The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
ECO. « m bar# u But » lk*Afipp. ta*f*M* i eatanato ■irada *1 t§* home Prttt#. jfo thta «to«k in . Aa# ti|* noft is or jttft for your stow an furnitureJ . personal ths mai ns or any know £>* attractive' complat* f tbemnn m *rt*b- tyain thfy call cam* jects, In known to rity. They habl* and they coma tha *cc*p- tropolitan tost palat- irly equip- and la this d a stock standpoint unuaaally rtaay are i o f this to ssrra* th# fullest iabl* poll- a* h* is th alt th* lb* whkh loao f.h is C.O'Brian argretfua state sad rhkh they tlrats has worthy o f law, which •store* of dsfraa o f M ftKartM-frJa toosttnx ect o f this I S S S B M W r# so the irlof iudi- t to ftastf. mat this, •tail o f papular* in attty r h iliifii ^ w m tW m n W y willh* titeMfo- it>elasa ssr Ono*yo« a wifi not ffiata plant how your }f th* out* unity IN ' •rary ra- l i trough th* in every; Butin***, tow that a work goes., itisfactory peeling to net at this. a this Arm rprises Of they hav# and hon- snd up-to- ; won for Of haring. e engaged iarpr and of trana- ^ "*.'T -. ■ ■ itMr. Both mtrgct .ta In to only materialsu this (bjupir thoroughly non* too2 i-'* t- V* R f PIXLEY &JttSSKJKCO. m & a rniSmmm TB S C K D A B V E tS H E R A U K fcfc& A SV lU E , OBIQ AdnrtUemsais—JSrery article on this page is a paid adni^tssmeat. At dtt Want Mala fiireac in fgttag» field—l* the loading Armot this nature and especially popular with the p*o- pie of the city and surrounding terri tory thru their efficient sarvfoa. A foremeot and reliable organiza tion of photo tngrarers and artists, notod for the high quality o f their work, Retoucher*, illustrators, de signer*, cartoonists for magazines, trade journals, nswspspers and direct mail advertising. Hall tones, and sin* etchings. Picture* which are valuable for racords and sales purpos es. Adequate equipment and thor oughly experienced. Real Commun ity boosters. In the end the world is convinced but one way—through the eye. Peo ple have learned to know that what they read can't always be trusted, they know that what they hear, espe cially when told over* the backyard fence, is pot always reliable. But if a man or woman can say, “ I saw it." “My own eyes witnessed it,” well— the heart must believe it. Sight ie indeed the most precious of gifts.’ •It la one thing above all others that almost every individual can be thankful for. Blindness is al most the greatest handicap imagin able. And indeed, what. do we say. ’ with more satisfaction than, “ I saw that with my own eyes.” Unfortun ately ws can't all a** everything in the world. But, thanks,to modern science wa can see almost exact reproduct ions o f everything in th* world. Pop ularizing photo engraving was indeed a great service to humanity. Those who have somethlng to present to. the public in any way know the value of pictures.. A man can sell a house in a distant city if he can show a picture of i t - We probably purchased the automobile we drive because we were impressed first by a fine picture of it Perhaps you are a real estate man You have a house on a certain plot People canat least he interested from a mere description, maybe interested amost to the point o f purchasing by * few good exterior and interior pic tures,, A merchant wants a good pic ture of gome display for publication;, tbs commercial photo engraver sup plies, it There are technical kinds of work in which these engravers specialises. They can take' pictures o f architects’ plans and of important record*; Nothing preserves areeord move accurately. The photo engravers have not only made grefifcprogress in their business; they believe that their business pro gresses only a* th* community pro gresses, and they have spared no eff ort in supporting every contmcndablo project. * T*H Men’* Grtzsad# Rx-footer* in Cardiff, Wale* hav* just organised a league of tall men with th* worthy purpose of Inducing designer* of furniture and other things to consider their requirements. It la a league which should receive ardent support In other localitlsa. Tall mitt hare many tribulations trying to fit their long legs Into the space be tween row* of seats in theaters‘ and on buses and railroad day coaches. Also, they have many tribulations dodging chandeliers and the tope of doorways in their own borne* and the homes of friend*. There are two sides of lb* problem. Th* world it equipped for persona of average height. The tortures suffered by the extra-tall men ar* pretty well match ed by those of the extra short women whose feet don’t reach the floor in cars and theaters and restaurants and who can't carry footstools with them wherever they go. It is all right to build and design for the average per son, bnt the tails and abort* deserve a-little attention, too. - BANCROFTBARBER SHOP Admirably located In Springfield at 118 East High Street, features mani curing and specialize on all scalp dis eases—this is the mecca ,pt discrimin ating men and women for mile* around th^Rt take a special pride in their 'personal appearance- The Shop is splendidly equipped for the pro duction of a class o f work which has been of excellent-distinction with the trad*. Ladies, workmen and children high ly praise the efficient service at this reliable shop. Every one Is aware that when he steps- away frqm his favor ite barber’s chair—shaved, shingled or shampooed—he wilt look successful and feel that way. The management of this shop is en deavoring to give the public the very best service at all times. All equip ment ie modern and up-to-date in ev ery respect, The work 1 b done by. ex pert craftsmen who cater to the In dividual needs, detires and demands of the customer in a manner which is largely responsible for the wide popu larity of this establishment. Nothing Is 10ft undone to please the most ex acting patron.- This reliable-barber shop is a serylce station toy men and ladles who pare to keep well -groomed. Tbore you will And skilled service. ‘Many a. person Inthis community has missed success because of a careless appearance. A specialty la made of ladies* and children’s Work’ and ap pointments receive their careful at tention. We suggest to the uninitiated that you pay a vieflt .to this local shop. Take any barber’s, chair available, their work is of the very highest stand ard at prices, satisfactory to* the purse. The management Stands high among the business men of this section and is esteemed for polite and Courteous treatment of patrons..The shop Is re cognised as a place of merit and alt who hare had work done there, are high In its praise. England has a wave of amateur dramatic* that la threatening th* prot«e*lonal stage. A recent census' •bowed that there are at least 10,- 000 amateur actors In the country,, and th* number. I* growing. One theater In London Ie specializing In amateur shows, and a society hooks another theater of the city for a Week to put on productions that ri val the best professional events. The Bournemouth Amateur Dramatic and Orchestral club ,1s launching a cam paign for a 1100,000 theater to be used entirely for non-profosalonls. Not only acting talent la being en couraged by tbe amateur societies, bnt many of them make their own scenery, furniture and costumes and produce' plays wrttthn by their own members. K. O. Sheriff, author of “Journey's End,” served bis “ap prenticeship” by writing plays for is amateur society. TJiE WORLD OVER A Frenchman recently wrote 28,000 words on a single postcard. Tbs British museum has mors than forty-six mites of shriving for its 8 , 000,000 books.- - The only known diamond mines Ip North America are located in Pike county, Arkansas, ■ Members 'of th* Mount Everest ex pedition encountered birds and flahea at great heights which previously had been thought impossible of sustaining life. HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD That because one"gets seasick Is not a certain sign that one will be a vic tim of airsickness? • -V . That one of the points most empha sized in giving prospects a demonstra tion of any^airplane Is the low land ing speed? That one of the special stunts of British army flyers Is picking up messages strung upon a string be tween rifle butts held by ground troops? Oaring tbs progress of s recent hi<j*r apd.-saair game, an unsuspecting local householder dumped a bushel of ashes eat • small boyjn an incinerator. . . . W* hav* come,to a point where out ISeUng toward guy ficotcb jokeis a strong reaction in favor of tbe Scotch, Tbs earth rosy* as has been said, have a tali like a comet But this should not' ba mentioned la soma states.' An amateur meteorologist says that toinedoes, like lightning and amateur carpenters, never strike twice, in the •am* place. ' A chemist claims a human being is largely made up of glue. But isn't it a rather coarse way to refer to th* wife’s reUtivee? Theta never wa* a mechanical dgarw fighter as reliable as holding the stogie over a kerosene lamp chimney anq taking g deep draw. O* ' WH.I ..... •li.itai When » salesman calls up at 7:19 fa tbe morning with a land contract proportion, tbe telephone is dot our libs s t Mast rettstance. - Question No. ft to be esked by the fc-«ra m ♦‘Marital condition?” A western geat damacid sn sttatass ta mnacbiag tha wings* Ws Should imsiins,thoiigb,^l>e whfieiiMtt itasfi be oa th* f asataga. ;; •" •That's just- A jokf> about stuffing a baudkefehiet into my face, isn’t UP* sskedHbe nervous victim. Tub,” asUl tbe burgle*, «lt’a just a gag," . “Sectionalism,“ says a Virginia thinker. I s the curse of th* country*’ This is absolutely true: A drug store pie, cut ln 12 pieces, is too sectional. George Wasbihgton did surveying for a time in en orderly, limited way. But we have progressed, says the New Republic. Often efficiency destroys romsnee^-but there is nothing dretry or machine . age about the Alasks serial survey. Airplanes equipped with cameras have discovered a hith ertounknown power site of mote than 80,000 hone power in the Tongas* National forest Before this aerial ex pedition began operations very little of southeastern Alaska .bad been snr- veysd. The chief beauty o f the Ton- gsas National forest Res in th* foet that It tm supply fig par cent of tie gulp p*p*.n*& tbit United States IS- perpetnity- Under 'forest forties administration the timber will be cat oo fester than ft grow* If the scientist* have really Jsolnted the flu germ, we wish they would do It again. " , . , To date we can’t say the London meeting has reduced much except our expectations, 'What difference doe* It make what they name that new planet? It will never know what it was called. We must ask the Wild Ufo editor about a. bird with square wings, seen recently by us on s radiator^orna ment. What has become of the old-time' sister-in-law who dropped.around for dinner and at least pitched In and wiped tbe dishes. One of the half-grown tomboys in tbe neighborhood, now In junior high, was telling the other day bow her grandmother embezzled her-Into wear ing her rubbers. It Is perhaps just ss welt the old- fashioned chest-heaving type of movie herb went out before tbe talkies cams, We are tbe kind that Is made nervous by tody squeaks. A in 't W « G o t F tn ? ‘ Many are the notions of what 1s humorous. Th* practical fokfof who really isn’t practical at aR, It as old as the human rocs W# have no doubt that, if tha human race orig inally went around on all fours and at night hung suspended by Its caudal appendage from the limbsof theforest primeval, there were practical joke-, sters who occasionally nipped the tall of a slumbering friend, causing him to tumble Into the mud and murk be low. Pranksters of the modem civil ized race sometimes, with great dis play of originality, call op undertak ers, ambulances, coal dealers, trans fer companies, flutists and others and give them fake order* or ask them falsely to report at a certain addreap. The empty trip causes a real money low to the companies concerned and *n annoyance to the target of a. Joke. If It ia done for a joke, It isn’t good humor. It Is'plsln aalnlnity. If it Is done In a spirit of -revenge, it is. worse. Besides being cowardly, it is. plain dirty,. A Dutch breakfott IS like no other meal In th* world, according to the Wotid/Traveler. There are, to start with, at least seven kinds of bread— plain white bread, ginger bread, plain bone, buns with raisins, brown bread, toasted biscuits,' sweet cakes and a kind of'fruit cake. You will find at least three or four kinds of meat— xold sliced veal, roast beef, ham and sausages. Then, if you don’t see it ell st once, you smell the cheese, two or three of the Dutch specialties, Includ ing IJmburger and. Edam, There are several dishes plied with boiled eggs,, and, of course, there are jams and honey and seasonable fruits. The cli max is s pot of steaming coffee, not the insipid beverage, of the rest o f Europe, bnt the 'real thing from th* ‘Dutch colonies OR,E. E. MCFARLAND D a a tk t With office in Springfield in Suite 806-20$ Sun Building, 8outhWestCor ner Main A Limestone Streets—offer* the people of this community thehigh set type of dental geryice. Has estab lished a policy of satisfaction to ail. Special attention given to extractions, Science has made great advance in the past few:, years. Brest brains are constauty striving to Improve health conditions of the human race. All branches of the medical profession have 'been affeoted and: many of the old ideas concerning health have been proven false, In their place now ideas have boon adopted that have proven a success without a doubt. This advance has been applied par ticularly to the modern dentist and the modern dentist must he a person oi advanced ideas and. thinking. We refer our reader* to Dr. McFarland for he, has adopted all the latest and teBt-proyen methods for the benefit of M b large-clientele.------- -------- common diseases hare b*«a traced directly to defective teeth, and l£1* the duty of every person toguard his health as well as that of his fam ily and friends, by having these de fects removed. At tbe office at this well known dentist only the latest Ideas ere in use, and the price* charg ed are very low. The work is pf such satisfactory nature he not only In creases his waiting list daily, but holds hie old practice as well, In this edition jt gives us pleasure to refer our readers to title man and te assure them they will receive the best prefessional service at hi* office and that hlg prices Will bo most reas onable, and we would urge, them to re member him when In need of dental Work, Dr, McFarland i* highly respected and a valued citizen and he and his business are real assets. In the com- Imunity, . ........ ............... - - FINK&HEINECO. New Yorkers, despite their hustle UAd bostla, art a kina-beartod lot* as demonstrated by the establishment of a new organisation known aa the Tail Wakters, which ia no let* than Th* primary close la punning mlfh« * * * - » of go something along the line of Wra-j \m , Identification bureau where If misptay* at bridge are '• ground for divorce—end they have beCo tn two recent caeeswt seems, then none o f the household* with which wa are at all intimate ta safe. ' , The thing some of ns'mifo in sym phonies by radio’ is watching tbe mounting expectancy of the earnest chap In the back row as he-get* ready to wham the cymbal. * Perbspe the reason why so man; husbands faff to share their, wives’ enthusiasm for'art Ilea In the fact that the more art in the home th* more picture* must be bung. mark that th* bridge party on th# Gfaf ffeppelln played for high stakes, ft t a forbidden by taw1In California to make a waitress carry mor# than IDO pounds. Perhaps, than; w* had better not order another round of ba* “An uneducated thief,” soys n gyman, “ frill steal a ride oo a tmia- 4> oducated one wiU steal th* *£*)# railway system.” Then why edafot* them! If it means after breakfast, the an* 1*••‘Quite satisfactory.” AzttouMed a * ie ■ m iMttr eeefN w nw w w w w w 'Jtassmsefp. fog (v Baking away of tb# nation’s finest he- Nta. It ta foid: Natty ta tatoivtg, as wsB aa MOyMg SNYDERMACHINECO. A very progressive firm in Spring- field st i486 Rest Pleasant Street—!* under the direction oi a management of wide experience in this basin#**. equipped for stl classes of MS* phipe shop work, and have established ga enriwbl* reputation for expert Mr yioeaad rfosfouffii* prices. if«f>hwork U (tally repaired by this shop from the snmraMta# tarri^r*. this shop i# equipped with th* la* test tafoWtisry and tha fact that they are maibinUta of ability themfolfos wakes It a saft pine* to take work- They can fell yon (a an tastant what tan be dune, bow Jong Hr will take, and wbat tb* probable cost will bo, It it wHl pay yon better to got a new part they will very promptly tail yon tod*** . ■ ■ ■ , , They are able to repair all class#* o f machinery, jnst take them to this shop and they wilt make thaw as good as new, Thk firm realised whan they start* #d ta btfoiaes* that It was necessary ta equip tk* place in a west eompleto and modem style and so they tartsIt *d the latest o f scientific MseWuery necessary ta an fotabUshment o f this Itad. This ta one of tkwreliable Insti- need anything in the line of machin ery repair service you can not do bet ter than to go to them. The service has always been efficient end courte ous. As a result their business grew to such proportions they found it nec eseary to provide a modern plant. This they did and now have one of the most modem in the country. |t is scientifically equipped as regards all clsiset of machine work for' mo torists, manufacturers or farmers, and they are prepared to render a service in- these lines which equri* that of any offered in the largest cities of the nation, They are1experts in the businefs and no matter what work y»u <Mr* you will find them always ready find willing not only to serve you but also to give you valuable advice and sug- gesiiofis as regard* anything «(mutat ed with the bueiness, Their plqat ta a credit to the #ommunity and a tribute to their progressive and reliable poli cies. • In making Ibis review of our pro gress we are glad to compliment the Snyder Machine Company on the position occupied in the business world and call the-attention of the «x- foltaut Mfrio* as well as reasonable tatiebs o f this Motion and wfeta yeu jp rio ** to 'tbs public. iajurfor mutts can be taken for treat- .meat and lost pups held for their owners, says the Providence Journal Ebch dog Is carefully described by It* master or mistrese, a description card ia placed on file and indexed and Cross-indexed, and an identification medallion ia Issued. When a tost pop py Ie brought to .the dub It IS nec essary.merely te took him over, note the outstanding characteristics, con sult the fils* ant call up tha owner. It Is all very staple, efficient and kindly. With a quota of 100 emfgntats to the Batted States. tbe lriaBd qf Tap has not sent a single one. Wehr* hoping tide la* patriotic attitude may be ^expanded to include T ap for the Yapa.” The street pajama fad for woman wilt probably be wrecked on tbe shoal* *f too much material, - ' . Always an affectiugVght te the gen tleman oil a diet who Is'paying tor taw luncheon of one that isn’t, Why not reduce congestion ta th* prisons by making them less comfort- able—end therefor* leas popular? Tact Is where yon loud) father as for In advance he folia to realise the money la for thb Father's Day nsek- tie. It Is. stimulating to win. No one like* to lose. But when a teem enters upon play It binds Itself to abide by the rules of the game and fo bow be fore the judgment end rulings of tha 'officials. If luck break* badly, or if, by rare chance, unwarranted penalties arei inflicted, the teem that is well grounded in- the attributes of trim sportsmanship fights doggedly on,hop ing to wrest victory In spits of the unfair odds. If .that team loses, its uphill fight becomes the more, glori ous. If It wins, its victory is the more Impressive. American railroads have saved dur ing th* last nine y'eaini gffiOtRltMXffi by the more efficient and economical see of fuel. This is * vary remarkable showing. It is no? due to any cheap ening of the prices of fuel; bnt to th* redaction of the quantity used. A pound of coal was mads to do more work, so that it required less pounds to accomplish the object In 1928 this saving amounted to over $73,000. It is by directing Its atentlon to such points that a company is enabled to effect s saving. Animals and birds of the Northwest instinctively know that they are pro tected in the boundaries of the Yel lowstone National park and fight snowdrift* to gst up into th# park sway from trappers and hunters. Last spring park rangers, counted .17,000 elk, 700 moose, 000 black add grizzly bears and numerous-deer and small animals within tbs borders of tha park, which Includes 8,470 square miles. “Tima," says as article oo tbs peace situation, “is on assuagtr of oil wounds.” Beudadlag us sf the hur ried orator at a Boetou political rally, who opeaad his address, H y tints Is Is, there anything pleasanter oa a •weltering day than to drive slowly along* eountryrosdiathvsbad* Of* Ma-ton truck. Tbe honcyaaooa 1* pretty well eves when it is be .longer an unbearable separation if be steps into a totapboa* booth for a second. About tbs neatest trick is to ris* the sales talk s t the house-to- bbuee agent and say it In uhisou with the next on*'who calls. SCHULERAUTOSERVICE With modern esfob.ilihtnent in SpHsgfleld at » North Center Street-* feature a complete repair service to auto owner* end the fact that th*y render a complete service for the autrenoblllst makes their establish ment the Repair Shop of Good Service In this section of the stats, One of the centers o f activity that ia visited by autoitts from this section of the country is this very popular •hop, ‘which by reason nf its very ac commodating policy has wide popular ity. This shop is conveniently located and commodious enough to look after tbe local patrons and the traveling public in tha way o f service. , When This Pirns started in busi ness they determined to furnish ser vice to every automobile owner, and there is no question but that they have snccetfded, In the repair department they have in charge able and efficient workmen and,’ being backed by vast facilities, which enable them to rebuild, replace or repair any automobile, no matter what the trouble may he# in a most satisfactory manner. It can readily he seen that this firm ta very.important and adds ms terially to the advantages.of every owner of an automobile. The fact that visitors and local patrons can get real service at this up-to-date in stitution instills in the mind o f the autottiobllfst oonAdeuee in the fact that all hi* troubles can be taken care of in a “Most Workmanlike Manner,” We know o f no concern more fully equipped or better prepared from the point of workmanship to be able to turn out work of class, for its reasou ableness o f charges and for getting it done when promtaed than tbe fiehvuer Auto Service, • What we need more than Interna tional disarmament is a general do mestic disarmament day oo which all residents of tha United States, not in thapolice ortho army, wlUbe obUged to throw their pistols and ammunition on a common pile designed for de struction. The Chinese authorities undertake to punish smugglers who carry opium to America. Tb* American authorities are no lens alert, but th* aorcotie traffic still asserts Itself as a part of tii* crime wav* which rises oa both •litas of the Pacific. Wonder what a B<?t*ntot think* when he opens up the missionary bar rat and finds a two-pants suit An American explorer discovers a tribe of Peruvian Indiana ruled over by women. Just avoid American cus tom. A Chicago proferaor claims to hav* found an anesthetic which will put a fish to sieen, Aren’t the stories raoUghl “Tha man who introduced tha um brella bad to carry it 90 years before ltocame into general use.” Our ex perience with umbrellas 1s that they don’t come into general use; they go into general use. Th* All-ttuuifln Medical congress has decided to abolish Latin terminol ogy from prescription*, a former em peror of Germany on** set out to ex orctae all foreign words from hi* na tive tongue—and see where h* hi to day! Conveniently located 'on Rechtie Avenue at D. T. ft I. Railroad in Springfield—under the. direction of merf of -wide experience and serving all tbe surrounding territory, paying tbe farmers and ,stoek reisers more than they can secure elsewhere, the markets of.the day prices and provid ing fresh and superior .meat* to .the retail trade, thus serving- the public in a double capacity and meriting the liberal support and patronage of all this section who wish the beat and have local-' Interests at heart. -Pro ducts well known In this community. It is a fact beyond question- that adequate packing house service is es sential to the progress and expansion of any community. Therefore, in de tailing the prospects for a greater community, it is with a feeling of sat isfaction tiiat we direct your special attention' to this company. There is probably no other com munity this size in the country that Is better equipped in this respect, for- this well known and popular concern provided modern and scientifically correct abattoir Equipment, This Is a local packing, house insti tution* that is. essdntial to the pro gress and growth of the community. It ta a local packing institution oper ated by dependable and efficient,men. It provides a necessary service in sup plying the very finest of fresh meats, The public thus 'is assured o f whole some packing house products and of the highest grade, Thus this institu tion,merits your consideration and the ' liberal snpport both of the farmers and the public. " As the world’s greatest authorities have approved the recent inventions in all kipds of equipment they have hpen immediately,'-adopted- by this company, and this, coupled with the here of one o f the most, modern and up-to-date plants in this Section is responsible for the very sat isfactory service rendered to their pa trons over th© country," and for the"' fact that every patron of the concern is & loyal supporter and consistent booster, for it. - We wish to state that the manage- - ment find assistants have taken a. commendable interest in all propped tiona that further public improve ments and that they bave/been willing and anxious to aid in the expansion and growth of the community at all times. Therefore, it has merited- the popularity and liberal support that it receives and we predict that when each town-.of the community has be come a famous metropolis this com pany. will continue to minister to our many’ needs in the same admirable manner, , t in FENDER&BODYWORKS . I F . B o rnho rs t & L . B ra d fo rd , P ro p 's -Located in Sprifigfleld in the rear of 220 West Columbia Street. Mr, Bradford has had seven years experi ence with Potts Body Works—^features a complete service in ’Auto Tops, Cur tains, Glass and rebuilding, all kiada of bodies pod fonder* . repaired. Is headquarter* for eutoists and garage men for mile* around. They have an auto and truck renewal establishment that I* noted for the completeness and efficiency of Its service. t They offer a very complete service in body and fender repairing, tops, curtains and glass and ‘have equipped their establishment with the latest of equipment for the complete repair of bodies and fenders. No matter what kind of smashup you might have been in you will find they will be able to take the car or truck and pnt it in such condition that you would never know it had been in a collision, This institution has kept many a truck and auto on the road that might have found its way to the, graveyard much iooner if it had not been for their .comprehensive and rapid ser vice, Tob many people, think when something gets wrong with the car that it is done for. No matter what you might think it will pay always to take it around here and see what can be dqne as often for a few dollar*,it wjU be placed in gopd condition and will rim * long time, ■ If in motoring over the' highways you have been bumped by the roSd hog or a mad driver and the body of the car is dented or fendprs bent, lamps crushed, etc./ just drive around here and they will fix you up so that all will look like new. We are pleased to compliment the manager of the City Fender and Body Works who has kept the establishment thoroughly abreast of the times and is meeting Ehfe needs of the problems of the day in .amost thorogolng mannfer. We desire to re fer this establishment to all. people <jf. this section and ask them to call for specifications and estimates on contemplated work. Yon will find hlm-Coutiaoae .and sCcomoditing and highly efficient HAUCKBROTHERS With headquarters in Springfield at t i l South Canter Street—offers a mast comprehensive service in Bhect Metal and Roofing, having completed the work on aome of the finest buildings in this part of the state either new construction work or repairs. Superior to the vast majority of sheet metal works and aurpassed by non* either in general excellence of Work Of superiority of materials used, this popular concern fcfcs Continued a most successful career because they and their assistant* are among the most efficient roofing men Tn this part of the state. They hnv* equipped their place with *11 the mor; modern equipment for carrying on a general sheet metal bust ness. Adding to this the fact that they buy th« very bast of matefat* qnd employ men Who are thoroughly com pettint gives their work that superior ity tor which they are known for many mllM, fiheet metal work is their specialty. Roofs and gutters are within their province. Whother yours is a job call lag for new constmctlon or just minor repairs, get their figures before you 1st tbs work./ Putting themon tha job Is an assurance that tha work will bs properly done and the charge reason able, One of the features Of tbe service is the roofing work. They are con sidered an authority upon roofing work and It will be Well worth your while ta consult them before deciding what kind of a roof to put on, G ft it jjron have been having trouble wi?h. a leaky root they ar^-mea who will solve your problems and save you money. They are also thoroughly reliable and sate with whom to'entrust work in their tine no matter how large or email it may be, It you are figuring on any work let them help make up your plana and th* many little con veniences that are new and up-to-date .will be included White you find that consultation here will save you money They not only do work In town, but are called all ever the surrounding territory and hav* many examples of their workmanship in the surround ing territory. They know tha business from A t o % and when they advise you about anything in this line you can depend upon what they My, They are prom inent businsM men and among enur most valued ottiMai. r vS f.T; r f . . *■ ’ \ ■Lff*V4- -r ' IS i i . u: i t * MiitintatM* ' ft#Ttotofttavumtii. ■ «to*Mr- 1
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