The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 1-26

***************** **+*m*****fj An XmASxtg V*rf*Hep A n y * Monday Spriagfield, Ohio Order Early QUALITY CLICKS Sent C. O. D, If You WUb Phone Main 83 $ C H I C K S Heaw* at Ohio State IJ&ivsraity, C© lu*,W Ohio, Match, 1929. Why take a chance on others. (Jet Our Catalogue, It tella you of then: wonderful quality. Our prices are no higher than ordinary chick*. THE STURDY BABY CHICK CO. S p r i n g P a i n t i n g Now is the time to arrange to have your house or other buildings painted. V/e are booking orders for the spring and summer. . Homes, interior and exterior Business Houses : « Barns Store Booms We Specialize in Sign Painting Elmer Jurkat Cedarville, Ohio Phone 138 * ► ► ► ► ► ► l ► ► I ► I ► I Made by Hanna’s It must be all right People who .’have ' used any one *df Hanna ’ s paints or finishes always have pleasant recollec- ■tions o f quality and sat­ isfaction. * When they have a paint­ ing or finishing job o f a different character, they ask "Wliat does Hanna make for. such work as that?” Jutt what they should have for the purpoie is in the .^complete Manna line— and the quality'ALWAYS meas­ ure* up to meet their high expectations. WE WILL > GLADLY ADVISEYOU ONYOUR DECORATING PROBLEMS QUALITY PAINTS and FINISHES There's Onefor EvtryPurp<m The Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co. . WeekEndin Chicago atthe C Q M F O R T A B I E G R E A T N O R T H E R N H O T E L C isfupaoM^^IaljHH ty^twacrmMV couples seme to Chicago for a fork, take Inthe theatresormovie pelaoec, see the Art Institute* Field Museum* vatieuesports ordanceInnighteHtfet, Mewattraction*everyweek. CutheW sortie*wilt »«akeiUT»r«*m^^ vane* for your parly* Write for fro* ta * oethplet* ontertahwhant guWo. W* will onlay hiditi I tNMrsonal In* torret Inmwu«gyourvkff<h«roughty oul oy ahles Nwgi&#g*<in*~h*8bU*ki i-m im m t MAMMMIIfcQUINCYtSTL n * E l l w w m | by Arthur Brisbane {Behold, One Oil King •Our Flying Army ‘ Jtfawe It Newton No Mother Love, No Nation Los Angeles.—The gasoline threat that worried the big oil men & few day* ago i* ^becoming reality. Here the price has been enfc as low a* 10 cents, and deeper cuts are expected. This is due to disorganised production and disorganized distribution. Any buyer who exults in the low price o f today exults prematurely. He will more than make up for It later on. Old royalty, kings, emperors, etc., are going out. In the realm o f finance kings are coming in, The American government, interested in United States prosperity, might make a care­ ful study o f Sir Henri Deterding, head of the Shell Oil company. An able Dutchman, born in Holland, knighted by the British, with his office in London, Deterding surveys the world from the oil man's point of view, literally, as an imperial con­ queror. The other day as lowest bidder he supplied the Japanese navy .with oil for a year at 54 cents a barrel, the lowest price ever' quoted, and prob­ ably bought it from independent Cali­ fornia producers fo r 40 or 45 cents a Barrel. California produces the oil, Japan gets the oil, Deterding gets the profit, the United States, sees its oil .supply diminished. On Mather field, Sacramento, Brig. Gen. William E. ’Gillmore directs the maneuvers o f army airplanes, greatest gathering in the history o f the army air corps. One hundred and fifty-nine army planes, from small swift pursuit planes to heavy bombing machines, are tak­ ing part in maneuvers such as would be necessary in actual war. Men that have inspected the equip­ ment o f European a mies, including France and Britain, say the '‘pro­ visional wing,” commanded by Gen­ eral Gillmore, is as efficient a unit as would be found anywhere on earth. The small new planet whose iexist­ ence was.asserted by the late Pro­ fessor Lowell continues to agitate scientists. Guided by Newton's law, Professor Lowell knew that disturbances in the orbit o f Uranus must be accounted for by the*existence o f another planet. 1Officials o f Lowell observatory fol­ lowing the new wanderer On the out­ skirts o f our solar-system, say it be­ haves exactly a s ' Professor Lowell would hiive expected. ~ A distinguished French astronomer says it is too small to' amount to any­ thing, but would change his mind if *It shifted its course and struck this earth in the neighborhood of the Place <le la Concorde, The Geographical Society o f Mexico very sensibly suggests the name “ Newton" for the new planet. Had it not been fo r Newton and his law o f . gravitation, “ i" redly as the mass, inversely as th< square o f the distance," scientists could not have known of the planet's existence. Russia, forgetting Sparta’s history, plan* a human society made to order. Children, taken from their mothers In babyhood, will be raised wholesale by the state. Mothers will enter fac­ tories,- and otherwise work the same as men do—or, rather, as mares do, on the farm. Bussia should remember that when ! a mare is valuable, and a fine home is wanted,.the mare not put to work before the colt is born, or afterward, Sparta educated it» youth; trained young men ttfsurprise and murder the miserable Helot slaves on their way to work at sunrise, that the young* men might be fierce in war. Sparta's law used iron for money, that no man might care to have much o f it. I Fine theories were worked out there ns in Bussia, but Sparta amounted to little. Athens, where human nature was allowed to develop according to rules—not suggested by Draco or Karl Marx—produced Greek grandeur, art, literature and philosophy. We are wound up at birth, to run in a certain way; our inborn impulses axe our mainsprings, and We cannot remake ourselves. To interfere with the family, with the mother’s passion­ ate love o f her children, with man’s ambition, stimulated by duty to his family and reverence fo r his father and mother, is to insure a nation’s downfall. f The government asks farmers, for their own pribe protection, to redtioe ‘ by two million' acres spring wheat ’ planting in Minnesota and the Dft- , kolas. Substitution o f barley, rye, , oats, alfalfa and sweet clover is iiUg-* Igeated. That might help if other |states reduced acreage, But it is as difficult for farmers as fo r others to 'change their habits, j Dura is a marvelous earth dwelling, far too good for those that inhabit it, except the children, spirits o f light, and the very old, made huhtble by life's trials. ((‘ftpyrttfit, 1939 , by Rina SyftdUeta Inc.) Union Communion Service Thursday The pastors o f the local ehurchea have arranged fo r a Union Commun­ ion Seryice fo r next Thursday even­ ing, April 17th, in the Presbyterian Church at 7:30 P. If. Thi* is the 1900th anniversary o f the Institution o f the Lord’s Supper by Christ in the Upper Boom in Jerusalem, and on this year, especially, when the 1000th An­ niversary o f Pentecost is being cele­ brated by all Christendom, it is fitting that we unite as Christian people in & union service, in which we may sit together at the Lord’s Table to com- menorate his love in giving his life for all who will believe in Him as their Saviour. Three elders have been appointed for the sessions o f the Pres­ byterian and United Presbyterian churches, and three from the Official Board o f the M. E> Church, who are to meet after service Sabbath evening in the U. P. Church to complete the arrangements fo r this Communion service, and it is earnestly desired that the entire membership o f all three churches may give up all other engagements and Honor their Lord by obeying His command to “ Do this in remembrance o f Him.” It is the plan o f the Federation o f Churches, o f all of the Evangelical Denominations, to observe a Church Attendance Campaign from Easter Sabbath, April 20th, to June 8th, the Anniversary o f Pentecost. There are eight Sabbaths included in this period, and the members o f the churches are being asked to pledge themselves to be preseht at one service each Sab­ bath, at least, during these eight Sab­ baths. You are also asked to display a window card, which will be furnished fo r this purpose, stating that your home believes in attending church on the Sabbath, and that you are enrolled as an attendant during this campaign. The Chtfrch o f Jesus Christ is the greatest organisation in the world, and deserves our first consideration. Christ said in the Sermon on the ‘ Mount, “ Seek ye first the kingdom o f God and His Righteousness, and uH these things rhali be added unto you.” ] There are so many in'the world who ’ think more o f “ three things” than; ;ihey dp the “Kingdom o f God,” thatj the Christian people need to be faith -1 fill in Jetting their light shino, The* pastors appeal to the Chnstia* peepi# o f our community U eo-eper*t* with us is this endeavor to Honor o «r Lord at this time, in a ■fitting o f tb* JSHhkb Anniversary o f Peotecost, Money to loan on*res! estate. Ce- darnlle Building A Loan Association, HIGH PRICES The price o f most farni products may not be what you wish hut you are always assured o f a high price for your spare money i f you invest it here. Why be satisfied with 8 or 4 per cent when W E . F A Y - 51 - 2 % IN T E R E S T and your money is available whenever you need it. Every dollar ,protected by first mortgage on local real estate. The Springfield Building And Loan Association 28 East Main Street SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Spring Shrubbery Sale On! Fresh Stock Every Day! Springfield*s Dependable Department Store Everyone Is talking about Wren's Hosiery Classic Now! ; • ■ - H J L >» :** 9 . f i n s r r ^ F > T - ‘ ‘ and Where to Find the Best Selections Smart, New Easter Coats * 2 5 ™d $ 3 9 . 5 0 ■ n . Others $18 to $95 . 'TH IS season’s most outstanding models—in beautiful new woolen fabrics—fashioned with capes, flares, high waistlines, belts, and the flattering new’ fitted lines. Black, lighter?tlian-navy, tans, brighter shades, Sizes 14 to 48. ' Easter Frocks In the Important Styles ; *10 >15 md ^25 Others to $49.50 Frocks for every fashionable occasion, in the most springlike o f colors and fabrics’—flat crepe, prints, georgettes, chiffons, and laces—exhibiting every new trend for Easter; Sizes 14 to 50. ' O f Course, Y ou ’ll Want a Fur Scarf ^29.50 and. $ 39. 5 0 . Others to $98.50 I f your new spring coat is unfurred or you’re planning a suit or ensemble, ybu’ll need a fur scarf to add the final note o f luxury.' FOURTH FLOOR—CORNER BUILDING. W ren’s Hosiery Classic $2 $ J . 4 8 Hose The loveliest of stockings to wear with new Easter things—in the perfectly matching colors. Chiffons and service with lace clocks, narrow or twin point heels. MAIN FLOOR-NEW BUILDING. Silk Dresses for Girls # 5 , 9 8 Every bit as smart as. older sister’s because they have all the new capes, boleros, and Short sleeves. Flat crepes and prints, sizes 7 to 14. THIRD FLOOR-CORNER BUILDING. Gloves Must Wrinkle $ 3 . 5 0 Nothing is quite w “right” in the Way of daytime gloves as those that wrinkle smartly about the wrist. New eight button length slip-ons in Mousquetairc, 1 . MAIN FLOOR-CORNER BUILDING. Boys’ Knicker Suits « 1 2 * 5 0 Suits that have all the'smart styling, patterns and colors that boys like, along with sturdy wearing qualities that insure long wear. SECOND FLOOR-ANNEX, ■H i Men’s Suits, Topcoats, $25 , $30 , $35 Spring 1930 best selections in new tweeds, cassimercs, cheviots and worsteds. Yoti’U find some with patch pockets, belted backs and a choice in knickers, too. Wren’s Men’s Store gives you Springfield’s best clothing, MEN'S CLOTHES ON THE TEN4PAY FLAN! WHEN'S! MEN’S STORE. A Small Deposit W ill H old Any Article Until Easier