The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52

♦<■*•*$*■ 1 )1 m t C tD A R V lL L X H IL ftA L D -C K D A R V IL L R , O H IO Ad¥*Hisam 4 ta ~ 3 frM y atiteia a * tote x # I dvar iiia n gf. * m B m m m m m sm rn r t ff. R . i m s market co. • A Urge number of prop!* 1& this Motion havs learned of the quality and pritev that prevails at tote meat market, cannot -he duplicated. Stop at tote market when yeu are in Spring field. Located at 18 South Foun­ tain Avenue. This popular meat market is one of the most prominent establishments o f its kind in the community. Pro­ viding m it does only th® finest qual­ ity of meats at most reasonable pri­ ces. By buying In large quantities they are enabled to place the finest quality obtainable at low cost to cus­ tomers. This prominent market is strictly modern, clean and sanitary. Pur­ chasing as they do only the finest grades of meat and keeping1t in their up-to-date method, the public is as­ sured' of only the beBt in meats. In fact when any one speaks of meat the people of the community think of this 'market. ______ This meat market is the commun­ ity's/moat economical center for fresh meats. The meats are prepared un­ der the mosfc.heslthful conditions and are then kept clean and sanitary in the market, so you need have no fear of unclean food: when buying here. . Here you hot only save on the price of your meets, hut you receive the best meets and quick, courteous ser­ vice. They take great pride in-serving the public promptly and obligingly. If you are not familiar with the dif­ ferent cuts of meat they will gladly explain them to you. Many custom era have learned the relative value of different cuts of meat through the courtesy of the People’s Market Co. Daily this we]) known concern is serving more people. The demand for their products is always increasing. They meet With the 'approbation of the public 4nd there ire few families in this vicinity who are -not patrons qf this establishment.- In thi? business review we wish to congratulate the community upon having such X sanitary establishment so ably managed in their midst. t r a m PIUMBING CO. These capable skilled plumbing en­ gineers located, lit Springfield at 43 West Washington Street are fully equipped and experienced and will . save you money on your old and new work.' Let’them figure with you ,and save some money and add satisfaction. This modem firm o f sanitary en­ gineers 1s among the foremost busi­ ness houses in. this section of the state. To visit this establishment is to see a very notable example o f tho substantial progress in; the line of Convenienses in the American home. They specialize in supplies and ap­ pliances in thei plumbing and heating line and contract installing the same. They are prepared to supply the most modern, methods of heating and sanitary' plumbing. ■The sanitary engineer of the pres­ ent day is a man of advanced ideas and a keen student of the laws of sanitation in each and every phase. They have executed contracts for installing heating systems in palatial residences and business blocks thru out this section and their ability and facilities have always been ample to satisfactorily complete the .contract in record time. - In their salesroom are displayed NEWSYSTEM BIKINGCORPORATION Conveniently located in Springfield In Myers Market Building—is one of the model', bakeries in this section, of - tho state. Its plant is modern and up- ; to-date in every particular, and 'sani­ tary throughout, The business is con­ ducted along progressive lines and we 'are proud to say, it is a credit to this part Of the state. - able to make certain o f get­ ting absolutely good bread and bakery good* is a boon to the city. At this plant the most healthful ingredients are used in the process of manufac­ ture. Analysis has proven them to be absolutely free from anything in­ jurious; consequently they are not only health-giving but are keaHth-pro tecting, ■ A visit to the plant of this estab­ lishment is very interesting. Their business/increased so rapidly 'that improvements have been made from time to time until today it is a model industry. Everything in- the plant is kept clean as it is the policy of $ i* insti­ tution not only to make bakery goods that wifi pass inspection but to thru out products that are as near an ap­ proach to the highest perfection that model machinery and ! up-to-date methods will permit. If the public could only compre­ hend how these products are manu­ factured by this company—-could only understand how absolutely purejmd health giving they are—there would not be a family in this vicinity who would not be a patron of this concern Their products are very popular in the community, being the very best that the market afforde. The New System Baking Corpora­ tion has been allied with the business of this section of the state for some time and has been instrumental in the upbuilding of this Section of the oountry and the institution should re­ ceive the patronage of the entire peo­ ple.. SPRINGFIELDTENT&AWNI GCO. With headquarters in Springfield at 211 East Main Street—has the leading Tent and Awning establishment in this section. Being awning makers of un­ usual ability and manufacturers of everythingmade of canvas. Awnings make the home complete. This is one o f the most progressive establishments Arid is equipped With the latest and best devices for making tents and awnings. This firm does a big business in the awning line and the work is giving universal sat­ isfaction. They feature a complete manufac­ turing service on awnings and every­ thing made o f canvas. A ft the establishment of this firm special attention hhs been given to this feature and they have one o f the most efficient concerns in this part o f the country. The awning department is operated the year around and if you wiil be needing anything in this line, better place'your order now, as materials and labor are. hard, to secure. In the way of eanvas goods they are in a position to offer the best of service as they buy all stock from the manufacturer and sell direct to you. People who patronize this department are saved much on their purchases, In charge are men o f the commun­ ity who have merited the success that is theirs, and- we wish to suggest that aS regards Work in any of these lines you will find that the Springfield Tent A Awning Co, can save you money and time. A Swedishgenius has invented x regnlfttldn-siae umbrella which can be folded and put'away in an overcoat pocket. It sounds good, theoretically; but then we should probably mislay the overcoat. ■ %Fatour of Paris, says the skirt Iftpaid bt knee length for morning Wear, tfcfjjp inches below the knee for afternoone, and tpkie length for night For all-around wear, a window shade is the only thing A good hen is said to’be worth two', dollars a year to lts owner. Maintes-’ ante charges may he rather high, butj after the machinery becomes anti*' quoted it can usually be jvnked and* gold for thirty cents a pound, I The sky continues to monopolise the Interest of Lindbergh In spite of tho fact ,that an admiring public was ready to equip him for Ilfs with § mahogany desk and a political job. There Is no more significance than usual In the fact that Hollywood couple# going out of town to marry, usually laud InAgue Oalieote, a couple of Spanish words meaning "hot wa­ ter,” , - - •* Tests conducted by an Ohio pro­ fessor show there is only a faint re­ action In our facial expression* to the emotions felt within?,Tim professor has been playing his poker la fast company. Bean’s Automotive Service the latest ideas in modern plumbing and heating devices and fixtures in the most dependable makes. Every­ thing in the line used in your house can be sgen here before it is installed which is a most satisfactory feature of their service. Whether you live in the city or country, remember, you’ll dive but once. Why not in the short time you are here enjoy the comforts and con­ veniences o f the modern1home and you owe this to your family“from the standpoint of health, happiness and contentment. You will find the mem­ bers of this firm courteous and ac­ commodating and they will be pleased to figure with you at any time on your particular requirements in this line. They will gladly furnish correct estimates on your work. By means of their long experience they are in a position to suggest and advise in a way that will save you the trouble and expense. In this review of our industrial ad­ vancement it is appropriate that we call the attention o f the public to Ernswender plumbing Co. and to com­ mend the firm tbr their successful ef­ forts in attaining the prominent place they now bold in ‘the business-life of this section. Located in Springfield. at 117 East Colombia street, features Car Wash­ ing, Greasing, Storage, Tir# Repairing and complete Motor Repairing.—'ihl* 1* truly prominent automotive lnstttu tlon under able and' efficient manage­ ment. This concern la enjoying phe­ nomenal growth Jn business and is well known throughout this section of the state. When electrical starting and light­ ing equipment for' automobiles was first proposed; motor car manufactun- ers were not favorably impressed, They thought the apparatus too com­ plicated and that it would not be prac tical in operation. Itwas alsopointed out that mechanics and electricians were two entirely different types of 'men, and that even . mechanical ex­ perts could not beexpected/to service electrical equipment satisfactorily. This resulted in a separate Industry . K tp lin g ’a Sound A d ^ c o There was a time when. RndjrarA Kipling’s poonw about world events were, aa Mr. Dooley remarked, “hot off the bat” Ha managed to get into the fighting In most of tho contro­ versies that were disturbing Individ­ uals and peoples. Nowadays, Mr. Kip­ ling Is very successful In keeping oUt of public notice, but In hla rare ap­ pearances he usually says something, that Is worth thinking abont He has just mad* a Speech to some school­ boys at the dedication of a new school In England, In the course of which h* remarked that “most Injustice Is not Inflicted deliberately, but; because peo­ ple do not taka th# trouble to think things out” That Is a good sentence ■for radicate aid reactlonalres to pon­ der over, says tha Boston Poet They talk a good deal about ’’conspiracies” and“plots,"hut these, aa Kipling says, are not so important In perpetuating Injustices as the failure of people to think. We could rid onrselyea of a good many abuses if wa would think more and talk less. •a the enthusiastic occasion of th* twelfth anniversary o f Bolshevism, ac­ cording to the account from Moscow, the Soviet government “tQ bring thi event closer to th* hearts of the peo­ ple . . . gay* bread and . meat nt cost price te every member of the population bokilag bread card*.” Toy/ Was unbounded; aajra’ -tae Portland Orsfontea. "ffifeMj parade wss IS aifon long, Meet at east price;. Xtoalmeet. And tented. Flense net t* forget the broad. Broad and, nteat « t cost prlco to tho boWsrs of broad carda. After It years o f bsAsvotent Bolshevism the Russians hav* attained to this moot signal accomplishment—a squat* meal on the annlveHMry of the birth of the Soviet. Quito Often tho Sorfott toil us that they at» getting along fa- monslyi On tho evidence now afford­ ed we are toady to vow they are, in­ deed. In another 12 yean Or ao they miy progreiw to pie. Boat, that eternal toe of tbs house* holder, has a real nee In life. Tonr gas company finds It wholly ladtapem aabte. Certain plants specUttee In waking and setting this material, ac­ cording to n writer la "Gas Logic.” Gnat piles of pieces of-iron are heaped upon n foundation of pine chipping*, which also are Interspersed throaghont tho keep. Salt water te pumped over tbs Iron piles exposed to th* air, Tha pieces toon turn brown end Urn pile is then spaded to extern the drips uadsmoath. The precise costingaa until the satire pile te ra- jflietd to met Tear gas- compter passes gas over too mot, thereby re­ moving Impurities, which would other­ wise cause It to give off! n disagree­ able odor when burned. Franco Is plaftaed because bar tourist hueteoes dropped off 0100,000,- 600 last year and Is trying to teem the roaaon for it, Ordinarily the ante anal Incoma from tourist amounts to 1000/100,400, most o f which Is that much balance of trade in her favor. Th* Preach people it* noted to stay at bomeJsewntagiy to fa* thoroughly aatteflay l th their own country sad cUmateTpecpi* fr*m other conafrte* lilt*" to travel around and tea th* world, bn* north* ftm te who pee- to*t o tel .Hteworld com* to see tfcSMt, It seems that sow* of to* visitor* have quit coming and that is what trouble* Franco. ■ns^*ssnMMte*kMSSaMaMBaMNamaaair t • J * Nopefai Sip* aridlftfc. Brown, “t battevs mother te offended about something, •ho haunt been to see u* for attend 'days.” “Bo sure,” said Mr. Brown, “to find out. whit It Is Whan aha comes gad we'll try It on her again.” HigMfcioei tlwoi Young Mattr-My boy, V It give yon SOcoats If yoail toll w* where I can find your sister. Boyr-Ton'li bare to rate* that to * dollar. With th* praeoat feign price* I couldn't really afford to. do It aa# cheaper. A nt maaufactsrLng automotive electri­ cal equipment- This 1* to* authorised sales and ser Vico tor .all thaleadingmake# of elec­ trical, equipment. •» A complete stock of genuine factory repair parts is carried for generators, starters and distributors, enabling them to promptly take car* of-all or­ ders for genuine parts and to render quick service on equipment taken to them for repairs. These expert* with their special tool* and equipment rep­ resent practically an extension of the electrical manufacturers' own service department. - In view of these conditions, concen tration of such maintenance-work Into the bands of these experts would seem to be the height of wisdom and econ­ omy. -" Before appointing a representative to whom they most entrust their own "1 am looking for something with thrills and uncertainty—* life iff ad­ venture.” “Have you thought of start­ ing up a book traffic In Boston1** It te wise to be Interested In a good many things, not because they at* worth being Interested In, bnt because of to* mantel therapeutic effect . A contest was held In Canada to find to* dog having the most fleas We believe it was not a handicap, and that ail th* entrants started at scratch. Overheard on the bus: “He’s quite •rudlto, isn't hap* ”1 should say ha te. The other day be attributed « line of Shakespeare te a poet I never heard of." What aver became of the pug dog that used to sound'Ilk* a concertina? White oh- the subject, what became of th* concertina tost soqndcd Uka a png! A Chicago driver “teased” a street car by getting la front of It and driv­ ing slowly* It could have been a little worse. He might have chided a loco- motive. A government Official says he te go­ ing to stamp out to* traffic in sucker Hsu. Ha had bettor look out. It te inch naivete that gets ooe’a name oo auckar Usta. An eastern dentist reports that not nearly sis Many toothpicks nr* aaed ah a fttw.:y*at» age. I f it Mannot*for boas* detective* w# don't beUtv* tfaert’d be snyuunkat. ; . . Seme tome to to* winter Hut Step* tlcs'SOciety plans to invest te a hoasa- hoid appliance which -“will pay for It­ self in three months,” to n t whetoat It will mast to* payments. . ;•., "jy**iM-fr1.1-1 y t"?**""w >- / “l ean offer yoi (area anesthetics,* said th* dentist to to* nervous pa­ ttest, “gas, 1novocain*, or ton 1900 eomlc magastoaa.” It may be all right to look ap the Inventor of toe doughnut, hut we are met* Interested te people who knew bow to fry them, Bullfighters In Mexico City hav* or* ganlaed a union, and It 1s going pretty exciting |f they lay down tk*U toots te the middle of a job. pnytn Point, IndL, considers mar* stage ks “greatest industry.” Toe had that Crown Point te so far away from Bono. ■ A musical comedy film is advertised as “th* test word te talking pistons,” which tot Office Crab faate te aocoar- agteffi tf free. . Thos* cote is th* riot doorbell* may work ail right to Amsterdam. la this cavalry the agent* would walk around to the baric door sad knock* W« found a moth bail and a quarter te the pocket of last year’s topcoat this tim#v This I* 10 Cent* better than WO ever did with a heavier overcoat. Xa taking th* sew census, the Idea la including data oo private ra* die* may be to get a more complete line on to* national wealth. . A good many people in Spain ere probably wondering what they have gateet by mtihangtog aa. easy going dtetetor for on* net- a* tenteeh PeariMy whan to* aew long skirt te uMtsrsaliy adopted we shall be able to say hew stuck there te in th* old adage, ’tilt of sight, out of mind,” ili ■■.Wiii is’mr Tf. <;■■■■* Th* Hator* editor says it haft so— th* Story We heard, about crlbbaga heerffif bring mad* by trained wood- paricerA A milltea hew triephosa pries wars tot.M*t year, replacements, wa sop* .poite for these burned and ruined by i*cerdktog emtversatiens. What preitoto it a man to marry quietly, figuriag b* has fooled th* werid, andVtod five life insurance .’agtota ltt hi* office th* n**t morning! ’ “ffiagtead ha* much more prison room than it needed.” This glvs# the .particuteyguest a suite to himself and on* «r metepMtonal guards. ji CC mas . m ,K reputation, th* manufacturers of elec trical equipment and nature them- aelyss that - the representative has practical knowledge of automotive electricity, an established reputation for good service, ethical business standing, a neat and orderly place tff business, financial ability to carry an adequate stock of repair material and provide proper test and shop equip­ ment, and a desire to serve. The fact that the Bean's Automotive Service qualified to the satisfaction of such a vast number of manufacturers is conclusive proof of their integrity and business ability., In making this review we desire to refer this establishment to our read­ ers as one thatmeets the demands of the day. You will find the proprietors are genial, wholespuled personalities Who extend a welcome worthy of the high-grade products they represent. How Donald Skinner, of tha General of Japan, that China Awl Tha atetement advertising mans; Motor* Corporation twice aa many automobiles were arid In China during to* first ate months of 1929 as wens aver sold In any en­ tire year pnrrlously, may come/ mmm surprise to many Americans In view of th* vevrintlon-tom and acoaomlcal- ly unhappy condition of that country. But,’ politics or no politics, the Bast his no mor* been able to resist tbs lure, of the automobile than th* West has. and China’s economic develop­ ment has been progressing despite all her ways, says the Detroit Free Press. Th* growth of the automobile trida has inevitably brought an Improve­ ment te the road system, and while the Chinee* roads, Judged fay Ameri­ can standards, at* atiU~poor, they have been adequate auopgh to Open large sections of th* country. Of course, every new road means an ex­ tension o f th* productive activity of tha land. te Alaska, according to a .dispatch, a great round-up will h* staged, lad iky an airplane, to captor* some te* credible number o f reindeer. Frank- ly, w* do not care whether this drive succeeds ar not, says th* New Fork World.' Something trite u* that tote round-up la associated with th* recent campalgh to umk* rrindeer meat pop- iter teHiw Fork; aadlf any meat te wees* than i*ba«srm*at* at a Mas to think What- It te‘ unless It Wridd 0* fMts meat TO* teadersst steak, off * rrindeer I* tough,:costs* and stringy, ft la airimg wlthoqt ha* lag gamy, ft Is dark sad herriblo la appearance. Even tbs tostqurante whsr* ft Is'Served do not recommend It very highly, nnd suggest tost you order a apodal dish, a sort ef trim deer hambnrgsr, whtrste th* meat Is chopped op fin* so yon do not bnva to chew ft and so seasoned with oo- teas that yen cannot smelt ft Hrin* deer meat la so bad that there ought to ho a tew against,ft OAKHill GRAVELCO. Located in Springfield on Columbus Avenue—features sand and gravel, have aided in upbuilding this sec­ tion of the country, always has a large supply of sand and gravel on hand which is sold at reasonable prices- They have aided in the building of good roads and modern buildings by furnishing the very best products oh* tainable, It IsVery doubtful if any enterprise in tbis section has been marked by such immense progress aa has this company, the largest institution ot Its kind In this section- It /a essential that prominent men­ tion be made of this foremost firm who hav* been One at the vital fac­ tors in the development of this sec­ tion. The sclentigts that hake given this matter careful study have decid ed what is most, efficient and,­ pany has adopted the (machinery Jus* as soph as it has received their an proval, Their sand and supplies have no superior and the vast quantities they are shipping at alt times’ have met with the commendation of.the purchasers and hare greatly Aided in building up this section of ths eeua- try. In this section particularly indus­ trial progross lias been bemffcted f t them. -There is nothing more tejpef- tant than th* development of goed sand and grave) tor th* buHAtag of roads, streets, driveways and building blocks; they have furnished large quantities of gravel to this country, being one of the. firms tost has been selected by the contractors to supply a large part of their orders toy the product. Real estate men who ar* laying out and improving new subdivisions should get In touch with this firm as they are able to tarnish any quantity on short notice. ' The Oak Hill Gravel Co. are thor­ oughly conversant with every feature o f the business. They have been res-, pousible tor the tremendous strides to ' the front that tola large concern has made and together with their assoc­ iates in the company have .always' been real boosters for the community. They have been ready And willing at all times to lend their business wis­ dom and -personal assistance to all propositions tout promise toe develop­ ment of to* city, and country, TO call a man a “mutton-head* M net to bo guilty of disorderly conduct —«acb Is th* solemn derision o f a New Jersey court. The man may be even an official, a police offiriel at that; and still an Irasdbt# cftlsea may taka this verba) pot shot at him Without danger of fin* #r Imprison- ment, aaye too Boston Transcript In this case, tha plaintiff was a dark *f tha pellc* department of Bergenfleld, N. J„ and ft. took th* ffuprema court ffi toe state to eetakUsii to* graced** that tvaa erne et hla Imperial steed- SPRINGFIELDPURITYDAIRYGO. With modern plant in Springfield at 211 South Wittenburg Avenue, is a prominent sanitary institution which has aided in the upbuilding of the com munlty and renders'a valued and An essential service in the furnishing^ of their milk, cream, butter and \ce cream, which in years, has enlarged their business and are admirably equipped to serve the trado which they supply all over this section. A well known concern under a management that is. thoroughly conversant with every feature of the business, Commendable "publicity and valu­ able advertising is given our commu­ nity by this progressive firm, ton and wide. Their- operations are of a most extensive nature and add to the Com* mercial efficiency and attractiveness market today of the community as headquarters tor quality products. ' Why should not this company be able to produce a&goody.if not better dairy products than any other com­ pany? , v, ’ "• Their supply o f cream comes,from the.healthiest, end best fed, cowa te this particularly advantageous section The plant is positively as sanitary,** long experience and the expenditure of much money can make it, and it ie ip the hands o f men who ar*' thor­ oughly conversant with every fea­ ture o f the business. There is no reason why they Should not occupy ;* prominent place in the, better class'of dairy markets and tha above are some o f the reasons Why their brands are mote and more popu­ lar with particular buyers, and why this, concern Is prospering far beyond even the promoters expectations. Special mention should he made o f their Ice Cream. For they man­ ufacture a brand of ice .cream that is equal if not better than any on the In making this9review we at* glad to compliment the Springfield Purity Dairy upon the policy the' business of the establishment is conducted, And. to say that this firm will greatly aid ft the development ot tbis section of the state. SPRINGHELDOFICE&STOREFIXTURECO. •Everything for to* builder in Spring field at 001 North Light Street—they operate a lumber business that had built a reputation far and wide for the' highest quality at the most rea­ sonable prices, and a service that is both complete and satisfactory, One of the reliable., progressive and up-to- date firms of the country. ■There are few, if any, cities the rise of ours, which have the advan­ tages of the location in their midst of an immense establishment as this well known firm maintains. The men who originated this enter­ prise obtained a liberal- education in the school of experience and supple­ mented this with a keen insight Into' the markets o f the world and with this desirable foundation they equip­ ped themselves to render an unex­ celled service In building material. The stock is offered to the public at reasonable prices. Shingles, doors casings, sidings and roofing—-but what’s the nse of trying to give oven a brief review of the stock of tills large concern? Suffice to say that they have absolutely everything that tbore is in this line, that their build- ates aright ha regarded aa a “nmttoa- teaA” ^ftotatoorivDis«poi*t'Of^w;jingm*terrari*firSt-cia»ejiJ)irurp**ied aai atill fa* usable to prove that ha had beau damaged. “Mutton-head, aa defined by to* dfctioaartee,”. too court held, “te a dalt, heavy, aniAteteetiat person, and the dignity of tha dork aiay hav# boon ruffled fay the ten* goafs addressed to him, but that ft was lndoeont or disorderly la not e*- tabltebod.” by any- Throughout all tote part of the country it has come to b* known as headquarters for all o f these .many things, add by- fair and honest deal­ ings with tho public tha company has not only increased its patronage, but held the .trade o f old customers for years,. ■ Lumber and building material prices have now dropped to a point whet* ft Is cheaper to Ibuild than to pay ‘ the current, rents. That wisdom was exercised in to* conduct o f the business is evidenced by the unequalled prosperity of too Springfield Office A Store FixturO Co Conversant with every feature o- tfae business and tho largo establish- ‘ment which they manage* this- popu­ lar firm has won the; everlasting friendship And patronage o f its hun­ dreds of customers. Able Ond effi­ cient, but at the same time genial and accommodating it has become one of the prominent firms in its lino in: this section and deserves the succMt. that it achieved and the eomffiondhtion that te being given it by tod puhUe. The management manta the prom­ inent position it has attained and is counted among toe community’s lead- iBg business men, jr~ C. ILLAWRENCE T t i8 h o p gonMbodj who eouWat have tench of Importance ou his mind rn- costly s*nt out a queetiotelaira to th* Friaeoteu freshmen asking theta to Assignat* “to* most essential quality te to* Kteal-giri.” Alt except 00 of tha 000 yonsgstera approached wore "easy* aud tried to reply, says tha Detroit Tree Proas. Naturally their limited experience* with Ufe prevented thorn from concocting any real an­ swers. For the oeowttal quality in aa ideal girt, Sa say Individual of to* teals cox Views bar, te aa ability to make that pkHlcultr mate individual lift and tall hard, and Uka ft no Matter how badly It hurts. Naturally, th* average freehmanwouldnovor sus­ pect anything Uka that, and least of aft a freshman o f the “sophisticated* tip* TO# faster you whis through Ufe tha less you really aaa and hear. Chicago U not yat one .hu“ a^ yearn old and aaa what tortibla fcablta ft has developed, Located conveniently in Gprlngfield at 707 Linden Avenue—feature* gen' oral sheet metal work, and roofing, In the campaign for batter and more beauttinl home and business buildings this firm has exerted- quit* an influence and the work is toe ad miration of the discriminating. This firm has made an exhaustive study of toe roofing problems of tha day and has looked over the entire field of'roofings'as presented by the various manufacturers. They have selected most artistic lines to handle and will be glad to go over the roof­ ing problem with you, /They will look over any property you may have In mind and aid you in the selection of a design and color .that will make the house attractive both as an individual and hlso as a member of the com­ munity, Their roofs enhance the Value of property and if you ever want to sell yon will find that an at­ tractive roof will make the house one te be desired. They also feature the most durable and artistie roofings and many places that they hake roofed over the state present an excellent appearance. They have equipped the place with all tho most modern iqntppmsnt for tho carrying on at a general sheet teat al business, Adding to this th* fact that they boy tha very best o f mater­ ials and employ teen who ar* thor­ oughly competent givol their work that superiority for whioh they ar* known for manymiles. In the employ are men who thoro­ ughly understahd-toe work in hand, and who are careful ,to see that all roofs are correctly and Accurately put on. The right amount of spac* is left everywhere and theta te no stinting o f materials to thoroughly Cover toe place, so there -WlU bo no leaks or trouble after toe job le com­ pleted. They do hot make t lot o f f dirt about tha place which must b* - cleaned up after they ar* gona, but when finished, clean everything away. Pride o f craftsmanship is to* incen­ tive that la moving thie popular house to success. Tha fame o f their attrac­ tive roofs it spreading all over thie part of the elate and business i* com­ ing to them from many miles around. In thi*Review of today wa ar* glad to compliment them upon too posi­ tion occupied in the trade and would suggest tost anyone having any reef­ ing problem get In touch with them and have them explain and map out th* roof for any building you may lava, tvr v ': ' ■0 ,