The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 1-26

vmmm 3SSS THE CEDARVILLE HERALD, FEBRUARY **, I W , ...» »•*.»•»»•>tw ~ ii.iit i (m ^ wkQ E™ be«j LOCAL AND PERSONAL !«£Hwdi»g the whiter in Pittsburgh, Pa., . . . . ........ . . ; with bqr son, and daughter-in-law, Mr, " r’n ' *1** * :*»d Mrs. James Gray, has returned Mr** 0 . P. Elisa entertained the j boa|®' .................... members of the Rook Club a t her home F0R SAT s „„g01B9 eood m;x*d hay. Tuesday night. Phone 4-122. CHURCH NOTES Mrs. W. W. Galloway and children Ford-Fiiraey Nuptial? visited in Htmtington, W. Va., the Laat Wedaeaday Afternoon j _______ M*4* * ^ M r T c £ At tb* hwBe of Mrs- Emm* Ford, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH M. A, burners, parents ol Mrs. uauo. ^ ^ o]4 clifton the marriage --------- . 'o f her daughter, MI**.'Grotto. Naomi Mr. Elmer H. Smith of near James- . __ , T „ »*___________ Supt. SS^SSSf’^E*" MAJESTIC RADIOS i I The Radio Supreme j CONSOLE MODELS . • . j $137.50 and $169.50 j E asy M on th ly P aym en ts . J * ' • . • ■ 1 J E A N P A T T O N I C ed a rv ille , O h io j N m m m tM M w m m m H im m iiiiiim iiH ilH iiiM iiiiiiin iiln u n iiu u jii'n iH iju iiilH in iiiiiiiiiiin iu M .u iH M n tM H iin in iiH liM .M r •»- i * ot Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Finney of near town has sold his farm tp Franklin WM Klfsmnivii a t 2 .46 Brothers, dairy t o r s *»d wdl Q, l k WrijMpi, y aftemoon by her how a publm sale Wodnert*y,M*xch ; of 5, Mr, Smith will move to Jamestown * where he will enter the insurance busi­ ness. i l l i - j Grocery, Will have a special assort­ ment for Easter and Mothers' Day. H. C. FENKER. Starting, and Growing Mash. Fo r1 sale a t McCampbell'ff Exchange. Mr. Raymond' Bull has rented the Lew Henderson farm near New Jasper, on Jt. F. D. No. 8 out of Xenia. Mr, Oscar Evans has purchased the farm that Mr. Bull vacates. Robert Evans has purchased his father's farm and Archie Hart lias rented the C. F. Mar­ shall, land vacated by Mr, Evans. gown of old rose crepe. Her flowers were a corsage of pink rosea and white sweet peas. The bridemaid was at- tired in a pretty dress of dark blue Ctope, ° ^ T ^^ ty -fod r relatives and friends wer* .present for the wedding and the teceprion following. The decorations for the home was very, pretty in the color o f pink *md white* ®lso the color was carried out in the two course refreshment, Mrs. Finney has had many social events held in her honor id-thd'hlit week.., They have the best wishes from their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ffeney w ill.reside on Mr. Finney's father’s farm whiqh he wlU operate. Oh last Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fiooey were at home to their nea rn e ighbo rs and a few friends honoring their son Walter and his bride. As the time went Oii friends kept coming until, they num- Wilmington basket ball team d e -,bered .forfcy\ The evening was spent feated Cedarville College at A lfo rd -f various games and tricks to the en David Kylye, 76,- prominent retired farmer was found dead in bed a t his home in Xenia, Sabbath .morning. He was a victim of heart trouble. He is survived by his widow, two sons, and a daughter, and two sistebs. The funeral was held Tuesday with burial in Woodland cemetery, Xenia. Gym Tuesday night by. a score of 89 to 9. The Wilmington Reserves de­ feated the College Reserves 46 to 14. :.The "Yellow Jackets” conclude the season with Findlay,.Friday night a t Alford gym. The' local team has. been handicapped by the loss of Smith md Allen. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nagley and Mrs. 52ella Whitt, and daughter, and Miss Louise Bradley, Xenia, ,were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs,.-Forrest Nag- ay in Middletown. , ! The Home Culture Club'was’enter- ained last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. G. H. Hartman. FOR RENT—;The Jeanette Barber farm of 128 acres; Call W. L. Clematis. " ‘ - . (3t) joyment of all and then a t a late hour the strains of music put forth through the a ir th a t which can only be pro­ duced with tip cans, horns and bells by that group, known as the bellers. After receiving their treat they left expressing their best, wishes and con­ gratulations. The Occasion also mark­ ed the 24tli wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs* J. C. Finney. Research (Club Elects Officers Last Friday The annual business meeting of the Research Club was held last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. R. McChdsney. Mrs. H. H. Cherry was chosen a new member to fill the va­ cancy caused by the death of Mrs. W. H. Smith. ' ' The. following officers'were elected: President, Mrs. Karlh Bull; Vice President, 'Mrs. A. E. Huey; .Secre­ tary , Mrs. XL N. Abel; Treasurer, Mrs., R. C. Watt. f if t y - tw o I n d ic tm e n t s ■Governor -Myers ,Y ., Cooper has named a temporary committee which meets this Friday afternoon a t the State House to consider a program for speeding up public improvements, as well as encouragement to private en- ‘ ' ' ... tejrprise. to Relieve' the unemployment Due to mismanagement and other situation^ Representatives of several charges Clinton: county was forced to ?tate-\vi3e organizations of industry, have] a two mill levy last fall to carry iabor^ and commerce, will consider the on the work in the county. - County •irobf&m.^arlh Bull, President of The Auditor Harry Gaskill has been in- Ohio Newspaper Association, has been dieted on fifty-two different counts. A .named hi? Gov. Cooper as a member previous . grand ju r y . found indict­ ments against county ’commissioners and others. If the farmer's income is to be im­ proved, he must plan hiis production practices and effectively market his products.. 1 Says Bam: I t would he some relief to hear that the fellow who has been mourning the real did fashioned win­ te r , had frozen to death in some snow drift or other. WANTED BUTCHERING— I am now prepared, to do butchering during the winter. Hogs to be delivered at my home. where butchering is done. Phone mornings and evenings, 3 on 197. •Wm. Cultice. Get our prices on Alcohol and Glycerin for your radiator. McCamp- bell’s Exchange, ‘ F U R N I T U R E REPAIRED and UPHOLSTERED At Prices In Reach Of Everybody CharlesR.Hoerner I PHONE R es. A d d ress 1 Cedarville 143 Cor. Monroe & Lake Sts., Xenia £ r. >► v . TOO OLD TO WORK Some day YOU will be too old to work* Will you then be dependent on other* or yourself£ • You" can make sure of your fu­ ture through a SAVINGS AC­ COUNT with US. It will fupport you in your old age, hecauie it i« NEVER TOO OLD TO WORK We Pay Wife On Saving W* Chatf* 6 Vi% On Loam Springfield, Ohio St, John’s Evangelical Church of j Springfield. j The attendants were -Miss Cath- , , „ , , erine Josephine Murphy snd Harold 1 ta rn n o w , 0 . . t l ^ n » k rt* . Sabbath School at 10 A, M. O . A. Dobbins. Preaching a t H A- M. Theme: "Is our Best too good for God ?" YJ P. C, U. a t 6:30 P, M. Third Chapter in Stewardship book, "Life as a Stewardship." Leader; Lloyd Me-' Campbell. Union Service at 7:30 P. M. in M. E. Church, Dr. W. P, Harrimah to preach. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at 7:30 P, M. Leader; Mrs. J. E. Kyle. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH r Church School at 10 A. M. Lesson title "Jesus Teaching about Himself." Matt, 11:2 to 12:50, This is another splendid opportunity to learn what Jesus said concerning who He is and His purpose in Coming to this earth. Public Worship at 11. Subject "The Love of Jesus”. This message will deal with the meaning of the Sacra­ ment of the Lord’s Supper, Epworth League at* 6.30 P. M, NORTHUP HATCHERY W e are now h a tch in g and can tak e your ord ers fo r HIGH GRADE BLOOD TESTED CHICKS Custom H a tch in g . Phone 13-16 Clifton Exchange4 • R. F, D. 1, Yellow Springs,'Ohio Union Service .at 7:30, Rev. W, P, Harrimsn; D. D„ will preach. Prayer Meeting Wednesday a t 7:30 P. M, I f you believe in prayer and. are interested in a deeper Christian- experience and the salvation of the unsaved you are cordially invited to this meeting. "In America, the older connotation of education as something severe, even repellently severe, is maintained," —H, A. Overstreet, i , y o u jpav urn at w it M ain t P X en ia ^ to w e r S a t e s ^ '^ ^ W h en l/ b u G oT b C i E v m ™ EVERY ROOM NOW WITH BATH *2 $2- 300 Clean Modern Rooms \ EAST SIXTH AT ST.CLAIR AVE, W, H. BYRON, Manager H its Week Last Chance Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in a Sale MEN'S AN D YOUNG MEN'S FINE OVERCOATS 188 to s e le c t from a t HALF PRICE ALL FINE SU ITS AND TROUSERS 1-3 OFF ■O ff- * a l l s h e e p l in e d c o a t s , LEATHER COATS, SHEEP VESTS, DUCK AN D CORDUROY COATS 1-3 OFF SW EATERS, LUMBER JA C K S /U N ­ DERW EAR , PA JAM A S , NIGHT SH IRTS, GLOLVES, H AT S , CAPS 1-3 OFF _ _ A ll Shoes, O x ford s, S lip p ers, R ubbers, 1-2 -4 -6 B u ck le j K j i ^ k A r c tic s, Rubber B oo ts, Sh eep S h o e s ,'F e lt B oo ts, H igh Top Sh oes. DON’TMISSOlHtBIG C. A . KELBLE’S BIGCLOTHINGANDSHOESTORE' ■i 17-19 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio | 3 0 0 0 ACRES OF SOY BEANS RAISED FOR MARKET WITHIN U A RADIUS OF 12 MILES OF CEDARVILLE 555 M We have justclose a contract with the largest soy bean m mill in the country for acreage for the 1930 season. Guaranteed Minimum Price $ 1 • 2 5 Per Bushel * for No. 2 Manchu Soy Beans firrS? zxrz If market is higher at time of threshing, farmers will be given benefit of raise. It is necessary to book orders early. Only 50,000 acres will be con­ tracted in Ohio. When this acreage is assured, we can Make no more contracts. Let’s take as much of this acreage as we can in this vicinity. There’s money in it for the farmers. . ■* * Phone for particulars. Our representative will call on you and explain it without obligation if you are inter- . ested. The Cedarville Farmers, Grain Company PHONE 21