The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
I ^ M a v i L i i h e r a l d KOfTOR AMP FUMJ&HRE OdmrviB©, Ohio, October 31,1387, T O D A Y , NOVEMBER 21 , 1930 ANWJA^aOUSTMAS SAVINGS ACCOUNT? t ill g* timt Ohio financial institutions that have Chriatiff* Savings Fund aceounta will pay over to depositors aomathlat Mice twenty million dollars early next month. Even this large amount may not cover such funds in banks ip the x$i54iti^$®?.lautiiiioijp^slitiesi over the state. As a means o f saving small amotmts the Christmas plan has probably outgrown any other ever tried ou t It enables different members o f the family or the entire family to have an account. Its uses are not always necessary for Christmas spending. Many apply part o f the savings to insurance. Others use it as payments on a home but o f course a large part o f it goes for Christmas purchases. Saving in small amounts is easy and with economic conditions as they are it Is a worthy plan for old or young. The old ad age "S a v ing for a rainy,day" is never out o f place. SERIOUS BLOW TO CHAIN BANK PLAN Developments the past week have been anything but favor able to the chain bank system for hank control. The past few years has, seen the chain bank makihg inroads in privating banking in many states. There have been many claims made as to advantages o f the chain hank system but tne strongest argument against it has been out" o f towncontrol. There is always the danger o f one or more o f the banks becoming involved and this would pull the others down, * , 1 , This, week many banks in Kentucky that have been oper ated by the chain system went to the wall-with millions o f dol- lars belonging to depositors in danger. This same chain had holdings in two Cincinnati bdnks and it was necessary for the larger banks in Cincinnati through the Clearing House to take over these holdings for sa fety ., The element o f personality is one o f the greatest assets of •apybank and this cannot have the same influence in a com munity where control is invested other than in home folks we can iheet and greet each day. The experiment o f chain banking evidently is not proving the success its promoters desired and the public should be cau tious o f such system o f banking. - * WHAT ONLY A FEW SHORT YEARS BRING US Congress will again be in session with the advent o f Decem ber and a lively session, it promises to be. The recent election came near robbing the Republican party o f control in each branch, and may yet loose the House if election returns are Changed' as a result o f recounts in various districts. When Congress meets it will have the report o f the Wicker- sham committee that has been investigating the prohibition enforcement situation. What the report will be no information o f an authorative source indicates but it will not matter much what it is, it will not likely, suit the drys if the wets are pleased, or the wets i f the drys are favored: I f it straddles, neither side will ‘be satisfied with what ever the recommendation may be, While many, wets were elected to. the new congress that open; in March, the drys will have a good majority, as they have in the present Congress. 1 It is hard to predict where a lot o f people in the public ey< will be a year hence bn the prohibition question. Candidate, for public office must Jhave votes and an Indication o f a strong change in public sentiment,means much changing o f positions Wenhaveno more pronounced case than that o f Mrs, Mabel Willenbrand, famed wothan attorney* mice in charge o f legal matters pertaining to federalifN^bitioti enforcement* It was not m long ago that Mabel made a famous speech before a religious'gathering in ^ r in g fie ld exhorting everyone to enlist In the fight against M Smith4fo r president, who, was openly against the eighteenth: amendment, * : But where do we find Mabel on the prohibition question today? She is the attorney for a.large corporation in Cali fornia that is marketing concentrated grape juice fo r making wine in violation o f the eighteenth amendment. So far it is escaping the eye o f official Washington. In as much as the Federal Farm Board loaned several million dollars to stimulate the grape industry, in California it looks as if Mabel has been 'able to sell the wine proposition with financial governmental backing. Thefarm interests that were responsible fo r the crea tion o f the Farm Board should take the tip and get Mabel as their-legal advisor. Grape juice even concentrated is haying a big sale at high prices while wheat and live stock continue down grade, < PROPOSED LICENSE FOR AUTO D R IV E R S _____ The Ohio State Automobile Association is initiating a peti tion Under the initiative and (referendum for a driver's license law tha tw ill-requ irea llow n ers -to-belicensedto-drivetheir motor cars. This question has been under consideration in Ohio fo r several years but never Could make the grade in the legis lature, du& largely to opposition o f automobile owners. Several States have such a law and like all laws you can hear good and bad reports as to the success it brings. We realize Tn many instances such a law could result in greater safety to *11 motorists on the highways. So long as the motorist that Thai some consideration fo r safe driving is not burdened with great financial costs or a lot o f red tape regulations in order that a road hog might bfe compelled to use care, we have no asrious objections to the,proposed law. ,We are Hot fully aware o f the contents o f the proposed law. sad the restrictions it imposes on automobile drivers. We understand each driver o f a car must have a license that Will cost fifty cents. There are 1,760^000■registered automobiles Sa Ohio and it is estimated there are 2,100,000 drivers,-or 350,- 000 more driver* than registered cars. With the fee proposed tint — t ir fifr fifth r state would be called upon to pay $1,060,- 000 in addition to what is now collected in automobile licenses and gasoline tax. • . . . V . . .. . . . Just where this $1,050,000 driver's license tax is to go we are uninformed. I f the state is to get all o f it?we would oppose such a law but if it is to be divided between the state, counties, townships and municipalities, on a fa ir basis, we would have no objection to the driver's license tax. The idea o f draining the rural sections o f millions o f dollars each year to support a monarchy such as the Ohio state government has grown to be, must be checked* The recent rebuke to the present state ad ministration is largely the outgrowth o f resentment against a highhanded method o f the state dominating the different taxing Under the proposed classification law it Is likely that all automobiles will be taken from the personal property tax list but the annual license tax will be doubled. What other taxes Will be imposed no one can predict at this time. The motorist must soon arise to defend himself or continue to pay increased tfttoiegehyear* The Herald would not openly oppose the driver’s license law if it means greater safety on the highway, or demands financial responsibility fo r the wreckless driver, but we will oppose any kind o f a tax proposal that is not distributed on a fair basis so that some o f the money will return to the districts from which it is collected, t /A r t liu r B riabwM T*Mt F|TO-Jtejr Week UwUaderit See* Wa* Hunttai the M tok i One BUtte* O umcm Pari Mazur of the Am of Leltuan Brother* *myi the five-day weekabcmld he adopted universally, to concentrate working, selling and buying: in five days, giving everybody two days to spend what they earn in health and efficiency. Such a plan,, according to Mr. Mazur, would encourage sponding and increase buying at least SO per cent. The slump in employment should convince the feeble-minded, that keep ing out immigration does not “ guar antee steady work for everybody in the1United States." To guarantee steady work you need buyers for goods produced, and to increase the buying -youmust increase the purchasing population. If thiB country had 60,000,000' more population of the right kind it would be 50 per cent better off in every way. General Ludendorff sees another: War in 1932. When it is overj accord ing to his prophecy, “Germany and Italy will be crushed, Russia, England arid'Austria'wri~side with* Germany; but France, heading another group, will win,” That'prophecy need not be taken seriously. 1The German generals had little idea of what was going to hap pen in 1914. They counted on a single Victorious campaign to last- a few months. Man’s occupation from the begin ring has been hunting down his enem ies to destroy them, or hunting -other men and animals for food; Hunters at first used their own legs and hands, then -horses, hound&, hawks. ' Now they have changed from hunt ing the mastodon, driving the 26,000- pound monsters into pits, to hunting creatures too small to be seen with the naked eye. Austrian art treasures in Salzburg were exposed to destruction by min ute worms, devouring priceless manu script* and ancient carved Wood..- Scientists exposed the worms for eighteen hours to the vapor* o f cya ride gas. The warms are all deadand the art treasurer are safe. Chin* W.UiWrJi? A . gentleman is here from to borrow from the United government on* thousand Ounces o f silver, worth about 000,000. >China tpie* silver a* nunwy, would be much obliged i f Uncle Sam would lend a billion bunces. Fortunately we are not in war days, when anybody could shovel out Amar- ican billions to foreigners.. Congreiia must pass on the proposed Chinese loan, and will probably ask, “Do you want the mon?y to feed your starving tens of millions, or to give' yoUr 50Q,- 000 soldiers their back pay'and keep up the fighting?” Sit- th i1 fw iifliW M S No* TWflPDBir to*toto* l^ppp^ t»C« * . « §m served in the Is briny umtoto fiatofrlftopiti»a to you will be, s em i ,gwjakly and ail-, eieptly, * Airaoet a hundred -wy gwit e f ant patrons have vp yanawi vtitoagto to the odiritetfoa tor tofd, ■IPs-wish to ' thank an wh# have- aa khrihr waytr* atod % tW* yreifeet. A .abort, program by tit* first and second grades will follow the sapper. Heam Be dab 'YI#* lee Flaat . The gir|* of the Pom* Economics tfthfltfiMi Hounke? let-M ato fa Springfield, Thursday, NeveaAw HN . : The prinoigtee invrirtd to the man- ufactiw* o f tee -had h#M studied pre- vicutiy by tha group. The. trip tow the factory .was very profitable as the girls saw these principle* applied. Afterthe water is filtered snd soften ed,,it is placed ip Containers for three- hundred pounds .o f Jed. These, con*. tsfoers’' are-keptrinm tottog brine until ,the water is frozen. The time necessary for the freesing to take placei*aboutforiy*right hmunuAfter the/totosing ptoMss, tha.,totoi, toii'f^l from thebrtoS torirahd dipped in hc^ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' II Ymm OwiHtiiMitkm ' OlyEf^ki MiEEadi It *T*r II ye«rs I tried to get rid.ef mfttoarion^ says Chss, R, Biahr, Bill tktt *l,,**>‘ Mlwtomi / Adlwtoa, made me repdar." ‘ The simple mixtare of glyeerin, hucjtoharn baric, saline, etc., (Adler* ika) gats m BOTH toNtor and tower hewri,' rritovtog *coastpistion to * hagfsl Iriage out prisons you never the«rik| war* to your system. Let Adlirika give your stomach and bow- rV JUBAL cleaning and see bow good you feel Brown's Progs. Hus m sanav. nanrieri tala *r'W fA * w p ^ r m -mfatfx wWh iKiidfir.lnidt.iiri » ■ . Chsriee Ruggleo yfeptog tha toataw, 1w#| mtoe wnietort fors throe day. «a.| FOR XALB: M t o r W m m Woctoeeday and Tbsmsday "BWow.aaal haw harnw. Infstos to T fm Chicsgo” a thrifitog ytory o f efto^ ■ .. . . 1 . . . . ...............• -------------------------------- AT T W CHAKBR16-WA1NBRB FI.AYHOUSBS IN 8FRINGFIBUI 4 thanksgiving wkbk RBGBNT THRATiPW - Storting Saturday, November St and continu ing four days Bert Wbeeier and Jtobt Woolaey the gorgeous downs ef “Tho Cuckoos*' will b* shown to the spark ling war comedy “Half Shot nt Sun rise." Slatting Wednesday, Novem ber 26 Grant Withers grill be shown to *?Shmers Holiday’' for s three,dayi ‘rim*-''. - ’ STATE T H E A T R E— “Scarlet Psgee,” drams that features a tense court scene and starring Elsie Fergu- son and Marion Nixon will be shown for four days starting Saturday, No vember 22. This wBl be followed On Wednesday, November 3d by “Head water to loosen tot let pkfa, whjich nr*' then placed to a storage toom kept at the temperature o f 28 degreesF, At the conclusion o f the visit to the (factory the manager ktodiy/gave each 1girl a sample of pop. Cesch Orr Retwraa Coach Orr, who was confined to'his room last week because o f illness, re turned to his work Monday. Students and faculty are glad, to welcome him back and hope that his recovery is complete. ■ - , - , - -sl ^ * . *Gtebri The Chape) ^lbM|celMs,, Monday morning, were to^charge of the Ath letic Department with Pari Rife pre siding. The Scripture wee regd by Virgil flatter; ir ir i Webctot gave a review of the Football Season. . Coach Botot, o f CedsrviUe College, spoke on the importance o f Physical Education. His talk was very worth while to fillpad especially instructive to titpm. totertotoA toatUetics. Roger lltotteii Printed Roger ^Xiutoii * pupil of the sew 3nth grade, fhtt aadtorim. hto ebori: dir, while jlayifig todtbriL It to hiwMI tb it B i gwaillt-qririay rltovor f r ^ . ttto?'tolu^ **y« f M i : , ibxm* ‘ ThfipwtoKdg’ Au'Webetor,' Prosldent, wett a story «*iHritol^3iritttjM ^ ^ . A elwri; tinto. •w*a,'i#**t;'to Ireadtog IVehch .loketj, " ^fi^tbeter . and-_ Mile. 'StrabtodbN to^'toton^ riritorriri their r i^ r ( i «y»tobp l r ef-ap ley entitled Captain Hawks continues to make other distinguished flyers look like estimable “has beens.” He (lew from Havana to New York in 8 hours 44 minutes, *veraging l90 milea an hour, doing 609 miles at 210 miles an hour, not using top speed at any time, , If men would buy stocks careful IT Selected, of sound value, as they buy real estate, within their means, every intelligent man today could toy the foundation o f future independence, Rut, in stocks or in real estate, If you gamble you are gone. Any one of ten million ghosts that flost ardund the back door of the stock exchange St midnight could tell you that. It pays to improve your city if the improving is done in even a moderate ly honest and efficient way. AftorAtotof *|AWW tototing, the romatodW ‘« f tito^p^|g Waa spent ia> ytoytof 1Httoet "to wWch en*,l» •loiewbiddi ef fwbrii Wto portrayed Drii^ttol rtoreriuaents ware sMved ’sy'todliOdtoriu - * The ef || m riub prevkmsly toOWh Kgi f r ljkliut; drim Wriritor; Vtor^ rilurii .$rito TebtoiliOorr* taryr ' Betif BhCwbri);, Treasurdr, Briber ^ tBei BaaketbeQ tor both hoys and giris be|M wfeinrtafc fafa weto. Both toams atW.iRrifilNf haitfi to pre paration tor -1 For the htorifcfj j f .toe fane, the schedule for the ffizlrg season will heptirifdsooa. After a long delay, New York and New Jersey decided to build a vehicle tunnel under the Hudson river. In three years 81,000,000 automo biles have Used the tunnel, paying $15,500,000 In tolls. The tunnel cost $54,000,000, and is taking in $6,000,000 a year, In 10 years it will pay for itself. If cities were run by competent business men instead of being run, as is usual, by grafting and ignorant politicians, taxes would.he cut down 50 per cent and more. Prosperity and values would increase gigantically. The government has broken up - ring dealing in drugs to the tune of1 5 5 5 millions. Fifty ihouaggri worth hf narcotics Were sold each week in laundries and restaurants in New York city. Other drugs will he seized, and oth er men will go to jail, but the drug trade will not be broken up; ,Wben men can sell for hundreds of dollars' profit the contents of an overcoat pocket, men will be found to do the selling, especially as they themselves are often drug addicts, - . The business world, including jp$) publishers,,will appreciate President Hoover’s sound advice to advertisers, Those with long experience in ad vertising know that its evils comet themselves. Advertising not founded on truth and value wlll not tost, A good name, with advertisers as with women, is t^e most valuable ef all assets. ' >• Csdarvilto Devriis Mt, Storltog Friday afUntaea, Csdarvilto High School closed it* football season by a 1 M victory ever too Mt, Sterling team. It was the sixthwinfromright gariea played, a percentage to viewof seme of toe harder games. Early to toa first quarter a Mt, Sterling pass from Ceddnrile’s . 4 $* yard tin* was eompletod, and scored a touchdown. After an aasaccsssful toy for print, Mt. sterling kicked oH. * On CedarviUe’s defend riajr Buck ner gained tototy-five yards, and im- mediately after, Peterson broke tom thatiaiaud evadtogto* secondaryde* tonse acored a geah Friiiag toJoore titoprint; Cedarviltowaaeoutent with a AA tio ut tW. and. of a teetulostf •toond «toritei- In the toted parted Hacklier scored another toUehdoimon■* cut-back off . a ttto of thirty-five.yards T®***4* ptmmd torn toe' line for tha doitors potot,i h*tomCedarvilte on toe IcmlrOTdof * # During the quarter*.aai to to* ' ' - t o and .... to mm riMted to* seer* toMatoed 18 A to tom 0 Cedmvilto iNh* toird -VftoPFTtoPto toHirff fa- w e s w * —s# Wtatoto ilari wnn im *JkML rikeial'^a .a* . . uasa. niJ-astrin.- ^ aa iS S S r to tik m a tomiltoi.to1Iteatatfto'to av ^towawwwmpy HrwSflPHil eHfWm'tow#fi sad m m Malaria to to i i t 'l i t o i i f t o I1 * j MH1.ato*|"*|ri,lv,i f u k n i t u k b ^ ^ REPAIRED and UPHOtgTBK®) A t Prices In Hesch O f Everybody CharlesHHoenicr PHONE CedsrviUe148 *sweiM>weii)MewtinimiiM R m . Addreaa tor, MaaroeA LritoS)to,K«ria [nr] ------- ------- :'rn............. ................... ................................... . ^CAN BE CUBED HEMORRHOIDS (OR PILES) WITHOUT USE OF KNIFE WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME m • - A successful treatment for internal and protruding piles* Requires from-four to seven'treatments at.intervals of about once a week for a :r care of the average css*. Also the- Weal Non-Confining Method of „ Treatment for Fistulas, Pruritis Ani (itching! and Fissure, etc. D R J. A . YODEB Osteopathic Physician and Proctologiat 18,19, 29 Steele Bldg* Xenia Phone 834 * -, WINTER GROWTH During the cold winter months when the ground is, lying idle . and nature is resting^ your money is continuing to grow i f it is de posited here, Day after day, month after month and year after year it increases at the rate o f INTEREST without care or attention on your part. Whenever you want it, itv is here, ready fo r you on a moments notice. I f yoUr idle money is: earning less come in and see us. Every dollar is protected by first m ortgage on real estate. & 28 EastMaui Street SPRINCFIELD v OHIO ti, 4
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