The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 1-26

Tm CMMXVJUK IIKRAID, JANUARY, S4, 1930. Short* and M iddlings Mo** Ham** and amtes are baing brad, aeearditt* to report* by th* United States D*p*rtete»fc o f Agrioul- tow. f i t two or thrae year* farm* haw not boon producing th^ number o f work animal# required even with the development o f the tractor and the automobile. One-fifth o f an acre, properly man* aged, constitutes a garden large en­ ough to provide, vegetable* in season, for canning, and for storage, sufficient to supply a family o f five persons. If the livestock loafs, the farmer loses- For every dollar’s worth of feed the livestock must show a profit. Farm accounts are the only means of finding whether the stock does this, Arsenate of lead is recommended by specialists as the best all round insecticide for biting or chewing in­ sects. It sticks well to foliage, iq a good mechanical . mixture- insuring good coverage, but shouldn’t be used on bean foliage, RESOLUT IONS January 16,1030 Mrs. Della Johnson and Daughters Whereas.:-r-In the Providence of God, our Brother John W, Johnson has been called by the Great Angel that shall call each o f ,us from this imper­ fect to that All Perfect, Glorious and Celestial Lodge above, over which the Great Architect of the universe pre­ sides, and Whereas:—He shall be miesed a* a true and faithful Brother among us, whose wisdom and council was sought and folly Used by the brotherhood. Be it Resolved:—That we have lost a Real Brother and extend our aym- pathy to his widow and daughters. Be it further Resolved t—That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of our lodge* a copy given the local paper and a copy sent to the bereaved toted ones. Committee on Resolutions, LEO ANDERSON 0 . P. ELIAS ROGER V. STORMONT January 16, 1930 Mrs. Ruth. Graham and Son Whereas;-r-In the Providence of God, our Brother Walter L. Graham has been called by the Great Angel that shall call each of us from this imperfect to that AU Perfect Glorious .and Celestial Lodge above, over which the Great Architect of the universe presides, and Whereas:—He shall he missed as a true and faithful Brother among us, whose wisdom and council was sought and fully used by the brotherhood. Be it Resolved:—That we have lost a real Brother and extend our sym­ pathy to his widow and son. Be it further Resolved;—That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of our lodge, a copy given the local paper and a copy sent *to-the bereaved loved ones, j Committee on Resolutions, LEO ANDERSON. O, P„ ELIAS . ROGER V. STORMONT M ETSOPOLE -i service that antic­ ipates every convenience and comfort o f the guest,' complete appointments and distinguished cuisine make it an ideal hotel for your visit to Cincinnati. 400 Booms, u nthbath from $ 2.50 . upward Walnut between 6 th and 7 th (one square south o f,Bus Terminals) | A ll W ool B lankets A ll W ool Blankets j at I Bargain Prices Bargain Prices I There is nothing that will give you so much comfort these | cold nights as an | A L L W O O L B LA N K E T | We have them in a | L a rge A ssortm ent | of colors^ patterns, and sizes; and at prices all can aiford I to gay. There ia nothing nicer for a j CH R ISTM AS G IE T | Come and get acquainted With our line, which can be | seen At our Retail Department, | The Qrr Felt and ( Blanket Company P IQ U A , OH IO PURINACHOWFEEDS H og Chow—P ig Chow—Cow Chow Steer Fatina—Sheep, Calves—Lay ing Mash C O A L IsIahd Creek—Yellow Jacket—Battleship Pocahontus i - j* Hardware—Del Laval Separators H og Fountains—Hog Feeders Cedarv ille Fa n n e rs9 G ra in Company 1 Everything For The Farm Phtrtte *| CetWvM!*, Ohio Peer Brices M ay Be Owner’ s Fault Unsatisfactory returns when agri­ cultural products are marketed, don’t necessarily indicate had marketing conditions, One Ohio county found this out when its sheep growers got tired of the prices they had been re­ ceiving, and proceeded to investigate with the assistance of the county agri­ cultural agent and the extension spe­ cialists from thfe Ohio State Univer­ sity, One fourth of the county’s agri­ cultural income was derived from sheep, of which there were 48,000 head in the county. Leas than 60 per cent of the lambs marketed from the coun­ ty were topping the market. Under the analysis of the market­ ing specialist it was found that the poor returns to sheep raisers were due to lack of thrift in the lambs, which were usually infested with stomach worms or other parasites, to poor feeding or inferior breeding, or to in­ ability of the producer to tell when his lambs were fat enough for market. Production methods were changed in the county after 120 members of agricultural extension committees met with the specialists and the county agent. They adopted and carried out a program of improvement including parasite control, use o f purebred rams and carefully selected eWes, standard­ ization .of market lambs, feeding of balanced rations, proper preparation of fleeces for market, and grading of wool. • ORDINANCE No. 151 PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ’ PROHIBITION. UR IT OKDAINGl) BV THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE. STATE OF opto: ' SECTION l. Definition. In ilia interprets-, lion pf this ordinance; 1, The word ‘'liquor1’ or the plirase "lntoxl- cullnn liquor''. Shall ha construed to Include alcohol, brandy, whisky, rum, gin, beer, ale, porter cant) wine, and in addition thereto: any distilled.- spirituous,, malt, vinous or fermented liquor, and also ’aiiy liquid or compound, whether or not the same Is medicated, propriet­ ary or patented, and by whatever name called, etitldinlni; on<!-lwlf (,%) of one (1) "per cent, or more of alcohol by volume, which Is lit far use for beverage purposes; provided that the. foregoing definition shall not extend to , dor- aleohollseil wine, nor to any beverage or liquid produced by the process by wlllcli bCcjr, nle, porter or wine is produced; if. It contains less than, onehalf (%) of one ill: pej* centum of alcohol by volume, and b made as prescribed In Suction 37. Title II of the.act of Congress, known us tho “National I’rohlhltlou Act," pass­ ed October.28lh.. 1919. 2J The .term “given away" and the term “possess”, shall not apply to intoxicating liquor iu it“ 1)0110 fide private dwelling. ' 3. The word "person” shall moan- and In­ clude actual persons, firms, associations, co­ partnerships and corporations, 1, The term; “ alcohol” shall mean- ethyl alcohol, ' jJ| SECTION 2. Traffic in Intoxicating Uqunri No person shall, after ‘ the passage of this ordinance, manufacture,, sell, barter, transport, Import, export, deliver, furnish, receive, give away, prescribe, possess, solicit or advertise any. Intoxicating liquors, or solicit or receive, or knowhigly permit his 'employees -to solicit or receive, from Any persons any order for intoxicating Jlquot, nr give any information of' hoW intoxicating liquor obtained, ex­ cept as authorized1by this ordinance.' Liquor and llqtior preparations and compounds to- non-beVerage -purposes, and. wine for Baerbriien- tal purposes, may be manufactured,, purchased, sold, battered, transported', Imported, exported, delivered, furnished, tecelved, given- away,' possessed, prescribed, solicited, advertised and an order may be solicited and received for the, same; but: only In ^accordance with tho: provi­ sions of Title II of the act of Congress,, known .as the “National Prohibition Act,” passed October 2fith„ 1919. SECTIONS. Beverage Purpoiee Defined. Notwithstanding tlio provisions of Section 2 of this ordinance; ’no intoxicating liquor, except pure grain or ethyl alcohol or aplrlmnur-liquor in quantities of cne-half (541 pint ill any period of ten (10) duys, for the aged, infirm and known sick, or alcoholic medicinal prepara tlons'which have been named, or hereafter shall be named, by tho Federal Prohibition Com­ missioner and held to be fit for beverage pur­ poses and listed In the l!, S. I4. aud-N, F. sluil be manufactured, sold and prescribed or die pensed for medicinal purposes, SECTION -1. Permit in Certain Cate*.. No person, unless ho first obtains a permit In conformity with the federal prohibition law In reference thereto, as may be required, to maim facturo, use, soli, purchase or transport liquor, or (i- prescribe alcohol, or sell wine tor sacra -mental purposes, or;to manufacture liquor r-; liquor preparation or compounds for non- bevernge purposes, Or tq manufacture liquor or liquor preparations or compounds for lion-la- toxlcatlng. boverago purposes, shall htaiiufac lure, sell, purchase or transport any liquor, or prescrlbe alcohol, or sell wine for sacramental purposes, or manufacture any liquor prepara­ tions or compounds for nonboverago purposed, or manufacture any liquor, or' liquor prepara­ tions or compounds for nonlntoxlcntlng never age purposes, respectively, provided that tills ordinance shall not apply to etbly alcohol, law fully denatured In accordance with formulas prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue under the provisions of Section 10 of Title III of tho National Prohibition Act, or any amendments thereto'. SECTION !>, Search Warrant It shall be unlawful to have or possess any liquor, or property designed 'for the manufacture of liquor, intended for use in violation of law, or which has been so used, and no properly lights shall exist In any such liquor or property. A search warrant may Issue and proceedings had thereunder, as provided lit Section 13462 to 13436 Inclusive, of the General Code of Ohio so far as tho sake may apply, and such liquor, the Containers thereof, and such property so seised, shall be subject to such disposition as tho Court may make thereof, It It Is found that such liquor or property Was so unlawfully held or possessed, or had been so unlawfully used, the liquor or prop orty designed for the unlawful manufacture of liquor shall be destroyed, unless the Court shall order It to bo-disposed of as provided of os' provided In public, at fid Federal Statutes. No search warrant shall issue to search any pri­ vate dwelllftg occupied as such, unless it Is bob)” used for tlm unlawful sale of Intoxicatin'! liquor, or unless It Is In part used for some business purposo such as store, shop, saloon, restaurant, Intel or ’ hairpin" house. 111 tesm “ private dwelling" shall ho construed I Include the room or rooms used and'occupied, not trans'ently, but. solely ,qa a residence In an apartmrnt house, hold or hoarding bouse, The property seized on any such warrant, ahMl not ho taken rrom the officer adzing the same oi) any writ of replevin or other like process. SECTION41. Penally Any person who vio­ lates the provisions of this ordinance, aitail, upon conviction thereof, be fined, net less than One Hundred Dollars wnn.noi, por more than Five Hundred Dollars (2300.06). The penalties provided In this ordinance, shall not apply to a iu;soii manufacturing vinegar, oi non-lntexl- Cathig cldc.- and fruit Juice exclusively for list In Ida home, but such cld-r ahd fruit ]ui- shell net be sold of delivered efler limy become Intoxicating, except to persons having permits from tho Foiled Slates flovefttmeht to manu­ facture vinegar. NfiTiiin Ir *■I rha’i b atrued to p. event the sale of vinegar, and saif pcnaltira shall not apply in any such sale, RUCTION 7. That aj| ordinances or pail* of hrdlmwcM ht ennfilef herewith, are htreiy repealed. WCf'TJON ft. This o-'illn.inco shafl lake effee and tic in force, from .and after the earlle. period allowed by law, I'AHfiltn this 31st day‘ of daihiatv, 1»S», . ■ A. F, RICHARDS, ' Mayor of the Village of Ccdirvllle, ohln ATTEST t JOHN a, McCOUKKM,, flajft or the Village Of (Vdsrrille, Ohio, •IBOUITteM 0 * 0X434X0$ n HJMHMHURT TO (XHKRTXFCT m twatB nt pansier No, I : main STWOT FROM HAHAHUP TO MASSIF CJtlMCK; XKN1A AYMNt'* FROM MAIN STREET TO OPTPET AT HAGAR l-AWSK MILL; GROVE FEOM MAIN FEW EAST; BBtTWICT Ha. X: MAW STREET FROM MASSHC CKXMC TO ELM ETSBET; CEDAR BTREAT FROM MAIN STREET TO WALNUT STREET: WALNUT STREET FROM CEDAR SntERT TO OHlfcLlCOTflE - STREET: DISTRICT No, S: MAIN STREET FROM ELM STREET Tq NORTH CORl’ORA- TION USE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council or tlm Village of Cedarville, State of Ohio, (throe- fouaha of all members electad thereto con- currlug),: SECTION t. That It U gtcaacary to can- struct a certain part JharetnaRer described of the sewers provided for In a general plait for a system of sewerage for said Village, which general plan was adopted by Council ,on the day of January, IMP, and 1* now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village; that the portions of the work provided .for 4H said general plan, which It Is hereby determined to construct, la as follows: District No. l ; Malm Street from Rail­ road to Mamie Creek; Xenia Avenue from Main 'Street to .Outlet at Hagar Paper Mill; 0 1 eve "from Main 249 feet East. ’ District No. 2; Main Street front Mssale Creek to Rim Street; Cedap Street from Main Street to Walnut Street; Walnut StH'.lS Walnut Street from Cedar Street to ChtlUcotha.Street. District No. 21 Math Street from Elm Street to 'North Corporation Line. SECTION 2, TKkt geld sewers shall be con­ structed In accordance with the plana and sne- olflleatlOru on file !» the office of the Clerk of said VTllage, and shall bo of standard vitrified newer pine, SECTION 3. That the whole coat of arid Improvement, less , lie one-flWeth (l-30tU) and the toHt of intersections; shall be assessed by the Wot front upon, the following described lota and lands: -to-wit: all lots and lands bounding and 'abutting upon the proposed tm- Ptovemint, which said lots and lands are hereby determined (toibp. specially benefited by paid improvement; and the cost of said Im­ provement shall Include the expense of Hie preliminary and othtr -surveys and of printing apd publishing -the resolutions, ordinances and notices required and the setvlng of said notices, tho cost;of construction,, together with Interest on notes and bonds-issued'In anticipation* of the collection of deferred assessments, and all other necessary expenses, SECTION 4. That the assessments so to he lovlcd shall- bo pal'd.,ip- ten (10) annual tn- lUIhnents With Interest on deferred payments at the same rate as shall be borne by the bonds to be Issued lu anticipation,bf the collection thereof ; provided that the owner of any prop­ erty assessed may at his option pay such aso'ssraent In -cash within thirty (30) days at. • the passage, of the assessing “ordinance. SECTION 5, That bonds of the said Village of Cedarville shall be Issued in -anticipation’ of the collection pf assessments by Installments, and in an amount equal thereto; and notes of said Village shall be Issued In anticipation of the issue of such bonds, SECTION 0. That the remainder,of the- ch- ilro cost of sold -Improvement n»t specially assessed,-Including the cost pf Intcrseections, together wills the post.of any real estate or Interest therein’ purfhaaed or appropriated, and tho costa and expenses' of any appropriation proceeding therefore, and the damages awarded any owner o f ' adjoining lands and Interest thereon, and the, .costa and expenses of, any auah Awaaii, *tt»H ka paM aut, of Hw Rater*! fund mr by tha iaaaaare of bands i* tba m a ­ tter Kwridsd by law. JW.T10N 7. TRta raaatutlea akall take atact and be 1* fovea from and after tks surKeet period allowed by law. Fsaaed this Jaauary Slat, 1«M, A- E. RICHARDS, • Mayor. ATTEST? JOHN JicCOKKELL, ■ Clerk,’ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate at Walter L- Graham, De­ ceased. Charles Graham has been appointed and qualified as administrator at the estate of Waiter L. Graham, late .of Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 15th day of January, A. D, 1930. S. C. WRIGHT, Probate Judge of said County. SUNNYSIDE UP, FOX MOVIETONE MUSICAL TO START AT REGENT THEATRE, SPRINGFIELD, SAT. An entirely new Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell are revealed in “ Sunny Side Up” the Fox Movietone Musical Comedy which features this famous pair of screen sweethearts. “ Sunny Side Up” will appear qt the Regent Theatre, Springfield for one week beginning Saturday, January 25. MisH Gaynor, who reveals a voice of rare charm, sings three songs, includ­ ing “ If I Had a Talking Picture of You” the latter has a duet with Char­ les Farrell. Farrell, in the role of a society man from South Hampton, acquits himself creditably in a light comedy part and sings in a manner that stamps him as a real find in the talking, picture musi­ cal comedy field. The stofcy is fast, full of action and replete with excellent comedy. Un- questidnably David Butler, the direc­ tor, Reserves unlimited applause for his .production of “ Sunny Side Up” which sets a new standar dof enter­ tainment for the audible screen. Public Sale! h ig h c l a s s l i v e s t o c k THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6,19311 Sale at Cedar-Vale Farm, % mile South East o f oa Cedarville and Jamestown Pike, State Route No. 72- Consisting G* the following: 15—Head o f D ra ft Horses—15 Team of Dapple Grey Mares, 5 and 6 yrs. bid, wt. 3380. Teamior Steals Grey Mares, A and 5 yrs. old, wt- 3100. Team o f Iron Grey Mares, * and 5 yrs. old, wt. 3200. Team of Black Geldings, b and / yrs, old, wt, 3050. Bay Gelding; 5 yrs, old, wt. 1600, Sorrell Gelding, 5 yrs, old, wt. 1675. Red Roan Gelding, 5 yrs. old, wt. 1725. One Gray Gelding, coming 4 yrs. old. One Grey Mare, coming 4 yra. o . One Purebred Parcheron Mare, 8 yrs, old in Foal, wt, 1750,. These horses are all sound, and the teams are well mated, and are as good a bunch of drafters as will be offered this season, 35—Head o f Duroc Bred Sows—35 (Everyth ing Imm uned) Consisting of 5 head o f tried Sows, (Registered). 30 head bf big Stretchy Spring Gilts, bred to farrow in March and April, (Eligible to Registry). These Sows and Gilts are a high class lot, and bred to Hs good Boars as are knowri to the breed, 50 head o f October Pigs* weight from 80 to 100 lbs., many of them fall pigs will grow into good brood sows. . 30—Head o f Sheep—30 > 30 head of Registered Ramboullet Ewesv bred to lamb in April, an excellent opportunity to get into the Ramboullet business. 6—Head o f Dairy Cows—6 6 head of High Class Dairy Cows, fresh or will freshen soon. Sa,le will begin at 12 -o’ clock noon ,1 sharp. Beginning with the Brood Sows. Sale will be mostly under cover. A. C. WATT b SON TITUS AND CURRY, Auctioneers. Lunch on grounds, Says Sam: Marriage, like other ' noble experiments in morals, depends a good deal on popular; support for its Success. - , . “The heart has its reasons of which the reason knows nothing.”—Pascal. 1 F U R N I T U R E ] REPAIRED and UPHOLSTERED | A t Prices In Reach O f Everybody CharlesR.Hoemer | . PHONE Res. A dd ress f Cedarville 148 Cor. Monroe & I^ake Sts., Xenia SAVE With SAFETY a t BROWN’S CEDARVILLE, OHIO YQUR REXALLDRUG STORE Often and Get Acquainted |«SR m S» Smooth Skin Cares Away! Ward off the ill effects ofwinterweatheronface andhandsby usingBiker’s Basol (25c) or LemonCocoa Your knowledge o f our fine merchandise) and our knowledge o f your needs, is a combination that will help you to safeguard both your physical and financial well-being. Again we suggest, come in and learn what com­ plete stocks, money-saving prices and friendly service will do for you. 25c Firstaid Adhesive Plaster A real neces­ sity in every gutter Lotion (50c). These two cooling) healing lotions give the skin a silken smooth­ ness, are readily absorbed and do not clogjthe pores. Basel is used by women as a base for face powder; by men, as an after shaving lotion. We cordially invite your patronage. household. Sticks fast to anysurface. While originally intended for first- aidtreatmentof cuts and sprains,- it has hundredsofotheruses. Use it to mend broken toys and ,tools/ leaking rubber goods, etc. It is air-tight -j andwater-proof. 25e PURETEST Castor Oil Careful selection iff castor beans and scientific refining result in a castor oil that is really easy to take. All un­ pleasant tasting 'impurities have been removed. That’s why constipation su fferers take Puretest Castor Oil with tittle or no hesitation. Special i f e Theatrical Cold Cream [A smooth, delightfully perfumed I cresmrecommendedbyactregses and screen star*. One Pound. Special 5 9 e Special 19 c Cascade Linen r»v:- .® »C fl ~ff ^ v a a m , AafftionkJJ.jvkooirfl,high-grade fftnfloneiy which cost; much 1« m than youWouldpsturglly expect, Pshfio flalsh, S C O Homemald Peppermint Patties \Ms£, KLENZO • F a c i d I T i s s u e Here’s a way to Imakeyourwashing 'easier. Use this highly absorbent tissue instead of a ?towel to remove excess cleansing or foundation creamfromyour face. ,You can get 220 pro­ fessional sizedsheets for Rich, thick chocolate coating. Smooth, creamy conters, De- liciduitly flavored with true Michigan oil of peppermint. You’ll like them. 0RR FOUND 5©c $1*35 Pierces* Medical Discovery i 1 $ 1 , 0 3 10e Summit Toilet ^ Paper, 3 rolls fo r 5 c Box Matches \ C a 5 boxes fo r 0 S l t c & * !$L35 Pierces* Golden i n . , . * $ 1 0 3 1Prescription $1.00 MILES NERVINE 7 3 c ,50c Pebecco Tooth Paste $L25 K on jola 3 3 c ! atmnmtunmmiNnimi