The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
A '-S3 i- ■J ' " ■mmmmm EMHHiNEPOULTRY&PRODUCECO. Conveniently located at 57 South Market Space la Springfleld-HOur in dustrial issue -would not be complete without prominent mention of the bust ness activities at this concern and' their .extensive operations in the way Pi conducting a house for the pur chase o f poultry and eggs. • Commendable publicity and vnlu, able advertising to given our section by this progressive firm, far and wide dealing as they do on a largo scale in poultry and eggs. Their operations aTe of’.the most extensive1 nature and add to the commercial efficiency and attractiveness of the section as a market for produce, of all kinds. Through the years they have been doing business they have always been most fair and hbnesfc in their negoti ations and afforded the public a Valu-> able market for the products they ‘ handle/ , ' It is very important that the prod ucers in the various lines should have a market that is up to the standard and this section it fortunate in hav ing such extensive dealers. There are many small dealers, but it takes men to handle a large vol ume of businesti to be able to get the right selling markets and be able to pay the beet prices, These facts attract trade to the section and make it a better place in which to live and transact business, If we did not have an establishment of this-kind much of the produce would have to be shipped to the larg er cities and the seller would not re ceive a price that compare* favorably with the prices paid by this concern. There can he no question but that the End-O-Ltne Poultry ft Produce Co, is' onfe of the most Important commer cial firms of this section; its manage ment is in the hands ot men Who know the business in which they are engaged from A to Z. We Wish to compliment this con cern upon their commendable poli cies and the valuable service they are rendering the public, W. P. BYERMAN INC,. TRANSFER,&STORAGE When it comes to conducting a trans ler business this firm located at 115 South Lowry Avenue in Springfield— has business for some time and the assurance of satisfactory ser vice rendered by them is evidenced by the increasing patronage-they are re- „ ceiving year by ypay. There is nothing tbo, large or too small for this well known firm <to move. distance their field of op eratiop is the United States. In this day of Twentieth Century efficiency nothing has.developed as- rapidly as the methods of transportation of household goods, stock and merchan dise. ■ The time was when household .goods, stock and merchandise-had to ■be moved by steam roads or by two horse wagons. subjected to the, delay apd loss, of time that they formerly were, Thera is no doubt that the development of the transfer business as operated by thii firm has* been exceedingly bene ficial >to the public. No concern in this community has given the transfer business more Special attention than this well .known establishment. Their motor trucks are of modern type and the employes who operate them are especially skill ful in this line of work. When you have, any hauling of household goods-, you are assuring yourself of rapid transportation, real service and charges reasonable by calling this reliable firm. We arc pleased in this business re- mmmkm T N K A ffia n t * M a t a O B tO ■ p pw pw w MNSMo^peap wqEnnB^PaOflliiaWT Coca Cola Bottling Co. TK SPRWffEDJU6JL RAffURf CD. With modem plant in Springfield at, 423 Weat North street—Is under eap-j able end popular management. Is the! official bottling plant for Coca-Cola.' A modern establishment which la equipped in the most scientific manner: so that la the process of manufacture! and bottling their products are ‘•Un-1 touched by Human Hands." To pro duce a superior product,that not only meets requirements, but also lends an added seat ■ to *tha Joy of living it Is not necessary that one provide at once a plant which cover* acres of ground. The quality that wlnn widespread and Iuatant popularity, however, soon wtU force an Increase capacity and such is the case with this bottling company |view to call our reader?’ attention to Not so today! They operate l a r g e jw . P. Byerman Inc. with whom you motor trucks .with sufficient, capacity can trust goods and stock. They will to carry anything large or small, and is transferred quickly and with per fect safety thus their patron's are not be delivered to the destination prompt ly and in first class order, while tbe charges will be most satisfactory. ■t' When we hear a lot of- old fellow* we have -known a good many year*. - Criticizing the young people of today and how fast they live, we have only to remember a few! years back and . recall how the people o f those day* conducted themselves. It Is qiute true , they do things now that they did not do thOn, but it should not be forget*, ten that they did thing* then that ar* not done now,' toy* the NeWctotl* ’ Times. The majority of peopkfwbo have reached'middle, age or a little older have 'no room to criticize the younger generation. They convenient ly forget tbe faults and remember only \ the Virtues of ai generttiou ago. Thinking It over, we do not remem ber that we ever heard of a milkman who became a success ss a soft Shoe dancer. . . Some of tbe most remarkable storiesa man listens to are prefaced with an apology, “Why, there Isn’t much to tell.” .* > , ^ v *They ffldn-troBthemMetaeteta old days, but tbete waa a chap around •very office who kept raffllng off the same watch. The announcement that Gomorrah has been found at the bottom of tbe Head sea, sounds like a pretty salty yarn. i .. .■ ■ ' .■■ ■*, . 1 I have been reading In a'‘ Sunday newspaper how a witch doctor In South Africa administered the powder of a ground-up gtamophone record to make a patient,talk, the medicine be ing mixed With water from a railway engine In'order that the patient might be set going again, says the London Homing Post Tbe treatment, which, by the way, was quite Successful, seems comic enough; yet It Is really ho moto absurd than those In vogue among the medical profession la 'this country a few generations ago, or In* deed than many rustic cure* even now In use. . Are these ragtag skirts ap effort to conciliate both those who 'want ’em long and those who insist upon keep ing 'em short? ; Statistics are those authoritative —— — and-condnsirefigureswhichmerely strongmen woman’s intuition to the ‘ contrary. . W* bat* also stood our congress- maaforn probe ofwhaitbehoteto do with the many million small oakaa ad soap which art need one# * Every family has one; The tale* ,pathlc friend! who invariably phones tost as you ax* well wider way In >the bathtub. It you Shout# happen ever to meet ’ It In a social way, the foil name of <£he newly found flu gsrtn la Piesmo** :phle Streptococcus, Tbe beauty of these dohmr-and-a-half watches is tost too more you drop them on too stood atdewelk, to* bet ter thus tosy seemto keep. In aptte of all they can do with u Me, ws Will sty for xsstattratmmi tost they nevar bar* tried t* getthree halve# from paegrapefralt NEWIDE1SHOEREPAIR la Springfield at 26 West Main Street—are offering the people ot the city and this territory an essential eerviee and everyone should take ad* vantage of their high grade repairing of shoe* for nien, women and children There are many people today who yet think that a shoe is repined all right at long as it is fixed so they can wear it again. But in toe pro* gtCMlreness o f this line, things have changed and the modern methods used today Insure the owners of shoe* repaired at this up-do-date establish ment double toe life o f the old-time Way of repairing. Therefore it ha* hoove* everyone to see that they Are getting toe longest life iwseibl* out of their shoes by having them repaired at, the New Idea Shoe Repair for they have the latest machinery In use and the best materials on the market, which insures you that shoe* repaired at this establishment will be stitched lr. the same way the factory used la their manufacture. This concern has added In no small measure to toe progress and pros perity o f this section, and in this trade review, we are glad to refer our readers to this concern for anything in ttaf line of first class repairing,’ and suggest that If you have repairing of toi* nature that you will mail them in by parcel post and toe return postage will be paid back to you on them, or the next time you bring your work to this firm, as they guarantee all work done by them tq be the best, while toelr prices sre always reason able; while you find that toe shoes you thought were Worthless will he good for many more month** wear. The manager of this up-to-date and modem-equipped shoe shop Is one of Springfield’s leading business men, and has saved the people of this com munity many hundreds of dollars lu the repairing of their shoes, K* is alto a man that appreciates any business given him, whether it he large job or a small one. Throughout every •state 1* tot unto* tom wonderful and refreshing beverage to eooaUwtly f* greater dm mead. It k u heeemt a most popu lar baveragf with all da**#* o f peo ple. It not only quench** to* thirst but seems to lyav* “ that satisfied feeling, whether consumed on » hot day to summer or to toe middle of winter. It is especially popular, of courttV.through this section and this bottling companyh** hateflyboon able to meet th« demand. There is only one CocarCole and it to known all over thf country. Nothing els* seems to satisfy but toe genuine. This Is the official bottHng plant for Coca-Cola, and it supplies *11 dealers throughout tots part ot toe country with tots justly popular product. Their activities art by no- means confined to Coca-Cola. They are bottlers o f soda waters to all flavors which are son*? of toe most popular drinks to be found in this section. Their plant is conducted along modern, sanitary lines of production and is * model one to Its line. Only the very best o f ingredients ate used in toe manufacture and the product it of uniform high quality finds a }arg« and a ready sale, , Wo are'pleased .to compliment the Coca-Cola Bottling Co, and also to direct toe attention of our readers to its excellent and satisfactory service* A phonograph record company h a been sued by a Virginia mountaineer who say* he It the/author of the ballad widely known as "The Wreck at the Old 97.” Everybody knows to* piece, especially with., toe trick sound effect* contributed by tbe phonograph record makers. But that ft Should really have bad an author cornea a* a brand new Idea, says the Spokane Spokesman Review, Yet, when w* come to think of it, somebody must have written All. - those rid ditties. Probably „somebody wrote "grankl# Johnny" and “Casey Jenee." It most be true, yet -w* can’t quite compre hend it. (tie « poor oowateor teat d o ta l h«lpto* trade I# rubber# " Dialect;1# device for bUmlag toe punk atoiy o# some other nationality. W# hope that the people who com plained of to* hot weather art now satisfied. . tototflclmmefffiqmrleBce. toe .ror ol*r curriculum In gild to take the place of haring, If they are going to “doer up too ebr.” whir not do If with respect to quality u writ at qaantityT It la not to ba believed that doc tor* as a rnla Insist on tremendous financial r'^rns for toelr work any more rigidly than any other class of professional men. The Ufa of’a rural doctor, however, has always been • terrifically hard one and not any toe well rewarded In money, says the Houston Post Dispatch. It would, probably mean a great deal If ratal commanlUes should organise and as sure a doctor * decent living and proper facilities for hts work. The hardest thing tor n sartor to do la to Understand to* person who caa ae# trio ridan 0 # # question. Anything that many promises to help step to# kUllegSaad nmngUage on too highway* Inworth considering. The original cynic, w* imagta# w a to* chap' who helped Hmapty. Dnmpty up onto the wall la to* first pine#. In to yearn, mor* m lee# wo hat# beard no good,word tor wilted celery except' that it doea’t gonad an tend. Divorce records: from New York record a charge'of cruelty against a deaf and dumb husband .who turned Dora, who, ha* baa caught to to* Oolorln-toa-KItchan movement, latalk- lag now adbuying # gpott **wii g a item out the lights whenever his wife, with the seme' afflictions, registered anger on her fingers. If tola iM nritr, con sider too’ abuse that h a bean heaped upon some of cur radio speaker# Personalty, these day*, w# Would ratherh* on. the sW*of tbe revolving door that «K»M* to aetop la th* warm .hotel lobby. -gather thing that ha* pooled •## Kirin, thank WaeeiMi' storlaa^ la. Whs too mtarriewer aemarima hen to hriri." n^ ide ’gghtogt'to AnattAra*# -' Appeal to Chivalry (Chicagostylo)—• “After emptying hi* piete* at the de- toctivto Wiio#criad,*CKv*walK*ak, •K y g a to riapty-*’' ' A local poowowh* flgura that with to* alxlarg* dreussa merged toletoe# overhead, tbe half # doaen lemon* to the lemottad* ca# be reduced to on#, The London Zoo has added a pair of oyo-oya to Its eolloctloo. An ayo- ay* Is described a a lemnr, and said to b* quit* like # Hollywood yes-maa. A 13-montb calendar might n hit Irksome for the chap who taken '* full SO to 81 days to get through the Book of the Month. When tbo antiro fraternity chapter climbs Into a small coup* It help* yea to underetasd how n French army wm cubed to th* front I# Joet a few tost- When, tbo offle* skeptic hasn’t any thing else I q particular agalnst a poU* tlclan h* son of coarto somebody 0 U 0 Is writing too speeches. Aa axplonr reports « Peravlan tribe la whlrii women rule. Tbit** aa- ether castonk bostd* to* custom of oat* lag potatoto that wo got from Sofflh America. They can food, they can brim they ca# auric; but they cant caa time to ho placed on too shelf and nsod when It happen* to bo heeded. Th* hottest place la to* world, naps # geographical magazine, in Sri* to North Africa. Thar* sums to to n Arid tor an; outdoor typo o f ova too* mometor. Tbo water toys eeem to hav* #o Jarir, Ghmgn Din wm shot, aceordtog to KIpUaft aad too new klag Afriuuristoa hto beau chard *C the reyal An old ama of t v kcqaaMaaeg can dlstlactly remember when yoa coold toy # pound o f the heat sh»e» lata sad bootons tor what la a* asked tor liven. m i c s inc . Whose progressive store is located In Springfield at. High ft Limestone Streets—Is one of the leading stores in the stats, offering most exclusive qual ity goods, a modern shopping center ror the people of this community,* All th* goods tor the store come from the arbiters o f the very latest fashion nod at* o f rare beauty. Spe cialities and garments from this store are wot joet ordinary, but have a style o f their own. At the Hoenig’e Incorporated Is foundnot only to* styles «uldmaterials In themost popularvogue today, but the more conservative , of mod1st gar ments that have met With univsrSal approval. As regards to price youwill find, these garments, which hang in graceful abd besoming H um , era offer ad at most reasonable figures, for while this store enjoys the patronage of th* leading ultima* of the comma# ity* R Is th*most popular store With!# many mils* among people of every walk of life. At thie very modern otofo Is c«tv rled an sxceUent lift* of high' god* garment* and specktitis*, beet qua!- cy. Wal’d Ilka to haag e# another M you* sr ao, If tor am ether reuon thaa te Ians who started the World 'war aad who w*o It. ;-*- A prehtoer o f MtrteMp at Harv ard pat* ss*a ameag th* Cotiedul Aggregate*. "Who# yea call me tom,* fg jj: to* ib |W to 4wmtt#“ 'Whs# to* ouwaarahm ebrne to too door aoxt April to tsko the t • lot ef houyriwldera will think the jKweruMOt >to' aMghty' fiMtf. Tho ouumemtora art gtvoa # H*t *C oboot thirty quesrtiona they ,#re Skppoeed to ask fiw. ovary mss, woman ohlid la to# country,*ad If to* ama teontofn jobthernStoabontadoao# extra quizzee to put But the Ida Is to make too ceosu* tomething moro than a mere' count, toys thu Loa Aa- gelee Thane, Th* informetloo will to of vain* In compiling massed statis tical facta; tor use la Industry apd sociology. Kvea tbe men who .at# #*• omptoyed wUl bo helped to neW pot- Uone if tho thing be found possible. Th* official population o f American cities to too Issat vital of toe plication* j ' . ■ • Advertisomoafs—ffivsry artikd* m tWa ftoffi If i p l f With most complete store la ffpriag field at 146 Best Mel# Ktreet #re furn ishers of Hom*s Complete. Tui^mek* the houses o f this com munity into bomss h a always baa the primary elm o f this progressive furniture stor# whose managtmem bslisye that by carrying out tola elm they c*n sf?vr ths community in * very Important manner. They have spared nothing to give every man end women in this city en opportunity to have * tastefully, If not slaboratsly, furnislmd home. It Is *•mistake to think it tikes « fortune to furnish a home attractively, As a matter of fact toes* enterprising business men can Show you there Is no good reason why any ambitious men with # norm al income should not live in # home furnished attractively in every de tall. Furthermore, when toe .citizens o f toii community look'over to* stock o f this store, they'will realise tost they will not have to make any trips to # distant city to furpish toelr homes. It is herb. - It is a fe to eMert .that there are few elore* in any. metropoliswhich have # mpre complete and up-to-date Stock of furniture than this local business establishment- By, furniture Is not mefnt merely tables, bookcaB?» a riwir and # kod—-too e # a h o t ^ •essntis!* fed a# e?rtstoa<Hi.' Hut s# the fleers o f -tola melt too**# ftaw. will be found fcnffiks, Uyffig #eoa* suite*, eklaa cleseta, kitrium eabtorif chiffonier*, and too* hundreds of other articles which sake t|* hoop o f which toy housewifs ia pfonfi. p# quality, it in admitted that rids stoek is not surpasaod anywhere. Ah# whether you to* furnishing to* s o f t ' elaborate o f auburhu homes or juft a summer cottog* ym* may rmyt ,a»- sUred o f recriving full wain# for your money 1* rid* establishment. And toe Mlesmeu in this store eye not there simply to a ll furniture; they aye there to be your, personal end confidential advisors on to* mat ter, o f furnishing your home or shy pert of your home. They know toe qualities of, furniture as to attractive ness end durability. ' _____ - This article wopld not be complete without adequate mention o f toe mp# agsment of this wall known estab lishment. Time and time again they have responded When toe -cell came to support community projects. In business circles they an* known to be Of unquestionable Integrity. They are amiable, easily approachable aud friendly to. all, with whom they com* in contact,- ‘ Hav* your actual friends kroaght you th* pmw Joy that you. aotaetlmee find through books, write* James Norman Ball te th* Atlantic. I; they disappoint you, aaftyoa thorn. Tbit Is.why friendship m nn ffifirit I* usually to ho preferred te audi friendship ia tho fioah a chance way put la one’s why la the fount H i lifetime.-Ghana distributes its favors with such aa appalling larik *C fomtootfgbt and dtecrlariaatlea, and, la tbe matter of frisadshlpe, mot# the# likely thy # « i you rtcelro am •ot at toi th* o#*a yaw aborii hav* had ar would ham r iom for i n * tolfi ; • . ' ' ' Dad dtaadvaatage' o f fraveilag kff *'mditev though mam may I* other# la to* task «t toff fotu tta e# route tor toesitag ptato- •For too im pa ir uf.muatag tote newspaper,* aa -outer sue* said to a* "let ai esiaaM that a person froo- m Is frocw atifit," le a fril e f toot-'too.gffieui.smuiaemi fa #veey„»oigrdhow,oya tho-'Xlev'Do- ■leStKe' . U dlMU.'''^uiM O a MOK#.' A'aw#>-.wh!o crisfalk wetoif'Wd'mNil a ldwyec mo too* Iff oimm Oto* ffdd- eses a too gift e f pirsariv* aposto. If wo-wwat.# ceuariBer a atflampffi a • assfetoa of too toglalatir# efo usually vote tor too- fitife talker, aud •dt'sridoai a th* huatiags'toeawd.'ef ootid tmm, the .awa of. k m haataaa tnetiBcU, tho am# of oducetto# and rsfinsmsut, a d ckamtar, ataade a show at aU with too aoa of alatato wit and nimbler tango# "Johs D. RecfcefeUer m h a com to woric f a •taadsti Oti. hagtaatog with on* of too tighter Jeh#“ Boost- My shlalag too d a ta Den, Who la always leaving a item hemortoer#nou*Uyia Abo# thinks they ought to sen them I# aota of fOur, Uku tooxteg atilt# A tattacta ad nays # aew auffi to prates aOsta-sha y fier crefflt Th* Mhi’ lB a la m en tal*; Credit tan- prova the ihabe tor a aew o ft. - Whea gsutu# persoaallty> *htiky#a greet--sueugh them are u aatio e l hordes# a aau-med* Ratit# CttP o f Fad* h a Just p tea i 1 tabtat a thu memory of thu Gsrauui post Bela- ridi Hsias a toe hena whorefa he died,In too French capital. Both Oar- man and Fieach lomra o f Ida poetry put lowers a Briasta grav# Ww n on tot harmony and hasty of to* world. It retard* th* pragma ef sma - klad. But wa# eaaaot aMHafata frees to# atiade aad hearts of thtrirtag sou had sresMA a apa ctetla tost is beet O a ef too ahad too InfiimatlM Biltor la the ■ ■ ■ o il aw ^ us M eooem w »s«w m poo po ^ v past esventi days ta the friiowtag, mshattof; “Whim Is too Dismal BwnamT* dectoc* btosoi the aataAMhK* with htff awuaxlfie g a fs r too task ef “peff* o f which a many peopta But whet eta* heeldto to* aatamohffo keep* tooa who own o a hopptaf to pay for ft sod those who do set own Aqhsppfag te keep from hstogkfllod GEORGEt BOTHWHI &GO. P la e te rin f C o a trtc to ir With office in the Builders Exchange Building at fi% East High Street in Springfield—is a prominent and well known contractor with a reputation for the kind of Plastering wdrk that Is huilt to last and consequently his services are in great demand, for he knows the Plastering Business from A to' Z and employs only expert work me*. ' He -has had charge ot some of the largest contracts In this part of the state and always give .the best’ of service regardless ot the sis* .of the contract. Here the public has at Its disposal the services of men who are compet ent, and who obtained their business education in the school of practical experience. Prom the Inception ,of this business, quality has been the aim aud the. standard o f excellence h a been maintained from toe begin? ginning. The name.stands for quality reliability and progress in the plater tag tines of (file section of toe country, and A# toe advances ot the periods have marked improvements this; firm h a adopted these lata scientific pro- dusts a rapidly a they were approv ed by the trade. Mr.BoihWell haswon # Warm'place jol c o m U o d e ftn k e r Admirably located In Springfield at 1002 East High Street—are leaders ta their profession end furnish # strictly modern funeral'equipment. They are In a position to render a Service that 1$ Unsurpassed in the most metropoli tan city. Justly speaking ta th is aspect toe community is indeed fortunate In having Afficteut representattva a are found in this up-to-date establish ment. Brer since he embarked In basinets be hu realised that the foundation of principles on. the bale that any surviving burineu must op erate upon fair and honest method*, added to the best service, h a ban his policy, knowing that a concern without these qualities must dis. toe r e c^ sswJtati tonveatou ^ ity and styta that Is the vary .latest and at a price that.will suit ybu. The ■stabiishintnt Is one o f the largest stocked stores in the cemmunMy And daws trade not only from the city but from tho country for miles around, Throughout th* eatlro store yon will find th* same high quality,' and whether It is one of these many little accessories of drts* that ar* a neces sary to toe toilet of the women of to day or a selection from toe compre hensive stock of roady-to-wear, the customers invariably find this estab lishment h a provided # targe assort ment from which to choose. Another feature of this establishuent is toe conrtesy gM aooommodation which marks toelr vary satisfactory ssrvlco a d distinguish^ theft's from to# average store of this kind. You will find ta charge, men Aha# keen judffmo* h a been w- sponribl# f a the ekostieut atronag# extetidsd to rids popukr stare and we whto to dtaiet Ml readers attention to this staa a riw tatportwt feetur* of toe comtuunlty^e eommorolal effleien- AM Jeh hed w a heti# a W ffi. ffaatiy eeld, end we data whptitae there Atoo nay yooUg people werktag toelr way torosah cotiege ig setto it tk t da ii ties ha ' fiot only benefitted the public At large hut has bpilt for this man ai reputation that h a extended in every direction. Being # thoroughly modern institu- tk», he fernlshee a funeral home for the benefit of those who live In limi ted quarter# and It la tally equipped a d at the disposal of all patrons. The Hi* motor funeral cars, Mr, Joe C.O'Brien h a conducted some o f the largest fun erals ta told section o f the state a d ths admirable manner in Whkh they have conducted these tanlrak h a mad* hi* services most worthy o f mention in thisba ln ea review, which covers ths most seMcnt features of our onward progress. THEMODELLAUNDRY •dentiettf *#y toe Grand eaayo# h atawly dtaappeariag aad la a mDKa yarn Will a leuae exist. Oerofri asoteriet# to toe aMehtim# will pul rit th* brakes at to* brink. A radaff ptbOa hu a c c a ieii | b dying from m^end te Amerion. Tfie ootarprta A a frsltiee# though, etaea toeee ar* Jot a many llegiMi i p a : total hero je ateai.Ma lAArih Byrd, am a t o r AdatirM, retired, .fflffieni ta-ataMr wagaftomto* typq to .WMffii wa pm aecoeteead. At 'to# ffeuto polo H ta doobtfrii if ho a a (h a a reeking ehair. Yta were talktsg be a ritap Ait taAg r ia a who had toe oempiota dotaffg o f VtH aaesrtsd ffiefhilt ptayew ta hie had, gut eaidfft ama * ffitoer a**#- A mp freakffeaaqrivatd# , T a eeoummlenee sd aeweetleai* toe - i m ans Mvwmswwmpxeowwwsrvm wu* w e a w o t m n a anew New tm stemwot* mm#*m' H^Hd| A|F4|iy|||i|jyk- • tagffiftggym a -emmppmmsAsowwww wsm ^yr—xurpispe <ns t a toAgfi eg g Mails atari* Located ta Springfield at 122 Wal nut ;Str*#t—is one of our most, pro gressive firm*. Features a most com plete Laundry service. This is an age o f convenience. Du ties that were performed In other gen •rations At ths cost o f great labor a d hardships ars now accomplished easily through toe services . offered by progressive businees housa of to day. This Is particularly evidenced in regard to toe thing* for. the home. The Mm Of title prograteivs laundry, whkh .perhaps offers the biggest measure o f service for th* horns, hu ever-this end in view—provision of the greatest service for the house wife. Its policy is ta lighten the laua dry burden o f the kdm# Consistently Hrisg op to its name from the quality of service it offers, this progressivs laundry now h a rag. Mar Hues o f laundry servtoe that mast with any individual or home condition. Giving laundry settrht* that represents that mum ear* sod at tention that would be ito u attiMs* don# at heme a d with a degrseof efficiency that is * distinct economy ta th* housewife ia on* object ofthie laundry. The laundry k touted tlo MM a If It were the only package •* the mremteo# #*«h bundle raabtofig indi vidual atoentien And k*fft te ItailL e f work dons at tola WM1 known rnundry to tok claw ot J+rvlc# is growing rnpWly fa, popnler- ^Jtadry k UHO-dato to «v*ey dotedk ld»dmm fatiltSo* gwAwAte*. your laAodry wtotbo a^emiy ctea butMajor too ate- ThoMmiga fa toelr first-da* or tta a to ffie ff ’w ith a y A todr.' Jou fire tavHed a vkto took plmrt ItiM T * A total win oonviuu you. The Atu*c**»oui i* m i ef to# a t - * * * * * * * * em tim&r, Xta- a d toutewortoy t o i f t o y r r ^Pfua <* fi- J i in ths hart o f to* public through the. excellent work he executes in every branch o f the Plastering Butinas. Ths public has come to.know that a contract for this class o f Work gqM < by specification and a datisfiactory job is certain. ■ Anyone desiring or expecting to Plaster should consult' him fo r a y - ’ thing in his line and get ', his prtc**'' He will be pleased to show you wheth er you desire ta plaster just at this - titae or not. - It is a pleasure-to point to this firm a one of the - lending enterprises o f • this section and to ssy thst they hav? always been sminentiy fair ana hon- K est as well as progressive and up-to- - - date and that they have won for themselves the reputation pf having 'one o( the leading concerns .engaged In this special field ot endeavor a d , to-point out th* advantages of trans acting business with him, ‘ * We are glad to cbmpUmiat'lfr.'Both Wall and when you let a contact- .tq h(myouate certain you wBLnot only., get 8°od work but1quality materialsv for the man that ' operates this busi ness knows the hustnese thoroughly : and ihtista that the best Is non* too ! good for his customers. funeral home ha* hacoma to* accep ted system In tho mor* metropolitan center* for people in the moat palat ial homes. - Tbe establishment 1*property equlpr ed to render a good service andtothts •stebllehment you. wlti find # stook the*)is complete from every standpoint . thus giving th* patrons amunusually'. targe Mlection. Accommodation a d oourtasy .ate other, outstanding features of, this firm a It Is always ready to sexy*-: the public in its line in th* fullest,, degree.. la maintaining his relloble poll- . d a aud programiv* idea he is always 1n direct touch with ME the. modern equipment ia thi* line which ta proven by the appearance of tJtiiAd « ;«rti At 422 Wej field—to the if aad espedau pi* of toe cit tory thru the A foremos tion of photo' noted tof too work. Retot signer*, cart trade journal mall advert! nine etching valuable for i e*. Adequat OUgbly expei Ity boosters. In. the end but one way- pie hav# lear they read c they know th ' ctatiy when fence, is not a man or wo "My own ey*— the heart mu Sight is in of gifts. It others that can be thank most the gre able. And i ■With more j that with my Mft a * *ta hi eh# ‘ hu Ike ! ta h*t irwb rim horn m» mini aept thi* *ell lour S O I ho «y (to tb| on 0 cno^ ne i, tbe pro xe ited roa« sm i Admirably 118 Bast Hie curing and sj eases—this if ating men around that their perepm Is splendidly duction ot a been of exce trade. Ladles, wo ly praise the . reliable shop when he atej IE* -barber’s < Shampooed—' and feel that - The inanaf deavoring to best service mebt is modi ery respect, pert craftsm ’ dividual neei Of to* CU»t0Ji ic t! iutel ing to ki >of a i •"■’**! hii 'tow r j mtt anti that fait tv* lave. ion During tot and-seek ga: householder - a n email l 1 Wa have 1 feeling tdwi strong react Kcerit *nd< :agei .m. imet a ci , wil illty ates is* 1 .it is' Th* eartt hav* a tail ihonld not state#' An amate toipadoes, 1 carpenters, >me « mi soma’ place to# t A chemls' largely mad' A rather cr wife’* relat: fbcte»ev tighter n* rt over n k « taking A de I? 3l w? -■ When a la to* mor propoeftioo, line ef leaf prop rvlce a fin .very is an 1 cot ettutii read; in Til !h wi this Question ^art , census-take , the) If it mean *W*r Is “C f the i ta 1 t fU! lost »rev tnt f A very pi field at 1620 under the’ c of wide exp WM1 equip] Chips shop gn enviable Vic*and r« is dally rec the sttrroui . This sho test machin are machin mekvs it a They can t c a be don aud what If it wHl p part they t to do so. They ar» o f machine shop and good as nc This firn ed fat busir to equip th an moder •d to* late hac*»Mty ' kind. This tulions of ite a istinc te cbj Ited tl packa a roa d key >rk d in t fftalty to-dal IfclM iaadt -too fo elr fly abt# tea yc oth*) visit . Jitot e« yoi >one comm ty ta
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