The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
m t CEDARVILL* HERALD, FRIDA*, V « J # ^METROPQLE-. l SING service that antio ites every convenience and fort of th e guest, complete appointments and distinguished cuisine make it an ideal hotel for four visit to Cincinnati* _ w tk lw th /»•** $*.yo Walnut between . , 6 th and 7 th (one square southofBus Terminals) LOCAL AMS PERSONAL. Mra. Joanna Krietaw of Dayton spent Thursday with her sob , Mr. John Krietzer and family, The Women's Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian Church a t Clifton is sponsoring a Tom Thumb Wedding, Friday, August 15th a t the Opera House. Mrs. Anna Smith of this place is directing. Mr, Oliver Jobe and family of Gran ville, Ohio, spent the first of the week here with relatives. Clarence Stuckey of th is place and ( his brother, Dan, of Dayton, have gone ; on a trip to their old .home in West i Virginia. Mtf Vance Burba and family were shaken up Wednesday evening when their car was hit by a middle of the j road drlyer near the J. J . Turner • farm. Mr. Burba took the ditch but not until bis car was hit. No one was injured and the motorist responsible failed to stop. „ / The members of the Golden Buie Circle of the Methodist Episcopal church w en entertained la s t aveubig a t the home Uf Mr. and Mrs, Vance Burba in Xenia. The Cedarville. Township -trustees will resurface the Cpurtsville rood from the cduntylino this way. A new truck has been purchased from Jean Patton for the hauling and the work will be in charge of G. W. Hamman. The meeting of the Pollysnn* Sew ing Club was called to order by the President, Edna Sipe. Roll was call ed and minutes were read. Refreshment committee was ap pointed as follows: Ada Ferryman, Helen Pemberton, Junia Creswell, Rachol Creswell, and Edna Sipe. ^Meeting was adjourned. " Rev. James £1 Chesmit and family . of Ft., Wayne, Ind., are .visiting a t the home of Judge and Mrs. S. C. Wright. The Finney family reunion was held July 29th a t Forest Park, Dayton. Coach R. M. Borsfc has r ented the WillianTPinney residence. He will move from-the property now owned by Mr,; and Mrs; S. T. Baker. M*rion Rife of Washington C. H. visited with Dallas Marshall a few days the post week Emile Finney sprained his wrist Monday evening'white cranking his C*rt fir* HOxtts dressed the injured Now Is the Time to BUY and SAVE* This is YOUR^ |ort«m ity e ffec t rea l econoiisiese Our counters are packed w ith extra* ordinary values* B V Y NOW? THRIFT PRICES—* HIGH QUALITY Your Time To Save! ’ >* S ilk Dresses FORWOMENANDMISES $ 3.98 Ready for Yoiir Choice Bilk dresses So smart, so well-made, so varied in «fylfng~-yuu will'’recognise' the. moment you >e them and try one on-,. , that they.arc Worth much more! Solid colors and prints in models for sports, afternoon, street and m a r t wear, *" ' ’ make your selcctionl Values Quickly. •Sizes for women and misses. Come in arid like these will go BUY NOW! WHfUNNE®OFSAIEBIIJSS£El>S r WOfioaiton will entertain a number o f MS friends Saturday after noon to celebrate his birthday. his aunt, Mrs, Hugh Grindell. Mrs. Albert Kopp and son, Junior, of Columbus, are spending a month here with Mrs! Kopp's parents, Mr. ondMrs. Wm. Hopkins. Rev. Jason McMillan and family, of Norfolk, Vo., are the guests of his brother, Clayton McMillan and family. RUE WOKBIT IS UHK ENOUGH “Five hour work is enough soya State Inspector Callahan, Spring- field, who made two visits here owing to the eompfadat that men were being employed te n hours and paid for ten hours on the waterworks and sewer age p lan t' - Callahan is ona of the numerous state Inspectors that is not a t present being trouble with “hard, times," a thing we hear much discussion over. At least Callahan is on the pay roll and that is something hundreds and thousands of laboring men have been divorced from inf recent months. A terrible crime had been committed herewhen the contractors were paying men by the hour fo r ten hours work. The men were satisfied bu t now hold a grievance me it cute their pay 80 cents a day. The company was anxious to get the contract completed, fo r the benefit of local eltisens, many o f whom are out of water. The continued dry weather only adds to lire baxsard, hut that means nothing to Mr.' Callahan, who draws ltis pay from the taxpayers of Ohio. Council -protested 't o fhestaterfle-' pertinent and Governor Cooper but tb e best information WUget is there is wo one in Greene county that has political pull with the administration for per mission, which power the Btate author ities have, to permit work on the ten hour basis. If we did not know of other contracts in Ohio being carried out on ten hour basis we could offer no complaint. It makes no difference whether the people have water for fixe protection or what extra coat Is put on the prop, erty owners so fa r es Mr. Callahan is concerned. And moreover, Clerk J.. G. McCorkell has a latter,from the.state jacking him In hts stand. Mr. Callahan is not only for the eight hour day but he openly stated to local officials t h a t* five hour work day was a plenty for any man. When it domes to Ohio having an exponent of a five hour work day on the pay roll it Is time for thejCooper administration Church Note* METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church School a t IQ A. M, The characters “Naomi and Ruth" are the subjects of bur lesson, Ruth lid-10, 14-22. P, V, Gillllsn, superintendent, Public Worship a t 11 o’clock. A t this service the pastor will moke a re . port of the spiritual activities a t the Lancaster Camp Ground. There is just one month until Con ference which convenes a t Oxford, September 2, There will be no evening service during the month of August, * 'nr FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Regular cervices Sabbath both Sab bath School and preaching. Preach ing by Rev. James L. Chesnut, Ft, Wayne, Indiana. Upholstering B g f l n l a h l n g Repairing MS. OF. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j Sabbath School at. 10;Q0 A. M. Preaching Service by Dr. C, M. Ritchie a t 11 A. M. COLLEGE MALE QUARTET ON TOUR to begin to moke good on the promises of a “business'administration.*' Mr. Callahan is entitled to his "personal views but he has no moral or legal right to argue the question With .our local officials. • The local contracts have given many men work who would have been idle tiiis summer.- Those man are sore a t the attitude of the state department, Local citixana hi general have a griev ance th a t M M u ^ / ’Woxk raw t-ba *#* la&ritibgtha plea of providing ,lfor8sfor riiemptoy- ed. Local authorities asked for nothing more than What hoc been granted con tractors doing work in.Ohio a t this time. 1000 Baths 1000 Rooms _Wendell Marshall, sou of Hugh Mar* 1 ■*I*A,Pha»» visiting a t the home o f T - I t is m i y tM preunt contractors Mr, Robert Evans of Emmet, Idaho,, is the guest of Clayton McMillan and family. Mrs. LucyMcClellan Died MondayAfternoon Mrs. Lucy McClellan, $0, died a t her Ihome Monday afternoon about three ^o’clock after an illness of several weeks, due to a stroke of paralysis and nfirmaties of age, __________ __ The deceased wax the daughter of Rcv^Robsri^lem an^nd^m iIy« idT |^0^ ^ j ^ 5 i ! ! ^ f ! ^ rHHl*d1 Mr. Chdries Coulter and family and Miss Frances Finney drove to Ft. Thomas, Tuesday, to visit with Robert Coulter and Joseph Finney, who have been at the military camp this past mu'nth. Both boys arrived home Thurs day morning. Mrs, May Aiken and son, Newell, are visiting a t the home of Mrs. Margaret MUroy. Mrs. Lydia Ferguson, mother of Mrs. Jesse Turnbull, will celebrate her nintieth birthday, Saturday. Miss Msude Hostings, who is attend ing summer school a t O, 8, U., was home over the week sad. The meeting of the Pollyanns Sew ing Club was called to order by the President Edna Sipe, Roll was call ed, the minutes were read ahd ap proved, A refreshment committee was ap- pointed as follows: Betty Jane Judy, Francis Kenning and Margaret Bailey. The meeting was adjourned. Miniature Golf Course Will Open Saturday Eve Ed, Payne announces the opening of his miniature golf course a t Old Mill Camp on Saturday evening, The course is now nearing completion and will to the public On schedule time, There are a number of new features for this course th a t Will prova attractive to golf fans. ' You do not have to be a professional player to enjoy miniature golf but you can easily learn the game which has facinated so many people the past year. Golf^ehlibs w& be furniahed and Share wiB :W ratoeshtmkrti l i ' gaud a t the OW Mill Camp. H it grounds will be flooded with electric light. Paul Wright will hava charge of the otiurte. will be unsble to complete the work on .ime on the eight hour schedule owing to th i nature of rock excavation. This will - mean an additional interest charge on the entire cost for one year until taxes can, bg^collected and will change present estimated coyte to each property owner and it is the price .local people pay for n o t haring pollti- ai pull and being informed that “a five hour work day is enough far any man.” been a life long resident in this vicin ity. She was the Widow of Robert H. McClellan who died In 1807, and is sur« rived by one son, James J.. of Joplin, Mo.; George A a son, and Mrs. Irene Shank, have proceeded her in death, the latter only a few months ago a t her home in Kansas City. One sister, Mrs, J. E. Turnbull and Mrs, Mary Andrew, a foster-sister, survive; with three grand-children, Mrs. Lelsnd Johnson, Fort Worth, Texas; Hiss Marjorie McClellan, Cleveland, Ohio; ahd Robert G. McClellan of New York City. , The funeral was held Wednesday, afternoon from the lata home on Main •treat, Dr. C. M. Ritchie in charge of the service. Burial took place a t Woodland cemetery, Xenia. Mrs. McClellan waa a member of the U. P. church and th e Wednesday Af ternoon dub. She w i t a woman whom all loved that knew her for the radiant disposition she possessed, The Muskingum College Male Quar te t will appear in the United Presby terian Church, Clifton, oh Thursday, August 7, giring^a program i»t mirth ,1 melbcly, and harmony. Quartet ar rangements, solo numbers, instrumen tal novelties and readings will feature the evening’s entertainment of humor ous, classical, folk and sacred music. Constituting the personnel of the , party are: Roy Haynes, (Hanover, O,), first tenor; Robert Smith, (Aliquippa, Pa.), Becond tenor; John Galloway (Akron, Q.)» baritone; Frank Neff (St, Clairsville, O.), bass; and Howard vVhite, (Youngstown, O.), pianist. The quartet- is travelling by motor and will tour Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and nearby states in the inter ests of Muskingum College. Young people in the communities visited will be interviewed relative to their planB for attending college-and the oppor tunities which Muskingum offeis will be presented. f New Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company, Hillsboro, Ohio.- 3 dav ser^l vicer~Teiephone 53 Justin and Neil Hartman, Agents. F U R N I T U R E •* A uto Tops Recovered P rice R easonable Quick Service Fred F. GrahamCo. XENIA, OHIO * AfiMitllllllMOlMiHtlllllMIIHMMIItfirillllHIIIIIMMUIMM.IMIMMMIlflUllllllllllllMIIIIIMttlllimiHIIIIHItlllllllllDfHUUHHDDIloF Your Fair Your GreneCounty Fair Xenia, Ohio August 5'6‘7'8th, 1930 Wednesday August 6th Two Stake Races • 2 : 18 ; P ace S tak e $600100 2 :22 Trot (Added money) ........................ Purse $300.00 3-year-old Pace Stake (Cup) .............. ....... Purse $500.00 2-year-old Trot (2 in 3) (C u p ) (Added money)__—------- f Dine * • •When in Columbus dine at the Deshler • Wallick „ Hotel. Three excellent restaurants, each •erring a wide variety of deli cious foods, awaits you here. The Spanish Room The Ionian Room The Crystal Room Moderately priced, delightful service in each restaurant. . . . Be our Guest, when in Columbus. The Deshler-Wallick Columbus, Ohio « * ' _ America's Moot Beautifully Equipped Hotel JAMES H. MICHOS, Manager Under Walikk Management In the Boot Proridence-Biltmore, Providence, R. Hotel Chatham, New York City m —— .................... ..................... .Purse $150.00 Thursday August 7th Stake Race Team Pulling Contest gj 2:14 Trot (Added money) ...— ...„....„...,,^iPurse $400,00 gj 2:14 Pace (Added m oney)....................... .Purse $4.00.00 3-year-old Trot Stake (Cup) ________ __ Purse $500.00 .2:22 Pace (Added m oney)..... ;....................Purse $300.00 Friday August 8th " Stake Race Team Pulling Contest Parade 2-year-old Pade (Added money) (Cup (2 in’3) ...... ..................... —.... .............................Purse $150.00 2:18 Trot (S tak e)....................... .................Purse .$600.00 Free For All Pace (Added money).............Purse $400.0Q Green Trot (Added money) ........ ........ ..... „Purse $200.00 (For horses which have won less than $100.06) Live stock show of Horses, Cattle, Hogs Sheep/ Poultry and Rabbits. , Art Hall exhibit. Fruit and Vegetable display. Boys and Girls Club Exhibits. Farm Organization Exhibits. Automobile show and machinery display. European corn borer demonstration. Bands each day. Bands each day. Midway of varied shows and games, 17 * Ladies of The Friend's church of Jamestown in charge of Dining Hall, „ Entries' close in Speed Department, July^Sl at 11 P. M. all other classes August 2nd at 9 P. M. C, M. AUSTIN, Pres. B. U. BELL, Trea*. GRANT V. MILLER, V. Pres. J. ROBERT BRYSON, Sec, ‘HERALDWANTANDSALEADSPAY’ Mrs. M iry JUefcariia oaf daughter,1 MarsauTa, of Chicago, warn guest* of. Dr. anil Mrs, O. P. Ellas over the week •ltd, I WUbetfore* CoUegioits ore to play a return game Friday evening with Coach Boer's CedarriUe team. Satur day the Collegian* or* taking on the strong Fulton Iren Works team at Springfiald, dheent leaders of the In dustrial League. Both gems will be played a t WUber- foree. G *m e#ea!W rtiiM P ,M Next WeiQrtiSjr W*' &&*$***' Nay Wibttingtoit iep fly a t Wilming ton and Thnraday, Gey** a t Wtiber- fore*. (Hhar g e ^ ie r tiie week are H>m«ipiss»pe ^ WET OR DRY 0 The weather man's moods may tdry up your corn and vege tables or flood your fields but they can't effect your dollar crop if your money is planted here. Whatever the weather conditions may be your money will continue to draw ‘ ■ w e ■ - PA Y 51 - 2 % • INTEREST P u t your crop money to work now. Every dollar dposited here is protected by first mortgage on real estate. The Springfield Building And Lean Association 28 BwitMsin Street SPMNGFIELD, OHIO - V -+,+#■•* »■
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