superior Wheat Drill. Sale Corn Planter. .Deering Binder. Osborn Mowing Machine. Spike Tooth Harrow. Hay Tedder. Water Heater for tank. Wheel Barrel. C.atter Sleigh. 4 sets Work Harness. 1 setrBuggy Harness. Collars. Bridles. Single and Double Trees. 83 Caitalpa Posts. 5.0 Steel Posts. 1800 feet Lumber, Fencing Boards, etc. 140-ft, new’Hay Rope. .1 Harpoon Hay -Fork. 5 good 10-gal. Milk Cans. Two 5-gal. Cans. Log Chains, Cross Cut Saw. Grindstone. Force Pump. Lawn Mower. Exten sion Ladder. Shovels, Mattock. Enslige Fork. Forks. 2 Iron Kettles. Clover Seed Buncher. Goal Oil Brooder, HOUSEHOLD GOODS —Sewing Machine. Ghaiys. Stands. Chiffonier. Cooking Range, good as. new. Churn, etc. CORN—HAY—OATS ! 660 shocks of Corn. 35xtons of Mixed Hay, 150 I bushels of Oats. I TERMS MADE KNOWN ON .DAY OF SALE ‘ ! W. H. Forbes & Chas. House f .Weikert & Gordon, Aucts. Frank Currey, Clerk. f | Lunch furnished by Ladies of Bethel Church f ... .................... . § # s NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of William Henry Smith, deceased, Arthur Cummings has been appointed and qualified as ad ministrator uf the estate of William Henry Smith, late of Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 27th day of September, A. D, 1929. S. C. WRIGHT, Probate Judge of said County, NEWSLETED FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS (Continued from page 1) a few weeks away, Director Charles A. Neal of the State Department of Health stfifcj* tha t the fact is pertin ent ,that thffe Wefc twelve cases of turaremi& ln Ohio last season and one the past summer from a groundhog. New low records for diphtheria and typhoid fever wete made in the state during Atigdst, but a t that Dr. Neal says tha t there were too many cases. ♦ A « The Ohio State University Bulletin 'or October is available and is distri c ted without charge for official pur poses with a price of fifty cents per copy to individuals. It contains <a complete roster of the University as Well as statistics and catalog informa tion invaluable to those having busi ness -with 'the institution, Ink stains or hard*wear stains may be removed unfinished wool by spong ing with -a concentrated solution of oxalic acid. Ammonia will restore the naturfil cuter if too much has been ilttehfid out. The spot must be finish ed with water to remove the acid. MONEY Ownership of a Pontiac Big Six is an experience in economy. True, most people choose Pon tiuo, not because it is so inexpensive, but because of themany big car advantages which it provides. But i t is a fact tha t with a Pon tiac you actually save money. You save— ' When you buy . . . When you drive . . . When you trade it in You save when you buy a Pontiac because it is the lowest-priced car ever produced which offers so many advantages. You save when you drive because, according to a large corporation which employed 996 cars of 33 different makes during 1928, Pontiac costs on e c e n t less p e r m ile to operttte t h a n a n y o th e r lo tc-priccd six, You 8avewhen you trade it in because the demand for used Pontiacs has always exceeded Iho available supply. Come in to sec and drive the car which offers all these advantages. Pontiac Big Six, $745 ( a $395* / , o. I>, I’rtnrlnc, W ith,, plus rhttrgrt. Itnmprrx, xprlng eorrr* anil Isiw jny xhork nhutirbirs regular equipm ent a t xlight extra to st, C enrtnl Motor# ‘U m a Cny. merit Plan mailable At m lnhunin r,:t<>. Canehter th e rletivernl prlee a* seeII ax th e lint (/. a, I,,) ptirn ithr,it comparing autom obile value* . . . Oeklenrt-l'tlriUnr tleHt eri il nrlrca Include only authoriaed charge* fo r freight and delivery and tho , charge fo r any additional accentor!** or financing desired. , JEAN PATTON CEDARVILLE, OHIO PONTIAC (MS) BIG SIX raom if.T OFOKNERA.LMOTORS mf a w t. o. b. ren tier, Michigan ■ WHENINNEE0OFSALEBILLSSEEUS
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