The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52

7 4 V . i f M F. 1 GOtUNS Admtaotty loaoltd to Springfield at t7W ttoutitlkmAtata- Av#nu*—*r#nuui utocturaramt tix»t»r» in demand til* community- A raw Hva wlra cousoent, prodnotag guaraataod goods .taut can b« pur­ chased at My pl*c* where Ik* :b*at candy to oold. •Th#r# to probafoly no other com­ munity thisslxe In the country that to bettor equipped to thl» respect tor ihto wril-knowa and popular concern ha* provided #v*ry modern conven­ ience for corract candy distribution. The management and associate* to tbto company have not been satisfied vrith merely providing lor immediate need* of the people of this section. ,With a broad vision of the future they have mads improvement* with <the view of greater expansion of their service ,and have been most loyal sup­ porter* of'the movement for a Greater Home Ctmanunity. . k It to a wen known toot that there is no one institution in the' commun­ ity that has met with greeter favor with the puWle than th£* well known establishment. By reason of the fact the management ha. had wide experl once in every feature of this business and because of their comprehensive knowledge of every branch of thebus! ness, this a*tabli»huu»t bo* continued to witoek* an increase to the number of patroas. . . it is because they have won an en­ viable reputation for fair dealing and straightforward methods as well as the most painstaking service tp 1h#lr patrons that this firm has witnessed the yearly increase, in the number of local people ordering pf them, : In conclusion We will say the man­ agement has awaits taken "a oommend ifbta interest in public improvements and ready to aid In fill community en­ terprises, They, therefore, merit the liberal support.they ..receive and we predict and hope that they will long contlpue to minister to our needs in the same admirable, manner- Conveniently located m Springfield at USWest.Mato street-la one of -the leadergln Mi-Grade Shoe Repairing apd textures an exsellent service to the rebuilding and’Tepalrtog of shoes by up-to-date methods. He uses only the- ablest and best workmen.. Old shoes made to look. like, new. Parcel post business given"prompt attention and returned promptly. • .* . , 'This'to one o f the firms that keeps right abreast o f theitimes and is sav-, tog aoles for people from all over-this part o f the stit*. They do not cobble but rebuild - aha’eSr using the latest methods. They do not simply stop on a new piece of ' loath* knd out it rudely around the ejdgd*$hd .call it A job, but when they repair' shoes they rebuild' the part, necessary and perform all work to a, Very conscientious and ,.painstaking manner. By this method they are t iH l c k o a S v il l b H m u M S m a a m u t , o u i o # * — — »■ . i 'Hi l l i | i n.iy r ' ; r State AdvsrUs«mfnU-~Mrery article on this page to * paid adyertltouiwst gawSKWfi'lgbillHiaiW j»!UlJiXlUl|glMPgMBrgaBagaBgMfiMBWBMaBS^^ SALIMB8SVWORKS Where you hear as well as see the best in motion pictures. FcatVring the Talking Pictures, the iatestHto motion picture, production, The State Theatre InSpringfield has ,taken Its place in the social and edu­ cational world of thla part of the state and. has become an institution to the life qf the people that has been bene­ ficial to the young, old end middle aged. l ’hto popular ■ theatre }s appoint­ ed most excellently, the ventilation and cooling arrangement are the best that can be secured and all sanitary precautions are taken for the health of the people. Mere amidst comfort­ able surroundings you are entertain­ ed while music that entrances helps drive-, dull care away. able to retain the flexibility of. the sole and make the shoes «s good as new again. - They are completely equipped with toe most modern machinery ahd have skilled workmen o f several years’ ex­ perience. In addition to this they use;the very best of leathers and all jobs are turned out with an Idea of style as well as durability. . - They are very careful to the man­ agement of this business and employ only the' best workmen and purchase only the best of stock to be used in the repair of shoes. This practical honesty , to toe management of the business is constantly bringing in new customers. In making thiSTreview we are glad to compliment this up-to-date shoe repair shop and heartily recommend this establishment and its services to ail o f our readers. •w fk\ •" rThs great athlete died because fie washveitratoedr l *iyes; fell under the cere and was W ir.M rtS* - 1" . - Loerafar te Sfceot ’ Thar#, ilttl* key king, • ..Tee'ii k * gnneuw j . sye and bye! " K I wj trxr - ritlMzim WtoWoemii - ' ‘ - •*•*******’ to fito'bootsr exclaimed f ;• •: •** *w§,*- mat 'kfe .-ttott. • ‘ "•‘"Noitaeiiset ‘ "Why; ^ they* might ail 'WeHrInto ta* liMt*Hie. man had sto 'kfadataU s h a t r . , !J Rather Wore* ; ' J*Tunderstand,ycur wife locked yon 1out o f the house toe other night" "No such luck," answered Mr. Meek- •iIso, "She locked toe ta."-rWashtag- "feosrfltafc* - \ Wemterfell : Sherlock—Ah*! This letter waa . written tor e- radical communist •Wataott—Hep do you deduce toatl flfcertook—-Me ecrnpnlonsly avoids .toe eg*wtcaptttl letters. f • ‘ *lageelfep Idee ,Jt -Mst-fikot;Assistant—Whst else efi. hat dose your husband take, msd*m? - ' Customer—I'm not surs of the slue, fiat tty them on tots melon- His hits fife it exactly.—Humorist .She mors ere learn ahont Welt- jttreei toe more charitable we fad to -. wards prise fights. QUITE HOPELESS ■ Grammar 1# Wilt enough is Us way. but it would be fatal to toe sec- of any football coato. A young student provoked his teach-' i t very much by toe excessive torn of "have went" Instead -of bava gone, . One day the lad waa lu school a ft* dismissal and w*» told to writ* “I have gone" lOd riama. Wheat toe fetor .wee fieWhad. to* toatoMk bring o ft o f toe rbesat, be unoto* nm eotodtomM imve finttood lay -wortr .had I-bape -woof lwme^WaU,:totoM.J*o«ri*'- • *. «ee*smmrimwntoa¥aMtoepisrip!M#i-': fiavtug Ttaw . ,*Ato you still taking <• arid dip every moralngr v "No: I stopped doing that to save ‘ ritoe*. -V - "Why, a cold plupge doesn’t take /more than e minute or two," "I know; but I used to spend three- qesrters of an hour beforehand in bed hesitating." ..HI.... That aeveateen-yearufd'fiimer'sbey who dttot to the tall ©f an alrplsaa durmg n Sevm-mlle flight will be hard fee shake ©* who* he grows up a»d fiocomee a "gogetter." "No journalist,” says Era* Gray, "ever bsesfaw a literary- figure of'the first rank." Tbs beat be could, pom Bitty hoph tor was • place wlto Mark Twain Mto toe tolriPratefea. "How would tom do tor s eossedy torar raWvthe-ibd|pflNri^'SwTm i» •vrpp.petpalroMaprisWsssder to* m m arm<«gd to .walk «toiebfih n ehtnh tod t o n atom.**, AJasks iesTsa maay of tbe htow in Its cheaper caimsd. aelONM, and-we or# ju#t wondering whether ths c#au«d reindeer meat which is bring boomed at this time will include the anUera. ....^gge- fcy f i h t , : They are still finding it dlfilcult lu Russia to provision the industrial cenr ters, it la mostly, o f course, toe ; fault of tbe peasants. ; - - Commis­ sars and commissariats must-step In and' teach them their business, says the London Times; Three months ago they said: Let, there be rabbits, rab­ bits in millions, pedigree tobhlts, canned rabbits, rabbit literature,:rab­ bit films, rabbit propaganda. Rabbits, conjurors, and-ail concerned set to work with a wilt; but;, the rabbit scbepie <| not to mature till. 1934, end .meanwhile . . , ope must eat So la to be hens: hens on e "pan-Soviet scale." a deputy-commis­ sar very happily named Kblnchuk baa Issued the flat; tbe commissariat of agriculture hds organised the scheme. •The results are sure to be Impres­ sive. When tbe hens of Khlnohuk Chuck-chuck In ‘ their millions over tbelr billions' of eggs in the "con­ trolled - nests," then will - Kblnchuk 'chuckle, and the eyes and other- por- turns of good Bolshevists swell with fatness. • ' W n . 1 GSM A cco fin tu it With office in Springfield In the first National Bank Balldlag, rooms tOt-SOf-will put your business on $ sound and organised financial basis,. If your husisess seems not to pay* U may used checking up. See that your surplas is on the credit side. This accountant is n loan of integrity; a valued ftiiise*. One of the great results o f the ir - dustrial tod commereldl revriutloa was that many of the practical activi­ ties o f into are ferine# Into real art*. Before tb# revolution' all o f man’s Activities, outside o f toe fine arte of atoktteetnrt, painting, scripture, mus I In a totoarAT 1m- to|**«»rd way. I A bo*TX jH totM M there Wat little f to n«to » r i symmetry vtoiefc t t o M f p m organisarioa i tO'ljjiye- ^ There was to itorttotton M rack 1 work heeaeee tbeae wax not standard f o f perfeerien. Men aririeved little fe a pstorieal way* Itoauae there wm little te tohluvw. I f there is no rule I nesttolaed J y which *m m m » ! work, he takes little pride to what- I ever he Is drinf. Bo we owe a great I dtof o f toe hearty, the beauttM wotfc f totoridp toisy to toosu tom who de- i vised standards fto the pnwrtival m - tiviries of life. . Spch Standards work themselves out into systems, And accountancy is one of these systems, And which permits the man who Works by it to become a true artist. Viewed in such a way is it any won­ der that this local accountant loves his figures us the musician love* his notes. For notes to the musician, end figures to the accountant are tbg means ,of realty creating something. This explain** too, tot success of this Well known accountant. He. be­ lieves in his work, It Is a point of henor with Himself and that his work muse ne right. Shoddiness and care Conveniently loo: in the Mitchell Bull art center of u » 1 place where the munity know they sional work in aU ^that 'jpvftalns to modem pbotography. TlUs studio has Won wide renown* aa arttft* ©f the first rapk and makers of s&otottopbs that please. ■ Truly it ha* been ’said i^Vour KTO,n»tuIC ---------- -- -- ---------- -- ™ _ - _ ^ » » « ? !! ie and a few others, were carried on Jessness tie will not tolerate. Bo if you them—except your wotograph* want an accounting job done, some in- bu The management perscnaliy” sees that the people of toi* territory we given not only the very latest of pre- .ctions from the studios o f the.-east frsm the California and Europe can studios, thus furnishing to the peiple tot vsry latest andmost select of )high class photo plays, These plays are all clean and the themes are selected with great care so that toe ladifflKand children of the surround­ ing territory know this theatre as their moving picture home. A oplet air of refinement pervade* top audi­ ence# and this, accounts for toer large patronage from all classes pf people. Thismodern policyof toe management has brought autoists and people from all the surrounding towns and the favorite amusement center. If you have not formed toe show habit you dught to. Go down some evening-even though you have put in a hard day’s work. You.will be much refreshed and ail the more ready for your next day’s, work. Take the whole family with you as toe Price is very reasonable. High clasa features from some o f the country’s leading producers are the kind pf productions shown here. You will' see here th* world’s greatest movie stars. In making this review o f toe social life of this part of the state we are glad-to compliment toe management upon the populartiy of this theatre’ and upon toe position it occupies in the life ^of too people. It has been aptly said that It is truly "The gouge city to. recognize this theatre as their |of Quality or Broadway at Hand.” When a dog proclaims Its owner­ ship yon may take its word for lt-rhr its weg, its raiile, its joyous recogni­ tion, to'he rodre specific.' Recently another dog, a houn" dog named Sam. was recovered from a- thief be­ cause toe dog identified Its owner to th*satisfaction ,ri tbe police. Human Wlto****'', tosy .prijui* toemselves, 'tijiiQfsMg':W :to to»M. ;E>en/drtrifi Q^fs^wk knowingly and tratofri1? .tour, s^rim e* gf* *rato*ried,.;'. -A hone he* iw «my of feedingu« sninls* ifeakehfjr who i* bls!marieri *A catto either indifferent or is ftckf* fn^tts attachments, JBut a dog. makes no mistakes-In recognition and bts dem- pnsttotlon‘ to beyond question. Even' If bs bad been abused and should disown hit master, be nevertheless is true. His Is'a language of affection, ap exprsMlve, convincing lsngnage. I The Office Cynic ha* pn Idea for e saw kindof umratlion; The- conlestam ,rita on • fiagpplo and toads the Con grcasionsl Record. . ' . Those who insist that home should be more than a parking place, seem te be toeing sight of the fact that often II Isn’ t even that, Back to thi old days In England they banged men tor lesser offense# than varnishing a corncob pipe before patting tfecmsale. - While ths subject Ip before our.eyes, will somebodyJ^Mise explain why the old-time engltstoMd thoee enormous flare smoke Stt^kas?^ Bpaln plan* protection for her na­ tive musicians. Evidently toe saxo­ phone la not a native Spanish Instru­ ment , Thieves ha southern California car­ ried away a recently completed bun* galow. In a moment qf weakness, we assume. ' Burglars occasionally manage te carry off heavy safes, but so far there is n& record of thelr having fitted al*y mortgages. Lives of "dlnosaqrs rmolnd up w* can make oar own sublime, and :dW parting leave behind ue footprints to. be found—-In Ume, Many parents would save, them.- selves a lot of worry'merely by re­ membering tout It Is normal tor young­ sters to be savages. Arrived at* toe days when toe flret thing to greet toe eyes, of toe. early bird as be leaves hla doorstep, ls .bls own frosted breath- . , - . . Tbe woman who cOn' tooktber best after rifilng all night Jn a day coach should be able to merit any conceiv­ able situation gracefully-. ■} • Mortar and Pestle;’ A trade symbol, ones found over apothecary doors: Now used by the proprietor to;pound up tuna fish' tor sandwiches. Cart your bread upon the waters and it wifi com* -hack to you after many day*. Or If you"want faster "nervic** yqw*a* cast manuscripts; . ,W« Imafltn* whan, yq* hunt wttk A :campni yoaar* sometime*ratpriaed i* And that the deer on tbe plate turns out to’ b* * hunter In* to* print, Atlas o f American Dialects The atlas of dialects, which la plauqed by a large humber of learned men and scientific organisations, work­ ing together, 1* said to be on* of the largest undertakings that American ipholarahlp has ever undertaken. It will require at least ten years of worth which wifi, be shared by a large, num­ ber of tbe leading, American scbolara of many universities, including stu­ dents Of dialect, lexicographers and phoneticians, Anglicists,* Germanists Romance‘ scholars and specialists lh. general ,linguistics, who will collabo­ rate in toe compilation, according to present plans. Thousands of phonetic speech records will be compiled in find strategic speech centers and’ the ma­ terial collected In the field will'torn* the basis tor dialectic maps and pub­ lished unalyses. This Important work has just been started,' although It has been discussed and, In fact, outlined tor some time.. The . development of habits of speech will bq ftndied. In relation to the history Of'toe settle­ ment of the country, and main dia­ lectic dl\'.blons will be traced histor­ ically and geographically,.. Features a reliable service to auto owners in Bprthgfield at 191S Dayton Avenue, Telephone Center 28S—a spec 1st feature is toe rebuilding of wreck­ ed cars, such as body work and fender work. Not only in the city but In all the surrounding territory'this well known firm is ' faruou* for toe expert work they execute, in rebuilding wrecked cam and repairing damaged cars. Even though many individuals and or ganizations are carrying on cam­ paigns tor more, careful driving, th( steady and rapid increase in the num­ ber of vehicle* pn toe streets andhigfr ways m*ke* top total elimination oi amashup* impossible. For many miles around experienced motorist* and garage men have learned to call up­ on this firm tor service on wrecker cars. In many cases they have com pletely restored wrecked cars whicl owners h*d thought were beyond tht aid'ot export service., . . . . . . A 8msll Scratch qn your car thej wifi take ckro o f in a jifty. A bem fender or crashed body they c»n fii in very short, order. In these days of congested traffic it la ndt. n*es#*ary for you to wait week* for such wm* a* this. Here Is a firm which seri­ alize* in this service, and they *4* turn It out for you right away. Boat fenders, they can nuke took like new, and ail other feature* are efficiently handled. >Their service if known far and wide tor its excellent work in toe body building department and has rebuilt many damaged bodies, This firm is considered an authority upon body re­ building and is consulted by many oh this work, : Better call and see them toe next ■<ime you are in town and have a talk. with them. . Associated with them you wifi find >n!y toe competent, for it is the pol­ icy of this establishment* not only hat each member o f the management ;)o expert but each employe a* well.' In making this review We are glad to'CQmpfimeni'this concern upon the position they .occupy ia the business vorld and call the.- attention o f too public to the excellent service sb well as reasonable prices, HEATERCO. AU Inquirer asks to* Information editor whst to*, rank of the commoa? der o'f a cruiser ordinarily is. Tail drivfr, W* Should ss^.M a gocM, h '' A man’s full oam* sbonfdt b# to# ram* name be uses when sober, but occasionally It Isn’t, * k Not tost we are to the position of having to know, but .whatever be­ came of coffee ice Cream? It wasn’t so many weeks ago tost s lot of people were comptalnlng because tb* weather was overwsrta. Because it is good news, this p*ra-t graph never grows old: Peace has broke* out again; In China. We suppose the. editor of toe Con­ gressional Record doesn’t even know whst A blue pencil looks .Ilk*, ....... . », : Amateur theatricals art pretty bid, too, but we gueea the worst of *H i< an amateur job of job printing. Sweet crackers, made ia toe shapes eg tb* varibee states to aid children I* geography, itototd go far toward #bpa]arixli)g Texas. Tbe Usasl complslsts at* hoard •bout th* theatrical situation in New York, hut w* understand business la *tfii better than tbe abowa. "Atsxl driver^lnPsriswoa sracent eating contest by devouring 41 eggs." He’s no taxi driver, he’s a taxidermist Those transition skirts, short to front and long to toe back, remiad os efl the old saylujT "Good God, end good davlL" Bird protection in the .country to not a fad nor a piece of sentiment We have not engaged in n 17-Vear campaign o f education for toe fun Of it, says the Farm Jourqai; but be­ cause bird^protection to the strong­ est weapon to th* defensive w*w'd! toe human rqc* against tnsects, And tltto'leads us to speak *t calk Gats are not to* soi*:raeHlee o f eoMt-And InsectlvOrous.blids, bettheykto among the moat dangerous; Min/ families cannot, perhaps, put up' bird boxes and make tbe farm • bird refuge^ but no family need see Its valuable bird population slaughtered by cat*. Tramp cats should b* mercilesslyshot Household pets should be presented with a set cf bells, preferably of to* kind with * strap. passing between the forelegs and around the body. .That will warn and protect adult birds, While-eadnrance flyers circle ove* airports, transatlantic flyers* spin off over the |ea and other spectacu­ lar stuntefa go about their tasks, the rank and file' of aviation contlipqea with ths ordinary, unexciting^ tspks that are making aviation -valuablH f* . the people as a whole. Lost to tbe dispatches telling j of more stirring events is a brief paragraph from Ot­ tawa* Ontario, telling how Blight Lieutenant N. O, Fork* has just fin­ ished an experiment In dusting tree* In a northern Ontario forest from an airplane to exterminate the spruce bugworm. Thm Insect pest ruins ufehy gores of tree* annually, says the Wheeling News Lieutenant Foricrhst In past years man was satlefled and managed‘ to keep warm to a way, by the.beat from a,fireplace built within the walls of his abode. First warming his back, then one side and so on until his entire body had consumed a por­ tion ' ^ the host derived from this crude device. But the modern furnace of today not only heats one room but distri­ butes .the heat uniformly over the en­ tire'house, regulated'at the will of the family. -That is what a “Good Furnace" ac­ complishes-and there are good and bad on the market today. A person'buy­ ing a furnace should he very particu­ lar in investigating .the merits of the furnace that -he is thinking of in­ stalling before purchasing. That the manufacturer is reliable and depends upon the success, of his furnace through satisfaction that it gives and the materials contained in its construction, v The Williamson Furnace sold by the Williamson' Heater Co. in Springfield, s i 115 South Lowry Avenue, costs less id operate and less for repairs than mostkesttog plants, :*■ The Williamson Furnace is built to give economical service all of toe time ' and is not an1experiment. It is so well .known that it adds more than its cost as a selling or rant­ ing feature to your building;- and if you use -the Williamson furnace fuel economy and1saving on doctor .bills win soon pay fdr It. At this tipie while you are think­ ing of ways-to increase happinesg,' think of the WilliamSon furnace as 'toe- spirit o f . Genial- Warmth . thatvwifi bring happiness, and good sheer tot* your hdme every winter. 1 Thinkof the Williamson furnace as convenience that wifi regulate temper­ ature throughout .your home and"will banish the dirt’ and drudgery of old style heating methods. Think of the Williamson furnace as an economy that will 'eliminate on* third ’to qne half of your fuel bfil, They Will be pleased to give you full information as to the merits of this wonderful heating planC' The service of. the Williamson Heater Co- does not end with instal­ lation of a furnace but extends thr­ oughout the-life of the Menace, phone Center 20 for service and Information. found that .lt can with to* atrplsn* best he attacked IfITfRSTUDIO In Springfield a popular y and the of this com- Itad profes- come tax service, some Auditing or m system o f books set up or any of the innumerable thirty* accountants do, this sveountant will give you Unpsrafi sited service because he loves his worit. And he has A reputation for skill and efficiency. , This integrity, of character, mani­ fest to his attitude towards his work,' pervades the whole life of tot* man.; He knows that the whole ‘justification' for one's existence is to fill one’s proper place in the life oboHifc him. Hence he is a good effixen because he believes in being qnrtv. And photographs are not, ekpeptive because the proprieter of this studio is .pxtepsrad to'Scry* you: in the most efficient manner at smtfii cost. . , You can secure here most excellent photograph# at most moderate prices. Of course they *r* pfepsrad also for th* corset and most costly work to this lino and thsra are examples of the artistic ability today to the homes o f many of the families to toe com­ munity. But they are also to* popn lsr priced photographers and spsoial ixe in proving to you that really good work ean today be had at truly a very smalt cost, This studio has won the admiration of many parents through the excel­ lent werk they do in making pictures and portraits of children. Whether it be an infant in arms or a child in school, they seem to possess that happy faculty of catching them in toe most natural way. This studio has won quite n reputa­ tion in this section on account of the pAinsmktng work and efficient service which they always render to the mak­ ing or photos of wedding parties and bridal groups. The work to this par­ ticular line is always prompt and satisfactory, ■ They are leaders to this profession as are also the assistants. Their work has elicited the highest commendation especially among the prominent fami­ lies of the community, and the studio la at toe service of client* whenever they desire. Taken all to all to* Letter flttidlo Is a Worthy member of the profession and the citfsens of this section are, to he congratulated upon having photo­ grapher# of such artistic ability in their midst, A Boston Globe reporter is still pus- sling over one’phase of bis Interview wlth sa airman: "Tbe celling waa so low," said the‘flyer, “I couldn't seetoe sock, So 1 sideslipped down through the pea soup, cut the gun and set has down'' for as neat a three-point pan­ cake os aver 1 made." When mead time catches you in Springfield1—orijoy, a well cooked meal at a most reasonable price--Most peo plq who find it necessary to eat away 'frqm home do not think' ot going any where but to Baker’s Cafeteria at,122 South Limestone Street. *. - Thfs cafeteria is known for good food.' A reputation sustained by'the well, as motorists and the traveling public. ” Here the management selects the food,' scours the markets and accepts only choice and fancy foods; •Wiis together with chiefs Qf rare 'abili­ ty insures tjie public of .tl)* mo*t sav­ ory,meals, " In .toe kitchen you will find too; most.modern equipment at;d utensils kept scrupously cleahi There is nev­ er a question of sanitary .law* to this establlihmeut.. The courtesy and attention of the attendants is a feature,that, receives more than passing notice from the patrons. Jt is not necessary to order a whole meal, t^e ,patrons are assured o f the same attention for just a snack as for A well appointed dtoner at this’ eafe- teria, " " ^ While seated at one of their fobleq you are delighted by the horae-Iiks atmosphere which prevails; ‘ Not only are the foods cooked a* toother u&ed to cook them but you will-find toa best foods in season from which to make your selections. If you wish further seasoning of the foods or sbme preferred condiment; you have only to ask for samel ‘ It has been truly said the way to Oman’s heartTs,through his stomach. Likewise this modern up-to-date cafe­ teria is daily building its bus-, ine?s with the tasty, delicious-meals they serve, . It makes no difference whether you live to eat or eat to' live you can be most conveniently served at this modern cafeteria. Therefore we deem it most fitting snfi proper that we in this business review direct th* special attention o f the readers to thC Baker Cafeteria. Upon your next visit to the city* drop In for a meal. M U M HOUSEWRECKINGCO. An open safety pin'tod A piece of pongee, elgut inches wide and a yard longwere removed from the esophagus of a woman in Missouri; No matte* how strong the hoarding* instinct may be to a woman, she ought not to be­ gin tucking such things away In to* eld esophagus. Albert, king of the Belgians, bos re­ covered the watch, chain, knife and wallet which were stolen from n hath house at Ortend whilehie majeetywas to the water. The thief wah a Huerta* domed Alexander Itchen, who will now be punished, we preenme, tor having Itchln* flntera,- Jm enfiaeMdermotolothifeeoy* wlie*. kera grow jeot Aa foot to oelfl weatirtf to to hot This no doubt Aocomrte tar lh* many long beards among Eetdwee. . A poUce tores to ftonto ArtorttolMM' a!pP*d a plot to Injure th* United fltatee. Ttot'e uwre th*A eoine pottee feeeeee I* the Hrttefl Stttaf toe Aetafr Coqvententy located in Springfield at 1050 North Belmont Avenue, Have a complete line of New and used- lum her, building material and builders’ hardware, They ara in tha marketfor used building .material a; all times. Feature Free Delivery 0 flarvlc#.— This )s one ot the firms In this ssctllm that Offers the best ot service and prl cei that are so reasonable as to en­ courage building ot new homes and enterprises. Turfy wilt be glfld to submit esti­ mates. They offsr a very large stock and prompt delivery so that no work will be delayed; guaranteed satisfac­ tion; uniform In quality and price. With a vision of a greater state end community always in mind 'this popu lsr firm which operates one of tb* best supply establishments in this section of the etate, has become an important factor to the development Of this section, 'While Ithas been their object' to obtain fair and honest profit from their extensive dealings in build lug materials the guiding influence of this company has Always been to fur­ nish the highest grade good* at prices so reasonable that the extension-and beautification of this section could progress rapidly and in great leaps and buuads. Doors, sash, panels, casings and all that psrtaint to Insids While ate fur­ nished by this progressive . firm. <By purchasing fo advantage When the market is right and employing only the most experienced help they are able to offer tills high grade of goods at prices so reasonable as to encour­ age the extension and beautification of homes and enterprises. Under able management they are able to offer a service that is most complete anil this enables them to have any quantity,desired. There is no establishment in this section that has a greater influens* for the better upon thebuilding iadtt* try. Contractors have come to know that whatever they, desire.Upthe line carried ,cart]be secured from this firm with a knowledge that It will b» *f the highest grade consistent with the price, Ths shies force at ihelr offices or# thoroughly familiar with Alt problem* ill the Hues to which these materials are used and can talk /with - int*lli- gertee on any kind otmsterial needefl and thp quanAty necessary. They ora expert building material mathemati­ cians and you will always find their figures cotreot, , We are glad to compliment tit* ♦*- teblishment of the National Hone* Wrecking Co. upon their very cotapr* heuslve lines, their excellent asrvico to *11 departments and refer them to all of our readers, s i . I nt, -V;,. *A *r