The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52

M S S i 'S FLOWERSHOP c Yi*it*d by many peopl* From this Motion in Xente at 101 West Main Street Telephone Mein 881-1*- is & reliable firm featuring *■complete and satisfactory service to a discriminat­ ing public through the supply ef frag­ rant and beautiful floral designs for every occasion, Voder the personal supervision of a management well in­ formed iu the care and propagation of, plant# and flower* In their various periods of growth. This, firm is pre­ pared to furnish and advise you as to. the most appropriate arrangement suitable for an occasion to bespeak the inmost message iu your heart. ■ 'This is much ip evidence fry a spec •«al feature which many enjoy from the prsmpt and reliable delivery of flowers by wire, .through the “ Florists Telegraph Delivery Ass’n,!' which has rndde popular the demand that fash­ ion decrees to “ Say it with Flowers,'’ Thie popular firm is a "member o f this World-Wide' service'.' All you h&ve to do is give this floral establishment an order for any hind of,an arrangement of floWers you want sent to a relative, or friend in some distant city.. They .will be supplied and immediately de~ . W4*« h*w . o m 't 'D c u cu iu . u im it .u in v ie i^ u t ; " » v v u i j / i c t r o M m v livered by a member in the city where Jevery occasion. ..." 4 •. - J , . ' v-• W. 0. JEffRYES i . Contractors your friend pr relative is located at your appointed time/ Flowers which will, exprjjs to fit tingly your message* for every occa­ sion are found at this Wall known floral establishment. Flowers for Mother on her or your birthday, or as a . message to .a wife .or a sweet­ heart that only flowers can convey, Flowers for the sick room, for the office or car. Flowers for the journey will add that infinite touch of charm tc life abroad and reflect the memo­ ries of home through the appreciation or-beautiful things Another feature"'at this popular floral- establishment that we call to your attention i? the efficient service for sending flower? fry mail. Each or­ der is promptly filled and carefully packed with the choicest flowers and delivered with your card at the given Lime- The next time you are in need ofA^lowers, wire, phone or write and your order will b? forwarded by par­ cel post. - - -- We suggest to all readers, the next time they are in town, pay a visit to this popular establishment to see the broad scope covered in handling the complete service pf floral designs for WbeSe. office is located In Xenia ai 306-308-North West Street—feature a complete housemovlitg service. All work Is accomplished ip the most care ful manner so that when the building arrives ' at U b destination it -will he placed properly and practically ready for occupancy. This is a local con­ cern offering a complete and satis­ factory service in the line of building contracting. This enterprise is under the careful supervision of a manage­ ment considered an authority in every Phase of the building construction .field. The broad knowledge and wide experience of this firm have success­ fully made many contracts Ip this- •community- ' In the civic, development of this -section the company has taken a most . important part. For in the success­ ful completion oiC. schools, business blocks, theatres and other fine build­ ings no other similar concern has won such apreference from-public esteem. Many beautiful ^buildings for mifes ; around stand 'as every-day* examples o f this foremost firm'® mechanical skill., ■' At the office of thus company a most complete service is at the dis­ posal of the local trade. Keenly al­ ert to the needs, desires and demsndtf o f ! the prospective- customer, who is the final judge of building materials, quality, in products has been the gukl ing policy of its construction plan. Wide experience has taught this firm to select materials od the very high­ est standard in which the many cus­ tomers have learned to place the greatest faith. Durability, economy and day-to-day- satisfaction are the outstanding features of the products used and readers of this issue will do .well to consult tfris firm when in need o f advice, information and service in the construction line. The management will be pleased to have, you. call at the office when „in town whether you intend- to build at that time or not. Every feature of the service will be. cheerfully and most' intelligently explained ,to your complete - satisfaction. Anyone con tern-plating .vyork of this nature can not place it in more competent hands If you cannot get downtown at this time, write, Wire or phone for a rep­ resentative. , We wish to compliment the man agement upon the efficient service in its line and .refer, the company to all the readers ’When in. need of reliable construction -work at reachable prices. * TB4CtOAftVfUUtHtRAtO-CIDAavnxt, OHIO Tbi NattmaJ Tuberculosis asserts tioa observed the tweaty-ftfth anafr wwary of its tormatfea recently, end vs* able to aay to the world that to the im quarter of * century the death rate from the disease against Which It battles has fatten off la the United States'from W0 per hundred thousand to T&S per hundred thousand. Since JttWravage* have been cutmore thaa 67 per cent Treasury, official* say American tourists pay heavy customs over­ charge* op merchandise purchased abroad. By the time they cpme home they are accustomed to overcharges and don't let a little thing like that bother them. wrawn*' me jUvertiMmiuts^lfvefy Article eh thie pas* is a paid Ath^tiewwi. The Dayton Power &Light Co. Eastern papers are conducting a controversy over the Identity of the Inventor of the doughnut. It la hoped that the older question aa to the dif­ ference between doughnuts and fried cakes wilt be settled Incidentally. With office in Xenta at 37-South De­ troit Street—-la one of the most im­ portant nubile utility concerns la this section. They are rendering a vital service to. the entire community fry furnishing electricity, to the people at nominal rates, Their service Is con­ stant and dependable, and. for this reason people -depend upon this ser­ vice without realising what It means to the company to provide it There 1* no more difficult task than the successful operation at an cleotrl cal company, The disadvantages un­ der which they roust labor ■lm* been greatly increased Ju recent years by the continued advances In the cost of supplies and materials. .We wish to. call attention to the ad­ mirable manner ]n which the com­ pany has served its many subscribers to tils,laiy rates fheyhave charged, in consideration of the. type of service rendered; to the modern equipment and the improvements that have been, constantly made to keep every branch of the service up-to-date; and to the public-spirited policies that have char acterlzed the operation of this public utility. • They are able to distribute electri­ cal appliances to the people at very reasonable prices, owing to their great buying power with the manu­ facturers, They are,, constantly' in touch with the markets, and are sup­ plying high grade merchandise to the people at the lowest figures. Their stock Is large and they are capable of supplying all your needs In Electrio appliances. This company should receive no small credit for their part in- the pro­ gress o f this part o f the state; for they havp bean an important factor iu our civic development. The operation of this business in our midst has had a stabilising influence on all business and greatly adds to the solidarity of the entire community. , The ,service of the company has been developed, nbt only to meet the needs of the present, but in considers tlon of the continued service they will render throughout* the coming years. They have so planned that when the population Is double what It now Is they will be able to render'the. tame type of service they are now provid­ ing, ' This is*one of the -best equipped and roost efficient of our commercial and industrial assets, rendering-a’ set vide that is comprehensive and Ade­ quate, and reasonable in price, Such a company could not1 be oper ated without the most competent di­ rectors. The directing heads"of this company are'most efficient and hava given their attention to -the mslnte*- ance o f’efficiency to wary frranSfc the servlos. They are muttons to pap* vide the best.service that modern me­ thods can prorffia, - * ■ While we recount In this edition the significance of our progress s i a com­ munity, we want to *xpr**s our predation of the contribution which this company has made. The men la charge have been earnest workers in the Interest pf, the territory which to served by this company. They hav* al ways been ready to lend personal as* - sistance to afll propositions which have promised the development of this part of the state and thereby mar ited cqmmendatlon, ‘ We take...advan­ tage o r this, opportunity. to compli­ ment this company-, upon the success of their enterprise and the. valued ser­ vice lit<renders. the public., ' The IronLantern Restaurant in Xenia at 41 1 Which. I* exaetly Street—is one of the.|home. . ” P U BLOCKCO. With modorn establishment in Xenia at G3i North Detroit Street Telephone Main 740—are manufacturers of their famous cement building ’blocks and furnish' the building trade all over this part of the country. They man­ ufacture the highest type of cement building blocks that have passed the compression test. This modern factory is one of the lenders inthe cement product linen of this section of the state and enjoys a large patronage over all the sur­ rounding territory, their products being recognised as standards of quality. Their factory is equipped with the latest scientific machinery for" the manufacture of a complete line, in­ cluding blocks, and, in fact, every­ thing made of cement. They only use the Very sharpest o f sand and .the best cement and as a consequence their products are of uniform good -qu*tity;~------------------- -----~ ---------- Defying geological conditions and withstanding the inevitable ravages o f the elements, the cement products which are manufactured by this well known establishment, operated undpr the able ‘ direction o f this cement man, have been pronounced beyond question the most permanent of any now on the market. 'But it is not alone the function of -these cement products to defy Mother Nature, for they have been constructed along architectural line* and present not only pleasing bub an imposingly beautiful appearance. They are guar­ anteed to be water proof. Constructed with a view to per­ manence and rigidity, as well as beauty of design and exterior appearance, these cement blocks are superior to the average cement block* and equal to pny noW available. Should anyone be interested in the products, they will find a call at the office of the firm or over the phone, met with accommodating responses and decidedly to their advantage, In making this review of the busl- ness-interests-we-wish-to-diwet-your attention to this establishment as one of our valued interests and to the proprietor as one of our leading citizens. M K T BROS. GARAGE Admirably located South Detroit I j leading cafes in this entire section of; the state, The management has made a special stpdy of the business and is catering to a custom of refinement and good taste- This establishment?la the favorite eqting place of both the! local and traveling public. The management has made every Arrangement for the public at large. After-theatre and evening parties will find this restaurant, a most suitable place to complete the pleasure of the day. The interior of the establishment Is attractively decorated and most, pleasing tp the eye. The general sur­ roundings present an ideal' home-Uke 'atmosphere which has received the commendation of many people from ibis vicinity- 'While the work itself Is done by reliable employe*-whose special training provides for the Indi­ vidual needs, desires and demands of the patrons In an eating house of this nature. Many ladies express delight in dining at this Cafe, not only because they are relieved of the cArCs in serving the meal, but also because the food Is prepared in a manner fitting to their own The great popularity of this Res­ taurant has beenlargely due to the un usual ability of the proprietor whose wide experience and broad knowledge have well provided fqc the demands of a'most discriminating traded Noth­ ing has beendeft undone to completely satisfy the most fastidious tastes of any exacting guest. For any social or h isipeas movement suggesting an entertainment, meal. pr .repast of a rich and abundant nature, a visit to this restaurant,will reveal'an elabor­ ate fare of delicious dishes which will treat the Special occasion with grati­ fication and delight. 'The fact that both the local and traveling public can obtain a distinct satisfaction in food, makes this place a most important feature to the continuous expansion of the community. We taka the opportunity in this edi­ tion to tell the readers that they pos­ sess an up-to-daj^e restaurant which is .unsurpassed id any city, and also point out the advantages of obtaining thl* service whenever they are in town, ’■ The storle* now. being told of mil- llon-dollar pearls here, there and the other place sound like advance pub­ licity tor an “eat-moremyatera week." Being “taken for a ride" la really not hew. We have a vivid recollection of an old engraving Which allowed Marie Antoinette tn the warden’s-dray. ■ ~i-i ■ - ■ A difference of opinion has arisen in a breach of promise suit, over whether the defendant la worth sev­ eral millions/ ns the plaintiff main­ tains, or la just a vagabond lover. “Evergreen! Evergreen!" cried the brakenian, as the slew local came to' another bait, “Great Scettl* said the impatient traveler to bla companion,' ‘‘They're stopping at trees1” With, a little kindness and redirect­ ing o f’ energy, the ’ New 'fork boy who threw the electric light ,bulbs at actors may be made into a useful citi­ zen—possible an offstage noise. Fairy story: “Once there was an earnest bridge player who had a ran of bad', hands and did hot remark. ‘Has someone taken a pinocle deck out of these cards?” ' ' The Alihl-of-the-Month: Asked to explain why. he Wa* offering tola- branded milk to the public, an Oregon dairyman said he was testing the effi­ ciency of the state inspectors.. ‘ “Business ' ethlcg- are improving amazingly,* remarked the Old Timer the other evening: «t can distinctly re­ member when ! wouldn't consider buy­ ing a blue stilt on a dark day.” A woman supposed, to have tbe most beautiful legs in the world has been signed to star In a talkie. This la In accordance with tbe splendid old army custom of making an elOctrieHm • took: ■ Good nature will sometime* kfeep • person out of a whole lot of turned**- nary trouble. More than $1,000,000,000 in new money has been distributed to some­ body, but nobody admits It An uncanny thing tank place In New fork In the past week; A gangster, taken for a ride, walked back. Judging by the number they acquire and train, the Afglmns roust be run­ ning a kindergarten school for kings. The many recent mergers are a time •ever: in 25 minutes a fellow can now be refused a loan by every bank to town. ANDERSONWHOLESALEABATOIR in Xenia on Bellbrook. Avenue—is one of the moat substantial contribu­ tors to the community; operating a modern packing concern, meriting the support of the local public, and ren­ ders s service,, for they also supply fresh meats to the trade And operate under the direction of ptibllc spirited management thoroughly familiar with every phase of this essential business which adds to the growth and com­ mercial attraction, of Xenia and vicin­ ity.- _ ' ' '■ This concern is prominent in this part of the state. Its plant is modern and up-tp-date in. every particular, is clean and absolutely sanitary through out; with a business that is conducted along progressive lines; and we are indeed glad to say a company that is a credit to the community. They serve the public in a.double capacity. They buy from the-far­ mers and stock raisers and delivers to the meat eating public the very freshest of meat. They have merited a. reputation by their established pol­ icy in favoring the live stock pro­ ducer with good prices at all times. Being a local institution with the in­ terests of home and the county at heart it should receive the consider­ ation of all In this section. To be able to make certain of get­ ting the very best of fresh meats is a boon to any community. At this plant, only the most healthful System Is used In the process, and consequent ly they are not only health-protecting, but health giving, The plant of this popular and effi­ ciently managed concern Is a modern sanitary institution of this pnrtiof the country that has met with the univer­ sal approval of thie people. This com­ pany has probably made greater Btrldes than any other ehnilar institu­ tion in tills part of the state. -The demand for their meati 1* dafly.ln- SNIDER’S BAKERY Home of good thing* to cat in XeniKents are used. All ‘goods arc sold in Boosted in Xenia at 20 East Second Street—has won a wide reputation through expert work executed. 6pe eiallze in the rebuilding of wrecked cars, bodies, fenders, tops, welding and auto painting. This efficient auto establishment is one of the firms of this section that is running full time and has done quite a lot toward keeping cars in fin* condition at the present time when new ones arte hard to secure. Throughout all of this section of tlie state there are many examples of their expert work. Jfc Is hardly possi­ ble to drive oii fitly toad without pass ing an evidence of the superior crafts msmship which have won for this es­ tablishment so wide a reputation. Not only do they exesutc all classes of body and fender work hut they have won popularity also through their ex­ pert Auto Fainting .service. Their painting is not only dependable but has that distinctive vogue and stylo that adds to the beauty of your car. The price* arc of the most pleat­ ing character and the promptness of the satisfying kind, gattiug the work done when promised. This firm has expert body and fen­ der repair men, who will make your car took like new and ride like new, If you acquire a bent fender.or have the body of your car smashed, just get in touch with them and they wil. relieve; you of your worries artd wil surprise you how theywill make youi body or fenders look like new. They have taken many a used au­ tomobile and made it look almost like new through their excellent work Don't think that yftUr ear or the fop on your ear w gone beyond recall, tn mafiy cafes a new top does nol cost- nearly so much as you mighl think. •’ We arte glad in this edition to give commendable mention to the very su­ perior work tuirned out by tills mod­ ern firm and io say that they are art­ ists in these lines o f more than ordin­ ary ability, and refer the reader* of flu? paper to them when desiring work in any of these lines. They are wet) khown and very pop ulur business men and take air active Interest in Ail prepositions wilfch pro- mis* public improvement. at 105 East Second Street—ig one of fhc well-known bakeries in this sec­ tion. nol only because they maintain a modern and scientifically equipped plant which Is under experienced and expert management, but nlso because of the fame their famous high grade products has spread far and wide, So great has been the care In their iffert to give the people the most vholemnie food that their bost 3 of ‘ustomers have learned •to refuse foods from any other establishment, >erau«e they have confidence in their .irodueto. Their bread is always crisp and fresh, It supplies strength and en­ ergy and Is protected by a sanitary wrapper, Their bakery goods are the very best that money will buy. They aro baked under the most wholesome con­ ditions and tbe very host of ingredt- A fast Ufa is * natural prelude to slow music. About where would a fellow•hav* to go these days to got a stone In hi* iho*? . . * A clever girl must b*'extremely clever In order to be abl* to look A* though she were hot the very freshest of condition. Their excellent service has brought tiiem mach praise and commendation, Those-who have never tried tho pro ducts from-this bakery are missing one of the accompaniments of the perfect meal, as hosts of people are praising the work of this concern and are demanding that their supply house carry this excellent line o f pure food products. The standard of this institution Is the best grade flours, pure shortening sugar, salt, milk and other Ingredients mixed, baked under clean, sanitary conditions by skilled workmen. As a consequence they find the business of the institution spreading far and wide over this section of the state, and in this review of our prog­ ress we are glad to give commenda­ ble mention to their activities and to predict for the place even greater ex­ pansion In th* future. L»|tw l Professor—So the ship hngged the shore? Ahd where was the ahore? Student—t suppose it was In' tha held ef the vessel. Miming a*OTfIffW airplane, as was done a mile above St. Lout*, may do away with the problem of flies. ANDERSON’S RENTA CAR A latter day business ,8rm 4n Xenia qt 21 South Whiteman Street—is de­ signed to meet Iho public demand for tbe use-of atf. Automobile part of the time, - • , There is a great deal of truth in' the saying of Benjamin Franklin that “ if you want a thing d6ne" well, do it yourself." It applies to many, things and in this day of driving au­ tomobiles there are a great many times When you have use for a car when one of youir own , is not avail­ able. Or perhaps you haven’t one, yet know perfectly well how'to drive a car. In any case the -fact remains, that ypu can usually driyetwhere'you want to go, much more easily than you could direct a drivqr or chauffeur how to get there, It was to satisfy just such needs that the management of this firm opened this establishment. Here you can rent a car, have full-use of it ju$t as if it were your own and you don't have to bother with anyone else driv­ ing it. K There is another consideration- and ah important one: yo j can rents car to drive yourself much more inexpen­ sively than you could hire a itaxi by rent a ?ar with' a driver. The. uses for a rented car are vari- method. There may be deals which should .be closed . quickly. Getting there,late by waiting for a street car/ bus, or train may-mean the loss of a deal to you. « . Business, firms throughout th* country, are adopting the Drive-lt* Yourself Service/ They find- their salesmen are able to frover a-large, territory at a saving p f ’time- It speeds up sales <ind.cuts down’ hotel bills. The wideawake salesman who li'stes. <the #Drive»lt-Yourself service' .sees the result in his Bonus Check At the end of the-month., -;•/ t'*' You may wish to take a party o f friends on a pleasure tyip. You may not’ have a car, or your own is not available. It is much less expensive end much more convenient to'take them fn an automobile of which you have individual use than tp. take them on a (train. Some friend* may cpme to visit you from' a distance. You, may wish to show thjem the city or the surrounding country. What bet­ ter way could there, fro than1to hire an automobile which will take you and your friends anywhere' you wish to go? • Their Special Party Rates for* long 'trips is the most desirable «tad econ­ omical way to go. It’s more' econo,m ous. You may wish to get to a num- ical than owning your own car. ber of places- quickly. There is do quick transportation there. ; What could save you more time-and money an(l trouble than a car rented for ak long aa you want it and that you can drive yourself? Much can he accom plfshed on business, errand* by this The individuals managing1 this business arc here to give, the comm­ unity service. Their charges are reasonable and their condftiCns of. renting more reasonable. They are up-and-coming business men’ wkh a real civic vision. ’» ■ YOWLERFISHMARKET Conveniently located in Xen(a .at 28 West Main Street—is a place where quality, service and satisfaction meet .. . , and where people from the surround- creasing, and -so far has hedOmst inr tereitory go to. find the perfect 1>ctter known by name npd, fama “ this section. . ' 1 If the public could only comprehend; how these products are handled (fry this company, could only understand how absolutely pure and health-giving they are. there would not he a family In the vicinity which would not be a patron of the concern. The management has been closely allied with the large business inter­ ests of tills, section of the state for some time and has been instrumental in the upbuilding* of this section of the state and the institution should receive the patronage of the entire people, AVith no chnrche* and no golf; Rus­ sia cap have no excuse for not clean* ing up the basement on Sunday. sea food Center,' This firm strikes the keynote in ^f&odern life as people do hot wqnt to spend all the money they take In for groceries and provisions, but want to havemoUey left for other pleasures of life. Those that trade here have found that they are able to save much each week on provision bills and if prop­ erly put away it wlil’by being saved, net them a handsome sum over a per­ iod of time. The prices are a result of lower overhead", closer buying, doing a large business -and making small profits on each sale. They have a very modern market and all precautions have been taken for sanitation, seeing that the sea foods were' properly cared for and were cleaned according to the indivi­ dual desires of the customers. Sea foods arc becoming more popu­ lar all the time as people spend time during their vacation at the shore. “This is an unsuaity long lettef from Junior," remarked a local parent of a college boy. “He must be unusually short," l Would C«W* t* H**dy ffit just beard «a awful story about mm husband." , 1 MM A new dr*** When the meek Inherit the earth, we expect East In the published bridge problem to draw one of these 13-spade hands, Fortunatety'lthere are no. prizes In a marble game but marbles. Fancy an eight-year-old lad winning a bot­ tle of bath salts. - , in the hinterland the .people store only eat sea fobd on'Fridays' but today they are becoming ib* meat for at least one meal; a day all oyer > the country. * , • ‘v/,- .The proper preparation off*-sea* foods'is an important item in their use and at this market they can 'give' suggestions .as to how to prepare each- kind of fish and sea food as tbe'yhkvir had practical experience and thaji'ar* able to aid customers .in the prepara­ tion- of excellent and ' appealing menus. , The service at this popular, market is very pleasant and efficient. They will assist you in making up^your .or­ ders and if you drive up here in, the car they will see that >all packages ore placed in the auto, ' ^ In this review we are glad to com­ pliment them a « people who make-a continual study of the- food problems of the day Sad as conducting a store that is in advance of the times.) We would advise anyone having trouble with the food problem In any Way to visit this store and make the family happy by furnishing them -with . the freshest of sea foods, ‘ -‘ THE CHICKEN HOUSE With headquarters at*524 west Sec-ture Is receiving more attention'from Triplet* have been discovered who look so much alike they are only told apart because one looks more alike than the others. Outlying provinces of Chins Are being overran by bandits. China needn’t worry' till they seize control o f municipal politics. . Machinery IS expected to do the itirork of more mem’ The economic 'Idealist will foresee more time for )reading nr for golf, a* tastes may to :dine, There 1* no likelihood of i* (version to the announcement, “fio long iaa we have so much leisure on etir |hs»dm suppose « * *f**t4« fight,** ^ ' ond Street in Xenia, liave a very com­ plete line of groceries, and pays the top of the market prices for poultry and eggs. We advise our readers^to get in touch With them^and take ad­ vantage of their expert servico. This is one of the institutions that has materially aided in the develop­ ment of this spetion of the state and has especially been instrumental in aiding th* progress of diversified far­ ming in the- community. They fur­ nish the farmers with the most ad­ vantageous market for poultry and eggs, therefore operate an institution, that is of great commercial Value to the public, Their prices are far more favorable than Would be secur­ ed by the people -If they had to ship elsewhere for it is a well known fact that this house pays the top market at all times. One of the recognized principles of farming along scientific tines today is the raising o f poultry and livestock It Is because of the excellent service and the desirable market afforded by this well known concern that this fea- the farmers today and progress along this line is particularly noticeable in thig community where the producer knows that he will receive the highest prices for his poultry and- eggs* Another feature of the very satis­ factory service of this concern hi the courtesy and accomodation which marks their dealing with the produc­ er. The establishment i* under the direction of conscientious and compe­ tent men and have associated with them only such assistants'as they can depend upon to render the moat courteous and magnanimous service They are always ready and wilting to ' give you the highest quotation and those wishing to market' their pro­ duce to the best advantage .wlti do well to get i« touch with thie well known house. * Wo are pleased to compUmtnt Th* chicken House and give them m this review the pfonrintent position that this progressive and reliable firm has merited. W* assure our readers that at this establishment tikey will receive the b*»t treatment n*A the jtlgktot totrkei .pried*. - ?