The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 1-26

Tha new things are advertised by merchants ftnst Advertisements keep you abreast of the times. Read them! Advertising is news, as much as the headlines on, the fron t page* Often it is of more significance to you. FIFTY-THIRD YEAR No. 25. !9fS55^3H!2« CEDARVILLE, OHI®FRIDAY, MAY 30,1930 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR NEWS LETTER FROM STATE DEPARTMENTS C O U R T NEW S Memomal Day | WIFE WANTS DIVORCE ■{ | Charging gross neglect of duty, IEstella Foster seeks divorce from !Glenn Foster and also restoration t o ! -------- p e r maiden name of Estella Edwards ^ t jin a suit filed in Common Pleas Court.' COLUMBUS, 0.—Secretary of State! The couple was married in Xenia Jan -' Clarence J. Brown, chief election offl-.uary 28 , 1028. No children were born' cer of Ohio, was highly gratified with <Qf the union, the interest manifested by members; . . of Boards of Elections from the 88 , LOAN FIRM SUES counties a t the state a t the meeting q ,,;* — * « a r 2* ." ? !■ * , . „ been hied in Common Fleas Court bv corned by Governor Myers Y. Cooper The Peoplee Building and Savings Co, and the elecfaon laws of Ohio were d i s J thro h Att c w . Bhitmcr cussed by Attorney General Gilbert jagainst j obn a Brillmayer and Jessie Bettman, f iw M i f Brown Stat^ , E a Brillmayer. tician Geo; M. Neffner, Hon. Eber N. j * ' _ Dillon, auditor of Union county and PARTITION ORDFRwn election board members Hon. F. A.' _ * * K ,u / ON OKDER,ED Stetson of Lorain county, Hon. G. R.l f,artJtl0,n . Property has been Kimball of-Summit, Hon. Mayo Fesle r I futhonze.d “ *be casa °* Gra' of Cuyahoga, Hon. Harry L. F e d e r-? am ag*®* B,* er B*.JGw,h% r a man of Hamilton, Hon. Daniel c . ; ^«nor; Ruth Graham, widow of Walter. Brower of Montgomery, Hon. Geo. C. £ rahain> dT o ’ **n tba Pe0Ples Barns of Clinton,-Hon. Geo. H. Shauf:? arWmf and Savmgs Co m Common Fleaa Court. The plaintiff and the, :defehdaii^ Elmer1’Graham, are eachf ientitled to a one-half interest in the The defendants’ interest is •^ICbo onWITH W f -THAnWHATVOUHAVE. ?EEH iMflHGfVEM M emorial pav TOR "THE LAST TVlENTV W t YEARS well M artha i EXPECT AS HOWTillS will ?e My LAcr PARADE SCHOOL NEW S 1 \ of Stark, Hon. John F. Johnley of. Scioto, Han. Louis Simons of Cuya­ hoga, Hon. Harry N,* Curtis' of Lucas and State Senator Paul M. Herbert of Pre^ lsc;s r Columbus. Hon, Herbert R, M engert,sttbject \ d™ er °! tha wldow» wh° of Columbus, political writer for the has consented to sale of the Property. Cincinnati Enquirer and other metro-: politan papers, spoke, on the theme• WINS JUDGMENT “Telling the World About Elections.” John Havbine, Jr., has recovered At the close of the second day’s meet- a c°guovit note judgment for $210.25 ing Secretary Brown, interpreted the aSuinst Robert M. Hill and Minnie E. new election laws by broadcasting Gill in Common Pleas Court, over, station WLW of Cincinnati, to a ll'■( - election officials in the state, there be- ORDER FORECLOSURE ing over 54,000.’ Hundreds of thou-' The Home Building, and Savings sands of voters “listening in’ to Secre- Co., has been, awarded a judgment for tary Brown's talk also learned much $J,154,23 against L. B. Riley and Mat- of interest regarding the new election tie Riley in Commop Pleas Court, laws under’which Ohio elections will .Foreclosure of mortgaged property conducted. ‘was ordered. (Copjrriilvt,w. n TT m Ohio Veterans of the famous -Rain-. ESTATES VALUED bow Division will hold their annual 1 Gross value of $6,602.24 is placed reunion in-the Capital City on F r id a y 011 th®e.state of Lewls W. Reigel, de- , and Saturday, June 6th and 7th. The ocf ed’ “ ^ women’s auxiliary will also hold its ibato Court; Debts total $1,125 29 and meeting a t that time. A memorial s e r - 'f 6 Post of ^dmimstration is $522.93, vice wil lbe held in the State House! lea™ e! a '" etJ , altua °* H954.02 Park on Saturday afternoon a t 3;30 Estate of E1,a Cook’ ^ceased, has . o’clock, Judge Benson W. Hough,;Debts *nd ’tbe cost of f dmmi st/ a‘loa former commander of the 166th h d J an estimated gross value of $2,040. ’ Reg. of the Rainbow Division, will de-•.™ ° unt to ?1*835' Tbe net value ?s liver ah address and the 166th Infan- j '* try band will render a musical pro-, - gram; ' •* .- ✓ I CASE.DISMISSED. " • •' * , * * I Suit of The Greene -County Lumber ”Company, against A lbert, E. Boone All but 126 mert of the Ohio Nation- has been dismissed by the plaintiff in al Guard have been releaesed from Common Pleas Court. duty a t the Ohio Penitentiary, where ,_____ they have been stationed following th e ! . . . , tragic, fire, in which 321 convicts lost' ADMINISTRATRI.VNAMED their lives, and which resulted in ' Kffie Bowers has been appointed ad- . mutiny of the inmates. All repairs are « ^ t r a rix f the estate of Tillman nearing completion and disicipline is ^ p f ‘ fairly well’ established, the shops and bond of f^OO in Probate Court. O. 0. factories operating as usual with ex-' J rakGfield’ Harry Gamel,n and Jesse ception of the woolen 4nd cotton mills.}'Garnn«er were named apPrai8ers’ - A check of inmates revealed that there j are 2,759 prisoners inside the walls, * with possibly an additional five or six. GUARDIAN APPOINTED Carl F. Schwartz, has been named hundred awaiting - admission county jails over the state. from guardian of the estate of Mary L. Lamme in Probate Court and has j qualified by filing bond of $1,000. The office of Treasurer of Statjt Ross Ake presents a scene of activity.; On May first there is certified to the ORDER SALE Appraisal of real estate situated in Treasurer from the Tax Commission New Jasper Twp. has been approved of Ohio, a duplicate .of all domestic and public sale of the property order* and foreign corporations incorporated ed in the .ease of William A. Miller, as under the laws of Ohio, There are ap- administrator of the estate of Ellen proximately 24,000 domestic and 3,- Alexander, deceased, against the Peo- 000 foreign companies, the combined pies Building and Savings Co., in Pro* revenue from whicli will bring into the bate Court. State Treasury $4,500,000. This tax is • — * due and payable on or before July 15th. Inasmuch as each company is' BROTHERS PAROLED Roy and Kenneth Elicker, Dayton; entitled to a period of thirty days brothers> who c0nfessed u, being im. from date statement is mailed m plJcate4 in a M.jacking episode on the which to make remittance, they must Springfield Pikc December 6, 1928 in be in l he real1 ”.otJ ^ r than JUn°! which James Masterpois, Springfield, 15th. To accomplish this, services of ;Was ags{mlted and robbed 0f $830 and additional typists are reqmrcd, whose R ^ dfa|nohd were nted duty is to complete the 27,000 state* {paioleB by Common Pleas'judge R. L. ments by the above date, which,is th c .Gowd^ Wednegday< deadline for mailing same. j P o j.b .b ro t b er8 were indicted by the !grand jury for highway robbery. Re- Proposed highway improvements cently they were arrested a t Iowa far contract letting May 27th, totaling City, la., and returned to Xenia. They $5,099,128.46, is announced by High-;were subsequently permitted to plead way Director Robert N. Waid. -This guilty to grand larceny. includes 97,72 miles of general con*; > _____ struction and 42 miles of surface; AUTOIST FINED treating. .Larger items are five miles j Pieading guilty ,an Intoxication oh U. S. 40 in Licking county,' 5 miles cbarge) Ceorge Sellers, carnival em- of the Mansfieid-Gahon road m Ricn- pioyt3j was fined $25 and costs by Corn- land county, four miles of the Glove- mon Pieag j udgc R. l . Gowdy, Tues- l*nd-Sandusky road in Cuyahoga flnd day and was released upon payment Erie counties, three miles of the Lima- of the a9geSsment. Sellars was an Sandusky road m Allen county and j occupant of an auto which upset in a three miles of the Uxbana-West Jeff-, collision with another machine on the erson road in Champaign county. A j amentown pike Monday afternoon, half million dollars will be expended i1Ic was arrested by deputy sheriffs. in Summit county for improvements | ........ ....— ^ and $360,000 in Hamilton county. Ex- i • penditures for highway improvements ( JY. U l l C y v * 6 tS for the first five months of the year! S l l F O a d e S B l o c k reaches a grand total of $19,254,700. largest High School I Tiass Graduated May 22 A class of 35 Seniors received their diplomas last Thursday evening, May 22. This is the largest graduating class in the history of Cedarvilie High School. A total of "64 persons, including the Senior . Class, Board of Education, Ministers, Faculty and tho Speaker .vere seated on the stage. • , It was not an easy matter to ar­ range the seats in such a Way that no one would be hidden from view. This was accomplished however, by haying four rows in the form of a double “V” with the rear rows elevated. . The stage was beautifully decorated .vith flowers and various colored bal­ loons. The class marched in’under a spotlight which made a very impres­ sive effect. They were ushered in by the- President and Secretary of the Junior Class, The speaker, of the evening whs Dr. J. L. Clifton, our State Director of Education. He talked o,n the subject, ‘•'Main Traveled Roads.” • He held the attention of his audience exceptionally well and made many practical applica­ tions for the graduating class as well as the audience throughout his ad- ’.ress. ■■ ■■■■■; Dr. Clifton also presented the dip­ lomas. He was assisted by Miss Carrie M, Rife, Principal of the High School, who handed each diploma to him in the same order that the names, came on the class roll. In this way each senior received his or her own diploma. Cedarville College presented a scholarship to Howard Bobbitt as a reward for making the highest grade in Greene County during the recent Senior Scholarship Contest sponsored by the State Department of Educa­ tion. Dr. Clifton presented him the scholarship along with his diploma. The orchestra of the Methodist Church under the direction of Mr. NOOK ESI FROM Cl JAIL Si D. A. R. To Honor Unknown Heroes IIRDAY Turner, advantage of j^ld Stutsman, Mock, to re­ jail trusty nOhelp- Vaughn Nooks, from the counjty he was confined a the penitentiary fi three to fifteen yea larceny in connect! of chickens from I t is- said Nooks the entrance of day turnkey, in pair some benches, was in the rqsidenc ing wash dishes. There are o; that RoVe grand juries have recommended to county commissioner^ tha t locks be provided. Sheriff Tate questioned the ten pri­ soners in the west cell block but no in­ formation could he secured and all were placed on a diet of bread and water. Robert Nooks, a brother, be­ came unruly and was placed in soli- tare confinement. Both the Nooks brothers were convicted of chicken theft and when implicated left Xenia but were later traced by Sheriff Tate to Washington, Pa., where they were- captured and returned for trial. On historic old Bullskin-Xenia road, which now is-a? part of state highway 123, are two graves! Interred therein are the remains of two unknown^, unnamed soldiers who fought with “Mad” Anthony Wayne 23, escaped when he drove the Indians from Ohio turday where ll} the days of the Revolutionary war. removal to To the graves on the first of June « A term qf will come members of the Southwest- burglary and ern Ohio Division of the Daughters of the theft the American Revolution, together with state officials and: a large crowd of citizens from all: sections of the commonwealth. Standing a f the side of the highway they will pay tribute to General'Wayne's-dead—and decor­ ate the ■ small markers which stand, over the bodies of the heroes of y«s- *d Garden Contest By Better Home Body Plans for the Better Homes Cam­ paign of Greene County of which Mrs. David Bradfute is chairman, are being centered around a garden contest which Is progressing now, The committee in charge is antici­ pating lively competition in the con Rigio rendered very beautiful music test, it was announced Thursday. The throughout the program. * contest is open to anyone in the'eoun- ----------- -------- ty and those entering are asked to F r e d T o w n s i e y H e a d s Send thtir name to the Farm Bureau U f n . l t Q n lm n l A l n m n i office in the Federal Bldg., E, Main St. High bchool Alumni Plapgfortbecontegtate t0 haveas . . . . , . many persons as possible enter and The annual alumni banquet oi the \ the M Cedarville High School was he d last p,anted & t famUy use. Pointg which ;n d ay night at the school with one wm be congideMd ara ^ lo c a t io n of hundred ahd twenty-five m attend- the gardcIlf the condition 6f goi], cul_ „ ,, „ tivation and fertilization, control of The following were the officers any jns'ect. p6Bts and efficiency of the hosesi: -' Fred Townsiey, president; garden for the family throughout the Marion Hostetler, vice president; year Josephine R a n d a l l , corresponding y ' , . , J . ' , iccretary; Mildred Trumbo, recording , Merchants of the county have been secretary; W. W. Troute, treasurer,. kind ?n v r o ^ e an attractive list of The executive committee is; Eleanor Premiums for the best gardens. The Tohnson, Ward Creswell, William premiums to be awarded are; a garden Nagley Mrs. Lloyd Confarr. Alter- £l0* * om tbe Cedarville Farmers' nates, Mrs. Adda Mitchell and Harvey Grain Co.; a spade from the Deaton j^ujd Hardware Co., Yellow Springs; 126 The classes of 1929 and 1930 have lb* ba« of fertilizer, Alpha Seed and proposed a suitable flag staff for the ^ a i n Co.; 1 bag of fertilizer from awn a t the school and to aid in this Miami Fertilizer Co.; one bag of for­ matter the association voted a sum ti!.» r from Greene County Farm Su- m t greater than $47.50, which was "onu Se™ ce? Keen Gutter Rake from about the amount, necessary to com- Greene County Hardware Co.; one hoc. plete the work. The cost of the pole f air50u8 CbeaP f torc; garden weeder’ will bd about $100 and Ilfff Bros, have aston and E,ckett* °tne 1,00 or rake' the contract for erecting it. : Gattier0« and S,ms' “ town; hoe or rake, Ferguson Hardware Co., June Tax Colleetion °ria tw im,“ ' Wiekersham Hardware Co., James- Now Under Way . town and other prizes from other mer- County Treasurer Helen Dodds has ehants will he given, started the collection of June" taxes G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT | A real estate deal was consumatcd[and the last possible date for payment iTuesday when A. E, Huey, who opor-jwill be July 20th, Collections will be TOWN8LEY HOME BURNED TO MEET IN CINCINNATI;ates a hardware Store in the Shroades jmade over the county as usual at the The home of Mrs. Arthur Townsiey 'block, became the owner of the th ree ;following places; jin Dayton was damaged by flie last The National G. A. E. Encampment : store rooms, one of which he occupies, j dune 9*-Exchange Bank at Cedar- \ Wednesday. Charles Townsiey was Will be held during August in Cindo- janother by W, W» Troute, grocer, ThejviUe; June 10—Miami Deposit Bank the only one a t home a t the time and With the thinning of the ranks:third room is vacant a t present bu t!a t Yellow Springs} June 12—Farmers had to escape from an upstairs win- the Civil War veterans it has been:the new owner may take out the;and Traders Bank a t Jamestown; dow. He Works a t night and had been A that this b« the last National j partition and enlarge his present store June tO Bowersville Bank a t Bowers-1asleep. The loss is covered by insur- theaatjmHmt. for more floor space. viile, jance. Sinclair Le Van, of Steubeville, and Robert N. Waid, state director of highways; Descendants of the soldiers of General Wayne's legion will bring flowers, and these will be placed a t the foot of a flagstaff. s From the staff will float a flag with >13 stars, an exact duplicate or the one which was carried by Richard Blan- hard, who hauled supplies to Perry's fleet qt Sandusky over this old road in the W'ar of 1812. Commencement Events At Cedarville College Baccalaureate sermon by President McChesney in the Presbyterian church Sabbath evening, a t 7:30 o'clock.. Ail ire welcome. ffiass Play, “Smilin’ Thro,” Cedar­ ville Opera House, Monday night a t 3:15. Come and hear a good play well given. Faculty Reception and Dramatic and Musical Program, Tuesday even­ ing at 7:30 in the Presbyterian church. All students, alumni, the board of trustees, and friends are cordially in­ vited. Cedar Day on the campus, Wednes­ day at 9130 A. M. Over 100 perform­ ers. Come and enjoy the day. Bring well filled baskets and picnic on the campus, The rub game with Wilberforcc University a t 2:30 P. M. Music Recital in the Presbyterian church, Wednesday evening a t 8:00 o'clock. Alt' are welcome. Annual meeting of the board of Trustees in the College office a t 9 A, M. Thursday, Friday morning, June 6, Procession forms at Carnegie Library a t 9 A. M., if the weather is fair; but at t ie Ex­ change Bank, if it is raining. Commencement exercises begin promptly a t 9:30 A. M. in the Opera House! Everybody is invited, The class numbers 38, 26 of whom are candidates for the degree eof A, B, 10'arc graduates from the year teach­ ers' course. One receives a diploma in Piano and one is awarded a certi­ ficate in Public School Music. Friday evening, June 6, a t 1 P. M. in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium is the Alumni Banquet and business meeting. This will be this most large­ ly attended and interesting meeting of its kind in years. Secure your plate now. Mrs. H. ID Brown gave a party at her home in Arlington, Columbus, an­ nouncing the engagement of her neice, Miss Eloise Downing of Peebles, Ohio, to Dr. J. G. Cecil George of Ashville, N, Carolina, The marriage is to be an event in July. —Columbus Dispatch. School Closed Friday, May 23 The Public Schools closed Friday, May 23. A very high percentage of attendance, which was 96 per cent, whs made for the entire year. This In­ cludes all twelve grades. A total of 517 names have been on the various class rolls with an active enrollment of 456 at the dose of school. A total of 294 boys and girls have net been absent or tardy during the entire nine months of school. This is more than half or about 64. per cent. v The aggregate days of attendance for 1929-3Q Is 13,080 which means the total number Of days attended by all tbe pupils during the year. Our attendance for this school-year Was much better than for the previous year due to the fact that we have had no epidemics. In fact we have had blit, very little sickness of any kind. Elementary Grades Give Program The’ first six grades under the di­ rection’of Mildred Foster and assisted by the Seven elementary teachers ren­ dered’ a Tory interesting and enter­ taining program last Friday forenoon on the school campus. The Maypole performance was ,the outstanding fea­ ture, The affair was very well attend­ ed and was considered a success in: every way. College Freshmen Defeat High School Friday afternoon the High School Baseball squad was defeated by the College Freshmen. Coach Borst was catcher for thq College and Coach Baker played the same position for the High School. It was a very interesting- game but the College Frosh seemed to have the edge" on the High School lads and con­ sequently we were .compelled to close the season' with a loss. Honor Roll FirstGr«d* Jack Huffman Wilma Jean Ferguson Chester Jones Doris Ferryman -- Junior Judy Alice Hanna Norman Thomas Almeda Harper Bobby Nance Wanda Hughes Glenn: Waddld Genevieve Turner Keith Wright ■’ Martha Kreltzer SMond Grade Betty Tuesdale Betty Jones JfarJorle M. Vest Emma Kennon Kenneth'Hart Eleanor LuttreU - Frances Patton DoroUiy*J. Blckcnbach BiUlO Ferguson Paul Dobbins Third Grad*. Harold Cooley Beatrice O'Bry'ant Howard Uantia Franses Boss Warren Power* . Maude*Tutner Vlnoent Rigio Berth* Powers Marcell* Maritudal* Fourth Grad*' ■ Nell Hartman ' Dordthy "Galloway 1 Gladys/Cooper ? Betty Jayne Judy Imogens Everhart .Martha' Jane Martlndale Catherine Ferguson Winifred Powers NanbV .Carolyn Finney M*iy AllcO Whittington Fifth Grad* Elizabeth Anderson. Mary Jean Townsiey Junta Creswetl: Charlotte Turner . Martha. Flhney Francos Williamson > Rachel Hacrlmatt . Manning Thomas Louise Jacobs<> ' Ned Brown Ddrothy Kehnoh William' Jeffries Doris Ksma&y Joseph Marshall SixthGrad* Geneva Clematis ' Virginia Townsiey P. H. CRESWELL IS CANDIDATE FOR AUDITOR Paul H. Creswftll will be a candidate for the Repubfiban nomination for auditor of Greene County, subject to the August 12 primary election, ac­ cording to an announcement. Mr. Creswell ia seeking his first elective term for the office which he now hqlds under an appointment made by County Commissioners June 8, 1929. At that time he succeeded Ralph *Q, Wead, who resigned to be­ come deputy auditor of state. He was appointed to serve for the remainder of Wead’s term, which ex­ pires in March, 1931. Prior to becom­ ing county auditor, Creswell served as deputy county auditor for nine ahd a half years. He was state central Florence Ferguson Pauline Ferguson Rebecca* Galloway Juanita Harper Ona Kennedy . Phyllis Powers DoroUiy Slpo Theodore Burba James Cobper Howard Finney - Chao. Whittington John Peterson FUolse Ferryman Helen. Pemberton 6ey*nth- Grade1 Frances Kimble G'retchen Tindall Justin Hartman* , Joint Waddle Lawrence Williamson Eleanor Cooley Mary Coulter Jane Framv Elinor Hughes CletU Jacobs Evelyn Jones Eighth Grad* Hazel Altai!* ChrlsUna Jones James Anderson Doris Home ' Dorothea' Burba Plerrd McCorklo Rachel Crowell Eloise Randall Marian Ferryman Edna Slpo Mary Elizabeth Graham Ninth Grade Dorothy AJiderson Ruth Kimball Eugene Corry Mary M. MacMillan Mary Helen Creswell Harriet Rlteuoiir Phyllis Flatter Joseph West Tenth Grad* Ralph Bull John Tobins Cafma Hostetler Jsmes Welters Julia McAllister Esther Waddle Isadora Owens John Webster ' Eleventh Grad* HoWSrJ DeWell Lucille Pltstlck Betty McCorklo Ralph Tindall Granville Print* Twelfth Grad* Carter Abel Mary Leah Flatter Harold Dobbin* Peril Hartman Catrfe Ellen Bette Nine Rtevenacn Joseph Finney Program Memorial Bay Services ........ 4 Memorial Day Procession will forhi a t 9:30 a. to. a t the Post Office Corner, led by the Odd Fellows Band, followed by the color guard, firing squad, form­ er service men, and citizens. At the cemetery the program will be as fol­ lows: Invocation. > America, . . Address: Rev, Qunnett, G. A. R. Ritual, Salute to the Dead, Taps. Decoration of the Graved. All members of tb e . American Legion and D, A, R. will theh adjourn to the Stevenson Mahsiea Creek Ceme­ tery for the exercises there a t eleven o’clock, Alt citig&i* of this commun­ ity are asked to attend both services in memory of the departed defenders of the nation. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Kyle had for their week end guests their neice, Miss Eloise Downing and her room mate, PAUL H. CRESWELL committeeman for the Seventh Con­ gressional District from 1924 to. 19261 Several .months ago Creswell sprang into state-wide prominence for liis stand on a controversy involving pay­ ments into the state insurance fundi . Following a ruling of the supreme , court to the effect that the state in­ dustrial commission could not pay out „ in benefits to county employes of beneficiaries more than was paid into the state insurance fund by the county in which they were employed, notice .Whs-reoeivedrby Auditor*GresWeH"tKat*,'v checks to* Greene County employes would •be discontinued because pay­ ments from this county were insuffi­ cient to meet allowed claims, Auditor Creswell served notice upon the commission that he would ignore the ruling and that this county would make no more annual payments into the state fund or attempt to reduce Greene Countys overdraft of $8,000- until the situation was remedied, His action was instrumental in bringing about a subsequent opinion of the attorney general which legalized continued payment of claims over the state. , ' More .recently Creswell ■was ap­ pointed by Governor Myers. Y. Cooper as a member of the chief executive’s taxation committee which is drafting new tax laws for Ohio and he enjoys the distinction of being one of the two auditors of Ohio's eighty-eight coun­ ties named to serve on this committee, He is a member of Joseph P. Foody Post, No. 95, American Legion, having served during the World War hi the air service in Italy. He is a Scotish Rite Mason and a Shrdner and a mem­ ber and officer of the Presbyterian Church, Xenia. . Indications are .that he will be nominated for auditor on the Repub­ lican ticket without opposition a t the * primary. Soldiers* Relief To Seek Funds Judge Gowdy has re-appointed Sheriff Ohmer Tate for a three year term on the Greene County Soldiers' Relief Commission, ending April 1933; Mrs. Anna Lindsey, colored, Xenia, for two year term and Russell Brewer, Xenia, Civil War veteran, for the one year term, I t is estimated that Greene county has a t this time only fifteen surviving Civil War veterans. The commission will ask the county com­ missioners for funds for relief as can be provided by the Ohio law. I t is held that only around $1,000 was pro­ vided last year and that much of the relief was furnished through the diff­ erent Legion organizations. COACH BAKER ACCIDENTALLY SHOT AT HIS HOME Coach, Baker of the High School ac­ cidentally shot himself last Friday evening at the heme of Mrs. Flora Dobbins where he and his wife have rooms. He was Cleaning a small revolver at the time and the bullet entered just above the heart and pAssdd thfough the left lung, Ur, C H, Schick was Called and re­ moved him in the McMillan ambulance to the McClellan hospital. He* has since recovered the shock ahd returned Miss Eloise .Simons, teachers in the hm* Tuesday. The bullet will be t t Coiambus schools. jmoved liter. Wv.-v i. a i