The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 1-26
anmmnwmiM ry»m y.ij Before marketing your live stock c%ll THE SOUTH CHARLESTON STOCK YARDS DAILY MARKET Phone 80 S, K. SMOOTS P, P. SMOOTS MONEY PAID WHEN WEIGHED I MAJESTIC RADIOS LOCAL AND PERSONAL A son wag bom last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wiseeup. --------- CHURCH NOTES THE CEDARVILLE HERALD, JANUARY 3,1930. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mr, and Mrs, O, E. O'Brien an nounce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Rader, Tuesday. The New Year’s arrival in this sec tion is a girl a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sanderson near Clifton. The Radio Supreme j CONSOLE MODELS * j $137.50 and $169.50 j I Easy Monthly Payments | | J E A N P A T T O N | | ’ CedarviUe, Ohio § ... . ■WPS"! TOLEAS ING service that antic- ipates every convenience and comfort o f the guest, complete appointments, and distinguished cuisine make it an ideal hotel for your visit to Cincinnati. . , 400 Rooms, with bath from $ 2.50 - upward Walnut between V 6 th and 7 th (one square southofBus Terminals) v P U B L I C S A L E ! ’ ' I will.sell at auction sale on what is known 6s the Joe Pitstick farm located five miles, from .Cedarville on the Federal pike, on > TUESDAY, JANUARY 14,1930 Commencing at 12 o’clock, the following: ■ • ■ S ' 9 —HEAD OF MULES AND HORSES— 9 Extra fine mules well broke to work. FARM MACHINERY Farm machinery vto*operate 400 acres of land, most of which has been used but one year. Harness good as new. Some threshing equipment, also. TERMS MADE KNOWN QN DAY OF SALE * « T. B. Frame & Chas. Van Ansdall WEIKERT GORDON, Auctioneers. HARRY LEWIS & R. C. RITENOUR, Clerks. Friends and neighbors gave Mr, Harry Wilson a surpjse on Wednesday evening following with an oyster sup per. , Miss Elsie Shrodes, of Cincinnati, has been spending the holidays with her aunt, Mrs, Cora Trumbo. The annual banquet to members of the Research Club and their wives will be held this Friday evening at the home of Mrs. J. E, Kyle. Mr. John Lott, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was in town Tuesday oh a business trip. Mr, B. E. Sullivan of Charleston, W. Va., and Mrs, G. C. Robinette, Lan caster, Ohio, were guests this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. O, P. Elias. Mr, and Mrs, J, B. Rife entertained friends at dinner, New Year’s day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Merle Rife, of Chica go, have been visiting at the Rife home as well as other relatives, dur ing the vacation period. Ji ' Mrs, C. E.' Masters, who has been on the sick list, is much improved at this time, ’ Mrs, John Marshall is visiting with her brother in Bieknell, Indiana, for a few weeks. Mr. Walter Graham has been in a critical condition with bladder trouble and has been taken to Mt. Carmel hospital in Columbus for treatment. Mrs. William Spracklen suffered two fractured ribs Christmas day from a fall while defending the-cellar steps At her home. A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Walter Boyer, at Washington', C. H., Monday, The youngster has been named' Edwin Walter and weighed nine and one half pounds. Mr. C. H. Gordon of this place now becomes a great grandfather. , Mrs.. Fred Marshall, who has been visiting relatives here, has returned to her hpme in Flushing, N,, Y., accom panied by her hiece, Miss Edna- Mc Lean, of Dayton. Dr. and. Mrs. J. K; Montgomery, of New Concord Ohio, were guests over night, recently, of Dr. and Mrs. C.' M, Ritchie. ,■ Dr. Montgomery is President of Muskingum College and Dr. Ritchie was formerly pastor at New Concord. ' Prof. John Orr Stewart and family, of Toronto, Ohio, are guests'this week of Mrs. J. 0. Stewart. PURINACHOWFEEDS ' Hog Chow—P ig Chow—Cow Chow Steer Fatina—Sheep, Calves—Laying Ma^h ' * COA L Island Creek—Yellow Jacket—Battleship Pocahontus . ‘ ■ V Hardware—Hel Laval Separators Hog Fountains—Hog Feeders Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Company . *, Every th ing For T h e Farm Phone 21 Cedarville, Ohio I. O. O. F. Holds New Year’s Eve Dance About two hundred persons enjoyed the New Year's Eve dance in Nagley’s Hall as sponsored by the I. O. O. F. Lodge. There were a number of out- of-town persons present and a delight ful evening was enjoyed by all. In the crowil were both young and older people and music was provided' or both the new and old dances. The lodge has been sponsoring dances for some time and will give another in about' two weeks. The members of the classes of 1917 and ’18 of Cedarville High School were entertained a t the home of Elsie Shroades and Mildred Trumbo on Monday evening. The evening was very enjoyabiy spent with games and contests. The exchange of gifts by means of a “fish pond” was One fea ture, which proved interesting to all. Refreshments were served during the evening. The two classes have united in mak ing this reunion an annual event, the class party being held each year some time durihg the holidays. WHENINNEEDOFSALEBILLSSEEUS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pre Communion Services, Friday, evening, January 3rd, a t 7:30, Dr. C. M. .Ritchie will preach. Saturday af ternoon, January 4th a t 2:00, Rev. Ralph Fox, will preach. . Bible School a t 10,'00 A. M. Sub ject “The'Childhood of Jesus.” -*This is the opening lesson in a six months study of the life of Christ. . Communion Service a t 11:00 A. M. Sermon by the paster, after which the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered. Young People’s Service a t 6:30 P. M. Union Service in this chulch at 7:30. This is the opening service in the pro gram for the week of prayer. Dr. F, A. Jurkat_will bring the message for the evening. The complete program for the Week of Prayer will be found elsewhere in this issue. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Supt. “A Sunday School a t 10 A. M. 0. A. Dobbins. Preaching a t 11 A. M. Theme: New Year’s Message;” Y. P. C. U. a t 6;30 P. M. Union Service a t 7:30 P. M. in the Presbyterian church. Prof. F. A. Jur- kat will deliver the. opening message of the Week of Prayer on the theme: “Forgetting the Thing.: That Are Be hind" , , ’ A committee of three from each church'are called tifnfeht Wednesday evening, January 9th at the close of the service in the Presbyterian church to plan for the annual..Fathers and Son banquet to be .held on Lincoln’s birthday in the college. gymnasium. The following are asked to serve, rep resenting the lochl Churches: G. II. Hartman, Merle Jones, Dr. 0. P. Elias, Melvin McMillan, Walter Iliffe, Prof. Chas. Steele, Dr, Lqo Anderson, W. W. Galloway, and Karlh Bull. Miss Florence Williamson of Bowl ing >Green, Ohio, spent the holiday^ vacation with her father, Mr. David Williamson. WANTED BUTCHERING— I am now prepared to do butchering during the winter. Hogs to be delivered a t my home.where butchering is done. Phone mornings and evenings. Win. CultKie. The United Presbyterian congrega tion enjoyed a dinner and entertain ment in the dining room Wednesday evening. Following a covered dish dinner was a program conducted by Mr, J. E. Kyle. Different members had a part in “Tony's Scrap Book” a broadcast takeoff, A reading by Miss Margaret Frame; violin solo by Miss Ruth Burns and vocal solo by Mr. John Stewart of Toronto. Mrs. J. Lloyd Confarr gave a musical reading. The entertainment closed with moving pictures by Mr. W. W. Galloway^ On last Friday 'evening at their home on North Main street in honor of their son, Orland M, Ritchie, acting Dean, of Muskingum College, Dr. and Mrs, C. M. Ritchie entertained mem bers of the class of 1916 of Cedarville College and friends (there were giants in those days), the evening be ing given over to contests, music, story telling and iemuncenees. Those present were: Mr, and Mrs, John Col lins, Mr, and Mrs. Roger Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Davidr Bradfute, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Townsley, Mr. and. Mrs. Earl McClalland, ,.<Mr, and Mrs.-Paul Creswfell, Rev. and Mrs. Merle Rife, Mrs, Mildred Foster,,Mra, Ann Smith, Mjsses Maude And .Lena Hastings, Miss Wilma Spencer, Miss Donna Burns, Mr. Earl and Miss Ruth«Col- lins, and Miss Helen Bradfute, Rev. Orland M. Ritchie, who has been on a visit with his parents, left Saturday for Pittsburgh, Pa, for re search work it) the libraries of that city. ’ ‘ Selma Store Safe Blown Sunday Night The Church School a t 10 A. M. We begin a aeries of lessons in the New Testament scriptures, “The Childhood of Jesus” is the theme and the lesson is based on Matt. 1 to 2:23, This is a splendid opportunity to begin the New Year aright in pur worship. » Public Worship a t 11. Subject “Jesus or Others." Epworth League a t .6:30 P, M. Union Services in F irst Presby te rian church., This is the beginning of the week of prayer. Splendid ser- -vices are arranged each day through out the week. At the re-organization of the Cedar ville Methodist Episcopal Church School last Sunday, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Supt, P. M. GUlilan; First Asst. Supt., Carl P. Ffloumer; Second Asst. Supt, Maywood Homey; Secretary, Roger Stormont; Asst, Secretary, Doris Hartman; Treasurer, L. F, Tindall; Pianist, Mildred Trumbo; Asst Pianist, Mildred Horndy; Libra rian, Mrs, Wm. Marshall; Choirster, Walter Graham; Supt. Primary Dept., Mrs. Wm. Marshall; Supt. Home Dept., Mrs. Charles Johnson; and Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs. 0. P. Elias. The safe in the general store of Clark & Colcher, Selma, was badly damaged when the door was blown off by yeggmen some time Sunday night, Salt, sugar, binder twino and chicken feed were piled around the safe to muffle the sound and so quiet did the men operate that none of the neigh bors heard a sound. Between $600 and $700 in cash and checks was taken along with mer chandise consisting of teas, coffee, canned goods, soaps to the amount of $150. So fa r as known there is no clue although Springfield authorities took several finger prints. Mr. Colcher informs us that he was in the store at ten o’clock and every thing was all right at that time. The firm carried insurance on the contents of the safe, but not enough to cover the loss. There was> no insurance on the merchandise. NOT I CE 1 Notice is herehy given that plans, for the sewerage of the whole corpor-. ation of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, have been prepared and are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk for examination and inspection by parties interested, and any objection thereto may be filed with Council within ten (10) days after the first publication of this notice, or not later than the 26th day of December, 1929. Dated this 9th day of December, 1929. By order of the Council of the Vil lage of Cedarville, Ohio. Clerk. JOHN G. McCORKELL, Strsin-Nagley Nuptials New Year’s Day Mr. Forest R, Nagley, of this place, and Miss Dorothy Strain, Xenia, were quietly married a t three thirty o’clock Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Street in the pre sence of a few relatives and friends. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L- A, Washburn, The bride and groom were accom panied by Mr. C. Benton, Cincinnati, a college friend of Mr. Nagley, who acted as best man and Miss Helen Street, Xenia, bridesmaid. Mr. Nagley is a son of Mr. and Mrs, M. C. Nagley and a graduate of Ce darville College and University of Cin cinnati. He is connected, with the Chemical Research department of the American Rolling Mil! Company, .Mid dletown. The bride has been connect ed with the Jobe Brothers store in Xenia. The following were present: Mr, and Mrs. M, C. Nagley, and son, Wil liam; Mr, and Mrs. Harry Nagley; Mrs, Zella Whitt and daughter; Mrs, Edgar Baker; Miss Georgia Strain, Sidney; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Street and daughters; Rev. and Mrs. Wash burn; Mr.’ and Mrs. Hoover, Middle- town. Refreshments were served follow ing the ceremony, The bride and groom left during the afternoon for Middletown where their newly furnished home awaited them. Mr, Marion Stormont, of Cleveland, was the guest of his parents, Mr. qnd Mrs. J, A. Stormont, during the holi days. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS FOR. SALE—1 ton Reo Track, perfect mechanical condition wit1 6 good tires. Inquire at this office i'or information, REGENT T h e a tr e Springfield, Ohio 4 One Week Starting Saturday, Jan. 4 Public Sale Dates R. C. Watt and Son, February 6. Ferndale Farms, February 20. Thomas Frame, January 14, 1930, iiwinmifflwwnniiiiiiiiau The annual meeting of the stock holders of The Exchange Bank, Cedar ville, Ohio, for the election of direc tors for the, ensuing year, will Be held at their banking room, Thursday, Jan uary 9th, 193Q, between the hours of nine and ten A. M; L. F. Tindall, Cashier. tmpetiaons—Passionate . Daring All For Love I A Romance Sweeping From Tropic Jungles to Gay New York H a p p y N e w Y e a r Money in the bank at a good rate of interest will go a long way toward making the year 1930 a happy one. If your money is earn ing less than INTEREST start the NbwYear right by depositing it in this institution where it will’draw 5% per cent, be protected by first mortgage on Clark County real estate and be available whenever you need it. The Springfield Building And Loan Association 28East Main Street SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Beginning Friday J C B E T Beginning Friday Xenia, Ohio a . Rev. Albert Work and wife of Frehehburg'Ky., are visiting at the home of Rev. R, A, JAmieson for a faW day*.. 'jjim iliiitiiliiittiiiiiitn iiM i'iiiH in itiii........................................i,,t Correspondence | Course I in I POULTRY I HUSBANDRY f r e e ! V * k • l. j MORE THAN 7000 j PERSONS HAVE | ENROLLED For Particular* W rite immediately to LONDON BUCKEYE HATCHERY 0 North Oak Sf. (Opi>. The Court House) LONDON; OHIO ... . ■f‘f ■■' , »' ' January Sales Ready To Wear Piece Goods Millinery Shoes Accessories Of All Kinds We can’t go into detail here, but we can and do assure you that you will find articles for the home —for personal wear, for g ift purposes—in fact a i' 4 ■ store-wide assortment of merchandise priced at considerably less than our regular price. S p ec ia lly Low P rices (on W omen’s and C h ildren ’s Coats—and—D resses i / ’CP
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