The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
■O -t \ J \ c \ ‘ X i T H E C fc b A R Y fL tR cfc&AitmLE, O h io Advertis«»*iits~-Every article on this pan* U 0 paid uiwrMMmh ' ■ 4 - ‘ r M DRYOEANINGCD. Offios located 1 b Springfield p.t 106 East High Street and plant at 117419 North Walnut Str*«t—make a specUl- ty of high grad* cleaning and dyeing for ladle* and gents. They ax* espec ially prepared to take care of business from the surrounding territory, and maintain a parcel post department for out-of-town customers which brings many repeated orders by mail. Tbit company bus a reputation for the kind o f cleaning and dyeing work that Is built to last and consequently their services are in great demand, for this is a firm that knows the Bust* n«M from A to Z,*and employs ex* pert workmen. Heating with instant and"almost Universal approval, idle work of this company is now going to all parts of the country and with the dawn o f new prosperity in the country the fu ture will see this firm one of the Bus iest beehives o f industry as prosperity _givee impetus to .the desire for effic iency. There is not-an establishment in - the country which is of greater commercial value than this company. They have,won. a warm place in the hearts of the public through the excellent work they have executed in every branch o f ’ the cleaning and dyeing business. The thinking public has come to Understand that when work goes to this firm it i> executed according to their reliable methods and-a satisfactory job is. certain. « It is a pleasure for us to point-' kto this concern as one o f the leading enterprises of this section and to say that it has always been eminently fair and honest as well as progress Sive and Up-to-date, and that they have won for themselves the reputa tion o f having one of the lending con cerns engaged in their-special field of endeavor, and to point out the ad vantages of transacting business with them. > The business is under the direction of latter-day business men who ap preciate the value o f good, service as a trade winner and they and their associates are always willing and an xious to accommodate their patrons- They have always taken an active in terest in the development of the county and are known as among our foremost citizens. SPRINGFIELDFISH&OYSTERGO. Located ,in Springfield at 20 West High Street are!eftensive dealers in all kinds of risk and Oysters. Splen didly equipped fo subply the territory. When this well known firm started in business they" determined to-han- dle a complete flab* line. They know this business—thoroughly and arrang ed to'Offer the beat there is. But dJd not' step there, for this firm was . indeed wise in their business ana ap preciated the necessity of real, mag nanimous aervjce. They equipped tbemsejVe* ’ io > furnish the trade with service.' second to none and the success of their enterprise since they have been in business testifies to' the wisdom of. their course. . . Their slogan is “ If it creeps, crawls or swims, we have it," is well*known to alt the people in the city and sur- . rounding territory. Whether it to breakfast, luncheon, o r dinner; a little ‘spread' or a ban quet, it piattefe not to the housewife who puts good sea foods into her, . menus, and prepares them correctly and this establishment is headquar ters for hundreds o f people whoknow and appreciate '■good sea foods~leb- ■ stars, clams, oysters, /crabs, shrimp, ' In Btopto,n« M<$fiwtg«j pmouM « pbrtfefa.aver,hiked' to bold amarsb. ■*lk>w*T«r .thf fire on.g'.itiok,' ' . — nr-firiK rtU v * ffirfgibto ditfur gain latitude by femdngout the gtewaway*, <w* by iod'wby not? Never look a gift - horse !o the , wrath, dr Judge an American town I f What you cab *•» from the railroeg, Pajamaa wilt not be popular as * ntrest coetnme for men until provided with-pockets for a. watch, knife, key- ring,, fountain pen, pencil, billfold, the 12 -rid« railroad ticket, the driver*! It- ctn*% and.the little redmemorandum bookstnlfed withnewspaper clippings ' A frenchman'to urging bis compa triot* to grow whiskers and conform to {ha"national type,” Instead of being ctejm-eiurrso and becoming “standard* l**d Amaricaaa." ' Tim French girls eagbt to have eometbing to spy about fhat> ' Ssfva about the way middle aged woman “make np" if yon will, but eon* • ftps at ieeat to yourself, that they took batter than they did in the old Mmpie days when a good complexion waa natara’a gift excTurtvely, “And now," aiid the druggist to his apprentice, "since you have mastered the katnea of the 80 brands of candy bars, yon can spend the next week Memorising the list of tooth " Hymni and Footbati Thar# firefly am time* when'this does aeem one of thq rtost.fejtrt •Nit* wholeworld. Rather more than 00,000 people sang with great feeling (and not for the first, time) that decidedly somber and fundamental bymn "Abide With Me* as a preliminary to seeing the cap final at-Wembley on Saturday —a bymn of which one commentator on hymnology has remntked: "It le almost too Intense and personnl for on- dinary congregational use." Of course, it ha* a good air, and, of course, it le "community singing” that leads the choice—but they couldn't stag it unless they knew it, they wouldn’t know it unless they liked It, and thky wouldn’t like it unless they had some apprccla- tlontef its verbal significance, snys the Manchester Guardian. It remains, how ever, tbe strangest introduction to one ef the greatest sporting spectacles of the year, and whenlfallowances have bee* made there remains a residuum of gravity which suggests that friv olity Is pet, after all, tbe essence ef th* ags. HARTWEL COlliGEDFCOMERCE X At Id & J8 North-V Limestone Street iu Bprtngfield—are extensive dealers in shelf hardware, paints and varnish cs, and supplies for the home or farm A progressive store under able man agement- They carry a stock pf hardware so largo that an order of almost any kind" can he Instantly filled. This pro mlnent business institution Is forg ing ahead as one of the businesses that are making tlial city grow by leaps and bounds., Thetr .stock. Ismade up of the very best lines of hardware, it is one of the principles upon which the business has been, built that a. piece of hardware sold by them must he the kind with1which tbs customer will be thoroughly fleassd’ Keeping this In mind they have filled their shelve to overftpwingwith the best there is to be had iu thehard ware line. Anywhere yon may turn in the large, commodious rooms inwhich they do business, you will find an al most endless supply of Ike goods yon are going to want whenever you want hardware. The system with which" their Stock is arranged enables them to give tbe quickest and most efficient service in filling the every need of their many patrons* The prices they, olfer -will interest you if you are thinking of buying any thing in their line; ; The store is In the hands o f men who do *ot only know the hardware business from A to Z but also know the needs of.their patron# and en deavor to supply those, needs. They are men whom you wilt like and are men who have made their way In the business world by bard work, square dealings and caretul attention to the needs qf those* with whom they deal They have proved loyal to all the things which promote the best inter ests of the country, and their past reputation is your guarantee for the future. awdt scallops and ‘ fish o f all kinds. They deal with only the largest con cerns in -buying their daily “Stock; and which is sent to them directly from the waters. •They are prepared to give you any and all information regarding pro ducts they offer for sale, and they consider it a part? of their business to serve you in .this manner. When you seek information from them you (do not get a curt or hurried reply. *A courteous response with compre hensive knowledge is returned to every request and you are not obli gated in any way merely because you asked questions. The ieading health authorities of the country advise the public to eat more fish and. sea foods. They con tain the proper amount of iodine the body demands. By that standard the; average length o f human life will be prolonged. The Springfield Fish A Oyster Co, has always had at heart the best in terest of the county and has dene the best at all times to serve the people to the best, advantage. Under the actite business direction the business has always prospered and expanded-' Birds «n d G o lf An interesting proposal to further the preservation of bird life h«* been made by th* National Society of Au dubon Societies, soya the .New Fork Post It suggests that golf .courses be mads Info bird sanctuaries, if the Idas at..first seems somewhat fantas tic, It cannot help hut gain adherents When it is discovered tbaf among the nnmes of a committee formed to en- couraga the movement are those of up less authority on birds than Frank ft. Chapman and pf no less, authority on golf than. Robert T, Jones. Certainly the, golfers should be able to put, op with the birds if the birds can put up with the golfer*. But an elghteen-bole course, for all its' wide' .expanse ef green, ta not an Ideal borne fqr any bird or anipial. It is a Utite dangerous aud * little confusing- Nevertheless. |f those who know beat the habits ef binU^thlnk that tbey could enjoy fair ways, bunkers, greens and water haz ards we hope that the golf clubs will do what they cantoattract them. Any thing which help* to' preserve bird life deserves wide support The animal inhabitants of the World’s wildplaces are among.tbe first victims of civilization's conquest over nature With unrestricted bunting .privileges such, as .obtained In pioneer flays? tbe extinction of valuable spe cies is" Inevitable if e curb is .not placed bn tbe huntsman In time. Many American species would have met the fate of the .buffalo and the. wild pi geon if game law* bad not been enact ed- Modi”beasts and bird* now are protected at least in the breeding sea- eon, and tb> countryside again I* be coming well stocked. Migratory birds ■are ,'the '. subject .o f taferimtiouat treating ebd rersja'.th* propagation ef .Tiff Ofauut teem*'te bive woo fes international balloon race, without breaking t»yr*cprd*. public interest In tbe** annual contest* I* hot now keen, say* the Hertford Daily New*. They bare little value otherwise than *s the drift of the *a» bag* may.throw some light on the movement of atmos pheric currents for the benefit of tbe meteorologist*. The plane and the dir igible have taken serious attention away from the beiplesa balloon. It has never helped the world much of itself that n non-motored air -craft might float in the sky for one hour or for forty-eight,.except as we ascribe merit to the work of balloons for mil itary observance purposes during the Civil war and afterward. Tbe par*- chut* literally came from the balloon The monoplane, the biplane, the "blimp" and the beautiful Los Angeles have superseded it* When the office skeptic’s calcula tion of his end-hf-the-roonth balance agreed exactly. With, the bank’s, the other day, be went over it again, more carefully, \ -Western scientist is experimentini With skirt*-for ftbltey cars aa noise preventers. Be should be able to get plenty, of equipment from the conn-, try’s attics.,. X 'V ' We caon^i)decide which is worse; to say that « man means-well, or, to cali hlm a ’ titular leader." K ^ 1•' •• 1 1JI^ ' f V, £ Photographs of .'the sun and its new spots suggest that GlflSOl it suffering from a bod attack o f tbe measles, ... .........*.... in Utopia, w* b*ll*ye that.s.brow, beating lawyer i*’ sent up now and. then for contempt Of the witness. ’ A doctor warns {rained nurse* against marrying men who will Us* them a* meal ticket* Why only nurses! : , '* Women In 2030 What the woman of 2030 will be like I* forecast by several of England’s great leaders, says the London Tele gram. And their, prediction* follow: ShellurKny-Sralth,novelist: .Tsuppoaq the young woman 1 O 0 yeara from now will be the same as today with the ex ception of certain outward difference In clothes.-". Johd Collier, painter: "I feel confident that the woman of TOO years hedce.wlll-be finer both mentally and physically." Mrs, Robert Loraine: "Woman ha* been like Eve, her moth er. However, she might vary her ex ternal* and her vapor*to coincide-with the"pnsslii|"needs add fashions." John Hasaall,"^poster artist: **\ybo Can say what women will - be like lOp years from nowtNThere will be h difference, or‘ at any rate they will be quite sure in their minds’that there is difference,” George Bernard " Shaw; "I don’t, know. Neither do you." With modern quarters in Spring- field on the eighth floor of the Arcue RuildlngT-ia a business college which no business review telling of the val uable institutions of a progressive community such as ours would be complete without mention of this busi ness college whose progressive and ef ficient business methods, clean, moral atmosphere, and the untiring efforts of able Instructors, for to them must go a large portion of the praise for assisting to elevate the universal aim of 'pur home people whose motto is: *'A Greater Homo Community." What to do with our son, has been the eternal problem that has con fronted the parents o f yesterday and today. ■■ m In this rapid advancing age of business expansion, to be a success a young man must be able to take ad vantage of his opportunity by first securing a practical business educa tion, such as /can be learned *in an institution such ' as this business college and1is evidenced by the great number pf' young men antTwomen found as the leaders in all walks of life, holding responsible and highly remunerative positions, with large corporations- and hr-public service who .arc product* 'of this efficient college. ‘ * What to do with pur daughter i* a problem solved by this college for the parents. With a business edu cation eueh as jnrtiUed into pu pil* ef this college, the young woman has a -better safeguard- - against th* adversities pf fortune or a better re source in the time of need, assuring her a shorter and sure* avenue to independence and prosperity, giving her the advantage over her unpre pared sister. The management o f this college is most progressive and very effici ent, making an effort to keep equip mentandbooks in accord with the pro gresxive. age and no pupil 'is allowed a diploma without first becoming ad equately prepared along good -busi ness lines, It would be eminently fitting to say. in this college ‘ ’the passage, of- time is one continuous improvement.” No-one institution ' is more worthy of extended praise than the Hartwell College of Commerce where the advan tages of preparing for your life'*' work are offered! the oomlng general- tion and no school' offers a more practical and complete course than this college, whose -individual in structions insure -rapid' advance ment and a sure road1 to success.- E. LKIZER- ELFCTRICAliSERVICE The Hartford- Courant talks about the need for smdll coin*, fn /Ida part of the,world 'ill aorta of coin* are needed. •’ Admirably located in Springfield at 206 West Main Street* hay© one of tlio. most complete had. They WMl settle thb electrical problems in your home. Its experts have'-'a/-thorough knowledge of!*th& theoretical and' practical details of The 'Shannon scheme Is a national hoitse wiring. A consultation ■with undertaking. Its mere existence is'*>. will eliminate many of the eicc- trlbuf.e to tbe progressive spirit oft£*'. inconveniences in your, home. • - I 'T a k e contracts for wiring. Whether Maybe «<>me at th* things the Old- nese did were illegal, but ft i* difficult to he strictly ieffid la dealing with a burglar. ” ^ . Baffal**' Usage Tte haffalo ranged over tb* grsatar part of-North America. Its natural home probably waa tbe grassy plain extending from Texas to Great Stare taka, but It to known to have lived la New Fork and Virginia and to kav« roautod West as far as th* Sisrra Xt* vada rang*. CHARLOTEBEAUTYSHOPE Located in Springfield .in the Area© Building, are Permanent Wave spec- lalists and feature anything in the line of a wave. They maintain a shop that is the home of 86.00 permanent wares for ladies, ’ ■' tThr'profession of the permanent ward ghobld be one o f the utmost im portance And We dartnot fail in this UOmjwiriiansive rbview qf our progress to d*Vot* gome space to a wail merit- *d tribuf* to th* excellent work per- fortntd. by the '. Charlotte Beauty •iMqNt v ■ X' ■ they hat* made a study of the per* <ttkttent vtitfrd from a scientific stand* point arid have supplemented this with much actual work, whfeh makes this settle* both tried and modern, The permanent wave has advanced vary vapidly in the last law years and they, hat* kept right abreast o f the time*,-- ■ ■ " . " It to equipped and appointed with most' arientific equipment and com fortable appointments. There is nothing that is not conducive to the gout. Ol tb*; torVicO, The permanent wave system they practice gives hair a natural life and lustre to your hair. Your inspection' is invited, . There is no friz* nor kink, but the marvel effect with ringlet ends. They feature the Whole head for a moder ate price. . ’ Here licensed operators will put a wave in for -you in the Shortest time possible consistent with high quality of the work which they Will do. All you have to do is to phone for an ap pointment, go there at the appointed time, and leave the rest to them. , In a short time they with their skill will make you- look and fee] different and When you return home all your friend* will compliment you because' of your good looks and the becoming- ness of your wave.- We are glad to compliment {he Charlotte Beauty Shoppe upon the great success they are mdking in this Chosen profession and to refer this valuable ssrrlce to the people of this gectioft of the>state. The actuation often )$ mad* that w* *8 a.nation are money mad, say* Thrift Magazine. It H high dtbe foa# one refuted thl 8 groff Ubei. Go where you will in the..Unlted tt*teg -«Qglneer,' end yon rarely hear people 80 far for getful of their purer 8 elve| at to ctm- vert* on tha lobject of money or tbe attainment of material potletliont. One feldom feet the dollar liga in th* public prett, Perfonally, we have quite forgotten lookt Ilka. . On a day when there waa not much news, a confeSpondem tftres that some, one in Prague h*a Jived twiTmontbs with no, brain. It make* a ■ fellow feel a tittle sad and old to pick up tb* ABC book at the toy counter.and discover that A now stand* tor Airplane,' . - .. * A blue serge suit, pay* a clothier's, ad, to aiwaya a sedriiGs choic*, This to pfebably - ‘ fn alt the year* of its publication we question whether tbe Gongrertrten- ei Record ever.freceived’n comnumlc*- tion idgned Constant Reader. - Free State government, and it may be argued tiiat, even if the scheme sbould be a partial -loss, the"money lias been well-spent. In th© first place, after year* of destruction and^wreckage, something really impressive has been built in Ireland, says theDublin.Week ly Irish,.Times. The works on the Shannon probably are the finestyrt their.kind, .in the world, and their progress, during the lasCTew yearn has been, a valuable education ,to"the peo ple. In' tbe next place, electricity has been. Introduced into many placets in the Sq&rsfat which previously hud not progressed beyond tbe stage of the oil lamp and tbe turf fire, , The moral value of tha change i* incalculable. your needs be a curling iron or the Installation of electrical equipment in a 20-story building, they can take care of it. • To perform such functions is the business of this well known local firm. Perhaps -you *are contemplating building a house. Nothing could be wiser than to consult .these men re garding the electrical equipment. Proper planning of the wiring, light ing and other details will save you a thousand inconveniences' when the house is built. Perhaps you wish to rewire the house in which, you‘ live. The latest . method© -allow for the suitable wiriUg.of almost any house. I f you wish three or four-way switch es, this firm can advise you about It may come ta time, although up to noWno document of any world im portance -ha* been drawn up with a pencil on « hotel tablecloth. One of the most distressing .sights we have occasion to look at from day to day to a newspaper mail trying to write With a' hard lead pencil, ‘ When told that medical science (n the lost century had added 17-years to the expectancy of the average life, the office cynic said, "to it called for?” Considering tile- great success of "Singing In the Rain” it has been wondered why no imitator writes one to the purr of the Windshield wiper. Modern apparatus Is becoming e* complicated that a man In running aa establishment' of any king must, la order to. avoid fit* or explosion, be eometbing of an electrician and steam A New York court baa ruled that an Inventor must keep tb* secret of hi* invention and"divulge, it .only to tb* .person who financed him. Pad locking idea* to evidently a new wri» kk ivfng, at* thinking of Wheel, choir* cr other substitutes tor tottering.limb*. 8lr Thomas L^ton. gallant sportsman, i r reported aa buying a hew steam yacht. Say* the Terre Haute 8tor. It is a trlple-sdreWvessel, said to.,be one of tbe biggest in- the world. It to called the Alblpn, but Sir Thomas.has announced his Intention ,of renaming ' it the Erin, the name of bis yacht which wo* torpedoed while doing.serv ice for Its country during the, war. The change from Albion, traditional name for England, to Erin should re joice the hearts of ’ h?* . Irish com patriots. 1 Tbe new Erin will leave. England iu August to escort' Shamrociacross th* Atlantic in. its . challenge trip for the’America's cup,-' We observe with pleasure that/the United States government to going after the reckless aviators who fly at low elevations over towns. If Uncle Sain mulcts a few of these birds heav ily they will beginintakemorethought of the defenseless .human beings/be low them. And wblia Uncle is heating his kettle fon^hese fellows we recom mend to His notice the flyer who gave TieartyTatiure^O'thouiaUdrto^lrestor- dfuro’at the Stanford-Army ga^e; Says the San Francisco Chronlde, It Is' too bad the Army did not have' an kntl- Craft gun handy to teach this chap •proper respect for-the.safely of ttfe throng that sat helpless under'bis-in sane stunts, ’ vaeuUm .'cleaner, an iron or toaster ,oif..percolat6r? Have you convenient sockets or must you go to the trouble tp unscrew a bulb, screw in a trouble some plug, etc., in order to have these modern advantages in. the home. ' Did you over stop to think f hat the ' current saved' by having two-way ^witches soon pays for the installs- ■ tion of those switches? Doffif your < haff light go on when you open the front door, ££„doe8 the closet light‘gO-’ on when you go after your hat or cost in a hurry? ' It is details, such as , these that make a home'different. • t What about the lighting effects In your -home? Have you ever talked these over with this well known firm? Are yqu ruining your eyes by having ' flic wrong quality1o f light? The Ux- pqrts in this,firm will tell you. Are your -dining room lights subdUedi,or. do they.throw a glare in your eyes arfd Jdetract‘ from' the pleasure of a gpodmeal? You may’save yourself worry about matters such^as these by simply con sulting this firm. It is the business of the owner'and employes of . this, firm to study such problems. By their skill, by .their satisfactory servlcer 6y feeir fai^ dealing with the pub lic fee membets of , this firm have ' earned, ibt themselves a r*putatiq» which feae trafeled all over this sec tion of the State. In' making honiO* , mqre liveable, they are a rent /asset' to this community. HUONKER&HARTMAN . With modern, quarters in Springfield at 118 North Spring Street,—are bot tlers of high grade beverages which have been of such uniforny quality that thoy are considered standard pro ducts amongst '’ o trade. There are •Ho better. An air of sociability and good Cheer is-noticed every place wheke the pro ducts of this firm are being served among the patron's, as 'they qro highly palatable and the sparkle ‘ and rich flavors produce a smile upon the faces o f The ones served that makes for happiness and content, To be able to make certain of get ting really pure an©wholesome bever ages is a boon to any. city. At this plant only-th© most healthful ingre dients are used in tbe pn:cs£© ©f man ufaqlure. Analysis proved them to be from anything in- jurious and consequently they are not only health protecting, but health giving. The satisfying taste produced by the products o f this bottling works is the resul'. of their special process.' After having been put through this prodess it to 'drawn off and' then bot tled/ Thus it has a body and flavor that'is distinctive to these products and is lacking in Others, Maftiy ihave 'sparched for a beverage which Would really give them a substantial saias- tfiaction and have found it in these , popular products. The process by- whidh they are manufactured puts them in a class bv themselvea. This enterprise which is a model of its kind, is one of the best to bo ' found in this section, being equipped with all the necessary appliances for tho manufacture of pure, special bev- ifirages, in the preparation of Which only the purest and moat wholesome ingredients are used, they are exer cising tho greatest care'in tho prepa ration of their' products, which from every standpoint is the best to be hod in ihls section, for their purity to nn- quEStldncd,"while no more befroShlng or delicious beverages could be asked for than their celebrated' products. The old and true saying to fh«$ the best is always tho cheapest, So demand their products in bottles, all l JOHNF. CUSS HEALTHFUMESYSTEM , After all there is only one diseaso- polsonous and infectious matter in the blood, according to heads of the John F. Class Health Fume Parlors,* located at 678 North Llmestono Street, in Springfield, Eliminate flicne pois ons, people are cured which is admit ted by medical science, , Whenever an epidemic of smallpox, scarlet fever, grippe and, other dis eases break out every method' is used to prevent the spread o f.the -disease and to check its ravages, but at the same time people pay little attention to tuberculosis, cancer, etc., which do not come in epidemics, A strict adherence to the, laws of nature and the intelligent applica tion of her wholesome remedies wilt not only prevent disease but will re claim the deranged or afflicted parts, leading physician* of the country say. By cleansing and purifying the blood, through the pores of the skin the John F. Class Health Fume Sys tem is said fo accomplish wohderfut results, ! ■ * * Publicity master released by the company states: “Cases of long stand ing require sufficient time for. nature to throw such infectious elements a*, fee body has secreted..This must be done so nature herself cap supply the cells with sufficient mineral* to per form their work,” . “ It Is only by complying with fee laws of nature feat man prolongs and enjoys life. The John F, Class Health System is bAsed upon natural laws and is the best means with which :to supply' afflicted humanity .wife fee vitalizing, health giving es*«nti*ts re quired to make th* human health sys tem register-normal,V ‘‘All we ask' is that you give this system for health « thorough trial which we believe will prove to you what has been stated. A suggestion to the well: Why wait until you ate sick? This system Will resist diseas es and keep you well, strong and hippy." -5Th* incbeiium Indians of Nespeism, Wash., have petitioned the great white father to forbid all paleface' banters entrance to their ‘ tribal lands/ ' Tbe position of tbe tribesmen, a* nearly as ’may be*determlned, to that If th* pnb face himrod IS given an Indholium privilege he invariably take! a'mils. After a summer of fear Unit tbs White burners Wife their modern' fifeartos would Clean out all fettlf gam*,'leaders of the' tribe catted a’ great Council, and out of this came fee following resolution": "White man do no good* HS come here, hunt dor game, ’Catch our fish. W# vote’to Tclck hlm*out.” A note to this effect was 'dispatched to Washington.' ’ > • *•» .• PUREFODBAKERY . "This eelf-extingnlahlng cigarette h not really new,"brays * much-traveler! friend, "Have you.over tried to ksefl a pipe going in England in April?" The Customs’ ban m«y induce sorts to read Voltaire, an interesting write: who h*d developed Sarcasm to * big) degree even before bridge was I* VSqtSd, Located at 33 South Market Space in Springfield are bakers of cakes, rolls hnd ptfStries that Ore. popular with people frotq *11 over this com munity.' .Only the best and purest of materials are us*d in this bakery. Under very able management. This baker:' has gained a large patronage and the choice bakery pro- ductfe^re so delicious that they are continually adding new and mod ern equipment to supply fee demands The old days of home, made bread have passed away wife cur modern mechanical age and fee baking indus try has improved so mucb in fee last feiy years thqt modern science has evolved bread and bakery goods that will surpass what mother used .to make and now mother can devote her time fo other affairs and Can save money. This place* fee modern bak ery fail position e f rendering a great service to the ladies both from an ec onomical and social standpoint. This popular bakery pays-particu lar *tt*htiom to sanitation and u&* the maktok of th*. products as well *3 in th* nandllng to see that- they are pure and fresh at all times. t / Their cakes,, rolls and, jaseries are 'made of the very pupfst of materials. They do not use substi tutes but tbe real article at this in- stituticift. They sr* made by master bakers and according to fee recipes that are a secret of this bakery, This accounts for their individuality of flavor and goodness, A specialty is made of cakes and pastries tor weddinge, parties and Special functions. . They have excel lent ideas as to what you will need and will assist you in making A choice or will make anything to your own ideas. (Special orders are made rich and tasty and are the. /pride of the shop, In this review we *re glad to com pliment this baking institution Upon their superior products, large patron- i ago'and to refer this bakery to out readers as worthy o f * calk X
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