The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 1-26

The new things are advertised by merchants first Advertisements keep you abreast o f the times. Read them! FIFTY-THIRD YEAR No. 10. h e r a l d , NEWSLETTER FROM STATE DEPARTMENTS COURT NEWS GRANTED DIVORCE | Adda II, Oglesbee has been grunted i Ia divorce in Common Pleas Court from ■{ jDr, C, F» OgleBbee, local dentist, on ! -------- - !grounds of gross neglect o f duty. The' Columbus, Ohio, —- The statistical!suit was uncontested. They were mar-; department o f the office of Secretary j ried in Xenia December 3, 1865, and' of Stats Clarence J. Brown has boon have no living children. The defend- highly complimented by a member of an^ ordered barred of dower Sn-J the Committee of Direction of Johns!terf&\ in real estate owned by the! Hopkins University who recently visit-; plaintiff on \V, Main St, ‘ ed the State House,in research work; —r-'—— in connection with ’statistical data re- j ■ MOTION DENIED Iative to crime. The department under In the case of John R. Atkinson and .the direction of Secretary Brown con-[others against William Atkinson and! tains the best statistical reports avail- [others in Common Pleas Court, a, mo- i able relative to the classification of jtion filed by the plaintiffs to set aside j crimes arm corirt administration in[a former jury verdict for the defend-' connection with such, according to the Inuts,'finding that a paper purporting’ University expert. The department is Ito bo the last will of L, H. Atkinson, 1 continually striving to collect data on {decease, admitted to probate, was the! the prevelance of crime, which would (Valid last will of the decedent, has ,1 furnish the basis for a more'compre­ hensive study of the criminal problem in Ohio. ' # # # That the Capital City is popular as been overruled by the court. NAMED ADMINISTRATOR A .M ; Qgan haa been'appointed ad- iministrator of the estate of P. W. a convention city is evidenced by thejOgan, late of Jamestown, and has filed large number held each month in the [bond of $1,000 in-Probate Court, year. The past week witnessed a half j ,.. dozen, the largest from an attendance { , APPOINTED EXECUTOR standpoint being the Ohio Farm Bu-; George E. Dice has been named reau Federation which^ attracted sev-|cutor of fte estate f H> H> D|ce } era! thousand from vanous sections o f Xenia, witb bond of $30>000 in Pso. the state. The addressi.of welcome j bate Cow t John A Nisbeti „ delivered by President L B. Palmer M> p udge and L Binder were * i cof te^jpoirited appraisers of the estate, of WEAO. The convention closed with j ■ . _ _ _ _ _ a banquet during which an excellent! w il l NOT ADMITTED program was given, entertainers be - 1 _ ing furnished by one of the largest* ° \ * he ero,und * not wecuted booking agencies in the country. 1!®“?*?"** t0 law’ Probate Jud£° r- .•* * *■» ,Wnght has refused to admit to pro- Richard A. Forster, well known jba{,e apaper P^porting to be the last Columbus newspaper man and who re­ sides at Worthington, recently ap­ pointed as a member of the State, Board o f Agriculture and given charge! will of Simeon Badgley, deceased. HEARINGSET ■ Application filed in Probate Court of the show horse department, has ?by Homer Jamerson seeking to be ap- named Walter C.'Metz, Newark Bank-{pointed administrator of the estate of er and John G, Morean, head of the Jennie Hickman,. deceased, lias been composing room of the Crowell Pub-,Rxed for a hearing February 5 lishjng Company of Springfield; as his assistants in . conducting the horse show which will be held during the ’ state fair. Both are outstanding horsemen' and are recognized nation­ ally in the horse business. In the ap­ pointment o f Forster, Governor Coop- RELIEF SOUGHT .Equitable relief is sought in a suit filed" in Common Pleas Court by the Peoples Building and Savings; Co., against C. L. Dice and Mildred:Dice. The ' Greene County Lumber Go. is er has recognized -the demand of; named co-defendant, C. W. Whitmer horsemen of the state for appointment ^8 attorney for the plaintiff, o f one*of thet? own people to managep 1 - - - '«■. ** the horse show, Mr, Foster is a breed- APPEAL DECISION er And trainer of show horses and one- An appeal has been filed in Common of the founders and directors .of the'^eas Court through Attorney Harry Ohio Saddle Horse Association.,, [D- Smith by Bert Badgley, -Charlie * ’ * .* ;Badgley, Pearl Carpenter, Lizzie Ar- The million Dollar Automobile and!b°thn°t and William A , Swaney from Airplane Show which is being held in,a decision pf Probate Court refusing Exposition Hall on the Ohio State admit to probate the alleged last grounds is attracting thousands of will o f Simeon Badgley, deceased. The people daily, AH of the 1930 models document purporting to be the last will are shown together with prices of o f the decedent was rejected by Pro- same, Numerous makes of aircraft tbate Court on the ground it was not are proving of more than ordinary in- drawn up according to law, terest and it is reported that a num- i —'------- • ber of orders have been taken. The; MODIFY INJUNCTION big building is heated with sixteen > .In the case of Homer Jameson furnaces installed for that purpose..against George Jameson and the Com- The decorations in green and,white {mercial and Savings Bank in Common are said to be the finest ever seen at Pleas Court, by joint agreement of the any exposition ever held here. parties,' an injunction previously grant- * * * ed by the court, has been ordered modi- Difector Charles A, Neal of the fled to the extent that George Jameson State Department of Health reports {may draw $100 from the bank, a total o f 1810; cases o f smallpox in j — — • the past ten weeks, an average o f ISOj CASE IS DISMISSED cases per week. The largest number I At the request'of the plaintiff the for a week ending on January 24 th, suit of The Xenia Farmers Exchange was 305.' The number of course does {Co. against Oscar Fawcett has been not include the many cases over the (ordered dismissed in Common Plea? state that have been hidden away, Court. Cuba, where vaccination is compul -1 --------- Bory, has not had a single case of \ DIVORCE GRANTED smallpox in months. { On ground of extreme cruelty Ber- * * * jtha Wheelen has obtained a divorce Hundreds of visitors, thousands in {from Earl Wheelen in Common Pleas fact,‘ have visited the Campus o f Ohio' Court, State University during the past few ! --------- weeks. One of the points of interest} MUST INCLUDE *CLAIM attracting most attention was the Ohio j In the case of Mattie L. Bales State Museum which contains relecs,against Allen L. Turner, as adminis- o f priceless value. The Museum is !trator of the estate of Aaron Turner, open daily to visitors from 8 A. M. to!deceased, in Common Pitas Court on 5 P. M., including holidays and also on ;motion of the defendant, the plaintiff Advertising is news, as much as the headlines on the front page, Often it is o f more significance to you. ■rrsrs PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR h si CRESWELL MENTIONED FOR Newspaper week ' in Columbus this.WJj U A f t « l n f l l l A I I newspaper organiza| . Si MARSHflLL nal ^ ■ ■ , u,, _ unuer ivivuv c.jxcu County Audits P, H. Creswell is for weekly papers. considered a strong contender for ap-. Gonventions wbrcL -________ _ — pointment as United States Marshall the Associated Ohio l a i l y papers and to succeed the late Stanley G. Borth- tho Select List 6Jf, * wick. Mr. Creswell we'are informed has not made formal application hut bjmquet of the ^ Kis name was suggested by friends in the j j eghler hotel ! Washington that stand close to the G. gnyder, Norws Hoover administration. ’ ’ The new qualifications for federal re,elected pre 3 idenfi officials having liquor and narcotic .law violations to handle is that appointees1^ Agg0^ated Oh must tie temperate and. in sympathy jmeeting Tuesday ,rrtXT haV6 other affiliations that would bring lmeeta at the Deshler Friday'and"Sat- recommtendations along'that line, The *wday with the annwl banrquet Satur. day night. The annual meeting o f the COLLEGE BOARD FORINCREASED ENDOWMENT At a meeting of the College Board of Trustees last Friday the board laid plans for increasing the endowment and securing funds for a building pro­ gram. The financial, program provides for a campaign to raise $750,000 within ay evening. K. the n<Sxt four years. Of this $500,000 ector-Herald, be requii-ed 'to meet .the demands of the North Central Association. In addition a girl’s dormitory' costing $ 100,000 and a combined administra­ tion building with offices and lecture rooms and chapel will cost $175,000. , 1 —M 1 i'iif Sunday fioni 1 to 5 P. M. Cooper Trial Date To Be Set Feb. 2 2 :which to file a pleading. has been ordered to set out in her petition her claim as presented to the defendant for allowance or rejection. [The plaintiff is given fifteen days fii Gilbert Cooper, who was sentenced j EXECUTOR NAMED to the penitentiary for the shooting Ernest L. Hamer has been nppolnt- of Caleb Hitchcock November 1928, .cd executor of the estate of W, H. will get s new trial, the date to be-Hamer, late of Xenia Twp., without fixed on the return of Judge Gowdy {bond in Probate Court. Grant Miller from Cleveland on February 22.1C. E. Wolf and J. T. Hutchison were Cooper, was given a first murder de-jnamed appraisers, gree With mercy which Was life sen­ tence, The Supreme Court reversed •the lower court ahd ordered a new trial, Cooper will be .returned from the penitentiary to tho Greene County jail. CEDRtTS STAFF FLAY The Cedrus Staff, of Cedarvillo Col lege will give their annual play in the; SALE AUTHORIZED Public sale of real estate appraised at $14,054.85 has been authorized in the case of Lynn M. Marlatte, as ad­ ministrator of the estate o f Rosa C» Smith, deceased, against Rachel Mar­ latte and The Peoples Building and Savings Co. in Probate Court. new appointee must also he an ex- service man. Mr. Creswell can easily meet, the requirement's, being an ex- scrvice man, dry personally and poli­ tically, a member and official , in the first Presbyterian church, Xenia, Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner. Mr. Creswell gained his prominence .n the Seventh District when he served as Republican district committeeman. He also took the lead in organization work previous to the Hoover primary ,’ampaign making, a good showing against a political machine controlled by Daugherty; Pemberton and other politicians of the old school that be­ lieved in the spoils system of political government. Mr, Creswell Jias served bis county nine years as deputy county, auditor and,last July succeeded Auditor R. O. Wcad, who was named Deputy State Auditor. While.there ave other candi­ dates in the field for marshal, Mr, Creswell is thought to be in a strong position to get the $ 6,000 a year job. Oedarville Lost To Dayton U. With two regulars off the team, Ce- iarville College basketball team went .own before the Dayton U five at Alford Gym, last Wednesday. Cedar- Villc had defeated Dayton some time go by a'score of 25-24. The first half ended 15 to 7 in favor of the sitors. Lensch, forward, Bcored twelve joints for the winners while Baker, a reshman forward, tallied seven for Cedarville. The lineups: Ohio Newspaper Association o f which Karlh, Bull is president will be held Friday evening. This organization comprises Both daily and weekly papers, most of the metropolitan news­ papers in the state being members of the organization that is confined strict­ ly to business problems, Dayton G. F. P, Andras, f ------------ ------------2 2 6 Lehnis, f -------------------- -— 0 2 2 Lensch, f ----- -_-,_4 4 12 Killeen, f ------------------------0 0 0 Edwards, c ------- 0 6 flanftgan, c --------------------- 2 1 5 Ladner, g ---------------- _ _ 2 0 4 3run, g ----------------------- —-0 0 0 Worher, or ____3 i 7 Cuntz, g --------- 0 0 Totals _______ ....... ......16 10 42 Cedarvilfc • G. F. P, Baker, f ---------- 1 7 Turner, f ______ 0 2 Boat, f ------------- ---------------- 0 Townsley, c _1 0 0 0 2 Boyer, g _________ _______„0 0 0 Garlowe, g . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ 1 1 3 Gordon, g .................... 1 3 Rife, g ..0 0 0 Totals . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 17 ROME AND CONTENTS ARE LOST BY FIRE The home of 'Wnh Bpase, a large frame structure, located on Yoliovv Springs road, inside the corporation, was almost completely destroyed by fire that started about 8:30 last Fri­ day night. , There was no one at home ai the time, the fire being discovered by Mrs. Walter Boase, a. daughter-in-law, who resides near but on another street. At that time, the room whs in flames and before the fire department arrived the entire second story was enveloped. When the roof fell in this forced the second story floor to give way, shut­ ting off all possible chance of saving household goods on the first floor, As the home is some distance from the nearest fire cistern the department could only use one line of hose. A high wind from the north-west with a little water saved the hew home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, son-in-law ahd daugh­ ter, who reside next door. A kitchen range, porch swing, chair and hall ack is all that whs saved. The cloth­ ing belonging to .the family was all burned other than what they wore. Mr. Boase had just left the house a short time previously and was down town. Mrs. Boase and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were out of town. No de­ finite cause for the Are has been as signed but in as milch as the roof was found ablaze it might have startei from sparks or a defective flue. Only $ 2,000 insurance was carried on the house With $500 on contents. m a b b i a g n l ic e n s e s Earl E. Wheelen, Cedarvillc, farm- ;r*S '; ' Z : £ * ? PSaj-CiSj v ir a im H vm m . .- l a y soma ___ ' I The Fitchin High School will gWei Says Sam: Virtual* Its own reward, ] of Blarney1' In the school au«H-( today were originated 70 years ago and when ita p ra ctition eta Begin to d e- torium on Tuesday, February 18 th. and do W)t suit the requirements of mand a salary, it ceaae* to be a virtue. {Admission In and 25 cents. the modem demand. Referee—Nagley (Oedarville) i um­ pire—Macintosh (Dayton) Mapy beef cutting methods in use Thecampaign cdmimtteeuaihe3%{ttf work out plans and report^ to the board. W. R. Collins, Columbus-, was named chairman of the committee with JudgC" S. C. Wright and Rev. W. P. Harriman. - . Dr. J. M. Strain, whg is field secre­ tary, made an interesting reprt to the board. All members of the college faculty were re-elected for the coming year with the exception of Miss Norma Wood, who has resigned as teacher in French. The trustees held an afternobn and evening session, having dinner at the Hotel Evans, Ten of the fifteen members of the board attended the! meeting, as follows: Dr., W. R. Mc- j Chesney, Judge S. 0. Wright, Prof. j F. A. Jurkat, Dr. M. I.. Marsh, W. C.: Iliff, Rev. W. P. Harriman, George H, j Hartman, William Conley, all o f Ce-I darville; Rev. David McKinney, Cin-I cinnati and William R. Collins, Colum-i bus. ’ ' ! SCHOOL NEWS Day o f Prayer Last Friday, February 7, was the Day of Prayer for schools and col­ leges. The High School students !with the college in observing the day ;by attending a service in the First ‘ Presbyterian Church. Reverend Ken­ dall of the Memorial Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana gave a very helpful and interesting talk and the college glee club furnished special music. Dr. McChesney represented the college and Supt. Furst, the High School, . The three local ministers also took part. Chapel Exercises Last Monday morning a special exercise was held in honor of Lincoln's birthday. The program consisted of the followings numbers: Devotionals — ---------- ----- ..Mrs. Lane Violin Solo ________ Pauline Nelson Early Life of Abraham Lincoln__ -------- -— — ------Miss Hanna Presidential Life of Lincoln_J,____ —,—— ------------- ------ -__Mrs, Wilson “ Q, Captain, My Captain” ______ 1 ---------- ■------------------ Mrs. Edwards Gettysburg Address ______________ ------------- 1 ----- —Kenneth Ferryman Piano D u e t ____ _____________ < Mary Margaret McMillan and Ruth Kimble / Teachers Meeting ■ A, .meeting ,of the Greene, County Teachers Association will be held at Jamestown next Saturday. Dr. J. L. Clifton, State Director of Education, will be the speaker of the occasion. Dr- McNutt of Wittenberg College will also speak. ■ Mt. Sterling Last Friday night our boys and girls went to Mt. Sterling. Unaccus­ tomed to play on. a small floor our teams were unsuccessful in their at­ tempts to out-score the Mt. Sterling representatives. Our. girls were handicapped by the absence of Gladys Pullin, guard, who was confined to- her home suffering from grippe but will be. back for the Ross game. We were further hinder­ ed when Veronica Black left the floor with three personal fouls to her cre­ dit. The final score fo r the girls was 31-39. Our boys were, not playing in tip­ top form and seemed'lacking in team work. Despite these handicaps* wa gave Mt. Sterling a run for their Score DEATH CLAIMS NOTED DIVINE IN KANSAS Producers Cooperative To Meet In Xenia E. A. Beamer, president o f the Na­ tional Livestock Producers Associa­ tion whose member and-subsidiary or­ ganizations hapdled $160,000,000 worth 'o f livestock last year, will speak at the Sixth Annual Meeting o f the Pitt score was 21-26 in favor of Mt. Sterling. We want to say, however, that Mt, Sterling has two fast teams and were among our strongest competitors of the season. The Basket Ball season is rapidly drawing to a close. We have only, two more games scheduled and (then the tournament. •* Caesnrcreek furnishes our last game, when we meet their teams on the Al­ ford Gym floor, Tuesday February 25. The Tournament is dated for Feb­ ruary 28 and March 1 . SITE SELECTED FORMUNICIPAL WATER TOWER Clifton To Seek At Joint Meeting Dr, J, L. Clifton, state director of education, will be the speaker at the annual meeting of Greene County education boards at Jamestown, Feb­ ruary 15, it is announced by H. C. Aultman, county school superinten­ dent. A meeting of county teachers will be held in conjunction with the meet­ ing of school board members, and both groups will hear Dr. Clifton's address. A uniform school term for county schools, fixing opening and closing dates and the length of holidays and the subject of transportation will be features of the-discussion to take place at the meeting. Dr. H, F. McNutt, dean o f the col­ lege of education of Wittenberg Col­ lege, Springfield, will also be a speak­ er at the meeting. Friends and ’ relatives here were grieved to hear of the news of the death o f Rev. Frank M. Spencer, 88 , at the home in Sterling, Kansas, Fri­ day night. He was a former president of Muskingum College and also Ster­ ling College, Sterling, Kansas., He had also served as moderator of the United Presbyterian General Assem­ bly. He was born February 24, 1842 on the Federal pike near Xenia, his par­ ents being James and Nancy Guthrie Spencer. After- attending common school he entered Xenia Seminary, later Westminister College, and gra­ duated from Xenia, Seminary in 1868, He was also a professor, of Hebrew and mathematics in Muskingum Col- . lege. He was married to Miss EUa Andersim who died October 9, 1909. After serving as pastor in Leaven­ worth, Kansas, for eight years he was elected as president of Muskingum College, where he served for seven years. For more than twenty years he was president of Cooper Memorial ‘ Collidge at Sterling, entering on the work when the school was being start­ ed. When he retired the institution had a high standing among the col­ leges of the country. At 75 he re­ turned to the ministry and accepted a call to Zenith, Kansas, where he re­ mained three years. He was engaged in home mission work for ten years. Surviying Dr. Spencer are four- daughters: Mrs. E, H. Lees and Mrs.’ H. B. Kilboume, of Sterling, Kan.; Mrs. W. R. Irvine, of Iowa; Mrs. Janies Henderson of Oedarville and Mrs. Belle Finney o f Pennsylvania are sisters. The late Thomais A. Spencer. and the late Mrs. Levi B. Dean, Xenia, were brothers and sister of ‘Dr. Spencer, mission Association which will be held; at the -Masonic Temple in Xenia on Tuesday, February 18. Mr. Beameris subject will be “ Some phases of Farm Relief." The meeting will open at 10:00 A. M. .with'music by the Wilber- force quartet. Jacob Kany, Mayor o f Xenia will give the address of wel­ come to be followed by the response and president’s annual address by Edward O. Rector of Circleville. Reports will be given by L. C. Breid- enbach, manager; N, L. Claibourne, assistant manager and Hog Salesman; C. M. Stevens, Sheep and Calf Sales­ man and Harry Forman, cattle sales­ men. Other speakers on the program are: L- G. Foster of the Rural Economics Department of Ohio State University and R. Q. Smith, Secretary-Treasurer. Dinner will be served by the ladies of the Second United Presbyterian church. * j A called meeting of council was held jTuesday evening to consider A petition iof property owners asking that the section of town known as “Pittsburgh” populated largely by colored citizens, be eliminated from municipal Water­ works. Much of the property in that section has a very low tax valuation and would increased itt valtie little by the proposed system. These residents also realized there, was an advantage of fire protection but the physical condi­ tion o f much o f the property would not result in a very decreased insur­ ance rate. Those who signed that owned prop­ erty in that section were; G, H. Hart­ man, Mrs. W» P. Townsley, Mrs. Mary McMillan, Mrs. Aletha Bird, W, A. Smith, John Johnson, Asa Jones, Earl Robinson, Isabelle Taylor, John Klontz, Nettie Reed, Peter Hamilton, Maggie, Jones, Os Melton, Janies Webster, * . Council accepted the petition and same will be certified to the Board pf Public A f airs, In as much as the vil­ lage owns the land on the south side of the road leading to that section quite a sum will be saved the corpora­ tion, which would have been compelled A petition of residents of the Jcffer-jto stand the same assessment as other son Twp. Rural School District to jProperty owners. It is estimated .he transfer certain territory to Port Wil- {riH*gc share alone would bo near $3,- liam School District, is being consider- • ed by the county board of education. | Council has accepted the proposition The petition was accepted by the jo* F. K. Waddle who will donate a board from the petitioners at a meet- sitc the water tower on land just ALARM GIVEN F<)R AID School Patrons Ask For Transfer Ing Friday but the: board deferred action until a'joint meeting can be ar­ ranged with the Clinton County board, Springfield-Washingfon Bus Line Deal Cart Font, Jamestown, who ownes _ ^ _____; the Springfield, Xenia, Washington {since the Port William district is 'in bus line, has Sold hi* interest to the'that county, Central Ohio Lina#, Irte,, for $15,0001 The petitioners want t o . transfer according to a petition that haa been 828 acres, affecting twenty-two school filed with the Ohio Public Utility Com- children on the grounds that they live mission, Pent ha# operated the local within a mile er two of Port William line for several year#. It operated and more than four miles from Bow- through here from Springfield *where ersville, where the Jefferson Two. connection wn* niade at Jameatown, centralised school is located, outside of the corporation on the Yel low' Springs road. Mr, Waddle asked for connection to his home for use of the water for domestic purposes and for fire protection from a fire plug that will be nearby. He agrees to pay the same rate for water thnt is charged others. FOR SALE -Remington Cash Reg­ ister to be sold cheap. Call Phone No. 1 . ' ' The fire alarm sounded about 10:31 Tuesday night as a call for citizen: to gather to aid in the hunt of Willian Finney, who had disappeared fror home about 6:30. There was som alarm as to his whereabouts as -n trace o f him could be found during quiet hunt on the part of the family Just after the public alarm had bee given it was reported that he ha walked to the country and was at th home of Mr, John Finney on the Rif road. Mr. Finney is rather feeble an has not been in good health for som time, GLEE CLUB CONCERT The College Girls' Glee Club conce will be held in the First Presbyterii church, Thursday, February 27 at P. M, The concert will*be given und the direction of MiSs Berkley, head the college musical department. DOBBINS SOW SALE Fcriidale Farms will sell 60 sows at public sale on Thursday ruary 20, sale to start at i P. the farm .' This will be the sis Hampshire sale conducted by ; A. Dobbins. DRILLERS HAVING GOOD SUCCESS FOR WEI Henderson A Marshall are ] good success in putting down the (ripal water Well and the ten ific ;is now about ninety feet deep {test at this time shows about i jlorts a minute capacity which from 125 gallons, the required a Get our prices on A! Glycerin tot your radiator, bell's Exchange.