The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 1-26
r g * o o u x m u e m n u t A a m t n , w * • A IM . MAN FBtOSHEALTH i NEWKONJOLA Solve Problem Of Rural Sick Room Women In Shelby County Make TowuuJup List O f Equipment Could Not Enjoy A M ea l^ - Now Freed o f Severe Stomach Disorder* MR. C. H. BOOTH “Konjola quickly and thoroughly itself the master medicine,” g*id'Mr, C. H. Booth, 15 Henderson road, Co- lurUbus. “No words o f mine can .describe my praise fo r this splendid remedy. F or a long time I suffered from stomach trouble that resisted every, medicine and treatment J tried, Gas bloating and severe indigestion pains followed every meal., Consti pation added tti my misery, and I was without hope o f ever seeing' another well day.. "A s I read daily o f the health and 'happiness that Konjola had brought to so many Columbus citizens, I rea lized 1 would be making a mistake •not to give it a tiial. I began the treatment, and that was the turning point fo r Konjola went right to work. My system was cleansed and consti pation banished. Then my digestion was restored, and now I eat three hearty meals a day without the slight est distress.” ' ^ Konjola, the new and different medi cine, is a systematic treatment taken after meals. Quickly Konjola goes to the source o f the ailments, cleansing and invigorating ..the ailing organs, and giving - abundant and glorious .relief. Konjola is sold in Cedarville, Ohio at Prowant & Brown drug store and by all the best druggists in alt towns throughout this entire section. Costly wek room appliances and equipment, necessary for only a short time perhaps, but nevertheless neces sary, add Heavily to the burden of expense attached to sickness or dis ability from accident in a rural home. A pair o f crutches, a wheeled chair, a hack rest or a bedside table are some times urgently needed and soon finish ed with. The average rural family cannot afford a complete supply o f such equipment, hut the members o f the family may need it as badly as city dwellers do. Women in Green township, Shelby County, took a long step toward solu tion o f the problem when they can vassed their township and made a sur vey o f all the sick room equipment owned in the township. Then they posted a list in the centralized town ship school, showing what articles were available, and who owned them. Now, when sickness- attacks a Green township family, reference to the list shows where the necessary appliances can „h® located and borrowed from their owners* to whom they are re turned when they are no longer need ed by the borrower. The’ list was compiled during the working out o f a project in home care o f the sick spon sored by the Agricultural Extension Service o f the Ohio State University, and directed by Miss Wanda Przluska, extension health specialist. . “ Other townships' have established loap cheats at central .points where sick room equipment is assembled. But that means that someone has to take charge o f it and make loans from it .. The Green township method leaves It up to the borrower and the owner. Incidentally, it- h a s .helped in creat ing a spirit o f neighborliness and will ingness to help each other, in the whole township,” says Miss Pryluska. j m s m by A r th u r Brisbane Radio and Flying Child Health Day One Cubic Inch,®One Ton Round Your Corners Among farmers’ wives until recent ly the percentage o f insanity was very high. Living isolated lives, working hard from dawn until long after dark, seeing nobody bub the sometimes dull, tired husband and farm hands, was bad fo r the mind. Then came rural free delivery, bringing pictures o f the latest fash ions, and the telephone, with news o f neighbors, finally, greatest blessing o f all, the radio. Farmers’ wives tune in, and retain their sanity. To the exceptional woman, rich, able to do- what she pleases, but hitherto finding little amusing excite ment after sixty, flying offers relief. The British duchess o f Bedford, sixty-four years old, goes up and down the earth at a rate o f speed that old Satan never dreamed of. She has jUBt started the second leg of a flight from London 'to South Africa, an able pilot and mechanic keeping her company. Says*SamfNot every one who talks too much is afflicted with parrot fever. VALUE ESTATES Estates o f Sarah Hamer and Jo anna Ebright, deceased, have both g ro ss,and , net value o f $8,200 and $900, respectively, according to esti mates ofy file in Probate Court. No debt3 are listed and no administration is made of- either estate. Although the soybean may have some faults, there are few complaints about its feeding value fo r livestock. Drugs are useless in the control of coccidiosis among chickens. A t the first symptoms o f the disease the birds should be placed on. a heavy milk diet. You would say that a flying man or woman could write a book, “ Things I Have Seen,” that would eclipse Vol taire’s “ Choses Vues,” (Things Seen), fo r Voltaire crawled around on the earth’s surface., . s However, not the eyes but the heart and brain do the real seeing, Gandhi, starved Hindu whose sin cerity causes the British empire more anxiety than all his 300,000,000 fellow Hindus combined, learns, as other en thusiasts have done, that the spirit is rilling, but the flesh is weak. Weighing barely 100 pounds, eating no meat, taking no stimulants, a walk j f 200 miles, that would seem a joke to an Irishman or a Scotchman,.has exhausted him. He cannot go on. Trees need enormous quantities Of water. An- apple tree 30 years old gives approximately a barrel o f water a day in summer. Says Sam;1Just being different from other folks is a doubtful method o f be coming distinguished. Interest in the beautification of homes and their surroundings is a sure indication o f - a better grasp of the fundamentals o f living. • Wow to Plant the j S 5 > H om e o r c h a r d q p © Permanent Trees x Serpi-permaftent Trees. • Temporary Trees L When first Planted 2 , Temporary fillers Removed 3. Permanent Trees Only jFruit Trees Should .{ Be Properly Spaced I .. ' The diagram' will prove helpful In Securing the maximum return* from your orchard property. The modem orchard 1* usually planted in a mixture o f two or more verities Of fruits. There are good' rea son* for this. Some o f the most de sirable fruit trees do not come to bear fo r several years but eventually make large trees and are very long lived. Other* are not long lived nor o f large .growing habit, but bear very young. -Therefore, the more Important tree* are dwsifled a* “perniaaeut,” “ semi permanent,” and “ temporary.” The general mode of planting is tht*i Per manent tree* are spotted forty to fifty feet apart in squares. Also spotted in these squares, fifty feet apart, are the semi-permanent trees, or if .none of these last are used, then temporary trees may he aubstltuted, Finally, at « point midway between the perma nent trees, temporary trees are planted. Those last come to hear very early and the orchard, thereby, begin* to, make immediate return* to tbs own- •*r. Later, when the feml-pornuumnt ar* bearing and need more room the temporary tree* ar* out down. Still later, whsa the pamanent trees are « * % dersioped and Heerihg, the permanent trees are cut out and the orchard continues to bear at full ca pacity with no time lost The time elapsing between the planting time and cutting out of the semi-permanent trees is usually 15 to 20 years, The land I* much enhanced in value when the final trees are bearing. Altogether this is a very satisfactory arrange ment. - Sharp tool* are important, for those that chew aiid tear instead of cutting cause more grief than no pruning at all, In cutting back branches be care ful to cut dose to a bud, Avoid leav ing stujnps even half an inch long. Careful pruning is decidedly important if yon hope to have well-formed tree*. / And unless yon are shaping a shrub to fit into a deliberately formal effect, never cut back shrubbery- with a Straight edge as though it were a hedge, but study each shrub and try to help it realise its natural habit of growth, The prevailing practice o f cutting the ends o f all stems has the effect o f destroying the natural habit of growth and producing stiff, leggy plants hav ing all their green at the top and bare, ugly limb* beneath. Consider your apples and ppar* and spray them at the right time. First when the cluster hud* show pink and are separate; later when three-fourth* o f petal* have fallen and o*lyi end * t thi apple closes. Hodge; Calif. — President Hoover, designating May 1 as “ Child Health day,” urges parents and all others to co-operate. - " These w e some ingredients o f child health; ,Fresh air and sunlight, ' They cost nothing^ Regular hours, long and regular sleep. They cost nothing. Eating slowly, which-costs nothing, and develops teeth and • jaws, avoid ing adenoid afid other troubles. Good, simple, food, with .variety, v’rom day to day. That cost* trouble, principally. It Is estimated that about 22 cents o f every dollar'spent fo r food goes fo r dairy product*. C. A. WEAVERCO. Just i d ! ARROW'S stunning new While designating a child health day the government might think o f the mother’s health,,also, and the disgrace-, ful fact that this, nation lead* all others, civilized, in the number o f mothers that die in childbirth fo r lack of^competent attention. 1 If a sow is about to- have a litter, or i cow a calf, the government stands ready to advise and help through the Agricultural department. For the expectant human mother there' is no such help. . Uranium, heaviest of, all metals, is now produced, for $400 a pound. Some o f it was shown to chemists at At lanta. The present price is low. Re cently the stuff was priceless. ’ It weighs twice as much .as lead, but, cosmically considered, that is not heavy. Learn from ' science that, the substance o f certain stars, because of terrific gravity and compression weighs two thousand pounds to "the cubic inch. Imagine the outer point of yopr thumb weighing a ton. o m * < The sun’* radiation, heat and power are supposed' to come from the “ stripping o f atoms.” The electrons, revolving around the nuclei, are stripped off and shot into space. The nuclei, le ft alone, are packed one against another, with no space sep arating them from their electrons and from each other. It is as though you stripped away the planets from suns in space and packed the suns solidly together in a lump. That would be heavy. An electron, in proportion to its size, is as far from its central nucleus as the sun is from the earth. Each atom is a little solar system, so small you do hot notice a million o f those systems in the corner of your eye. Our universe is really too complicated, at least for our feeble minds. . * Important to city governments. Ber lin. which makes C'ty rule a science, no t agraft,’is gradually rounding off corners on streets with heavy traffic. Big omnibuses can turn rounded cor ners without pulling out into the street, Interfering with other vehicles. Tlie used airplane problem already j causes anxiety. With constant im provement, passenger planes become- obsolete while still in safe working order. Highly expensive1 machines they have little second-hand value. The problem is to use, profitably, tin flying life remaining, in them. Among others o f our great indus trialists, Alfred F. Sloan, ,Tr"., head o f General Motors, appropriates million* each year for scientific research. Thanks to this wise ahd profitable course, followed by the nation’s great est corporations, Steel, Standard Oil, etc., important discoveries are made in many directions. rcojijticiit, m m , by Kis* r«*tnrM graduate, GUARANTEED PERMANENT FIT Bwuttiful View broadcloth In Mended colors. H ist’s vsluel ■, ■ ARROW SHIRTS Only Atrcvt Shirii haveArroyo (Mart Interwoven Hosiery 36c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Dobbs Hats $ 7 .0 0 , $ 3 .5 0 and $10 ♦ Wilson Bros. Haber dashery Moderately Priced Hickok Belts, Suspenders 5 0 c , $ 1 ,0 0 and $ 1 .50 Spur Ties 50c, 75c and $ 1.00 Cheney t ies $ 1 .00 , $1 .50 And $ 1 .95 TheC.A.WeaverCo. Main St, Xohifi, Ohio J u d f e t r e e s B y I N a tiv e R e c o rd s I f ft W m G *«* ta Virgin Forget ft** Good For . Refores tation Among hardwood er deciduous trass, tho#« with good rm tx4» la native for ests, and in good demand on the lum ber market, are the best choices for reforestation operations, suggests Fr W. De*», extension forestter fo r the Ohio State University. The perform ance o f a hardwood tree under natural conditions, Dean says, is a good indi cation o f its value when planted as a source o f timber. "Such tree* include black walnut, white ash, white and red oaks, tulip poplar, augar maple, and white elm, which is particularly well adapted to the black soils o f northwestern Ohio,” •ay* Dean, “ Black losust and catalpa can be used satisfactorily for produc ing post* on the farm . The catalpa is largely restricted to the better agri cultural soils o f western Ohio. Cotton wood and Chinese poplar can be suc cessfully planted on bottom lands or overflow areas along streams, for the production o f pulp o r paper wood.” Grouping of stove, sink, cupboards and work table hi her kitchen j* one factor determining whether the farm homemaker can be a community lead er or whether ah* is too tired to take any part in community life. MW Believe it' or net, the use of silk In women’s clothing has increased 121 per cent in the last 10 year* and the per capita consumption of wool baa decreased only 8 per cent in 00 years. ——nimttwrrfmr—Totwwt-rriirrmt*ft‘—ti*,‘i‘*l*1“ltlii"“ ,l“*nnlllt<,l“illllllll,MM” *’M*’w”M’l’” <w><y ’* FURNITURE R E P A I R E D a n d U P H O L S T E R E D A t P r i c e s I n R e a c h O f E v e r y b o d y CharlesR.Hoemer PHONE A W w p „ CmUrvlli* 142 Cor. Monroe It Lake St*» Xenia l»m-i------- rrmr-fi.....rr......... r-T-........................................................................ ihihwhwmw ' 1 A FITTING TESTIMONIAL TO THE LOVED ONE Time cannot erase the everlasting beauty o f a granite or marble memorial erected in memory o f the one who has gone. It is a memorial that lives on through t h e . years. Stones cut order as selected from our numer- - ous designs, Price o f each .in c lud es cement foun dation and setting *- , , ’ i •" - up o f s t o n e .. V ' ^ / <- 1 4 J am e s tow n M on um en t -Jamestown, Ohio JAM E S CURLETT , X en ia Prop. because i t has the biggestengine in anysix o f its ju ic e A famous name A FINE*CAB The New Series Pontiac Big Six engine is the biggest in any six Of Pontiac’s price. That is why Pontiac can de velop 6ohorsepower and turn it into such high speed, fast acceleration and exceptional hill-climbing ability. LARGE CARBURETOR . The power developed by, Pontiac’s large engine is due in part to a large i^-inch car buretor, equipped With an accelerating pump and an internal economizer. « OTHER FEA TU R E S . In addition* the power plant has • positive gasoline pump, a large three-port intake mani fold o f improved design and a positive full pressure oiling system which assures ample lubrication at all engine speeds and results in longlife. Come in and arrange to take a New Series Pontiac Big Six for a trial ride. A t the same time you can learn how much Pontiac has to offer in com fort, style and durability. V <r v Prioea Mrs / . o. b, Pontiac, Mich., ptu* delivery charges, Shock Absorber* standard equipment, Bumper* And aptinA Covers at alight extra coat, Oert ers/ Motors Time Payment Plan avail* able at minimum rate, i v t ■. Conaidat the delivered pride ss Well at the Hat <J. O, fc.) price when comparing automobile valuer. Pontiac delivered price* include only authorised charge* tor freight and delivery eric/ tor any — -■ -------- -- financing additional desired, aooetaotle* or BIG SIX *’ 4- m nnm is o>* o j iw h u a ; motoks ^ mumv » r rum ax . >T45* Jean Patten
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